KEYWORDS: lord, things, life, something

Shooting Straight, Part 3

Karen Zerby

God's views on current issues and attitudes in the Family

By MariaFD/MM/FM 3501 6/04

Note: The "Challenging Thots" in this Letter address commitment and discipleship in general and aren't always related to the issue being discussed.

WS Prophecies Inaccurate?

The issue:

1. Some people feel that the prophecies that are received in WS are inaccurate or can't really be applied to their situation, because the channel who received the prophecy isn't in the situation that they're praying about and doesn't have firsthand experience. For example‚ if we publish a message about fundraising, and the channel who received the message lives in WS and isn't personally hitting the streets every day, some people assume that the person couldn't possibly be a reliable channel to receive an answer from the Lord on that topic.

God's mind on the matter:

2. (Dad:) I know some of you have battles with receiving and applying some of the counsel—especially the more practical type—given in prophecy in the GNs. This isn't so much the case when it comes to spiritual principles, topics like revelations about the keys or counsel on how to overcome your pride. People sometimes have battles with receiving and believing those prophecies, but those are different issues.

3. The particular issue I'm going to talk about is what sometimes comes up when there's practical counsel given in prophecy—messages having to do with things like raising your children, shepherding your teens, witnessing and fundraising. You know that those in WS don't have to do their own fundraising, and they can only witness on relatively rare occasions. You also know that while there are kids in WS units and a few teens‚ there probably aren't as many per adult as there are in your Home, and the situation is probably a little different.

4. So the Enemy comes in—yes, it's the Enemy, folks—and tells you, "The person who received this message has no clue what it's really like, therefore this isn't really accurate or possible or doable." Sometimes there's also a feeling of, "Mama and Peter don't really understand either. When was the last time they went fundraising? And their kids grew up a long time ago, didn't they?"

5. It's true that those who are receiving the messages that go in the GNs, and Mama and Peter themselves, sometimes don't have a tremendous amount of personal experience, or at least not recent experience, with the issues or activities that are being addressed. It's also true, however‚ that for the most part, people in WS, including the different channels that receive the messages, and Mama and Peter, have done these things at some point in their lives. It's not like the messages they're receiving are about something that's a totally foreign concept to them.

6. Almost every person in WS has at some point had to raise their own support, just as you do—and it's not an experience you forget about real quickly! Almost every person in WS has done plenty of witnessing of various kinds in their day‚ and some still do whenever they can—and again, that's an experience that becomes part of you, an indelible and unforgettable part.

7. When it comes to kids, teens‚ education, or any aspect of home life, it's true that some are not as directly involved with the day-to-day home affairs and care of the children or teens, and because of the more structured lifestyle and having to focus on an office ministry, they are in a different situation than you. But some do take care of kids full-time‚ and many are with the kids part-time, so they realize what it's like for you. They also live communally, and they also have to work long and hard, and often are involved in things aside from their main ministry.

8. Depending on their work and their position, some of them receive a fair amount of input via your prayer requests, newsletters, board reports, TRF comments, pubs reactions, letters to Mama that they help to pray for, etc. And regardless of whether they're privy to that input or not, the Lord is regularly reminding all of them‚ through prophecy and through their shepherds, Mama and Peter most of all, to put themselves in your shoes, so they consciously do that in their work. They know they're there to serve you and help you‚ and they can't help you very well if they don't understand your situations—so, while they're not perfect, they make a concerted effort along those lines. The Lord is also faithful to bring things into their lives to keep them in touch. He knows it's important‚ and He brings up situations and circumstances that keep them aware and in touch with what goes on in Homes around the world.

9. Okay, well, I've established that the things that people in WS are receiving prophecies about aren't entirely foreign to them and they aren't entirely clueless. But you know, that's not even really the point. The point is, the Lord has chosen to give His Word to the Family through prophecy, and to give that prophecy through Mama and Peter and their channels in WS, and that's just the way He's chosen to do it! So who are you to question Him or His method for the delivery of His Words? He will use whoever He can. He will speak through whoever is willing to be His channel, and these in WS are willing and available.

10. He's also practical, and He knows that‚ while you might be the "expert" in outreach, well, you're so busy doing it all day that you don't necessarily have time to sit down and receive long messages of instruction about it that can be shared with the whole Family. These folks in WS do. That's their job, that's their calling.

11. It would be great if they had time for doing both, but people are human and you can only really do so much. The Lord has given everyone their calling, whatever it might be, and the calling of those who are in WS receiving these messages is to do just that. Or rather it's part of their calling, and it goes along with their other callings, whether it be childcare, pubs work‚ administration, or chairing a Family board.

12. If you believe in prophecy, and that God has all the answers, and that His voice isn't limited to the channel or their knowledge, then it really shouldn't matter if the people in WS who are hearing from the Lord about these issues "know what they're talking about" or not. They're not talking—God's talking! That's the whole point, and that's the bottom line. You either believe that or you don't. If you believe that it's the Lord's message and the Lord's voice, then why do you care whose channel it comes through? Or, if you believe that the messages aren't really the Lord, but are "speeches" made up by those who think they know what they're talking about, well, then you're probably in the wrong outfit.

13. The Lord is giving a lot‚ even the majority of His counsel and guidance to the Family today, through prophecy—including the prophecy in the GNs, and the personalized counsel He gives each Home and individual in prophecy. So if you have "prophecy issues" of any kind, it's high time to get over them, or else there's going to be more and more that's going to bother you and hurt your faith and make it difficult for you to believe and obey the Lord's Words. Reread the "Understanding Prophecy" series. Ask the Lord personally about questions or issues you have.

14. What it really all comes down to is this: Do you trust the Lord? Do you have faith in the way He's leading the Family? Do you have faith in His choice to appoint Mama and Peter to lead the Family? Do you have faith in their anointing‚ and in Mama as Winetaster of the Lord's Words? Do you therefore have faith that the messages that are in the GNs, no matter who's the original channel and what they know or don't know or have done or haven't done, are God's message for the Family?

15. I can't make you believe that. It's between you and the Lord. But that's what this issue comes down to, and I pray that each of you can find the faith from the Lord to accept these things, to flow with them, and to not get so hung up on certain details that you miss out on the one thing that's more important than anything to your spiritual life and service in the Family—the Lord's Words! (End of message.)

In summary:

16. (Mama:) Whether or not the person is personally experienced in the topic they're receiving a message on is irrelevant. It can help‚ but the Lord is not limited by it. Peter and I prayerfully go over the messages that are published for you, and the Lord has promised that He has anointed us for that job. We just have to trust in His anointing‚ and we are very desperate with Him to help us get it right. The Enemy's attack on the Lord's Word is as old as the hills, and you will wind up weakened and incapacitated if you let him hurt your faith in the Word. So settle these issues in your heart and mind with the Lord! It all comes down to whether or not you believe that He speaks today, and speaks to us through prophecy. If you do‚ it doesn't matter who got the message. If you don't, you're in the wrong place!

Key promise:

17. As you set about to strengthen your faith through increased time in My Word and with Me, claim the keys of iron. They will keep out any evil attack the Enemy would try, and give you full protection as you absorb and drink in My waters of life.

Dig deeper:

*"State of the Nation '95‚" ML #3017:81-88, Lifelines 22.

*"Problems and Solutions, Part 2," ML #3070:134–176, Lifelines 23.

*"Believing Prophecy," ML #3130, Lifelines 24.

*"Understanding Prophecy, Part 2," ML #3304:180-187, GN 905.

*"None of These Things Move Me‚" ML #3307:150-160‚ GN 906.

*"The Way Things Really Are in WS," ML #3309:28-63‚ 144-149, GN 910.

Challenging Thot:

18. (Dad:) When you get up here, you'll wonder how some of these worldly mindsets were so dear to you. I'm not saying that it's easy to give them up now, but they're so temporal, so futile, and so minuscule compared to the mind of God. When you look at these things through the Lord's eyes, they pale into oblivion. It's like looking at a speck of dust on the table and oohing and ahhing over it. Seems rather silly from the Lord's point of view. But when you're there on Earth it can seem to be so big, so important, and you desperately try to cling to it. As soon as you give it up you'll see it for what it really was and you'll be so thankful you didn't trade the riches of Heaven for the dust of this world.

"Things I Won't Do"

The issue:

19. (Mama: ) Many people have certain things that they have consciously or subconsciously decided they would never do or couldn't handle. There are all kinds of examples, ranging from really little things to really big life–changing events. Some examples are: Giving public prophecies; going to a certain field; working in a certain ministry; being in leadership; having sacrificial dates; doing a strip at a party; SGAs deciding they don't want to have dates with FGAs, or vice versa; being in a threesome relationship; becoming a parent to someone else's child, like a blended family, or getting married to a single mom; getting married or having kids in general; having a "Jesus baby" in their family, a child born to a single woman or to a couple from outside their relationship; unrealistic expectations when it comes to a potential mate, especially physical appearance; saying you would never marry someone who doesn't come up to certain standards, physical or intellectual‚ etc. Those are just a few examples. Some people say they would never allow those things to happen; others say they would bail from the situation or couldn't take it if something like that happened to them. Some have fears of these things happening, and it makes them worried if anything looks like it could possibly go in a certain direction.

God's mind on the matter:

20. (Dad:) I've heard a lot of young people, and sometimes older people‚ boldly proclaiming that they would "never" do this or that thing—often based on worldly hang-ups or simple pride. These things that people say they "couldn't or wouldn't ever do" range from accepting a leadership role to giving public prophecies in a meeting; having a sacrificial date or a date with an FGA, to marrying a guy who's shorter than you; being a single mom or marrying someone who already has kids‚ to having kids period. Some of you have cultivated some definite preferences, likes and dislikes, and in some cases, real definite ideas about your future—your career, your love life, what you will or won't accept in a relationship or marriage, and on and on it goes.

21. I have a scripture for you. It's one that you probably learned when you were either a little kid or a new babe if you weren't born in the Family. It says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

22. I know there are things that are difficult or unappealing to every person, and what that is varies as much as the people themselves. Everybody has their thing—something you don't like to do, something you'd like to avoid, something you are afraid of, something that you even feel is "wrong," or at least wrong for you. Well, you're entitled to your personal preferences and your feelings, and the Lord did make everybody different.

23. There's a problem, though, when people
take on the attitude of "I would never do that‚" and get so definite about it. I'm talking, of course, about things that are options within the Lord's will. If you want to say, "I would never have sex with an outsider," that's a good thing to say, ha! But in other cases‚ times and situations and you yourself may change, so it may be unwise to say "never."

24. There are a lot of things that are or may be something that the Lord would like you to do—either on a one-time basis or as a bigger life decision. Sometimes it's something that He knows would be good for you because it would broaden your horizons or humble you; or, get this, maybe you'd even like it and enjoy it! Or there are things that would be good for you to do because they would be a blessing to others. They would be a sacrifice, but they would be the loving and unselfish thing to do in that case.

25. It's just not wise to put God in a box, or to put yourself in a box. How do you know what you might come up against or what the Lord might ask you to do? And how do you know it will be so terrible or unpleasant if you haven't tried it? Or how do you know that just because it went badly for someone else, it will go badly for you? Sometimes it's hard to even tell whether something you feel so strongly about is your own idea, or whether others—like friends or peers or the System—have planted that idea in your head. Sometimes you think something is too humiliating or embarrassing and you don't think it's worth the trouble, even if it is the "right" or "loving" thing to do.

26. But you see‚ when you put yourself in a box, when you say "thus far and no further," and when you say, "This I may do, but never that," or, "I could never handle that," what you're really doing is hindering both the Lord's ability to work through you and possibly hindering yourself from receiving the Lord's blessings.

27. The Lord blesses it when you love and give unselfishly, and He blesses it when you obey. And His blessings aren't always in the way that you might logically conclude. Maybe your "logical" conclusion is that‚ "Okay‚ if I have a sacrificial date with this person, even though I really don't want to and it's something I've always thought I'd never do, then the Lord will probably decide to 'bless' me by giving me a relationship with this person‚ or making them like me, or making me like them, and I don't want that, because I don't want to like that person. They're not my type, they're too this and that and whatever."

28. Well, there you go again, putting Him in a box. How do you know what kind of blessing He's going to give you? How do you know that He's not going to decide that because you've been unselfish and loving with the not-so-choice person‚ He's now going to have so-and-so super-choice person for you come to your Home and fall for you? That's a bit of a dramatic example, but anyway, do you understand what I'm talking about?

29. Simply put, the Lord blesses love, un–selfishness, and giving, and if something is the right thing to do at the time, you don't want to miss out or cause someone else to miss out on what the Lord wants to give them just because of your own hang-ups.

30. Sometimes the Lord may show you to do something that isn't on your "agenda" and there may not be a lot in it for you—or rather, you don't think there will be at first—but the Lord wants to use you to help someone else. Maybe there's someone that the Lord shows you is really lonely and needy, and He wants you to reach out to them and get close to them. Maybe His plan is for you to even eventually get together with them, and maybe it's going to save their service for the Lord, because they were so discouraged they were on their way out. And maybe it's going to be just perfect for you at the same time! But because they're a single parent‚ or the "wrong" nationality, or something else that you have "vowed" to never be a part of, you reject it before you even give it a chance.

31. Sometimes there really isn't anything "in it for you" here and now. Maybe the Lord wants you to do something just for another person‚ because they need it, and you're there and you're the one who He wants to use to help. Maybe someone is having united prayer, and the Lord wants to speak to that person and give them an important message that will be a real key for them, through your channel, but because you're too proud to receive a public prophecy, they miss out on something the Lord wanted to give them. Or maybe out of the blue the Lord shows you to get a prophecy for someone and give it to them, but you're too proud to do that unless they ask for it, so they miss out on some counsel that He wanted them to have‚ but that they couldn't or didn't have faith to get themselves.

32. There are all kinds of possible scenarios where the Lord might ask you to do something that goes against your grain, or even something that you've said you "would never" do, but He wants you to do it and it's important.—Important either because it's going to help someone else in a significant way, or because it's going to lead you into His will and blessings for you and His plan for your life. Then there are other times where maybe things aren't so "make or break," but it's still good to have a more open and flexible mindset.

33. The more open and flexible you are with the little things, the more you'll be that way when it's something more crucial. Whereas when you're in the groove of rejecting anything that doesn't fit into your preconceived mold of "the things I will do," then some day you're going to miss out on something that is more important and has bigger consequences.

34. And another hot tip: The Lord blesses and rewards yieldedness, and He cannot bless selfishness and holding back from Him. He will sometimes engineer things to try to help you yield and become more flexible, and the longer you hold back and resist and try to change the situation, the longer the situation continues in an uncomfortable and unpleasant way for you personally, until you get the point and say‚ "Okay‚ Lord, not my will, but Yours be done." So if you want to avoid those kinds of truly uncomfortable situations, the smart thing is to be flexible, and if you sense something moving in a direction you're not so happy about or naturally comfortable with, sort it out with the Lord right away, and do your best to yield. You'll often find that once you do that‚ it clears up miraculously quickly—either the circumstances change or else you change and don't mind anymore. And sometimes you'll find that whatever it was you were dreading or fighting so hard is just what you needed to complete your life and make you truly happy—on top of it all, reveling in abundant blessings and peace and fruitfulness from your Husband and Lover.

35. I'm not saying that you each need to make a list of "all the things I don't want to do," and go through them one by one and do them all just to prove that you're sacrificial‚ dedicated, yielded, or that you're not an old bottle. That would be a pure works trip. And though it might do you some good, it would mainly just be self-effort, and it would be done out of pride rather than love and humility and obedience, and therefore it wouldn't bring down the kind of blessings I'm talking about.

36. What I'm talking about is an attitude of openness‚ of yieldedness, of not automatically stubbornly refusing to do something or saying you'd never do it, when you just don't know the Lord's will. I'm talking about not kicking against the pricks when the Lord engineers something that He knows you need. It's just not wise. It's not going to bear good fruit, either in the Lord's service, in your personal life, or in your being a blessing to others, if you're always so stuck or hung up on what you will or won't do. Let yourself out of your little box. Set yourself free to do God's will! Amen?

37. P.S. Another benefit of learning to yield and going through a few situations of yielding and watching the Lord bring about His perfect plan is that you then have a more mature attitude toward others and the things the Lord shows them to do. You're less judgmental or less likely to gossip about something that seems odd to you. You're more likely to have an attitude of respect and admiration toward others. The Lord works in mysterious ways‚ His wonders to perform! You just can't try to figure Him out or put the way He works—whether in your life or someone else's—in a box. So open up a little, and see what wonders He wants to do for you! And when you get the hang of that, you'll be a lot more supportive of others who He's leading in wondrous ways too! (End of message.)

In summary:

38. (Mama:) Putting God in a box by telling Him what you will or won't do, or could or couldn't handle, just isn't wise. He will never give you anything more than you're able to handle, and usually the quickest path to happiness and getting out of a difficult or uncomfortable situation is to yield and work things out with the Lord. He loves you, and He wants the best for you, so trust Him, and your life will be happier and more fruitful than it ever could have been if you'd followed your own perfect plan.

Key promises:

39. Call on the keys to broaden your horizons, and they will give you faith to recognize and accept My will for you.

40. Through the power of the keys‚ the word "can't" has no meaning for you.

Dig deeper:

*"Another Holy Ghost Story," ML #679, DB 1.

*"Obedience in Little Things," ML #1781, DB 2.

*"Maria's Prayer for Magdalene," ML #1798, DB 3.

*"Are You Willing to Sign a Blank Sheet of Paper‚" ML #1927, DB 2.

*"Teens for Christ," ML #2223:88-96, DB 8.

*"Submit Yourself to God," ML #2224, DB 8.

*"Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice," ML #2418, DB 8.

*"Prophecies on Yieldedness," ML #3044, Lifelines 23.

*"Your Open Heart Prayer to the Lord," ML #3163, Lifelines 24.

Challenging Thot:

41. (Dad:) You are a revolutionary. You can't expect to live a life of ease and comfort. Life for the Lord is not easy, that's why you are among the elite—because you have chosen a life that is not easy. Of course, the Lord makes it worth it and He blesses you along the way. But He requires a lot of His chosen few, and you're one of them. If you wanted an easy life, you wouldn't have chosen to stick with the Family or a life of service and commitment. That says something for your character—you're a fighter! You love to prove to the Devil and to the world that you have more guts and conviction than the average Joe and you're going to do something about it! That's what this Family is made of—gutsy disciples of Jesus! Have you got the guts to remain one?

"Hands Off" Shepherding

The issue:

42. (Mama:) Some people have a "hands off" attitude when it comes to shepherding. They feel that there are certain things in their life that are untouchables and private matters. When a shepherd tries to counsel them in an area of their life that is "sacred‚" they reject any help because "it's none of the shepherd's business;" it's personal to them and they're not open to receiving help and/or correction. If anyone broaches these subjects, they're "invading privacy." Some of the areas that people commonly aren't real open to help or counsel in are relationships, sex, and marriage; parenting and discipline of their children; free time and how they use it; things they want to do that they've already heard from the Lord about personally.

God's mind on the matter:

43. (Jesus: ) If you're not open to shepherding in a certain area of your life, that's a sure sign you really need it. The part of your life that you keep closed and private and "untouchable" is probably the area you need the most help in—help from Me and from others.

44. There are some things in your life you just can't see clearly yourself. I sometimes even cause you to be blinded to certain problems so that you will be pushed to accept the help of others, not so that you can clam up and privatize your life even more.


45. (Dad: ) Sometimes shepherds just have to meddle. They don't always like it, but you need it! If you have the mindset that there are untouchable things in your life that you can't take shepherding in, those are probably the things that you need the most shepherding in.

46. The Lord knows just how and where you are sinning or falling short in your life, and He usually tries to give you the conviction in your heart long before a shepherd comes to ask you about it. He leads shepherds to those areas of your life because He knows what you need. If you close yourself off in these areas, you're going to be missing out big time.

47. It's dangerous to close off an aspect of your life and think you're doing all right without any outside help or counsel. It's then very easy for the Enemy to pull the wool over your eyes and do some serious damage to your spiritual life in that area, because he knows you're not going to accept help from others‚ so if he can keep you from seeing the problems (which isn't that hard—because everyone has a hard time clearly seeing their own problems), he's able to work freely.

48. And, yes, I know that it's easier to feel that you'd be open to the Lord and His personal shepherding, and you'd prefer that to letting earthly shepherds get in there and meddle with what you consider very personal matters. But look at it the way that I've always said. It's a whole lot easier to take correction and instruction from earthly shepherds‚ who can present it nicely and pray with you, and love you up afterward, than to let it get to the point where the Lord has to intervene by force and wake you up to the errors of your ways.

49. Of course, the Lord will be loving too, if you're going to Him and getting your shepherding from Him, but if you wait too long and close yourself off to the shepherding He tries to give you through others‚ He's usually got to do something a little more extreme to get your attention, to wake you up and show you how you've gotten off track.

50. And the reality of the situation is that if you're not open to earthly shepherds, you're not humble and open enough before the Lord either, so you're missing out on both fronts.

51. The Lord is in the business of making shepherds out of all of you. As He brings people into various positions of leadership and you find yourself with new shepherds, either in your Home or area, it might be difficult to look at those people in a new way. You're thinking, This guy was just a normal person last month, and now he's on the teamwork and thinks he can ask me about my kids or marriage.

52. Well, that's how it works, folks. The Lord raises up those who He knows are right for the job, and He gives them the anointing for it‚ as they're yielded to His training. Of course, it's a bit difficult and takes time to adjust to having someone get involved in your personal life, but look at it as coming from the Lord's hand. He's the One with the master plan, and He's got it all figured out.

53. You know, you'll find out a lot of times that the part of your life that you're most closed off to receiving help in is often the part that is key for you to really make spiritual progress in. Once you overcome in that area, it's like you've opened up to the Lord and yielded your all to Him, and everything else falls into place. Think about that.

54. It might be the most painful thing to discuss, and you feel that it's your own little life, they're your kids, it's your marriage‚ it's your sex life, it's your faith. Well, it's true that it does involve you primarily, but in our Homes, everything affects others. What goes on in your life definitely does affect others for good or bad. You might think you're hiding it or containing it pretty well, but if something's not right, it's affecting at least you, and you affect your Home. Not only that, but if you're harboring sin or compromise in one area of your life, it will bleed over into other areas in your spiritual life. If you resist shepherding in one area, eventually you'll be closed off to shepherding more and more, till it takes you right out of the Family.

55. Another way to look at it is that when you chose to be a disciple, you were giving your life to the Lord. So whatever way He chooses to work in your life is His business. And He often chooses to work through earthly shepherds—your mates, co–workers‚ Home teamworkers, etc.

56. It's easy to say, "I'm yielded and open to the Lord's shepherding." It's not as easy to say, "I'm yielded and open to so–and-so's shepherding." But that's how the Lord works. He uses physical shepherds to care for His sheep. It also works to keep everyone humble, because it's humbling to give correction, and it's humbling to receive correction and have someone else tell you that you might be wrong, or give you some pointers, or at least ask you to pray about a certain area of your personal life. But it's good for you. It's part of your growth. It's imperative that all Family disciples become open to shepherding‚ because we have to make some progress as a Family, and shepherding is one of the main avenues the Lord is going to use to help each person do that.

57. So, hear these words and take note. The sooner you are able to open yourself to shepherding in every area of your life, the easier it will be in the long run. It will bear so much good fruit in your life because you will gain humility, you'll grow in your weak areas, it will promote unity in your Homes, and each time you open up in honesty and show that you need help, you receive the Lord's strength and power. When you are weak, then is He strong in you. (End of message.)

In summary:

58. (Mama:) Shepherding is necessary and is one of the main ways the Lord chooses to help you progress and stay strong spiritually. It's not easy, but it's necessary. If we want to make the progress we need to make as a Family‚ everyone is going to have to be a lot more open to shepherding—willing to give it and receive it!

59. I realize that some Home teamworks are not real trained or experienced, and that's hard for them and hard for the Home. Hopefully we'll be putting out more counsel soon on what it means to be a shepherd and how to shepherd. But in the meantime, hang in there, do your best to give and receive as the Lord explained clearly in "Get Up and Get Over It," and the Lord will lead and help you, and you'll learn and grow from it.

Additional reading:

60. (Jesus:) Relationships, marriage‚ sex and other "sacred" issues are very sensitive and need to be handled with the utmost of care and love. They are matters of the heart, matters of emotions, and matters that mean a great deal even to the most unemotional person‚ and have a great impact on their lives.

61. Not every shepherd is going to be such a great marriage or relationship counselor, but even if someone doesn't have the experience or practical know-how, they are expected to find out from Me what to do and how to help the sheep learn and grow. I hold them accountable for that. And I can give them the answers and instruct them in how to help you, if you will be open to it. In fact, sometimes they might be able to help you in an exceptional way, if they're really desperate with Me, because they're not influenced by any personal experience but are just looking to Me for the answers. You might be surprised at who you can learn and benefit from‚ if you determine to be open and benefit from it.

62. I hold you accountable for your part of the bargain—and this applies whether you're sheep or shepherd—which is to be open to the counsel of others, bring it before Me to know how to apply it, and realize that you need the help of others.

63. (Jesus:) The way some of you shun help is a sad picture, and is indicative of just how far you have gone in your quest for freedom and liberty from the law. In the Family's drive to freedom and living according to their faith, many have succumbed to the lie that this includes concrete matters of My Word concerning receiving instruction‚ counsel, and, yes‚ even the big bad word "correction."

64. He who refuses counsel is a fool. It is pride and the spirit of pride that tells people to reject personal shepherding of sensitive matters such as those dealing with matters of the heart.

65. Pride is the great enemy, and pride will in effect cause you to lose out in the long run, because you won't get the help and shepherding you desperately need. In many cases, the matters of the heart such as relationships, marriages and sex need even more shepherding than any other type of situation.

66. It's time to break those chains of pride‚ realize that as My Bride you are all One Wife, and with that realization, remember that I am the great marriage counselor and I have a vested interest in seeing that My Bride is happy. If I have to direct My counsel to you through those that are in a position of leadership, your mates or even your peers‚ then I will do so. If all involved are seeking Me and doing their parts, then it will only help and bring good fruit.

67. (Jesus:) When it comes to your children—one of the greatest gifts of My love—you should be desperate to give them the very best care, shepherding‚ and discipline possible. You should welcome and actively solicit help, counsel, and instruction. You can't lean to your own understanding or ways of doing things when it comes to the care of your children, because they deserve better than that. They deserve the best you can give them—and the "best" is a mixture of your love and care, My guidance and words of instruction, and the help and shepherding you as parents receive from others. (End of message.)

Key promise:

68. The keys of humility, faith and receptivity are exceptionally appropriate when you need help in being open to shepherding. The keys of faith will give you comfort and peace that I'm in control, and remind you of My great love for you—that I won't let anything happen except what is for your good. The keys of humility will help you swallow your pride and remind you that you need this, you want to grow, and will make the sometimes bitter pill of correction much sweeter and easier to take. The keys of receptivity will help you really grasp the concept, the lesson that I want to give you through the situation, and not get stuck on minor details or distractions of the Enemy. Calling on them is a recipe for success and spiritual progress!

Dig deeper:

*"The Two Pillars of Shepherding," ML #3067:1-48, Lifelines 23.

*"Goals for 1998," ML #3160:241-253‚ Lifelines 24.

*"Communication in Marriage and Other Relationships," ML #3196:89-132‚ 148-168, GN 800.

*"Living the Lord's Law of Love, Part 4," ML #3204:11–20, GN 807.

*"Living the Lord's Law of Love, Part 10," ML #3210:4-38, GN 813.

*"Mama's Memos, No.8," ML #3231:44-58‚ GN 832.

*"What Is Full-Time Discipleship?" ML #3469:69-119 (GN 1055); ML #3469:431-451 (GN 1056).

*"Get Up and Get Over It," ML #3497, GN 1082-84.

Challenging Thot:

69. (Dad: ) Some of you may be thinking, "Is this really all worth it?"—All the things of the world that you have to forsake in order to put on God's mind. The answer is, without a doubt, yes! Why is it worth it? Because Jesus is worth it. He makes every sacrifice worth it. This world needs those who are willing to give their all for Jesus, and He'll make it more than worth it in the end. You'll look back and feel ashamed that you didn't give more; you'll feel remorse that you couldn't give more compared to what Jesus has given back to you in reward. So is it worth it? Without a doubt!

Staying Within Godly Boundaries

The issue:

70. (Mama:) The true sense of being Spirit-led is within the standards of obedience that have been set by the Lord in the Charter and the Word on the subject, and counseling with shepherds is often also appropriate. When you feel "led" to do something that would cause you to disobey or disregard the standards the Lord has set—such as having sex with a non–Family disciple, or giving lit to a Home or individual that's not eligible, etc.—then that is not the right spirit.

God's mind on the matter:

71. (Jesus:) What you need to realize is that I have put boundaries of obedience in place, both in the physical and the spiritual realms, for your own good. These are boundaries I ask you not to cross, because I want to keep you safe‚ to protect you, to help you fulfill My will. It does you no service when you step outside those boundaries thinking you know better. You're putting yourself in danger, whether physically or spiritually, and often you wind up suffering the consequences. Some of you are so dull in the spirit, you don't even see them as consequences. To you it's just the natural course of events, or just a "rough period." But the reality is that you're suffering the consequences of choosing to take yourself outside of the boundaries of My protection.

72. So when you're thinking and praying and making decisions‚ or even when you're just living life and not consciously making any big decisions, be mindful of the boundaries I've set. These are not to inhibit your freedom or to squelch your desires or make you less happy. These are boundaries to protect you. And so you need to learn to trust Me for that. When your emotions or desires are leading you outside those boundaries of protection, learn to recognize where that pull is coming from. It's not from Me. Even if it looks perfectly safe to you, that doesn't mean that it is.

73. You can confidently trust that My Spirit will not lead you outside of the bounds of safety that are for your good. If‚ for some reason, I have to ask you to make an exception, I will make it extremely clear, through many avenues of confirmation and with the confirmation of leadership. I will make My will clear to all. You don't have to worry that I'll just give a little tug at your heart and expect you to then cross the boundaries I had previously set. No‚ if I wanted you to make an exception, I would make it extremely clear, with confirming signs of My will, messages in prophecy, and the counsel of leadership.

74. So if something is pulling you across one of the lines that I've drawn—and that includes the boundaries of the Charter, the Word I have given through David, Maria and Peter, and even the boundaries your FD or MM Home has established in order to help each of its members stay within that greater framework of obedience to the Word—examine where that pull is coming from. It's not from Me or My Spirit, but is the kind of tricks you can expect from the deceiver and destroyer. Learn to see the boundaries of obedience as for your good, and respect them, and don't be so easily led astray by any little impish spirit that can get your attention. I don't work that way. If there would be some reason to make an exception, I would make it very clear through many sources, and would at the same time expand the boundaries of protection to include that exception, so you actually wouldn't be crossing them; you'd still be protected by Me. (End of message.)

In summary:

75. (Mama:) The Lord expects us to stay within the boundaries of obedience He has set—the Charter, the Word, and the rules your FD or MM Home has established to help its members remain within that framework. He will not lead you to cross those boundaries without a lot of clear confirmation and clarification, and the confirming counsel of leadership. So don't be led into disobedience, thinking it's the Lord leading you. He won't lead you in that direction!

Key promise:

76. The keys of dedication will guide you, the keys of humility will protect you, and the keys of obedience will help you to hear My voice clearly and follow. Call on the keys when you're unsure of what to do, and it will become brilliantly clear.

Dig deeper:

*"You Must Obey the Least of These Commandments," ML #1827, DB 2.

*"Obey Them That Have the Rule Over You," ML #2417, DB 8.

*"An Answer to Him That Asketh Us," ML #3016:73-87, Lifelines 22.

*"Prophecies on Yieldedness‚" ML #3044:119-128, Lifelines 23.

*"Spiritual Attacks Intensified," ML #3255:70-88, GN 856.

*"Understanding Prophecy, Part 2," ML #3304:207, GN 905.

*"The Way Things Really Are in WS," ML #3309:216-233, GN 911.

Challenging Thot:

77. (Dad: ) If you want to live the life of a disciple, you're going to have to endure the hardness of forsaking the attitudes and opinions of the world. But if you do, the joys and rewards that are awaiting you are beyond compare. Live for Jesus! It's the only freedom! The only life! All the rest is death and a pile of shit. Life for Jesus is the only way to go if you want to be "the strong‚" "the powerful‚" and the overcomers that you are destined to be! Follow Jesus all the way and He'll pour out His power on you like you've never seen! Every day you live for Jesus you're reaping more eternal riches than you would make in 10,000 lifetimes for the Devil. Live for Jesus!

Text box:


78. (Jesus:) The "open–minded" viewpoint and attitude of the world has breached the Family, and now many have become so accepting that the Enemy could run right through your midst and you'd almost figure, "I guess he's got as much right as anyone to be here." I am not open-minded when it comes to accepting anything and everything. There is a big difference between having an attitude of faith and understanding, looking at things through the eyes of love, maturity, humility, and with no self-righteousness; and letting anything go, being willing to compromise or turn a blind eye because you don't want to deal with the conviction or decision of what to do or how to approach things. The way to know the balance is to weigh things up against My Word.

79. If this mindset of accepting the ways of the world is allowed to continue, the Family will crumble from the inside. Imagine if an army had an open-minded mindset. "Well‚ the enemy has every right to be doing what they're doing. I guess we're cool with that." Can you see where that would go? You must have conviction and take a stand. If you're afraid of getting self-righteous and extreme, then seek Me. I have the balance. Put on My mind, and you'll have it too.

End of text box.

Stay Open, Even When You Think You Know My Will

The issue:

80. (Mama:) Some people have the mindset that if they "have the faith" for something, then it must be okay. Or they pray about something and hear from the Lord on it, and then aren't open to any further counsel or cautions from others. They feel they can make decisions solely in counsel with the Lord, and then just proceed without input from others or confirming prophecies. And they can get very offended and sensitive if anyone questions their decision. This can be especially dangerous when it's a decision that affects others, or when they're doing something that's not in line with the Word, but because they have "prayed about it" and "have the faith for it," they proceed.

God's mind on the matter:

81. (Jesus: ) If you reread the "Understanding Prophecy" series, which is like a handbook on how to correctly use and apply prophecy, you will see that the gift of prophecy is meant to be used in conjunction with the other basic spiritual principles for finding My will—such as yieldedness‚ obedience to My Word, openness to godly counsel, etc.

82. If you've closed yourself off to the counsel of others and you're so determined and set on what you want to do, you're likely not even open enough to hear My voice clearly‚ much less in a frame of mind to correctly apply it and discern it and live it.

83. Especially in the communal lifestyle that I expect of the children of David, each of you affect others, and all your decisions eventually have an impact on your Home and team. So, if you want to be a good strong team and grow in fruitfulness and happiness and unity in the long haul, it's wise to be very open to one another, and to make sure that all involved have the faith for the decisions being made. One good way to show yourself open, especially if it's something that you really really want to do, is to ask others if they would pray about it for you, or at least receive further counsel and confirmation or clarifications on what you've already gotten. That way you're telling Me, and all your mates, that you want My will above all. And that opens the door to My full counsel, and full blessings.

84. You still have a lot to learn about prophecy and how to use it effectively and accurately. Study the handbook I've given you about it, and you'll know how vital it is to be open if you want to "get it right."


85. The gift of prophecy is meant to facilitate your decision–making, to make it easier for you to accept My will‚ and easier to find out what My will for you is. But you must also remember that there are many other checks and balances which you must employ—especially in these days when I'm training you in how to use prophecy, and you are really still learning. Those who want to act wisely will seek and desire to use as many of these other ways to know My will as possible.

86. Many of My children have not been so wise‚ and in their desire to "follow Me," have gone astray, being led away by their own pride in thinking that their connection with Me and channel was all that mattered. So, learn this lesson: Be open to My voice through others and other ways to know My will, and be willing to listen and change your mind if necessary, and most of all, be willing and ready to keep coming back to Me repeatedly, as you fine-tune the questions and your channel and discover My will. Don't get stuck, hung up, or closed off in any one stage, because you may miss My will if you do. If you stay open to Me, you may end up saving your life and service, or that of someone else. (End of message.)

In summary:

87. (Mama: ) The gift of prophecy is meant to be used with the other ways to know God's will, and one very important quality for receiving clear, pure counsel from the Lord is remaining open—to further counsel from Him, as well as counsel from others. It all works together‚ and the gift of prophecy alone is not enough, especially in these days when you're still learning how to use and apply it, and you are blessed to live and work with many others whom the Lord can also use to lead and counsel you.

Key promise:

88. Call on the keys of humility when you seek to know My will, and they will help you be truly open to My counsel and My wisdom, through whatever means I choose to send it.

Dig deeper:

*"The Wise and Unwise Leader," ML #263, DB 5.

*"Pray and Obey‚" ML #1935:1-3, Vol.16.

*"Feelings and Leadings from the Lord," ML #2749:6-7, 10, 19-21, DB 11.

*"Mama's New Year's Talk," ML #2986:6-14, DB 12.

*"Prophecy Questions You May Have Always Wanted to Ask, Part 1," ML #3019:49–56, Lifelines 22.

*"Understanding Prophecy, Part 4," ML #3343:58-77, GN 937.

*"Issues, Part 13," ML #3430:54-80, GN 1012.

*FJWL 1: #244, 284, 291.

*FJWL 2: #146.

*"Independence," Word Topics.

Challenging Thot:

89. (Dad: ) Do you want to leave your mark? Well, then invest your time, your efforts, your energy into winning the world for Jesus. At this stage of the game, that's the only thing that's going to be remembered throughout history. "They that be wise and turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever!"

Nudity ... To Be or Not to Be?

The issue:

90. (Mama:) A lot of young people seem to be kind of turned off to any public or semi-public nudity‚ like an FGA leaving the bathroom door open while they're undressing‚ or walking around the house topless or naked. It's especially criticized if the person doesn't have the "perfect body‚" but it can also be looked down on if SGAs do it. Also, in some countries where we have to be more conservative in our witness or presentation, some people have adopted that conservatism around the house and in their private lives, and that could also contribute to the mindset of looking down on nudity, or being bothered or offended by it.

God's mind on the matter:

91. (Dad:) Whether or not to be nude and comfortable without any clothes on is very much a matter of upbringing and personal preference in many cases. You need to be wise and prayerful, and of course you need to become one with the country in which you live‚ and not do anything that would give cause for offense or that would jeopardize your testimony as missionaries.

92. But there is the other side to the coin too, going back to the original fall of man in the Garden of Eden, where the first thing that the Serpent got them to do was cover up. They were ashamed of their nakedness. God had made them naked‚ and they loved it and enjoyed it until they disobeyed and allowed sin to enter their lives. Go back and read some of the early Letters like "Come on, Ma, Burn Your Bra," or "The Drugstore," or "Revolutionary Women," and you'll see that having hang–ups about nudity is linked with some bigger topics like freedom of the spirit, humility, being willing to be naked and stripped bare in the spirit, being the "New Church."

93. Now, all of you who don't particularly care to walk around naked don't need to worry—we're not going to become a nudist colony or anything of the sort! But there's something to be said for not being ashamed of being naked, not having big hang-ups about your body and always covering up, and certainly not criticizing others who are more comfortable with the concept.

94. I'm not saying that the less you wear, the more spiritual you are. In fact‚ some of you should be willing to wear more for the sake of your testimony, when it's inappropriate and a mark against you to be running around with too little on. But if you have a hang-up about nudity, if you've gotten overly conservative, or if you criticize others who don't mind being nude or aren't particularly concerned about it, when appropriate, maybe you should reread some of those older Letters and see if maybe your thinking has become a little influenced by the mindsets of the world‚ or churchy attitudes about nudity and freedom and sex, or even just your own inborn pride and inhibitions.

95. Some of you have actually taken on ungodly attitudes of extreme conservatism, to where it's quenched your fire and freedom, and you have become like a church person that looks down on all forms of sexy expression or anything that has to do with the body.

96. This can be one of the occupational hazards for you who live on conservative fields, where, because of the need to be toned down and conservative while out ministering to the lost, it can bleed over into your home life to an extreme. Some of you have gotten a little churchy and bound up, not free in the spirit as the Lord created you to be. While it is extremely important that around the general public and your friends and contacts you make sure to not give any offense, it is also important that when just around other Family members, you can shed those constraints and still live like the wild gypsy children that is your heritage.

97. There is nothing wrong with nudity, with your bodies, with sex‚ or with anything that God has made and told you is fine to enjoy. Any attitude that contradicts those values is of the System, and comes from the Devil. I'm not saying it's always appropriate to show your freedom on the outside. But it's important to keep things straight in your mind and heart and not lose touch with the humility and freedom of the spirit‚ even if you can never show it on the outside.

98. Sometimes being naked and doing something sexy around others‚ when appropriate and within the proper guidelines, can be very good for you. It humbles you and can draw you closer to others. It can strip away your fronts and images and can loosen you up a little, and some of you could really use that. So although no one is requiring you to do those things, to wear sexy clothes or be naked from time to time, stop and check your heart and see how your attitudes fare when lined up beside the Lord's Word on the topic.

99. This of course is not a license to "use liberty as an occasion unto the flesh." This isn't telling you to have nudist camps and a total free-for-all; this is merely a check to make sure that you're not losing your radical fire and letting pride squelch the freedom that God has given us. Check your heart and see if your attitudes and mindset can be brought back more into line with how the Lord looks at these things‚ and be more accepting of others and their bodies and their choices. And if you're a real nude-freak yourself, check and see whether you're acting in love, or whether your choices are making it difficult for others. If you each consider the others on this issue and ask the Lord what is the appropriate thing to do, what the humble reaction is in each situation‚ you will find a healthy balance. (End of message.)


100. (Important note:) In addressing this topic, we're not encouraging any kind of inappropriate sexual behavior, nor does nudity necessarily equal a sexual atmosphere. There are two distinctly different aspects of this counsel: One is Dad's observation that some of you have gotten a little too conservative, and it might do you good to do something a little bit sexy. That counsel is, of course, only to be applied in an age-appropriate setting.

101. The second aspect of that counsel has to do with the overly conservative and unhealthy attitudes toward nudity in general, which has nothing to do with sex or a sexual atmosphere. Many of our children are growing up with churchy and unhealthy attitudes toward their bodies because we've been so overly cautious about not letting them witness any nudity whatsoever. That's not healthy for them, and it doesn't create a godly, casual, natural attitude in our Homes toward nudity. So we're talking about being more natural and comfortable with the bodies the Lord has given us, and imparting that same healthy attitude to our children. Many families from all walks of life have found that this more casual attitude toward nudity is much healthier for them and their children. Many beaches in Europe and other parts of the world are topless or nude beaches, and you find whole families bathing there together. It's perfectly natural and accepted.

102. However‚ even in the realm of social nudity (as in completely nonsexual), due to the world climate of today and the fact that there are evil‚ mentally sick people out there who do have problems, we must be careful not to give any appearance of evil that would jeopardize our communal lifestyle. Keeping this in mind, please be wise and act appropriately, especially any time when there are children or teens around, as that could be misconstrued in some places. Ask the Lord for wisdom in applying this counsel, and continue to claim the keys for security and protection for our children and Homes‚ and pray also that we will impart to our children the revolutionary, dropped-out heritage that is theirs, and that it won't be lost in our need to change some things to conform to society. Pray for a wise balance!

In summary:

103. (Mama: ) Extreme conservatism is an ungodly attitude, and not the Family way. Whether or not to be nude is a personal preference, but don't let yourself get hung up or overly concerned about your body or conservative when it comes to nudity or sexy expression!

Key promise:

104. The keys of humility are multifaceted, and you'll be amazed how much they can change you when you call on them for faith to do the humble thing.

Dig deeper:

*"The Drugstore," ML #266, Vol.2.

*"Come on‚ Ma, Burn Your Bra‚" ML #286, DB 5.

*"Nudes Can Be Beautiful," ML #1006:13-15, Vol.9.

*"Thou Shalt Have Sex‚" ML #1181, DB 2.

*"Sinless Sex," ML #1969:1–19, DB 8.

*"We've Got a Lot to Learn," ML #2054:16-21‚ Vol.16.

*"The Bible Is Necessarily So," ML #2321:10-18, Vol.18.

*"Why Do Ye Stone Us‚" ML #2835:1-6, 18-22, DB 11.

Challenging Thot:

105. (Dad:) I hate the System! I hate the vanity of vanities and vexation of spirit. This carnal world disgusts me! It makes me sick because I know the purity and beauty of Heaven. You want an open mind? You want to really be cool? Then reject the sickening puke of man's ways and embrace the pure, powerful, liquor of Heaven! It'll knock your socks off. Are you man or woman enough to take it? Can you handle the power of the Spirit? Or are you going to settle for the milk toast of this world?—Worse than that, the poison of this world? Me‚ I can't stand the filth of this world! Give me those who are free enough to live in the spirit! God give me those who are radical enough to reject the world and all its vile corruptions! True children of David hate the System—they hate the ways of man because they are corruption and filth compared to the powerful intoxication of the Spirit. Spit out the poison of the world and drink in the power of Heaven! Be an intoxicated "spirit-bibber"!

The Generation Gap: Counsel for SGAs

The issue:

106. (Mama:) Some people have very strong attitudes regarding the generation gap and just feel that's the way it's always going to be. The Lord has said that in the Family, and with His Spirit and the unity He wants to give us, there doesn't need to be a generation gap at all. Of course, young people and FGAs will always have some different preferences. But many people let the "generation gap" be an excuse for a lack of unity and bonding and oneness in their Homes and relationships, and that is not acceptable.

107. One manifestation of the generation gap is when SGAs are critical of FGAs as they grow older, criticizing them for their weak health or their difficulties with menopause, etc., and sort of labeling them as "weak" or "finicky."

God's mind on the matter:

108. (Jesus: ) To you who have the problem of becoming critical, specifically of the physical weakness or preferences of the first generation that is growing older, I say that you cannot judge until you have walked a mile in their shoes. My message for you is very simple: Change your own heart first.

109. You might think that there are things that the FGAs could do to be better soldiers‚ to fight more, to not complain so much, to try harder, or to just generally be more in the victory and praise Me in spite of the physical and emotional difficulties they encounter with age. But I want you to put those aside for the moment, and trust Me that if there are improvements that the FGAs need to make‚ I will deal with those in My time. But for now, My focus is on you, and to ask if you have been treating them the way that you would want to be treated.

110. Too many of you are like the unjust servant, who showed no mercy after so much was shown to him. So many of you expect so much understanding, justice, and fairness, yet are willing to give so little in return. Examine your hearts and your attitudes toward those who are getting older and find themselves battling not only spiritually but physically. Can you truly understand what it's like? Can you judge? Are you extending to them the same benefit of the doubt and blanket of love that covers a multitude of sins that you want extended toward your age group and all its weaknesses, excesses, and mistakes?

111. Do you use the afflictions of the FGAs and their weakness of body as excuses to look down on them and not manifest the love and unity that I have asked you to have amongst yourselves regardless of your age or generation? Are you trying to get along with one another as hard as you can, overlooking as much as you can? Or are you grasping at all the reasons why they're so "old" and "weird" as excuses as to why you shouldn't have to reach out in love?

112. I understand that good unity between the generations is difficult, especially at its extremes. But is there really any distance so wide that love cannot bridge it?

113. You of the younger generation, I call you out from your excuses and ask you to find ways you can make it work with the older generation rather than reasons why it will not work. I call you to look into your own hearts and broaden your perspective and ask Me to help you learn the traits of generosity of spirit, compassion‚ understanding, and all the gifts that you need to understand those who may seem weak and slow, cranky and picky‚ yet who are walking in shoes that you have not had to walk in yet. Don't think about the things they need to do to improve or that would make them better—think about the things you can do to improve and make yourself better.

114. Consider also whether a lot of their funny quirks and things that they sometimes have difficulties with really bother you all that much; whether their need for more sleep or a certain chair or certain foods really affect you all that much one way or another, or if the fact that you complain about those things and get self-righteous or critical or bugged about them shows that you are being targeted by the Enemy and the Selvegion, who are always looking to sow seeds of discord amongst you. Try to see if you can work on overlooking things, giving the benefit of the doubt‚ and being a sample of the kind of understanding and tolerance you would want extended toward yourself.

115. No one likes to have their difficulties belittled or generalized about. No one likes to feel lumped in with everyone else of their age and not seen as an individual with an individual set of struggles. No one likes to feel murmured about, picked on, or like everyone else around would be happier without them. Are you making anyone in your Home feel this way? Think about it. And if you are, pray and ask Me to change you. Break it down and analyze whether you're truly being seriously inconvenienced by certain things, or whether you're just giving in to a murmuring or critical spirit. Think about whether it would really be all that hard to just let some things pass with the attitude, "Praise the Lord, we're all different and have different strengths and weaknesses—I know I have plenty of my own."

116. I know that you can do it. I know that you have been brought up well and have been taught to extend love and courtesy to others‚ and to manifest compassion to those who are struggling. But somewhere in your lives, too much familiarity has stolen these qualities from your heart toward those who need them the most—your brothers and sisters of the first generation. It's not enough to feel those things for the lost or the needy, you must also feel them and do them for those who are right among you.

117. Take the first step in your life today--even if it's only to take some time to ponder the questions I have raised, to think about what needs to change in your heart in order to be more accepting, loving, tolerant‚ and unified with those of the first generation that you live with. Narrow down whatever it is that the FGAs around you do that bugs you so much, and consider whether it's really that big a deal—in other words, more important than unity and the full blessings that come with it—or whether it's just something that you can let slide for My sake, and for the sake of unity, and to not be a hypocrite, judging others the way you wouldn't want to be judged yourself.

118. It starts with you. It's a matter of the heart. The changes necessary must come from within‚ from the hearts of each and every one of you. There isn't a person reading this that doesn't need to change in some way. But nothing will ever change if each of you don't take the time to start making those changes and thinking the thoughts and praying the prayers that will bring about the changes needed. Don't wait for someone else to take the first step, you be the one. Do it today! (End of message.)

In summary:

119. (Mama: ) If there are things the first generation needs to change in‚ the Lord will work in their lives. For now, examine your own heart and see how you can become more tolerant, loving, accepting‚ understanding, and less selfish. No matter what the "excuse‚" disunity is perpetrated by the Enemy and the Selvegion. Don't let it enter your life and Home!

Key promise:

120. You will often face obstacles too big for your love, but none are too big for My love. My love finds a way around the obstacles, or dissolves them when necessary. Call on the keys of love, and you will have a fresh infusion of My Spirit whenever you need it.

Dig deeper:

*"Be Encouraged," ML #3047:70-170, Lifelines 23.

*"Overcoming the Generation Gap," ML #3161:9-17, 20-24, 161-168, Lifelines 24.

*"Self–Righteousness—The Great Barrier to Uniting the Generations," ML #3293:139-169, GN 897.

*"Communication Keys," ML #3323:45-72‚ GN 927.

*"How to Be on Guard Against the Selvegion," ML #3403:13-20, Post-it GN.

Challenging Thot:

121. (Dad: ) My God, I love this Family! I love those who are radical, dedicated, loyal, and determined to do God's will, come what may! Make me a proud father by having the guts to take God's way over man's delusion. Have the guts to tear down‚ root out, and destroy the works of iniquity and bring the Kingdom of God on Earth! Are you among the Kingdomites? Or are you wallowing in the cesspools of the System? If you're my children you'll be heading for the mountain peaks to leave the valley forever! Come out from among the morass of mediocrity and find freedom on the mountain of God's will. Hallelujah! Are you with me?

The Generation Gap: Counsel for FGAs

The issue:

122. (Mama:) Another contributor to the generation gap is the attitude of some FGAs that all young people are weak‚ compromised‚ or untrustworthy. Also the way it's perceived by some that young people are always going to be on a different level than FGAs, never treated as an equal or respected as a co-worker.

God's mind on the matter:

123. (Jesus: ) This attitude is disheartening for Me, particularly when I've said so much over the years on the subject of unity between the generations. When My Word is believed and put into effect, the line between the generations all but disappears. I say this because it's been done and proved possible, and I would not require something of My brides that I know is unattainable.

124. But to see this sort of attitude still alive and kicking—particularly within the ranks of My FGAs—saddens Me deeply. It means you aren't really reading and believing My Word; you're not allowing it to change your hearts and change your minds.

125. I want you—and I'm talking to you FGAs—to get out your spiritual magnifying glasses and start taking a serious look at your own heart and attitudes. Instead of looking at others—and by others I mean the SGAs—look where you should be looking—at your own back yard and at your own wrong attitudes. When people—and again I'm talking to you FGAs here—still stubbornly hold to the attitude that there will always be a generation gap, that nothing can be done about it, that it's insurmountable and will just always be there, so why even try, it amounts to blatant disbelief in My Word. Actually‚ it's even more than disbelief, it's a rejection of My Word. It's choosing your own carnal reasoning and attitudes above putting on My mind and receiving My counsel on these matters.

126. You of both generations should be operating on a different level and plane than that of the worldlings. You should be operating in the realm of the Spirit, where all things are possible, and where nothing is impossible to you through Me and through the power of the keys. But instead—through harboring these attitudes—you're choosing to live within the confines of the flesh and your fleshly mind rather than the higher realm of the Spirit.

127. You do not have to operate on the carnal, natural level. You do not have to be subject to the same generational lines and barriers that those of the world have. Yes, there are differences between the generations—and that's natural—but these differences are not insurmountable, and certainly should not be used as an excuse or reason why the merging and uniting of the generations is not possible. To concede defeat by holding on to this worldly attitude is surrendering your mind‚ will, and attitudes to the Enemy and the ways of the world. You're choosing to dwell in the lower planes—the planes of the natural and carnal. You're not choosing the ways of the spirit and My mind.

128. When you choose to believe your own carnal reasoning and attitudes along this line—even if they've developed through sad personal experience or just plain frustration—you're guaranteed failure. The Spirit, My Spirit—which is present in all My children of David—is what will unite you. Only through the Spirit can true unity be found. The spirit transcends age, time, and all the barriers of the natural world. If you're finding that you don't have what it takes to unite and live in harmony with the younger generation—or worse yet, you've taken to advertising that it can't be done, either passively or in word and deed—then you don't have enough of My Spirit in your life. That puts the problem squarely in your court‚ not the younger generation's.

129. And if you find yourself labeling the younger generation and self-righteously lumping them all together as untrustworthy, compromised and weak, then you have a problem. And it's a serious problem. And that problem stands in defiance of not only your future, but the future I have promised the younger generation and the Family in general. The goal is to give the younger generation the same loving consideration and respect you would give someone of your own generation. If you can't bring yourself to do that, then you have a serious problem with self–righteousness. You have become an old bottle—brittle, unwilling to change, unwilling to move over‚ unwilling to surrender responsibility‚ and even jealous and resentful of My working and moving in others.

130. Through holding on to this outlook you have elevated yourself above others in spirit and attitude, and this is a serious breach in the wall of unity. If you continue to carry this attitude in spirit toward My younger ones, no amount of effort in the flesh will afford you unity. Unity is a matter of the spirit and can only be achieved through the spirit, and through My brides of all ages humbling themselves before Me and each other and desperately seeking for My mind, My love‚ and My Spirit in all their interactions.

131. To those of you who think that the young people are beneath you or on a different level than you, I say beware. Even though you may not see it as such, you have partaken of the leaven of the Pharisees—a deadly leaven which will expand and grow‚ and eventually kill your usefulness to Me and your ability to remain spiritually open, flexible, moldable and humble. It is an indication of self-righteousness, and in effect you are thumbing your nose at Me and at My Word. That attitude—just like a poison—has entered your spiritual bloodstream. Unless you remove it by applying the cleansing filter of My Word, praying desperately for faith and belief and humility, and proceeding with obedience, that poison will slowly make its way around the rest of your body, and pretty soon you won't be believing and laying claim to a lot of things in My Word. If you continue to act like inter–generational unity can't and doesn't exist, you're choosing your earthly attitudes over believing that My Word is truth.—That through the power of My Word, the keys of the Kingdom and My Spirit, all barriers can be overcome and true generational unity can be achieved.

132. A final word, and it's a stiff warning at this point: For those of you who persist in this attitude, the Revolution will leave you behind. I cannot take those with Me into the future who are unwilling to teamwork with both generations‚ those who selfishly refuse to share responsibility, or those who cannot afford those younger or less experienced than themselves the simple courtesy of respect, love, trust and faith. This is unacceptable in the army of the future I am building. (End of message.)

In summary:

133. (Mama:) Believing that the generation gap will always exist is in essence defying the Lord's Word and promises on the subject. Unity is brought about by the spirit, and in order to have the spirit, you must believe the Word—that it can be done—and actively work toward implementing it. Self-righteousness stands in the way of this unity, and ultimately in the way of the future of the Family. Choose to believe and act on the Lord's promises: Through the power of the keys, the Word, and the Lord's Spirit, all barriers can be overcome, and true unity can be achieved.

Key promise:

134. The keys can help you become a new bottle, one who not only flows, but rejoices and longs for the newest and the latest from My Spirit.

Dig deeper:

*"Overcoming the Generation Gap," ML #3161:9-17, 25–31, 147-158, Lifelines 24.

*"Self-Righteousness—The Great Barrier to Uniting the Generations," ML #3293:19–83, GN 897.

*"Communication Keys," ML #3323:45-72, GN 927.

*"The Professionals," ML #3399:236-277, GN 993.

*FJWL 2: #67, 193, 412, 414, 418‚ 455.

Challenging Thot:

135. (Dad: ) Forget the ways of this world! Forget the thoughts of men. Who do they think they are to besmirch God's children with their vain philosophies? You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, chosen from the foundation of the world to be the greatest threat to Satan that there ever has been! Don't throw away that God-given right through drinking in and watering down your convictions with the pollutants of this world. Shake them loose‚ break free of the chains of conformity! Live as heirs of the Kingdom!

To Both Generations on Bonding

The issue:

136. (Mama:) Another generation gap obstacle: Some people—both SGA and FGA—have the mindset that you can only really have fun and relax with members of the same generation.

God's mind on the matter:

137. (Jesus:) Of course there are differences between the FGAs and the SGAs. Just look at the fact that most FGAs are the age of the second generation's parents, or the SGAs are the age of the children of the first generation, and of course you're not going to seem like "pals" to start with. But that's not how it needs to stay. The belief that there will always be a generation gap and that that's just how life was meant to be isn't true. Maybe it feels weird to step out and try hanging out with someone of another generation, and you might think it's harder to deal with the awkwardness than it is to just ignore My conviction in your heart, so you continue as you have been—it's easier than changing.

138. Right now, I want you to stop and to listen to Me about this, because there should be no gap, plain and simple. There are differences, yes, but there should be no gap. How can you overcome the feelings that there is in fact a gap? Well, it takes some effort on both sides. You need willingness to yield, to let Me change your attitudes, and you need to put away your immature feelings that somehow your youth‚ for the SGAs, or your wisdom and experience, for the FGAs, gives you an advantage over the others. That isn't so.

139. You put youth and wisdom together, and you have an unbeatable force! So of course the Enemy does all he can to fight it. He brings up feelings, which due to society today you have come to accept as normal and natural and unavoidable, that make the other generation seem way out of reach and not even something you want to reach to be united with. So you settle back down into the "comfortable" position of no effort and just fellowshipping and talking with your personal peers instead of tapping into the vast source of power that you could have if you were joined together as one.

140. Your power, My children‚ lies in your unity. When you're not united, you're not powerful. That's all there is to it.

141. You have to take the time to stop, to talk with the FGAs or the SGAs. Both parties have to be willing, and ready to lay aside their own personal preferences to give it a go. Then you will find true unity, and you'll see what I'm talking about. You'll feel the difference in your lives, your fruitfulness, your happiness, the effectiveness of your labors, because you will be blessed. You will be a powerful force that the Enemy can't stop.

142. The Family has been struggling for years with this unity problem, and do you know why? Because you're fought tooth and nail by the Enemy! He knows the power that would be unleashed if you truly united, so he's scared and is doing his darnedest to keep you from achieving that goal. Will you let him win? I know you won't!

143. This mindset that not only do you not like to fellowship with the other generation, but your criticalness of one another, and intolerance of one another's weaknesses‚ likes and dislikes, and the fact that so much about the other generation gets under your skin, is just pride. There's so much pride around. It makes you feel like you and your peers are the better half; but the fact is that without the other half—the other generation—you're not complete. You need both to make a full Family, a full army to storm the gates of Hell! If you're in disunity, or what you feel is just a natural state of gravitating to your peers exclusively, then you are in serious jeopardy of losing the battle.

144. Mindsets creep in subtly‚ and the way that this one has come in is through pride and through making little decisions each day to take the easy route. When you're faced with a decision that in terms of effort equals either a tougher climb or a slide, of course you're going to choose the slide, especially if it doesn't appear to be a "wrong" choice. You have great excuses—you're tired, you just got back from a long and trying witnessing day, or you've been busy all day with the kids, and now you just want to relax. Of course you want to do something that you personally want to do, and having to bend to others who would prefer something different seems like way too much effort. So you're faced with a choice of who to spend time with, and you choose to stick with your own peer group and do something that you want to do. You have good reason. You've done your duty and service to Me all day long‚ so you hope that I'll just wink at this one little selfish choice.

145. Yes, I am happy for your love and for your faithful service, but when was it ever said that living for Me was a 9-to-5 job? You can't just put in your "hours" and then clock out. It doesn't work that way. If I were there with you, what would you do? What if I showed up as the other generation's age group? Would you come and spend that time with Me, maybe doing something that you're not super into?

146. The fact is that between the generations there are different preferences. That's not wrong. But what is wrong is when those preferences are used as an excuse for a lack of fellowship and unity and connection between the generations.

147. The way to overcome this gap is to start taking steps toward each other. It could be a topic for a Home council meeting. You could make a list of a few fellowship ideas that the FGAs would enjoy, and a few that the second generation would enjoy. And then rotate doing them together as a Home. Things like special dinners with fellowship, even having a potluck on your free day, going out together for a game of soccer, or sitting around over a cold drink and some good snacks to play a board game or a card game and enjoy some fellowship. Maybe there will be some ideas that you like and some that you don't‚ but you can always find common ground if you're looking for it.

148. And who knows‚ maybe if you got to know that one person who irks you so much‚ you might have a greater understanding and love for them, and thus those little things won't bother you so much anymore. Remember‚ "Love covers a multitude of sins."

149. So step out and love! Step out of your rut and do something new. Yes, of course it's still okay for you to spend time with just your peers sometimes and to do things that you enjoy doing with them. But there must be a balance, for then and only then can you expect My full blessings and become the powerful team you must be to win this war. It's part of being a disciple and being completely yielded to Me.

150. I'm going to help you with this change! I'm eager to see it come about, because it will transform so many Homes and teams, and greatly enhance your effectiveness and happiness!

151. Take at least one little step each day, even if it just starts with saying‚ "Good morning" to someone who you normally wouldn't greet; it's a start and it'll grow from there. Seek Me regularly—even every day, while you're working to change your habits and attitudes—for ideas of ways that you can reach out to those of the other generation and bond with them, and I will bless your efforts by pouring down the love and the sacrificial spirit that you need. And soon you won't need to make an effort to befriend them, because they'll actually be your friends! It's just that easy. Take a step each day in the right direction, make the right choices, and you'll get there! (End of message.)

In summary:

152. (Mama:) The two generations have different preferences‚ upbringings, and likes and dislikes, and the Lord isn't trying to change that. But what does need to change is the way those differences are used as an excuse for not bonding and becoming one. Each generation has to bend and accept the differences of the other in order to become a strong and united team—united not just in the work, but on a personal level. The Lord promises that it will make a tremendous difference in the effectiveness and happiness of our Homes if you will make this change.

Key promise:

153. No matter how great your differences seem, the keys of bonding can bring you together in My Spirit. You won't become alike, but rather will fit together as pieces of a well-crafted joint‚ so that together for Me you are stronger than you could ever have been alone.

Dig deeper:

*"The Summit '96 Letters, Part 6," ML #3092:93-97, 104-121, Lifelines 23.

*"The Summit '96 Letters‚ Part 7," ML #3093:23-32, Lifelines 23.

*"The Lord's Commission to You," ML #3095:25-36‚ Lifelines 23.

*"Keynote to the 1998 Birthday Feast," ML #3158:54–85, Lifelines 24.

*"Goals for 1998‚" ML #3160:203-218‚ Lifelines 24.

*"Overcoming the Generation Gap," ML #3161:37-46‚ 126-131, Lifelines 24.

*"Going for the 'Golden Victories'—Together," ML #3169:51-55, Lifelines 24.

Challenging Thot:

154. (Dad:) I'm not going to pretend that the life of a disciple is easy. I'm not going to deceive you. I'm going to sock it to you as it really is. Life as a disciple is hard work, sacrifice, pain, suffering, and you're going to have to give up a lot. But life as a disciple is the most thrilling life there is! The pain you may feel at having your mindset realigned is nothing compared to the thrills and overwhelming joy of serving Jesus with all you're worth. There's just nothing like it.

(End of File)