KEYWORDS: teens, jetts, renewal, junior teens, lord, time

Renewal: A JETT and Junior Teen Challenge

Karen Zerby

Note: This GN is for senior teens on up. Please do not leave it where the JETTs or junior teens will see it. Thank you.

By MariaMaria #680 FD/MM/FM 3492 4/04

Dear Family‚

1. In this GN I'm going to focus on our JETTs and junior teens and their needs during the renewal. You'll find that a lot of the counsel in the renewal GNs you've already read can be applied to the JETTs and junior teens. You can read "Renewal: The Big Picture" with them, if you haven't already done so, because even though it is more focused on the adults (those 18+) and senior teens, it contains many good spiritual principles regarding the renewal and it will be helpful for them in understanding the big picture.

2. "Renewal: A Gift of Love for the Children" also contains some very important counsel that can be applied to your parenting, shepherding‚ and care of the JETTs and teens. For example:

* Believe that all of the things that the Lord instructs you to do in your care of the JETTs and junior teens in this GN are possible and doable with His help and key power.

* Unite as a Home to pray about and figure out how you're going to meet the needs of the JETTs and junior teens during the renewal, pooling resources, and each person praying about how you can make a difference.

* Have faith and conviction in the renewal yourself‚ as well as a positive attitude, so that you can be an uplifting influence and support to the JETTs and junior teens in your Home.

* Focus on the long-term benefits of the renewal in your JETTs' and teens' lives, which will give you the faith to follow through and obey even when it's difficult, not only for your sake but for theirs too.

* Plan ahead to make things special for the JETTs and junior teens‚ and even pray about rewards for exemplary behavior and steps of progress.

* Use the weapons of praise, intercessory prayer, and the keys.

3. So here I'm mainly going to address and include counsel on any extra concerns or specifics that are unique to the realm of the JETTs and junior teens. And in addition to this GN‚ you've probably also noticed that there's a shorter Letter (GN 1078) directed to the JETTs and junior teens themselves included with the renewal package you received. This is a personal letter from me to them, along with some messages from the Lord that you can read with them prior to the renewal, and which they can then keep copies of to study and review. Even though it's addressed specifically to the JETTs and junior teens‚ please be sure to read it as well, dear adults and senior teens.

4. Preparing these GNs for the renewal has been an exciting adventure. When the Lord first told us to have the renewal, He revealed very few of the details to us. So we just obeyed and published the plan in "Forward, Always Forward!" We didn't know all the reasons why, but we knew it was important and we knew we had to obey the Lord. Then when it came time to start preparing these GNs for you about the renewal, we still didn't know the full plan. In fact, at first we were anticipating that there would only be one GN about the renewal, but our Husband led us step by step, and it's been inspiring to see how His plan has unfolded and how much mileage He's getting out of it. It's so much bigger and better than Peter and I ever expected, and it's going to bear good fruit in all of our lives.

5. Even though the renewal is a united venture, it's been thrilling to discover that the Lord has a special purpose and goal not only for us as a combined Family and for each of us personally, but also for every different age group. He has all of our best interests at heart—from the very youngest to the oldest—and has tailored this gift of His love specifically to each age group's needs. He promises that the renewal is going to benefit everyone, the JETTs and junior teens included. So although it will initially be quite difficult for many of them, and certainly a challenge for you parents and shepherds to convince them that it's going to be a good and positive thing, as we follow the Lord and obey what He's asking of us, we can trust that they will come out of the renewal better for it in one way or another—just like all of us will. That's a wonderful promise to cling to!

6. (Jesus:) My love comes in many forms, and the renewal is a gift of My love for each Family member, from the youngest to the oldest. For you adults, My love will be felt in a special way. For your younger children‚ it will be felt in another way. For your youth, and especially your JETTs and junior teens, it will be felt in another way.

7. My love for you adults will primarily come in the form of cleansing, renewal, bringing you back to your First Love, adjusting your priorities, and strengthening your convictions and resolve to serve Me in whatever level of membership I have called you to. My love will be felt most strongly in the form of revitalization, change, and growth. For your younger children My love via the renewal will come in a different form. They will feel My love through extra time spent with them, more feeding and exciting Word times, extra fun, extra opportunities to do new things, and extra input from those they look up to.

8. For the young people, and especially your JETTs and junior teens, My love will be felt in yet another way. They don't so much desire My love in the form of extra time with their parents, or the same fun activities that younger children enjoy. That's not the extent of My love that I wish to pour forth on them during the renewal. For them My love through the renewal needs to come in the form of challenge, fulfillment, and discovering the depths of My Spirit like never before. The youth need to find out what the Family is all about, their faith needs to be strengthened, and they need to discover that serving Me is fun. Many of your JETTs and junior teens are weak, and they are desperately in need of this opportunity to be strengthened.

9. The renewal is a time when I want to show the JETTs and junior teens what it means to be in the Family. I want them to experience the joy and highs that come from serving Me. I want to ignite the fire of revolution in their hearts. But I can't do this on My Own. I need you adults and senior teens to make it happen. You make it happen by helping the Word come alive to them like never before, by taking them out witnessing and soul winning so that they can gain a love for the lost, by helping them to search the Word for the answers to use when witnessing, by engaging in radical forms of witnessing, even if they're not your favorites. Parties and activities are fun and have their place, but if that's all the JETTs and junior teens get out of the renewal, then they will have missed some of the most important benefits.

10. If your JETTs and junior teens are to grow into dedicated disciples and Family members, then they need to receive input—not just fun activities and fellowships, but also life-changing experiences that are going to put them on the map of service to Me. They need to start being challenged to take on more responsibility, to grow into disciples. It's a time when I want to turn them on to the Family. I don't mean that they have to be full-fledged, do–or–die disciples by the end of the renewal, but I do wish for at least a few switches to be turned on in their hearts, for there to be more fire and light than there was before. For some of them, this might be their last chance to get connected with Me, to get turned on to My Spirit.

11. In many Homes the JETTs and junior teens work to help keep the Home fires burning. But even though you'll still be expecting them to contribute to the Home and carry out their responsibilities, somehow—with prayer and prophecy‚ counseling, and rearranging the schedule—their specific needs must also be met. It might require some sacrifices, but that's the price you will need to pay in order to help your JETTs and junior teens. I won't ask more of you than you can bear or fulfill, but you must do your part.

12. This renewal has the potential to be a lifesaver for many of your young people. It is an avenue to get them on a solid path of service to Me, moving forward in the right direction. But in order for this to work‚ the JETTs and junior teens need input, direction, help, shepherding‚ love, challenge, fulfilling witnessing opportunities, exciting Word, and Spirit–filled activities and events. If you want to see a difference in their lives at the end of the renewal, they will need input. They need you who are willing to help them make it.

13. During the renewal I'm pouring out My discipleship power, My revolutionary power in great abundance. It's a time when those who open up to Me—young and old alike—will find their hearts ignited with new and previously unknown joy and fire. For your young people, if you play your cards right and give them what they need, My blessings will come in the form of strong dedication and commitments. The renewal may even save the spiritual lives of some who are about to walk out the door of their service to Me. I have the key to each one's heart, and if you do your part‚ I will ensure that they come out of the renewal changed in visible ways for the better, and as a stronger follower of Me and My Word.

14. (Mama:) The shepherding and care of the JETTs and junior teens during the renewal is going to be a challenge for every Home. In some ways they are in a league of their own when it comes to what will satisfy them, what will help them to make it through the renewal, and what is going to fulfill their needs. They are in a unique category, because they are much more accountable and responsible than the children‚ yet they are not as accountable as the adults. Similarly, the things, approaches, and renewal perks that will appeal to and benefit the younger children will not do the trick for the JETTs and junior teens. Thus a blanket plan for all ages just won't work.

15. As the Lord said in the preceding message, a good part of the renewal for the JETTs and junior teens is going to need to be spiritual. They need spiritual input and challenges, because many of them need to grow up, be cleansed, and learn what it means to be a disciple. But the other needs they have are very physical and practical, and must also be met—such as excitement, change, physical exertion, fun, witnessing adventures, recreation, and input. Too much spirituality during the renewal to the neglect of their youthful physical needs will backfire; you'll be met with resistance. But at the same time, too much emphasis on the physical aspects to the neglect of their spirits will also be insufficient in the long run. A good balance is imperative, and that's why we need to claim the keys of balance and wisdom.

16. The JETTs and junior teens need fun and excitement and recreation and all the rest, but just those physical things without the spiritual strengthening they need is never going to be enough. You could do all of the fun things in the world for them and fulfill all of their heart's desires‚ but if they aren't challenged spiritually they're never going to be strengthened. They're no longer children; they're moving quickly into becoming fully accountable adults, and if they're not strengthened now, they may never be the disciples the Lord has destined them to be. That's a sobering thought‚ but it's also motivating. For some of them, this might be their last big opportunity to be strengthened.

Four Major Thrusts

17. You've read a lot of counsel about the renewal in the first four GNs in this series. And within those GNs the Lord has already given a lot of instruction and to-dos. So I was concerned that at this point you might be getting a little weary and wondering how you're going to be able to focus on your JETTs and junior teens in addition to everything else that might already seem overwhelming. There is a lot about JETTs and junior teens that we could talk about, and many interesting angles and specifics of their lives that we could cover, but I didn't want you to feel crushed with information overload. I didn't want to expect too much of you, so I asked the Lord for the main keys‚ the most important major points that are going to help our JETTs and junior teens through the renewal.

18. I think you'll be happy to hear that the Lord said that it was His will to keep His instruction simple. He said that even though JETTs and junior teens can be rather complicated at times, when you focus on their most important needs, those needs boil down to being pretty simple. Of course‚ meeting those needs can be another whole ball game altogether and no small challenge, but it's a challenge you will be able to meet with our Husband's help and the power of the keys!

19. The Lord doesn't expect that we're going to be able to transform all of our JETTs and junior teens into full–fledged disciples in only six months. If that's our goal, we'll just be condemned and discouraged if things don't turn out that way. But these six months will make a difference. They will work as building blocks for discipleship‚ and the JETTs and junior teens will make decisions as a result. Some might decide 100% that they want to be a disciple. Some might choose to give the Lord a longer, better chance to work in their lives before they make a decision that discipleship isn't for them. Either way, decisions will be made, and the renewal will bring about these decisions.

20. Here are the four main things the Lord said the JETTs and junior teens need during the renewal. It goes without saying‚ of course, that these are needs that the Lord would like us to continue to fill in our young people's lives, even after the renewal is over.

21. 1) The Word and spiritual input: They need Word classes, devotions, inspirations, and spiritual activities that will turn them on and inspire them. If your JETTs and junior teens don't already have Word time or Word classes geared to them, this is a need you should ask the Lord how to fill. They need to start eating more of the meat of the Word so that they can be stronger disciples. But at the same time, they're not adults and can't be expected to absorb the Word like adults, so they need spiritual input that is fun‚ alive, inspiring, fresh, original, enjoyable, and that caters to their needs. You are going to have to let a little wildfire burn at times in order for there to be fire at all. It is better to have them burning than for them to be dead. (Note: See ideas for this, and the next three points, at the end of this Letter.)

22. 2) Recreation and fun: They need good, regular, wholesome enjoyment, recreation and fun. Without movies, computer games, and other avenues of worldly entertainment, you are going to need to be more innovative and pray down ideas. There are outings that could be planned in advance or provisioned, depending on what's available in your area, as well as outings that don't cost money or require provisioning. Parties and special Home or area activities that cater to the JETTs and junior teens are also part of what will help to fill their physical needs.

23. This sounds like a lot of work, and you're right. But the rest of you shouldn't feel like you have to do everything for the JETTs and junior teens. Get them involved in the planning too, and teach them to work for their fun. If they start learning how to plan and coordinate things for themselves and their peers, with counsel and oversight‚ then they will become less dependent on you to think up the ideas and plan every single event for them.

24. 3) Witnessing adventures: The young people need to learn how to witness, feed the sheep, and follow up. The renewal is a time when the Lord wants to hook the JETTs and junior teens on the Family and help them to make their calling and election sure as His disciples‚ or at least begin moving them in that direction‚ and witnessing is a major part. So we need to teach them to be professional witnessers and soul winners. Witnessing, and the thrill that comes with it, is something the JETTs and junior teens desperately need to experience on a regular basis.

25. More than almost anything else we can do for them, the fulfillment of witnessing is what will motivate them to want to give their lives to Jesus as disciples and missionaries. As one CO who read an advance copy of this commented:

Witnessing will cause them to see their upbringing with different eyes, as everything they've been taught will suddenly click and make perfect sense when they are face to face with a sheep who is clinging to their every word for the answers. When they realize that they have the key within their hearts (all the Word stored in them) to unlock the mysteries and resolve the deepest secrets in the lives of those they come in contact with who are desperately searching for the answers‚ they will value their birthright.

26. Plus, interesting and satisfying witnessing opportunities build young people's self–esteem‚ boost their confidence, hone their communications skills, help them to overcome shyness‚ and can fill a part of their big vacuum for excitement. Planning some truly memorable witnessing opportunities for your JETTs and junior teens during the renewal will be well worth the investment.

27. (Jesus:) Just as great leaders, both good and bad, have personified their kingdoms, so I personify Mine. And as the love and loyalty that the people of the kingdom bore for their kings and/or queens gave them the motivation to go and fight and die for their monarchs on the battlefields of this world, so will it be with the youth of My Kingdom.

28. They will only have the motivation to man the battlements‚ or more importantly advance into the teeth of the Enemy's armies, if they have the motivation that will come if they love Me. They will only be able to implement radical witnessing if they love Me enough to do it. So if you want radical witnessing methods to work, then first you must pray that they fall in love with Me and My Word—which is Me. They must love Me enough that they are willing to lay down their lives as freemen in My Kingdom, rather than surrendering to the forces of Satan and becoming serfs and slaves in his domain of darkness.

29. You must pray that the JETTs and junior teens fall in love with Me and My Word. Pray and claim the keys with all diligence, and then do your part by training them in the ways of the spiritual warfare and leading them into battle. They are idealistic, and they will give themselves over to their ideals, whether those ideals are good or bad. You must do all you can, primarily in prayer, to see that they are enthused about the right ideals. If they get turned on, they will be willing to do crazy things for Me to be a witness. Then that willingness will lead them to be willing to be radical witnesses. You cannot expect them to be willing to try these things unless they are turned on.

30. And remember, success breeds success. Pray that they will find other youth who will be turned on—young people in the Family who also have the fire for witnessing, so they can band together and help each other, as well as young people in the System who get turned on to the message and the witness. Nothing will encourage your JETTs and junior teens in their witnessing efforts more than experiencing success firsthand—the youth getting turned on to the message, seeing the Word at work in people's lives, and having the opportunity to feed potential disciples.

31. Radical witnessing means witnessing by radicals. It's not always the type of witnessing that must be radical, as sometimes radical and memorable witnessing adventures can take place in traditional and conservative ways and settings. The witnessing will be radical if a radical is doing the witnessing. Your kids are rebels, and unfortunately too many of them are rebelling against you, and by extension, Me. Your job is to turn that rebellion around into rebellion against the Devil.

32. 4) A personal goal or goals: They need a definite goal or goals so that they aren't floundering or bored during the renewal. They need something that they can work on and invest their energies into in their free time. They won't always be doing school, witnessing, helping out in the Home, or having fun activities. Sometimes there won't be anything planned for them, so they each need something they can fill those blank spots with. They not only need to have things done with them to fill the spaces in their lives that worldly input previously filled‚ but they will also need to be taught how to do this themselves—how to take initiative, how to motivate themselves, how to be creative and innovative, because you adults won't be available to wait on them 24 hours a day.

33. (Jesus:) Every JETT and junior teen needs to find at least one goal that they're going to strive for during the renewal. More goals are better, because they'll have a lot of extra time on their hands, but one is the minimum. They need something—at least one thing—that they can sink their teeth into, that they can be working toward. It doesn't necessarily need to be spiritual, although it can be. It could be vocational, recreational, educational, or even physical. But the point is that no JETT or junior teen should be left to aimlessly float through the renewal directionless or without a goal. They need at least one solid goal, or if they're ambitious, they could decide on a few.

34. This goal‚ or goals‚ is something they would be expected to work toward during the renewal, so that by the end of the renewal they will have accomplished something new, learned something new, or grown in some way. They will need some help from you parents and adults [and that includes you YAs and SGAs], especially in the beginning, but realistically they won't be able to expect help all of the time. They're going to need to learn to motivate themselves, apply themselves, teach themselves‚ and learn and grow themselves.

35. You adults can help them out in the beginning, but then at a certain point the JETTs and junior teens should be encouraged to continue on their own, or largely on their own. Then some time toward the end of the renewal period, the JETTs and junior teens in the Home, or even in the area, could have a special activity night to share with others what their goal was and how they achieved it. If the goal was something that could be performed or demonstrated‚ such as a play or dance routine, they could do so then.

36. The ideal is that the JETTs or junior teens choose what they have a burden for, but if they're being very rebellious and don't want to choose anything, then you can choose something for them. If they won't motivate themselves, because they're too lazy or they're balking at the renewal‚ you can help to motivate them by giving them a goal. You can even remind them that they're not being singled out, but that this is something that all of the JETTs and junior teens in the Family are doing together. One day they will look back on the things you encouraged them to learn, and the hobbies and skills you might have even had to force them to pursue, and they're going to be so grateful to you.

37. Their choices would have to be things that are doable and realistic, but at the same time you adults will also have to be careful not to put a damper on things that might seem a bit radical. Remember that your JETT or junior teen has six months in which to achieve his or her goal‚ and the options are limitless.

Teaching our JETTs and Junior Teens Self-Motivation and Initiative

38. (Mama:) In the preceding message the Lord said that the JETTs and junior teens need to learn to motivate themselves and learn and grow by themselves. This is a very important point—not only for their personal growth and development, but as a form of salvation for you parents and shepherds. If during the entire renewal the JETTs and junior teens are expecting you to do everything for them, plan everything for them, and do a "song and dance" to keep them happy and occupied every waking hour of the day, you're going to run yourselves ragged. Already you have to devote every waking hour to the younger children, so if the JETTs and junior teens are expecting the same amount of intensely focused time from you, you're going to burn out. It's just not realistic.

39. It's not even good for them to expect to be waited on hand and foot, to have everything done for them. This teaches them to be lazy, and encourages their lack of motivation, creativity‚ and initiative. If they want to do fun things, they need to help you make it happen. If they are bored, they need to work with you to remedy the boredom. They need to learn to motivate themselves and plan things for themselves, and keep themselves challenged and going places—that's all a part of growing up. You can and should help them, and you can and should coach them, but somehow they need to be taught to motivate themselves to learn new things, to be productive, and do useful things with their extra time.

40. Many of our JETTs and junior teens lack even basic motivation and initiative. This is a very widespread problem with their age group. They've grown lazy and accustomed to having everything done for them. Many have adopted the mindset that if they are bored or unchallenged, that it's their parents' fault or their Home's fault. Well, maybe sometimes it is the parents' or Home's fault if you're not meeting the young people's basic needs, the things you are responsible to fill—such as the four main things listed earlier. But often they're bored or unchallenged because they don't have any goals at all—sometimes not even a simple goal—and because some of them don't have even the basic motivation to achieve, to learn, to grow, to progress, and to make things happen for themselves.

41. This would be a good question to ask the Lord: "How can we help the JETTs and junior teens in our Home to learn to grow in motivation? What can we do to remedy the problem and encourage more creativity and initiative?" You adults should then unitedly discuss the counsel He gives you and make some concrete plans for implementing His ideas in your Home.

42. Self-discipline and self-motivation is going to benefit our JETTs and junior teens in their life no matter what their future choices are. They need more of the long-term vision, because most of them don't grasp the concept of how the time they invest today in learning and growing and making progress of any kind is going to benefit them somewhere down the line. They need to be helped to realize that the things they learn and do today are going to benefit them in the future—whether they remain in the Family or not. It's about becoming well-rounded individuals, and having as much knowledge and skill and know-how tucked under their belts as possible. All of this will help them as missionaries and Family members, but it will also help them even if they end up leaving the Family one day.

Can There Be Exceptions for the JETTs and Junior Teens?

43. Shortly after we announced the renewal in "Forward, Always Forward!" I received the following question from one of our COs:

44. [A couple in our area] is having a difficult time with their 15-year-old son. He's going through the rebellious teen years and he isn't real committed to Family life, although the parents are doing all they can to help him and are praying that he makes it.

45. They haven't read the "Forward, Always Forward" GN with their son yet because they're worried about his reaction to the six-month renewal period‚ and if he hears that he will not be allowed to play computer games or watch movies for six months that it might be the straw that breaks the camel's back and might make him upset and mad at the Lord and the Family for what he doesn't think is fair, to the point that it will do more harm than good and he might really push to not be in the Family.

46. What happens in a case like this, where the parents really want to go through the renewal period and fasting of System input‚ but their junior teens don't?

47. We talked a bit about it, and I reminded them that there have been times in their son's life (as is also the case with my son and just about every teen I know), when he's done something bad, and as a punishment they have put him under similar restrictions—like taking away computer privileges and no movies for a certain time period, even up to a month or more. They agreed that he's gone through that type of thing. They've successfully administered that kind of punishment before and he did submit to it, but that was because he could clearly see that it was a punishment for something that he personally did wrong. They don't think he will really understand or accept that he is being restricted because of mistakes the Family at large made.

48. I think a lot depends on the parents' attitude and how supportive they are of the Word, as that's bound to affect the kids' attitudes and how they take this announcement.

49. When talking about it a bit, we wondered if perhaps for junior teens, instead of a total ban on computer games and movies‚ if there would be restrictions placed‚ like only one hour a week allowed‚ or something like that? It's not like they want to allow their teen son to be an exception to the worldwide renewal period guidelines‚ so if all the FD and MM Homes have to ensure that their junior teens abide by the renewal period restrictions, then they just want to be prepared for how to deal with their teen's reaction. (End of excerpts.)

50. (Mama: ) I can imagine that there are probably other parents in similar situations with junior teens who are on the fringes of the Family, or who aren't doing so well spiritually, or who are going through difficult times in their lives, and you might be wondering how you will handle their reactions, if negative, which in some cases could be quite rebellious and explosive.

51. By the time you read this GN, your junior teens and JETTs will probably be well aware of the renewal, and might be dreading it. Some of you parents are probably apprehensive about what it's going to be like once the renewal actually starts, and you worry that your JETTs or junior teens are going to give you a real rough time. They're not going to gladly forsake their computer games, or happily stop watching movies and the like. And if they really rebel against the rules of the renewal and they decide to kick up a stink, what then? Do they have to abide by the renewal rules? Or will there be exceptions?

52. Basically, the Lord said that there can be no exceptions.

53. (Jesus:) The entire Home, whether FD or MM, and all of their members, must abide by the required renewal period. FM Homes are not required to abide by the six-month renewal period‚ although it's recommended that they do so. For the sake of unity in the Home and a true renewal of the entire Home and its members, it's not the time for exceptions. It would be difficult for a Home to be united and moving forward if not all were doing the same thing at the same time, and obeying the same requirements. For the sake of clarity, unity, and the true blessings of this time of renewal, it's best not to consider exceptions.

54. (Mama:) The JETTs and junior teens are probably going to be the most challenging age category, mainly because the fast of worldly input is going to affect them the most. JETTs and junior teens often take in more worldly input for their entertainment and recreation than other age groups, and it's going to be a big forsake-all for them. And because many of them lack personal motivation, initiative, and good old-fashioned ingenuity, as I mentioned earlier, they will likely face the prospect of more boredom than any other age group—at least initially—and this will be a big concern for them, and you as parents and shepherds. On top of these reasons, many of them are spiritually weak; it's a rebellious age, so it's natural that some will react negatively and think it's unfair.

55. I would venture to say that almost all the JETTs and junior teens are going to squawk at least a little, and many will make a big stink and fuss at first. Some of the junior teens and JETTs may be defiant and rebellious and have an extremely negative reaction to the renewal, and then they'll grow out of it as the Lord helps them to adjust and as they choose to yield. But then there may be some who will kick and fuss throughout the whole renewal, from beginning to end, if they make the decision to not yield to it and opt to stew in negativity and rebellion.

56. No matter how your young people react, it's going to be a challenge of some kind, and you're going to have to pray and ask the Lord for the keys to their heart. You will also need to call on the keys of conviction and balance and wisdom so that you're able to shepherd your JETTs and junior teens with love, understanding, fairness, the right perspective, yet also without giving in to their demands or wavering in your decisions. Keep reminding yourself that you're not depriving or hurting your JETTs and junior teens. By obeying the Lord you're doing what's best for them, even if you or they don't see it that way at first.

57. Ultimately the choice of whether or not to accept the renewal in their hearts and yield to it is theirs. You are responsible to do your part‚ which includes desperate prayer and claiming the keys for them, and the Lord will be patient and continue to give them chances and help from the spirit world. But when all is said and done, the buck stops with them. This renewal could be a time that moves them toward discipleship when they are of age and prepares them for their calling and destiny, but it's their choices that will determine the outcome.

Will the Renewal Backfire?

58. I understand that some of you parents and shepherds are probably worried that curtailing your junior teens' and JETTs' activities and worldly input is going to backfire on you, and that it's going to push them even further out the door of the Family. However, a positive thought is that in many cases, with these young people who are going through a difficult time, the Lord said that the renewal could be a catalyst in their life to draw them closer to Him. It's going to be good for them, even if they don't see it that way at first. The renewal may very well be exactly what they need to get them turned on to the Family and serious about serving the Lord. The Brazil fast of worldly input saved so many teens' service for the Lord. So the Lord now wants to use the renewal as a lifesaver for some of our youth in other areas of the world.

59. It's going to be difficult for the JETTs and junior teens; I'm not saying it will be easy. With the renewal much more will be expected of them. But it's going to do them good to forsake some of the worldly forms of input and entertainment that are weakening them. It's going to be good for them to get spiritually strengthened and learn and grow, so that they can prepare for their future life—whatever road of life they choose.

60. In a way, the Lord is asking them to give up the things that they enjoy as a test of their character. Perhaps it's to see if they are willing to give everything up for Him because they want to be His disciples. Or if they're not quite at that point yet, to see if they are at least willing to give Him a chance to show them what life is like without the strong pulls of the world, and see if a life of dedication and discipleship is the kind of life they want to choose.

61. (Jesus:) I feel for you parents and shepherds of the JETTs and junior teens‚ because it isn't going to be easy. But it's going to save some of the JETTs' and junior teens' lives for Me; it's going to salvage their service. Or for others it will better equip them for life outside of the Family‚ if that's what they end up choosing.

62. In an effort to make it easier for you parents and shepherds, I could have let the JETTs and junior teens off the hook and let them escape the fast of worldly input. But this would not serve to strengthen them‚ only weaken them. They would be momentarily happy to not have to sacrifice and they probably wouldn't stir up as much trouble during the renewal, and in some ways it would be easier for you parents and shepherds, but it definitely wouldn't be what they need in the long run. They would lose out in a big way if they didn't participate in the renewal. The Family would lose out in a big way‚ because that would mean that a large percentage of your upcoming disciples wouldn't be strengthened and trained through these six months. They'd end up being way behind in the spirit, and it wouldn't be easy for them to catch up later.

63. If your JETTs or junior teens kick up a big fuss, then you can be sure they are probably some of those who are the most in need of the renewal. As much as they hate it‚ as much as they resist it, they need it. They don't see how they need it, but I do. They need to be strengthened. They need to grow up. It's a gift of My love to aid them in learning more about what it means to be My disciple. Or if they're already pretty sure they don't want this for their life, then it's a gift of My love to give them some good training that is going to benefit them in the future‚ no matter what road of life they choose.

64. (Mama:) Another thing to remember if you're up against a wall is that JETTs and junior teens are still minors and subject to their parents' decisions. You, as their parents and guardians, are still their bosses, and they'll just have to knuckle under and obey, even if they don't like it. The authority of parents is nothing new. Even System parents take away privileges from their teens for extended periods of time—and though the reasons for the renewal are different‚ and the renewal is not a punishment, the principle that it's completely normal and acceptable for parents to institute rules and guidelines with their JETT- and teen-aged children still stands.

65. Remember that they are at the age of questioning adults and the standards around them, but they are still moldable and they still love you. You will have to prove to them that you mean business and that you're the boss, but that you also love them unconditionally. It's true, the older the child, the more difficult for you the parent. Your junior teens and JETTs might try harder than the younger ones to blame you for their lack of "fun" things to do. They might fight you harder when you try to play Word games with your children, or teach them more Word classes, or get them out witnessing more. But don't give up. Your JETTs and junior teens are still malleable, and your efforts to love and guide them will be rewarded in time. This could be the doorway to great change and progress in the lives of your young people—the likes of which you've never seen before.

66. (Jesus:) This period of renewal is an opportunity for each of you—including your JETTs and junior teens—to get down to the basics of what you're doing with your life, to take stock of your life and future. It's a time of cleansing your spirits from compromises and the things that are causing you to be disobedient. It's a time of strengthening and deepening your relationship with Me, of renewing your convictions and preparing for the future.

67. I could have chosen to do things differently. I could have said that junior teens could watch movies, and only adults should fast movies, etc., but that would not accomplish the goal of spiritual renewal. Everyone needs the renewal. Everyone's spirits need cleansing and strengthening, and that only comes from taking in the things of the spirit, not the things of the world.

68. Fasting worldly input is not that big a deal if you compare it to some of the things I've asked of people throughout history. Your junior teens and JETTs are not being asked to suffer. They're not going to be hurt or go hungry and without their needs. They're simply being asked—along with everyone else—to put Me and the things of the spirit first and foremost, and you all will reap the blessings as a result.

How to Handle a Rebellious JETT or Junior Teen

69. (Mama:) Following is a message from the Lord with some helpful pointers about how to shepherd and help a very rebellious JETT or junior teen. I'm praying and claiming the keys that this won't be a situation that many of you are faced with‚ but I did want to publish this material for those of you who may need it. As well‚ there's some counsel included that would be beneficial across the board for shepherding even the more yielded JETTs and junior teens through the renewal.

70. If your JETT or junior teen does have a negative‚ rebellious‚ or defiant attitude‚ remember that there is still hope that they will change, yield‚ and submit to the things the Lord is doing in their life. Their reactions to the renewal, though difficult for you to handle and deal with at first, might end up being the catalyst the Lord knows they need in their life to get the help and shepherding they need. If they hit the skids and either clam up or react explosively, this could be just the starting point you need in order to get more involved in their life, to communicate deeply with them.

71. Some of our JETTs and junior teens are in very bad shape spiritually, and desperately need to get reconnected with the Lord and their parents and shepherds. But sometimes their problems and battles aren't too obvious, they keep things hidden‚ and they aren't often forthright and straight about their personal life and the things they're going through—until they face a big personal crisis, like the renewal may be for some of them, and then their thoughts and deep feelings start spilling out all over the place. You might immediately look at it as a big horrible mess that needs cleaning up, and may even wish it had never happened. But even though it's not so pleasant, you can be thankful that at least things are out in the open, and the Lord will be able to show you how to turn the situation around for good and transform it into a major steppingstone of progress.

72. A situation like this doesn't seem like a logical or preferable way to bring about progress, but sometimes a crisis is the only thing that will precipitate change. Even the fact that the renewal is such a major bummer for your JETT or junior teen could be the beginning of a very good thing, if it forces you to start meddling in their life and giving them the help they need. So if you're faced with a volatile situation, look at it as an opportunity from the Lord to help your young person, to connect with them, to help them to open up and begin to communicate. Don't look at it as a defeat; look at it as a potential victory.

73. (Jesus:) You've got a wide variety of JETTs and junior teens in the Family. You've got those who are fully on board‚ obeying the Word, using the gifts of the Spirit, turned on to witnessing, and making spiritual progress. They're still young people and have a great need for fun and recreation and excitement, but they also have dedication and a desire to serve Me. Then you've got those who are good kids, who love Me, and who want to do good for Me and others, but are a little lost or aimless, not very solid or disciplined. Both of those groups will be reached and moved by Mama's and My messages and pleas in the "Renewal: The Big Picture" GN and her personal letter to them (GN 1078), and will be challenged to go through this time out of love for Me and to be better disciples and a bigger blessing to others. Even if they show initial disappointment or rejection, and don't respond enthusiastically at first, they will be touched and reached by My Words, as I have promised.

74. Then you have other groups, including those who basically don't care much about anything, and who aren't necessarily bad, but who have no vision for witnessing or being disciples, and just want to "be kids" and "have fun" and that's all they think about. Then, on the more extreme side, you have those who totally don't want to be in the Family and are just waiting until they get old enough so that they can leave and be a member of the System and do their own thing. These are the groups—those who have no real vision at all, as well as those who are just waiting around to leave the Family—who are going to have a real tough time yielding to the renewal, and they're going to need personal hands-on shepherding and explanation and application. They're not going to read the messages in the GNs and say, "Oh, yes, I want to be a better disciple and missionary. So even though I don't like this renewal, I'm going to be positive about it and praise the Lord and get all I can out of it." They may come to that understanding and attitude in time, but it's not going to happen right away.

75. So, I'm going to give you some counsel now as to how you, as parents and shepherds‚ can approach or handle or deal with those who fall into these latter categories—who just kick against the pricks and who see nothing good in the renewal and have nothing good to say about it. They're not going to be real receptive to your reading more prophecies to them or quoting them any kind of "script," but I'm going to give you some insight and examples and perspectives that you can bring in to your working with them. In many cases you're not going to be able to calmly sit down and explain these things to them while they respectfully listen. It's probably going to be more like an argument or debate or negotiation session in many cases.—And you've got to win those arguments and debates and negotiations, and some of these attitudes and angles will help you do so.

76. An important foundation that has to be laid is that there must be an acceptance and understanding—on your part‚ and then on the part of your JETTs and junior teens—that even if they are totally unhappy about the renewal, even if they're rebellious all the way through, even if they hate it and won't stop complaining about it‚ it's the "law" and they just have to do it—like it or not. That's the bottom line. As was explained earlier, you're their parents and you have every right to ask them to abide by whatever rules or guidelines you set down for them.

77. I'm happy to give you tips and ideas about how to present things to them to make it a little easier and how to help them through it‚ and I'll give some of those now, and as many more as you need as you come to Me for personalized counsel for your JETTs and junior teens. I know they do need a lot of love‚ prayer, and understanding. But some of them‚ more than anything, need a good dose of discipline and "tough love."

78. It's not that they're being punished for their own sins by having this time of renewal—but in many cases, well‚ that really could be the case. Some have caused enough trouble and been difficult enough and unhelpful and unloving and rebellious enough that you would have every right to consider making this a punishment for that. You don't have to tell them that, but realizing that yourself and having that perspective may help you to have the conviction and the guts to stand firm and stick to enforcing what I have shown and the guidelines I have given.

79. Every teenager and young person needs discipline. Everyone needs to go through times in their lives that help to make a "man" or "woman" out of them. Some people have those experiences come to them naturally, and some people have to put themselves into that situation, or be put into that situation by their parents or guardians. It's widely recognized, even in the world, that it's good for teens to be in an uncomfortable environment, to have to work hard, to sacrifice‚ because it sobers them up, wakes them up, matures them, and prepares them for life in the "real world"—which is a harsh reality compared to what many or most young people grow up with. Many parents in the world send their kids to a boarding school, even to a military academy, for part of their education, for this very purpose of instilling structure, discipline, and simple "tough life experience" into their young people. It's something that they need in order to face their future.

80. (Mama:) In addition to boarding schools and military academies, parents in the world also send their JETT- and teen-aged children to specialized camps that teach them discipline and other vital qualities. These camps advertise that their services are able to help young people who are rebellious, unmotivated, unwilling to submit to parental authority or rules, have low self-esteem, are depressed, out-of-control, frustrated with their parents, defiant, etc. Someone recently sent me a few articles and advertisements from some of these types of camps and programs, and they said things like:

* "Experience Mother Nature's consequences and learn life-sustaining skills. Impacts low self-esteem, immaturity‚ and brings most teenagers out of their fantasy world and back to reality."

* "Our unique positive peer environment gives kids, 12 to 17, support and guidance while they learn the values of responsibility‚ self–esteem‚ motivation‚ and leadership. They learn to be confident and creative."

* "[We] understand your frustration in dealing with your teen headed down a path with no future. [We] will teach them respect for their family‚ responsibility, discipline, and self-esteem, in a challenging wilderness environment."

* "A proven‚ unique program for troubled, defiant teenagers on a self-destructive path."

* "Making healthy choices, a sense of appreciation and redirection are the results of our special wilderness program. If your child needs help … call."

81. So, as you can see, we're not the only ones who recognize the need to motivate, challenge, and help our young people learn self-discipline, motivation, creativity, initiative‚ and all the rest. These are qualities that even those in the world know are essential building blocks for a happy, productive life. And if those in the world do whatever it takes to help their young people, even paying large sums of money to send them to these types of camps for this very purpose, how much more should we be willing to do whatever it takes to lovingly help our young people in our Family Homes. In a way, the renewal is like a specialized program that the Lord wants us to take advantage of, to instill in our young people some of these vital qualities—as well as fulfill all of their other needs, as mentioned earlier in this GN.

82. (Jesus continues:) Something that you can tell your young people who are especially rebellious about the renewal period is that you don't expect that they'll be happy about it or like it; in fact, you expect that it's going to be really tough for them. But, nevertheless, you know it's the right thing to do, and you're going to do it in obedience to the Lord, and you're also going to do it because you know it's good for them. As a young person they need to go through some character-building times in their life—especially if their life has been pretty "cushy" or not a whole lot has been required of them. Many of your young people do need a better idea and dose of what it's like to sacrifice and forsake a bit, because many Family teens and JETTs of this current generation have never really had to do that.

83. You can shoot straight with the young people, especially those who are defiant or rebellious. They need it. They need to hear the bottom line sometimes with the good old 2 x 4 approach. You don't have to fluff and pad everything you tell them, and make it all sound so "nice" and "sweet" and "inspiring" and keep talking about the bright side and all the benefits. You can start with that. But with some, if that approach doesn't work, you will have to just straight-out tell them that, "Well, yes, this is probably going to be tough and you may not like it, but it's going to be good for you. Even if you don't agree or understand, you're going to have to do it, and in the end, even if you still don't agree or understand, it will have been good for you because it will have forced you into a position where you make some decisions about yourself and your life, and that's part of growing up. There are benefits, and even if they're benefits that you don't like or look forward to or appreciate, I as your parent am responsible to see that you acquire some of those benefits in your life. Even though it's very difficult for you to understand all of the reasons why now, know that I'm doing this because I love you and I want what's best for you."

84. This time of renewal will be putting them through a sort of crucible where they will have to show their true colors. They won't be able to "slide by" or slide under the radar anymore, sitting on the fence indefinitely, not really being in the Family but not really being out of it either. They will have to start moving in one direction or the other. Some are too young to make a "final" decision or commitment‚ but none of them are too young to make some form of decision as to what type of direction they want their life to go and what kind of person they're going to become.

85. It's a good time for them to look into their own hearts and spirits‚ to see what they're made of. Challenge them to get to know themselves during this time, to use this time to make some decisions about their life. Do they want to be in the Family? Are they willing to make some sacrifices to become a better person and be better able to help and serve others? Or is their own pleasure and entertainment really the most important thing to them? Is the world and its ways what they would rather have than their Family and an opportunity to serve Me? This time will in a sense force everyone to a decision of some kind.

86. Tell them that during this time I want to put them on the spot, and that it is My plan to make this a catalyst for change in their lives, one way or another. I want them, and you want them, to come out of this time having a much better idea of whether they are going to be a Family member, disciple, or missionary, or not. Tell them to go ahead and put Me on the spot too, to challenge Me. If they're pretty firmly convinced that they can't be happy without the things of the world‚ they can challenge Me to prove otherwise. They can "command Me" to help them have some kind of experience that will show them, one way or another, what they are cut out for and what the purpose and direction of their life is. If they don't believe life can be inspiring without their System input and fun and games, challenge them to challenge Me to make it be otherwise.

87. It might seem to you that it would be disrespectful or defiant of them to come to Me in this spirit—and it is true that I would far rather they come to Me in humility, in yieldedness‚ in a spirit of giving and obedience, willing to do their part first before expecting Me to do Mine. But I take everyone where they're at. If a teen who is very rebellious and whose heart is not really in the Family is willing to even take the step to submit to not doing the things I'm saying they can't do—even if reluctantly and with much complaint—and if they're then willing to take it a step further and personally pray and challenge Me and put Me on the spot to do something to help them find their place and to prove to them whether it's worth it to be in the Family and serve Me, then I consider that progress for them. I will take them where they're at and I will honor their tiny steps of faith and steps of spirituality, and I will answer. If someone "dares" Me to prove to them that serving Me is My will for them, or to prove that it can be fulfilling, I will honor that prayer, I will accept that challenge, and one way or another—and very likely not exactly in the way that they would think—I will answer that prayer.

88. If the seed of conviction, of faith‚ of a missionary spirit has taken root in their hearts‚ then this time will help it to come out and flourish. Look for that little seed and find ways to challenge it. If they have shown any signs of wanting to serve Me and wanting to be a Family member, then encourage them that, even if this isn't fun or inspiring at all, but is just a big time of battles and suffering, well, just the same, they can be pretty sure it's going to make them a better person—better able to help others, better able to witness to and serve others. Even if they hate it at first‚ if they'll flow with it the best they can, or even if they're rebellious and this period just turns out to be a time of hardship and breaking and difficulty and trial, it still might do them some good.

89. If they're so convinced that it's not going to be fun and that nothing about it is going to be inspiring, don't keep trying to convince them otherwise—they won't take to it. Instead, agree with them, and say, "You know, you're right, it probably is going to seem pretty awful and probably isn't going to be any fun. But it's going to help you grow up; it's going to prepare you for the challenges of life that you're going to face, whether in or out of the Family. It's something that you need, and you'll see that later on."

90. It might also help in many cases to do some positive comparing of their situation to some other situations they could be in that would be much worse. For example, if they were a missionary in training in some other religion besides the Family‚ like if they were in the Catholic church and wanted to serve Me, in many cases they would be expected to take vows of celibacy, poverty, and obedience. And even before they took those vows, or took them permanently, they would be expected to conduct themselves as if they had already taken them. They would then have to pretty much forsake their "youth" and their "fun" for good, for life, or at least for many years—not just for six months. In comparison, what I'm asking is a very small price to pay.

91. I've given you in the Family a happy religion, a free religion, a fun religion, and you are free from many of the self-righteous and legalistic restrictions that so many other churches place on their members, including their young people and teens. At least you in the Family can enjoy these forms of entertainment sometimes, whereas in some other religions they're always forbidden, for good, forever. Some kids have grown up completely without any of these frills and benefits that Family young people have had, or they are required to forsake them at a fairly young age. In some religions you can never even listen to music (except for church music), dance, party, drink alcohol, or have sex before marriage, or any of the things that your teens either can do now, or can look forward to doing when they get a bit older.

92. If your JETTs and junior teens were in some other religious order, they might have to forsake the things they're forsaking now—plus a whole lot of other things—for life instead of for six months. And those kids in those religions don't have any choice about it either, at least not until they reach a certain age. Many people have to accept such things as their way of life, the way they're raised or trained, their culture or society, or the decision their parents make for them‚ and they deal with it.

93. So really‚ your Family teens, even during this renewal period with what they might consider "extreme restrictions‚" have it pretty good‚ especially considering that they belong to a high–commitment religious group! For being in a high–commitment religious group, most of them have not really had to make any sacrifices or commitments. So it's about time they got a taste of what it's like. It's good for them, and it's going to help them make important choices about their life.

94. (Mama: ) As the Lord says here, our JETTs and junior teens in the Family really do have it good. Compared to many other young people in religious groups, they have so many freedoms and perks. These types of sacrifices and restrictions were certainly true for me when I was growing up—and then some. In addition to these things the Lord mentions, I had a lot of other restrictions as well. For example, I couldn't wear jeans or shorts or short skirts (and by short I mean anything that wasn't well below my knees), I couldn't cut my hair short‚ and I couldn't even play games on Sunday because we had to keep it holy. I'm sure there were a lot of other things I couldn't do as well, but my memory fails me on some of the details.

95. I'm not saying these types of ultraconservative restrictions are the way to go; I'm so glad that our Husband has given us much more freedom in the Family! But the Lord used the restrictions in my life for good in different ways, and they sure didn't hurt me or damage me for life. Ha! So even though the JETTs and junior teens are having to yield to more restrictions than they've been used to, they will undoubtedly "survive," and even come out better in the end—if we pray and do what we can to help them make it.

96. (Jesus continues:) You can challenge them to look at this time as an experiment, as in: "This time is going to show me things about myself and about the Family that will help me know for sure once it's over whether I should be in the Family or not. I'll get a better feel of what it's really like to be a missionary, to be a devoted, committed believer and worshipper of the Lord who puts Him first and who forsakes worldly things. If I can make it through this six months, I can certainly make it through the rest of my life in the Family, which is so much easier, both in comparison to this, and in comparison to a lot of other things I could be doing or could have been born into. Or, if it turns out that I hate it, that I can't live this way, that I don't find anything I want out of life in the Family, that all I can think about is how much I miss my computer games, then I know that being a missionary isn't for me, at least not for now." That's the way you as parents should be looking at this time for those older junior teens who are seriously "on the fence"—and you can go ahead and tell them that, and tell them they should look at it this way too. It's an experiment.

97. Some young people pride themselves on being "tough" and being able to endure a lot, to outlast others in a battle of skill or wits, or to do things that are super difficult for them‚ or that most other people can't do or would never do. Challenge them to look at this time in that light. It's a literal spiritual and mental "trial" to see how they can endure it and how much "sacrifice" they can take as far as the forsaking of these certain things. It's a challenge to do something that not a lot of people are able or willing to do, and if they can do it, they should be proud of themselves for it. They are doing something that most people their age and even of many other ages wouldn't have the willpower and discipline and strength to do, and if they can make it to the end they should be able to feel they're pretty tough, pretty cool, for doing that.

98. Back to the military training academy example: You wouldn't say that most young people who go to those schools are jumping up and down for joy while they're there; in fact, most of the time they're suffering through it—between the rough officers, the spartan accommodations, and often a whole lot of bullying and pressure by the other students. But once they graduate and once they go on from there‚ they are usually quite proud to say that they attended such-and-such a military academy; it makes them feel strong and good about themselves to know that they survived something difficult and graduated from it. So challenge them to look at this time in that way. It's a boot camp of sorts‚ a test of endurance for potential soldiers and officers in My army. It's a time for them to show what they're made of, and to show that they can take a tough test and trial and come out on top, as winners.

99. Challenge them too, along with this, to not just "endure" it by reluctantly obeying‚ but also to discipline themselves by not constantly complaining or whining about it. One thing that's certainly not looked on very kindly in tough boarding schools or military academies, or in any circle, is wimps and whiners. Teens and JETTs don't usually want to be looked on as wimps or whiners in any case. So challenge them to "take it like a man" and that even if there are complaints running through their head all the time and they think they can't help that, well‚ don't let those things come running out of their mouth all the time. That's a very juvenile and very weak and whiny way to handle something difficult.

100. Another approach you can use to challenge your JETTs and junior teens who are giving you a hard time is the angle of doing it for others—especially their younger brothers and sisters. You can even tell them‚ "Look, if you are going to be miserable and refuse to see the good in this situation, that's your call. But you have a responsibility to be a sample to the younger children in the Home‚ because they look up to you. Do you really want to be responsible for making them sad and miserable just because you feel that way and you're wearing it all over your face? If you can't put on a smile and grin and bear it for Jesus, or for us as your parents and shepherds, at least you should be willing to do it for the sake of the children. If you love them and want to see them happy during the renewal, then you'll have to keep your bummers, murmurs, problems and complaints to yourself."

101. Another angle to all this is that having this time where they are under restrictions‚ where they can't do what they please, is in fact excellent "real life" preparation for those JETTs and junior teens who want to leave the Family, or who think they want to leave the Family. A lot of the time kids get the mistaken idea that to leave the Family means they can do whatever they want, and maybe in some ways they can, in the sense that there's not going to be any "recommended movie list" that they're expected to follow, or a communal Home schedule, or restrictions on the amount of time they spend gaming. But there are way more than enough other restrictions to make up for that, and then some!

102. If they're going to go out into the System and make their way there, they are going to have to submit to all kinds of authority and regulations in the form of teachers or bosses, landlords or relatives they're living with, bill collectors, schedules and hours to keep, and what have you. And these people aren't going to be loving shepherds or parents who will remind you of your scheduled duties beforehand so you don't forget, or wake you up if you oversleep so that you can get to your job, or do your job for you if you get sick, or team up with you to fundraise for a trip you want to make, or all those nice things that you get help with in the Family. In the world, the people who have a say over your life will just take and take, and will expect you to meet their standards, their guidelines, their systematic operations, without mercy or leeway.

103. Young people who leave the Family are often whining that they aren't well prepared. Well, this time will actually help those who want to leave to be much better prepared for a life where things are tough‚ where they have to sacrifice, can't have things the way they want‚ and where they have to submit to things they really don't like, because "those are the rules" that someone else has made up for the way things work. If they're going to have any kind of success in life outside the Family‚ they're going to have to have some self-discipline and this will help with that.

104. Another thing to highlight to the junior teens and JETTs is about using this time to improve their life skills. Maybe it'll never go over as a "fun thing to do" for the real rebellious ones‚ and they won't be all jazzed and inspired about having "home ec" type of classes when they'd rather be gaming. You can try presenting it as something fun and challenging and inspiring‚ of course! But if that doesn't fly‚ well, make them do it anyway. Tell them it's part of their preparation for life‚ and that these are things they need to know, and since they have time to learn them, you expect them to make good use of that time. Make it easy for them if you can by finding ways to teach them skills that will be useful for them and that they have ability in and/or enjoy.

105. If you can find something that they're especially interested in, of course it's good to encourage that and help it to flourish. But if they profess to be interested in nothing, to have no career goals or ministry goals or training goals whatsoever—and some will act that way—well, find something to teach them anyway. It's hard to teach much to someone who doesn't want to learn, but the advantage you have on your side is that in most cases they will be bored and they won't really have much else to do‚ so, while they may complain, resent it, and say they're hating it and they don't want to do it, and even proclaim that they'd rather stare at the walls and ceilings, don't listen to them.

106. Every teen or young person, somewhere inside them, wants to be useful, wants to have skills, and wants to have the confidence that possessing those skills brings. So teach them things, and help them develop their skills and confidence in some way or another—or in a lot of different ways if you have means and opportunity and teachers to help them develop in a variety of skills. If they're going to stay in the Family, these things will help them be better able to serve and help others. If they're going to leave the Family, these things will help them be better able to survive and get by on their own. In saying this, I'm not saying that parents should give up on their teens even if they do say they want to leave the Family. Many of the junior teens, especially the 14-year-olds, are still in the years where they will say one thing on a whim for shock value or just because they are frustrated or upset at their parents or their situation.

107. Whatever their position or whatever their goal or whatever their ambition or lack of it, find ways to teach them skills and help them develop their talents. Make it fun if you can, but even if you can't make it fun, make it happen anyway, and they'll see as they go along that it's good for them, and beneficial. Someday they'll thank you, and someday they'll thank Me for making it possible to give them these gifts of training and growth, even though it had to come at a price, and even though they didn't like the "wrapping" that the gift came in, and even though they didn't really "enjoy" it at the time.

Special Instruction for the YAs and SGAs

108. (Mama:) I want to talk to you YAs and SGAs for a moment. You have a big responsibility on your shoulders as a result of being the older ones. The Lord is expecting you to be examples of on-fire disciples to the JETTs and teens, understanding and supportive older brothers and sisters to help them through their difficulties, and people who are going to make it happen for the JETTs and teens. You're accountable for not only your own spiritual lives, but you're also your brothers' keepers. You're responsible to look out for the younger ones, make an effort to help fill their needs, and do whatever it takes to help them make it through the renewal, and ultimately as disciples.

109. Sadly‚ many of you shy away from taking responsibility for others, for one reason or another, and this needs to change. You know it will take sacrifice, time, prayer‚ concern‚ and forgetting about yourself and thinking about others. You may also possibly feel that you're barely able to get the victory over your own battles or keep your own head above water and keep your own spiritual life on track with your own ministry‚ job for the Lord‚ and other personal responsibilities‚ without having to look out for anyone else.

110. Some of you SGAs, especially, may feel you have wholeheartedly tried to take up the challenge to help fill the needs of the JETTs and teens in the past, but different things have caused you to lose the vision. Perhaps you've chosen to set aside this special and unique calling because you developed a fatalistic or defeatist attitude when your past efforts didn't pan out as you had hoped. Maybe you got discouraged because you sacrificed a lot to help the JETTs and teens‚ but your efforts didn't seem to pay off—either because the young people you poured into left the Family, or maybe because a Home you pioneered or helped shepherd wasn't successful. Or maybe you're leery because when you've launched different initiatives or programs to help the JETTs and teens in the past, you didn't feel enough support and appreciation from others, or there was a lack of finances to help it "take off" as you had hoped.

111. Some of you also have young children and are working hard to raise a family‚ trying to homeschool your children, focus on your marriage, or carry other big workloads, so I can imagine how you may think you don't have time for anything more. But it's not the Lord's will for you to get settled down and to be content to just look out for yourself and your own spiritual well-being. We and the Lord need you so desperately if we are going to fulfill His commission for this renewal period. Please don't let your present circumstances, or the difficulties of the past, hold you back from taking more responsibility for the JETTs and teens, and lovingly help them along.

112. The renewal could be a make-or-break situation for some of the JETTs and teens. It could be a time when they really make some good, solid choices for the Lord, a time when their discipleship spirits start to blossom. But if at the end of the renewal they aren't more turned on to the Family in some way, some of them may never believe the Family is going to satisfy them. Some of them might miss the boat completely.

113. For some it could be their last chance to catch the vision—and the only way they're going to catch the vision is if a great effort is made, by many sacrificial individuals, to pour into them, to take them out on challenging and fun witnessing adventures, to do fun things with them, to plan and lead alive and fresh Word classes, to help to motivate them to grow and learn and start doing something profitable with their time.

114. The older adults can't take up the challenge on their own. They need to do their part, of course, but they can't do everything. They need you YAs and SGAs to carry even the bulk of the responsibility.—And that might mean a rearranging of your Home's priorities or ministries, in order to make sure that no one is overloaded with too much to do, but that the needs of the JETTs and teens are met somehow.

115. We need a revival of the "Call to the Rescue" (ML #3114-3115) challenge, and we need to implement it and not let other things crowd out the needs of our JETTs and teens. Unfortunately, the "Call to the Rescue" hasn't fully gotten off the ground yet, and that's probably one of the reasons why so many of our JETTs and teens are so weakened and bored and unchallenged today. They desperately need you—their older brothers and sisters—to help them to make it. And if you don't, who will?

116. You may think you have a lot of problems and difficulties of your own, so how can you possibly help the JETTs and teens. Well, the Lord has supernatural ways of helping those who help others. He honors sacrificial giving of time and energy. He rewards those who forsake their own personal pursuits of happiness and their own personal goals in order to help others. And you don't have to be perfect to be a bellwether and friend to the JETTs and teens either—the Lord will anoint you if you have the will to obey and the love to see the need and respond. You YA- and SGA-age new disciples and nationals can also be a big blessing to the JETTs and teens. You have unique experiences, fresh zeal, enthusiasm, and inspiration‚ so please do your part to pour into them, too.

117. Here is an excerpt of a message along this line that was given to the bellwethers at a recent JETT/teen meeting in the U.S., which the Lord said would be appropriate to include in this GN:

118. (Dad:) Do you want to see the fire go out in your younger brothers and sisters? I sure don't! I've been able to have a peek into the hearts of the JETTs and teens, and I see their desire‚ and they have it in them to go far for the Lord. But they need the motivation, they need help, they need someone who will be there for them. They need a sample to follow.

119. Will you be that sample? Will you be that disciple? Will you be a follower of the teaching, so that others may follow? Just look around you and see the babes who need someone to help them, to care for them. They'll of course never admit it‚ and few will admit that they need you, but you can bet that they do. And what you do, they will follow. You don't have to go out and win disciples off the street, you have them in your own Homes. You have those who have grown up in the Family, who have the foundation of the Word, but they've lost the spark. They've become disillusioned because there's been a lot of smoke but no fire‚ a lot of talk but no sample. So will you be that fire? Will you keep the flames burning in your hearts, so that they can feel it and catch it?

120. Look on them as your mission field. Ask the Lord to help you see past the outward appearance, in some cases the rebelliousness‚ the lethargy‚ and the indifference. Ask the Lord to help you understand their hearts. The reality is that for many it's just a show, and deep down they want to be on fire and into something. You just need to find their key. The Lord can help you, and you have legions of angels and spirit helpers at your beck and call who want to see the JETTs and teens make it, who want to win them as disciples. But they need your help. They need you to be there for them in the physical.

121. Will you rise to the challenge? Will you heed the call? Will you wake each morning with that burning desire to win souls, to win disciples‚ and to do your part to save the Family by helping to save the JETTs and teens? Of course, telling them that you're there to save them is going to go over like a lead balloon. In many cases you just have to be a sample, you have to do what the Lord shows you, you have to bring them in and pour into them, do things with them, show them that serving the Lord can be fun, it's thrilling, it's cool! Life for the Lord is not dull; it's not boring. It's thrilling! It's a revolution! They need that fire, they need that life, and they want it.

122. But you have to let the Lord set you on fire first. You have to be the disciples that the Lord wants you to be. You have to be out there leading the way, and then they will follow. It's a critical age, and it's an age where they're very critical, judgmental, and they hate double standards and hypocrisy. Remember how you were at that age? Well‚ it's the same for them. You have to practice what you preach or you're not going to make any headway with them. But if you love them, if you do your best for them and do it with all your heart, you will be making a difference.

123. Not everyone is going to make it. There will be some that you pour your heart and soul into that end up leaving the Family. But don't think that just because they're not in the Family that all that time and effort was wasted. It was not! It will be something that, even if they don't appreciate now, they will look back on in the future with appreciation and gratitude.

124. So go for it, folks. Give it your all and see the miracles that the Lord will do. See the revolution that will result. See the disciples that will be won to the Family. I'm thrilled with what's up ahead. But you are part of the puzzle, and if you don't do it, who will? So please, will you say yes? Please, will you take up this challenge to help lead the way? You've gotta keep the fires burning, amen?

Text box:

(From a 22-year-old woman on the field:) I love this Family with all my heart and want to see it remain the strong, sold-out army that Dad and the Lord want it to be. But unless we SGAs and YAs take up the torch, this revolution will die out. The commitment we've made to be in this Family with our whole hearts is largely due to the love and faithfulness of our parents and shepherds, but they can't carry this army forever. If we don't take up the challenge of teaching and training our younger brothers and sisters, who will? I haven't always done my part, but I'm determined to see that all that has been poured into me over the years isn't wasted.

The Lord has been so good to me. How can I now turn around and say, "Oh‚ sorry‚ I'm busy right now. Go ask someone else or wait till I'm done." Or, "I'm not cut out to be a shepherd. I'm sure the Lord can find someone else." The fact is, we're all called to be shepherds, whether we think so or not. I've seen so many of the people I love forsake their calling and I see so many of the young ones following in the same path. It's not as easy to get them to follow the straight and narrow road, but if we don't, this revolution won't last long. The choice is ours. If we don't fight for them, the Enemy will gladly fit them into his System. But with the Lord's help we can change that. Lord help us to ignite the fire of the Spirit of David in the hearts of the JETTs and teens. May this revolution keep moving forward and winning the lost right up until the Millennium.

End of text box.

Special Note to the Senior Teens

125. (Mama: ) I'm praying that you senior teens will also rise to the challenge of being samples and bellwethers to the children and JETTs and junior teens as much as you are able to. I don't expect as much of you as I expect of the YAs and SGAs, but I do want you to think and pray about how you can make a difference in the lives of those younger than you during the renewal. You aren't as accountable as the YAs and SGAs, but you do have it in you to be a big blessing in your Home. I know this because in many cases you are already strong pillars. You senior teens make up a significant percentage of the Family's manpower, and you can be a huge help in accomplishing what the Lord is asking of us during the renewal through your participation and sacrificial decisions to help the younger ones.

126. I know that going through the renewal isn't going to be easy for you senior teens‚ and the idea of helping to make things fun for the children or the JETTs and junior teens probably doesn't hold a big appeal. I also realize that in order for you to be happy in your Homes and willing to help the younger ones, you're going to have to have your needs met—your needs for fun, excitement‚ enjoyment, relaxation, fellowship, new learning experiences, witnessing opportunities, and more. I'll be praying that the adults in your Home will hear from the Lord about how they can supply your specific needs too, so that the renewal will not just be a bore and chore for you. I believe it has the potential to be a very happy, fulfilling‚ fun, challenging time for you senior teens as well‚ and that the Lord will give the adults ideas that will enable your needs to be sufficiently met, while you at the same time do your part to help meet the needs of the younger ones.

127. (Note: Dear parents and shepherds, please communicate with the senior teens in your Home and ask the Lord how you can meet their needs for input, fun‚ learning experiences, and fellowship, etc. Part of what will enable them to be happy helping out in the Home and contributing to the care of the children and JETTs and junior teens is having their needs filled. When the senior teens are happy and fulfilled, and when their needs are noticed and taken care of, they'll be much more inclined to be the pillars and blessings in your Home that you need them to be. It's a two-way street. You need them, and they need you!)

Text box

The Key of Brotherhood

128. (Jesus:) I give you the key of brotherhood to aid you in the shepherding of My young disciples. I wish to give you, through this key, an enhancement of all of the gifts you need to rally My young ones to the fore, to unite them as one in My Spirit, and to ignite in their hearts the true fire of revolution and devotion. There is much that holds them back—the Enemy's attacks, personal weaknesses, laziness, lack of desire, and much more—but call on this key when you pray for them and for your interactions with them, for it creates a drawing and uniting force in the spirit.

129. The key of brotherhood, when called on, brings to your side a great host of spirit helpers from My realm whose aim and goal it is to see the children of David gather together in revolution and discipleship. These helpers work behind the scenes to encourage the hearts of the wayward, spur on those who are weary, and help to unite My children in a powerful form of brotherhood and camaraderie. This key also gives you, as a shepherd [or bellwether], the anointing you need to be a drawing force, helping to unite and challenge My young ones.

130. Key promise: You‚ with the assistance of My spirit helpers and your teamworkers on Earth, will aid Me in making a strong fellowship of disciples and followers of the radical truth for this generation. The key of brotherhood will draw and unite My children in the spirit, and anoint you with newfound power.

End of text box.

The Revolution for the Youth

131. (Mama: ) Back to addressing all of you adults (including you SGAs and YAs): Following are excerpts of two more prophecies from the above–mentioned JETT/teen meeting in the U.S. These particular prophecies were messages of counsel to the coordinators and shepherds. Although they were originally given for this specific meeting, the Lord said that He intended for them to benefit the entire Family, especially during the renewal‚ so we're including them here. They're eye-opening about the desperate situation we're facing with our JETTs and junior teens‚ as well as highly motivational. So please let them convict you and move you to pray about how you can make a difference.

132. (Jesus: ) There's a cry of revolution! I have called for revolution. I have called for revolution in your ranks and in the Family, so it is a call to join the revolution for the young ones. You will gain new disciples from those already among your ranks, but who have not been in the revolution in spirit—some because they didn't even really know what it was. But now is the opportunity to win these as disciples. For many have what it takes, but they have just been aimless‚ directionless, and without a real purpose or knowledge of what the Family is all about. They haven't seen the sample among their peers, or among their parents, so they don't even really know what it is that motivated their parents to drop out and forsake all. Now is their chance to see, to feel, to understand.

133. Give it your all, My loves, for the sake of the young ones. There are many disciples among them. Their fire just has to be kindled, their understanding awakened‚ and once this happens, they will be a force to be reckoned with—a force for the good. The Enemy will fight because he knows that he will lose some from his clutches because of the awakening of the young ones. But don't let that deter you! Fight in the spirit, and keep claiming the hearts, lives, and souls for Me, and I will come through.

134. The Enemy is no match for Me and My Spirit and the key of revolution. It will reach the hearts of the JETTs and teens. They are searching, and they want to be reached. They want something to ignite a spark in their hearts, a purpose to serve Me.

135. The revolution has to begin and be awakened in their hearts first, and for many the time is now. Pray for them. No matter what you do, never cease to pray for them, for I know their keys, and I will reach their hearts. You do what you can, but then trust Me for the rest. I will use you as tools to reach their hearts, but in the end it is I Who has to speak to them directly and personally. So let Me use you, and then stand back and watch Me work.

136. Think back and remember what made the difference in your lives when you were young, when you were seeking answers, when you were confused and in need of guidance and direction. Maybe it was someone who took the time for you, who showed you love, sometimes tough love; or in other cases it was seeing a sample of someone who was on fire for Me, and had that fire of the revolution burning in their hearts that you knew could not be put out. Just think of what did it for you, and ask Me to help you be that for the JETTs and teens. Most of all, they need to see a sample of love, a sample of dedication, and a sample of those who are on fire for Me, and willing to serve Me at all costs.

137. Reach out in love, in dedication, and in humility, and you will see the fires ignited. You will see changes before your eyes; you will see dropouts, and forsake-alls. They might not have a lot in the physical to forsake, because technically they're already in the Family‚ but many have a lot spiritually to forsake—trips, hang-ups, attitudes, etc. But you'll see change‚ and you'll see fire, you'll see revolution. It's a call to revolution! Will you help the precious JETTs and teens to answer the call?


138. (Jesus: ) The renewal period will hit [the JETTs and teens] particularly hard, because they will have to give up basically everything they consider "fun" or "challenging." They don't look at the Word as cool or interesting; in fact, many have come to despise it as a nasty set of rules they're forced to live by. I'm not saying that every teen is like this, but many are. Many haven't found the love for Me that they need; they haven't seen the real revolution in their lives due to their parents living a compromised lifestyle. Many have had frequent contact with ex-members and they're very weakened by those interactions.

139. Many are weak and weary just because they don't have a vision. That's the bottom line. And because they have no vision, they perish. They have no vision for the Endtime. They don't have a clue about what I have said on many of the most fundamental topics of their lives. They're lost‚ like sheep having no shepherds in many cases. It's a desperate time for the Family's youth. If they don't get on board and get turned around, they will end up leaving the Family—and not just by ones and twos, but by hundreds. They're that weak in spirit.

140. What the Family young people need to see is dedication, fire, and inspiration! They need to catch the spirit. Yes‚ many are sweet, they're "good kids," but that's not enough. If they don't have the fire of revolution burning hot in their hearts, they won't survive. What I want … is a violent revolution of spirit‚ a complete turnaround! I want to rip off the chains of conformity and break down the walls of worldliness. I want to smash the illusions of the Devil and root out and pull down and destroy his work in their lives. I want to set the young people free. I want to heat them up so hot that I can again use the youth of the Family as firebrands in My hand!

141. Over time their fires have cooled, or they have been kept out of the fire. They haven't known what it's like to be on fire and sold out to Me. Maybe as children they once knew that excitement‚ but many of them have never felt this, so they've become clubs in My hand instead of white-hot swords. They've become dull and blunt and cold, and I haven't been able to use them to brand My Name on souls' hearts. I haven't been able to ignite raging fires of anti-System revolution in their hearts because they've been kept on the cold hearth instead of in the white-hot fire.

142. Many of the young people have never seen what it's like to have their heart broken for the sheep. They don't know what they're in the Family for; they think of it as a way of life, and many, many are church members in spirit. They love Me a little but they don't have that fire burning. That's what I want to ignite. I want to throw them into the hottest furnaces of My Spirit! I want to heat them up, melt them into new vessels, and then pull them out and stamp them on the new disciples I'll raise up. I want them to turn out to be fire in My hands—not cold icicles.

143. Your job is to set them free of the vines and cobwebs that have gathered as they have sat on the scrapheap waiting to be heated. Your job is to cast them into the fire of revolution, causing the dross to be burned away, causing the bad habits and worldliness to be singed and burned. Then I will set them free! I will cause them to be set at liberty to set others at liberty.

144. I want to use them! I don't want them to be pulled out of the fire only to be laid back on the scrap heap of metal in which they were laying. I want to use them. I want you to cause them to burn with My Spirit! I want you to keep casting them back into the fire‚ again and again, till they retain the white-hot heat of My Spirit.

145. In many cases I'm going to place the fire in the young ones' hearts for the first time. I'm going to turn them on to the spirit world. I'm going to cause things to happen that open their eyes to the spirit and to My love. I'm going to do things in each one's life as they decide to shed the garments of sin, which they have worn so proudly. I'm going to radically change them. You need to look at this time as the starting spark, the beginning, the lighting of a fire that needs fanning and fuel and tinder.

146. I'll ignite the spark, I'll start the fires burning, and I'll get things rolling, but you have to be there to fan the flames, to heat the fire hotter and hotter. You have to be ready to cast those who are ready into the fire and cause their hearts to burn for Me. You have to be there to tend to the flames, to set them on fire, and to let them burn.

147. I want to do something radical and immense! I'm looking to create an elite cadre out of the youths, but right now they're so buried in the dirt and mire of the System that they can barely be recognized as My children. That's all got to change. You've got to throw them in [the hottest fires of My revolution], keep them in there, and cause every last stitch of the Enemy's control to be burned off so that all that you pull out of that fire is a raw, white-hot firebrand to do My will.

148. It's a serious time, but it's also an exciting time! It's time for change, time to radically destroy the old and burn off the dross. It's time to break the chains and set the captives free!

149. (Mama:) Again, as I mentioned earlier‚ these messages and the promises contained therein are just as much the Lord's counsel for the renewal as they were for the original camp they were received for. They are messages of counsel for each of us, for us to apply today!

150. Peter and I will be praying for all of you who take up the torch to help our JETTs and junior teens during this important time. The renewal is when the Lord wants to begin to reignite the fires of revolution in the hearts of all of us—including our young people. And although the Enemy would want to sabotage the good benefits the renewal can bring into the lives of our JETTs and junior teens, and put a stop to the radical and immense changes our Husband has in mind‚ His power and the keys of the Kingdom are far superior in every way and will defeat any of the Enemy's attacks. Thank you—each of you—for taking the time to pray and hear from the Lord about how you can be a part of making this revolution happen for our young people, so that Jesus can set them free to love and serve Him like never before.

151. On behalf of the young people‚ I'm claiming the keys of yieldedness, acceptance‚ discipleship, revolution‚ change, and a strong spiritual vacuum. And for you who will be helping to shepherd them or be their brothers' keepers, I'm claiming the keys of wisdom‚ conviction, balance, brotherhood, anointing, and love. Our dear Husband wants our JETTs and junior teens to be happy and He wants the renewal to be a catalyst for positive changes and progress.—And because He loves them even more than we do, He's going to do all within His power to make it so. As we do our part in faith, acceptance, yieldedness‚ and with the power of the keys in our hands, we can trust that He will more than fulfill His end of the bargain.

Praying desperately for you as you invest in the future of the Revolution for Jesus,

Love, Mama

Practical Ideas

1) Ideas for Word times and spiritual input:

* Go on a hike, or climb a high mountain, and read "Mountain Men" together at the top while enjoying a picnic lunch.

* Have everyone bring an item (any item) to devotions, and a portion from a Letter that it reminds them of, and you can have a potpourri devotions. For example, if someone brings a key, they'd bring excerpts from a Letter about the keys of the Kingdom. If someone brings a candle, they'd bring excerpts from a Letter like "Burn Free." If someone brings a ball, they could bring an excerpt from a Letter like "Prayer Power" or "The Baby."

* Have the theme of a devotions be reading funny and humorous quotes from the Letters. You may be surprised at what you'll find.

* Have a theme of devotions be reading far-out facts from the Letters regarding the spirit world (as found in Volume 1, 2, or 3, the Heaven's Children series, or "Questions and Answers" Letters, etc.

* Read some of the new JETT and junior teen devotionals, which will be posted on the MO site for the renewal, Lord willing.

* Read some of Dad's old dreams for a devotions. Or collect a number of Dad's dreams from the Letters and form groups to prepare skits, acting out the dreams. The audience then guesses what the dream is and what Letter it's from.

* Do a study on fulfilled prophecy.

* Read through a list of Letters or GNs and formulate quiz questions as you go. Once you have a good amount‚ host a united quiz for the Home—letting them know ahead of time what Letters the questions came from, so that they have time to study them beforehand.

* Read stories or biographies of on-fire, sacrificial missionaries. (Note: The Lord gave permission for us to read missionary stories during the renewal, and we're looking into the possibility of posting some on the MO site for you to read with your JETTs and junior teens. Please pray for this.)

* Have a class on loving interactions. Read from Letters like "Loving Presentation" (ML #2894, Lifelines 21), and make up some hypothetical scenarios beforehand of true-to-life situations where loving presentation is needed. Read them, and discuss how you would approach the situation or problem lovingly and according to the principles in the Letter.

* Have classes on the Endtime.

* Study the life of Jesus or the Book of Acts.

* Have classes on who is on your side in the spiritual warfare, all the heavenly angels and warriors and helpers. Then have classes on the monsters they are fighting, and how they hold in their hands the means of defeating those monsters.

* Have classes on the keys and what they can do. Let the JETTs and junior teens imagine the reality of the tremendous weapons the keys are, and what they can do with them. Imagine what you would do and how you would react in certain situations, how you would answer someone if such and such happened, etc. Or talk about different difficult or "impossible" scenarios, and see who can find the most applicable key promise to claim for that situation.

* Let them receive their own Blade and LinkUp messages.

* Pick names out of a hat and decide on an interesting question you're going to ask the Lord for each other, such as receiving a message from the person's spirit helper or guardian angel, or something that the person did while they were in Heaven, etc.

* Have skits where you dress up and act out Bible or XN stories. They can be complex, with many characters, or simple. Think up lines and things to say that will depict the scene or the feelings of the characters in the story. Or find stories in the recent MLs that you can act out‚ such as "Crowns on the Ice."

* Gather together, turn the lights down low‚ and ask the Lord to speak to you on a certain topic, such as whether there is life on other planets. You may want to sing a song or two to start off‚ such as "We Live in the Fifth Dimension," which will bring you into the realm of the spirit.

* Ask the Lord for a spirit story together. For example, if you ask for a spirit story set in the time of the Roman persecution of Christians, ask the Lord to assign each person a character in the story, including a narrator, and then let each person speak his or her part. As each person speaks, the story will develop! (Note: Be sure to record any spirit stories and spirit trips with a dictaphone‚ so you can send them in if the Lord shows you to.)

* Read poems together. Find poems from the MLs, the Grapevine, or the MO site, and read them together.

* Some of the MLs merge over into science. For example, there is a study of crystals in "The Crystal Pyramid" Letter. In other Letters‚ Dad has outlined and explained principles of science. You can find these Letters and then do scientific experiments concerning the physical phenomenon explained‚ such as constructing or growing crystals from appropriate materials.

* Look up one famous person in the Word, such as Dwight L. Moody or William Gladstone, and find what Dad said about him‚ what sayings of his are in the Word, as well as what anecdotes about his life are available in Family pubs. You can do this by a search on the HomeArc, or check "Famous Characters" in the back of Good Thots Vol.2. Then discuss what that person's contribution was, and how he made the world a better place than it was before. Discuss what traits you find admirable in this person.

* Look up all the famous men and women of God mentioned in the Word who were JETTs or junior teens when they began their ministry. Some examples are Pocahontas, Jeremiah, Charles Spurgeon, Joan of Arc, Lady Jane Grey. Talk about their lives and what you would have done if you had been in their place. For example, what if you had received the call of Jeremiah? What would have been your reaction, and what would you have done?

* Find and collect quotes in the Word about our youth and the promises that God has made regarding Family young people. (Hint: FSM 220, "Promises of Victory," has lots of prophecies about the future of the Family children and young people!) Read these and others together, and discuss the talents and gifts the youth have that help them in serving the Lord.

* Find and collect tips in the Word about young people relating to FGAs, and then discuss how you can put these into effect. Plan an appreciation event for the FGAs, in which you read some of the promises from the Letters to them and thank them for their service to the Lord.

* Ask the Lord for a topic to study, and then read everything you can find in the Word on that topic. For example, computers: Find all the prophecies, all the XN messages, all the GT anecdotes‚ and anything that Dad said about them, and read it together. Discuss how your life is affected by computers, and how you can use them and not let them use you.

* Have an evening where you sit around with the lights low and read one of Dad's spirit trips, such as "Space City," or "The Ultimate Trip." Then ask the Lord to give each of you visions, which you can then explain to the others.

* Go swimming in a lake. When you get out, read "Strange Truths."

* Discuss what you like about the early days of the Family, and brainstorm ways to make that fervor and fire and wild dedication a common thing in your Home.

* Have a stargazing evening where each person relates what he or she believes is the greatest miracle the Lord ever did for them. Read accounts about miracles in the Bible, MLs, or other pubs.

* Each morning at breakfast or devotions have one JETT or junior teen (on a rotational basis) present a key promise for the Home to learn that day. Then one day each week, review the key promises you've learned.

* Put the key promises to song, to make it easier for the Home to learn them.

* Take your key promises with you on outreach, on cards that are easily accessible, so you can look at them and review them during the day.

* Have an evening where you gather with the whole Home to tell testimonies of miracles or answers to prayer that you have experienced or witnessed.

* Dig up older pubs that your JETTs and junior teens have never read, such as traumatic testimonies, the FSMs that contain testimonies of returning young people, Hope of the Future mags, older Blade mags, LinkUPs, applicable older Grapevine articles, etc. Remember, if something came out in a Grapevine seven years ago, your now 12-year-old would have been five then, and chances are he or she probably didn't read it.

* Judge/courtroom/jury simulation; a debate. Have the teens take the Scriptural position and defend it. The adult or person hosting the class can take the opposite position and defend it.

* Put things into your own words. Summarize the main points of a GN, or a section within the GN‚ in your own words. Putting things in your own words forces you to really think about what was said.

* Take a principle or a "to do" item from the Word you read that has a specific reward or blessing attached to it. Write it on a chart, as well as the date you implemented it, and how. Then make a note of the blessings and rewards that came about as a result. Or if there are no visible rewards after some time, ask the Lord to tell you what hidden rewards you have received for your obedience.

* Dedicate some Word–time slots so that each JETT or junior teen can write up their personal "declaration of faith." The topics could be salvation, the Endtime, the Law of Love, living by faith, dropping out of the System, etc. This shouldn't be an "open book" test, but it should come from the heart and be what they would tell someone if they were witnessing to them without any reference material or pubs. Let them research the topic, or research it together and do a class on it first, and then the next day or the next week, let them write their personal declaration‚ including what they've learned from the study and or/class.

* Take turns teaching a class on a certain aspect of Family doctrine. Draw topics from a hat, and then have one class a week for however long it takes (of course‚ giving each JETT or junior teen enough time to prepare). This is a good way to practice before you witness to others or give classes to sheep.

* Have each JETT or junior teen take a turn leading a class on a "Word Topic" from the Word Topics book. You could assign the topics or have each person pick the theme they want to present. Encourage a lively discussion about each topic presented. For example, friendship, meddling and busybodies‚ peer pressure, feeling left out‚ fascination for evil, competitiveness, etc.

* Have a discussion on, "How has the Family grown and changed?" and, "What things about the Family stay the same?"

* Work through the 12 Foundations Stones classes together.

* Keep a Word "journal" of the quote(s) that spoke to you most from that day, with a little "diary" note of why and any thoughts related to it.

2) Ideas for recreation and fun:

* Go to a museum.

* Visit a famous or historical landmark where you live.

* Spend a day at an amusement park or a water park.

* Go horseback riding.

* Go ice skating or rollerblading.

* Eat out at a restaurant.

* Go on a hike.

* Go skiing or snowboarding (if you live near snow), or surfing‚ snorkeling or water skiing (if you live near the sea).

* Go boating (be sure to use the proper safety gear).

* Have a beach/mountain/forest outing.

* Have a sports day with other Homes in the area.

* Look into unusual sports activities, such as water skiing (or whatever is available in your local area).

* Have a barbeque or picnic at a local park or in a Home's back yard.

* Put together jigsaw puzzles.

* Get or build a ping pong table, a pool table, or a foosball* table. *(foosball is a game based on soccer that is played on a table with rows of small model players. The models are attached to poles that pass through the sides of the table and are spun and moved from side to side in order to hit the ball.)

* Invite all the young people in your area over to your Home for a potluck brunch or lunch, with each person bringing a small dish, snack, or contribution to the buffet.

3) Ideas for witnessing adventures:

152. (Mama:) Not all of these ideas will be doable or wise in every situation. It depends greatly on the country and area you live in. Some of these would definitely not be recommended in closed, sensitive, or more reserved countries‚ so please be sure to confirm each idea with the Lord to make sure they are His best for you in your situation.

* Do Holy Ghost samples. Even if you don't sing or play that well, you will still attract the sheep. Team up with different Homes in the area if possible so as to make it more powerful.

* Have a gypsy witnessing adventure. Dress up like gypsies and put on a gypsy dance performance in a local park or populated area.

* Dress up like clowns and pass out tracts.

* Platforms for witnessing: Car washes, lemonade stands, provisioning, a stand at a mall, a table where you can sell tools, busking, teen hang-outs, outside of theaters to people coming out of meaningful movies, hippy fairs, beach boardwalks.

Text box:

(Mark and Leila B, Brazil:) When I was a teen, the times that I remember most were the times that I connected with a person and was able to witness one on one in deep conversation.

When I was 19, I witnessed to a young man my age when I was provisioning a tune-up for the Home's car. He was also in the mechanic's shop having the engine of his brand-new sports car adjusted for higher speed and performance. I took the plunge and witnessed to him, and this opened the door to a whole crowd of other high-class young people who he would bring over to our Home. He called me the "guru‚" and often he would come to our home with 10 or 15 other young people and tell them‚ "Sit down, don't talk‚ and just listen‚" ha!

Through this ministry we were able to reach a lot of young people. They would take us out and introduce us to other friends‚ meet us outside a rock concert and help us give out tracts to the young people coming out, come over to our Home for Word classes or to ask for prayer for deliverance from their drug addictions and problems in their family, etc., and it all started in a mechanic's shop. It just proves that it's not the type of witnessing you do that makes it radical; you have to be a radical yourself, and then you will do radical things in places that aren't very radical.

End of text box.

* Bake cookies, wrap them up or present them in an attractive way, and go door-to-door or shop–to-shop‚ handing them out with tracts, or delivering them to your provisioning contacts.

* Have everyone on your witnessing team dress up in the same bright color, such as bright blue or green, and paint your faces the same color to attract attention. Then have billboards or signs with catchy and thought-provoking or funny things written on them, related to the tracts or posters you're passing out.

* Pull some of the latest "signs of the times" news articles from the END and print them out. Have an Endtime witnessing day, passing out Endtime tracts and recent Endtime news articles. Don't forget to bring your Bibles and a list of your Endtime verses.

* Learn the "Endtime Street Play" and perform it in a good witnessing location. (Note: The VCD is available from the SEA FED Board, or your local FED Resource Center. Contact your Regional FED board for information.)

* If you live near a beach, go there with the intent to witness. Have some drinks or snacks, or even have a barbeque prepared, and invite sheep on the beach to join you. Eat, drink, be merry, sing songs‚ and witness.

* If you're a team of girls, dress up like stewardesses and hand out "free tickets" to Heaven, designed by the JETTs and junior teens. One side of the ticket could say, "Free ticket to Heaven. Valid anytime." Then the other side could have a Bible verse or two and a short written salvation prayer.

* Print out excerpts of a MO Letter in a tract form, and hand them out. Some Letters you could use are: "For God's Sake, Follow God!" or "Stop, Look, Listen!" or "Did God Make a Mistake?"

* If there's a harbor near you, go witnessing on the ships to the sailors. There are often ships in the port from different countries, so this can be quite an interesting multicultural experience.

* If you're going on some sort of fun outing, set a witnessing goal to reach beforehand. For example, "As soon as we win X number of souls, we can go ice skating." Or, "As soon as we hand out X number of tracts, we can go eat at the restaurant we provisioned."

* Send people two-by-two with guitars into parks and outside schools, on the beach or at the perimeters of concerts to sing and pass out tracts.

* Do a street drama or skit. Keep your costumes on as you go out afterwards to witness.

* Help your young people start catacomb works in schools and other places. If they end up having to teach others, then this will motivate them to study the Word.

* Witness by wandering around: Walk around the neighborhood, or get on a bus and walk around another neighborhood, and see what witnessing opportunities arise. A lot of times just being available to witness frees your spirit helpers to work and provide you with the setups necessary. Go to the library, the amusement park, the seashore; just be available and see what happens. While wandering around‚ you can ask the Lord to reveal to you who He wants you to talk with. Try hearing His voice and follow His leading, and when He says‚ take a right on this street, do it. Then if He shows you to go inside a shop, go in, etc. Pretend that you have a headset on and that you have the Lord talking with you and giving you on–the-spot leading and direction. (Note: In most libraries you're not supposed to talk‚ but if a library is a happening place in your area, you might find good witnessing opportunities outside it or in a nearby park.)

* Go to a coffee shop or an Internet café, if conducive to starting conversations and witnessing to those there.

* Go to a parking lot and put tracts under the windshield wipers of every car.

* Get involved in your neighborhood. Maybe there's someone in the neighborhood who needs some help, like an elderly lady who needs her yard raked. Helping someone you know is a good place to start, when it's simply a goodwill job. Or you could work out doing odd jobs or yard work for people in the neighborhood for a donation‚ which could be saved up and used exclusively for trips or excursions or other activities. This could be made into a witness as well. Your "youth team" may want to open a special savings account in a local bank and put the money you make in that account, which would also help them learn about opening and maintaining bank accounts. Then you can save the money and use it for a special project that all who worked for it can vote on.

* Organize a three-day faith trip to a nearby city and get out Activated mags and sell subscriptions. Provision everything along the way and your young people will experience the Lord's miracle-working power of supply‚ protection, direction, and open doors.

Text box:

(Sam and Leila, Brazil:) A few years ago in Chile, Steven and Grace organized united excursions together with other parents, 3-day camps, hiking and sleeping in tents and having inspiring Word classes. Steven and Grace provisioned almost everything, and the Lord supplied abundantly.

Recently, Joseph and Clara from the office took a team of four junior teens on a faith trip all the way from Chile through Argentina, and then to Punta del Este in Uruguay (a famous, high–class beach resort). When the teens came home, they were so inspired and said they wished they could stay out longer. The Lord did hundreds of miracles for the team. They provisioned everything, and they witnessed like never before.

End of text box.

* Go to a park and hold a contest to see who can win more souls. Unite with all the young people in the area, break up into teams of two, and set a time to meet again to find out who was the winning team. Have someone provision lunch or dinner in a restaurant beforehand as a prize, or have a picnic or barbeque together afterwards to celebrate the souls saved.

* Have an "Activated" day. Get up and read an Activated mag for devotions, then go out witnessing and sell Activated subscriptions. Assign a time to stop for prayer vigil and focus your prayers on the Activated vision and pray for all your subscribers.

* Write a letter to the editor of a paper or magazine on a social topic‚ putting in a witness.

4) Ideas for personal goals:

* Learn how to play guitar (or another instrument).

* Learn how to read music.

* Learn how to cut and style hair.

* Learn a new sport (like tennis, basketball, soccer, etc.).

* Learn all about massages and how to give them.

* Learn about makeup (how to apply it in moderation, about natural types of makeup, and other techniques).

* Learn how to cook a new type of food (like Indian, Thai, Chinese, Greek, etc.)

* Learn how to sew, crochet, or knit.

* Learn ribbon embroidery, cottage crafts, or patchwork.

* Learn to compose songs.

* Learn how to harmonize.

* Learn a new type of dancing (ballet, hip hop style, jazz, belly dancing, etc.).

* Study drama. (Put together a play with a comprehensive script and costumes.)

* Plan and organize a Holy Ghost sample witnessing outing.

* Learn how to teach a Bible class.

* Learn tips on public speaking, or public relations and provisioning. Ask your media board to give you lessons on how to answer questions in an interview. Study up on our rights and learn to defend your beliefs.

* Learn about salesmanship and ask your Home tool distributors for tips on selling our Family tools. Learn how to sell the tools yourself while including a solid witness.

* Put together a specific reading list and commit to finish it before the end of the renewal.

* Read through the Bible, or the New Testament.

* Start and complete a personalized, artistically designed quote book.

* Commit to practicing your gift of prophecy‚ so that your channel is more exercised by the end of the renewal. Make goals of how often you are going to hear from the Lord in prophecy, and do it.

* Design a personal prophecy booklet and see if you can fill it.

* Learn basic layout and design a Home newsletter.

* Decide on a personal Activated subscription goal, and work toward it.

* Learn a new language.

* Learn how to touch–type.

* Learn secretarial skills.

* Learn how to use helpful computer programs such as Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, etc.

* Learn basic accounting and ask your Home finance man to teach you how to keep books. Make spreadsheets in Excel for stats and home finances. Make monthly pie graphs and charts to "Share the Know" in the Home council meetings and to post on the Home's bulletin board.

* Learn how to fill in the TeleTRF and take on the responsibility of compiling your Home's comments and suggestions, stats, etc.

* Learn shorthand.

* Learn how to draw.

* Learn mechanics‚ carpentry‚ or woodwork.

* Learn about writing; become the "reporter" for your local area and send in the witnessing and other happenings to WS for possible publication or posting on the MO site.

* Complete a specific CVC course.

* Train a pet dog.

* Become an expert on the Endtime.

* Learn how to make puppets, and construct a puppet theatre.

* Learn how to do simple magic tricks‚ which can be used as entertainment for the younger children‚ or as an icebreaker for witnessing.

* Learn origami or another form of paper artwork (like making paper flowers).

* Learn to swim proficiently.

* Learn first aid.

* Learn how to survive in different situations (see the CVC site for an outline of ideas).

* Learn all about clay modeling.

* Learn photography.

* Learn how to make a video: Put together a project idea, plan what scenes and parts to video, and what order to video them. Ask one of the Homes if you can come along as reporters to document their excursion or witnessing adventure or activity. Make it professional by adding ending credits, and present it to them when finalized. Or record "a day in the life of" someone in the Home who has an interesting day ahead or an interesting ministry. Record everything they do that day‚ from morning preparations before they go out, visiting friends, witnessing, or work—a full day to show what that person does and how interesting it is. You could also interview the witnesser or provisioner to see how they do what they do, and then interview the Activated contact they're ministering to. Then later everyone can watch it together over a bowl of popcorn. (Note: You might also be able to send it in to the Vine.)

* Form a club with others in your Home or area based around a specific vision or purpose.

(Jesus:) There are so many hobbies or areas of interest that you could organize a club around and make into a fun and educational source of activity and fellowship. You may want to decide on club rules for membership, elect officers, a treasurer, decide on your club requirements, etc. You can also bake different Word and witnessing and prayer projects into the club tests and membership requirements, and organize projects or excursions based around the club's mission. Everything could incorporate some aspect of Word research and/or witnessing and the Activated tools.

The JETTs and junior teens could witness to and invite some special person (Family or otherwise) who knows a lot about their club theme, to a meeting to give a talk or class—such as a police officer, a local politician, a fire chief, a scout master, a photographer, a newspaper reporter.

Here are a few club ideas:

* A camping club could learn about all the different facets of camping, hiking, and survival, and then go on a camping trip together to put what they learned to the test. They could research the Letters and any appropriate System material. They can learn about map reading, sky and star reading, and about the terrain and vegetation in the area you are going to camp in. Then after learning and experiencing a certain amount of things and passing a test like in the boy scouts, you get a merit badge. And with enough merit badges‚ you can become an eagle scout with added responsibilities.

* A reading club could decide on reading projects, not only with the GNs and Word, but select books on different topics (during the renewal, you would need to find books that fall within the renewal guidelines, or you could also use the missionary stories for this; see the MO site), or correlating specific books with different Word. The club could write book reviews, get together for discussions and to compare notes. When coming across something or some place in a GN or the Bible, they could also pick research teams from among themselves to learn more about that place or event. The club could also organize a poetry party; tell everyone to bring their favorite snacks and poems, then take turns reading poetry they found or wrote. (There is lots of beautiful poetry in Good Thots and Rhymes from Our Times and scattered through other Family pubs.)

* A cooking club: Learn how to make different dishes from different countries. Learn about the delicacies of tastes and differences of flavors. Have a project of provisioning meals in various restaurants, or even just visiting the restaurant, but arrange to go there sometime when it's not so busy so you can talk to the chef or the owner and learn some of his or her cooking tips. Maybe the chef will come to one of your club meetings and speak to the club, or give a little demonstration. Plan a witnessing fundraiser so you can buy an assortment of the food items you'll need to work with. Arrange and plan for a club excursion to an ethnic area of town to learn more about the people and their foods and cultures. Then arrange follow-up times with them to get to know them better. See if you can visit a marketplace and learn about fresh herbs and spices.

* A language club.

* An acting club.

* A dancing club.

Text box:

A CVC Plug

153. (Mama:) The renewal could be a perfect time for the JETTs and junior teens to invest some time toward earning CVC diplomas and certificates. (Note: JETTs can do the reading needed for a CVC vocational study certificate, to prepare the way for doing their vocational experience hours once they turn 14, when they can earn a CVC certificate. However‚ there is nothing to stop individual Homes or areas from creating non-CVC certificates for JETTs to acknowledge their accomplishments.) Here's a little plug from the WS CVC department:

The renewal may be a great time for your teens to dust off their CVC books and earn themselves a few diplomas and certificates, plus pack in some good Word time in the process. You will find the contents of the entire CVC program online for you at

To get in to the Student Center‚ use your MO site name and password. If your JETT or junior teen doesn't have a CVC book, you'll find a PDF of it on the site. Study the Word, witness, and get credit for it with one of six Christian Studies Certificates. Or pick up a proficiency certificate in one of the Vocational Studies departments: Child Care and Education‚ Industrial Arts, Home Economics‚ Secretarial and Business, Communications, Creative and Performing Arts, Survival Skills‚ Life and Family Sciences.

Don't have a high school diploma? The CVC has two high school diplomas. The General High School Diploma is the standard that is required by the Charter for all young people in the FD Family. And for the more academic-minded, you can obtain a Senior High School Diploma with a bit more study. Students may qualify for these diplomas through course study or testing.

End of textbox.

United Home To–Do List

1) Unite as a Home to pray about and figure out how you're going to meet the needs of the JETTs and junior teens in your Home during the renewal. Each person must pray about how you can make a difference.

2) Plan ahead to make things special for the JETTs and junior teens during the renewal‚ and pray about rewards for exemplary behavior and steps of progress.

3) Ensure that you, as a Home, are doing all you can to meet the four major needs of the JETTs and junior teens during the renewal:

  1. The Word and spiritual input
  2. Recreation and fun
  3. Witnessing adventures
  4. A personal goal or goals

4) Ask the Lord: "How can we help the JETTs and junior teens in our Home to learn to grow in motivation? What can we do to remedy the problem and encourage more creativity and initiative?" Then unitedly discuss the counsel He gives and make some concrete plans for implementing His ideas in your Home.

5) Ask the Lord for the specific keys to your JETTs and junior teens' hearts.

6) For YAs, SGAs, young nationals, and new disciples: Pray about how you can be a shepherd, bellwether, or friend to the JETTs and teens, and how you can do your part to pour into them, to take them out on challenging and fun witnessing adventures, to do fun things with them, to plan and lead alive and fresh Word classes, to help to motivate them to grow and learn and make profitable use of their time.

7) For senior teens: Pray about how you can rise to the challenge of being samples and bellwethers to the children, JETTs and junior teens in whatever way you can.

End of File