KEYWORDS: time, family, department, jesus, brazil, latin america

Activate the World, Part 6!

Karen Zerby

By MariaMaria #618 CM/FM 3405 12/01

Dear mates and co-workers,

1. I love you and appreciate all your labors in the Lord's harvest‚ which is ripe and ready for the Words of Life that you have in Activated! In this latest session of the Supernatural Symposium you'll meet some of your co-workers in Heaven, whose help is available whenever you need it, through prayer. There truly is a "great cloud of witnesses" eager to assist you in winning the world through Activated. So if you need help in any way, or simply want to reach more and win more and do it better and faster, call on Heaven! Claim the power of the keys! Ask your loving Husband for help! Be specific about your needs and expect to see specific answers, and you won't be disappointed!

The Symposium—Session Four

2. (Angelic moderator speaking:) Welcome! The Supernatural Interdimensional Activated Motivational Symposium is again in session! We are extremely pleased to see you all back, and are thrilled at the progress taking place. Some of you might feel that the steps you've taken are relatively minor ones, but with all of you even taking minor ones‚ great progress is beginning. But many, if not most of you, have been doing more than taking minor steps. You've been putting more than feet to your prayers. You've put wings to them as your witness and subscription rates have begun to take off!

3. Today we would like to take you behind the scenes to ActivatedHeaven. Here you will meet some of the personalities who have been recruited to help not just with the magazine and other pubs, but also with the follow–up explosion that's starting.

4. Our Guest of Honor is seated in the seat of honor! Yes‚ dear and mighty Jesus is with us again, as He has been throughout our presentations. I'm sure that He will address us all before the end of the symposium, but He has insisted so far that our guest speakers first give their presentations. But‚ dear Lord, we don't want to go a step further without paying homage to You and thanking You for all You're doing. We marvel at all the super-tech that we observe here in this Heavenly realm being put into motion so that much can be accomplished on Earth to further Your plans, yet we don't want to forget the Source of all of this. We love You, and Your praise is on our lips continually. (Jesus smiles and waves, acknowledging the applause and praises of the crowd.)

5. Now once again we're going to turn to the big screen. This time it's going to open a window into the ActivatedHeaven complex, one of the newer facilities Here in the Heavenly City. (The screen is filled with a Heavenly vista of buildings‚ parks, and lakes.)

6. ActivatedHeaven is situated in a corner of prime Heavenly surreal estate. (Surreal as in dreamlike.) The complex is designed to provide maximum service to the Family on Earth and is staffed by some of the best Heaven has. There are several departments, and new departments are being formed as the need arises. Let's introduce some of the spirits.

7. We'll limit our introductions to those you may be familiar with, because time will not permit us to introduce them all. Now, you might be thinking that we Here are no longer bound by time, and that's true; but you are, and since you're involved with this symposium‚ some of the constraints of time are affecting us as well. Please keep in mind that aside from those we'll be pointing out, there are multitudes of other Heavenly citizens involved in this program.

8. The original core group of staffers make up the Inspiration Department. Their job initially was to provide the inspiration to begin the project. Now that that's been accomplished, their responsibility has shifted to being in charge of the content of all the publications associated with Activated.

9. There's John Bunyan over there. Give a wave, John! And over there with the sparkling eyes is Fanny Crosby. There's Dwight N. L. (no longer) Moody. (We like to rib him a little about his name!) There chatting together are Hudson Taylor, who has been tickled pink ever since he found out that they modeled a little bit of ELMO on him [See "Activate the World, Part 5," ML #3395, GN 988.], and Amy Carmichael, who made India her home and represents that area.

10. As you all no doubt expected, there is Father David, who said he wouldn't for the world miss being involved to some extent with the Activated push, although he has lots of other duties to attend to as well. We asked him if he would like to be involved in the program as editor emeritus and his reply was: "Emeritus? You mean retired? Nothing doing! I didn't come to Heaven to retire! Ha!"

11. Over there are some of our Latin contingent. We've recruited some dear ex–Catholics from centuries past to give us a hand. There is José de Anchieta, who labored for years in Brazil to bring the good news to the locals. He sure loved Jesus and the natives, and they loved him. He was an excellent choice to represent Contato in the original inspirational council. And sitting with him is his Spanish buddy, Toribio Alfonso Mogrovejo, representing Conéctate. He labored for years as a bishop and missionary in Peru at the beginning of it all. And the locals loved him too. These two wonderful men poured their hearts out on their respective fields, and went through untold trials and tests in the process.

12. Now we can move on to other departments. There, situated down by the Lake of Living Water, is the Education Department. Their job is closely linked to the Inspiration Department in that it has to do with the Word. But rather than producing the pubs, their assignment has to do with motivating and instructing the teachers. In this department you can find the likes of Martin Luther and his very able colleague Philip Melanchthon. George Washington Carver, who loved to study and teach the Word‚ but was known more for his lab work, is also involved. John Wycliffe is there also‚ as is the Japanese Christian and educator Niijima Jo and the Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen.

13. Then over there in the Crystal Dome is the Communication Department. What has communication got to do with Activated, you ask? Well, their job is to help you communicate! Activated involves a lot of witnessing as well as written communication, whether by e–mail or paper. These folks are working on you being able to express yourselves well‚ helping you to get your points across clearly and effectively. If some of you are worried about being tongue–tied or have a regular case of writer's block, have we got help for you!

14. Some of the luminaries in this department are: Saint Paul, who knows personally the battles involved with not being as eloquent as he wanted to be, but whose writings helped and are still helping to win the world; some of the great storytellers from times past such as C. S. Lewis‚ Charles Dickens, and even Samuel Clemens, who you might not have thought would be involved in this; and, of course, how would a communications department be complete without the involvement of Miguel de Cervantes. And then there are the poets Robert and Elizabeth Browning. "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.…"

15. And here is the Follow-Up and Pastoring Department. These are the ones who are working on you enlarging your folds and winning and bringing in the sheep. And once you have sheep‚ you have to shepherd them, thus follow-up and pastoring are so closely interlinked that they're handled by the same department. The Wesley brothers, John and Charles, are involved in this department‚ along with some of their other colleagues from their time on Earth. And the kindly gentleman over there—and this is sure to please all you dear Irishmen—is none other than St. Patrick. If anyone knows about winning tough nuts, it's him!

16. There is also Samuel Crowther, who was once destined to be a slave and ended up being a missionary to his own in Africa. Mary Slessor is also here, God bless her. Oh, and don't think you dear Slavs have missed out on representatives, because over there are brothers Cyril and Methodius. For those who don't know, Cyril and Methodius are known as the apostles to the Slavs, being the original missionaries to several of the Slavic peoples‚ even coming up with a written language for them, named Cyrillic, after dear Cyril.

17. Besides all these venerable ones, every adult Family member who has passed on is on the ActivatedHeaven team. Yes, they were all asked if they wanted to be a part of ActivatedHeaven‚ and to a man—or more correctly, spirit—they agreed! Being involved with Activated is not their only duty. If any of you out there are worried that they aren't available to help you personally at times, that's not the case. Many of these dear ones help out regularly as spirit helpers to their loved ones, and they will continue in that capacity. It's simply that Activated is the buzz these days, and none of them want to miss out on the latest Move Of The Spirit!

18. There are other departments, but we'll have to wait on meeting the folks involved with them, because now we need to introduce you to our next speaker! But actually, he needs no introduction, since you've already met him in this session. But let me say a bit more about him. Although he suffered physical affliction much of his life, he dedicated himself unceasingly to his missionary work. He loved his Lord with a whole heart and was loved by Him. Our speaker wanted only to bring Jesus' love to those who did not know it. He worked tirelessly amongst the natives and risked his life time and time again in order to convince them of the love of their Savior. He learned the locals' languages so as to be able to communicate with them, and helped devise written versions of them so that they could have the good news in their own language. He worked miracles, prophesied, and even staged the first street play in the field he ministered in, in order to reach the lost.

19. To represent the vast work of Activated in Latin America, let me introduce José de Anchieta once again! (A thunderous round of applause erupts as the audience claps, whistles and cheers as José de Anchieta, no longer stooped as he was on Earth, rises from his chair and moves to center stage.)

20. (José de Anchieta speaking:) I am humbled greatly to be called to this gathering to address you all. Dear Jesus, thank You for letting me come here. I honor You, Lord, above all. You gave me hope and faith during my lifetime, and when I arrived Here, I found You infinitely more wonderful than I could ever have hoped for. I had a lot of things mixed up before that, which was due to Catholicism. I thought at first I had to mortify my body in order to win favor with You, which in reality was the last thing You were interested in me doing. You wanted me to preach the Gospel, and I'm so glad that I at least got that part right. Now, with Your leave, I will address the rest of this talk to the audience.

21. Viva Conéctate! Viva Contato! Viva the great work of the Family in Latin America! As you may know, I was fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, as well as other languages; but so neither the Spanish or Portuguese speakers feel that I'm favoring one or the other‚ I will address you in English. That way most of the other Family members will understand me too. And although my target audience is the Family in Latin America, I think you will all find this interesting; at least I hope you will!

22. I feel I've had an affinity with the Family for a long time. I was born in Tenerife, where dear David spent many happy years in the early days of the Family. I moved to Portugal, where I became a Jesuit and almost killed myself trying to afflict my body in order to obtain spiritual merit. What a lot of nonsense that was‚ but it was the prevailing wisdom of the time. My body was in such a poor state physically that I was sent to Brazil for my health's sake. There I taught for a time, but my greatest passion was telling people about Jesus. I wanted to go on the hardest missions‚ to the most dangerous tribes, and on the most arduous journeys. Many souls were won due to the labors of my colleagues and I.

Text box:

José de Anchieta (b. March 19, 1534, Canary Islands, Spain—d. June 9, 1597, Espírito Santo‚ Brazil), Portuguese Jesuit acclaimed as a poet, dramatist, and scholar. He first arrived in Brazil in 1553 and is credited with converting more than a million Indians. He is considered one of the founders of the national literature of Brazil. He wrote and staged several religious plays in the Brazilian wilderness. In addition, he wrote the first grammar of the Indian language Tupí and many letters describing the Indians' way of life‚ as well as the flora and fauna of Brazil. His other accomplishments included playing a role in the founding of Brazil's two largest cities, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and the founding of three colleges.—Encyclopedia Britannica

23. We knew Jesus and we loved Him, even though we didn't know Him the way you know Him today. Ours was a loving Jesus, yet one Whose sacrifice for us had been immense, and Whom we thought wanted us to sacrifice and be afflicted the way He was. Though we sacrificed to preach the Gospel and reach the lost, we also hindered ourselves by our attempts to attain righteousness through suffering in the flesh and performing good works. Many are still in bondage to this delusion, and you must give them the truth to make them free.

24. Protestantism had already spread in much of Northern Europe by the time I became a Jesuit. By joining the Jesuits I had joined the most militantly anti-Protestant organization inside the Catholic Church. Our mission was to counter the Reformation, so I was blinded to any appreciation of the truths that the "heretics" possessed.

25. But in Brazil we were not obsessed with the Protestants because they were so scarce and so cowed by the laws of both church and government that they hardly ever made themselves known. Our job there was the evangelizing of the natives, and as soon as I could, I made it my total passion. I still have that passion, but this time I want to help to reach the field in which I labored in the right way—and not just my own field of Brazil, but all of Latin America.

26. Before I go on, I must acknowledge that there are many great saints who labored as hard or harder than I did in these fields—Toribio, who you met earlier, being just one of them. I feel any number of them could be up here instead of me, as I admire them all very greatly. But I have been chosen‚ so I must do my task justice.

27. Many times it has been said during the history of the Family that "now is Latin America's hour"—and each time it has been true. Latin America has had many of these "hours." And now it is in the beginning stages of its finest hour yet! Great things will come to pass for the Family there if you will pray great prayers, believe great promises, and put great energy into the task of promoting Conéctate, Contato, and the whole Activated program. When I say great energy, I don't mean your own‚ but rather that you should be willing conduits of God's great energy by applying all that you know you should in this era of action.

28. Naturally, this doesn't apply only to Latin America. It applies to the Family everywhere, but what I am involved with in particular is the Family in Latin America. You have an unbelievably mighty harvest awaiting you! The lands are ripe, ready, and needy. The people need what you have to give them and they hunger for it.

29. You have the magic! They called me "thaumaturgus," which means a performer of miracles or magic, but you have much more magic than I. Now‚ I don't mean magic from the wrong source, which is rife there, but the pure magic which comes from God. The people hunger for it and you must give it to them. You've been in training long enough. You've been dealing your bread to the hungry with reservation long enough. It's now time to deal it in abundance! It's also time for gathering the sheaves into your folds.

30. In my days we had huge colonies called Reductions, virtual cities where our converts would come and live. You can't gather everyone into places like that now, but you can ask them to gather at your Homes or other places for regular fellowship. You can teach them the Word and instruct them in the new weapons.

31. There have been moves of the spirit before, but none to the extent that is even now starting to move through you. There have been many miracles of healing performed by Christians, but ahead are not just miracles of healing, but miracles of intervention in natural disasters, miracles of deliverance of the oppressed, miracles of divine providence!

32. I was also known as a prophet in my time. Prophecy is wonderful. Your gift is far greater in scope than mine was. You must use it more, not only for your edification and instruction, but also as a sign of your calling, with prophecies of prediction in regards to coming events, the rise and fall of kings; also the prediction of calamities so that those who heed your warning may find safety and success. You must not be afraid of saying that you hear the voice of God and of His saints. Many with much feebler gifts than yours proudly proclaim their abilities and make our Lord known to the masses.

33. Your music and performing is another means to attract the attention of the lost and searching. Your music is itself a miracle, and although you may feel you lack the polish and abilities of the musicians and performers of the world‚ you more than make up for it with the spirit. I organized the performance of plays to help attract and instruct the locals, and many of my colleagues used music as an evangelizing tool and a method of grounding the natives in the faith. It was wonderfully successful, but you can do much more. Let this light shine!

34. You are in a much better situation than I was because you have an audience that already knows how to read. I had to learn their spoken language‚ and then help to form a written language for them so that they could read it. But you have a beautiful magazine and many other books now available, and a literate market to promote them to. Please promote these tools with a passion. They are life and health for those who get them. They need them!

35. Your best is yet to come—not only for the Latins‚ but for the whole Family. All that I have said above, though directed to my Latin brothers and sisters, can also apply to all of you too. I'm not only burdened for the lands that I labored in, but for all the work. We at ActivatedHeaven are doing as much as we are able. We are only limited by you and what you can accomplish. And now that the impossible is no more to you, then there are no limits!

36. Viva Activated! Viva the Family! All to the greater glory of Jesus!

To be continued

(End of file.)