KEYWORDS: word, time, things, life, day, word time

Quality Word Time, Part 4

Karen Zerby

By Maria ML #3582 1/06 AM

My dear loves,

1. This is the fourth Letter in this series on Quality Word Time, and like the ones before, it contains excerpts of prophecies received by some of you in answer to different questions related to the Word revolution and making it a reality in your life.

2. This Letter focuses on how to keep up your momentum in having a Word revolution, memorization‚ combating familiarity with the Word‚ and other miscellaneous topics. I think that you, dear Active members, will find most of this counsel very helpful. If you are new to reading the Word, you might not yet have problems with familiarity with the Word‚ but you can be sure that it's a tactic the Enemy will try to use in your life in the future. So store this counsel in your heart for when you need it. I love you, and I hope this helps cement the Word yet more firmly into your life and habits.

Much love, Mama

In It for the Long Haul!

Excerpts of counsel from the Lord given in answer to the question: "Jesus, do You have any counsel and instruction for me on how I can keep the momentum and not lose steam with the Word revolution?"

Note: You'll notice that Jesus suggests rereading or reviewing the Letter "What Is Jesus Worth to You?" (ML #3433) in two different prophecies. (A New Wine version of this Letter is also available.) These were received by two different people‚ completely independent of each other, and this tip was also mentioned in several other messages which we didn't have space to include. So it's a suggestion that the Lord considers fairly helpful and relevant, since He gave it to so many people.

Claim the keys

3. It must be a work of My Spirit. It must be My doing, My power through the keys. When you're feeling tired, or when important things that you have to do are filling your mind or distracting you from your times with Me, the best way to keep up the momentum is to claim the keys. The keys are important and play a major role in quality Word time becoming a long-term reality in your life. Claim the power of the keys to help you to keep My Word first in importance in your life and not falter in your commitments in any way.

4. You need to feel compelled to obey not only the practical aspects and the requirements that I have put before you that will make it possible for you to have quality Word time, but you also need to feel compelled to be putting the spirit of the revolution into practice in your life—that spirit of wanting to be closer to Me, of wanting to put Me first, of wanting Me and the things of My Spirit above anything else in your life.

5. When you feel your desire for the Word dragging or sagging‚ come back to the Letter "What Is Jesus Worth to You?" and be filled with the vision again. Highlight or write down the parts of the Letter that have the most to do with why I am asking this Word revolution of you and review them again any time you feel weary, or when your commitments are starting to fizzle out.

A way of life

6. Putting the Word first isn't a temporary effort; it's a way of life. Look at it that way from the beginning. You are establishing habits and methods that you are going to follow for the rest of your life. It's like healthy eating or weight watching. You‚ and others who are somewhat on the heavy side, realize that for the rest of your life you are going to have to make an effort to eat more healthily than others might, to balance your meals. You realize that you'll always have to watch it with sweets and minimize them, etc. It's just a fact that you have to accept, deal with, and work into the fabric of your life. It's not something that you do for a while and then quit. You can't.

7. Something that you will need to do is come back to Me from time to time for an evaluation of how you're doing in your Word-time habits, so that I can speak to you about areas you're slacking off in, give you new ideas to revitalize your Word time, show you what type of studies you need to work on next, etc. You might not always follow a particular plan to the T, and mid-month or mid-week I will often bring something to your mind to read up on that wasn't in the plan. But it's still always good to have a more long-term plan.

8. The easiest way for you to remember to do this praying and planning of your Word times and be faithful with it would be to plan on doing it on the first of every month. Build that into your overall schedule. You usually do some general planning regarding your work at the start of each month anyway—rearranging and prioritizing your to-do list, clearing out and organizing files, etc. So make praying and hearing from Me in prophecy about your Word time part of your monthly planning and organization. Sometimes you might have specific questions, other times you might just leave yourself open to whatever I have to say. But set aside that time specifically for Word-time evaluation and planning.

Chart your progress

9. Plan a day‚ maybe the last day of the month, when you reassess your progress and check yourself on how you're doing, what progress you've made during the month‚ and where you need improvement.

10. Just like an athlete would do when preparing for the Olympics: He must be in perfect shape, and he won't be if he doesn't practice beforehand and work on his weak areas to perfect his condition. All parts of his body must work in harmony and be in good shape, and this often requires months of training. Often he has to stop and evaluate his progress, to see how he can do better and how to prepare to be the winner. He has to keep taking note of his progress and at the same time keep looking ahead to the goal of being the winner and getting the gold medal.

11. So do the same with your training—keep a chart and record your daily accomplishments and progress, and once a month study these charts. See how you have been doing and where you can do better. This will help you to keep up your momentum and to make progress. Reviewing the main points of the Letter "What Is Jesus Worth to You?" frequently will help you to keep the vision and goal in your mind.

12. Training for the Olympics often means lonely preparation, with little recognition or encouragement. Only the best receive some glory, while all the others remain unknown, and few know the hardship and all that they had to give up just to run the race. But you are not alone; all your brothers and sisters around you are also training and running and are ready to help each other. And when the race is won, there will be a gold medal for each one who persevered and kept running.

13. You'll all be winners in this race! So keep persevering and giving your all to be part of this great race. Many are called, but so few are willing to go through all the training and spiritual exercise that is needed to stay strong. For those who endure, it will be worth it all.

An idea a day

14. Ask Me daily for ideas that you can implement that will make your time in the Word interesting and exciting for you. This is a Word revolution! The Word has to revolute you and it should make you want to keep moving ahead and getting more of it. It's living water. If it starts growing stagnant in your life, ask Me to stir it up and make it come alive for you.

15. Share with others what you're reading and let the fire that I am lighting within you burn in others too. When you do, others will also share with you what they're reading and absorbing, and it will make you want to partake of what they're reading as well.

Flexibility keeps things fresh

16. A key will be to realize that the objective is to spend precious quality moments with Me—not to just spend X time every day in the Word. I have led you to apply tight scheduling to easily enable you to get this time, and that's a good start, but the idea is not to become a slave to your schedule. The ideal is to become addicted to getting a good dose of Me, so that even if you're not able to get it during your preferred time, you will still seek it out and go after it.

17. You have to want that time with Me; you have to crave it! I want you to try your hardest to build a good habit of spending time with Me at a regular time every day; but in the event that it isn't quality time, I want your spirit to still reach for Me, to be motivated to make it up later. And I want you to be prepared to move anything and everything else in your schedule around so that it can happen.

18. Your Word time needs to be regular, but not routine. When something is routine, it gives Obstacon an opening to sow his seeds of boredom. My Word in itself will never become boring, but to your human eyes it can be made to appear boring through the machinations of Obstacon. (Note: For information on Obstacon, see Link, issue 3, page 11.) Therefore you must not give him an opening by allowing your time in My Word to become routine. You must look at your own human responses for the indication that your Word time might be getting a little stale and maybe it's time to shake things up. Then you have to have the energy and the drive to come to Me about it‚ and not just ignore it.

Each time you finish a Word project that I've told you to do, when you ask Me about the new one, ask Me if there's anything you should be doing or not doing to help bring your Word times more to life. That way I can continue to shepherd you in this area and keep you on track in the little ways.

Memory Power!

Excerpts of counsel from the Lord given in answer to the question: "How can I be more faithful to memorize and review the Word?"

Bite-size memory work

19. Set aside five to ten minutes at the end of your Word time to commit to memory another Bible verse, key quote‚ Word quote, or some inspiring thought from My Word. Start with something short. The problem is that you get so inspired about these things that you want to jump off the deep end and set large goals for yourself, and then you don't meet them and you slide to doing nothing.

20. It would be better for you to take a single item to memorize and have it on a card to keep with you all day, and work on it throughout the day until you're sure you've got it. Perhaps you could consider putting such cards into a box once you have memorized them so that you can review them and use them on your prayer vigils or walks. You will see that by memorizing even a single verse or quote a day‚ this box will grow, as will your capacity to memorize, and your confidence as well. Don't try to develop too elaborate a scheme for your memory and review. Keep it simple.

Memorization is a part of taking in the Word

21. Memorization and review is an important part of absorbing the Word. It helps to take a key paragraph‚ verse, or key promise and "chew on it," so you get all the juices from it and let it dissolve and absorb well into your spiritual body. You need to make this time available‚ as you have done with your Word time, and schedule it so that it's a part of your Word for the day. It is a very important complement to reading the Word. It's part of absorbing the Word.

Keep your memory sharp

22. Memorization is a weapon that needs to be kept sharp. I know you sometimes wonder how you're going to be able to remember all the Word that has been hidden in your heart, if you end up in jail because of your faith or in some situation without the written Word at your disposal. But although you have turned your back on memorizing all these years, it has not turned its back on you. True‚ it is a muscle that is very weak now from lack of use and must be built up slowly to get back to the strength it used to have. It has atrophied, but it is not useless. It can be improved.

23. You simply need to obey and get back in the groove of memorizing. As you practice, it will become easier. The more you memorize, the easier it will get‚ till you will be able to easily commit things to memory. It will never be as easy as it was when you were a child and teen. But take heart; you can memorize, and I can help you to memorize and become full of My Word. You must study up on memorization. Read about it. Become envisioned. Study practical ways that you can memorize more easily.

Tips for memorization

24. > Keep a record of the verses or promises you've memorized, even if handwritten in a little notebook.

25. > Pick short verses or promises.

26. > Try to memorize a few each week.

27. > Memorize while you exercise.

28. > Memorize with your mate or a partner.

29. > While praying, use the verses or promises that you have memorized, even if repetitive.

30. > Choose a promise from each category.

31. > Receive personal key promises from Me whenever needed.

Why memorize the Word

32. You've let Obstacon tell you that you don't really need to memorize anymore, that prophecy is enough, and that memorizing is just a lot of work and takes a lot of time—time that you don't really have anymore. He tells you that memorizing was great when you were young, when you had a lot of time, but now that you are older it's just not something you can be expected to do. Once in a while you wish that you were still memorizing and reviewing, but most of the time you haven't really thought that it was necessary or the best use of your time. Well, it is. It's very important.

33. You have the gift of prophecy, which is My fresh, living Word, and that is of vital importance to your life. However, in order for your channel to stay clear and for you to receive true messages from Me, you need My written Word to give you that foundation of faith and to keep it strong. Memorizing is a great help in that respect. Hiding the Word in your heart gives you instant access to My faith-building Word, and keeps the lines of communication with Me strong and true.

34. When at home you have the Word to go to and it's freely available, but there are other times when it's not and you need a boost of faith to hear from Me—not to speak of the darker days to come, when your life and the lives of those you love will depend on your connection with Me, and thus in part on the Word you have stored in your heart.

Keeping the Relationship Alive!

Excerpts of counsel from the Lord given in answer to the question: "How can I combat familiarity with the Word and my time with You?"


35. (Dad: ) Familiarity is something the Enemy often tempts you with in your Word time and connection with the Lord. You must fight with all your might against the tactics the Enemy uses to try to keep you from taking in and absorbing the Word. If he can't stop you from taking time in the Word, he tries to negate the time you do take by distracting you, or hitting you with familiarity in things such as making you believe you've read something before, and therefore it's a waste of time to read it again. But the Word is always new and priceless, like jewels and diamonds that never lose their sparkle and shine.

36. There is so much in the Word that you can read over and over again, and every time you will find new truths. It's like a deep ocean: Just as one person could never hope to explore all of the ocean, so you will never have explored all of the Word. There will always be new little truths for you, as well as massive breakthroughs and discoveries‚ as you diligently and in all faith dive into the waters of the Word.


37. The cure for familiarity is intimacy. Spend intimate time with Me and you will be so in love with Me, so full of My Spirit, and so in tune with Me, that everything you read in the Word will be fresh and alive and speak to you. All the practical suggestions of how you can jump-start your spirit are good, but nothing will do that quicker than taking a moment to praise and love Me intimately.


38. Familiarity is a danger in any long-term relationship‚ and that includes ours. When someone is so loving and good to you, it's easy to eventually start taking them for granted and not give them the respect and thanks they deserve. You forget just how much they love and help you.

39. You must continually stir up your remembrance of My care and love for you. You must continually remind yourself of all that I have done and continue to do for you. You must remember continually that it has been My words to you that have given you the power to fight the Enemy, resulting in many wonderful victories. That I have been the One, through My Word and personal words to you, Who has helped you to stay inspired and fervent to win souls and help others. That the peace and contentment in your life comes only from dwelling with Me—in prayer, Word, and communion—in our bed of love.


40. If you feel familiar with the Word, change your tactics. Read something new. Read in a new location. Read with someone else. Do a study on a topic of interest. Receive something new in prophecy. Visualize Me speaking to you, sitting right next to you, holding you‚ and speaking in your ear.

41. Another key to combating familiarity with the Word is to make it more a part of your everyday life and interactions with others. This helps it to come more alive. Speak about it more; include it more in your activities and times of fellowship.

When you don't take time for Me

42. When you come to Me‚ enter into My presence in humility. Sit at My feet and listen to Me. Ask Me to keep you desperate and absorbing the truth that I have for you.

43. I want to show you a picture story‚ My love. It's a simple picture story, but a very important one. Each picture represents a day in your life for Me. In each picture you're sitting at My feet and I am handing you these beautiful gifts and treasures and you're overjoyed‚ happy and smiling. Each day there are new and precious gifts, jewels you haven't received before, more beautiful than ever. These are the days when you take time with Me and receive all that I have for you that day.

44. But then there are some other pictures, where I am just about to hand you some gorgeous gifts‚ but you slip quickly out of My presence and walk away to the cares of this life. You leave Me standing with the gifts that I have for you in My hands, looking at you longingly and calling your name, but you're already absorbed in the business of the day and you can't hear My voice anymore. Those are the days when you cut your time short with Me, and those gifts are left undiscovered and unused. These are the things that you are missing when you don't take the time with Me that's needed.

45. Will you please let Me give you the gifts that I wish to give you daily? These gifts have power and love and will help you to make it through the day. They are precious jewels that are alive, not just pretty to look at. They will become a part of you and start shining through you in the most beautiful colors and light. They will invigorate you and help you to get your job done better.

What you reverence

46. Anything that takes you from Me and keeps you from living and breathing My Word is an idol. It's an idol because whatever you give your time to is what you value most. It is what you worship, in a sense. I'm giving you this strong and clear illustration because you need to see just how much I disapprove of being taken advantage of. You are the one who has the power to ensure that we have our time together. Short of afflicting you and laying you up in bed, there isn't that much I can do to ensure that you take your time with Me daily.

47. So considering all of Me that I have given you, and the numerous blessings I pour out to you, when you cut or skip your time with Me, or settle for less than high-quality Word time and communion with Me, you are taking advantage of My generosity‚ of My good nature, of My blessings, and this upsets Me.

48. It seems like an easy choice to make, to put Me first—the One Who you love most and Who you are living for—but that is precisely the difficulty. Because it is such a familiar topic for My children, it's too easily brushed aside. "Sure, we'll do it. Word time? No problem!" But taking time for Me first is not a brand-new topic, so you don't give it the time, thought, prayer‚ and attention it needs. Reminders are seen as nags, a repetition of what you've heard many times. But that's where the Devil has you over a barrel. You have to change your viewpoint and mindset entirely about the words "the Word."

49. You need to ask Me and call on the keys to give you a deep and unswerving reverence for the Word. You should jump up when you hear "the Word." You should focus. You should put aside anything else and give Me your full attention. It shouldn't be so familiar to you, because no matter how long you have known Me through My Word‚ I can still more than adequately surprise you. There's always something new that I have to tell you.

50. Don't become familiar with Me. If you allow yourself to become familiar with Me and My Word, you will be in for a surprise, because the consequences will come quickly and they will be costly.

51. I don't like to threaten My children; I much prefer that they obey Me out of love. But in this case, since I alone fully know how crucial it is that My children and Endtime Family establish consistent and strong Word habits, and I also know the repercussions of not doing so, I give you this warning to help you to move in the right direction. I give you a stiff warning now so that you won't have to suffer the consequences later. At least that is My hope.

Get into the Word before you get into your day

52. Many times in your life you feel dry spells where you hardly remember the Word that you've read and you just hope that it's tucked away somewhere in your mind. Those feelings should stir you up to ask Me why, and what you can do about it. Many times the reason for this is that you come to your Word time with your day already planned, and with all of its cares on your mind as well. I want you to bring nothing with you when you come to Word time.

53. You can't focus well on two things at the same time. So you're really just wasting your time, because you can't concentrate on My Word when you're thinking about work. You must ask Me to help you to set aside all the worries of the day or the things that you think you have to do, and do the one thing that is needful: to spend time with Me. It's easier said than done, you think, but I tell you that I can rewire your mindset to where you're not worried about your day, but are entrusting it to My capable hands.

Too much meat?

54. You have good intentions and you want to try to really dig into the Word, but sometimes you can start to become harder on yourself than I would even be on you, and your mind starts rejecting any options for reading besides only the real meat of the Word. (See Hebrews 5:12-14.) The meat of the Word is excellent for you, and I hope that it will make up the core of your Word diet. But if that is all you ever partake of, boredom and familiarity will begin to set in.

55. You should make it a habit to ask Me about what to read, and whether the ideas you get are My will for you and what I know you need at the time. If you always make the call yourself, your choices will begin to tend more and more toward the very serious and sober, because you feel that's what you should be doing, or that those things are the only meat of the Word. But that is not always the case, or it may not be My will. I wish for you to have good variety, and sometimes the light, happy, and easy reading is exactly what is needed to spice up your meal.

A different way to read

56. Sometimes you feel like there's a roadblock when you're reading a Letter for the eighth or ninth time. You practically have it memorized. When that happens and it's a real fight to get something out of it‚ try something new. Try taking one key paragraph or a quote that's always spoken to you‚ and turn it into a question. Ask Me, "Have I really put this into effect in my life? Have I used this counsel to the full?" It could help you in your personal Word time to be able to stop and ask Me, "What have I done with this Word?"

57. You can keep a Word–time personal prophecy log, where you write down the questions that come to mind as you read a Letter, and then you can take time either at the end of Word time or some other time to get answers for these questions. I guarantee that it will help your Word time to come alive. It will bring out the Word in living color and in all dimensions of your life‚ because you'll be seeing how it applies to you personally, and how you should be putting it into action.

Old Word, new Word

58. (Dad:) New things can be discovered, and not only discovered but implemented with greater fervor and enthusiasm. Take the MO Letter "Stop! ... Look! ... Listen!" (ML #74)—sure it's an oldie, but how many of you can say you're living it to the full in your daily lives? How many of you are praying before each thing you do and really asking the Lord about decisions you make? I'm sure you're doing your best, but my point is that you'll never reach a point where the Word is of no use to you. It's never true that some Word has become old hat and is not worth reading and studying anymore.

59. Look at the scriptures that were written 2,000 years ago and are still changing lives today. Has 1 Corinthians 13 grown out of style, to where it's not applicable anymore or not able to convict you? I certainly hope not. These things will never grow old, and if you close yourself off to being fed by them, then that's your mistake and problem—not the Word's!

Commit your Word time to Me and get My guidance

60. Come to Me at the start of the week and ask: "Lord, what do You want from me and my personal Word times this coming week?" I will tell you what areas to work on and what studies to do, or I may show you to continue on with what you're already working through. But you don't know what will really hit the spot for you that week unless you ask Me.

61. Monday morning is a good time to recommit yourself to rising each day and taking that time with Me. It's a good time to get My keynote for your week. It's a good time to set your heart right with Me, to tell Me how much you love Me and how much you need My help to have quality Word time that week.

62. Making a habit of committing yourself and your Word times to Me at the beginning of each week will help you to stay on top of your time with Me, to keep up the momentum, and to do all you can to allow Me full sway over your Word times. If I am at the helm of your vessel and guiding you, then you know that I am leading you to what will be the calmest waters, the safest and most sure route to good, quality times with Me.

63. If you fail, if you sleep through your alarm, if you lose the desire or your physical weaknesses get the best of you, then you need to come to Me right away‚ seek My forgiveness and help, and get back up and try again. Please don't let one mistake lead to many more. One compromise will lead to more. One skipping of your weekly rededication to Me will lead to another, and another, if you don't get back on the wall right away through bringing your mistake before Me and asking Me for My help to combat the temptation to allow it to lead to more.

64. It's so easy to feel that once you've blown your Word diet, then you'll just slack off for the rest of the week and pick up again next Monday, but you can't do that. You need to pick yourself up right away and come to Me in humility, admitting your mistake and asking Me for help and strength to get back up and keep going. I will not beat you over the head‚ I won't be angry at you, but I will, in love and patience, tell you how you can guard against this next time and go on.

Simple Word time activities to try

65. Some things you can do to contribute to the Word flowing more in your Home, and having the spirit flow more freely, especially in the evenings, are:

66. > Invite people to your room, and ask them to bring a few short quotes to share, some things that have spoken to them specifically from some of their latest times in My Word.

67. > Have a little inspiration. Ask everyone to come, bringing one song to play or sing, or even a request.

68. > Let others know that you're going to be reading and discussing such-and–such a Letter at such-and-such a time, and that anyone is welcome to join you.

69. > Have a little memory and/or review time‚ even just half an hour, when people can come and quote the things they've been working on memorizing, and/or you could all memorize something together.

70. > Ask those who want to, to bring a short excerpt of a personal prophecy to share.

71. > Print or photocopy some Letter excerpts or quotes and pass them around. Each person who picks one can read it, explain what significance it has to them or what it means to them, or talk about something related to that Word.

72. > Invite people for a little bit of praise time. Use interesting and unique ways to praise and love Me.

73. > Invite anyone who wants to, to come to an impromptu prayer vigil in your room.

74. > Choose a topic and ask people to bring a quote or verse or key promise to share on it‚ whatever it may be.

75. If there were more of this type of unity-engendering, Word-uplifting, spirit-filled activities happening in your Home, My Spirit would be flowing so much more freely, sparking and invigorating each person.

(Note: Some of these ideas will be more feasible than others in your situation, since these are geared mainly toward those who live communally with other Family members.—If you don't live together with others, perhaps you could join in with a nearby Home in some such activities, or organize them at your house and invite others. Pray and ask the Lord how you can apply this counsel in your situation. He can also give you other ideas that are more feasible for you.)

Normal vs. "heavy" prophecies

76. Not every time you sit down to hear from Me is going to be exactly what you think. You just have to believe that when you sit down to hear from Me, no matter what you receive, what you hear is from Me. Sometimes it will be of a heavier nature (more revelatory or deep), but other times it will be just My voice of comfort and assurance. It's the same with your wife, isn't it? You don't have heavy or deep conversations every time you sit down to talk, do you? No. Some of your conversations are just normal conversations where you touch base with one another and chit-chat. I know what you need, and when I know it's the right time, I will give you exactly what is needed.

77. Just because you're not getting something "heavy" right now‚ don't worry. You can't depend on how you feel. Just receive by faith what you are getting and know that it's from Me. Each and every time you sit down to hear from Me, no matter what you receive, it's strengthening you and preparing you for the future. So don't give up and don't judge our times of communication by what you feel you should or shouldn't be receiving. Everything comes from My hand when you ask Me to speak. Okay? I love you and enjoy our times together.

"If you know these things..."

78. When you're not applying the Word fully, then you get discouraged. "If you know these things, happy are you if you do them" (John 13:17). Likewise, if you know these things and don't do them, sad are you, and so the Word becomes a trial to study, because as you do, it tells you those things that you are not doing.

Benefits of the Word are eternal

79. Keep the vision for the spiritual, My dear bride. Your work on Earth is but for a moment when compared to the infinite span of eternity. In Heaven your work for Me will go on, yes, but your time on Earth is more than just a time of working for Me in the physical. It's also a great opportunity to grow in the spiritual, a chance for accelerated learning and lessons which you would not have been able to learn as well in Heaven. It is an advanced course under field conditions, a special opportunity for you.

80. So take full advantage of your time on Earth—not just in helping to reach lost souls through your work‚ but in growing into the person you will need to be for eternity. You do this by drawing near to Me through My Word; through letting Me dwell in you so that you dwell in Me; through times of intimate communion with Me; through using the keys and letting their power—My power—become part of you.

81. Don't just try to be the best or most efficient you can be physically, in your ministry and service for Me, but be the best you can be spiritually as well. Seek excellence in the spirit, keeping the vision for the eternal things which are to come, and which surround you even now. If you can cultivate this vision for the eternal and the everlasting, realizing that your efforts now in the spiritual have consequences or rewards forever, then this will help greatly to overcome complacency, lethargy and familiarity, and will give you terrific victories.

There is more for those who want it

82. Your love for Me will be manifested in your desire to seek Me deeply through My Word. I want to bless you even more. I want My Word to dwell in you more richly. You can become much richer than you already are by receiving My New Wine. Get ambitious! Ask, pursue, linger with Me and never tire, but earnestly and desperately desire My Word. Go after it with all you've got!

83. Your love for My Word will help you to know Me in depth and in all the secret ways which you haven't explored yet. There is much for you to discover. You have yet to discover all these riches. You have married a rich Husband! As you continue in My Words you will be rich and know the truth, and the truth will set you free from the earthly limitations that try to hold you down.

84. The Enemy uses those limitations to hold you back and to keep you from partaking more fully of the richness and the freedom that My Word gives. This richness is faith! And faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Faith will also give you the trust to know‚ beyond the shadow of a doubt, that all things that you go through are but a moment in time—a testing ground as well as a steppingstone to greater heights, greater love and fruitfulness for Me and others. Rejoice in that, because you will go from strength to strength. When everything else and everyone is gone, My Word still abides, for it's the only truth and the only reality.