KEYWORDS: lord, prophecy, time, things, words, gift

Ask Me Everything, Part 2!

Karen Zerby

How to Stop, Look, Listen and Receive!Maria #513 CM/FM 3271 7/99

Required reading for all members 16 and up.

This GN does not have to be read straight through in one sitting.

My dear Family,

1. I pray the last GN full of messages from our sweet Husband about hearing from Him in prophecy about everything was a blessing to you. In this GN we're including more of what He poured out along those lines. I pray that as you read these words, the Lord will give you more and more faith to take these steps yourself, to begin to put this instruction into practice. He's promised us that the future is bright for us, and that as we let Him lead us each step, our lives will only become more beautiful, more fulfilled, more fruitful and blessed in every way. We sure have a lot to look forward to! Praise the Lord!

Another Secret to Success:

Go Slow!

2. (Spirit helper speaking:) Everything up Here revolves around prayer, being in communi­cation with the Lord, being in tune with where His Spirit is moving, with what He's doing, with where He's leading. It's a two-way street, where you have to ask, and the Lord will give you a specific answer. It may not always be specific in details; it could be a general answer, but it's specifically tailor-made to your particular situation. For you on Earth, it should be much the same.

3. As you know, little things are often big things in the Lord's eyes, and He likes to test our faithfulness in big things by seeing how we do with the little things. It's no different with learning to ask the Lord and wait for His ­answers. "Yes," you may say to yourself, "when I begin praying about bigger matters, like deciding on a mate or a move, then I'll ask the Lord." But how can you trust yourself to hear clearly from Him on the big things if you haven't been looking to Him and practicing your channel by asking about the little things?

4. They may not seem important to you, but besides the point of using them to practice your gift of prophecy, you never know what could hinge on a seemingly small decision. But if you put it off, or constantly think, "Well, this is too small to ask the Lord about," you not only risk missing something important that He may have to tell you—some factor you haven't thought about, some angle or consequence you haven't considered—but you lose out on the sweet communication the Lord, as your Husband, would like to have with you.

5. He may not have anything to say about whether to eat a banana or an orange for snack, but He may want to tell you to bring that busy single mom a nice glass of juice like she enjoys, so that He can show His love to her through you. That's what learning to receive the Lord's answers on the spot is all about. It's not always about what you can or need to do for yourself, but often it's seeing what you can do for others around you. Remember, inasmuch as you do it unto the least of His brethren‚ you are doing it unto Him.

6. But if you don't ask and listen, you won't hear. The Lord's Spirit is always on‚ and it's always broadcasting. There's always something He could tell you. He's not the strong‚ silent type. Oh‚ He's strong‚ but He's not silent. He loves to talk‚ and it's so wonderful to listen to Him, because He's always full of surprises. You never quite know what He's going to talk about next, but you can be sure that it's something fascinating, uplifting‚ inspiring, encour­aging, challenging, and loving.

7. He's quite the conversationalist, you know—although you don't fully realize how much He has to say till you get up Here. Then you see how much He loves to talk, how much He loves to share with you. (Can't you tell? It's even begun to rub off on me, ha!) I mean, He's got more wisdom than the whole world—in fact‚ He's got all the wisdom of the Spirit, all the wisdom in the universe—and He loves to share it with anybody who's interested in it. Sometimes you can get Him going on certain topics and He just doesn't stop, ha! Of course, you may have to wait until you get up Here to experience the kind of conversations we spirit beings can have with Him as easily. But that doesn't mean that He can't or won't talk to you if you take the time to ask Him and listen.

8. Okay, so what about asking about all sorts of little things that it seems you could just go ahead and do without asking? Let's see if we can boil it down to some concrete examples. You're on your way somewhere, and you pass by the kitchen and see someone struggling to finish doing the dishes. It's their job. They're on the schedule to do it. You did it yesterday. You don't have to help. You could walk right on by and go have your quiet time, or go about your business.

9. But if you stopped to ask the Lord what to do, He could tell you in prophecy that the person would really appreciate the extra help. It's not a life-and-death matter‚ and maybe not even a big deal in some cases, but it could make their day a brighter‚ happier one, and the spark of help and encourage­ment you give them may get passed on to others as well. Or He may tell you that the person prefers to be alone for the moment, and that it's more important for you to enter into your closet for that private time with Him, and that that would bring Him greater happiness.

10. But if you don't stop to ask‚ you might end up doing the wrong thing. Even though perhaps not much hinges on that small de­cision, you will have lost an opportunity to find out what the Lord would have preferred for you to do.

11. You say‚ "Okay, I want to ask and see what the Lord has to say in prophecy. Now how am I supposed to do that? I don't walk around with a dictaphone. I'm not going to stop and give a public prophecy in the middle of the hallway. So what am I going to do?"

12. Well, the first thing to do is be open to the checks of the Spirit, to the voice of the Lord. In other words, be prayerful, go slow, acknowledge the Lord in all your ways so that He can direct your paths—the same thing the Word has been telling us all this time.

13. So back to our example; how does that help us? Okay, well‚ first of all, you don't just hurry by, trying to pretend you didn't notice that person doing dishes on their own. (You shouldn't be hurrying anyway‚ remember?) So you stop for a moment while you check in with the Lord. "What do I do now, Lord?"

14. Then listen for the answer and take the first thing that comes. If you hear from the Lord, you'll have perfect peace about it—whether it's passing by and leaving the person to finish the dishes on their own‚ or whether it's popping in to offer your help. If you miss that opportunity to ask the Lord and simply follow your own impulse, the Lord may talk to you about it later when you check in with Him, and explain why it wasn't the best thing to do, and what He would have wanted you to do differently had you been tuning in to Him, and at least if you ask Him later you're able to benefit from the lesson.

15. The moral of the story is, when you ask, the Lord will always answer! And that ­answer that you get, when you ask a specific ques­tion of the Lord, is prophecy. Sometimes the Lord's voice of prophecy might include a verse or a quote that you know. If you ask Him a specific question and He answers you in this way, this is prophecy. Sometimes He might give you a short explanation or a bit of counsel to go along with it. What you get in reply to your specific questions is prophecy. When you ask, the Lord answers.

16. If you receive a verse or a quote at some other time‚ when you haven't been specifically asking the Lord a question and expecting to hear from Him, then it's good to ask Him for a confirmation on that verse or quote. Even though you weren't specifically asking Him a question, He may be trying to get through to you and speak to your heart about a certain subject or situation. And if you get something from the Lord and you're not sure exactly what to do, don't be afraid to ask a second question, "Lord, does that mean I should do such-and-such?" Again, the Lord's voice will be right there to direct and guide and answer you.

17. Let's go back to our example of the dishes. Maybe before you pass by the kitchen, you've overheard someone wondering where so-and-so is because they're needed to do such-and-such in five minutes. Then you see them in the kitchen (with a little more than five minutes worth of dishes to wash), and you've just heard that they need to go out on business afterwards. Now‚ maybe the Lord wants you to help that person finish early so they can leave early and meet someone special He's been trying to bring across their path. On the other hand, maybe He doesn't want you to help so that their departure can be slightly delayed in order to avoid an accident that could have serious repercussions on the work.

18. This example is just to show you that you never know what it is that the Lord might want to tell you, or which way He would lead you, so you've got to ask Him! Even when something looks like a "common sense" decision, He's still telling you that you've got to get into the habit of asking Him. The Lord may not tell you the details of the consequences of your decision, as then it would turn into a longer, drawn–out prophecy session right in the hallway! In fact, you may never know the effects of your decision at all‚ except when it's been the wrong one and something drastic has happened, and everybody starts adding up all the little "what if's" that could have helped to avoid that situation.

19. But if you don't go slow, you'll miss all those little things—those little situations and little tests that the Lord and your spirit helpers are engineering all around you. And they may not always be little ones. You never know what sort of life-changing effects a little decision can have.

20. The point is, if you don't slow down and take that time to ask the Lord questions and wait for His answers now, if you don't heed the checks of the Spirit and the voice of the Lord when He's checking you to ask Him about the little things‚ you never know when it might be a big thing. But if you get in the habit of asking Him and waiting for His answers‚ as well as exercising all the other new spiritual weapons He's given you, then it'll be much easier for Him to punch through, no matter how drastic or ordinary the question or situation.

21. That's really the goal of all this getting closer to the Lord and working on our spiritual lives and walk with Him—so that He can live and move and act and love through us. And if you're not making the effort to learn these things now‚ don't think you'll suddenly be endowed with all this amazing insight and earth­shaking power the moment the Antichrist breaks the Covenant and starts hounding you.

22. These are the days of preparation! These are the days of arming yourselves, of practicing with your new weapons. These are the days of training. Even now the Enemy lurks about‚ seeking to do harm where he can. But by staying on your toes and using every situation that you can as an opportunity to test your spiritual reactions, to discover your weaknesses and work on strengthening them, you're learning to be the crack shots and ­elite troops that the Lord will need you to be when the final decisive battle for the hearts and souls and lives of men begins.

23. But if you're like the soldier on the battlefield who decides he doesn't need to listen to the commands from headquarters, and who switches off his radio receiver because he thinks it's obvious what he needs to do, you may find yourself in more trouble than you bargained for. So all you have to do is turn on and tune in; stop, look, and listen to the King. Put your headsets back on, and don't think for a moment that you can make it without looking to the Lord.

24. The Lord wants to do all He can to make it easy for you. He's your Coach. He's your Trainer. He's your Battle Instructor. He's placing you in these situations daily to test your skills, to see how you're progressing, to see how much you'll look to Him instead of following your own impulses, to see how seriously you're employing the new weapons of loving and praising and listening to Him. If you want to pass His tests, make real progress and get the right ­answers to your questions‚ then you know the way to go: Take your questions to the Lord! Take your questions right back to the Lord and ask Him what the answer is, what the solution is, what the best course of action for that situation is. He knows, and you don't—it's that simple.

25. He's more than eager to share the ­answer with you so that you can start looking at things more through His eyes and seeing things the way He sees them, getting the hang of the fact that His ways are above our ways, and His thoughts above our thoughts, so that we get the idea down pat that in order to get His answers, we're gonna have to go to Him to get'm, and not try to figure things out for ourselves, no matter how menial or insignificant they may seem to us.

26. The Lord's the only One with the big picture. He knows what's going on everywhere at the same time, and He's the only One Who's got enough wisdom and insight to know the answers to EVERYTHING. So the wisest thing you can say, and the best answer YOU can have to every question is simply, "I don't know—I'll have to ask the Lord!" So why don't we all just get smart and say, "I don't know—let's ask Jesus!" (End of message from spirit helper.)

Take a Hint! Stop and Ask!

27. (Jesus speaking:) Whenever you ask Me to speak to you, you must receive the first thing that comes as from Me. (See also "Mama's Surprise, Part 2," ML #3134:117-138, Lifelines 24, for more on this subject.) When you ask Me to speak in prophecy, I will respond—either with a verse which I bring back to your remembrance, or with a sentence or two‚ or with even just a few words. All that is My voice of prophecy. Yes, there are other ways to know My will, but those you should see as prompts, as reminders that you're supposed to ask Me to speak in prophecy. That way you can know for sure that you're getting it right. So when you receive a check, you have an impression, or you feel that I'm wanting to whisper in your ear‚ stop and ask Me to speak to you in prophecy, and then whatever I give you will be My voice of prophecy answering you. When you ask for bread‚ I will not give you a stone. (End of message from Jesus.)

Tips from a Heavenly

Communications Specialist!

28. (Spirit helper speaking:) Hi! My name's Amahl‚ and I'm one of the communications instructors Here in Heaven. First of all, you've got to realize that you have a hotline to Heaven, a direct link to Jesus. This isn't just theory we're talking about here or some far-out language I'm using—it's the truth! You, as the Lord's child, living in the Time of the End‚ have a direct link to Him. The Enemy tries to throw in static and hinder you in any way that he can, but when it really comes down to it, he has no power. He can't break the flow or sever your hotline to Jesus.

29. Think of it this way: Let's say you're walking through a minefield. Take one wrong step and you'll be blown away! But you have a little headset that you can put over your ears that will be your salvation. The person talking to you through the headset has a bird's-eye view of the whole minefield. He can see beneath the ground; he can see where the bombs are. If you put on your headset and listen to him, he'll tell you when to walk straight‚ when to veer over to the left or right‚ when to jump and when to stop, in order to avoid stepping on one of those deadly bombs.

30. What would you do? Would you pick up the headphones and wear them—or would you risk walking through the minefield alone, taking the chance that your instincts will tell you which pieces of ground to put your feet on? Well, your instincts might be fine for a while, but one wrong move could mean your life! So why take the risk when you could be walking the field without fear, with perfect guidance and instruction from someone who can see the whole picture, can see everything that you can't?

31. That's much like your connection with Jesus. He's given you a direct link to Him, and all you have to do is pick up the headphones and wear them. He'll be whispering in your ear, "Turn to the right. Now turn to the left. Now jump here. Stop now." But if you don't tune in to Him, if you don't wear your communication headset, you're risking your life and the lives of ­others. I know this sounds rather drastic, and maybe the decisions you make on a day-to-day basis don't seem like life-and-death decisions. But don't discard this warning. Don't push this aside.

32. Though the decisions you make in your life and in your Home today may not cost you your life, in the soon-coming future your de­cisions may mean life or death for you or someone else. That's why you've gotta listen today and learn how to tune in to the right frequencies, so that you'll be able to receive clear instruction at the time when your life is going to depend on it.

You Need His Instructions Today!

33. (Message from spirit helper continues: ) Putting the whole future scenario aside, you need the Lord's instruction today. The success of your ministry, of your fruitfulness, of your happiness, and of your life for the Lord hinges on the decisions you make. All of life is made up of little decisions—many, many de­cisions, each and every day. If your life is to be what the Lord wants it to be, if you want to get things right, if you want to be in the center of His will, then you're going to have to put on your spiritual headset and tune in.

34. It's not enough to simply go by your instincts or your gut feelings. It's not even enough to go by how you did things before, or what you think is the logical way to do them. It's imperative, vitally important that you get things right, and the only way to do that is to ask the Lord. He's the only One Who has the answers. He's the only One Who knows all of the reasons for everything. He's the only One Who has a bird's-eye view of your life. He's the only One Who can see all the hidden factors in the equation.

35. The secret to hearing from the Lord in prophecy every step of the way, for every de­cision, for every little thing, is to make it a habit. You're going to have to will yourself to do it at first and really make a conscious effort. I'm not talking about stopping before everything you do for a big, long prophecy session. I'm talking about on-the-spot direction, quick instruction. I'm talking about being so in tune with the Lord that you'll always be listening to what He has to say.

36. Okay, let's talk about some real-life examples. You're going out witnessing, but you don't know where to go. You have a few ­options that you could choose from. What do you do? Instead of just making a quick decision on your own, why not ask the Lord? Just stop for a minute and ask Him if He has anything to say. I guarantee He'll direct you and show you what to do, and He may even give you other interesting tips to help you in your day.

37. You were planning on using the car to go out witnessing, but you just found out that it has engine trouble and isn't safe enough to drive. What do you do? You have a choice to take the van, even though there are only two of you going out, or take public transportation. Well, maybe your logical decision would be to take the van, because it's a whole lot easier than trekking through town on public transport. But let's say when you stop to pray, the Lord tells you to take public transport. You don't know why, but you soon find out His reasoning: He wanted you to meet a special sheep who got saved on the bus.

38. Anytime, anywhere, you can get an ­answer from the Lord. It only takes a minute, and He'll shoot back the answer you need that moment. Whether you're out witnessing, ­doing follow-up‚ or on an outing for fun, whether you're home with the children‚ cooking and taking care of house duties, or tending to other ministries, you can ask the Lord about everything and He'll always give you important advice, tips‚ counsel, or fill you in on amazing details that will make your life so much easier!

39. It doesn't need to take a lot of time‚ just a second‚ but then you have the peace of knowing you have the Lord's word on it, that you're doing the right thing, what He wants you to do. And to top it off‚ you won't miss out on a lot of surprises the Lord may have in store for you! The Lord is able to show you so many import­ant things, both big and small, if you'll ask Him.

40. For example, if you'll stop and ask Him which route to walk while you're in town, He'll speak to you and direct you so that you don't end up in danger zones that could cause you trouble. If you stop and check in with Him‚ He may direct you to a needy soul who will get saved, or to an interested person who will give you a big donation. He may tell you to avoid a certain part of town, telling you that crowds are gathered there in protest and it may be unsafe. He may steer you away from a robbery where a thief was waiting to steal your wallet. He might warn you to take a few extra minutes on your break so as to avoid getting caught in the rain.

41. He might give you a tip while you're preparing the food that will help you avoid food poisoning, or He might want to give you a fun idea for a special touch you can add to the meal that would inspire everyone at dinner! There are so many things the Lord can speak to you about that will make your day-to-day lives not only more safe, but fruitful, fun, and exciting!

42. There's nothing that's too small to ask the Lord about. If you're driving and there are two routes that you can take, instead of making the decision on your own‚ why not ask the Lord? He'll give you a sentence or two right on the spot. He'll give you quick direction and tell you which way is best. He may not always tell you the reasons why, but you can be sure that He knows best. Perhaps taking the other route would have made you arrive late to your appoint­ment, or perhaps the traffic would have been worse, or maybe there would have been an accident.

43. You don't always have to know all of the reasons why, but you can be sure that if you're following the Lord's leading and you officially take the time to hear what He has to say, even if it's just a few words or a couple of sentences, you'll be doing the right thing. Sometimes the Lord has reasons for asking you to do things that you aren't aware of—often, in fact. And what you've got to realize is that it doesn't take any longer to say a little prayer and ask the Lord than it does to take the time to reason it out in your mind, and it's a whole lot more reliable and dependable. It's that simple.

44. You've got to get in the habit of hearing from the Lord in prophecy about everything, and the first step in making it a habit is ridding yourself of the false notion that it takes so long to hear from the Lord. The truth is that you can have quick, on-the-spot direction all throughout your day, and it needn't take hours of precious time. The Lord can give you His answers and solutions in a couple of sentences. You've just got to make the effort to tune in. You've just got to make the effort to ask Him instead of reasoning things out in your own mind.

45. Of course, there are times when it will be necessary to stop and ask the Lord for extensive, detailed instruction. There will be times when you'll have to set aside more time to let the Lord speak to you. When you're making a big decision you'll want to hear the Lord's full counsel‚ and this is good and necessary. But what I'm talking about here is following the Lord's leadings in every little decision that you make throughout the day. Most of you have gotten used to hearing from the Lord in prophecy on big matters‚ but it's imperative that we learn to follow the Lord's leading each step of the way, with every decision and every move that we make.

46. I could go on and on about how import­ant hearing from the Lord in prophecy is, because it's a subject that's very close to my heart and which I'm directly involved in. But suffice it to say that you can't afford to live without taking the time to hear the Lord's instructions. Some folks think they can't afford to take the time‚ but I'm telling you that you can't afford not to! It's as simple as that! It's a simple solution, but in order for it to be effective it has to be put into practice in your life; it has to be made a habit. Try it, and I'm sure you'll be thrilled with the results. Keep your hotline to Jesus active every day, every hour, every minute‚ every second, and you can't go wrong! (End of message from spirit helper.)

Your Great Physician

Is Offering You a Miracle Pill!

47. (Jesus speaking: ) I am the universe's Ultimate Doctor. There is no one like Me; only I know the prescription to heal your each and every personal ache and pain. I know how to cure all your ailments. I not only know how to cure you of distress, but I also know how to give you renewed strength, vitality and health whenever you need them—or even if you don't know you need them.

48. I wish for you to learn to heed My whispers, My still, small voice of prophecy‚ so that in the perilous days to come I need but whisper in your ear and you'll come to Me at that very moment to find comfort in My Words, to receive Words of warning‚ insight, or whatever you need for the day, the hour, the moment.

49. Come to Me as often as you remember to, and I will open for you My secret medicine cabinets that I may bestow upon you and pour upon you great balms‚ elixirs, and wonders that as of yet you know not of. Only I hold the key to this magical cabinet.

50. If you would know My will at all times, if you would receive blessings, if you crave to be in full health, come to Me that I may open the cabinet for you. Hearing from Me in prophecy before every move you make, to see where I will lead you with every step you will take, in every aspect through every day, is a miracle pill that I offer to you. Will you reach out and take it?

51. If you can learn the habit of coming to Me for My approvals, for My leadings, to hear My opinions about what you're about to do, I promise you that your life will be so much fuller, so much richer, so much happier, so much more abundant and com­plete, so much more fulfilled.

52. Obedience comes before the blessings, so you must take those first steps of obedient faith to come to My doctor office just because I've said that your trips will be beneficial. Check with Me about the smallest thing that you're going to do or say.

How to Form the Habit

53. (Message from Jesus continues:) I can help you make the best out of your day if you'll only include Me in each decision. I can help you form this good habit; I really can. It's not as difficult as you think, and it really is a great habit to have. It will be so pleasurable for you once the habit is in place. You'll wonder how you ever got along without it!

54. You can start now and be obedient now by coming to Me to find a personalized solution of how to remember to do this and how to form this habit. I long to help you form this habit of hearing from Me in prophecy at every step, for it will be for your good, and I want what's best for you.

55. It may take you a little time to become sharp in this habit‚ so don't be discouraged with yourself when you slip and fall. Don't listen to the Enemy when he tries to tell you that it's impossible and too tough. That would just be the ol' boy at work trying to get you to feel condemned and wanting you to give up the fight for greater victories than ever. If you fall, just get up and try again.

56. I don't ask that you make hearing from Me a complicated‚ involved procedure where you feel that before you do anything you must pull out a notebook or dictaphone or sit down at a computer and work long and hard to receive. All I ask of you is that you make it a habit to pause, even if just for a moment, to hear My Words in your heart before you proceed with things as usual, so that I may lead and guide you in every path that you should take, so that your steps will not slide but be more pleasant and within My highest will.

57. The more you make that effort to come to Me to hear My voice in prophecy for each and every thing you do throughout each and every day, the more I will bless you with a greater habit of doing this, and even a great desire to do so. I will never fail to give you checks to stop and listen to what I have to tell you, even if it's just to encourage you that I'm with you in what you're doing. It's vital that you learn to tune in to those whispers I'll give you.

58. I move in mysterious ways My wonders to perform. If you're not constantly checking in with Me to get My mind on what you're doing, there's so much that you will surely miss.

59. I understand that so often the reason you don't hear from Me in prophecy for every little thing is because you think what you're doing at the time is so insignificant‚ so unimportant, so routine. Or maybe you feel there would be no reason that I would want to show you anything different on the subject‚ for that's the way it's always been done and what seems to be My highest will anyway. But although something may have been the way I was leading in times past, because I am a moving God, because times are changing, because the End is drawing near‚ leaning on yesterday's Word is not always sufficient for today or tomorrow.

60. It's crucial that you learn to hear from Me direct, every day, for even the most minor details, for this is the way I'm now moving and leading. Like your Father David has said‚ the little things really do count! Oftentimes it's the very smallest details of things in life that you do and the most routine things that are the very things I wish to speak most to you about. On a daily basis, it is often the seemingly predictable and expected things that I want to teach you to revolutionize in your lives, even if it's just for Me to teach you simple ways to do things to bring about different fruits.

61. If there's one habit I plead with you to make, this is it: Learn to hear from Me in prophecy about every move you make, to include Me in all that you do. I long for better communication. I long to tell you so many things. (End of message from Jesus.)

When Is It Necessary to Record

The Lord's Answer, and What to Do

If You're "Asking on the Go."

62. (Jesus speaking: ) I understand that My children are not going to be able to take lots of time to sit down with pen and paper and write down every single confirmation I give them in prophecy about their daily routine activities. I know that you're busy and have much to do, and just the thought of having to sit down even for a short prayer and prophecy session to hear from Me about something routine, like whether it's okay to go for a walk right now or not, makes hearing from Me seem too difficult and complicated. I don't require that you always write down these simple confirmations from Me. The important thing is that you ask Me and wait for My answer, even if you don't record what I tell you.

63. If it's a simple, "Yes, it's fine for you to go for a walk right now," or "No‚ don't go right now; go after dinner" answer, then it's not necessary for you to write it down, because you'll remember what I've told you. Most of the ­replies I give in answer to simple questions will be easy and simple for you to understand and remember, so you don't need to have a record of them. But sometimes when I speak to you with more details, or give you some instructions that you weren't expecting, then this would be good to have a written record of, either so you can refer back to it later for some reason, or for your en­courage­ment.

64. You can even ask Me to repeat the mess­age I gave so that you can record it and have it on record. Usually it will be words of encouragement that I know you need, or words of instruction that I know you will need. For example, if I tell you, "Yes, it's fine for you to go for a walk right now, but don't walk down the street with all the dogs today because there are some dogs there who are not tied up and could be dangerous," then you would want to pass this counsel on to others in your Home. So in this case you would want to write it down.

65. But normally you don't have to spend a lot of time asking Me for My approval. It should just be a simple conversation where you pray and ask Me, and I give My answer on the spot. You can tell Me about your plan to go for a walk and ask if this is okay with Me, and I'll tell you. This just takes a minute, and you can do this at any time of the day. The important thing is that you ask Me and get My confirmation about your activities before you do them.

66. I want to make it easy for you. You don't have to get down on your hands and knees and agonize in prayer; you just have to ask Me. Just think of Me as your mate in the same room with you, who you turn to and ask a question and hear their answer. That's how easy it will be once you form the habit. The important thing is that you pray and acknowledge Me and don't brush things off; otherwise you can miss out on My blessings and protection. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

To Record or Not to Record?

67. (Jesus speaking:) As you establish this habit of hearing from Me on everything, at first you may not know the balance between when to record or write down My Words and when it is okay to just hear them without keeping a record.

68. As I have said, I will not require you to keep a written record of every word that I speak to you. I will speak to you many times throughout the day, in answer to your questions as you seek Me for counsel and guidance, and I will sometimes have to speak to you while you are on the go and it is not possible for you to write or record My Words to you.

69. My love, I wish to make it as easy as possible for you, and I will give you a simple solution to keep track of the Words that I speak to you: When you bring your questions to Me, simply ask Me first whether I want you to keep a record of the Words I'm giving you at that moment. Simply say, "Lord, do I need to write this down or record it?"

70. I will tell you whether I want you to take dictation or not‚ whether you need to write them down or record them on tape. Sometimes I will tell you to record it on tape, for it is good to speak out loud and gain this practice. But even when I lead you to record My Words, you must come to Me again and ask Me what to do, for sometimes I will tell you it won't be necessary to transcribe it, as that would take too much time and it will not be necessary to keep a record, for you will not need to keep it to refer to it later. Other times I will tell you that you do need to transcribe the tape in order to keep a record of My Words to study them. There will be other times when you're hearing from Me that I will tell you it's okay to simply listen and receive My Words without having to keep a written record.

71. I know you're busy. I know it's not always possible to stop and write or record My Words, so I offer you this simple plan—ask Me each time and I will tell you plainly whether it's necessary to keep a record or not.

72. Sometimes I will speak to you in sound bites, which will eliminate the need to record My Words. I'm able to give you the answer in short, quick, catchy answers that are easy for you to remember and that will stick with you throughout the day or week, or even months and years!

73. I'm not limited‚ My darling love. There­fore, ask Me every time and I will make it clear what you should do. I'll tell you, "Yes, get this down‚ or no, it's not necessary to take dictation. Just listen and I'll help you remember what you need to retain." Or, I will give you a sound bite—a short and easy line to remember that will make your day! (End of message from Jesus)

How to Live Each Day to the Full!

74. (Jesus speaking:) You can be shooting up silent prayers to Me even when in the midst of a conversation, and I can give you quick ­answers to whatever questions you have.

75. There are times when you need to come before Me and get quiet and listen to My instruc­tion in full, but there are other times when you can pray as you go. Not just a "Lord bless and keep us as we do such-and-such," but "Lord, what do You want us to do?" "Is this what You want us to do?" I can give specific answers to you right there and then if you'll only turn on and tune in. Didn't your Father David tell you that the position of your body doesn't matter, but it's your heart? You can focus on Me and get My specific, direct answer in prophecy to whatever it is, right then and there.

76. It doesn't have to take a long time if you're in the habit of praying and constantly communing with Me in your thoughts. If you're on My wavelength, then you just have to listen for My signal. Talk to Me; I'm right here. All you have to do is focus and ask, and I can ­answer clearly and directly.

77. If you're not so full of your own thoughts and plans and ideas, then I have an easier time. But even if you are‚ if you're confused and frustrated and things just aren't going right‚ then simply stop a moment. Ask your mate, co–worker, witnessing partner or friend if he or she wouldn't mind stopping for a moment, and then ask Me. State your frus­trations and your problem and let Me give you My answers in prophecy.

78. If you're out on the street, then just find a bench or stand on the side. If you're traveling in the car, while on the road, acknowledge Me‚ stop your conversation and pray together. It doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, the key is to stop and ask Me.

79. If you need immediate, on-the-spot direction, then tune in and ask Me, and watch Me punch through with what you need. In that case you might not have time to stop everything while you ask Me, but you can always focus your heart and mind on Me, even in the midst of what you're doing, and still ask and clearly receive My answer. When you're out witnessing and are faced with a tough question or aren't sure which way to lead the conversation or which approach would work best with the person, just shoot up a question to Me, and I will respond on the spot. It doesn't take long to receive an answer from Me, and even in the midst of things I'm able to speak to you clearly if you ask in faith and really desire to hear from Me. There are so many times and so many instances when you could save so much time and energy by just asking, listening, and getting My answers.

80. As you're walking down the street and you're going shop to shop or door to door, ask Me which one to go to and who to talk to. Instead of fellowshipping with your partner, you could be checking in with Me and asking Me what to do.

81. Perhaps I show you a certain shop. You walk in and automatically switch into robot gear and do it "as you've always done it," and ask to speak to the manager—when maybe I know that that little person behind the counter or on the side is the one you should talk to. That's where it might not be good to stop everything and have prayer and prophecy right in the doorway, but rather just individually ask Me and receive My answers as you're going.

82. You really can't be so stuck on your preplanned agenda if you want to follow where I lead and talk to whomever I wish. You have to leave yourself open to My checks which call you to bring a question before Me and receive My answers. Whenever you face a decision, a crossroads, that's the time to ask Me. Whenever you receive a check in your heart, that's the time to ask Me. Whenever things start to go differently than you thought they would‚ that's the time to ask Me. Even when things are going just as planned, if you face a decision‚ ask Me!

83. Practice hearing from Me in prophecy throughout the day for little things as they come up‚ and then you'll be well-practiced and in the habit when I have to tell you something. That's one way you can be sure you're living every day to the full and really making it count. If you're following Me, then you know that you're doing just what I want you to and when. (End of message from Jesus)

84. (Mama:) The Lord is trying to make it as easy as possible for us to hear from Him about everything, telling us that we don't have to record His answers about the smaller, more simple questions. He knows that it would probably be too much for us if we had to record ­every answer He gave, and there are some situations where it wouldn't be practical or even possible—when you're out and couldn't stop to record the answer for one reason or another, or when you're with the little kids and they're not going to stop while you find your dicta­phone‚ etc.

85. We asked the Lord when it's necess­ary to record His answers. From using prophecy extensively over the last three years, we've learned and the Lord has shown us that having His Words as a record to go back and read over later is a major part of learning to use prophecy correctly. Especially if you're asking for counsel about something which is more complex, there's often much more in the prophecy than you'll be able to remember or fully grasp from just hearing it one time‚ as you're receiving it.

86. Many times the channels in our Home can't recall all the main points of a prophecy they've just received, because they're con­cen­trating on being a clear channel, sucking in spirit, and aren't fully tuning in to absorbing the message—and it's probably the same for you. Later, it's easy to see that if we hadn't recorded it and been able to go back over it, we would have missed a great deal of what the Lord was trying to say.

87. When you're asking the Lord for counsel on how to shepherd someone‚ for example, the fine points are very important and can make the difference in how your counsel to them is presented and thus in how they receive it and are strengthened by it. Or say you're asking Him what your plans for a certain project should be. If you don't record it and you don't remember one of the conditions that He put forth in His message to you, you might go ahead with a certain plan and later find that it didn't turn out so well, and you wonder what went wrong or if it was a tainted prophecy. In reality, the prophecy was just fine, but the Lord had put forth conditions for success in His message to you, some of which were lost because it wasn't recorded. Thus you weren't able to go over it again and have a more complete picture of what the Lord had told you.

88. With the Lord asking us to use prophecy now for everything, literally, we wanted to know what things He considers important to record‚ and which things don't need to be recorded, or, for the sake of practicality, which He will overlook if we don't record them. In the preceding messages, He has already given us some tips along these lines, but here He gives us more good counsel.

89. (Jesus speaking:) My Words are spirit and they are life! They are your spiritual food, a treasure, a valuable commodity, something to be valued and preserved, not wasted. I understand that it would be too difficult for you to record My answers every time I speak to you—because many times it will be "on the go" or in a situation when you wouldn't be able to stop and record it. But the more often you can stop and record it, when it is possible, the better it is. When I see that you are creating a vacuum for Me—through having a receptacle to receive and preserve My Words in—then I am moved to pour out in greater abundance, more specific counsel, more that I know would help you along the way. So it is to your benefit to have a dicta­phone or pen and paper handy whenever poss­ible when asking Me a question, as I may lead you to record My Words so that I can give you a fuller and more complete message, whatever I have for you.

90. There will be times when I pour out a more lengthy message when you don't have anything on hand to record it. In those cases it would be good for you to come back to Me later when you are able to record it and ask Me to repeat the message, or at least a summary of the main points that you will need to keep and remember. I know it seems that this would take twice as much time, but you will see in the long run that it will save you time, because the counsel that I give will keep you from going down the wrong road and having to retrace your steps‚ or falling into some other kind of time-consuming trouble.

91. Whenever you're asking Me for counsel about anything that's more major—for example, if you're having trouble getting along with someone in the Home and you want to know how to best interact with them‚ or you're asking Me about an upcoming meeting with your landlord, or what to do about the problem one of your children is having, or whether or not to start on a new project—in such cases you can be pretty sure that I'm going to pour out more than just one or two sentences of counsel, and you're going to need it to refer to it later. Even something as simple as where to go for witnessing that day could be good to record‚ because it's likely that I'll also instruct you about something to be prepared for that day, or will give you some counsel about the day which, when the day is over and you look back on it later, you'll be amazed to see how I've fulfilled it and this will boost your faith. So it's always a good idea to be ready to record or write down My Words when and where poss­ible as I lead you. I long to bless you with full and complete messages, with counsel and instruction that will save you time in the long run.

92. So don't take My Words for granted by letting them be wasted when I have intended for them to be kept. I don't mind when there's no way that you can stop and record them—I under­stand‚ and will give it to you again later if it's an important message. I would much rather that you hear from Me, even if you can't record it, than to not hear from Me because you can't record it. But when you can record it and you don't, because you're too busy or you're not valuing My Words for what they are, then it saddens Me and I'm not able to bless you as I would like.

93. So treasure My Words! Even though I give them to you in great abundance, each one is valuable, a precious gift of love from Me to you! I love you! (End of message from Jesus.)

What If You Don't Have the Gift

Of Prophecy? Promise from Jesus

And a Challenge from Dad!

94. (Mama:) Our wonderful Husband is trying to make it as easy as possible for us by teaching us to hear from Him in prophecy about every­thing. He knows that it will be a struggle at first, that the Enemy will fight it‚ that our flesh will get in the way, and that at times we'll feel like it's more work than it's worth. But that's why He keeps encouraging us in all these messages that the more we practice, the easier it becomes, and that eventually it will not only make our lives so much easier and more fruitful, but it will save our lives and ensure our survival.

95. If you don't have the gift of prophecy‚ you might feel left out or like this revelation is not for you, or that you're pretty far behind. I knew the Lord wouldn't want you to feel like that, so we brought the question before Him, "What about those who don't yet have the gift of prophecy? What should they do, or how can they implement this revelation?"

96. In the following message the Lord lists "having a clean heart" as one of the requirements for receiving the gift of prophecy. I was interested in exactly what He sees as a "clean heart," because I knew that none of us can be perfect—and actually‚ some of the times when we need to hear His voice the most are the times when we're really out of it or feeling like a big mess. The Lord's answer was very interesting!

97. (Jesus speaking:) My loves, I do not require perfection! If that was the case, none of you would stand—no, not one! A clean heart in My eyes is a heart that loves Me and desires Me, one which desires to do My will. If there are things in your heart which hinder you from having the faith to receive My gift of prophecy—for example, if you have disunity with someone and I've been convicting you to make it right, but you haven't had the humility to do so—that will stand in the way. Or if you've been disobedient in some area and you're not willing to give it up, that will stand in the way.

98. I don't ask you to be perfect, but I ask you to make right those areas which I convict you about, and then you can have full faith to stand before Me and ask Me to please speak to you. I love you and greatly desire to whisper My Words in your ear. I know you need them and they will help you to grow and progress. But if I see you're not willing to do the things which you already know to do‚ how am I going to give you more of My Words?

99. So do that which you know you're supposed to do, and then come to Me in faith, and I will give you the gift of hearing My Words. I do not promise that it will be a fluent or eloquent gift right from the beginning, but it will be enough to hear Me clearly, and after that it's up to you to practice! Don't let these requirements stand in the way. This gift is priceless and will greatly enrich your life, so give it all you've got! You won't be disappointed! (End of message from Jesus.)

100. (Mama:) Here's a very encouraging message for all those of you who don't yet have the gift of prophecy—a special promise from Jesus!

101. (Jesus speaking:) My precious ones, you are all My children, My brides, My lovers‚ those for whom I care deeply and dearly—those for whom I died. You of the children of David have been given great truths and wine of the Spirit, above all those on the face of the Earth, because of your vacuum that you've created for Me. You've proven that you love My Words and My truths, and that you want more and more and more of them. You have proven this through your willingness to live them. Because of your obedience and your faith, I have made you My bride, My darling one, and have taken you into My house, into My bed, and have given you a place of great honor.

102. I have also given each of you the gift of knowing that you can hear from Me personally‚ directly. At any time‚ day or night, I have placed a channel between us which will never be broken, through which I can pour My love‚ My Words, My kisses, My seeds, to each of you. Some of you have tapped into this channel and others of you are still waiting, not having yet taken the plunge to prove that this channel really does exist for you personally. But I promise you again that it does‚ My loves. Each of you who are serving Me have the honor of being able to hear from Me whenever you like. It is a very special honor.

103. Some of you hesitate because you feel you're not good enough, that you couldn't be a pure enough channel. Others of you don't yet have the faith to take the plunge. Others are hesitant because you don't want the responsibility that accompanies hearing from Me—not only the responsibility of being desperate and humble and yielded before Me so that you might receive My Words purely, but also the responsibility that accompanies the privilege—that of being faithful to use your gift of prophecy, to seek My counsel, to encourage others‚ to depend more fully upon Me and My Words. ­Others of you hesitate because you feel you're not yet ready to jump so fully into the world of the spirit or letting your life be dictated by another.

104. Others of you already have the gift—I have promised it to you, you have asked for it, and I have given it to you. But it lies dormant, waiting for you to have the faith to exercise it and let it burst forth! This is the case with many of you—you have asked Me for it and I have given it to you, but you have not yet started to use it.

105. I do not judge you for these reasons, My loves; I see your hearts‚ and I love you dearly! But I also know what a great strength it would be to you to hear My voice. I know how hard the Enemy is fighting it, because he knows of the great victories which will be won through your personal connection with Me, so he fights it viciously.

106. But you can overcome, My darling ones! No matter how bad or unworthy you think you are, no matter how little faith you feel you have, if you really desire the gift of hearing My Words, I am here to give it to you! Here are steps that you can take, if you do not yet hear My voice in prophecy but you desire to:

  1. Read up on it in My Word—not just "when you have the time," but right now, today. Dedicate your Word time over the next days to reading what I have put forth on the subject to increase your faith. [See Letters such as "Faith," ML #73; "Mama's Surprise," ML #3133-34, 3139, Lifelines 24; "Endtime Prophecy Power," ML #3140‚ Lifelines 24, etc.]
  2. Make your heart right with Me—not because I require perfection, or because the gift of prophecy is a works trip, but because unconfessed sin, unyieldedness, or oughts against your brothers and sisters will hinder you from having full faith. Once your heart is right with Me, you can rest completely on My promises.
  3. Ask for prayer from the body, with laying on of hands, and claim My promises—that the gift is there for you, that I want to give it to each Family member, and that I will give it to you!
  4. Now believe it! I have given it to you!
  5. Go into your closet (a quiet place) and spend some time loving Me, telling Me of your love and thanking Me for the gift by faith, priming the pump and entering My courts through your praise and thanksgiving. Then get quiet before Me, relax your mind, ask Me to speak to you, and take the first thing that comes as from Me. Record it or write it down, and praise Me for My Words to you! It doesn't have to be long in order to be a prophecy. Even a verse, or two or three sentences, is just as much a prophecy as if it's three pages long.
  6. Practice daily without fail! Any time when you're alone, lift up your thoughts and your heart to Me, praising Me and asking Me to speak to you, and I will!
  7. Stay full of My Words and don't let the Enemy steal your joy in this wonderful gift that I've given you. The Enemy will fight you hard. If he can't hinder your faith to ask for it and receive it, he'll try to hinder you from using it‚ and he'll try to convince you that you don't really have it‚ that it's just your own mind, and a bunch of other old tricks. Recognize them for what they are; don't give them any place, and instead praise Me that I've given you the gift.

107. It's as simple as that, My darling ones. I have promised it to you and I will give it to you. I love you! (End of message from Jesus)

108. (Mama:) Thank You Jesus! Isn't that a wonderful promise? Take Him at His word, dear ones! Prove Him true by following those steps and receiving the gift He's promised. ­After we received that encouraging message‚ we went back to the Lord and asked Him another question along those lines: "What if someone doesn't have the faith to receive the gift of prophecy right now? How can they still implement this revelation and move ahead with the Spirit?" The Lord sent Dad with a motivating message which I pray will be a blessing to you.

109. (Dad speaking: ) If some people don't have the faith to receive the gift of prophecy right now‚ or don't feel ready for it but still want to be moving ahead with the way the Lord is leading, they're going to need to put this revelation into practice the best they can with the help of others who do have the gift of prophecy. The Lord's not going to say‚ "Okay, if you don't have the gift of prophecy, then you don't have to do this. Just wait until you do." No siree, the time is now‚ the Spirit is moving forward, and the Lord is calling the Family to follow.

110. Granted, you're not going to be able to ask Him about all the little details like you would if you have the gift yourself. So that should be good incentive for you to fulfill the requirements and get it! But in the meantime, just do the best you can by asking others to pray for you as often as possible. It's going to seem a bit inconvenient, and you'll have to rely on others' help, but the Lord will bless your sacrifices in doing so, and it will probably make you very des­perate to get the gift of prophecy yourself. Re­member, it's nothing you have to work up to or be "good enough" for. It's a gift, pure and simple, and the Lord has promised it to each of you!

111. In the meantime, you'll get a lot of good exercise in "doing the humble thing" as you share your personal thoughts and feelings, checks of the spirit and questions with those around you—your mates of your greater marriage—and ask them to ask the Lord and hear from Him in prophecy. Remember too that it doesn't have to be a big thing. It can be very simple answers, but the Lord expects you to do it! Praise God! He's expecting it of you! He loves you and wants to be able to bless and keep, prosper and protect you, and this is what He's asking of you so that He's able to do that.

112. And you dear ones who do have the gift of prophecy and who will be asked to help get messages from the Lord for others, thank you for being willing to go the extra mile for them. Even if you're not real confident in your gift of prophecy and would prefer that others not base their decisions on what you get, please don't worry or fear. Obey by faith and the Lord will never fail you, amen? It's a revolution! Are you with it?

113. If you feel tempted to wonder if this is really where it's at or whether it's really worth it—because it will take some work and some getting used to—just remember that the Lord is doing it out of His love for you, because He knows you're going to need it in the days ahead. These are the days of preparation, like boot camp. The commanders in boot camp are pretty tough on the cadets and make them do things that seem difficult and even beyond their capabilities, but the commanders do it because they know that the cadets will need it on the battlefield. They'll need those reflexes, those skills, those areas of physical strength, and these things will save their lives. So it is with the Lord, except that He's loving and merciful, unlike the worldly war commanders who are merciless and cruel and at times even purposely mean. The Lord is your wonderful Husband Who cares for you infinitely, but He too knows that you need this preparation and He knows you can do it—otherwise He wouldn't have asked it of you.

114. These are the Last Days, folks. We're getting ready for the Great Tribulation—the period of time that has been foretold through the ages as being the worst time in history, the most evil, the greatest tribulation. On top of that, you're the Devil's number one enemy because you're actively serving the Lord and freeing prisoners from his kingdom, so he hates you with a vengeance! When you put it all together like that, it's not hard to see why the Lord is trying to prepare you, arming you with heavy–duty spiritual weaponry‚ and even asking things of you that seem very difficult and beyond your capabilities. It's because He knows you're going to need them to survive. But survive we will‚ because the Lord is with us! We just have to do our part to prepare, amen? I love you. Love, Dad. (End of message from Dad)

115. (Mama: ) Thank you, Dad, for that very challenging message. The Lord is expecting it of us, dear Family, and we're in this together. I'm so thankful that the Lord is preparing us now for what He knows is ahead. Can you im­agine if we were trying to go this alone, without the clear communication from the One Who sees the future? It would be much more difficult, and we'd suffer a lot more and have greater casualties! But our wonderful Husband is up ahead and is giving us exactly what He knows we'll need. Thank You, wonderful Jesus!

116. If you don't yet have the gift of prophecy, please don't feel bad or condemned. Just follow the steps the Lord gave and trust Him to come through for you. He will. He never fails! Or‚ if you don't feel quite ready yet, then go with "plan B"—which is asking others to pray for you as much as possible. The Lord will bless and honor you for it, and will strengthen you day by day as you obey. Praise the Lord!

To be continued