KEYWORDS: time, affliction, love, spirit, jesus

Comfort in Affliction, Part 1

Karen Zerby

By MariaMaria #574 CM/FM 3355 3/01

Dear Family,

1. I love you! We all face battles at one time or another with our health—some of us more often than others. Some of you suffer from long-term illnesses or afflictions, and I greatly admire you for your courage, bravery, and endurance. My afflictions are so minor by comparison, but I do have a lot of them, so I sympathize, and I'm amazed at how well you handle them and the grace the Lord gives to help you keep going for Him despite them. You can be sure that whenever we hear of anyone suffering from an affliction, Peter and I and our Home pray for you very fervently during our prayer vigils and during united prayer at meals and other times.

2. Over the past few years we've received so much from the Lord on sickness, healing and health, that we've compiled some of it into a series of GNs on these subjects. These GNs contain prophecy excerpts that touch on ­various aspects of the subject of healing and the many wonderful promises that the Lord has given—not only of how He can and will heal, but also about all He can bring into our lives through affliction and the wonderful gift from Him that it can become, if you take it as such. The Lord said He wished these Words to be "as jewels ­gathered together in a treasure chest, for My children to pull out what is applicable to them and claim them and be strengthened by them." Since we all have afflictions or weak health at some time—some of us rather frequently—I believe this will be a great encouragement to each of you.

3. This first GN is mainly encouraging words from our Husband about how He sees affliction, and His promises of comfort. He frequently brings out how much He wants us to rest in His arms during times of weakness, so that He can work in our spirits and heal our bodies. It's important to have the right mindset when you're faced with sickness or weak health. As Dad said, "The greatest healing factor is faith—to know that God loves you and cares for you and is going to take care of you no matter what!" Often the first thing the Enemy tries to hit you with in times of affliction is just the opposite of that—a feeling of condemnation or discouragement. He'll try to convince you that you're sick because you're receiving just punishment for your sins, or that you don't deserve the Lord's healing and that you're never going to get healed, or discourage you about all that you're not able to do during the time that you're sick, or make you feel like a weight and burden to the Home because you're not physically capable of keeping up with your duties.

4. Please‚ dear ones, recognize those lies of the Enemy for what they are! Even if you did something to bring on your affliction through disobedi­ence to the Lord's health rules or His spiritual laws‚ He still wants you to be healed—not discouraged or depressed! Ask Him what the problem is and what He wants you to do about it. Lie back in your precious Husband's arms and listen to Him tell you how He sees it! Receive faith through His Words—faith that He will heal you in His time, and faith to rest in Him and receive all that He has for you during your time of physical weakness or affliction. Each of these beautiful messages you can claim as your own. And don't hesitate to ask Him for His personal‚ specific, individual counsel for you, even on a daily basis. That's the first step down the road of healing—getting the Lord's perspective on the situation and following the counsel He gives as your wonderful Great Physician. I love you! You're in my prayers!

Love, Mama

Your Greatest Strength

Comes Through Faith and Trust

5. (Jesus speaking: ) Many are the afflictions of the righteous. Afflictions‚ no matter how small or how big‚ can equal My blessings in your life in some way if you will choose to look at them that way and if you will choose to receive them.

6. Afflictions are times of testing and purging, times of drawing you closer to Me, times of cleansing you from the cares and burdens of life as you rest on My bosom.

7. They are times of strengthening your connection with Me as you seek Me for healing‚ as you rest in My Word and hold on to it for your encouragement.

8. They are times of sweetness as you look to Me, like a little child looking to her father for help.

9. They are times of My love to you as I hold you in My arms and comfort you and caress you and nurture you back to full health.

10. Fret not for this light affliction in your life, because each time that it comes it is in answer to your prayer that you will stay close to Me and dependent upon Me, desperate in spirit and walking in humility. It's but a gentle channeling of your spirit and life, My gentle way of helping you to rest in Me and stay close to Me.

11. Fear not, for it is not an affliction of destruction, but it is one that is meant to restore your life, to renew your spark of inspiration, to refresh your appreciation for the good health that you have, to bless you with a thankful, grateful heart. For when I restore your health and you feel better, your apprecia­tion, love and respect for Me are all so much sweeter.

12. It's a test for My older ones whenever they are tested with light afflictions, because they know their bodies are weaker, it takes them much longer to heal‚ and sometimes they're not as strong afterward. It's a test of your faith and trust in Me that no matter what your age, I will still protect and heal and keep you, and that I'm still able to deliver you from any and all afflictions, just as I have promised.

13. My older ones are tempted to worry or fear when it comes to changes in their bodies, afflictions, or any signs of unusual things happening with their bodies. This is because they know that their bodies are wearing out, that they're susceptible to health problems, ailments, and even serious, life-threatening afflictions. But I say unto you that no good comes from worrying about these things. For if it is My will for you to pass through an affliction, it will be done in love for your good and according to My perfect will. So you need not worry.

14. The Enemy will tempt you to worry about your aging body, your health, to fret, "What if this or that goes wrong?" But are not these things in My hands, dear one? Trust in Me and continue to have faith, for your faith need not grow older even if your body does. Trust in My Word, knowing that My will and My power to keep and protect and heal you is the same today as yesterday.

15. It's also a test for My younger ones when they're faced with a time of affliction or physical weakness, because many are used to having lots of energy‚ drive‚ physical stamina, and endurance. To suddenly be weakened and need more rest is not a natural feeling for them, and they often fight against taking the rest that they need to strengthen and restore their body. They feel restricted, they resent the affliction, and sometimes they're so consumed by trying to be strong despite the physical weakness that they don't slow down enough to let Me speak to them and strengthen their spirit.

16. Often I wish to slow them down physically to give them a time in My bedchamber to learn of Me, to be humble, and to go slow. But if they're trying so hard to get better and not appear weak, then they miss the whole point, and their bodies are not strengthened, but weakened. They can also be tempted with worry, won­dering if this affliction will last forever or will leave lasting consequences. The best thing that they can do is relax, listen to Me speak to them about it‚ and renew their faith and trust in Me.

17. The worst thing you can do is to yield to the Enemy's spirit of worry. For through worry you not only weaken your faith muscles but you also weaken your body physically. Faith creates. Faith brings life and strength and energy! There is great power in faith. Whether I choose to allow a light affliction or a heavy affliction, your greatest strength will come through faith to trust in My wisdom and My will for you. (End of message from Jesus)

18. (Jesus speaking:) Do I cause affliction‚ or do I simply allow it? Do I afflict My children‚ or is it always the work of the Enemy? These are deep questions, and hard to explain in a way that your minds can perfectly comprehend all My thoughts and workings in this matter.

19. But what you can know for a surety is that whatever happens to you, My children whom I love and who love Me, I desire to use in your life to work together for good. There are times when you are afflicted because of natural causes—you have disobeyed one of My natural rules for healthful living, and you are reaping the consequence. There are other times when you have gotten out of line in the spirit, and I know that an affliction is the quickest and best way to get your attention and get you back on the straight and narrow.

20. I never like to see you suffer, but sometimes, as a good parent, I know that you must suffer in order to achieve a greater good—to learn an important lesson, or to keep you from hurting yourself in a worse way. There are times when I wish you didn't have to go through something, but you bring it on yourself due to disobedience or foolishness. There are other times when I know that it's best for you to pass through a time of affliction, and I directly allow it in your life‚ even if there are not obvious natural causes.

21. But whatever the case or circumstance, I always want to bring good out of it for you, My precious ones. Whether I will it directly, or whether you are suffering the natural results of your own careless actions, I still can bring beautiful fruit out of it, and you can learn and grow and gain depth of spirit.

22. So don't neglect to seek Me about it. Don't condemn yourself or allow the Enemy to condemn you. That is his ploy to steal your faith and rob you of the comfort I want to give you. Even if it is My hand directly chastening you, even if you brought it on yourself through disobedience, even if it's because you were off track, I still want to comfort you and help you through it. I love you, and will never leave you or forsake you. I never allow anything that you can't learn from or benefit from in some way, even if it's something you brought on yourself. I still allowed it, and still want to bring good out of it for you, My love. (End of message from Jesus.)

23. (Jesus speaking: ) Faith is the victory!—Faith in Me, faith in My Word, faith in My promises in spite of how you feel, in spite of the circumstances, in spite of the reactions of your body. The Evil One seeks to spread fear and worry, but I am greater than him. Have faith in Me and believe, for I will see you through.

24. I'm using this little affliction, this little battle, to strengthen your faith. I have delivered and I will deliver because of your faith in Me. In spite of what it seems like outwardly, and in spite of circumstances, in spite of your feelings, you must manifest faith that I will perform My will. You must believe My promises and know that I will see you through.

25. I care for My Own, and you are one of My precious ones. So use this occasion as an opportunity to strengthen your faith, for I will see you through, and this will give you faith for the greater battles ahead. Simply believe and receive and have faith in My love and My care for you. (End of message from Jesus.)

Jesus Understands!

26. (Jesus speaking:) I was in all points tempted just the same as you—especially in afflic­tions. I had just as many scraped knees, bumps and scratches as any little boy. Sometimes I even had to endure a lot more than you do today, be­cause, even if I wanted to take one, there were no aspirins and painkillers. There was no sunscreen lotion for protection against the sun. There were no heaters when it was very cool at night.

27. My land was often very hot and dry in the daytime and cold at night in the winter seasons. The simple houses we lived in were built to be cool in the daytime, not to retain the heat at night, so it was cold. We did have fires‚ but we did not have fireplaces as you know them to be‚ for we did not use chimneys. We either built our fires outside the house or we had a place for them in the middle of a large central area inside the house, open to the air‚ or with windows nearby for the smoke to escape. We lived as the poor do in many countries around the world today, surviving the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter the best we could‚ with what we had available to us.

28. As I traveled to spread My Father's mess­age, the accommodations were often very simple‚ or even nonexistent. My disciples and I grew used to camping in fields or living in simple huts and barns, for there were many of us and only the very wealthy had room for us in their houses. Has it not been said that foxes had their holes and the birds of the air their nests, but the Son of Man had nowhere to lay His head? We had no steady home‚ but took what was offered us as we went from place to place. Sometimes it was warm, for which we were very thankful‚ but at other times it was cold. I was very grateful for My cloak, which I wrapped around Myself at such times to try to stay warm.

29. There were no refrigerators to keep food from spoiling. There was no purified water or many other conveniences. There were no anti­septics like you have today for cuts, or running water to clean them out. Everything took longer.

30. Just because I was the Son of God, I didn't instantly heal Myself—although I could have. But I didn't, so that the Scripture could be fulfilled that I was in all points tempted as you are, with the same afflictions. I had My afflictions in order to learn the same lessons that you go through—to draw Me closer to My Father, to help Me to learn patience and to learn to claim the Word, and sometimes just to have time alone in quietness and stillness to think and pray about things.

31. I know what it's like to be sick, to be handicapped by pain or illness‚ to have a throbbing headache, or to feel completely weak and debili­tated by some affliction. That's why I encourage you so often to bring your infirmities and your sicknesses to Me, because I feel for you and I don't want you to go through prolonged illness, discomfort, and pain. I understand what it's like to be sick—the hardships and the suffering. This is why I gave My body for yours. After having suffered so much, I didn't want you to suffer without relief, and I gave you these two gifts, salvation and healing.

32. I went through so many afflictions and so much suffering that I wanted to save you from as much of it as possible. That's why it became so important to Me to offer healing as well as salvation, because I care about your bodies. I care about your pain. I care about your suffering. Having lived with you and having gone through the same things, I understand completely what it's like to be sick and to suffer.

33. Many times when you come to Me and ask for healing, you don't get full healing right away. I don't always instantly heal, but I do make it much lighter and I take away much of the pain. I heal you much quicker than you normally would be healed, but still leave you with a touch of the sickness so that it will have the desired effect of drawing you closer to Me and teaching you whatever lessons I want to teach you, and then I heal you.

34. Your healing is very important to Me, as are the things that you suffer, the physical afflictions that you go through. In fact, it's so important to Me that I made it part of the communion ceremony, along with salvation and the forgiveness of your sins. In some of the last words spoken to My disciples, the wine represents My blood and the bread represents My body that was broken for you.

35. So whenever you're sick, come to Me. I will understand, because I went through the same thing. Ask Me for healing, for the lessons, for whatever it is that I want to tell you or give you. Perhaps I just want you to have some quiet time with Me. I will heal you, because I don't wish for you to suffer a moment longer than ­necessary.

36. I also wish for you to use this gift of healing as a witness, as a demonstration of My love for those you come in contact with. I want you to pray for them and to heal them, so that they know that I'm alive and I care for them, I love them, I'm concerned about them, and I want to be both their healer and their Savior. It can be used as a testimony that I understand their suffering, their pain, and their sicknesses. I went through the same things that they do, and I want to touch and heal them, and I will.

37. Come unto Me, all of you who are sick and afflicted. Take My healing upon you and be made whole, for healing is one of My demonstrations of love for you. (End of message from Jesus.)

Opportunity to Gain

The Precious Things of the Spirit!

38. (Jesus speaking:) Don't worry, My love, this too will pass. And as it is with any affliction or battle that you look to Me in‚ with it will come new maturity and growth, new understanding‚ new grace‚ new faith and wisdom. I allow each experience, and through each one there is something I want to impart to you—a gift‚ a strengthen­ing in some area. If you look to Me in each experience, I am able to do this easily, and you come through more complete and useful than before.

39. What does it mean to look to Me? It means to turn your face upward‚ to look into My eyes in the spirit by asking Me how I see things, by trusting Me that I love you and will do that which is best for you‚ by giving Me your will and yielding to whatever I have brought into your life‚ and looking for the good in it. When you do that, through our time gazing in each other's eyes in the spirit, I am able to give you not only faith and healing and comfort, but also the deeper things of the spirit that I have in store for you. You gain so much through these types of experiences.

40. It doesn't have to be something very serious to really gain a lot from it. Even if your affliction is not very serious, it can be enough for you to gain precious things from My Spirit if you want them and seek them.

41. And so, My love, I have given you this gift of a temporary affliction that through it you might find a new level of faith and trust in Me‚ and new things of the spirit which I will show you as you look to Me. These new things of the spirit don't always seem like revelations, but they are truths which strengthen your spirit and round you out. They soften you and make you more complete, gentler, more useful.

42. I love you, and again I tell you that there's nothing to worry about. I've promised you complete protection, and My healing power is available to you. Even if you must walk through the fire you will not be burned, for I will cover you with My presence, protecting you from any harm. (End of message from Jesus.)

Take Advantage of the Time

To Slow Down and Be Renewed

43. (Jesus speaking:) I realize it's difficult to endure this affliction, but know that I am near. I'm here to hold you, to comfort you, and to carry you through. I desire to turn this time into a golden opportunity, for I want to use this time to have a little extra time of intimacy with you.

44. I know it's hard and difficult, but if you'll just take this time to lie in the bed of love with Me, I will speak intimacies in your ear—encouraging words that will be your strength. They will encourage your heart‚ set your mind at ease, and prepare you for the days to come.

45. Yes, I wish to use this time to speak to you heart to heart and to strengthen you. Therefore, My sweetheart, despise not this time, but use it to the full. I know it's hard. Yet if you will look on this time as a golden opportunity to hide away with Me, to cuddle up in the bed of love and let Me whisper in your ear, I will tell you words of love and comfort and encouragement that I have for you and you alone—words of enlightenment‚ strengthening words that will sustain you both now and in the future. If you will seize this opportunity, then this will be a time of great worth.

46. I have much to give you, much to pour out. I wish to turn this into a time of great victory—a time of lying in each other's arms, a time of strengthening in spirit. I am able to raise you up instantly‚ as one that is raised from the dead. Yet often I allow nature to run its course, because this works My purpose in strengthen­ing you in spirit, and often even in body‚ once you have fully recovered. For just as your spirit is renewed by time with Me, your body is often renewed and regenerated by this time of rest and recuperation that you have had to take.

47. As you feed and nourish your body with the good food that I supply, this is building your bodily strength. And as you slow your pace‚ as you lie in the bed of love taking this extra time with Me, this provides an opportunity to feed and strengthen your spirit—free from distractions‚ free from the business and details of many matters that surround you each day.

48. So seize this golden opportunity‚ and know that I am near to hold you and to show you great things—to strengthen and to prepare you for the busy days ahead. Continue resting, staying warm, eating well, and drinking lots of liquids. Most of all, spend time reading My Words‚ tanking up, reviewing My written Word, and receiving new revelations—My Own personal words of love, comfort and guidance for you personally, from My heart to yours—for these will sustain you now and in the future.

49. If you will use this time wisely, if you will see it as a golden opportunity instead of a weight or burden, then you will go from strength to strength. I am here to hold, to comfort, and to speak to your heart, and in the end I will raise you up strengthened, ready to fight the battles ahead. Cherish this time with Me as we lie in the bed of love together, for you are My precious one, and I long to whisper strengthening Words in your ear. This time will yield great victory out of seeming defeat, as you rest in My arms and hear the Words I will speak to you. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

These Tests Refine Your Spirit

50. (Jesus speaking:) Though this testing may not seem like something good at the moment, you will rejoice with Me in the fruit it will bear and be glad that I brought you through it.

51. I see things so differently. I see the long-range plan and picture. I see into eternity. But your flesh sees only the moment. I don't condemn you for that‚ because that's how you were created. I know that it can be hard to rise above‚ for I too lived in the flesh and I know the demands of the flesh.

52. But I ask you now to look beyond the realm of the flesh into the realm of the spirit, for there I do a mighty work. There I prepare your spirit for the future—not only for your future on Earth but for your eternal future. The things of this world are temporal. Your flesh will pass away, but your spirit will remain forever. This test that you're passing through is refining your beautiful spirit. It's building and enhancing your character. And when you finally arrive and walk the halls of Heaven‚ you will rejoice and be thankful that in My love I brought you through this special time. Though now your flesh cries out in protest and your emotions are in a whirl‚ and though the Tempter comes in with his lies and fears‚ you will be so thankful that you trusted and held on.

53. But‚ My love, know that I will not suffer you to be tempted beyond what you are able. I will not let this test continue one moment longer than is necessary. I'm overseeing this personally and I will be with you each step of the way. You need only look into My face and remember how much I love you and that this is for your good‚ and I will bring you forth as fine gold. I will bring about a greater closeness and de­pend­ence on Me through this. I've put you in a situation where you have to be desperate. I'm making it easy for you to be good. I'm making it easy for you to learn the things I have for you at this time in your growth. (End of message from Jesus.)

A Special Purpose

54. (Jesus speaking:) This affliction will be but for a short time, until it accomplishes My purpose. So look up and take advantage of these days of quietness, these days of rest, these days of repose in which you may draw strength from Me and fellowship with Me. I wish to strengthen you inwardly for the days that are coming. I wish to forge a clear channel that will remain long after this affliction has passed—a channel of wanting to know Me and hear Me, desiring and longing for My voice. It will be such a part of you that you will feel the pull when you miss a day with Me.

55. This affliction is a blessing, for in your love and care and concern you would have given your all, far beyond what is even healthy, to help those around you, to meet their needs, to make them comfortable. Though this is commendable, I have thus afflicted you for your own good, so that you could pull away and be strengthened and draw closer to Me‚ so that you can more fully minister to those in need and truly give of your abundance.

56. Draw from Me, so your well may be full. When you then draw out to nourish ­others, there will be plenty left, and you'll be firmly attached to the Source, so that your well can be continually replenished. (End of message from Jesus.)

A Special Opportunity

To Spend Time with Our Husband

57. (Jesus speaking:) Especially when you're weary and worn, tired and sick, and so very weak, I want to show you My strength. I want to fill you with new energy, with the seeds of My strength, My healing, and My anointing.

58. Don't feel that I love you less when you're weak and sick, or that I want you less. In fact, seeing you so frail and unable to walk alone and lacking in strength makes Me all the more desirous to give you all that you need. I feel all the more compassion and understanding for you, and I want so much to help you.

59. Turn to Me in your time of trouble and call on Me. I will answer you and I will give to you out of My great abundance of strength and health and healing. You will not lack, and we will spend sweet time together in our bed of love.

60. I will transport you out of this world of pain and suffering, and will help you to feel the electricity of My Spirit and the wonderful thrills that I can give you anytime, anywhere, if you'll just open your channel to Me and receive all that I have to give you. (End of message from Jesus)

Chosen in the Furnace of Affliction

61. (Jesus speaking: ) I have caused you to pass through the furnace of affliction, My dear one. I'm not punishing you, but I'm testing you and refining you and helping you to be an even better person. I have not afflicted you because I don't love you, for I love you very much.

62. These afflictions in your life are My way of making you even more beautiful. Your inner beauty will shine through for all to see as you look up to Me. I will help others to see the beauty of My Spirit in you as you speak words of faith and praise and love to Me. You can be a vessel of beauty—one that is full of My love, one that others admire and seek out‚ if you let Me shine through you. Give yourself completely to Me—to loving Me and honoring Me—and as you do, others will see such beauty of spirit, such sweetness and love‚ that they will be drawn to you.

63. When you suffer and feel the pain‚ when you feel alone and unloved, know that I am with you‚ that I love you, and your family loves you. You don't suffer alone. You're not alone‚ for I am always by your side, loving you, caring for you, and touching you with My love. But you must look up and see Me in order to receive the love that is waiting for you. Look fully into My wonderful face and see the depth of My love for you, and as you do, you will be filled with My peace and joy and your pain will decrease. I will care for you and help you all the days of your life until I bring you Home to My arms. (End of message from Jesus)

The Rainbow from the Rain

64. (Jesus speaking:) Is it raining afflictions, little flower? Don't worry, for the prayers of your precious family will cause the rainbow to shine through in all of its splendid colors, and the sunshine to break through again.

65. Is there pain and discomfort, and do you shed a few tears? Don't worry, My dear one, for it's only temporary, and the comfort you desire is just around the corner. I'm sorry for these moments of pain and affliction, and for the battle that you must fight and endure, but be not weary and be not afraid, for the end of this trying time is almost here. It's very soon, very near. Hold on.

66. Although the Enemy has been allowed to attack and bring about these afflictions in your life, I have allowed it, for it is also bringing about sweetness, tenderness, and beauty. I have smelled the sweet prayers of your precious family as they prayed for you. I see the tenderness within their hearts as they are touched with the feeling of your infirmities, and it's creating a beautiful bond of love. I will kiss away the pain and the hurt and soothe each one. You will feel the touch of My beautiful healing hand, and you will return kisses of praise to Me.

67. Don't worry about anything, My love, for nothing will happen to you that is too difficult for you to bear. I will not let it be so. And although I know it's hard and difficult and a spiritual battle, I will help you to bear it and I will make the way easier because of the prayers of your family. You have nothing to fear, for each of their prayers is a kiss of My love and My healing for you.

68. Rest completely upon My breast, for I am giving you the grace and the strength and the help that you need. I'm proud of you for being such a cheerful‚ brave soldier. I'm proud of you for enduring these afflictions—even though through your tears—with such faith. I will not fail you. I will heal and help and restore your health, and you will not faint, you will not fall. My work will not stop‚ neither will My Words. So let your heart be at peace and look up into My face.

69. Look up into the heavens where My rain­bow can be clearly seen. One end is in the heavens and the other end is in your lap. I take My jewels and gems out of My big pot of gold and send them sliding down the rainbow, right into your lap! My promises will not fail, neither will the flow of My Words stop‚ but My Words will go on and on and on and radiate the splendor of My light to the world.

70. Although the Enemy fights you and attacks, he cannot prevail! As long as you hold on and continue to call on My power and My strength and let Me fight for you, you will have the victory. As long as you let Me live through you and turn to Me for the help that you need, you will always have My help—not only today in this battle with these afflictions, but in every day and for every battle.

71. We'll ride into the future, into the wonders that are in store! We'll ride on that beautiful rainbow of My love! You'll glide and slide in the spirit and thrill to the ecstasies! There will be no stopping you or My Words! Ride, My love, ride! I'm right beside you and I enjoy the ride along with you. (End of message from Jesus.)

Treasures from

The Cave of Affliction

72. (Jesus speaking: ) As the honey is extracted from the honeycomb through being squeezed, so does the sweetness of your spirit shine forth through this time of affliction, this time of pain. Through the squeezing and crushing of your life, the beauties of your spirit, the love within your heart‚ and the treasures of your soul pour forth.

73. How beautiful and marvelous in My sight is this death to everything that you are; this birth of everything that I am in you. Though the pain almost kills you, though the discomfort is almost too much to bear, though this affliction is about you like a strong iron hand that seeks to wring out every ounce of your strength, you continue to trust Me.

74. Though it hurts My heart to see you suffer so‚ I know that the blessings you're receiving from Me during this time of affliction are well worth the price you pay. Oh, I know. I know the pain. I can feel the pain. I know that this is no light affliction, but I promise you that it is but for a moment, and through it I am perfecting a far more exceeding and eternally wonderful and glorious work in you.

75. Though the pain runs deep, though you suffer almost to the point of death‚ I am near you—nearer than I've ever been before. In the times when no one else is around, it's just you and Me. I'm so close to you. I cry when you cry. I feel pain when you feel pain. But when you are weak, I remain strong. I am the strength in your weakness, the strength in your affliction. I hold you in My arms and I don't allow one bit more than I know you and I can handle and endure together.

76. My cheerful one, fighting through this intense and trying affliction, I'm so proud of you. You will not lose anything through this time; you will only gain. You're in the deep, dark cave of affliction, and the jewels that you will discover in the rocks of these hard dark walls will remain with you forever.

77. The darkness will soon be gone, My love. You'll see a speck of light in the distance, and as you keep letting Me carry you, we'll walk closer and closer to that light. The light is the light of victory‚ the light of My promises to you. The light will chase away the shades of night and darkness.

78. I know you can see that light now, My dear one. You can barely see it, but it's there. So keep your eyes on the light, on the victory that's in sight. But at the same time, continue collecting those treasures and gems that you find along the way in this cave of affliction. For these are jewels from My hand that will remain with you forever, as a reminder of how I kept you and sustained you and gave you the victory. (End of message from Jesus.)

He's Proud of You!

(Given for someone who was suffering serious asthma attacks and colds.)

79. (Jesus speaking:) Though it hurts Me, My love, to see you suffer through your weakness in the flesh, and especially to see you suffer in your heart and mind because of the discouragement and negativity that seeks to overwhelm you, and while I also shed a tear, it's a tear of joy at seeing you stand strong and pass the tests. It makes Me so proud to see you use your training to jump the hurdles and run the sprints, all the while training and practicing for the marathon of life. The road you're going down is not an easy one, and your training program is not for the weak or faint-hearted. It's only for the strong, the steady, the determined, and those destined to be champions, created to be ­winners.

80. You're one of My chosen troops, My chosen players, and I've called you into one of the most elite combat units with the most specialized training—specialized in that I have catered each event of your life and tailored each battle and test especially for you. I know your makeup—your temperament, your strengths, and your weaknesses‚ and I know what you need most. I know what areas you most need to be strengthened in. So in order to strengthen those areas‚ in order to make your wits quick and your skills sharp in these weak areas, I must test and test and test, so that again and again you might have the opportunity to overcome, to fight, to be victorious. After many tests, you are well experienced at handling them, and you will have become a fighter.

81. But though the struggle may endure for a time, joy will always come again. Though weeping may endure for a night, joy will come in the morning. Though the battles may rage fast and furious, victory will always come if you keep fighting. Though battles may come again and again, and the attacks may be repeated and frequent, I will always bring deliverance‚ and I will never give you one ounce more than you're able to take.

82. I want to make you into one of My strong­est, toughest‚ most skilled fighters. You may look at yourself and think My goal a hopeless cause. You may feel weak in flesh and in spirit. You may feel unable to jump over these hurdles that seem to surround you on all sides. But you must stop looking just at the hurdles themselves and look up to Me. Look upward‚ into My face, and find there the strength‚ the grace‚ the resolve, the determination, and the will to win. For I can do all things through you, and I seek to prove to you that I can do the impossible. I can bring full health and strength to your weakened body; I can bring perfect peace and rest to your troubled mind; I can bring joy and light to your aching heart.

83. I can do the impossible, and I delight in difficult cases. I delight in using your weakness to demonstrate My strength and power, and I love your dependence upon Me and your humility before Me. This empowers Me to do great things in your life—to work great changes which, though often unseen on the surface, bring about greater depth, greater strength, and a greater closeness to Me. I can then mold you and make you into the vessel of My choice with greater ease; I can iron out the rough spots, the quirks, the kinks‚ and the squeaks, and make you run smoother than ever.

84. Even in this battle with your health, though it has lingered long and hard, and though this affliction has been with you for many years, I am still able to deliver. Seek Me and call upon Me, that I may show you more of My plan, My will, and My purpose; that I may show you all the deep truths that I wish to shower upon you through your brokenness and your desperation, and that I may teach and instruct you in what more you can do to fight—both spiritually and physically—that you may be better prepared for the next battle; and that, in time, you may gain complete victory and constant relief.

85. I am able! I ask only for your faith, your trust, and your willingness and yieldedness to fight with all that is in you; to do it for Me; to succeed in your training and overcome your ­trials for My sake, and for the sake of others who I will and do use you to help and minister to.

86. It's all for a purpose. It's all for your good, and of that you have My solemn promise. I would do nothing but that which will help you and which will be for your benefit—because I love you, I need you, and I want the best for you. (End of message from Jesus.)

The Cross of Affliction

87. (This will probably be very encouraging to those of you who suffer from long-term afflictions, or who may feel as if you've carried some affliction most of your life. The Lord ­likens it to your cross, and He promises that every cross has a crown. He's proud of you for carrying it bravely for Him!)

88. (Jesus speaking:) You have truly borne your cross bravely and with courage, with praise on your lips and in your heart. Your praises and your prayers have ascended to My courts, and I have poured down grace and strength for ­every affliction. I have given you ministering angels who sit beside you to uphold you when you're weak and who whisper words of cheer when you're faint, who touch your lips and place within them My praise.

89. Be comforted to know that I was also greatly afflicted. People even said of Me, because of My many afflictions, "We did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted." I had so many afflictions that they thought surely there was something wrong with Me; God must be displeased with Me somehow, or why would I be so afflicted. They thought, "Truly God has to deal with Him so severely because of some great fault and weakness. Maybe He's even cursed. Why else would He be so afflicted? Isn't health a blessing from God, and aren't those that are smitten cursed for some wrongdoing?"

90. No, My precious one, you have been truly blessed because of the cross of your afflictions. Each man has a personal cross that he is given to bear. Sometimes it's a cross of many years. But the cross makes you worthy of the crown. There is no cross without a crown, and though you may have to bear the cross longer than you would have chosen, please know it is a gift from Me because you are worthy, because I have chosen you. Remember that I walked this path before you. And know that when you arrive Here, as part of your reward, your spiritual body will shine with great splendor, even more than others, as will your crown, as a testimony of the cross of the body you carried through the streets of life on Earth and the thorns of afflictions that pierced you, My precious and deserving bride! (End of message from Jesus.)

Strength Born of Affliction

(This was given for someone who suffered from several long–term afflictions.)

91. (Jesus speaking:) I see deeply into your heart, more clearly than any other person ever can or will. I know the depths of your love for Me and the great commitment and the sacrifices that you've made because of this immeasurable love. You've been a willing and yielded vessel of My love‚ and through your broken body I am able to pour forth My Spirit and love to others in great measure. You've been a sample to many of dedication, of perseverance‚ and of faith—faith that trusts in spite of circumstances, faith that proclaims in word and deed, "Though He slay me‚ yet will I trust Him."

92. I can heal and I can strengthen your wounds and your weakness, and I can make you every whit whole. For I am the Great Physician, and there is nothing that is too hard for Me. Yet I also wish for you to know that I have allowed this weakness‚ this suffering, this pain; for all things work together for good for those who love Me. Much good have I worked in your life, and you've become a priceless, valuable vessel.

93. Through this pain you have come to know Me in a way that would not have been poss­ible otherwise. Through affliction you've gained under­standing and compassion that would be impossible any other way. Through the sorrows and through the loneliness you've felt, you've reached out to Me and received of My Spirit in a way that you would not have been desperate enough to do if your body, mind, and spirit were whole and well.

94. Know that these sufferings and afflictions, though they are great and though they weigh upon you, can't even be compared to the glory that will be revealed in you. You will be glorious! You will shine forever as one of My valiant soldiers, My valiant knights who fought the battles of the Lord and overcame the attacks of the Enemy, one who rescued many of My lost sheep from the clutches of the Evil One and brought them safely Home to Me. Forever your name will be written in the stars—the stars that shall shine from your crown because you have turned many to Me and have been faithful to My calling and anointing.

95. I have called you in your sorrow and pain, and you have heeded My call, following Me by faith and not by feelings and circumstances; following because of your love for Me, in spite of all that could have kept you back or caused you to falter.

96. I have helped you and given you grace to stand strong. Know that My grace will always be sufficient. My arms will ever be around you and close to you, to uphold you when you're weak‚ to lift you up when you fall. My care and protection will ever be around you‚ and the pain and affliction will never be greater than you can bear.

97. The Enemy seeks to snuff out your life and to cause you to cease from ministering, serving, and feeding My children, but My power is greater. My Spirit will overcome, and I will continue to use you to feed and strengthen many. Every day, every hour‚ every moment that you've spent in pouring out My Words to these will not return void, but will bring forth much fruit!

98. Truly these weights have borne good fruit, for they've made you strong. Through them you've grown wings and have flown above circumstances and into the world of My Spirit, where all things are possible to him that be­lieveth. (End of message from Jesus.)

Jesus Intercedes on Your Behalf

99. (Jesus speaking:) I kneel at this very moment before My Father's throne, as the Great Intercessor, to plead for your strength and health and life. You are My dear child, and I watch over you with the tenderest care. Though I am King of all, I still stoop on bended knee when I intercede on your behalf, granting you strength, faith, and trust to keep going. This I will do for you today, My dear one, so that the load will not be too heavy or too taxing.

100. I will take upon My Own shoulders a great portion of your suffering and pain. I will stand beside you, with My arms underneath you, carrying you each step of the way. Cling to My side and feel My presence, My dear one. Worry not, for I intercede on your behalf, and I will obtain healing, pardon, and mercy for you, My love. (End of message from Jesus.)

Ministering Spirit of Comfort

101. (Jesus speaking: ) I have sent My precious ministering spirit of comfort to your side, to be with you in this time of great trial. She will remain by your side constantly until you have no further need of her. Let her take your head and rest it upon her soft bosom. Let her stroke your hair and whisper My Words in your ear. She is full of faith, for she has seen My promises fulfilled every time‚ and she will give you that faith and that peace.

102. I know of her great usefulness, for she came to Me when I was tempted and tossed. She held My head steady and whispered in My ear the promise of things to come. She reminded Me of My Father's Words, and through them I gained faith to carry on. I've sent her to you now, My beloved, and I know she will be a wonderful strength to you in this time of trial. She works closely with the Holy Spirit and receives power and her gifts from Her, and is sent when you need her. When she comes to be with you‚ you are her full concentration and focus. You can ask for her at any time.

103. My precious one, the moments are numbered; they're not endless, neither do they run by uncounted. They're all measured, and each one that passes is one less that you will ever have to endure again. These moments of afflic­tion—though precious‚ and though they give you something that cannot be gained any other way—are hard to endure, so I have carefully counted them‚ and as they pass‚ they are never to return again.

104. So rest now with the beautiful spirit of comfort that I've sent to you. Rest in her arms‚ and trust that these moments of affliction will pass. As they pass, they will leave precious droplets of My Spirit—of wisdom, compassion, broken­ness, humility, grace, and strength in weak­ness. Each of these little droplets is priceless‚ and you have been blessed with so many. So rest now as these droplets descend upon you. Trust that I'm counting the moments and that they will soon be gone.

105. I love you, My precious one. I will hold and sustain you, and will give you all that you need. (End of message from Jesus.)

In a box following paragraph 53:

My loving hand reaches down

To touch and soothe and heal;

To strengthen your weak and weary body—

I understand the pain you feel.

Rest in My strong and able arms

And look upon My face,

For in those moments spent with Me

The pain will be erased.

For joy will come again, I promise,

This time will be for just a while;

Soon you will be well again

And you'll remember no more the trial.

My dear and precious love, I hurt

To see you suffering so,

Yet I work to bring about

Blessings you soon will know.

So take this time to love Me, dear,

And draw even nearer to My breast.

I hold your hand and do comfort you,

And soon I will give you rest.

(End of file.)