KEYWORDS: lord, brazil, video, mama, family, time

Introduction to "Woe!"


Peter's Introduction to Mama's Video to the Family in Brazil

By Peter A.CM/FM 3451 5/03

Note: A few minor portions of this video transcript, such as some technical points about the viewing of Mama's video, etc., have been edited from this printed version.

Preface from Mama

Dear Family,

God bless you! I love you!

As I mentioned in my notice in Grapevine 156, some major changes have taken place within the Brazilian Family. This GN‚ and the four which follow it‚ are all based on a series of videos that Peter and I made to try to help the Family in Brazil. As you read them, you'll get a clear picture of what these changes are, why they were necessary, and—I hope and pray—be able to apply these Words to your own lives and Homes.

While reading these Letters, remember that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and that no one is righteous, not one." So, rather than thinking how guilty those in Brazil have been, please put yourself in their place and examine your own heart, attitudes and actions as you read. Pray about any changes you might need to make personally, and pray for your Family in Brazil who are in the midst of making such changes.

Peter and I are counting on you to uphold your brethren in Brazil in your prayers, and also to seek the Lord about your own standard of discipleship and commitment to the Lord and the Family.

With much love in our dear Husband‚


(Peter prays: )

1. Precious Lover, we love You so, so much! We need You so desperately! We're so thankful for this time that we can have together—a time when we can speak with the Family here in Brazil and pour out our hearts to them and share with them the various messages that You've given and the things that You want to say, in order to help them and to move them forward in spirit.

2. I want to claim the power of Your keys of full possession for this meeting, that You'll anoint me in the reading that I'll do and the things that I'll say. I can't do it without You, Lord, so I claim the keys of anointing and the power of Your Spirit in order to project Your mind, Your heart, Your Spirit, to these precious folks.

3. Lord‚ I claim the keys of openness of heart for these who will be hearing these messages. I pray that You will help them to be open and receptive. There are many important messages that You have to give, many important things You have to say to them. So please help them to go into this meeting prepared, open, receptive, and ready for Your Words, in Jesus' name.

4. This video that I'm making is just a short one as an introduction to the video that you're about to see, which is a video of Mama delivering to you a message that the Lord has given her to deliver. It's a serious message‚ it's a sober message, and it's one that you desperately need. There are problems here in Brazil—serious spiritual problems—and the Lord has laid it upon our hearts to talk with you, to actually come here to Brazil and to meet with the COs and the VSs (at least some of them)‚ and to meet with a group of people (over 30 CM representatives from different Homes and ministries throughout Brazil)‚ and take the opportunity to pray and seek the Lord and hear from Him.

5. We received many, many prophecies—more than a hundred prophecies—about the situation here in Brazil. Mama and I, and those in WS, have spent the last few months praying and seeking the Lord about what to do to help you, what to do to help the work here that is in many ways crumbling because of problems and sins. The Lord showed us that we should come, that we should conduct these meetings, that we should make videos, that we should explain things to you very clearly. That's why we're here. That's why we've gathered you to watch these videos, so that we could speak directly to you and so that you could hear it directly from us—including directly from Mama, and directly from the Lord through her. This video that you're about to watch is of Mama delivering this message to you.

6. In the way of preparation, I just want to say that the Family has, over the years, become somewhat familiar with the Lord. He's our Husband, He's our Lover, He's our Friend, He's our Confidant. We're very close to Him. He's showered upon us His love, His gifts‚ His blessings, His unconditional love, His constant forgiveness‚ and because of this we get very used to that side of the Lord, but we seem to forget that He is also a Father Who warns us and Who tries to direct us in the right way to go. He's very patient with us; He's a patient Father. He doesn't get angry quickly. But we do seem to forget that sometimes He does get angry, and sometimes His patience does run out. His forgiveness is eternal and His love is eternal, but His patience with us when we're sinning‚ when we're doing wrong‚ when we're not obeying Him, that's not eternal. And when a parent's patience wears out, then there's judgment. That's where we're at today in Brazil.

7. The Lord has spoken in GN after GN about so many of the problems, but they continue on. You've come to feel that there's no punishment for disobedience, that there are no consequences. You're disobeying and you're not following the Word, and you're looking over here at so–and-so‚ and he's not following the Word and he's disobeying—in fact, you may think he's even being worse than you. So you're thinking, "Gee, he's worse than me and nothing's happened to him. God's not smiting him or judging him, so I don't have to worry either. When the Lord starts punishing him, I'll sit up and take notice." But that's not the way it works.

8. Each one of you stands before the Lord on your own. Each one of you has the Word‚ and you're accountable for that Word. Unfortunately, many of you have not heeded the warnings the Lord has given us, and you've just had the assumption that, "I have God's love. He loves me. It's forever. It's unconditional. He'll love me even if I'm a sinner." Yes, of course He'll love you if you're a sinner, but He doesn't love that you're sinning, and He won't allow you to continue on in your sins if you're His child—and if you do, He will chastise you.

9. This is where we're at; this is why you're watching this video. This is why Mama has made this video. There will be other videos, too. This first one is Mama delivering the Lord's message to you. Then there will be quite a few hours of me talking about the things the Lord said in this video of Mama‚ and then there will be a video that will explain the consequences of your sins here in Brazil—the punishment.

10. It's important that, going into all of this, you know that at the end there is going to be discipline, and it's going to be pretty tough discipline. It's not going to be easy, and it's going to be a fight for you. We don't have any great joy in disciplining you in this way, but we do it, as the Lord does, in love.

11. Watching these videos will be very convicting, I hope—and I hope that it will change you. This is a time when you need to not be thinking about business. You need to let go of your problems, to set aside all the business and affairs of your Home. You need to stop thinking about other people. You need to stop and get quiet and let the Lord, through all of this, speak to your heart. Just sit back‚ pray, seek the Lord, and ask Him to speak to you. Claim the keys for an open heart, an open mind, and an open spirit. Claim the keys of change—that the Lord will use all of this to change you, because change is something you very much need.

12. This is just the beginning of a long voyage, and not an easy one. It will be a difficult voyage‚ and honestly, not everyone is going to make it. At the end of the day, or at the end of the time, not everybody is going to make it. But I pray that you all will. I know that some won't, but my prayer is that you will change, that you will become the disciples you need to be, and that you will make it. But it will be a long journey, and again I want to say there will be consequences and chastisement. I tell you that now so that when you go into watching Mama's video and the delivery that she gives you and what she says, that you will understand that there are consequences. This is not like a GN that you can read and either get it or not get it. This is the real deal.

13. I want to read to you a prophecy from the Lord on this.

14. (Jesus speaking:) The ax is laid to the root of the tree. For lo, these many years I have shown the Family in Brazil great mercy, even blessing them and honoring them above others. I have patiently dunged around their tree‚ but the time comes when I require fruit. They have been weighed in the balances and have been found wanting. This is not a time to show mercy; it is a time to see My Words fulfilled.

15. Be not deceived, for God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. He that sows to his flesh shall reap of the flesh corruption, but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting (Gal.6:7,8).

16. Take a lesson from the parables of the ten virgins and the five talents (Mat.25:1–30). These parables were originally referring to the end of the world, but they can also be applied to the situation in Brazil. For the Kingdom of God is come and I have given great gifts and awesome powers, and now is the day that I require My Brazilian Family to give account of what they have done with these gifts and powers. Again I say, the Brazil work is weighed in the balances and found wanting.

17. To whom much has been given, much shall be required, and I have given much to My Brazilian brides. I have honored them with visits from King Peter. I have given much counsel to them through the GNs, including personal messages for South America in the GNs specifically for South America ("To My Latin Loves," No.1 and 2). In their pride many did not think that it applied to them, but was for their sister countries.

18. I gave South America the commission and honor to pioneer and get out Activated. I offered them the great privilege to be the pioneers. But they would not. They gave their crown [of leading the way in the Activated ministry] over to another—India. They were to be the leaders‚ the shining lights‚ but in their pride they would not, and another has taken their crown because of their slothfulness and disbelief. But I first went to them. I say again‚ "To whom much has been given, much shall be required," and now is the time I am requiring it of them. I am requiring them to give account of what I have given them (Luke 12:48).

19. But still I have had mercy and I have given them more chances. They had another chance to cleanse their hearts and get right with Me. I revealed to them the oppressive grip of compromise and Lethargy and the Selvegion through the "Conviction vs. Compromise" series. Yet many would not listen and did not take it seriously‚ but continued on in their disunity, their bickering, their gossiping, and their unbelief. Many didn't take My warning to heart and rid themselves of the demons; or if they did, their victories were short-lived and they have allowed the influence of these demons back into their lives.

20. Did they think it was just a pretty picture I was painting when I said that the fast day marked the day that the fires of Revolution were rekindled? (ML #3383:6; ML #3384:5). Did they think I was kidding when I said the power of My Spirit was moving as a great wind that would cleanse and shake and uproot everything that was in its way? (ML #3384:58). I wasn't, and now they will reap what they have sown.

21. And if that was not enough to bring forth the repentance and the change, I came again with the Word Revolution [Feast 2003]. Now you will see those who obeyed and those who didn't obey, for I clearly stated that those who appear to want the Word, yet carelessly allow it to be crowded out of their daily lives‚ will suffer greater consequences than in the past. The effects of their neglect will be seen; it will be more obvious. I said if you continue to neglect the Word, either personally or as a Home, there will be consequences; you will suffer loss and this will be My doing (ML #3433:57–60). And now they must suffer the consequences of their neglect, and it is My doing.

22. Now these Words are being fulfilled in their very lives. Everything that is not firmly rooted in Me and in this Revolution which I have created shall be taken out of the way, and I shall rebuild and replant the new, even from the seeds of a few faithful plants, those few but sturdy and hardy trees which remain. They shall be enough, with the power of My Spirit, to carry on the work.

23. This judgment will be swift and thorough and it will cause a mighty widening of the eyes, not only to the ones in Brazil, but to all My children around the world. I love all My children, but I will not tolerate the wayward ones holding back the faithful. There will be much weeping and wailing, but hold not back My rod of correction.

24. I am your loving and doting Husband, but some have become so familiar with Me and have taken advantage of My love, that they have lost the good, healthy fear and respect of Me and My authority and My power. This judgment on My wayward brides will bring things back in perspective. I mean business and I mean it now. There is no more time to waste.

25. Did I not say to mark My Words? (ML #3433:205). The word "mark" means to take heed‚ to notice. What I have said will come to pass, and now it is coming to pass.

26. I have given warning upon warning to not only Brazil but to all of My brides around the world. My children will stand in awe and will regain their healthy respect of Me. This correction will have a major impact on the Family and will change the whole Family for good. This is My doing. Believe and obey and spare not for their crying. For those who are faithful‚ believing, and trusting, will come forth as finer gold and will be set free to do an even better job, and more fruit than ever will be borne. (End of message from Jesus)

27. (Peter prays: ) Thank You‚ sweet Love‚ that You love us enough to correct us, that You love us enough to chasten us. Thank You that You're not going to let things go on and on and on, but that there is a day of judgment; there is a day of correction. Lord, as I said earlier, these ones are starting out on this journey of correction, and I pray for them. I claim Your keys for them. I claim that they can change. I claim that they will listen, that they will receive, that they will believe, that they will drink it in and let it change them.

28. I pray for each one as they begin this journey, as they watch this video from Mama, that You'll speak to their hearts, that You'll break up the hard ground of their hearts and till it, and get it receptive to receive these seeds—the seeds of Your correction that will grow into beautiful, fruitful trees of life. I pray for them, Lord. We claim Your keys for them, and we pray that You will bring forth the change needed throughout all of the land—that You will cleanse it, that You will make it whole once again! And that it will, once again in Your time‚ be fruitful, bringing forth the right fruit‚ strong fruit, healthy fruit—fruit that remains.

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