KEYWORDS: time, lord, children, endtime, jesus, word

Endtime Series, The--Part 4

Karen Zerby

By MariaMaria #542 CM/FM 3305 6/00

Dear Family,

1. Here's another part of the Endtime Series, which I hope you're enjoying. Isn't it wonderful to have the Lord's counsel on the future?

2. While the Endtime will be a climactic and turbulent time in world history, the Lord has given many promises of safekeeping and glorious victory for us to claim during this ­period. It's our responsibility to utilize to the full the counsel, tips, and advice that the Lord is giving throughout this series if we expect to be in tiptop shape before the Endtime is upon us.

3. So, "study to be a workman that needeth not to be ashamed" by reading, understanding, and applying the lessons in this GN. I love you!



Endtime Living and

Working Conditions

4. Q: Could we ask the Lord for a few more details on our living conditions in the Tribulation? Should we expect privation and poor living conditions, or is the Lord going to supply more abundantly than ever? What should we expect, and what can we claim?

5. When left to my imagination, I begin to picture ministries like spying‚ infiltrating the gov­ern­ment, and human cou­riers traveling around in order to stay in touch with the Word source. But does the Lord perhaps have a simpler lifestyle in mind for us‚ where we'll be hiding out in the wilder­ness and the sheep will come to us?

6. (Jesus speaking:) Every situation will be different, for there are many factors and variables that will affect the life and work of My children. Much will depend on the country that I've called you to be in. Some so-called "advanced" countries will heartily embrace the one-world government, and because of their abundant technology will be able to implement the Antichrist's plan relatively quickly and easily. Most of the people in these lands have been steadily indoctrinated for many years in prep­aration to accept the Antichrist and to worship him, and ultimately even the Devil, so conditions for My children will be a lot harder.

7. You will find yourselves quickly adopting an "underground" mentality. Progress will be slower. You will have to be very careful and prayerful about who you share My message with, as one wrong move could mean the end of your ministry and even your life. Some of My Family already experience these conditions to a lesser degree in some countries with anti-Christ gov­ern­ments.

8. But you whom I call to stay in these lands must realize that yours is a special calling‚ and will be an exciting one. You should not compare with others in lands where it is not as dangerous to preach My Word, where the fruit and results come more quickly. For it is in these anti-Christ lands that I will be able to perform many of the biggest miracles of protection.

9. I will provide for My children through re­ceptive and hungry hearts that I will bring along your path. If you seek Me diligently, you will not lack any good thing. For the most part, I will not want My children to stay in complete seclusion in these lands, cut off from all others, because if you were to do that, then you would be hiding your light under a bushel. There may be times when it is necessary to hide out in a cave or an abandoned building for a while, but this would only be for a short time. If circumstances necessi­tate this, I will provide for you even if I have to send ravens to deliver your meals just like I did for My prophet of old, or have manna fall from Heaven onto your floor.

10. For the most part, I wish for those who I have called to remain in these cold, dark lands to stay where they can reach selected ones with My message. For these faithful children of Mine, I will supply mostly through friends and contacts who are still part of the System physically, but not spiritually. Although they are dropped out in heart, they remain in the System to help you survive and preach My Word. Even so‚ there will still be many miracles needed for your protection. Believe Me when I say that I am well able to provide them, and I will, as long as you stay desperate and close to Me.

11. As for the majority of My Family that I will call to the more underdeveloped countries, there will be more freedom and variety in the ministries that they can pursue. They will still have to be very careful—a lot more so than they are now—depending on the country.

12. Many of these countries will not give themselves over completely to the Antichrist, and the progress of his control over them will be slow. Some countries are so backward that any kind of control is out of the question, and those he will mostly ignore.

13. Others will be directly opposed to his leadership and wishes. These will be few but powerful, as they band together to war against the Antichrist. They will give him much trouble and will provide a safe haven for you, My children. In these countries you will be able to have an outward, showy ministry that will serve to lift Me up and call the people to Me. In some cases I will even make a way for you to win over those of great power in those countries and teach them to hear My voice and respect it, so that I can help them in their fight against the great evil.

14. Every country and situation will be different. Most of all, you must trust that I am in control and that I am specifically preparing My children now for the ministries that I will call them to in the Great Tribulation. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

Safe Havens or Endtime Witnessing

For the Children?

15. Q: Will our children be a part of End­time witnessing, or will they more or less be hiding out in safe havens while all available adults and young people focus on witnessing?

16. (Jesus speaking: ) I will always care for My Own. I am able to protect the families with lots of children just as easily as couples with none. However, for the most part I will call the larger families to leave the hard and dark anti–Christ lands‚ to go where people are relatively receptive and hungry for My truth, as this will be easier on the children and parents alike.

17. I have a plan for each of you in the End­time, old or young. I will call those who are of full age to tasks that are for men and women‚ and I will call My little ones to tasks where their faith and testimony will shine‚ according to their age and their ability. Your children will not be left in a corner; they will have a testimony, but it will be age appropriate. When the time comes, you must ask Me, and I will lead and guide you clearly. (End of message from Jesus)

Larger Groups or

Single-Family Setups?

18. Q: In the Endtime, will we still live in Family Homes with larger groups of people, or will most of us be forced to live in single-family setups?

19. (Jesus speaking: ) The Endtime is already here, and much of what you're doing now is the same pattern you will follow in the near future.

20. Every Home will be different; there will not be a set plan. Sometimes you will be able to work in groups. Other times you'll have to split up. The important thing in whichever situation is for you to tune in to Heaven and hear from Me about which way I want you to go, and when.

21. If I want several of you to group together, then go ahead by faith, trusting Me. But be prepared that things might change. Don't assume, "We're going to be all together, because the Lord told us so once upon a time." Be prepared and listen, because things may change. My will for you may change. Depending on what ­others do, what the Antichrist does, and what the Devil's up to, things can change for you from day to day.

22. Your unity and closeness to one another—no matter how big or small your group—is going to be the key. Even if you're only two people, as you draw from Me and as you're close to each other, united and reaching together to Me, I will lead and guide. I will show you which way to go. Whether you are two people, five people, or ten people, the unity of the Spirit is the secret! (End of message from Jesus.)

Key to Downsizing Successfully

23. Q: Knowing that in the Endtime we may not have the fellowship and company of many other Family members, or that we may end up working in very small teams or even with just one other person, can be a worrisome thought. I'll miss the fellowship, but even more, I think we now rely on the safety of counsel from a number of people. During the Endtime when things will be hot and heavy and every decision is vital to our lives, it's a scary prospect to think of being teamed up with only one other person—and what if that person is someone you don't care for or get along with? Is this a realistic picture‚ and if so, how do we prepare for it?

24. (Jesus speaking: ) Do not fear that you will be cut off from your Family in the Time of the End. There will be times when you'll be trimmed down in numbers, but if you're faithful to do your part and to be yielded‚ humble‚ moldable vessels in My hands‚ I will continue to bring you together.

25. Do not fear being alone, for you may continue to live communally, together with the help, strength‚ and support of your Family. I have stressed unity as such a great need among you, because in the not-so-distant future you will be called upon to go places and do things which will at times require you to be with only one or with a very small number of others‚ in order to accomplish My will with the greatest ease and security. This will not be forever, nor will it always be this way, but from time to time you will need to trim down, break apart, then join together again, and your partner will not always be the one you feel most drawn to. Your team will be determined by the need, by your talents, by the direct leading of My voice, and through the counsel of others.

26. So you must strive to be united with one another, to get to know one another by increased fellowship, by working on projects together, by making joint decisions. This is not just for today; it is preparation for the near future when you may have to perform important tasks with the help of one whom you've gotten to know through this time of preparation.

27. Picture yourselves having to operate in a survival situation with great need for unity, loyalty, secrecy, and good communication. Such oneness comes from having endeavored to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. Such unity comes from having worked at it. You've seen the differences, glitches, and problems you've had working with different ones in your Homes or areas. But these things can be overcome, and I have taken great pains to speak to you about overcoming these things through humble and loving interaction. Don't take such admonitions for granted, because if you do, you will become familiar and eventually the Enemy, through the fiery darts of disunity, will break you apart, having divided and conquered.

28. Work to bridge the gaps in your unity and fellowship. If there are breaches, strive to close them and to seek for healing, so you can be called one of the "repairers of the breaches‚ the restorer of paths to dwell in" (Isa.58:12). You can become a vital link in the chain of cooperation which I am now forging through increased closeness, love, and unity.

29. Greater unity is an essential element to the success of My Endtime army. Unite in heart, spirit, body, love, cooperation, loyalty, and in fervor for the cause of love and salvation. This is your day! Let your hearts rejoice in that you are counted worthy to live in this time, which all the prophets and godly wise men have desired to see. You are the children of the last generation.

30. Strive to unite and put away anything from your midst that brings dissension and div­ision. Strive to love without partiality, without hypocrisy. If you lean hard upon Me, I will help you to do these things. I have called you to this task and I will empower you, provide for you, and help you succeed, as long as you depend entirely upon Me. (End of message from Jesus.)

Tribulation: Busy and Exciting!

31. Q: In the Great Tribulation, is the Family going to be hiding in caves and underground, like in "The Whispering Vision" (ML #334), or is there more of an update on what it will be like for us?

32. (Dad speaking:) Yes, there is an update—or maybe I should say a broader picture and look at the times to come. The Word says, "Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face" (1Cor.13:12). So right now it's often hard to understand everything that's ahead. You're looking at an event through the eyes of the spirit, but you've got to remember that a lot of the stuff the Lord showed us was 10 or 20 years ago or more. So we couldn't always get everything 100% clear or straight. I'm sure you know that the Lord doesn't make mistakes, so the main reason they were described that way is because that's how the Lord wanted them to be described. He only wanted to show us part of what's to come, just a portion of the events ahead of us, and even that was often veiled in mystery and uncertainty.

33. Does that surprise you? Well, that's how it is sometimes. How would you like it if the Lord revealed everything about your future to you? How would you like it if you could know every single thing that would ever happen to you‚ good or bad? You might think that would be great, but on the other hand‚ wouldn't it be kind of boring? Wouldn't it take some of the excitement out of life, the thrill and challenge of discovering what's going to happen? That's why the Lord loves mysteries, because He knows how vital they are to keeping our curiosity aroused‚ our intellect challenged‚ and our senses finely tuned to His Spirit so we keep following His "little dog line‚" trying to see where His will is leading us and what the future has in store for us.

34. Many of those early revelations about the Endtime I saw through a glass darkly. I was peeking into the future through a tiny hole in the fence, and I only saw that little portion of events that I could see through my peephole. But you can't take that little bit that the Lord showed me and say that's all there's going to be, or think there isn't going to be anything more.

35. The Lord's revealing more and more of the future as time goes on. When I was on Earth‚ He showed me some things, and now that time has passed, the Family has grown more, and the world has gotten more and more wicked‚ closer and closer to the actual End, He's pulling the veil off a lot of Endtime events that have been veiled or unclear till now. He's revealing more and more of His truths to us. It's not that those earlier revelations, visions, dreams or classes that didn't go quite this far were wrong—not at all. It's just that we only saw part of the picture, because that's all that it was the Lord's time for.

36. You ask if we're going to be hiding in caves and going underground during the Great Tribulation—you bet! There's going to be more excitement and more thrills happening during that cataclysmic time in world history than you could possibly imagine! But don't for one minute think that that's all that's going to be happening.

37. It's like when the Letters about getting refuge farms came out; a lot of people went gung ho over those Letters, bought a house up in the mountains, and some of them just retired there! They retired from their jobs for the Lord, and just sat there, waiting for the End. And guess what? Some of them are still there—while the rest of the Family who kept their ears open to the mouth of God heard the Lord telling them more clearly what to do, giving them further instruction‚ current instruction, and they kept going with God.

38. The Devil loves to take a little bit of Word, something that is true and right and of the Lord, and get you to latch on to it so dogmatically that you can't see anything else. He tries to get you to throw out the preponderance of Word and latch on to one little thing so blindly that you reject everything else. You can justify it in your own self-righteousness because it's in the Word, but you've got to balance Scripture with Scripture, Letter with Letter, prophecy with prophecy. The key to surviving in this new day is practicing with the new weapons, and most of all, getting your instructions fresh from the Lord every day. You'll never make it if you don't.

39. So yes, some people are going to be up in the mountains—but they're not going to be holed up and hidden away, cowering and fearful! No sirree! They're going to be in the mountains because that's what the Lord specifically told them to do. And if He told them to do it, you can bet that it's because there's one Heaven of a good reason for them to be up there—ministering, teaching, training, feeding, and you name it!

40. The Tribulation is going to be a busy time, beloved! Don't think you're going to be sitting around in some cellar starving or crossing days off on a calendar. You're hardly going to have time to look at a calendar! You're going to be going for God every day like it was your last, and you're going to love it! It's going to be a thrilling time!

41. You will each play a different role in the Tribulation, just as you are each different now. Look around you at everyone in your Home. Are you all the same? Are any of you the same? You've got boys and girls, men and women, children and babies. You've got cooks, childcare people, business people, witnessers, musicians, handymen, shepherds and others. You've got dynamic speakers‚ outrageous, upfront personalities, bold, do-or-die martyr types. You've got quiet, faithful heart-winners. These people are each going to find their own unique mission, their own way to infiltrate the Devil's kingdom and usurp the power and authority of the one-world government.

42. The Family has tremendous strength and power in its diversity and its ability to adapt and change. Come what may, whatever the Devil can throw at us, we can adapt and we can survive. We've been through all different climates, regimes, nations and more, and we've delivered the Lord's love and message to them all. So what will stop us then? I'll tell you what, nothing will! Nothing will stop us. Nothing will stop you‚ because you have the power of God!

43. So, yes‚ we'll be in the mountains—and we'll be in the cities! We'll be underground and above ground and up and down and all around! You won't be able to blink without seeing one of us or one of those who know us or are helping us. We'll be all throughout the Devil's kingdom and he won't be able to stop us, because God's ordained it that way.

44. So hold onto your hats, folks, 'cause the exciting stuff is just ahead! It won't be long now, so continue building on your foundation of the Word, strengthening yourself in the use of the new weapons‚ laying down a firm, solid base to build on, and then stocking up with all that you'll need in the future. You can't wait till it hits, because then it'll be too late. Be prepared now, and I guarantee you won't regret it. (End of message from Dad)

Shakeup 2000—Tribulation Prep?

45. (Mama: ) The Lord gave the following message when the S2K GNs were going out to the Family. Though the Shakeup has been difficult for the Family as a whole and many people have had to make difficult choices‚ it's encouraging to know that it's part of our Endtime prep. This is the purging before the Endtime begins in earnest. Once we've come through the purging, then the Lord promises that the time of Great Tribulation will be a time of many great vic­tories for us.

46. (Jesus speaking:) This time is the beginning of the Church being purged and purified and made white—preparations for the Great Tribulation. Even as the world must endure the Great Tribulation, so My called-out Church must endure the purifying fires of My purging and chastisements.

47. The time of Great Tribulation, on the other hand, will be a time of great victory and overcoming for you, My loves‚ because you will have already come through the purging and will be victorious and prepared, My beautiful, radiant Bride! This is the time of preparation. This is the time of purging. (End of message from Jesus.)

Will the Antichrist

Arise out of the U.S.?

48. Q: Could the Antichrist arise out of the U.S., which seems to be the world power of this day, rather than Russia? It seems the ten kings of NATO have given their power to the U.S. for now, and it's going about waging war with various other kings and kingdoms.

49. (Jesus speaking:) Look not upon the circumstances, wondering how My Word and the Words of David can be true, but rather look at My Word and the Words of David with faith, expecting to see their fulfillment. All that I have spoken will come to pass, and every jot and tittle of My Word will be fulfilled.

50. In the days to come, all will be made clear. When that Wicked One shall be revealed, then will you know him, and then will you see how all these matters fit together. For the time being‚ you see only the shadows and shapes of things to come, and you cannot tell clearly what they will be. But when they fully come to pass, then you will know fully, and there will be no more need of theories.

51. Those who study My Word would do well to study it as My servant David did—going through each Scripture and seeing how it fits, and asking Me for My counsel and leading at the same time. Many of the children of David seek to interpret the Bible as David did and try to weigh Scripture against Scripture, but they neglect to come to Me as David did‚ fervently seeking Me in prayer and supplication. Those who would study matters of the spirit must be led by Me and by My Spirit rather than their minds‚ for it is the counsel of the Lord that shall stand rather than the theories of man.

52. As I have often told you, these are the days of the whispers‚ of seeking the will and voice of God, of My direct leading and guiding. These are not the days of carnal reasoning and interpretation. There is a place for interpretation in under­standing My voice and My will, but My voice and My will are to be first and foremost, not your reasoning.

53. When one has a theory of the Endtime, he should come to Me with an open heart and mind‚ seeking Me as to whether these things be so. How can one know My will and My ways without asking Me? And as you ask‚ you must not ask how your theory is true, but whether your theory is true. For the questions you ask determine the answers you receive. If one comes to Me with bias‚ asking Me to confirm his theory, then he will not be open to the full truth of the matter that I would give him.

54. Now, regarding this theory, I know you seek a plain and simple answer, so I will speak plainly and simply: The Antichrist does not arise from this land that you call America. There are many antichrists there, but that Wicked One whom I will destroy at My coming arises elsewhere, as I have spoken throughout My Word and throughout the Words of David. There you will find the answers that you seek, and I have repeated it often‚ that you might know the truth of these matters.

55. Be not easily shaken by circumstances and conditions, nor wonder how My Word can be fulfilled when it seems contrary to the natural. In due time you will see, if you continue to trust and believe and obey. Seeing is the reward of faith. (End of message from Jesus.)

The King of the North

56. Q: It seems unrealistic that the Antichrist will arise out of Russia, since Russia doesn't command much world respect at the moment. While that may change, any suggestion for a one-world government proceeding from that quarter will almost automatically be taken as a move toward totalitarian communism, which has been heavily bashed in recent years. Will the Antichrist—the "King of the North"—arise out of Russia? Or does the "North" denote some other geopolitical region north of ­Israel today?

57. (Jesus speaking:) The King of the North will receive power and backing from Russia. He will come from the North with power, using its manpower and its wealth of people, scientists, and the military structure that is in place. He will be a hero that is welcomed by the military. He will appeal to the military to put him in power, and this is his muscle. He will use the military to crack down on crime, and will reorganize and restructure. He will bring peace to his people and therefore be hailed as a savior. Although he is not completely Russian, it will not matter, because the people will be so desperate after deprivation and hunger and a cold winter and crumbling economy. They will see fast results from his reforms‚ which will boost his ­favor with the military and with the masses, and they will back him.

58. It will be considered a miracle and turnaround never seen before, because of the rapid improvements‚ the organization‚ the cleaning up in favor of the common person, but without the cruelty of communism on the innocent. There will be programs to wipe out the criminal elements that have taken over the country, and with the success of this plan he will be heralded as the savior of the people. With such popularity behind him, he will be able to do what he pleases with the support and backing of millions.

59. Because of his success in Russia, in a country on the verge of ruin and disaster, his counsel will then be welcomed worldwide. He will have the gift of diplomacy‚ and because he is not completely Russian he will not be considered a threat to the West and other countries that are still influenced by a negative mindset or stigma toward Russian communism. Russia will be his test case‚ and he will reside there and establish headquarters. Although Russia is in a deplorable and very weakened state‚ it still rests on the laurels of being a world power, and he will use that to his advantage.

60. Russia is, after all‚ the biggest country in the world, and is a sleeping giant. The only other contenders in the world as far as size, masses of people, and being powerful at the same time, are China and the USA. With the new strength Russia will attain, as if being resurrected from the dead, she will become a center of activity and symbol of power and authority. (End of message from Jesus.)

How Is the Antichrist

Going to Rise?

61. Q: Every day there's some new advance publicized that brings us that much closer to either the Mark or a one-world government, but exactly how is the AC going to rise?

62. (Jesus speaking:) He shall enter peaceably upon the fattest places and take the kingdom by flatteries. Do you not see how he even now plans and schemes and twists the world around his finger? Do you not see the hand of the Antichrist working behind the scenes to bring about a one-world power? Globalization? Ha! Globalization is nothing without the strong hand of the ACs driving and pushing for it. The world is fatalistic now; they see it as a natural course of events. But it's not happening nat­urally; there's a definite plan behind it. The ACs want all the markets linked so they can pull the plug on them all in one shot.

63. They don't want to have to destabilize country by country; they want to do it all in one shot. That's why all the financial markets and exchanges are getting more and more linked and dependent on each other. They'll be able to crash the entire market economy of the globe with one phone call, one flick of their wrist. They'll be able to pull the world down to poverty in an instant.

64. You can see that they're not quite ready for this yet. They've been testing things out‚ trying the waters to see if things are going to work or not. It's a slow process, because they tamper with this market here and see what effect it has on the other markets, then they turn around and fix this little glitch that caused this market not to rise or fall at their behest. And on the game goes, until every market will be so entwined that there will be no escape. The global exchange will rise and fall at whim. They will take the entire stock market, bonds, securities, commodities, and other financial markets down with them in one shot to ensure that the entire civilized world falls into chaos at the same time.

65. They're going to want it to happen quickly so that the whole world will be open at the same time for a ruler. It'll happen in a blink of an eye. They're just not quite ready yet. They've got a bit more fine-tuning to do before they're ready, and they're waiting on something else.

66. They need faster technology to help their plans work, so they're pushing the computer and Internet scene. They're behind much of the research into cloning, biotechnology, and chip advancement. They're funding and fueling its current drive, because they need results. They need the biggest brains out there working on solutions that are going to benefit their system. That's one reason they're continuing to let the economy prosper, because it makes it simpler and easier for them to achieve their aims and to fund all this technology.

67. They're the ones pouring big bucks into the research and development of chips that can be implanted under your skin. They're the ones funding bionics and chip research. They're pushing ahead at breakneck speed because they need all the technology they can get to make their plan work without major glitches.

68. They're building the networks now. They're working furiously behind the scenes to ensure that their system will be undisputed and that it will work. What you see on the surface is only the tip of the iceberg. What you see now is only the aftereffect of what's really happening out there on the front lines of tech­nology.

69. You can bet that the U.S. military and the British, Russian and American agencies are all working together behind the scenes to set this program up. They're training the executives. They're creating the technology needed to fund and to power their new programs. They're the ones pushing behind the scenes.

70. All the big players are involved in this plan. While they make it appear as if each one has their own agenda and plan, and they strive to keep up the façade of independence and of making these advancements for the good of their respective nations, behind closed doors they're getting their orders straight from the top. They don't do a thing without being told what to do by the ACs who are in charge and running the show.

71. They're financing more and more globalization and global projects, buying out or crushing competition. They're behind these mergers too. They are consolidating the markets, making sure the big money boys are even bigger and have control. They want to make sure that all their assets are shored up and in safe industries when they pull the plug. They want to make sure that they have a corner on the market of all the major industries—media, cars, electronics, software. You name it and they've got a finger in that pie! They didn't stop with oil; when they saw how much success they had in that market, they moved into other markets, just like any good businessman would. They're very crafty and they know how to use the System; they created it to their own ends. They know how to weave a dastardly web of deception that's going to draw the world in, and they won't even know they're caught. That's how good they are.

72. It's going to happen very suddenly. One day you'll wake up and the global markets will have plunged, and that money you're holding will be worthless. That's not a myth or a theory—that's the truth. It's going to get sucked down to the bottom of the pool, and they'll take as many people down as they can.

73. Those who are heavily investing in Internet-based companies and in the stock market are going to be some of the hardest hit. Their money will plunge through the floor because it wasn't invested in hard, evidence-based enterprises. The whole stock market is a matter of faith‚ as David has told you. It's paper money, fake‚ false. It provides a false sense of security because it can all be gone in a moment, and it will be very soon.

74. Once they've got the world groveling at their feet, they'll start bailing them out one by one, by offering them new and improved methods of marketing, new and improved economic plans. They'll "offer," but what they're not saying is that they're going to implement this plan "or else"—or else they'll crush you and starve you and bring you down till you accept their plan. It's such a farce, a fake, this phony front they put up of wanting to help and being so charitable and philanthropic. They're only philanthropic when it suits their purpose and when they can get control of or access to something they want. They don't give away "help" without very tight strings attached. And they pull the strings as they wish.

75. All this is going to come about very suddenly. There'll be a "mighty widening of the eyes," because things will be going great till suddenly the bottom will fall out of it, and people will be left with nothing but paper—worthless paper.

76. Be prepared by sticking close and ­tuning in. I'll help your losses not be too great. I'll provide for you, because you'll be right in the forefront of My will. You'll be the tip of My Endtime blade with which I will reap the final harvest. You as the Family will be My harvesting tool‚ gathering many into My Kingdom. I'll use you mightily if you'll stay close to Me. (End of message from Jesus.)

Discovering Who

The Antichrist Is

77. Q: When the Antichrist starts becoming a well-known figure, as he must at some point to become the world leader, will the Lord show us in the Family that this is definitely him and will we all be made aware of it?

78. (Jesus speaking:) I have told you to look toward Memphis and toward the land of Magog, so that you might know when that Man of Sin arises. Keep watch over these hot spots of the world‚ these areas I have signified that these great Endtime events will be associated with. By doing so you will learn much, see many signs and signals, and be made aware of many pieces of the puzzle as they fit together.

79. Exactly how and when and where these various signs and details that you know of will come together, or how each location that I have highlighted fits into the picture‚ or the details of the ascent of the Antichrist‚ I will not reveal to you at this time. But when the time comes that this man whom I have called the Antichrist is firmly establishing his throne and gaining a grip on the kingdoms of the Earth, I will make it plain to you that it is him.

80. You may not know for sure within the first days, weeks or months of the Antichrist's seven-year rule that he is the one. But before the period of three-and-a-half years that I have called the Great Tribulation begins‚ I will have made it known to you, My special, elite Endtime children, who this man of sin is, that you may beware and be forewarned, and prepare and arm yourselves against the Tribulation which shall come upon all the world.

81. When I reveal him to you, it will be your job to reveal him to the world. This will be one of the first great tests of your faith and conviction during the Tribulation and in the time immediately preceding it; some of you may be tempted to doubt, and others may even see signs that lead you to think that the truths I have revealed to you are false or incomplete. But as time goes on and the Tribulation is in full swing‚ it will be confirmed with definite signs and signals that no man can doubt, that the man who I have revealed to you as the Antichrist, the Man of Sin, the Beast of Tribulation, has taken his place as the last earthly ruler of this planet, filling his cup of iniquity.

82. He will be the one by whom you can count the days until My return as rightful King and Ruler of the Earth. Therefore dread not his appearance and revelation, fearing those things which shall come to pass because of it, but rejoice, because your redemption draws nigh! (End of message from Jesus.)

Actively Warring

Against the AC?

83. Q: Are we going to have any part in the wars fought against the AC? Will we perhaps, through prophecy, be advisers or counselors to military heads, directing them as to the logistics of the battle, giving counsel or having some involvement?

84. (Jesus speaking:) When I allow the Anti­christ to reveal himself and I make that stage of the Endtime known to you, then I will also reveal to you your specific role.

85. You will play a key role in the wars against the Antichrist. You will play a key role in informing others, in comforting My children, in ministering to other Christians, in giving faith to those of other religions, and in announcing the truth.

86. I will show you how you will do this. I will lead and guide My queen and king and give them My plan as to how I will use My Family in these Last Days. It will be different and your faith will be stretched, but I will give you new faith to do the humanly impossible. You will see war and hear of war, and be face to face with the evil spirit of the Antichrist. By this I mean that you will know him, you will recognize his power, you will understand what it means‚ and you will know what to do as My tools‚ because I will show you.

87. I will speak to My queen and king clearly‚ and will reveal My battle plan to them‚ and they will pass it down to the Family. Some of the messages that I will give to you will be for your direction as My commanding officers in those days. Other messages will be given to direct other armies concerning how to fight these wars. You will be as counselors, interpreters of events, visionaries, and the world will recognize the power that I have given you. They will call upon you and they will listen‚ for they will not be able to fight these wars only with the strength of their physical armies. They will also need spiritual guidance through prophecy.

88. It will be a time of great confusion, and they will listen to the words of prophecy that you will give abundantly. Your faith will be stretched; it will be blind faith that trusts completely in My promises to use you‚ to speak through you‚ to not fail you. And I will not fail you in one word that I speak unto you; I will speak My truth through you. I will give battle plans through your channels, directions as to how to fight these wars, and My Spirit will prevail through you.

89. You will sit with the mighty men of war, the generals, the rulers, the kings, and you will help them to make war according to My plan. The world rulers will hear of the prophets of the Family because I will make you known. I will make My powers known.

90. I'm preparing you now to hear My voice clearly in prophecy, but it is not just for you now; it is for the time when I will call you to step forward and prophesy in the midst of the mighty, to raise forces against the Antichrist, and to make war against him. At that time you will see and you will know what to do, because I will reveal it through your mouth. I will speak through your lips and give the directions.

91. You ask‚ "Who will speak? Who will be chosen to do this thing? Will it be one or many?" Wait and I will reveal all. Know that you're being prepared now, as I am working in the life of each Family member to prepare them in spirit for the days soon to come. It will not be long! (End of message from Jesus.)

Are There Only

144,000 Seals Available?

92. Q: In Revelation 7, only 144,000 saints get the seal of God in their foreheads, from the tribes of Israel. According to the rest of Revelation, terrible things happen to those who don't have the seal of God in their forehead. Why do so few get this protection when it seems like there are millions of Christians in the world?

93. (John the Revelator speaking:) As the book of Revelation was being revealed to me in visions and experiences, I received specific instructions on what to write down. Some things were shown to me in full and I was given permission to write down the visions as I saw them. Other things were also shown to me, and I was instructed to write them down in the cryptic fashion in which I saw them, knowing that the under­standing would come when the time was at hand.

94. Yet other visions I was instructed to write down only in part, so as not to reveal all of what was shown to me. The one hundred and forty-four thousand was one of those things written only in part. Indeed, I did hear the number of them which were sealed‚ and of those sealed there were one hundred and forty-four thousand of the tribes of Israel. There was more to this vision, the symbolism of the tribes and divisions, but I was instructed to hold back my pen and not write the interpretation of the numbers and tribes which I had heard, for it was not yet to be revealed. (End of message from John the Revelator.)

95. (Jesus speaking: ) Just as I have marked My children throughout history to protect them from calamity, I again will mark My children to save them from the terrible things which shall befall the Earth in the Last Days. As the angel of death passed over the children of ­Israel‚ so shall the seven Tribulation trumpets pass over those who are sealed with My Name. Every­one who has accepted My salvation will be spared from these trumpets. They will be tried and tested‚ but will not drink of the cup of pestilence which I have reserved for those who have not My seal.

96. Fear not, for I will protect all of My saved children, and the mystery will be revealed to you at the time appointed. (End of message from Jesus)

Tribulation, Persecution,

And Torture Prep?

97. Q: The Bible says that the Great Tribulation will be "a time of trouble such as was not since the beginning of the world." When you see movies or read books or articles about the persecution that the Early Church suffered, those times were pretty bad! It's very likely that some of us who live during the Great Tribulation will have to face interrogation, torture, and even martyrdom like they did. It seems we try not to think about it too much, or maybe some of us just hope we'll be spared from that. But it will un­doubted­ly happen to some, if not many of us, so shouldn't we be preparing mentally for what's ahead?

98. (Jesus speaking:) Your times are in My hands. To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. For the carnal mind is enmity against God.

99. If you were fending for yourselves, then I would say that, yes‚ perhaps you should practice with thumbscrews and condition yourselves mentally for the possible hardships that lie ahead. But My ways are not your ways, and I'm preparing you in every way for what's coming. I'm training you with spiritual weapons. I'm training you to understand that you and I are wed.

100. In the times to come‚ this knowledge and this experience with the new weapons is what will keep you—not any conditioning of the mind or strengthening of the body. There will be people who are physically strong or who seem full of strength and determination, yet even they will fall. It is only in Me that you can find true peace of mind and strength for the difficulties ahead.

101. The Enemy's greatest power lies in fear—fear of the future, fear of facing death, or witnessing the death of your loved ones. Or much, much worse for some, the fear of torture and of being forced to give information about precious loved ones. But I want to give you peace. As you come to My arms, as My Bride, I will hold you close and you'll pass through the Tribulation without even the smell of smoke on you. You'll be more than conquerors!

102. I don't ask you to think about the logis­tics or the reality of how you're going to cope in the Tribulation. I only ask you to work My works while it is day, for the night will come when no man can work. I only ask you to serve Me one day at a time‚ to love Me one day at a time, to practice with the new weapons one day at a time. It's like the preacher who was asked by the two little old ladies if he had dying grace. He said, "No, I'm not dying yet!" So I tell you not to worry whether you'll have dying grace or the grace for any other even­tuality. Leave the future in My hands, and your heart in My safekeeping.

103. Yes, there were times of old that tested the limits of human endurance to the utmost. But I gave those dear ones great grace. I did many miracles for those who were willing to give their lives for My Name's sake, and in these impossible situations, I rewarded their faith with peace, comfort, relief, and all that they needed. And when it was My will that My saints came into My Kingdom, I gave them dying grace.

104. Many of My saints of old even went to their deaths singing, whether they faced lions in an arena or evil men in cramped dungeons. The blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church. Why do you think that was so? Was it because they died in fear and trembling, crying out, recanting their faith? No! It was because they died singing. It was because they, My Brides, looked forward to meeting Me, their Husband. So they died with joy, with My super­natural spirit of peace enfolding them, giving them relief from the torment and the torture that so many others feel when they face death.

105. Trust Me that I'm preparing you. I'm fitting you for this battle with the finest weapons of war and the most impenetrable armor. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Don't give any place to the Enemy through fear of the future. Remember, it is he that trembles, for he knows that his time is nigh! (End of message from Jesus)

How to Overcome

Fear of Torture

106. Q: Many people are afraid of being tortured or other difficult things like that. Does the Lord have any words of encouragement for us to help relieve such fears?

107. (Jesus speaking: ) The way to keep such fears from stealing your joy and causing you to worry is to soak yourself in My Word. Through My Words you will gain faith, and that faith will overcome your fear. As you read My Words, I will comfort your heart and give you peace. I have given many promises in the Bible and through your Father David, and now I am pouring out abundantly through My sure Word of prophecy.

108. I know the future. I know what you will be called upon to endure—and I know your frame, your heartaches, your fears, your strengths and weak­nesses. I know exactly how much you are able to withstand, and I know how to best comfort your heart and prepare you for what lies ahead. Even more than all that, I have the power to overrule whatever circum­stances might come your way and help you to have perfect peace and comfort despite the circum­stances.

109. Even if your worst fear is that of being tortured, and in the future you find yourself in that situation as a witness and testimony to Me, know that in your time of great need I am more than able to comfort you, to overrule the pain and give you peace, and to make it not too difficult for you. I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you, and I will make a way of ­escape.

110. There were cases throughout history where My martyrs who suffered torture felt feelings of ecstasy rather than pain, as I held them in My arms to shield them from the circum­stances. Other times they felt twinges of pain‚ but I made it not too difficult or unbearable. Other times I transported their spirit out of their body, so that even though it appeared that their body was reacting to the pain, they did not feel it, but rather were observers in the situation‚ until the time that they were made to speak and witness their faith. Even then I held their hand and did not let it affect them.

111. My darling ones, the preparation I can give you now is faith‚ and that faith comes from My Word. So comfort yourselves through reading My Word. The more you read, the more you will see that I will not let anything happen to you that is not a part of My perfect plan. I love you and care for you, and if you fear that you will not be able to withstand torture, then rest in My promise that I will either not allow you to be in those circumstances, or I will be with you in those circumstances and will protect and shield you and will not allow you to fail.

112. You are My brides. You are My lovers. You are My faithful ones who have chosen to serve Me above the physical comforts you might have had in the world. I will not leave you in your hour of need, but will be near and dear to you, and together we will make it through whatever lies ahead.

113. In the meantime‚ don't let this weigh on your heart. Don't feel that you have to mentally prepare yourself for it, or live it again and again in your thoughts in order to make it more bearable when it happens. Leave that in My hands‚ and arm yourself with faith through reading My Word and believing My promises. I will be with you through whatever lies ahead, and as I have promised, I will not allow you to face anything that is too much for you. Rest in My love. (End of message from Jesus.)

How to Cultivate

Miracle Power

114. Q: We know from the Bible that the Lord will do miracles through us. Are there realistic examples of what we may be called upon to do? Also, what is it that enables us to have the power to do these miracles? Does it depend on our yielded­ness and usefulness to the Lord, or merely on our faith in His power and the need at hand?

115. (Jesus speaking:) I have promised great miracles to My children, and I was not speaking symbolically. Indeed‚ My power is limit­less, and according to your need and the situation, I will do wondrous things for you and through you!

116. The requirement for these manifestations of power is faith—your faith to ask Me, to expect, to believe and receive. When you ask Me in faith, I am bound by My Word to give you what you need. It might not always be what you think you need, but I will always supply, protect, deliver, heal, or resolve the situation in the way that I know is best. Sometimes it will be a quiet miracle that you will know is the answer, but it won't be obvious to others. At other times, for the sake of the witness, I will do wondrous supernatural things as a display of My power to give those who are undecided a chance to believe in and receive Me.

117. Of course, I will give My power more freely to those who are yielded to Me, who I know will obey My whispers in an instant, who I know I can count on to be My witnesses and follow My lead. So yes, yieldedness plays a part. But any of My children who call out to Me—even those who do not yet know Me personally, but only believe that I am there, that there is a greater power than themselves, who know that I am good and who throw themselves on Me for salvation—I will answer and will give them what they need.

118. So do not wonder if you see others—Muslims‚ Jews, and even the unsaved—receive miracles from Me when they call on Me as their Lord and Savior. The time of Tribulation will be a time of great witness, great harvest, of many coming unto Me, and you must be ready to help feed them the truth.

119. I will not promise that every one of you will perform miracles, because not all will have the need. But I do promise that all those who ask in faith will receive according to My perfect will. Those who are yielded to Me and obedient to My voice will receive the greatest manifestations of My power‚ because I know that they will use it as a witness for Me‚ because they are humble before Me and seek only to do My will. (End of message from Jesus)

Endtime Prep and

Sample for Kids

120. Q: My eldest children, who are now SGAs and older teens, are pretty well versed concerning the Endtime. They've got a good foundation and seem ready to handle it, with the Lord's help. But my youngest ones don't seem as prepared. When Endtime topics come up‚ they seem almost frightened or fearful. Is it important to prepare them now‚ or will the Lord give them the grace then? How can I go about teaching them what the Bible has to say about the Endtime and our beliefs without instilling fear or worry in them?

121. (Jesus speaking: ) A good preparation for the Endtime starts with a good understanding of the facts and events concerning these coming days. There is an abundance of My Word and instruction and direction in the writings of your Father David, and many jewels are waiting there to be found.

122. Read and study what has already been written and published in the children's publica­tions. (See the list in "The Endtime Series, Part 2," ML #3279, GN 887, page 10.) Study, review, and memorize My Word. Apply yourself with all diligence to the study of My Word, and your faith will grow and your understanding will become clearer‚ and you will then be able to impart this to your children.

123. Read the children's material together with your children. Study it, talk about it, take notes, memorize key portions, review and drill. Make it a fun study. Play games to help you review. Practice giving answers to sharpen your sword. As you do your part now to prepare your little ones, when the time comes, I will endue you and your children with power from on High. Nevertheless, you must rehearse your lines so that when the final play is on, you will stand boldly in front of your adversary and be a witness to many.

124. Yes, you need to prepare. You and your little ones need to absorb My Word, little by little, one thing at a time. It sounds overwhelming to grasp and understand all the events of the Endtime, but if you apply yourself and study and review step by step, doing the best you can, then in the appropriate time I will mightily use you and your little ones, but you must prepare now.

125. Here's a good tip: Stay simple. Don't try to understand everything or all the many details. My words are simple. Read Matthew 24. That's a good beginning, a good foundation—My Endtime class to My disciples. They were simple men‚ most of them unlearned and ignor­ant‚ that their wisdom and power and boldness might come from Me. Give your children the foundation, the overall picture, the principles. Hide the Word in their hearts, and the promises of protection, miracles and safekeeping that I have given you in the Bible and in My recent living words to you‚ and you will be preparing them in the best possible way. When they are in need, I will bring these words to their mind and hearts to comfort, encourage and inspire them.

126. Focus on the positive. Focus on the purpose for the Endtime, the reasons behind it. It is to bring to fulfillment the plan that I began over 6,000 years ago. It is the final chance for mankind to choose whom they will serve—Me or the Devil. It is a great time of witnessing. It is a time of signs and wonders. It is a time to be on guard and watchful‚ to search the Scriptures in the Bible and to match them up—like a game—with the events that are going on in the world. It's a very special time, but also a serious time, and that's why it's so important to learn to use the new weapons properly.

127. Challenge your children to be ready for the Endtime by soaking in My Word and learning about it. Don't dwell on the fears or worries that some have, or that you might even have. Let My Words wash away your fears, and do not worry about your children, for I will protect them and keep them cradled safely in My arms. (End of message from Jesus)

128. (Mama: ) The Lord gave the following warning to parents, young people, and those who care for our children about the importance of not only teaching the kids but of your personal sample, which the Lord says will be reflected in their attitudes and habits. Lord help us to manifest the right attitude toward the End­time, and to obey the Lord in spiritually preparing ourselves through soaking in the Word and using the new weapons to the full!

129. (Jesus speaking: ) I charge you to teach and train your youth, so that they can perform the many tasks and mighty wonders which I will do through them. I have promised to do these things, yet you are part of My promise. They need teachers to feed and nourish them, like David your good shepherd has fed you.

130. Be not as those who have allowed tele­vision and video to become the principal teachers of their children, which has resulted in a violent generation which is an embarrassment to their forebears. Do you want such a generation? If you don't, then you must feed, discipline, admonish and lead by example, so that your young ones can overcome the strong and poisonous influence of the false prophets of this day.

131. Remember, out of the abundance of your hearts as parents, your mouths do speak. What conversations do your young ones hear around the dinner table? What conversations do they hear during breakfast times, or your times of relaxation? They will observe and see if you really believe that you live in the Endtime. They will also see if you are soaking in the Word and imbibing the fresh‚ living Word. They see your sample in these important areas, and they will in turn reflect your attitudes and habits. So be faithful to do what you preach, so that they also may be strength­en­ed. (End of message from Jesus.)