KEYWORDS: power, days, consecration, world, heaven

Feast 2000 Consecration Ceremony!

Karen Zerby

This GN is to be read on December 31st

By MariaMaria #511 CM 3269 9/99

How the Consecration Ceremony

Is to be Conducted

To be read unitedly during devotions on December 31st, in preparation for
the evening ceremony.

1. (Jesus speaking: ) As I went out to the garden of prayer to receive My holy consecration, so I call My children to a secret place. The simplicity of this scene [in a vision which the Lord gave us, to be read tonight] is meant to impress upon My children the same. I call you to this simple place of prayer, for here is where strength lies. The scenario is also meant to impress upon you that I am enough—I am your all in all. I am the One Who gives the power and the glory and the majesty, and I wish for all to lean on Me and Me alone. This is a picture of what I will do on this night.

2. I call you, My children, out to a secret place of prayer—free from distraction, free from pomp and frills and sights and sounds of the world, where you might look to Me and Me alone, and where I might anoint you and dedicate you wholly to Heaven's service in these Last Days.

3. Therefore follow this vision and enact this play, that I might impress upon you what I will do in spirit. I wish to impress the significance of this new anointing and holy consecration upon My children‚ and enacting this simple play will help to accomplish this goal. It will help to keep your focus and your attention, and it will impress upon you the importance of this new anointing I will pour upon you.

4. Therefore come to this meeting in plain dress as the vision suggests, without fancy attire, shedding heavy paint from the face and bangles on the arms, the waists, and the feet. Come before Me in simplicity, that I might fill you with My might and power‚ and clothe you with fresh new garments of greater strength and faith, wisdom and power.

5. As you follow this plan and enact this play, take it not lightly, for where two or three are gathered in My Name‚ I am there in the midst of you. Truly, I will be there. I will work and move and cause My Spirit to fall in great measure upon My children, and great will be the repercussions thereof. For this is the dawning of the mighty days of greater works and greater miracles!

6. This can take place in the meeting area of each Home, where the chairs, couches, or benches can be simply arranged. There is no need for other ornaments or party decorations around the room.

7. Let the Homes choose from among them someone who can play My role. It need not necessarily be the shepherd or a teamworker‚ but one who these agree can play the part and read My message and prayer. As everyone gathers, the one who plays My part can read the mess­age, acting it out as they move along.

8. I have chosen a foot-washing as part of this ceremony, for I wish to impress upon My Family the need to walk humbly before Me and before each other. To accomplish this purpose, each Home can simply put two numbers of each kind in a hat or bowl. Then before the ceremony begins, each member can choose a number. The numbers should not be picked in advance, but right at the onset of the ceremony. Those who have matching numbers can then wash each other's feet. So if there are 14 members present in the meeting, then you would place numbers 1–7 in the hat or bowl, having two of each number. In the case of odd numbering, a triangle can be formed, the three sitting in a circle, each one washing the feet of the one to their right.

9. It is not necessary for each member to wash every person's feet, for this would be too time-consuming. Yet as everyone stoops to wash the feet of another, the one who holds their matching number, they should bear in mind that that brother or sister is representative of all their Family.

10. It's okay to have several basins to wash the feet, so that the foot–washing can all take place at the same time as much as possible. In the case of larger Homes, the basins may have to be shared; yet several can be in use at the same time in order to keep things moving. This time to wash feet should be a time of prayer, without much talking, a sober time, for it is a time to impress upon My children that the requirement for My glory to be made manifest in them is that they walk in humility, as servants of all, and in utter dependence on Me.

11. After the foot-washing, the ceremony can continue with the reading of My message and My prayer. For convenience, this can all be done while everyone is sitting down, so that they can tune in and listen to all I say. However, during the last part‚ as I go around and anoint each one, this too can be acted out as in the vision, each one dropping to one knee before Me to receive My consecration, then rising as I give a holy kiss and warm embrace.

12. After this is completed, according to the situation, let each Home take time to hear from Me. I will speak through the mouths of two or three prophets‚ giving further promises and words for each individual Home. (End of message from Jesus.)

To be read unitedly on the evening of December 31st

Ceremony of Consecration

13. (Vision:) I see the Lord standing alone. I can't see much around Him; it seems dark all around, like nighttime. The Lord looks very handsome, tall‚ and regal, but also a bit rugged. He looks very strong. It's a very plain scene, but the Lord looks so good. He stands out, but not in a glaring way. Though it's dark, He has a special glow around Him.

14. He has a robe on, and it's a very simple robe—nothing flashy. It's much like He's often pictured wearing in traditional artwork—just a plain‚ simple robe‚ no collar‚ with a V neckline in the front. But it's not a white robe; it's a deep, rich red color.

15. The Lord also has a plain golden band around His head that goes right across His forehead. It's not a crown, but a gold band. He's standing there with a cruse of oil in His hand and a huge sword at His side. The sword looks so big, like it's very hefty and powerful. He has a simple leather belt on around His robe, and the sword is hanging on the belt.

16. Now I see that we're entering in and coming before the Lord. He's standing in a semi–open place, like a courtyard. It's all very simple. I can't really see much in the background, but it looks like an open area. It's definitely not amid fancy buildings or towers, or in the city. It's not in some fancy place, but it's a simple setting and more like a courtyard of a country estate, or out in a village somewhere in the countryside.

17. It reminds me of those old-time castles or estates that have several houses on them, but they're usually enclosed and have a courtyard. All I can see is the courtyard area, and again, it impresses me that it's very simple. It's not the halls of Heaven nor a big palace. But I get the impression it's a very special place‚ maybe even a hidden place, a sacred place, someplace that's free from distraction or outside influences. It's a private place where we can be together, just the Lord and us. It seems the Lord has called us there to this special place, because now I see that we, the Family, are entering the courtyard.

18. We're all dressed in robes too—very simple robes. It just looks like a simple piece of cloth, like a long sari or piece of cloth that each one has either tied around them or draped over their shoulders. The robes are all very plain—just simple robes or pieces of cloth. It's a serious moment, and everyone's looking intently at the Lord‚ like nothing else in the whole world matters.

19. Everyone looks good, though dressed very plain‚ very simply, with a piece of cloth draped over us. It seems to be symbolic or representative of something. No one has on more festive attire. Everyone's dressed so simply‚ yet they look so good. I can see the girls aren't wearing make-up, or if so, it's only a very, very little. I don't know why this would stick out to me, but I very definitely notice it. There's a spirit of sober­ness in the air, a seriousness about everything going on.

20. We're coming before the Lord to receive something very special, but in order to receive it, it seems we have to come to the Lord with nothing in our hands. The way everyone is dressed so simply, in a simple piece of cloth and without make-up and all, seems to represent this. It seems to be something to remind us that we're to come before the Lord empty, presenting ourselves before Him in humility and with nothing in our hands, because it seems He wants to give us something or fill us with something.

21. Now there's a different scene and we're all washing each other's feet. Each one is washing someone else's feet, and the Lord is looking on very pleased. It's as if we're preparing each other and ourselves for what's going to happen—some type of ceremony or presentation that the Lord is going to give. It seems to be both a symbolism of cleansing ourselves and‚ most importantly, of walking in humility, of reminding ourselves that this is necessary for the calling the Lord has called us to—that it's a day of the humble‚ and that in order to be greatly used of the Lord‚ we must walk in humility.

22. Now everyone's feet are washed, and we're all there before the Lord with nothing in our hands. It looks like He wants to bless us and give us something very special.

23. I see Him blessing us, but it's more than a blessing! Two words come to me—sanctify and consecrate. We are all gathered there before the Lord and He's saying a prayer for us. It seems very, very important. It's a serious moment, and it seems like a sacred moment, an important moment, and the Lord is praying for us.

24. He's going around to each one, and as He stands before each individual, they genuflect in front of Him. As each individual drops down on one knee with their head bowed before the Lord, He anoints them on their forehead. I thought it was a cruse of oil He had in His hand, but now I see that it's not just ordinary oil. It seems to be some very special ointment, something very highly valued, very precious and rare.

25. He's saying something to each individual as He anoints them with this special ointment. They rise, and the Lord kisses them on both cheeks and gives them a very warm embrace. Then He goes on to the next person‚ until He has anointed everyone. (End of vision.)

26. (Jesus speaking:) Behold, the Spirit says come! Come, My children of David, My ardent brides, My pure ones, My called and chosen. I call you into My courtyard‚ the secret place that I have prepared. I call you this night, on the eve of this new era. I bid you come into My secret chamber that you may be sanctified unto Me. While the world makes merry tonight, while they eat and drink of the cup of frivolous venture, I summon you, My chosen brides, to My side.

27. As you stand on the threshold of this new age, the age of mighty miracles, I call you into My presence. I call you, My special ones, into My holy of holies in spirit, this special private place, that you might receive the holy consecration of My hand. For on this night, I wish to consecrate and bless you for the days ahead. I wish to place upon you a fresh anointing of strength and power that will be needed in these Last Days. I call you out that you might be sanctified on the eve of these great days, as I also was sanctified before My Father on the eve of My greatest witness to the world.

28. Come, My special ones, My chosen, My called-out brides, for the bell tolls. The hour has come when you must sanctify yourselves unto Me for the days ahead.

29. Assemble yourselves together and receive My sacred consecration. As I sought My Father in the garden of prayer on the eve of My greatest ministry‚ so you must prepare, My children. As I sanctified Myself before My Father, so do I sanctify you. As you receive My sacred consecration, you will find fresh anointing and power to accomplish that which I charge to your hand.

30. Therefore receive this holy consecration that you might be strengthened for the days ahead. I call you to be holy, as I am holy. I do not call you to be sanctimonious in a vain show‚ like the Scribes and Pharisees, who worship Me with lip service and vain repetitions, and whose deeds do not follow what proceeds out of their mouths.

31. But I call you, My children of David, to true holiness—to be endowed with My divine power in these days of the End. For I have called you out, I have separated you from the world, that you might be vessels fitly joined for My use—to fulfill My will and My purpose in the Last Days.

32. The time has come, My children, to receive My sacred consecration, that My divine power may rest upon you and that you might receive My full blessings for the greatest days of all time.

33. I ask you, My Family, as you enter into the sanctum which I have prepared, to bring nothing in your hands. I ask that you not don fancy attire as you receive My holy consecration, but don the robes of humility and sim­plicity. Bring nothing in your hands, but simply come to Me. Cling to My strong arms and receive My new garments of greater power and strength such as you have never known. Allow Me to clothe you now with new garments of re­newed faith, courage and boldness to work greater works in these Last Days.

34. As I washed the feet of My disciples, I bid you now to wash each other's feet. Do this in remembrance of Me. Remember that though I call you to days of greater works, I call you to be servants of all. As you wash each other's feet, remind yourselves that the ministry that lies ahead of you is a humble ministry. Though you will shine with the glory of Heaven, this will only be possible as you walk the humble road, giving Me all the credit‚ all the glory, and all the praise. In your humility lies your greatest power, strength, and glory. [Note: Please stop now to have foot-washing as explained in paragraphs 8–10 earlier.]

35. And now‚ having humbled yourselves before Me and before each other, the hour is come. Therefore I anoint you to be holy, as I am holy, for you are a royal priesthood, a special people, a royal nation‚ called and chosen from the beginning to take the final stand for truth, to work the great works of Heaven, and to call down mighty miracles in these Last Days, such as the world has not seen since the beginning of time!

36. On this, the eve of this new era you are now entering, I sanctify you, My faithful brides. On this night, as the bell tolls, I consecrate you and dedicate you for further use, that My divine power may rest upon you in the days ahead. This is your destiny. I have set you apart from the beginning of time for this last great day. I have called you out of darkness that you might live in My light‚ shining with My glory and splendor before all the world in the Time of the End.

37. Let this comfort your hearts, My children, that on the eve of the darkest night the world will ever know‚ you stand on the eve of your brightest day. Therefore receive the sacred consecration from My hand, that you might stand tall and strong and firm, nothing wavering, in these great days. Receive this holy consecration‚ that the mystery of My power, might and majesty might unfold before the world. All the prophets have dreamed of this day, wishing to behold the age of greater works and greater miracles than the world has ever known, from the beginning until now.

38. Therefore receive in Heaven's name this consecration, My loves, that My full glory and power may rest upon you. And know‚ My brave ones, that all the principalities and ­powers in the Heavens stand in awe and in trembling on this day! For as the page is turned and this new era unfolds, My manifold wisdom will be known unto all men through you‚ My faithful and ­chosen and true.

39. In the days to come, the power of this consecration I place upon you now will be fully manifested. In the days ahead, the world will come to know My eternal purpose, as you, My faithful ones, stand strong in My Name and in the power and might of My strength, conquering evil.

40. Receive this holy consecration, My loves, with soberness of mind and heart, yet with great joy and gladness, that you might comprehend what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of the power that I will pour through you. Receive now My Almighty fullness of power, that you might avail yourselves of the knowledge which passes all under­standing.

41. Be sanctified unto Me, as I am sanctified unto you. Receive My fresh anointing of might and strength and power‚ for the days are at hand.

42. I now consecrate you for the day of greater works and the age of mighty miracles! As you bow down before Me‚ My children of David, I fill your hearts with courage. I fill your ears with wisdom. I gird your loins with strength, and I raise your arms in great victory!

43. My children, as I received the holy consecration from My Father on the eve of My greatest works, so it is given to you to receive My holy consecration on the eve of this new era. For truly this is your day—the day when you will shine with the brilliance of Heaven! This is your day—the day when you will perform great exploits in Heaven's name! This is the day when you will stand in the power and might of Heaven, as witnesses to all the world! This will be the day of great wonders and amazing things as you stand prophesying to the nations, speaking the words of truth and freedom.

44. As you enter into these Last Days‚ these days of darkness that cover the world, I now pour this fresh anointing upon you that you might perform greater works and mighty miracles as you march on to greater victories‚ ushering in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. I consecrate you that you might avail yourself of My great and mighty power. I sanctify you and anoint you to take the final stand in these Last Days.

45. You have obeyed and followed closely where I have led, My children. You are one in Me, and I in you; so will I fulfill all the things I have promised you. It was this same consecration and this same anointing‚ as I sanctified Myself to My Father, that enabled Me to finish My great task on Earth. So it is with you, My children, for I now anoint you anew to follow through and win this battle for the hearts and minds and souls of men.

46. I have set you aside, My special ones. I have called you and chosen you. Therefore receive My fresh anointing to perform greater works in these Last Days.

47. As you stand before Me now, receive this sacred consecration and let this be your motto: "Nothing in my hands I bring. I put You first, above everything and anything else that would stand between us." So let it be always, My faithful ones, in the days to come. Let this be your motto, that I might have free rein to work in you and through you as I will. As you stand before Me now, My loves, in humbleness of mind and heart and spirit, so let it be done.

48. As you come before Me, My dear ones, with nothing in your hands save yourselves only, wholly and complete, I take you in. As you place your heart, your body, your soul, your mind, your will, fully in My hands, I endue you with boldness and might, that you might access the full power of Heaven. As you have given Me your all, so in these coming days I will give you My all, that you might gain the victory time and again.

49. I consecrate you now‚ My brides, according to the riches and glory of Heaven, that you might be strengthened in your soul and find unfailing grace and unmatched power in time of need.

50. My dearest loves, with this holy consecration I only ask that you place your heart‚ your desires, your mind, and your will in My hands. As you come before Me now with nothing in your hands save yourselves only, I fill each of you with My fullness of power and anointing for the days ahead. I consecrate and empower you for the days of greater works.

51. I pour upon you fresh vision and fresh anointing. I endue each of you with greater strength and power, with greater vision and foresight, with greater personalized guidance and instruction to do all that which I will require at your hand. Receive now, My precious ones, this sacred consecration:

52. (Jesus prays:) Father, the hour is come; glorify these as You have glorified Me, that Your power may be known to all the world. As You gave Me power over all flesh, so I give these greater power for the days ahead. As You glorified Me on Earth, so I would that You glorify these also‚ that they might finish that which they're called to do.

53. As these stand before Me now, Father, I ask that they be glorified in the days to come with greater glory than was Mine in the days when I walked the Earth.

54. These have manifested My Name in all the Earth. The Words which You have given Me, I have given them, and they have received them with gladness and thankfulness of heart.

55. These are My beloved brides who know Me and receive My seeds and life-giving Words. They have kept My sayings. They have believed and received. Therefore, Father‚ I consecrate them in My Name for the days that lie ahead. I anoint them afresh with the fullness of Heaven's power‚ that through them, greater works than I did might be performed.

56. I dedicate these, the children of David‚ to Heaven's glory, that that which was begun in Me might be finished in them. I consecrate these‚ My beloved brides, that through them We might gain final victory over all the world.

57. Father, I pray for these which You have given Me. Because I am no longer in the world, but these remain in the world, therefore I bestow upon them a fresh anointing for this last great era of all time.

58. These‚ My faithful ones, know that You have sent Me, and that we are One. As You and I are One, so they are one in Us, for they have received the love of truth in their hearts.

59. These, My loyal and true brides, are they which You have given Me. I have kept them and blessed them. I have called them out from the world, and they love Me. All these are Mine, and I am theirs, for we are one. They have fought a good fight and continue to press forward; they care not to lean to the arm of the flesh, but rather to the strength of God.

60. Therefore with this holy consecration, I pray, grant them this desire that they may never trust in their own arm, but rather always lean hard on My strong arm to save. With this new anointing, open unto these in greater ­measure the power of prayer, the power of the Word, the power of Heavenly direction, and the power of Heaven's strength and might.

61. They come before Me now, empty of themselves. They come, clinging to My strength alone, that they might glorify Us throughout all the world. Therefore I consecrate these now in My Name that they might avail themselves of Heaven's power and might, to accomplish with ease greater things in the great and glorious days ahead.

62. As I anoint their heads with fresh oil, may they forever stand strong in the power and might of Heaven in these days of darkness that are falling upon the world. I do not take them out of the world‚ but I endue them with unmatched power to overcome all evil. I anoint these now before You, Father, and all the Heavens, with greater faith, fresh courage, renewed strength, increased wisdom‚ and greater power than they have ever known.

63. I give them greater wisdom, power for every hour, grace for every trial, strength for each battle, and the will to stand. I make them as mighty bulwarks that will stand immovable and unshakable in Heaven's name.

64. I have given them great truths. I have poured forth to them deep riches, abundant treasures from the storehouses of Heaven‚ and they have received it with great joy and gladness. And with this fresh anointing and holy consecration, I now open to them the secret vaults of yet greater wealth. I make available to them mighty truths of deep hidden treasures, that they might draw on Heaven's power in greater measure in these Last Days.

65. I now anoint them afresh to speak the truth before all nations, to ring it out far and wide, to stand as beacons of light in the darkness.

66. Father, I pray that You sanctify these, My faithful brides, in full measure of Your truth. As I am sanctified unto You, so sanctify these anew. As they enter this new age of mighty miracles, I consecrate them in Heaven's name to do greater works than the world has known from the beginning till now. May they rest assured that I am in perfect control, as long as they keep retreating to the inner chamber I place in their hearts‚ this holy of holies, this blessed place of prayer where they may commune with Me at all times and draw on Heaven's greatest power.

67. Grant these the anointing of greater faith. I release to them now great faith and awesome power! Shine upon them greater glory than You gave Me in the world‚ that they might find strength to stand in these Last Days, and that the world might see and behold and know that I am the one Who works in them.

68. Father, let Our Spirit pour down upon these in greater measure than the world has known‚ that the glory and power and majesty of the Heavens might be made manifest before the nations. Where iniquity abounds, let Our grace and glory flow out through these in awesome power and wonder!

69. Dear righteous Father, as I have ­spoken, so let it be done, for this is the day that Heaven's glory will reign. With this holy consecration, let the power of Heaven be released upon these, My faithful, loyal, true brides of the End. For Ours is the strength, the power‚ the wisdom, the wonder, the might, and the glory forever and ever. (End of Jesus' prayer.)

70. (Jesus continues speaking: ) Let the Heavens rejoice on this great and glorious day of anointment, when the children of David receive fresh power and strength to carry on! Remember always, My children, that as you call, I will answer. I will show you great and mighty things that you know not. As you ask, you will receive; as you seek, you will find; as you knock, I will open unto you. These are My promises; avail yourselves of them and you will never fail.

71. (Note: At this point, the person representing Jesus goes from person to person. Each person, in turn, drops on one knee before Him as He anoints their head with oil and reads the following:)

72. (Jesus speaking: ) (Name of person), with this balm of Heaven, be sanctified. I consecrate you now with a fresh anointing to stand strong in these latter days. Therefore receive in your heart this holy commission with great joy and thanksgiving. Believe and receive these promises, for I make My face to shine upon you. Watch and pray at all times, that Heaven's glory may rest upon you in greater wisdom, faith, strength, power, and might. Go now and claim great victories in My Name, for I am with you always‚ even to the end of the world. [The one representing Jesus then kisses the person on both cheeks, gives them a hug, and goes on to anoint the next person.] (End of message from Jesus.)

73. (Mama:) After completing the ceremony‚ each Home should take some time to hear from the Lord as He requested. He said, "After the ceremony, as My children sit still and listen, I will pour out in great measure and great abundance as I have promised."

74. Praise the Lord! Happy new year, dear Family! Happy new era! We sure have a lot to look forward to!

Much love always in our wonderful Hus­band and Lover,
