KEYWORDS: children, love, sex, life, spirit

Shooting Straight, Part 2

Karen Zerby

God's views on current issues and attitudes in the Family

By MariaFD/MM/FM 3500 6/04

Note: The "Challenging Thots" in this Letter address commitment and discipleship in general and aren't always related to the issue being discussed.

Is It Smart to Go for the Gold?

The issue:

1. It seems that quite a few people in the Family today think, and some even actively promote, that "going for the gold" and having several or many children is somehow not smart, it's irresponsible, or an unwise decision. They have sometimes made the decision that they don't want to have kids right now, or maybe only one or two‚ and they criticize or look down on others who have had many kids and continue to have kids‚ rather than supporting them and encouraging them for their faith and sacrificial decision.

God's mind on the matter:

2. (Jesus:) I love life and I love children‚ and if you don't, then you're way off the radar! If you think people who have several or many children are unintelligent, irresponsible, or unwise for having them, then you'd better reexamine where your priorities have gone and how influenced your thinking has become.

3. Remember that I'm the creator of life, the creator of children. And if you think that parents working with Me to create life, to create children‚ is an old-fashioned decision or a dumb choice, then I'll tell you what I think. I think your perspective is selfish, short-sighted and immature, and too influenced by the worldly climate of today. Maybe you'd better take a little time to review what I've said about how important children are to Me, and how much of a blessing they are ordained to be in your life, through teaching you unselfishness, giving‚ faith, love‚ wisdom, and becoming an integral part of your Home and ministry.

4. And one more thing: By having that attitude toward those who have chosen to unselfishly go for the gold, you're telling Me that My decision to create children in the first place and to give them to those who are willing to receive them is dumb. You're pointing the finger at Me, because I'm the One Who calls the shots. You're calling Me stupid and irresponsible. You're calling Me odd and strange and uncool and "not with the program."

5. I'll tell you what I think about those who are "going for the gold," those who are willing to make the sacrifices to bear children for Me and train and raise them in My heritage, preparing them well for whatever path of life their children eventually choose: They're the ones I'd call smart and responsible! They show up on My radar screen as bright, shining lights, because I'm proud of their yieldedness to Me.

6. Creating children is one of My favorite activities, and I'm not about to stop anytime soon. If you've got a problem with it‚ you'd better examine your heart and get used to it, because this creating talent of Mine is here to stay! (End of message.)

In summary:

7. (Mama: ) God loves children, and Peter and I do too, and we're extremely proud of all you parents who are sacrificing every day to invest in the future by loving and training and bearing more and more children for the Kingdom of God! You are our heroes! If someone criticizes you for the beautiful faith you manifest in "going for the gold," that's their problem, not yours!

Key promise:

8. The keys of love and unselfishness can radically change your perspective on things. Call on them, and be open to My cleansing, bathing yourself in My Word‚ and watch your mindsets and desires and preferences change to be in line with My highest will for you.

Dig deeper:

Note: See also the references in the next "Dig deeper" section, following paragraph 23.

*"Go for the Gold," ML #2961:1–13, 46-83, 172–204, Lifelines 22.

*"Living the Lord's Law of Love, Part 5," ML #3205:145–148, GN 808.

*"Recognizing and Resisting Pan," ML #3401:77-80, Post-it GN #3.

*"Children," sections 1-2‚ Word Basics.

Challenging Thot:

9. (Dad: ) As the famous quote says, "There's no limit to what God can do with a man or woman who is yielded to Him." And for you parents, that includes your children: There's no limit to the fruit that you will reap for your faithfulness and yieldedness to bear children for the Lord and raise them for Him. No matter what path they take here and now, they are the Lord's forever, and you will be reaping the rewards of your sacrifices forever, as they go on to do great things for Him! What better investment in the future could you make?

Family Planning?

The issue:

10. (Mama:) Some couples feel like they have the right to be in complete control of their lives—they want to have just one child, or maybe two at the very most. It's the "family planning" attitude, because they don't have the faith to "trust the Lord" and go for the gold, having baby after baby.

God's mind on the matter:

11. (Jesus:) Am I not the creator of the universe? Am I not He Who has created life? Then who are you to say you know better than Me? Many of you who settle for the "family planning" attitude simply lack faith; you've allowed worldly influences and the System's attitude of selfish control of your lives to come in and become your way of thinking. But in so doing you have also disallowed a measure of My ability to bless you fully.

12. If you're praying and seeking Me about your situation‚ and I've given you permission to use some form of birth control, then you're going for the silver, and that's acceptable to Me and within My will. You might be limiting My blessings in some way, but you have My permission and blessing on your decision. But in order to be going for the silver, you have to be hearing from Me on the matter‚ which means you will know the way I feel about things, and you won't be spreading a proud, immature, selfish, "I'm in control" attitude around about whatever I've given you permission to do.

13. If you're thinking that you know better than Me and that's why you're not leaving yourself open to having children at the "wrong time," then that's not going for the gold or the silver, regardless of what you think‚ because you're obviously not open enough to Me to hear what I would tell you! Some of you may even be looking down on others for having many children. If you were asking Me, you'd have a much humbler and more supportive attitude toward others who are making great sacrifices to obey Me.

14. When you think you know what you're doing and "have it under control" when it comes to limiting the amount of children you have, you subsequently limit My ability to pour My blessings upon you. You who have chosen to trust Me and are being blessed with large families‚ or even with small families, with the children arriving in My time and way, are being blessed in ways that you might not see clearly now, but they will become more and more evident in the future.

15. For example, dear parents, think about how your labors and efforts are multiplied as those children start to witness and work for Me. You're eventually doing three, four, or five times as much as you could have done yourself, because your children are helping you do it. No matter what choices your children make in this life‚ they will eventually return to the fold and My service in the next life, bearing fruit forever.

16. You're being trained in the best possible way in the areas of leadership, people handling, hearing from Me, responsibility, love and sacrifice, dedication, obedience‚ and the list goes on. Your children are making you better disciples, if you're really doing your best to rear them in My nurture and admonition. You're probably spiritually healthier overall than many of your peers, because you're having to sacrifice and give and stay desperate with Me on a daily basis.

17. There are so many benefits that come from raising children. You who choose to limit My will for your life without hearing My mind or leaving yourself open to know My will just don't know what you're missing!

18. I'll say it again: It's one thing to not have the faith for something, but still come to Me as I instructed in the "Go for the Gold" GNs and work out an arrangement with Me. That's perfectly acceptable, and even though you do miss out on some blessings when you put limits on Me, when we work it out together you have My permission and instruction and promises‚ and you can continue to come back to Me and make sure you remain within the boundaries of My will for you.

19. But when you close yourself off and just decide that something is not for you, without even discussing it with Me‚ or you decide that you're not ready, or you selfishly want to do other things without having to worry about kids, that's when you really miss out. Because I can't work with that. I do My best, I try to lead you and guide you and train you and keep you on the straight and narrow. But I'm so limited in what I can give you and what I can do in your life.

20. If you've made a personal decision that has limited Me and you feel convicted and don't have a peace about it‚ come back to Me now, right away‚ and get things sorted out. If you're afraid of what I'll tell you, just tell Me that. Say, "Lord, I want to do what You want, but I'm afraid of what You might ask of me. I believe that You love me and want the best for me, so please give me faith to hear clearly from You and to receive whatever You want to tell me." And I will. I will deal gently with you, My loves. I'll lead you step by step into My highest will for you.

21. So if you've been a little closed off in this area, or afraid to ask Me something because you're sure you could never be happy under certain circumstances, and you're fearful of what I would ask you to do, then stop and take a little time loving Me, remembering My love for you, and then pray for the faith to ask Me with an open heart for whatever I want to say to you along these lines. Whatever I ask of you, I will give you the grace and strength for. And before long, you'll feel the blessings of obedience and will be so glad that you took that step and accepted My will for you. (End of message.)

In summary:

22. (Mama: ) Whether or not to go for the gold is a personal decision. If you've been a little closed off in this area, with set opinions or preferences or a "plan" for your life‚ take some time to hear from the Lord about it. He'll lead you gently, and will never ask too much of you. You'll be so glad you did.

Key promise:

23. Claim the keys of openness and faith when you come before Me to hear My will for you. As a loving Husband and faithful Shepherd, I will lead you gently, and will make My answers easy to receive because you will know My great love for you.

Dig deeper:

Note: See also the references in the previous "Dig deeper" section, following paragraph 8.

*"Jesus' Babies," ML #739‚ DB 1.

*"Train Up a Child," ML #1142:1-19, Volume 11.

*"Children Are Forever," pages 806-807 of Treasures.

Challenging Thot:

24. (Dad: ) Why do we live the way we do? Why is it that we've decided to forsake our worldly ambitions or things we might like to spend our time doing for ourselves? Because we have a goal—we want to win this world for Jesus before He returns! We have chosen to give up a little now to gain a lot forever!

"Go for the Gold" Loophole?

The issue:

25. (Mama:) Some young couples prefer to stay in a permanent boyfriend/girlfriend relationship rather than getting officially mated or married. Some of them have chosen this option because they don't feel "ready" to have children, and by not getting married they are not under the guidelines of "go for the gold" for married couples. In every way they are "married"—because they have been a steady boyfriend/girlfriend for some time, and in many cases even live together in the same room—but by not officially getting together they "save" themselves from being responsible to bear children.

God's mind on the matter:

26. (Jesus:) Those of you who are using the semantics of "go for the gold" to avoid having children are completely missing the point. The point of going for the gold is trusting Me and being within My perfect will for your situation. So if you're praying and I've shown you that you should remain in a long-term relationship‚ without the commitment of marriage or getting mated, then you're hitting the nail squarely on the head, and you are indeed going for the gold. Good for you!

27. On the other hand, if you're going out of your way to not marry for the sole purpose of avoiding the "go for the gold" issue or because you don't want to deal with the "commitment," then there's a good chance you're not even hitting brass, because if I tell you it is My highest will for you to have children—which is very likely if you're a couple and it's My will for you to remain together—then by trying to skirt the issue completely, you're not truly obeying Me.

28. Some of you just need to face the music. Have you been faithfully asking Me about your relationship and what My highest will is for you? Have you been open to Me? Have you honestly discussed it with your significant other and shared what I have given you? I'm not trying to rush you, and it's wise to go slow. But some of you have allowed your relationship to stagnate because you are worried or afraid of what I might tell you if you asked Me to speak to you about it.

29. Some of you have worries or fears about "what if things don't work out," or you have things in your heart that you need to resolve with Me—issues about broken families or children being raised by a single parent. I know all that's in your heart, and I have answers for you and advice for your personal situation. But if you're not asking Me, then you're just carrying those burdens‚ and in the meantime don't have the faith to fulfill My will for you, and so you're not as blessed or as happy as you could be.

30. You might think that you will be happier staying as a "semi-committed" couple, without the full commitment of marriage or being mated. But if it's My will for you to be together, being married and raising a family opens up a whole new world of growth and lessons and spiritual progress. Of course, the key is, "if it's My will for you," and that's something important you have to find out. But I want to encourage those of you who haven't heard from Me about this in a while to do so. Ask others to hear from Me for you too, if you have the faith. The confirmations and additional instruction and counsel can be very helpful, and encouraging in the tough times.

31. And, in all this, remember that I will go according to your faith. If you pray and I tell you it's My will for you to have kids‚ and you still don't have the faith to take the plunge yet, then just humbly accept that for now you're going to go for the silver by asking Me how you should do things within your faith and circumstances. I'm not going to label you or look at you differently‚ or love you less, or judge you for your lack of faith. You may miss out on blessings, but the important thing is that you are obeying My Word, which is this: "According to your faith be it unto you." And then as you obey and continue coming back to Me for confirmation and instruction, your faith will grow, and My blessings will grow too. Just keep asking Me; stay in touch with Me on the matter.

32. Until you take the time to be open and honest with Me and with each other and to make the decision of faith, then I can't even give you a silver or brass medal, because you're not even in the race. So strap on your shoes and jump in, and you'll receive blessings for that alone. (End of message.)

33. (Mama: ) Peter and I think it's very wise to go slow in relationships, and most of all to go at the pace the Lord leads you. We're all for that. The important thing is, let the Lord lead you, and be open to Him! As He said in the previous message, keep going back to Him and asking Him for counsel on your relationship and your decisions. Don't be so set on what you think you want that you close yourself off to what the Lord knows would make you truly happy. That applies to having children, choosing fields and ministries‚ living the Law of Love, the direction your relationship takes or doesn't take, and every aspect of your life!

34. The wonderful thing is, when you're seeking the Lord regularly like that, and opening up for Him to speak to you specifically in prophecy about your relationship, He'll not only encourage you to move at the pace He knows is best, but He'll give you lots of good instruction along the way that can make things so much smoother, happier, more pleasant and fulfilling, and give you wonderful, deep bonds of love and intimacy and understanding with your significant other.

In summary:

35. (Mama: ) Stay open to what the Lord wants in your life. Regularly come before Him for what His will is in your relationship, so that you can be truly "going for the gold," and fulfilling the spirit and intent of that Letter, which is trusting Him for His will in your life. If you don't feel ready to have children, you should still be open to the Lord, and you can ask Him to show you how to work within your faith and current circumstances. As you obey, you will be blessed, and will gain faith to trust Him for whatever He knows is best for you.

Key promise:

36. The keys of faith can open doors that were previously shut to you, put desires in your heart you never knew you had, and give you the strength and courage to keep moving forward along the path of My will.

Dig deeper:

*"Children of the Future," ML #2059:53, 55–56, 58, 97-99, Lifelines 16.

*"Classtime with Dad," ML #2322:11-13‚ 18-22, Lifelines 18.

*" Make It Work‚" ML #2433:9,13,23-26, 28-29, DB 9.

Challenging Thot:

37. (Dad: ) God knows best! You'll never go wrong by letting Him lead you. You'll never be sorry! He always gives the very best to those who leave the choices up to Him!

All OUR Children

The issue:

38. (Mama: ) Some people have the attitude toward couples with children—especially those who have several or many children and may need the help of those in their Home—that it's the parents' problem and they should be the ones to deal with it, saying things like, "You made the babies, you take care of them. I didn't choose to have the babies, so why should I help you?"

God's mind on the matter:

[Note: The Lord answered this question in an excerpt of a message we published in "Renewal: A Gift of Love for the Children." We've included more of His answer below:]

39. (Jesus: ) This thinking is wrong, and undermines the Family! First of all, I am the One Who makes babies. You can fuck several times a day for months on end, and unless it is My will to make a baby‚ you won't get pregnant. I give the babies, and every single child I send is a gift from My hand to the Family.

40. There are certain characteristics that separate My Family from the rest of the Christian world. I've given you a unique message for these Last Days—the Words of David. There are many aspects to these radical words—from belief in David as My Endtime prophet, to the sexual freedom I give you, to your link with the spirit world and hearing from beyond—not only directly from Me, but also from your many spirit helpers. You are My intimate brides, and I have given you the commission to live My Law of Love. A very integral part of living the Law of Love is operating as One Wife. All these things separate you from the rest of the world.

41. I've given you the meat of the Word. This meat is not to read as if it were an interesting fictional novel, but it is to live by, obey, and put into practice. The One Wife vision is at the very core of the unique doctrine that I have given you. As you are married to Me‚ you are married to one another. The children in the Family belong to all of you, and anyone who does not consider the children in the Family your responsibility, whether they are your own flesh-and-blood children or not, does not have My mind on the matter.

42. The smaller family unit is necessary and a part of the overall plan, as long as it is kept in its proper place, and as long as it doesn't interfere with your greater marriage to Me and to each other. Group marriage is what I'm for—and by this I mean putting the larger Family, the whole Family, first. This means that every child of David's attitude toward children in the Family should be, "They are all our children."

43. In the world, many Christians put their own private marriage union high up on a pedestal—far above Me and My work. Some of you in the Family today‚ who have no children of your own flesh, must check your hearts to see if you are putting your single lives and independence on a pedestal. Ask yourself if you are living in unselfish and genuine sacrificial love. Are you doing whatever I am calling you to do to help with the children in your Home or area—whether it's actually spending time with the children and helping to teach and train them, or whether it's helping out some way in the Home so others can fill this role? Are you supporting the children in prayer? Are you helping to support them and the parents in whatever way you can?

44. Or are you being partial to yourself, considering first your own interests and selfish desires rather than doing what you can to help with the children? If you are selfish with your own time, to the neglect of the children when there is a need, then you are striking at the very foundation of the One Wife vision I have given to the children of David. You probably believe the One Wife vision is good in theory, but it's when everyone is busy and there's a need that it's put to the test. Are you unselfish enough to live it?

45. The Family's children are all your children. Of course‚ the natural parents have a direct responsibility‚ but I have made you One Wife, one Family, and you are all responsible for each other‚ including the children.

46. For a single or couple with no children, or even a small family with few children, to have the mindset of, "They are your children and your problem," is unacceptable; it doesn't fit with the One Wife vision. Picture other communal living scenarios and you'll get the picture. It would be like a wife saying‚ "Well, I'm sorry, I'm not going to cook dinner for the Home today. I'm only going to cook for my husband and children." Or if the husband said, "I'm not going to provision for the Home today, but just for my little family." Or, "I'm not going to drive you to your appointment; you can fend for yourself." You are all married together. It's give and take‚ living and loving and helping one another, and this is what I want to see among you. Caring for the children is no exception.

47. This attitude of, "They're your kids and your problem" must be rooted out. The solution is that you must begin by accepting that the children in the Family belong to all of you. Get down on your knees and cry out to Me for My love, which will constrain you. Call on the power of the keys of unity, harmony, unselfishness and love to help you start living Acts 2:44-45. "All that believed were together and had all things common…" and this includes your children. Call on the keys of faith, yieldedness and obedience to the Words of David. Start being your brother's keeper. Be My wife, One Wife—married to Me and to this Family. You have the blueprint in My Word and the Letters—be doers of these Words.

48. Get together as a Home and seek Me for practical steps you can take in your situation to institute the One Wife vision when it comes to the care of the children in your Home. Each situation is different, needs are different, but I will give you the specifics for your particular situation. If the parents are overly particular and that makes it hard for others to get involved‚ that's something they need to read up on and work on in order to do their part to make it work.

49. But for most of you, the first fundamental hurdle you need to get over is your mindset regarding the children. Once you accept that you, as a single or as a childless couple‚ are also responsible for the children in your Home, then everything else will fall into place. As you ask Me what the next steps are that you personally need to take and how I want you to help fill this responsibility, now, today, I will tell you all you need to know. I'll direct you to My written Word on the subject, show you where to begin, and give you fresh inspiration and daily leading on how you can progress. Through the keys of the Kingdom your love will go beyond your human ability, your unity will grow‚ and your home of hearts will become a reality as you raise your children in My ways. (End of message.)

In summary:

50. (Mama:) Whether you're a single, a couple, or already parents, you're responsible for the children in your Home. Sharing the load with the care of the children—just as you do with all other aspects of Home care and responsibility—is an integral part of living the One Wife vision, and part of what the Lord expects of us as disciples.

Key promise:

51. Call on the keys of vision to help you see the little ones in your Home as I see them‚ and as they will become. Then it will no longer be such a sacrifice to give to them, for you will realize what an eternal investment it is, and how important it is to your future.

Dig deeper:

*"One Wife," ML #249, DB 5.

*"The Advantages of Having Children," ML #688:42–51, Vol.5.

*"God's Gift Is God's Work," ML #744, DB 1.

*"Real Fathers," ML #1109, DB 1.

*"Caring for Kids Takes Teamwork," ML #2670:1-31, 42-50, DB 10.

*"Mama's News and Views, Part 1," ML #3046:45-49, Lifelines 23.

*"Help from Heaven‚" ML #3056:43-89, Lifelines 23.

*"Living the Lord's Law of Love‚ Part 11," ML #3211:5-16, 94-121, GN 814.

*"Are You a Delinquent Parent?" ML #3388:157-178, GN 984.

*"Where to Now?" ML #3398:66-74, GN 991.

Challenging Thot:

52. (Dad: ) Investing in your children is investing in eternity! They are the disciples God has given you to train‚ and nothing could be more worth your time, attention, love and sacrifices. You're going to be reaping the rewards forever!

Short–term or Long-term Vision?

The issue:

53. (Mama:) Some women—especially young women—don't want to have children because they don't want to "ruin" their bodies, gain weight during pregnancy, get stretch marks, "ruin" their breasts, miss out on the fun of being footloose and fancy free, etc.

54. (Jesus: ) I deliberately set it up so that one of the greatest and most fulfilling joys in life—having a child or children—is also something you have to pay a price for. You give up sleep, your body changes, your priorities have to change, and you can't just think of yourself and your own needs anymore. There's so much growth and adjustment when you have a baby. But it's also one of the most special things in the world to experience.

55. Making the choice not to have children is one of the major ways selfishness is manifested in the Last Days‚ and is somewhat related to the prediction that in the Endtime "the love of many would grow cold." Selfishness is becoming a virtue in the world today‚ and this also touches the area of having children. While it used to be the dream of every young woman to get married and have a big family, now things are very different. Priorities are skewed, and the System is set up to be anti-children‚ and to make life very difficult for those who do have children—they either feel belittled because of the way they're depicted and characterized‚ ostracized because of the anti-family attitudes promoted in the media, or life becomes very difficult as they try to keep up in a world that favors independence and singlehood.

56. On a personal level, you each stand before Me alone. Your choices are your own, and it's between you and Me. Your choices depend on how much you trust Me and how your priorities in life are aligned. It's a very personal decision and faith you have to have, something that you have to get down to business with Me about. You have to dig as deep as you can, exposing every question and attitude and fear to Me, and let Me address each one for you as only I know how.

57. You can't look around you at your peers‚ especially peers in the world‚ because it's radical and "alternative" to love children and to want to have children in the world today—it's not the promoted "norm" or "cool" way to live. You have to look to Me, to stand solid on what we've shared together, to stand firm on your faith in Me and My leading in your life.

58. It's easy to live for the moment, for this hour, for this day, for this month, for this year. It's easier to focus on what you might stand to lose now rather than what you stand to gain later.

59. It's easy for you young women to think about how your bodies will change, your schedules will change, you won't have as much—or even any—free time … there are so many drawbacks in the immediate future if you decide to have children. But stop for a minute and look at the long term. Think about how your children will grow, the experiences that you'll share with them, the part you will play in helping them become well–rounded beautiful people, who—whether they choose to serve Me in this life or not—will go on to do great things for Me in the future.

60. Think about the souls that will come to Me through your children. Think about the lessons that you'll learn of faith, trust, dedication, unselfishness, and how it will enrich your life in ways you can't even imagine right now. Think about how much your children will love you—without a doubt‚ you will be one of their favorite and most needed people, because you're their parent.

61. Think about spending eternity always knowing that you have a bond with your children that will never be broken, a bond of love and friendship and oneness, and you'll be celebrating that love and connection forever! Oh, it's all so far in the future right now, but compare that with a few stretch marks that will pass away when you get your new body, and you'll still have only a tiny idea of how insignificant the sacrifices are compared to the eternal rewards.

62. For many of you women, your fears about what having children will do to your bodies are exaggerated. Some of the most beautiful women in the world have children. Many women are more beautiful after having children than they were before. That's because they end up with a special shine‚ a special glow, and a new form and depth of beauty that they didn't have before, not to mention a wellspring of spiritual riches and rewards that comes with the sacrifices of pregnancy and motherhood.

63. Your body might not be as "picture perfect" after having children as it was before—your breasts might not be as perky, you might have a few stretch marks and/or varicose veins, and you might gain some weight—but there's more to being beautiful and sexy than having a flawless body. If you eat right, exercise right, sleep right, live right, love Me right‚ and take good care of yourself in every way—physically and spiritually—you will be more beautiful inside and outside after having a child.

64. After pregnancy I sometimes even throw in extra little physical blessings like a more defined face, thicker and healthier hair, clearer skin, stronger nails, or even the healing of an ailment or physical affliction you battled for years. After having a baby you won't be "perfect," but I promise you will be beautiful.

65. I'd like My young people who've already had children to declare more openly and frequently the way that their children enrich their lives for Me, the way their children bring them joy, spice up their lives, make things interesting, and keep them on their toes so they never get bored or settled down. It can be a form of praise time for you young parents‚ as well as a form of witnessing of the ways I've taken care of you‚ how I've never let you down, and how you see My hand in your lives as you've moved into the role of parenthood.

66. You who now hold tightly to this selfish desire to preserve your youth and independence won't be young forever. I understand your desire to be independent sometimes and "just have fun." But your youth will fade and you'll long for deeper meaning to your lives, you'll have the desire for fruit that remains, and if it's My will for you to have children, then much of that meaning and long-term fruit can be found in raising a family of your own—unique and special children, unequaled, never-before-seen kids, filled with wonder and curiosity and joy and unconditional love for you, their parents.

67. If you've found peace, My young women, with bearing babies and sacrificing some of that blush of youth you had when you could sleep all you wanted and had more free time, then share your faith with others! Having children is a huge event in one's life, and you need to support each other, to be there for each other, to cheer each other on. You need to praise each other and celebrate each other's victories.

68. When you singles or childless couples have it in your power to do so, you need to give special consideration to the parents you live with. Rather than having the attitude of, "Well‚ you're the ones who decided to produce all those little kids, so you take care of them now, because they're your problem," I want you who don't have children, or whose children are grown up and have flown the nest, to seek Me for ways to be a support and encouragement to young parents.

69. Yes, parents have to be committed to their children; they have to work hard to care for them, and they can't just dump the responsibility on someone else's shoulders while they run off to do "other things." But I hold each one of you accountable—not just the parents, but each disciple of Mine—for how your attitudes and state of heart and mind is toward children and the combined blessing/responsibility that children are.

70. "Children are an heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward." It's My reward to you when I give you children, and you should see it as such. Those in the world who look on it otherwise are paying the price for it. The Catholic church is dying out because of their stubborn insistence on their priests being celibate. Italy and Japan and many other nations are dwindling and diminishing because so few couples want children. In like manner, the attitudes of you young people today toward having children will have long–term implications for the future of the Family, and will also affect your own future service to Me, usefulness, and happiness. This is not to make you have children "for the good of the Family‚" but it's just a simple fact that I'm stating. Having children and training them today is preparing for the future.

71. One of the best ways to grow in your discipleship is to learn the deep lessons of sacrificing and maturing that having children teaches you. This is where asking Me for a longer-term vision will be the salvation of many of you—that is, the salvation of your service for Me. It's not that if you never have children you're doomed to have a fruitless existence, but for many of you, if not most of you‚ I wish to bring you into new realms of service, and those realms can only be entered in the next stage of your growth and lives, the stage where you have children.

72. There's much more that could be said on this topic, but I can say tailor-made words to each of you who are battling with this issue personally, and I trust you and I urge you to seek Me for those words. Whether you're single, or have had just one child‚ or two, or three, if you don't have perfect peace in your heart about your life's decisions, seek Me, for I am the Answer Man and I have answers for each of you. (End of message.)

Text box:

73. (Jesus: ) If you decide to have children just because you want to be "politically correct" in the Family today, you'll be swayed and discouraged later as you hear of the attitudes and opinions of others who don't have the faith to do the same, and this could lead to bitterness against Me for "making you" have children you didn't really want or that you wish you hadn't had.

74. Trust Me, I'm not "making you" do anything. My words in "Go for the Gold" still stand; it's totally your decision. You have My fullest blessing if you trust Me, but don't mistake "just doing it" for trusting Me‚ if you don't have faith and a peace about what you're doing. Having children is a big responsibility‚ and things won't work out well if you decide, "Okay, I'll just go ahead and have them, even though I don't really believe all the principles about how great it is to sacrifice my body and bring new disciples into the world."

75. But don't let the Enemy lie to you either and convince you that you shouldn't have kids because you're not going to be good parents or aren't "ready." Even if you don't feel unselfish and selfless enough, trust that these are the very values you learn in having a family. It's not like you have to start out so mature and "together," because there's so much to learn along the way. But you do have to start out with full faith and peace, and with a good armory full of My personal promises to you, that you can use to attack the Enemy with when he comes around tempting you in the years to come. (End of message.)

End of text box.

In summary:

76. (Mama:) Having children is one of the best ways to grow in discipleship, maturity, unselfishness, and many other ways. It's easy to live for the short term when you're young, but having children is an investment in the future that will grow you up and bring many benefits into your life that are hard to come by otherwise.

Key promise:

77. Claim the keys of perspective to help you see things as I see them, and you'll be able to focus on the things that are truly important and invest in efforts that will bear long-lasting fruit.

Dig deeper:

*"Family News," ML #318C:8-12, DB 6.

*"Train Up a Child," ML #1142:105-125, Volume 11.

*"Go for the Gold," ML #2961:255-288, 445-449, Lifelines 22.

*FJWL 2: #69, 76.

Challenging Thot:

78. (Mama:) No one ever said that anything in life was going to be easy. Life is difficult‚ and there are a lot of sacrifices. But we aren't living for ourselves or our own pleasure or comfort. If we were‚ we'd be doing something else for sure! We are living for others, and we're willing to make the sacrifices, because each sacrifice to reflect Jesus' love brings more souls into the Kingdom. And each soul that's won brings us a step closer to the End. Day by day we're winning this war!

Spiritual Freedom = Physical Freedom?

The issue:

79. (Mama: ) Some people look down on others in the Family who enjoy real pure sexual freedom, or who personally like sexy parties and sexy fellowship and sexy games, etc. Some of those who don't like these kinds of things criticize those who do, just because it goes beyond their personal comfort zone. A few examples of their criticisms are things like‚ "What's wrong with you, or why do you like or need these kind of things anyway?" "You're pretty unspiritual." "You're too loose." "You're a slut." "You make other people feel bad or left out or hurt." "You're not respecting your marriage." "You're pressuring people to do things they don't want to do." Or if the people engaging in these things hold a position of leadership, people say that they're not portraying a proper sample of spirituality or fidelity.

80. These people who criticize others for liking these types of sexually free activities tend to put down the freedom of the spirit, not being willing to recognize that with freedom of the spirit comes freedom of the flesh too—within the godly limits the Lord has set down for us in the Charter and the Letters, of course. The churches hated Dad for his physical freedom that came from the spiritual freedom he had.

81. We've received some pretty strong letters or complaints a few times when we've mentioned things in the Letters that were sexually free—like the strip at Peter's all-adult birthday party, or when Peter showed some sexy photos of me at an area meeting (also all adults), etc. There are some people who are not only uncomfortable with those types of things personally, but they actively criticize those who are comfortable with that type of freedom, and feel it's wrong, unwise, unspiritual‚ or carnal and fleshly.

God's mind on the matter:

82. (Jesus:) Ultimate freedom‚ of both the spirit and the flesh, can never be completely attained while you're in this earthly dimension. You'll have new horizons to discover once you leave behind your old earthly shell and earthbound mindsets, and enter My heavenly realm and get completely reeducated into heavenly mindsets.

83. There are a lot of hindrances and limitations to freedom of both the spirit and the flesh on Earth. There's the original fall of man that led to shame of nakedness and exalting the pride of knowledge over the godly simplicity of nudity and yieldedness to My ways and rules.

84. There are the diseases of man that are a scourge on the world and cause people to be reserved and fearful—and in the Family this bleeds over to not wanting to seem too free or open because some are afraid to share sexually with a lot of others.

85. There is the selfish nature of man that has to be overcome if you want to exist happily in an atmosphere of loving and giving—because you won't always be included in everything, and you will sometimes have to give to those you wouldn't naturally want to give to. Cultivating true, unselfish love doesn't come naturally. It requires work, effort, and commitment to gaining the needed victories in order for things to work the way I want them to.

86. There are the erroneous church-encouraged "sanctity of marriage" rules, and while it is My way for you to honor your husband or wife‚ to stay committed, and to be a strong team for Me, the church and the traditions of man have polluted and muddied the marriage waters by cutting off avenues of loving others from the framework of a strong marriage‚ and giving inappropriate and distorted meanings to words like "fidelity," "faithfulness," and "cheating."

87. In reality, My Law of Love calls you to greater sacrificial love and giving by leading you to love your spouse with My love, and also love others with My love, resisting the urge to be selfish or self-serving, or to be secluded in your blessings while disregarding the feelings of others. It takes a greater love to live My Law of Love when you're married‚ because you have to "draw a circle to include everyone," and not draw little circles that either exclude your mate or others who are in need.

88. In the hippie era of the early Family‚ it was easier for My New Church of the Family to break away from the traditions and mores and limiting mindsets of the System and the churchy ways, because this was the core element of hippie life—to be different, to be free. Now in this new day, with this new generation, it's the going thing to conform to what is cool and accepted in the world, with the delusional belief that in doing so you're "free," when in reality this new generation in the world is more bound than ever through the bondage of Bacchus. They experiment with outrageous sexual practices, with extreme sports‚ with all the vices available, and fool themselves into thinking that this means they are "free," when in reality they are more bound than ever because they are not free in the spirit and therefore can never be truly free in the flesh.

89. Many of My younger generation in the Family have also fallen for this deception, and have embraced the illusions that Bacchus gives, thinking that as long as they are "in control" and have decided to experiment this or that way, they are free, when in reality they are just going along with the masses, traveling down the road to further bondage.

90. That's when the cycle of "Old Church, New Church" manifests itself, because when one of My children demonstrates true freedom of the spirit, which is truly humble, truly loving, truly unselfish, it causes others of My children—those who are deluded about what it means to be truly free—to squirm and to feel uncomfortable. Then they search for some reason or way to blame My free children, whether married or single, for their feelings of awkwardness, and latch onto the System attitudes, accusing My free children of being "unfaithful in their marriages," "unwise," or simply uncool.

91. Yes, My loves, it's a cycle of "Old Church vs. New Church." It doesn't matter how trendy you are‚ how physically attractive you are, or how cool people think you are, because if you aren't humble before Me and open to My spirit of freedom, and truly loving toward your fellow brides, you are in danger of entering the ranks of the Old Church.

92. What are the characteristics of the Old Church? She wants to cover up. She wants trappings. She wants expensive toys that distract and separate her from simply being naked in the bed of love with her Husband—Me. She wants to be known as "somebody," and so she loathes being a simple, naked beggar bride before Me. She is far too aware of the opinions of others, the mindsets of the status quo of society. She wants too badly to be accepted by the progeny of Bacchus—those who have given themselves over completely to his bondage.

93. She seeks crutches to feed the illusion of freedom—depending upon alcohol and other vices to take her into a state of supposed freedom—so that she doesn't have to truly seek My freedom of the Spirit and give up the trappings of the world in order to get it. She resents those who embrace the things of the Spirit wholeheartedly, because she's not willing to give up the demons of conformity and worldliness that she's suckling, or to continually burn the idols of the world—anything that comes between My relationship with her—in order to have Me fully.

94. Is this an alarming picture of the Old Church?—Alarming because you see in her characteristics of your own life?

95. Be like David, who danced naked before Me in wild abandon, showing the world through his freedom in the flesh that he was freely and completely Mine in the spirit.

96. Freedom of the spirit is not about stripping off your clothes or playing a sexy game just to "prove" that you're not too proud or worldly to do so. It's about being My bride in every aspect of your life, about taking your clothes off or putting them on according to the need and leadings of the moment. It's not about being set in your ways, or figuring that‚ "If I do such-and-such that I don't feel like doing, it means I'm free in the spirit and still a part of the New Church." It's about letting the breath of God flow through your spirit on a daily basis, being yielded and open to Me‚ letting Me guide your life through prophecy, embracing praise, prayer, the keys, your spirit helpers, and all the other weapons of the spirit.

97. It's much more important to be free in the spirit than in the flesh‚ for there are many circumstances and situations where My Spirit will guide you not to demonstrate your freedom in the flesh. Yet even in those situations, you can still be free and yielded in the spirit‚ demonstrating the wild and sexy free spirit of David, who led the Family out of the System and all its conformity and covering up, and into the beautiful new realm of abandonment of all that was in the world, and total acceptance of the love of their Creator.

98. Being free in the spirit is about truly being married to Me and seeking to please Me in every aspect of your life. It's about being Spirit–led. It's about asking Me everything. It's about checking in with Me if I want you to do the humble thing in any given situation, and how I want you to do it. It's about being humble enough to let Me stretch your spirit into new areas of growth, even if those areas are a little uncomfortable for you.

99. Being free in the spirit is about praying always for My Spirit to flow in your times of recreation, sexual sharing‚ and fellowship with others. It's about glorifying Me and loving Me intimately. It's about being vocal regarding your faith in Me and love for Me.

100. Being free in the spirit is not a competition to see who can be the most humble or do the seemingly most humble thing. It's not about condemning or judging others who are still growing in these areas. It's not a works trip of hosting big sexy events and then seeing who is going to be the most uninhibited. It's just about being My bride. It's just about loving Me. It's just about being proud to be My beggar bride, and having no reputation amidst those who are bound in the world.

101. This is the school of life, and learning to be truly free in My Spirit will be a lifelong process. But if you recognize you've been bound with System attitudes or with the illusions of Bacchus, you can seek prayer and claim the keys of humility and abandon, the keys of the Bride of Christ, and pray that you will enter the ranks of the New Church in spirit, and leave behind the spirit of the Old Church. (End of message.)

In summary:

102. (Mama: ) Freedom of the spirit is all about being willing to do anything, any time, anywhere, for our wonderful Husband. When you let yourself be influenced by the attitudes and conformities of the world, when your pride and selfishness, or your personal desires and preferences become more important to you than our Love's leading, it's a sign of becoming like the Old Church. And when you're in that state, the freedom of the spirit seems scary or inappropriate or even bothersome. The cure is to be married to Jesus, in love with Him, and seeking to please Him in every aspect of your life. Then He can gently lead you and show you what is appropriate and needed and wise in each situation. That is true freedom of the spirit.

Key promise:

103. The keys of humility and abandon will help you undress before Me in the spirit‚ and desire Me so much that all you want is My love, My approval, My seeds. No matter how you feel, what your past is like, or how far you have drifted from Me, I long for you to become My beggar bride once again, for in that state you are beautiful in My eyes, and greatly beloved by Me.

Dig deeper:

*"God's Love Slave," ML #537, DB 1.

*"Sex Jewels," ML #919:1-4, 7-8, 11–15, 22-24, 28-33, 38-45‚ Vol.8.

*"Fire and Freedom," ML #1829:72-77, Vol.15.

*"Sex and Honesty‚" ML #1922, DB 2.

*"Living the Lord's Law of Love‚ Part 1," ML #3201:42-78, 106-123, GN 804.

*"How to Love Me More, Part 1," ML #3282:119-125, GN 888.

*"Mama's Memos, No.12‚" ML #3287:18–28, GN 885.

*"Be True to the Revolution," ML #3364:55-104, GN 960.

*"Separation from the World—And the New Wine," ML #3425:32-63, GN 1010.

Challenging Thot:

104. (Dad: ) You're living the life of a disciple—a calling very few in the world or throughout history have been willing to accept. You've accepted it because you love Jesus and you want others to know Him too, so you're willing to make the necessary sacrifices, because you realize that in comparison to the fruit of your labors—which is eternal souls—the sacrifices are really nothing! That's why you're doing this—because it's going to pay off big time, with fruit, rewards, happiness, joy, and pleasures forever—and most of all, the fulfillment of knowing that you did your very best.

Anal Sex

The issue:

105. (Mama:) Anal sex is very prevalent in the world, and has become quite accepted in some circles in the Family as well. For one thing, it's a form of birth control—a way to fuck without risking pregnancy. In some people's minds, the more they push the limits of what's considered "wrong" or "forbidden‚" the more exciting it is and the sexier they consider themselves to be. Some people have the question whether anal sex is just a moral taboo that we can now lighten up on, much like men having oral sex on women was once considered sort of unclean in the Family but is now more common. (See ML #3138:13, Lifelines 24.)

God's mind on the matter:

106. (Jesus:) "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." You're all familiar with that verse, and by this time you should know that My attitudes toward sex are not conservative and churchy, or in any way trying to limit what is good for you and what is a God-given pleasure for you to enjoy. I want to remind you of this so that you will remember that I'm not against your pleasure, I'm not against you enjoying yourselves, but it is My job as not only your Shepherd, but also as your Creator, to remind you that not everything that feels good or is fun is good and fun for you.

107. I can honestly tell you, as the One Who made you, that anal sex is not good for you, that it is not part of My plan‚ and that if you want to please Me and not abuse your body or put yourself in a dangerous spiritual position‚ you will refrain from this practice. Is it the worst thing in the world? No. Can it be done with some measure of safety? Maybe sometimes. Can it be pleasurable? Yes, for some—but that still doesn't mean that it's My will or that it's a good idea. That's something we have to get out of the way right from the beginning if you're going to understand My viewpoint on this issue.

108. It's the Devil's lies that "whatever feels good, must be good," or "if the Lord made it possible, He must have wanted it to happen, or He wouldn't have let it be possible." Consider the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. You can see clearly in hindsight that it was put there as a test, something you could partake of, yet which would have dire consequences. Yet the Enemy would and did in fact say, "Hey, God wouldn't have planted it there if He didn't want you to eat from it, right? Why can you eat from every other tree and not this one, huh? What's so bad about this one?"

109. So it is with this issue of anal sex. Yes, it's physically possible; yes, some people do enjoy it; and yes, the Enemy does make people desire it and make them think it turns them on more, simply because it's "bad" and "naughty" and "dirty." The fact of the matter is, it's wrong‚ and it's not how I want you to have sex. There are numerous things you can do to your bodies that are possible, yet that are not good for you. Life shouldn't be a contest of how much you can survive and how many things you can do that are wrong, yet you live to tell the tale.

110. I'll give you a list of some reasons why it is better not to eat from this tree. But as I do‚ I want you to remember that I'm discussing this because you made it an issue. I want you to be mature about this; forsake for a minute your viewpoints and reasons, and hear Me out as to why I'm saying it's better to refrain. After you've heard My reasons, if you don't like them, don't agree with them, or have further questions‚ just ask Me. I won't judge you for asking, but I will have to hold you accountable who do hear yet decide to disobey anyway. Okay, on with the list:

111. 1) It's not healthy. Simply put, you're not supposed to fuck that way. Your anus is not made for that kind of thing, and to do so is technically a twisting and perverting of the natural use of that part of your body. This isn't to say that vaginal sex is the only kind I allow, because you can see that other forms of sex do not have a negative drawback‚ yet anal sex does. If I didn't want you to have oral sex I could have made your sexual juices poisonous except when used for actual intercourse, or I could have made it otherwise physically impossible or discouraged. But I didn't. If you're clean and careful, there are no harmful drawbacks.

112. Yet although some may argue that anal sex can be done cleanly, especially if protection is used, it's simply not clean enough. It's not good for you to come into contact with the germs and waste that are present in that area. That area is for elimination of waste, basically your poisons and what you don't need in your body, and it shouldn't be contacted by your other parts, especially deep inside.

113. There's also the matter of your muscles there not being constructed in a way that can accommodate fucking without damage, not to mention the possibility of disease or damage to your internal organs. If I at all wanted you to do this, I could have easily made it to work both ways, but I didn't. No matter how gentle or careful you are, anal sex will cause damage of some sort‚ and it will not be good for you. Again, it's not that it's so much worse than other kinds of damage that you can do to your body, such as overeating, exercising too hard, eating too little, bulimia, etc., but it's still damage to your body‚ your temple, and keeping your body in good shape to be used of Me is something that I've asked.

114. 2) It's dangerous spiritually. Like it or not, continually looking for ways to push the envelope toward the negative and dangerous in your sexual life is not of Me. Keeping your sex life exciting is completely allowed and encouraged; in fact‚ I Myself can continually add new positive and thrilling dimensions‚ such as the Loving Jesus revelation, which allowed those who were mature enough to take their sex life to a whole new level.

115. But, like the trees in the Garden of Eden, not every option or path that you can take your sex life down is a positive one. There are some forms of sex that are good for you and some that are bad, some that are My gifts to you and some that are counterfeits of the Enemy. Anal sex is one of these counterfeits, and it is a step toward more severe kinds of distortion of the natural sexual process. I am especially against sex that begins to lead you away from pleasuring each other and begins to focus more on hurting each other. Though you may think it turns you on, what you're actually doing is slowly allowing the Enemy to replace your pleasure with pain and make you think that you're enjoying it.

116. He's trying to twist the godly act of sex and making each other feel so good into the demonic practice of making each other feel so bad! Yet he's tried to make it seem like a cool thing to do, usually starting slowly‚ mixing a little of each in. But that's not where it ends. To dabble in certain practices puts you on that path to extreme sexual perversion that is much more than just a misuse of your body‚ and can actually open the door to demon possession and demonic involvement in your sex life. This is not an exaggeration.

117. It's not something you will hear much about, even from Me, as I have no interest in glorifying the works of the Devil, but I will tell you plainly that demonic sex is a terrible thing, brings no pleasure, and only glorifies Satan. You may not be anywhere near these levels in the seemingly harmless but "naughty" and "dirty" things you like to do that make you feel cooler than other people who are having "boring" or "normal" sex, but you are definitely on the path to the wrong things if you are starting to partake in what I'm saying is not good, and starting to develop those attitudes.

118. The very fact that "bad," "dirty," "naughty," "nasty," etc., have become sexy words in the world should prove My point here and show you that the Enemy's plan is very much in action. Why should something that I created be bad or naughty, and why should it turn you on to think that you are being those things? Most of you don't think of it in that way; you just use those words and the feelings they represent mostly as the clichés that they have become in the world. But since you have asked these questions, I am revealing more about the true nature of this kind of attitude, and you have to smarten up and realize that just because "everyone says that" or "everyone calls it that" doesn't mean that it's right. You might use it innocently, yet its meaning and end result is anything but innocent.

119. Back to the anal sex issue: It is very much a steppingstone on the path to demonic sex that I described above. If you are interested in giving no place to the Devil and keeping your sex life free of his influences, you will not even go near the beginning of the path to his domain. It is not cool to dance down the path a little and then brag to your friends about how far down it you have dallied. It is not acceptable in My sight to take peeks and pleasure jaunts into his domain. It is giving place to the Devil, and I ask that you do not do it.

120. I'm not saying, "Anal sex is demonic and you will be demon-possessed if you do it!" But I am trying to point out that it is a beginning‚ a step toward something that is much worse. It's a lot like marijuana‚ where most people who are ignorant will tell you that it's nothing and barely makes a difference. Yet people who have learned from hard experience with drugs will tell you that it's a steppingstone to drugs that are much more powerful and harmful, and that if you want to be safe and not go down that road of sorrow, you will not even take the first step.

121. It is for that reason that I am stating plainly that anal sex is dangerous for you spiritually. It is dangerous to begin to turn sex that is godly and loving and pleasurable into something that can bring pain and disease and much more serious sexual perversion, and which is ultimately of the Devil.

122. 3) It's a bad sample. Of course, no one is advertising to your friends and new disciples that‚ "Oh yeah, listen to what I and my girlfriend do," but word gets around all the same, and it's not a good reflection of the Family or My Law of Love. Of course, a lot of your sexual practices are frowned upon by the world and considered strange, yet there are certain ones that I am proud that My children are known for‚ and some for which I am ashamed. Having it be known that you share your mates in love with one another without shame makes Me happy and proud that My gospel of love is preached. Yet having it be known, even if only in certain private circles, that you have ungodly and dirty sex disappoints Me and makes Me hope that it doesn't reach the ears of those who will be stumbled.

123. Even the fact that it has become an issue large enough that it is addressed in My GNs to you, My Word, saddens Me. I'm not sorry to give you My answers when you ask, but I wish that we could talk about more uplifting things, things that will help you to become better disciples, rather than having to address and spend time dealing with the perversions you've allowed yourselves to dabble in or be tricked into through compromise with the world. I'm sad that those who do not participate in this practice have to spend time dwelling on it on account of those of you who have.

124. 4) The issue of birth control. There are some that use anal sex purely as a means to enjoy sex without having the worry of bearing children for My glory. I have said much on this topic in the "Go for the Gold" Letters and other related Word, and I don't think I need to repeat My stance on birth control and the attitude of wanting the pleasure without the responsibility here. This makes it yet another reason that this act is unacceptable in My sight.

125. 5) It demeans godly sex. Whether by intent or not, when you have people who are doing things like this, it can tend to make those who are not feel bad, or not as cool, or prudish and boring when it comes to sex. I do not wish for My disciples to be subjected to that kind of pressure. Especially with young people, it can get to be a big deal to where you're not cool if you're not doing it or haven't done it‚ and that leads people‚ especially women, to do it when they don't have the faith for it, and don't want it, and don't enjoy it. This is very sad and wrong in My eyes.

126. I do not like this practice even when done between consenting partners, but I especially don't like it when, because it's the "in thing," someone is practically forced into it through peer pressure and the fear of losing their boyfriend or girlfriend because they're not "adventurous enough." They're being pressured into something that is wrong, dangerous‚ and can be very painful and degrading.

127. I don't like the attitude that lifts up this kind of sex and the people who participate in it as having reached some kind of special level that everyone else has not. In My eyes they are no sexier‚ cooler, more advanced, or more in the know than those who enjoy simpler sex. The less pressures there are about sex, the better I like it, and having this particular type of sex removed from My Family is very much within My will.

128. The freedom I have given you is very great, and your boundaries are very wide, and there is enough allowed by Me to keep you satisfied and excited and tantalized for the rest of your life. Having Me as a spiritual sex partner also doubles and triples the worlds you can explore, and there are oceans to swim in, both in physical and spiritual sex. For this reason I would not have any of you belittle your sex life or be made to feel that you are boring or not as interesting sexually as those who indulge in perversion.

129. 6) For all these reasons, anal sex is forbidden in the Charter. (Note: See "Sex and Affection Rules‚" N.)

130. Is that enough said on this topic? Remember to ask Me if your questions haven't been covered or if you need clarification on an issue, or even about a certain kind of sex you're having that you enjoy. I'm open to questions and I will speak to you if you are yielded.

131. One way to know whether something you're doing is okay or not is to ask yourself whether you're willing to bring it before Me in prophecy, or let someone else pray about it for you. If something you're doing feels good but you're not sure if I approve of it or not‚ yet you're willing in heart to ask Me about it or ask someone else to pray about it for you, and obey what I say, then chances are it's probably all right; or even if it's not, your heart is in the right place and I'll help you forsake it and find a good alternative, and you will not be hindered by whatever it was you were doing.

132. But if you refuse to bring a practice of yours before Me, preferring to leave Me out of it entirely, then you can safely assume that whatsoever is not of faith is sin‚ and for My disciples, that should be reason enough to realize it's "off." You are sinning in My eyes by doing something that you know is iffy, yet refusing to bring it before Me. That is a sure test and a good way to know My will concerning your sex life.

133. Thank you for hearing My counsel on this topic, and thank you for obeying. There is freedom in My Spirit! Use it, but don't abuse it! (End of message.)

Additional reading:

134. (Question:) What about the practice some people have of putting a finger in the anus of their partner during sex?

135. (Jesus:) This is in a different category than anal sex because it's not physically harmful, it's not a method of birth control, and it doesn't cause pain and lead down that perverted path like anal sex does. However, it is dirty‚ and transferring the germs that live naturally and perfectly safely in the anus to the vagina can cause venereal disease that then can spread to others and require medication to treat, except for a supernatural miracle. So for that reason, I would classify it as unclean and not recommended. I don't forbid it, but I consider it unwise and unnecessary. Also, those who have been involved in anal sex or who are tempted with desiring things I call perversions would do well to stay far away from the "edge of the cliff," so to speak, lest they compromise little by little and wind up back in the snare of disobedience. (End of message.)

In summary:

136. (Mama:) Anal sex is not healthy, clean, or okay with the Lord. He asks us not to do it, and He warns us of its dangers‚ spiritually and physically. As His disciples, we belong to Him and our bodies belong to Him, so it's His call! For all these reasons, anal sex is forbidden in the Charter.

Key promise:

137. If your attitudes and appetites have become perverted‚ claim the keys of cleansing, and then start to obey Me anyway‚ even if you don't feel like it. I will do the miracle and change you, even down to your likes and dislikes‚ so that you can be happy and satisfied fulfilling My will.

Dig deeper:

*"Revolutionary Lovemaking," ML #259:33-35, Vol.2.

*"Proof It's the Endtime," ML #2150:39-44, 46, Vol.17.

*"Living the Lord's Law of Love, Part 5," ML #3205:151-161, GN 808.

Challenging Thot:

138. (Dad:) We have so little time to get the job done! So for God's sake and the sake of the lost, quit worrying about yourself and these insignificant bumps in the road that aren't even going to be remembered tomorrow! Get the world vision! You have a calling from God! Take it up, and start living it! Be a disciple! Be a revolutionary! Change your part of the world! Make a difference in the ways that really count! If you can get this perspective and fight to keep it‚ you'll never be sorry. Your sacrifices and labors will be returning to you blessings, rewards, and fruit that remains for all eternity.

The Line Between Female Affection and Lesbianism

The issue:

139. (Mama:) In the Charter, male-with-male homosexuality is forbidden, but women-with-women affection and sex is allowed within the guidelines of the Law of Love and the "Sex and Affection Rules." However‚ we have received numerous letters about young women engaging in sex and affection with each other in ways that are hurtful to others and out of the spirit, including sometimes bordering on or becoming a lesbian relationship, manifesting jealousy, emotional feelings, one or both partners wanting to be more with the other woman than with men, etc.

140. There have also been instances of young women seducing teen girls into these scenarios, which sometimes results in Charter infractions regarding sexual contact. Often these teen girls haven't yet fully developed their sexuality, so this contact with other women interferes with their natural growth and experience in these areas.

141. These women-with–women sexual encounters or relationships are often looked on as "cool" by others, and it seems to spread quickly. There is also often a problem when these sexual encounters take place in public places or inappropriate circumstances. These young women justify their actions or refuse shepherding on the grounds that the Charter allows it, and also on the grounds that I have written about it in the past (see ML #3063:93-97, Lifelines 23).

142. This is a topic that I have more counsel from the Lord on, which I hope to get to you in the future. But for now, here's the short, to-the-point answer from our Husband.

God's mind on the matter:

143. (Jesus:) Women-with-women affection is permitted within the boundaries of the Charter. I have granted this leeway from the norm (which is male-with-female sex and affection) for several reasons, and there is nothing wrong with it when it is done in love‚ humility, and a sweet spirit, and within the guidelines of the Law of Love and the Charter.

144. However, I created man and woman to need each other, to be bound in marriage, to create children together. This is My plan and this is the natural way. So when women-with-women interaction crosses the boundaries of simple affection and friendship and becomes more of a binding or preoccupying relationship, or if it smacks of pride, or exclusion of others, or if it hurts others in any way, or if it is a bad testimony, these are all signs that it is no longer under the umbrella of permissible and godly "affection," and has started to deviate to the realm that the Enemy would like to bring all good things into—perversion, distortion‚ and rebellion against My humble‚ loving, simple, giving ways.

145. So those are some criteria you can judge by. If women of consenting age want to occasionally have some affection between themselves and they do it in a humble, loving, giving way, according to the boundaries of the Law of Love and the Charter; if they continue to desire and have loving sexual interaction with men; if they are not exclusive or hurtful toward others; if they carry a spirit of humility and openness to counsel and shepherding, these are all good signs, and there is nothing wrong with womanly affection.

146. However, if the negative fruits or symptoms I mentioned above start to manifest themselves‚ then the women involved are no longer under the rules I have laid down‚ and the situation has become something which I do not allow, I cannot bless, and which I expect the shepherds and those responsible to help correct before it stumbles others and becomes a hindrance to the work and a point of spiritual weakening for the Home and team members.

147. Lesbianism, in which women are attracted to relationships and sex exclusively with other women, is not permitted in the Family. It's a distortion of My natural ways, it's a bad testimony, and it carries with it spirits of perversion and disobedience and rebellion, which will weaken the person who is being influenced by them, and eventually will weaken the Home. By their fruits, you will know them.


148. (Jesus:) Lesbian relationships are forbidden according to the Charter, because such relationships do not bear good fruit. They are unnatural‚ ungodly, and I do not approve of them. A lesbian relationship can hurt the unity of the Home, it can hurt the men who are excluded‚ it can hurt the children who are observers, and most importantly, it can hurt and weaken the spiritual lives of the women involved, as well as those affected by their relationship.

149. Lesbian relationships promote exclusion of others (especially men), worldliness, independence, ungodly attitudes (especially toward men), and can invite perversions and other familiar spirits. When something is not My will—and lesbian relationships are not—I cannot bless them. They hurt others, they hurt the work, and they hurt the spirits of those involved.

150. I do, however, allow women-with-women affection and sex within the boundaries of the Charter and the Law of Love. If it doesn't hurt anyone‚ if it's godly, if it's done in My Spirit of love and humility, if it bears good fruit, if the parties involved hear from Me specifically in prophecy and remain open to shepherding, and if it's not contravening the Charter or the Word, then it is within the allowance of My will. I do not promote it, but neither do I condemn it. I do not look down on those who do, nor do I disapprove of those who don't.

151. I have given My brides the freedom to operate within the realm of My Spirit, but at the same time I expect extreme prayerfulness, love‚ and wisdom, as well as openness to shepherding and counsel, when partaking of such liberties. And if it's not your cup of tea, don't look down on others who I allow to participate in it within the bounds of My Spirit. (End of message.)

In summary:

152. (Mama:) Women-with-women affection is permitted in the Charter, but lesbian relationships are not. The criterion for judging such scenarios is very basic: By their fruits you will know them. Those who wish to partake of such liberties within the boundaries of the Charter and the Word are responsible to be prayerful, humble‚ loving‚ wise, and open to shepherding, so that the interactions are kept within the guidelines of the Lord's Spirit. They're also responsible to keep any sexual affection within the boundaries of the Charter by keeping it private and away from any public areas of the Home.

Key promise:

153. The keys are stronger than any other influence on earth. Call on their power to set you free and keep you free from the Enemy's traps‚ and you will be able to live and give My love as never before.

Dig deeper:

*"Exposing Keda's Problem," ML #1748‚ DB 7.

*"Victory," ML #1750:23-24, GN Book 20.

*"The Way Things Really Are in WS," ML #3309:196-215, GN 910.

Challenging Thot:

154. Sometimes it helps to remember why you're in the Family and why you're fighting to live the Word and obey the Lord. It's not for yourself, it's not for your own comfort, or earthly wealth, or the physical perks or benefits. It's for eternal values. It's because you believe that being a disciple is the best way to show others the love of Jesus. It's because being a revolutionary proves God is living today, and that everything about the world and selfishness and the Devil's way is just that—wrong! It proves there's a better way to live, and that Jesus has the answers, which helps to put everything else in perspective.

Dad's Teachings on the Law of Love

The issue:

155. (Mama:) Some people seem to think that just because Dad apologized for not setting clearer boundaries in regards to the Law of Love (see "An Answer to Him that Asketh Us‚" ML #3016, Lifelines 22)‚ that means that everything Dad did that was free or sexy was probably or possibly wrong. They sort of have the attitude that Dad was a "dirty old man" and should have controlled himself better.

God's mind on the matter:

156. (Jesus:) I know that there's a tendency to think that because David apologized for not setting clearer boundaries in regards to the Law of Love, that he might have been admitting basic mistakes in the whole concept. Or, it can give the impression that he was too extreme, and that everything he did regarding sex was unwise or inappropriate.

157. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your prophet was a pioneer. He hacked out of the wilderness some of the basic concepts and truths upon which My world is founded‚ and in order to do so he had to buck a tremendous amount of pressure of preconceived ideas and mindsets that have ruled the earth since Lucifer and Baal began with the first cover-ups.

158. David simply took you back to the Garden of Eden and uncovered and made known the fact that love is pure, pure, pure. It was a pioneer effort, and who else had ever done such a thing with such clarity and such pinpoint accuracy, in the face of so much opposition? No one‚ let Me tell you—not with the truth, clarity and preciseness of your Endtime prophet, My mouthpiece whom I used to deliver into your hands, My Endtime children, the truths that I wanted you to live by.

159. The fact of the matter is that when he apologized, David was merely admitting that he could have done a better job in some respects—in those respects where some of his children needed guidelines. David was a busy man. He was busy doing My work, carving out the building, and like an architect, designing the walls and entryway and the pillars of this new room for you all to explore. What he didn't realize in his busyness to get the job done‚ and done as well as he could do it, was that some of you‚ My friends, would turn it to evil; that some of you would misuse this great truth. So he was simply saying he should have done a better job; he should have prepared for that eventuality, and he didn't. He apologized and said he was wrong in that particular point of the matter‚ that's all.

160. But just leave it up to Baal and Satan to use that little admission to infiltrate your mind. You should know better than that, and you shouldn't leave yourself so open to any little undermining point that the Enemy might want to use against you. You have the whole building, the whole truth that David uncovered for you‚ and you look at this one missing nail or this one missing guidepost at the entryway, and you say, "My God, is the whole building faulty?!" No, I tell you, it isn't. But what is faulty is your outlook--your leaving yourself open to such minuscule attacks.

161. That's where you need to strengthen your foundation, your outlook, and ask yourself why you are open to such unfounded attacks. Ask yourself, "What's wrong here? Where's my faith?" Strengthen your faith, brethren. Strengthen your faith, friends. For if the footmen weary you, despite all the truth you have been given to stand upon for years on end, what shall you do when the horsemen come? (End of message.)

In summary:

162. (Mama:) The beautiful building of the Law of Love is a masterpiece in the Lord's eyes. Dad did a great job! His only mistake was not setting clearer guidelines and rules for those who would misuse the liberty the Lord had given us. Strengthen your faith! Don't leave yourself open to such senseless attacks on your foundation and the truth the Lord has given us!

Key promise:

163. Call on the keys of faith and connecting with Me when you read the Word, and claim specifically that I will help you to strengthen your foundation, and the combined effort of sucking in the spirit, calling on the keys‚ and immersing yourself in My Word will do wonders for your spiritual life and foundation of faith.

Dig deeper:

*"An Answer to Him That Asketh Us‚" ML #3016:47-51, 64-84, Lifelines 22.

*"Goals for 1998," ML #3160:165–175, Lifelines 24.

*"Golden Victories," ML #3162:205-208, GN 768.

*"Living the Lord's Law of Love, Part 5," ML #3205:134-165‚ GN 808.

*"Living the Lord's Law of Love, Part 10," ML #3210:89-116, GN 813.

*"Issues, Part 16," ML #3450:102-139, GN 1040.

Challenging Thot:

164. We're living for Jesus because we want as many as possible to come to know His love and be set free from the clutches of Satan. We are fighting a spiritual warfare, and we feel it every day! Every day we gird ourselves in our spiritual armor and go to war. But we're willing to do it because we know we're winning! And the triumphant victory at the end of this battle is going to bring peace on earth for 1,000 years, and a chance for all men to know the Lord. Now that's worth giving your life for!

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