KEYWORDS: africa, lord, people, field, time, jesus

Reaching Africa the Right Way!

Karen Zerby

By MariaMaria #463 CM/FM 3217 10/98

Dear Family,

1. God bless each and every one of you who are faithfully giving your lives, day in and day out, to reach the lost! The Lord is proud of you, and so are Peter and I!

2. In this GN I'd like to share with you a number of very inspiring messages about the fertile field of Africa! The Lord has not only issued the call to Africa, proclaiming clearly that "this is Africa's time," but He has also given much important counsel and guidelines for any and all would-be missionaries to this continent. And if you're not personally planning to go to Africa, there's still valuable counsel on being a missionary wherever you are, as well as what the Lord expects of each of us as His witnesses. So please don't skip any of this important counsel!

History of the African Work

3. I'd like to begin by explaining a bit of background concerning the African work, so that you'll better understand what the Lord is talking about in the prophecies and the new direction and counsel He's given.

4. As you know, Africa is a relatively new field for the Family. Although we've had teams there in years past, for the most part it has been largely untouched. In the past three or four years, a few small pioneer teams have set up works in some of the most open African countries. They've been met with wonderful success in their witnessing and have found a vast harvest of hungry sheep!

5. We published a few accounts of the work in Africa in recent Grapevines (see #37, 38, 46 and 48)‚ as well as information about the various countries and their potential. We're sure you found these inspiring, since through these testi­monies, a number of families and singles have re­quested and received clearance to become part of the African work.

6. We're very thankful to see many of you from the Western fields moving out by faith to pioneer again, especially to these very needy fields where so many millions have never had a chance to receive the Lord's salvation. Although thousands of missionaries have dedicated their lives to reaching Africa over the years, many areas remain virtually untouched and unreached by the Gospel.

7. Over the past year‚ as the African continent has begun receiving an influx of Family members, we've continued to receive reports from them and have stayed abreast of how things are going in our pioneering of that field. Overall, things have been going well, and the Lord has been using all of you missionaries to Africa to reach the lost around you. In turn you've been blessed to feel very needed in your situation, as well as to experience a whole new culture and way of life, complete with the unexpected surprises and setbacks that make Africa the extremely challenging place it is!

8. In recent months we've received some reports from the CROs who have visited Africa as well as from some of the veteran pioneer teams, expressing concern for the future of the African work due to the influx of newcomers to the field and the various methods of witnessing and dealing with people that were brought along with them.

9. It's important to realize that the folks who have sent us these reports have nothing against those who have moved to the African fields. They desire nothing more than to see the whole of Africa flooded with the Words of David and the light of the Gospel, and are thankful for more laborers to help them do this. But they've been working there for several years and in the process have gained a tremendous amount of experience, which new arrivals don't have.

10. They've learned, in some cases through trial and error, how to relate to and work with the African people. They've learned how to best share the message of salvation and Jesus' love with these people. They've learned how to respect and interact with the local communities, government officials, and other Christians and missionaries who've been there for years and years. They've learned what's safe and what isn't. They've learned how to avoid contracting malaria and a host of other deadly diseases‚ or how to survive and cope with them when you do.

11. In short, they've learned that Africa is a unique field. It's one which requires a whole new mindset‚ a whole new outlook, a whole new mode of operating, a whole new way of conducting yourself if you hope to reach these people with the Lord's message. They've also discovered some of the pitfalls—how easily one wrong move can cost you your very fruitfulness and effectiveness. They've grown to under­stand how the African people perceive Westerners, and how important your sample is; what actions, words and negative traits can stumble your sheep or potential contacts‚ undermine the message you're trying to get across, or even cause them to reject it altogether.

12. If you're considering going to Africa, garnering a bit of the above wisdom would certainly prove useful to you. In fact, you can't do without it! You might set off to one of the African fields with a tremendous amount of inspiration and zeal, yet upon your arrival, due to your lack of knowledge of their customs and ways of operating, you could shoot yourself in the foot fairly quickly and wind up in a fair bit of trouble!

13. In addition to the varying customs and mentality of the African people, the countries that comprise Africa are not known for their stability or safety. It's not only a matter of knowing how to present your witness or how to deal with the local people; we're also talking about your life! A number of Family members in Africa have had a close brush with severe danger‚ and in some cases, even with death. Thank the Lord‚ He's protected them in every case, even though some of the incidents happened in part because of our Family members' lack of prayerfulness, wisdom, or common African sense.

14. Unfortunately, not every team that has headed to Africa has been able to benefit from all that the first teams learned, and some have run into some of the above-mentioned problems. In order to keep this from happening further, as well as to preserve and to solidify our African work and build a solid base and foundation for our ministry there, the Lord has led us to seek Him about the details and particulars of the African field. This is what we want to present to you in this GN.

15. The Lord is issuing a call for laborers to the African field, and now is the time to go! At the same time, He spells out very clearly the requirements that each missionary to Africa has to be willing to meet prior to going. The Lord has a special plan for this field, and He does not want the entire mission field and its incredible potential lost due to the unwise moves of a few soldiers.

16. As you read on‚ check your heart to see if you're living up to the standard of a true, wholehearted, committed missionary that the Lord lays out. The specifics in this GN were given for the field of Africa, but the principles apply to each of us, no matter what field we're in. You can look at this GN as a handbook on how to be an effective, fruitful and dedicated missionary!

Now Is Africa's Hour!

17. First I'd like to share with you a few messages from the Lord and Dad about the pioneering of the African continent, as well as some insight into these lands.

18. (Jesus speaking:) The African field is precious in My sight, and I am right now opening doors to reach this vast area. Its time has come. The field is white and ready to harvest, but the laborers are few. I want to send forth labor­ers into this harvest, and many are being called.

19. Many great ones have been there in times past, and others are now doing what they can. But what the people are waiting for is My Love Revolution that can set them free, and you are the ones that can set the fire burning! Right now there's only a little fire burning, but with proper help and care it's going to grow bigger and burn brighter!

20. Africa's time is now and it is short. I will supply, strengthen you, and fulfill My promises for this beautiful field and its workers, and together we will reach the heart of Africa! (End of message from Jesus.)

21. (Jesus speaking: ) Behold My brave pioneers in whom I am well pleased! I send you into the gross darkness that covers these vast lands of the African nations to be a beacon of light‚ for great is the need, and now is the hour! I send you forth that all the world will see. For so great and so grave are the troubles of these lands that My avant-garde army are the ones needed to lead the way, to bring order out of chaos and peace out of the great confusion that plagues these lands and peoples. Truly the children of David will bring the true light to these who are lost.

22. I am opening many great and effectual doors in the great continent of Africa so that My children may walk in freely and claim the land. From north to south‚ from east to west, from the most desolate and destitute to the more modern cities‚ now is the hour for this great land of Africa!

23. Her people are in need and many, many, many will die if the children of David do not heed the call. Many sincere ones from other folds have gone on before you in My Name, yet this continent cries out for the deep Words of David. Do you hear the crying? They plead, they beg‚ they long for the kisses of the Words of David! They long for the freedom of My Spirit. They long for the light of My truth to free them from the darkness.

24. I say to you‚ My brave pioneers of ­Africa, now is the hour! Now is the time when all your training, all that I have poured into you‚ will be used to the maximum! Now is the time when it will come to the fore, as you walk close by My side in this great pioneer effort. I send My ­angels before you to prepare the way; you have only to follow close by My side, moment by moment. (End of message from Jesus.)

25. (Jesus speaking: ) There is a mighty battle taking place in the spirit world for the land of these, My African children. The struggle is for the spirits and the hearts of men. The ­Enemy knows how much I love My children of Africa and how important they are to Me. I love them, for there are many that are meek, and they are needy. They are poor and they are suffering, and My heart aches to see them suffer so. They are broken, betrayed, exploited and neglected. Not only have they been betrayed by those who are without, by enemies and by foreigners, but by their very own. They are desperate and crying out for help. Their prayers and their tears rise up to Me, and I call to the children of My David to save them and their children.

26. There are many in this continent who will receive you gladly, for they long for the truth. They search for the light. As the hart [deer] panteth after the water brook, so pant these after Me and My Words. They cry out to Me as in a dry and dusty land where no water is. (End of message from Jesus.)

27. (Jesus speaking:) Now is My time for this continent. Before I called this land a black hole, and advised you to go elsewhere. But now is the time that I am calling you to reach it and to win the people there with My love. Teach them the Words of David and the ways of the Lord. Teach them to hear from Me and to follow My voice. Give the gift of My salvation to those who are in darkness. Teach and train those who can be leaders of their own people, who will in turn teach and train others.

28. Hold not back, but give it your best shot, for now is the time for Africa! This is the time to reach that land for My glory, to touch those people with My love. The doors will not be open forever‚ so walk through them now. Seize the opportunities as they come up, lest they be gone.

29. The need is great and there is much to be done. It's important to strike while the iron is hot, before the doors close and the opportunities pass. Reap the harvest now! (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

30. (Dad speaking: ) I know I called Africa a black hole in the past‚ but that's because it was. It wasn't God's time for us to be evangelizing Africa on such a large scale 20 years ago‚ because there were so few of us and other fields were needier at the time. We needed to reach Europe, Latin America‚ Asia and Russia—all sorts of fields where the people were crying out for the Gospel and the churches weren't giving it to them. And in those years we've spread around the world, reaching and reaping field ­after field, not only winning souls and changing the world‚ but learning and growing ourselves.

31. Now it's Africa's turn, Africa's hour, like the Lord said! We need to get out of some of these unfruitful home fields that some of our folks have gotten stuck in or settled down in and get out to the mission fields—to China‚ ­India, Africa and other lands. These fields are ripe and ready, and we're ready now, armed with experience, prayer­fulness, and the gifts of the Spirit that we need to be fruitful, effective missionaries there.

32. We need to reach Africa because the people need what we have to give them. They need something more than church and more than many church missionaries have available. They need a relationship with Jesus, a knowledge of His Word, and a sample of how to live it, things that they can get from you and see in you, dear Family! Will you give it to them? Will you "go into all the world and preach the Gospel to ­every creature"? If you do, you'll be forever thankful, and so will they! (End of message from Dad.)

33. (Mama:) So there you have it—the Lord's call to the mission field of Africa! Is He calling you? Read on to find out exactly what that means. Next is a more detailed message from Dad outlining a bit about life in Africa and what you should expect and be prepared for. (Note: When Dad uses the term "simple" in the following prophecy, and when I use it later in various comments, please understand that we're not using it in a negative or derogatory way but in a positive way. In fact, the Lord uses the term to refer to Himself later on, calling Himself "a simple God!" So when we use the word simple in referring to the people of Africa, the following definitions apply, taken from the dictionary: plain, free from duplicity or guile, honest, sincere, open, straightforward‚ uncomplicated, not subtle, not sophisticated, innocent.)

Dad on Life in Africa!

34. (Dad speaking:) Oh, Africa is a wonderful field. There are lots of folks up Here from Africa, and they really love the Lord. As you folks pioneer Africa you're going to meet people who are desperate to know the Lord, or who know Him and are desperate to serve Him, or who want to help others with all that's within them.

35. You're also going to meet plenty of evil people as well. Africa has both the best and the worst of human nature, so you're going to have to be on guard, and be men and women of prayer—alert for the Godly and in tune enough to recognize them and be able to help them, and wary enough of the devoid to avoid them, for the Devil has some real strongholds there in the hearts and minds of different people and tribes.

36. You folks who are pioneering Africa would do well to study over my Letters on pioneering from the early days, and even some of the Letters I wrote later when I was in South Africa. In my older Letters there's a lot on how to be prepared both physically and spiritually. You'll be on a distant field where you're cut off from a lot of Family fellowship and inspiration, and you need to be prepared for that. You need to be aware that the culture is different in Africa. The food is different. There are a lot of shortages at different times, and things are going to be primitive and not what you're used to. You can expect to rough it and face a lot of hardships. But oh, the rewards of souls won and lives changed will make it worth it all!

37. In the later Letters I wrote when we were in South Africa, there's a lot about cleanliness that you'd do well to take heed to, because there are all sorts of diseases in Africa! Make sure you stick to good clean food and water as much as possible, pray over every mouthful or every drink, use your mosquito netting or repellent, and ask the Lord to keep you and do what you can't do!

38. Your little ones will need to be aware of these things too, and you'll need to pray desperately for them. Even so, you can expect some sickness there, and some of it will be serious. The Lord allows it so that you'll know what the people there go through every day, facing sickness, disease, dirt‚ and often death. The Lord may allow you to be touched with the feeling of their infirmities so you can relate to them better and be moved with compassion upon them, as you go about healing them both spiritually and physically.

39. It's good to prepare your kids for such things before you go‚ so that they'll know what they're getting into and can commit themselves to reaching Africa no matter what the cost. Of course, as their parents, you need to do the same. Are you willing to lay down your lives and the lives of your loved ones to seek and to save the lost there? If you are‚ God will bless you in ways you can't imagine now! No greater love has any man or woman than this, that they lay down their lives for others.

40. Preparing your kids can be done very simply and honestly. Little children are capable of receiving a whole lot, if it's presented to them prayerfully and with wisdom. As far as the age of the children, I guess that depends on what you're planning on telling them.

41. I would say that the main thing you'd have to prepare them for is that you're going to a whole new field where things are very different: where the food might seem a bit odd; where it's hot and dirty, so they won't be allowed to do some of the same things they're used to when they play; that you're going as missionaries because these people need Jesus so much, and if you don't go, they will die without ever hearing how much Jesus loves them.

42. You can tell them: "There's lots of sickness, so you're going to have to be very careful and very desperate, and sometimes you might get sick too. But that's part of the sacrifice of reaching these people for Jesus. Jesus has asked us to go there, and He's promised to take care of us, so we're not worried. We just wanted to explain that it might be a bit different‚ and there will be some sacrifices you will have to make as well. But the rewards in Heaven will be so great, and even here on Earth Jesus will bless us with wonderful blessings if we follow and obey Him! Think of all the little children who will be able to live forever in Heaven because we're going to tell them about Jesus! It's going to be very exciting!"

43. Make it upbeat‚ and don't dwell on the sickness—and certainly not on the dying. If the Lord does choose to call someone Home, then He will give the grace for it when the time comes. They don't need to worry about that now, that's for sure! If you can't even have faith for it months in the future‚ you certainly can't expect the kids to have the grace and faith for it!

44. So keep it simple, and even the youngest will be able to understand. Of course, some of your older kids will have questions, and when you take personal time with them you'll be able to answer those. But dwell on the positive‚ and make sure you bring out the Lord's protection. He's never failed you before and He won't now! Praise the Lord!

45. There are lots of the Lord's sheep in Africa, and you'll have a great impact there. You have just what the people need—a simple faith for a simple people. You're experienced at starting "consider the poor" projects from scratch, right there on the field, and getting ­local businessmen to pitch in and help. You guys are great salesmen both of the Lord and the Gospel, and also of His projects to help the poor and needy! Unlike many church Christians, you don't figure you need to raise thousands or millions of dollars of aid in the West first, or get the backing of some mammoth church or relief organization before you can help. You just pitch right in and give it all you've got, right where you are, and the Lord supplies the hundredfold!

46. You may think Africa is sort of an exception to the rule when it comes to persecution. But the same old formula I've always told you about still holds true—pioneering, popularity, and then persecution. So as you become more and more used of the Lord, better known and more effective in your outreach, you're gonna stir up some jealousy and some bad feelings among the church people.

47. If ever there was a place to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, it's Africa. Just continue to be sweet and meek and preach the simple love of Jesus. Try to avoid doctrinal controversies of the sort that the churches have been arguing about for millennia! If they'd put as much time and energy into reaching the lost as they had into bickering, the whole world would have been reached long ago! God help us!

48. One subject that we're not even getting into right now is about relating to those of the Islamic faith‚ which is a subject in itself. I've written lots about that in the Letters, so if you find yourself in a predominantly Muslim country, or even ministering to a few select Muslims, you'd do well to read up on the subject and pray desperately for wisdom—as they are often very loyal, dedicated believers, and don't take kindly to someone trying to convert them! That's not to say that it can't be done and that they'll never receive the Lord. But it has to be done with great wisdom, or you're apt to wind up being a martyr before your time. Take it seriously, and most of all pray and ask God for wisdom, amen?

49. As you witness, you need to remember that Africa is a different field and the people are different. I can hear you saying now, "Come on, Dad, we know that!" Well, I'm not sure you do yet, until you go there and see just how different it really is! Most of you are from Western cultures, or maybe Eastern or Latin cultures, but Africa is different. The people are simpler, more childlike. They're not rebels against the materialism of their native country, because in many cases there isn't much materialism. There are famines and droughts, great natural catas­trophes, wars, riots and insurrections, and man's inhumanity to man on a scale that you all have never seen before!

50. All of this has been going on for cen­turies now, and it's had a great effect on shaping the dear people who live there. In many cases it's made them desperate, distressed and needy, ripe and ready for the Gospel. In other cases it's made them hard and callous, butchers of those who are different or from different tribes.

51. So you'll have to adjust your mindset and attitudes to be an effective missionary in Africa‚ and it's best to prepare ahead of time. Africa needs those who are real lovers of the lost‚ those who are willing to change their own ways of working and ministering and relating to others to labor there. It needs people who are content in whatsoever state they're in, whether they're abasing or abounding; whether they're traveling around in sponsored corporate jets from country to country or city to city, or sleeping on a concrete floor in a ramshackle house to get started.

52. You'll have to leave your hang–ups behind in the West, where they belong! But in getting back to the basics of the Revolution and saving souls and being used to the utmost day and night‚ you'll be gaining a lot! You'll be able to say, as dear Livingstone did‚ "I never made a sacrifice!" The only things you'll lose are things that you don't need anyway, and which just weigh you down and hold you back from giving your all to the Lord and others.

53. As you minister in Africa, you're going to be faced with a lot of opportunities as well. The different businessmen, officials, and rulers are going to see what potential you have and what a powerful help you could be to them, and they're going to want to make use of your talents. They'll want you to help them with some of their schools‚ or oversee this or that, or provide services that you're very capable of, that you're experts at. Or they may want you to teach subjects like health and hygiene, nutrition‚ childcare, prenatal care, home economics‚ religion, English, and all sorts of other things. In some cases these are very good and worthwhile projects, and in other cases they might be red herrings that will get you sidetracked.

54. So remember to check in with the Lord about all these different requests and offers, okay? That's what your gift of prophecy is for! And if you're not sure, confirm it in the mouth of two or three witnesses, seek counsel, go to the Word, and check it out with the other ways to know the Lord's will.

55. It's good that you help people in this way, but remember that your first calling is still to be a missionary! It's a great calling and something to be proud of. Apostles are at the top of God's list, as I've said before! So if you get involved in something that's getting less and less fruitful as far as getting out the Word and taking more and more of your time, you'd better reevaluate your priorities and seek the Lord again. Seek Him every step of the way in all you do, and you can't go wrong! In fact, with all the wars and civil unrest and disease there is in Africa, you need to be real men and women of prayer, seeking the Lord continually!

56. Africa is a good place to have your flee bag packed as well! You never know when you're going to have to leave suddenly or move on to some other field. That's not to say that you shouldn't try to establish lasting works there and become known and dependable. I'm just saying that you'd better be ever aware of the fact that conditions could change suddenly, and if they do, you might want to be elsewhere fairly quickly. The Lord can tell you when to go and when not to go, of course, as well as be a very present help in trouble and guide in the midst of any storm you may encounter.

57. Go with the love of Jesus, and you can't lose! Let the love of our Savior be your driving motivation, and you'll bring forth great fruit! God bless you! I'm praying for you pioneer teams, as are many others up Here! Great is your reward in Heaven! I love you! (End of message from Dad)

Summary of Dad's Main Points

And Tips About African Fields

58. (Mama: ) Wow! There was a lot packed into that message. When I listened to it‚ I made a list of the main points Dad gave about Africa, which I'll include here as a summary and overview. I'll get into most of these points in greater detail as we go along.

•People are more childlike and simple.

•You'll find the best and the worst of human nature in Africa.

•There are missionaries from times past and spirit helpers available to help you.

•You will have a great impact in Africa. You have just what the people need.

•Study Dad's old Letters on pioneering.

•Desperately pray for your little ones. Help them be aware of the danger.

•Expect some sickness, which will help you under­stand and be touched with the feeling of their infirmities.

•Be willing to lay down your life for the field.

•Warning of pioneering, popularity‚ and per­se­cution.

•Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

•Avoid arguing and doctrinal controversies.

•A key is to be lovers of the lost.

•You need to be willing to change your own ways of working and ministering.

•Be content in whatever state you're in.

•Leave your hang-ups back in the West.

•You'll be faced with many opportunities.

•There is a great need to check in with the Lord; use prophecy at every turn.

•It's wise to have your flee bag packed; you may have to leave suddenly.

•And last but not least, go with the love of Jesus.

59. That was quite a list, wasn't it? Yes, there are definite sacrifices you must be prepared to make if you choose to go to Africa, but the rewards are way up there as well. Africa is an exciting field. It's virgin territory, and the people are ripe and receptive to the Gospel. The ­posters and the Words of David go like hotcakes! Those conditions put together make for a unique sense of thrill and challenge‚ don't they?

60. Following are a few more points which I took from Dad's above message which outline some of the sacrifices that you'll have to be pre­pared to make. These points are not unique to Africa. There are many other mission fields which these apply to as well.

•There's not a lot of Family fellowship.

•Different culture‚ different foods.

•Expect primitive conditions‚ shortages.

•You may have to rough it; there will be hardships.

•But the souls you'll win will make it worth it all!

Are You the Right Missionary

For Africa?

61. Maybe Africa is just the field for you young people who may be sitting around in Homes, doing a little here and a little there, but for the most part feeling bored and unchallenged and feeling like your skills and talents are not being put to any great use. Maybe you're even looking toward the System and thinking that perhaps you could accomplish something out there. Well, Africa might just be the open door of service for you! There's certainly ample opportunity for you to pour out and to utilize all the knowledge and skills that you possess.

62. Here's your chance to see that the Family really is it! Go to Africa if you want to prove whether or not the Family has what other people need so desperately. If you think you don't have a good education or that you can't compare with those who've had years of training or education in certain areas, just go to Africa and see if that doesn't totally change your mind.

63. The African teams have sent in testimony after testimony about the marvelous open doors that the Lord has given them and the fruit that has practically dropped into their lap! Our Family members in Africa are being called on to organize projects, relief efforts and medical teams over those who've had years of college, seminary study and other training. In case after case, our folks are being called upon for their ­expertise.

64. As a sample of what I'm talking about, I'll include a few excerpts from a report from one of our pioneer teams to Liberia (see FSM 336 for the full story):

65. (From the Liberian pioneer team:) On our first trip we met a team of two ­fathers [Christian businessmen] and their oldest teens, and spoke a great deal to them about their vision of helping to establish schools for the capital's 14 main orphanages. Since then we've kept in contact with them to feed them the Word via e-mail. Recently they asked if we knew someone who could fill a position for director of their school projects for two months, and in prophecy the Lord gave the okay for us to get involved.

66. Our activities are currently focused on the one school we have. We plan on opening four more in the next month which will take care of the main body of orphans. In time, we will probably turn over all of our schools to a local organization.

67. A team of six of us [2 FGAs, one SGA, one YA, and two children] set off as the first team. The organization paid for the whole team's return tickets and full fare. They have since been joined by teams of Family young people from surrounding countries.

68. Aaron has been given the job as a director of four schools for orphans. This includes hiring teachers and training the principals. The team also needs to determine what school supplies each school needs and secure them with the grant money. Funds have been made available to use for supplies, salaries, etc.

69. (Later: ) The guys are painting and fixing up the main school, helping to paint and finish the classrooms themselves. We finished seminars with the teachers from one school last week. We've had teachers come in from the ministry of education teach­ing classes, as well as a number of us giving classes on controlling the classroom, tidiness and organization, inspired teaching tips and other topics to upgrade the level of teaching.

70. We're purchasing a six-month ­supply of teaching materials, school supplies, student supplies, and cooking utensils. We've also worked out a daily feeding of the schools. We've interviewed all the students for the three schools, and have interviewed and decided on the teachers for two of the schools. In the interviewing process we work together with the man responsible for the educational system in the country, who is a very precious man.

71. Earlier on in the week we met with all of the city commission of the district. We had a public meeting with them and finished off all the details regarding the temporary structures for one of the schools. In that area you meet 12-year-olds who have never had any school or input at all.

72. Learning to work with non-Family members, mobilizing so many people (70 adults and 700 children), and learning how to train them spiritually is very challenging. Our team is also getting out 100,000 posters. We're witnessing everywhere! (End of excerpt of report from Liberian team.)

73. (Mama:) What you young people in the Family have been given through your training is an absolute gold mine! You may not see it right now, but if you get out there face to face with the need, you'll see that what I'm saying is true. Some of our folks in Africa, young people included, have been able to take on administrative, supervisory or professional jobs just because of their Godly Family training and do as well or better than those outside the Family. It's been amazing to some people who've seen them in action, like the doctors and teachers of the law were amazed at young Jesus in the temple. They were astonished by His wisdom—the wisdom of a young person who was filled with the Holy Spirit and God's power!

74. You might be thinking, "This all sounds so wonderful! Let's go!" There is one catch—and that is that not only must Africa be the right field for you, but you must be the right missionary for Africa! Not everyone is cut out for this field, and one of the main reasons is because not everyone is willing to pay the high price of dedication and discipleship that it requires to reach this continent.

75. Sad to say, among the various teams that have recently gone to Africa we've heard reports of a number of folks, in large part young people, who obviously didn't make a full and whole­hearted commitment prior to going. It seems that some of you have brought your Western hang–ups, trips‚ coolness, or lack of vision, inspiration or yieldedness with you to the field! This has caused problems and is hindering the work in Africa, and we can't allow it to go on. We need folks there who are dedicated‚ sold-out, and willing to become one—not folks who are into themselves or unwilling to yield and flow with the Spirit.

76. Here are a few excerpts of a report from a FGA man who headed up a scouting team which has gone through a number of African coun­tries. He's commenting on the behavior of some of our young people, and the areas in which it is lacking:

77. (FGA man on scouting team: ) Some of the guys have the "dude-this" and "dude-that" lingo‚ with all their worldly American fast guns and "words of wisdom." When out with different friends and our king‚ they broke into it. God bless them, they pulled back quickly when corrected and took it.

78. It seems with all the new guys from the States there is heavy peer pressure to dress and act and to be interested in the same things—the sloppier, the better. A lot of their behavior and dress is a reproach and does not help us win those the Lord has been putting in our path.

79. For example, a top UN official was coming to see us, and the guys were walking around with their pants hanging down and their underwear five inches above their pants. In America it's probably fine, but not here. Thank the Lord we caught it and changed gears before he came.

80. A weak area is knowing how to relate to those outside the Family. Some are not very sensitive when dealing with the local people. When we go over to different people's homes, they get into an attitude as if everyone owes them—making demands on people, coming into someone's house looking for food or any goodies that they can find. So we've been doing Word studies on sample and presentation.

81. The team has had to learn some very needed lessons on having more loving concern for the people here and what they're going through. We've been around people who are very rough, to say the least, people who have played key roles in the long war. They have a lack of concern for life, and their basic attitudes toward war are very horrible. However, some of the guys and girls on our team, sad to say‚ have not stood up for their convictions of what the Lord thinks about these things. Some of the guys have the attitude of "the bigger the gun, the bigger the wow!"

82. There've been times where we've heard about people getting killed and our people got curious to know about it, and not in a very caring way. We've talked about how the Lord sees war and have shared stories of how even last weekend's violence affected people, and it broke our team's heart.

83. Here are two examples from last week: While at a bank, a man known by the tellers came up to speak to them with his head bowed for just a moment, and every face behind the counter dropped‚ though just a word in their local dialect was ­spoken. When I asked someone about it, they replied that his wife was shot in the cross­fire two nights before and that now he is a single father of four.

84. One of the officers that we met and witnessed to was drinking, and a few hours after we left him and had warned him to stop drinking, he shot one of his under­officers dead. Harsh realities took everybody by surprise and have helped us all to see the importance of our job to be the witnesses we need to be here.

85. There are problems that some of our young people have with each other, squabbling, saying unloving comments, and other similar behavior. I found myself discouraged and burdened with some of the young people's un-Christian attitudes toward some of the situations that we've been in. A few days ago I had a good talk with everyone. I shared my heart about the areas of self-discipline that are very weak with the ones here, and lack of determination to put their all into being effective witnesses. I challenged them to redeem the time when home with memorizing and studying the Word, so that they could be filled up with more to pour out, instead of being filled with vain things to talk about. All are really trying now and working toward redeeming the time. They're realizing how much their free time and extra time affects their witness positively or negatively.

86. Our team has been learning a lot about how to communicate and be open with each other. To correct each other and take it from one another has not been the most enjoyable part of us being together, but it is essential if they are going to become the leaders they need to become. (End of excerpts of report from African scout team.)

87. (Mama:) So, if you want to have the benefit and blessing and great privilege of participating in the wonderful move of the Lord's Spirit in Africa, then you'll simply have to accept that there are conditions. There are rules. There are contracts. There will be shepherding and counsel given to you. Africa is not a field where you can just go and do your own thing. You can't have an attitude of cafeteria-style obedience. You can't be selective in which trinkets you trash. Putting the Word into practice in your life cannot be simply theory; it has to be in action. You have to be 100% on board in spirit.

88. Life in Africa is going to be tough. It's going to be a sacrifice. It's going to mean truly forsaking your own ways. If you don't, you just won't be prepared! And if you're not prepared in heart, mind and spirit, and willing to obey your overseers and work with others, then you won't be the good sample of Christian testimony that you need to be, and I'm sorry to say that you'll have to leave the field.

89. We're not the only ones who are concerned about our members and keeping things operating in decency and in order. As you'll see by the following excerpt, other groups and organizations who have a presence in Africa have found that a certain amount of rules, regulations and restrictions are absolutely imperative to their safety and ability to carry out their mission. Comparatively speaking, I would say that we allow our folks the most freedom—freedom to be led by the Lord and His Spirit.

90. (From Aaron:) I was shocked to see some of the very strict guidelines that the UN agencies keep; some are just letter of the law, but they have reasons for them. For example, even top UN officials who have a car or jeep that is UN property are not allowed to use it to transport themselves anywhere except from their place of residence to their work site and back. If you use the vehicle to go anywhere else‚ which one friend of ours did, you are immediately transferred to a less sensitive area and are on the verge of getting fired. Most NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and other relief groups have very strict codes in Africa because they have learned through experience that if they don't‚ many things can go wrong. (End of excerpt from report.)

91. You might think our rules and restrictions are harsh‚ but that's just the way it's got to be. We can't risk damaging or hurting the work and closing up an entire field—one that is desperately needy, yet sensitive at the same time—just because of some of you young people who aren't really sold on helping those people, but instead want to do your own thing. On this subject, the Lord said:

92. (Jesus speaking: ) The requirements of a missionary will be clearly spelled out‚ for Africa is but one mission field which will require great amounts of dedication‚ self-sacrifice, and yielding and bending to the wishes and counsel of others, and of My Words. China is another field, and when it opens up in greater measure, My children who go there will have to be likewise, and perhaps even more so, greatly vigilant and committed to reaping the field together‚ and not letting an evil device of the Enemy spoil the field because of someone's lack of yieldedness, coopera­tion, or prayerfulness.

93. The lost children of Africa are at stake, and I will not have the carelessness, disobedience or selfishness of any of My children crush the chance that these poor ones would have to receive My light, life, truth, liberty and Gospel. (End of message from Jesus.)

94. (Mama: ) So I want to make it very clear that there is a definite standard that any and all teams to Africa will have to abide by. You might wonder, "Why be so strict with Africa? What about the field I'm in now? Isn't it perhaps going a bit overboard to say that each Family member in Africa has to be so ultra-dedicated, or else they can't remain there?"

95. The answer to that question is that the Lord and Dad have both confirmed that this is the way it should be, and Peter and I are also convinced of it. Like the Lord said, we can't risk the Gospel not being preached to an entire field with millions of unsaved souls all because of some unprayerful or out-of-the-spirit moves on the part of our Family members. As the Lord mentioned in the above message, China is another country that requires similar vigilance and desperation, and there are others.

96. The reason the Lord is singling out Africa in this GN is because He's issuing a call to that field and outlining the requirements and guide­lines which potential missionaries will have to meet. Remember that Africa is a field unlike any other, and the governments and lack of stability play a large part in our decision to set such a definite standard. The Lord is getting very directly involved in the pioneering of ­Africa, and as you'll see in the pages that follow, He's given tremendous counsel and specific guidelines about how to reach these countries.

97. Why is the Lord getting so involved with each and every aspect of the work in ­Africa right now? Because He is calling more of you to this needy field. Africa certainly fulfills the verse, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few." But in order to prepare you properly and to make the transition to your new field as easy as possible, as well as to make your witness as fruitful as possible, the Lord told us to lay out the requirements. On this subject, the Lord said:

98. (Jesus speaking:) There are many countries and cities within Africa that need to be reached, and each has different needs and require­ments. In order to reach these properly, great wisdom and care has to be taken. There is much to take into consideration, and each step has to be weighed prayerfully. One wrong step can have great consequences and cause harm to the work that I have begun.

99. Africa is indeed a needy field, and many need to go there. There is a tremendous vacuum, and those that I am calling, I will place in their hearts the conviction of knowing that I have called them there. I will make clear to those who are meant to go that it is My highest will for them. But those who would go cannot become My missionaries to Africa without proper counsel and advice. My Words on the subject of Africa must go out to all, to ensure that everyone knows without a shadow of doubt in their hearts that this is My will for them, My call in their lives. They must be sure that they are willing to make the necessary sacrifices and changes before entering this field.

100. For many it will be like an entrance exam, a test, to see if they're willing to go through with it. You can't carry the spirit of your present field to this new field. There have to be changes made, and I need to have a chance to rewire and remake each heart into what's needed for the field of Africa‚ to reach the hearts of Africa and to be able to work together with the Family there.

101. Send out advice on how to reach this field. Give a call to young and old, specifying the needs, the requirements‚ giving testimonies from the ones that are there on how they've had to change and adapt. If those who want to go will partake of these words ahead of time, I'll have time to work in their hearts to prepare them, and to give them a chance to work on any changes that are needed.

102. Give the full vision! This is only fair for My people, so that they know without a shadow of a doubt that this field is My calling, My will, and this is the place where I want them to go to live and to die if necessary. (End of message from Jesus)

The Dark Continent

—A Battleground!

103. (Mama:) So here comes the full ­vision! I'll begin with a short description of Africa from the Lord Himself, which I think will impress upon you the spiritual significance of our presence and witness in this land. And for those of you who the Lord is not calling to Africa, it's your duty to pray for and uphold your brethren who do answer the Lord's call. These messages will help you to get a feel for the incredibly big job that lies ahead of our missionaries to Africa‚ and should inspire you to intercede for their protection, health and effectiveness.

104. (Jesus speaking:) This land, the dark continent, is filled with great darkness and many evil spirits—spirits that are competing for the souls of men. They are spirits that would devour‚ starve, torture, and destroy the innocents. They are depraved evil spirits that plague and kill. You must bring the light of the truth into these dark lands and free the people from their bondage. You must shine the light of My love into these dark corners where the evil spirits have reigned for so long. Bring liberty to this land through your witness! (End of message from Jesus.)

105. (Mama:) Now I'll share with you some messages from our wonderful Husband about the preparation of heart needed for those going to the African mission field. Remember that although these messages are pinpointing the ­African work, the spiritual qualities that the Lord brings out should be present in each and every one of you, no matter what field you're on. So be sure to apply these messages to yourself‚ and check your heart to see if you're measuring up.

106. (Jesus speaking: ) Ask yourself these questions: Are you just a member, or are you a missionary? Are you just moving from one place to another, or does the love of Christ constrain you? Are you being moved that you might mend broken hearts?

107. I'm pleased that many of you, My Family, have left your home fields and have gone into all the world. But because so many of you have allowed the worldliness of your home fields to sink tendrils into the walls of your hearts, I must continue to make it clear what will be required of you, as well as the rewards and joys that await you. You must cast aside the weights and the sins that have so easily beset you, so that you will be able to run the race that is set before you.

108. It's a race against time. Time is running out, and each day counts. The world is slipping deeper and deeper into darkness‚ sliding ever closer to the precipice. My children must look diligently, not only to their preparations for moving and changing fields, but to their goals for becoming one and reaching the field once they get there.

109. Those of the church system who follow My call to go to the mission field spend years in preparation, learning about their prospective field. Although this is not the plan that I would have My children of David follow, it accomplishes the purpose of making sure that they are completely sold out and dedicated to the field where they are going. They know that they're not going on a joy ride. They're going to establish a work.

110. It might be helpful for you to prepare a course of Word study for My missionaries to read as part of their preparation to go to a mission field. In some cases My children, both young and old, are so busy raising funds and getting their physical needs met before going to the field that they've not taken the time to properly prepare their hearts and their spirits.

111. Just as My Father prepared My heart when I had to leave the comforts of My Home in Heaven, that I would know full well the hardships that faced Me, even the death of the cross, so you, My children, must be made well aware of the death that awaits you. You must be given the black picture of the dark continent, for in one way or another you will die the death of the cross, just as I did on My mission. You must first of all die to sin and self. You must put off the old man, and hate even the garment spotted by the flesh. You must count it as dung, that you might win the world. (End of message from Jesus.)

112. (Mama:) The above prophecy reminds me of the early apostles, who were so convinced of their cause that in every mission they went on they were willing to lay down their life for the truth and the Gospel they were bearing. They knew they weren't traveling around for fun; they were preaching a message that could get them killed, or at the least imprisoned and persecuted. And we have the same message today, the same truth, the same Jesus to preach to these millions who haven't had a chance to receive Him. Do we have the same conviction and desperation to give our lives for Jesus?

113. (Jesus speaking:) These brave pioneers who will hear My voice and answer My call, I send forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. My children, you must be wise as the serpent, yet harmless as the dove. You will be surrounded by many voices crying out for help and begging for mercy. Some will be sheep and some will not be. Not all who say unto Me "Lord, Lord" are My children, nor do all such seek Me. So you must walk close to Me and discern the sheep from the wolves, for there will be some wolves in sheep's clothing. Therefore you must be wise—wise as the serpent and harmless as the dove.

114. But you have nothing to fear from these wolves in sheep's clothing. You have only to look to Me and I will lead and guide you ­every step of the way. I will make your light to shine as the bright and morning star in the gross darkness that covers the nations. Though the lands be dark‚ your light will shine all the brighter, and every man will know that the children of David stand head and shoulders above their counterparts in the world.

115. You are My elite, My called and ­chosen for these Last Days. You have My meat of the Word, and that is what causes you to stand head and shoulders above your brethren of the churches—because you have the meat of My truth and the Words of life. It is nothing of yourselves, for you are weak men and women. But you have the strong Words that give you strength and stature. You are strong and tall and will be a beacon of light in that dark land, reaching far beyond your immediate circle of influence.

116. My children‚ you must fill yourselves with the wisdom that is from above. Be not wise in your own eyes and fear not that which is set before you‚ but only fear Me, for in this is the beginning of wisdom. Seek to please Me. Seek out My voice and seek My guidance at every turn, and in doing this you will find great victory and success.

117. You have heard it said that in the days of old every great pioneer met his success by hearing fresh from Me daily for leading‚ direction and guidance, and they have done well. To those brave pioneers who now embark on this mission to win Africa in these Last Days‚ I give a greater call. You must not only hear fresh from Me day by day, but you must seek Me continually. It is not enough to seek Me morning‚ noon and night. Those teams who would pioneer this great continent must seek Me continually, moment by moment. They must walk in the spirit and attitude of continual prayer—walking constantly in the spirit of prayer—if they are to fulfill the mission which I call them to.

118. This continual seeking comes by staying so close to Me in their thoughts, desires and actions—by letting My Word rule and reign in their hearts and minds—that they will hear My voice behind them saying, this is the way, go forward‚ turn to the right or turn to the left, go sideways, stay back‚ move on. They must realize that though they are weak men and women who are prone to fall and make mistakes, I am able to keep them from falling. I alone can do so, and as they stay so close to Me, I am able to guard them from harm or danger.

119. Those who would answer this great call of Africa, I call to not only walk in continual prayer as individuals, but I call them to melt their hearts together in the strong bonds of love, unity and teamworking. I call them to endeavor to keep the unity of spirit as never before, that this great continent may be won. They must go as a team, work as a team, function as a team and move as a team. It must be a team effort. United they will stand, yet divided they will fall. If they are div­ided, not only will they stumble, but others will also stumble over them, and the latter end will be worse than the beginning.

120. Therefore I call My brave pioneers of Africa not to a playground, but to a battleground! I call them to put away childish things and to put on the cloak of righteousness. I call these who would pioneer this vast land to be vigilant, to be sober. I call them to good behavior, to be hospitable, ready to teach, ready to love, ready to give at all costs. I call them to patience, to for­bear­ance, to longsuffering. I call them to unity, to be a body fitly joined together with their ­fellow laborers in Me, ready to go, ready to stay, ready to fill the need wherever I call.

121. I call them to have no will of their own. I call them into subjection to Me and My will, for this is the way of all true brave pioneers, and this is the way of success of every great pioneer missionary—to sign the blank sheet of paper, that I may lead and guide them into new and fertile grounds; to be clay in the Potter's hands, that I might mold and make them into what I need them to be in order to win the lost.

122. They must be ready to put away preconceived ideas. I call them to be faithful, to be temperate in all things, for I call them into new and uncharted territories. This will be necess­ary in order to win the peoples of this vast continent, who have suffered great injustices, great poverty and great intolerance—these who have been beaten, tattered, and torn; these who have been starving, some physically and all spiritually. Even though some do know Me, they have a great desire for more‚ great spiritual hunger, because their circumstances are so difficult. So in comparison with the glutted nations of the world they are starving‚ they are so desperate for My Words and My truth.

123. I call these, My brave pioneers of this great continent, to be open to My will and to My voice. For in this last great pioneer effort, I will do a new thing. I will open doors such as have never been opened before. I will cause My children of David to stand head and shoulders above others who have also been attempting to fill the need.

124. This is the call of the children of David. For this reason I have led you, nurtured you and trained you all these years in My Law of Love and in the laws of Moses—the laws of David your father and prophet and king. I have nurtured and trained you and brought you along that you might now lead the way in these Last Days. And so you will as you stay close to Me and follow where I am leading.

125. You have no need to worry. Only walk in love. As you walk in love and humility, those who are your worldly counterparts will know and recognize that truly your connection with Me‚ your years of training, and your sacrifice, obedience and forsaking earn you the position I will give you. The sample of My brave pioneers of the cadre of David will speak louder than words. The sample of My children of David will ring out for all to hear. The sample of true love and care and concern, of true humility, of a true connection with Me will speak for itself, and all will know. There will be no denying that the children of David have been with Me‚ and walk close by My side. (End of message from Jesus)

Counsel on Health and Security

126. (Mama: ) As the Lord and Dad have said throughout this GN, there are not only spiritual sacrifices to be made in order to reach this vast land, but also physical ones. Some you must make for your own health and security, such as the two examples below from some of our folks in Africa:

127. (From Aaron: ) People in general are not so excited about rules or regulations. In the pre-Charter days when a shepherd would visit, if you didn't have the proper setup for washing dishes or have your mosquito nets up, then you got them up. The balance is surely needed, and even though it's not an absolute requirement‚ people need to realize that these [safety and health tips] are a necessity.

128. We had one experience where ­every night the young people would leave the win­dows open because it was hot and muggy. So many people just left the windows open because they personally were uncomfortable. In turn, it let the ­mosquitoes in and brought in the possibility of folks get­ting malaria. We talked about it repeatedly, but it came down to people being more in­ter­ested in what was bugging them instead of what would be bugging everybody in ­general.

129. So sure enough, ten days later all those people who either slept on the balcony or who were sitting next to the open windows got malaria. Thank the Lord, He brought it under control right away, but it was a good example of how people can't afford to be thinking so much about what makes them comfort­able; they have to have some vision and look toward what is going to happen. Taking responsibility for the situation and for their actions is very needed. (End of excerpts from African report.)

130. (From Lisa, CRO:) One team leader ex­plained that the different members of his team were having regular communications with their relatives and friends via e-mail, and for the most part it was pretty straightforward. But when trouble broke out, it started getting a little more sensitive, as many did not realize how dangerous it could be to comment on what was happening in the country or to make political statements. Folks on his team were giving their personal opinions about what was happening‚ commenting on things they had heard and about who were the good guys and who were the bad guys, and taking sides.

131. Of course, this could have easily been misunderstood and misconstrued, and used not only against us, but also against people in the government who in confidence had shared things with them‚ most likely never thinking that they would be quoted through such a public communication. We have prayed desperately that nothing will come of these incidents and hope we can use this lesson to not make similar mistakes in the future. (End of excerpts from African report.)

132. (Mama:) Both of the above examples highlight the need for folks in Africa to not only be prayerful and in tune with the Lord‚ checking in with Him about their every move, but also the need to be open to those around them, and appreciative and eager to receive counsel and correction. Just think‚ your lack of willingness to sacrifice your personal comfort could result in your brothers and sisters getting seriously sick. Or your desire to share some bit of news or hot information could result in you and other Family members, and even your friends‚ being interrogated, jailed or thrown out of the country!

133. This very thing happened to one of our teams pioneering a North African country back in the '70s—they were thrown in jail because of something they had written! When police were checking their belongings, they found a report on the country which our team had written. It probably talked about how we could establish a lasting work there, but it may have touched on the political situation as well, a subject which governments are often very touchy about. This report‚ combined with the Bible names of our team members—names which are common to many Israelis—probably made the police think they'd found a foreign spy operation! Our poor team members were then thrown in a North African jail cell‚ where they suffered for some months and were only delivered by much prayer and a miracle! So please be very careful and prayerful what you write, dear Family, whether it's by e-mail or normal mail, on computer or on paper!

American aid worker expelled after critical e-mail

Miami Herald, Nov.9

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — An American woman was expelled from Nicaragua after an e-mail message she wrote strongly criticizing President Arnoldo Aleman's hurricane relief efforts was circulated on the Internet.

Julie Noble, who works for a Washington company that has had contracts administering U.S. aid to Nicaragua, left Managua for her mother's home in West Palm Beach after Aleman threatened to bring criminal charges against her, she told The Herald.

"He said I had 48 hours to get out of the country," Noble said, describing a meeting she had with Aleman after being summoned to his office. "He said that it was against Nicaraguan law to say anything that was not true about the government‚ and that if I did not leave, he would bring charges against me."

Nicaraguan officials confirmed the expulsion of Noble, who they said was living illegally in Nicaragua. But they also agreed that the e-mail message infuriated them. "We were afraid it was going to endanger inter­national aid to Nicaragua, aid that we need very badly after the hurricane," presidential spokes­man Gilberto Wong said. "It was a bunch of lies and insults against the president."

Noble refused to discuss the contents of the e-mail message in detail. "It was a single paragraph that just repeated some of the things that had been on TV here," she said. "President Aleman said they were not true, and I'd just as soon not keep repeating them. If they're not true, they shouldn't be repeated, and if they are true, everybody will know anyway as time passes."

She added that it was a mistake to have included that material in the e-mail message. "It wasn't smart of me to put it in there," she said. "I apologized to the president, and I told him I never intended to do anything that would hurt him. I asked him not to kick me out. But he had already made up his mind."

Noble said she sent the e-mail message to a friend in the U.S. who was asking questions about how to forward hurricane donations to Nicaragua. Her friend forwarded ­copies to a large number of other potential donors. One of them, in turn, sent it to a brother of Aleman in Wisconsin, who faxed it to the president.

Noble told The Herald that she never intended to hurt relief efforts. "I really care about Nicaragua," she said. "I spent six years there, and I really wanted to stay and helpÂ…. I hope nothing bad comes out of this."

(Mama:) Please be careful what you say in your mail or e-mail, dear Family! Saying the wrong thing that falls into the wrong hands can get both you and your local work in lots of trouble, and could even lead to us having to shut down our outreach in countries where there are millions of needy souls that are desperate for our message.

The Devil's Attacks and

Evil African Spirits!

134. (Mama:) Now I'd like to touch on the need for our folks in Africa, as well as all of our Family on various mission fields, to be militant in prayer and in spirit‚ and ever on guard against the attacks of the Enemy. Africa in particular, as the Lord has brought out, is a land full of dark spirits and one of the Enemy's strongholds. So we shouldn't be surprised to find out that the Devil isn't going to be too pleased with our pioneering efforts there and the great amount of posters and lit that we're going to flood these countries with. When we go over the top, we can be assured that the Enemy is going to begin attacking.

135. David Livingstone, one of the great missionaries to Africa and now a spirit helper and guide to our African Family‚ gave a mess­age about some of the evils and afflictions the Enemy will try to hit you with. When you see how the Enemy sees our Family members in the spirit, it's no wonder he's so mad!

136. (David Livingstone speaking: ) Any missionaries going to the land of Africa need to have a spirit of "do or die." That doesn't mean that you will die there, but in order to have the faith to accomplish all that you need to do, you must have that spirit of do or die. If you do‚ then the Lord will keep you and protect you.

137. If you go forth in selfishness, worry, and fear, that's like a chink in your armor giving place to the Enemy, allowing him to come in and stomp all over you and completely defeat you. He can pull all kinds of tricks, and there are all kinds of diseases‚ germs and afflictions flying around in that dark land that the Enemy would love to inflict on you if you give him an opportunity, if you don't keep your guard up, if you don't raise that shield of faith. You must hold up that shield of faith! You must go forth in full faith, in full assurance that the Lord will supply and protect and fulfill His promises to you.

138. If you go forth with an unbelieving heart concerned only for yourself and you don't have faith, then the Enemy can come in and strike. The Lord can allow the Devil to afflict you with yellow fever or malaria, and all kinds of things to wake you up and shake you up and cause you to cry out to God and be sober and serious with Him.

139. That doesn't mean that you will never get sick or be afflicted if you are in the center of the Lord's will, and are trusting and believing Him. The Lord allows testings and trials for various reasons—to make you more sympathetic, to teach you lessons‚ to give you greater compassion and understanding, to make you a better fighter, etc. But if you do your part by being on guard and vigilant, then the Enemy can't come in and deal you a blow that is basically caused by your own negligence or lack of fighting in the spirit.

140. Going to Africa is a sobering experience. You need to be sober. What does it say in the Bible? "Be sober and vigilant‚ for your adversary the Devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." He isn't going to take too kindly to your coming into his territory. Well, it's not really his territory, it's the Lord's territory. We've already claimed a lot of Africa for the Kingdom of Heaven. But the ­Enemy has gone in as a usurper, and he's stolen the land. He's stolen that spiritual territory, and he's not going to give it up without a fight. He's going to cause all kinds of problems. He's already causing disunity. He's already tried to afflict people with illnesses and diseases.

141. The Devil is afraid of you and all the children of David. You're like great big cannonballs of light. In my day, armies had these old-fashioned cannonballs that could blow the ­enemy to smithereens. Well, you children of David are like great big cannonballs of light on the field. It's actually the Word that is the cannon‚ and it's Maria and Peter that light the fuse. They light the fuse of the Word that gives you a kick on the backside, which fires you out of the cannon onto the field.

142. Then the Enemy sees you coming. He sees these great big cannonballs of light invading his territory, smashing his strongholds, and he's sore afraid. Therefore he fights against you. He tries to discourage you. He tries to get you to give up before you even start, because he knows that once you get to the land of Africa, the gates of hell will not prevail against you, and you will go forth conquering and to conquer.

143. Even though he's afraid of you, and even though you are greater than him because you have the Lord, I say unto you, be sober. Watch and pray. Pray like everything depends on prayer‚ for you're walking into dangerous territory. It's a dark land, full of all kinds of evil and strange religions, strange beliefs, all kinds of spirits that he's put there‚ for he is the author of confusion.

144. In this dark land of Africa, you'll need to cast out devils. You'll need to have the faith to stand strong in your convictions and free people from the great spiritual bondage that has them ensnared. Just like the Lord said to Jeremiah when He told him he had to destroy‚ root out, and pull down in order to build and to plant. First you have to destroy that which is evil. You have to go forth as great, mighty and strong warriors to destroy the evil‚ to cast out devils, so that you can then plant the seeds of love and faith in the hearts of those you meet. Thus the Kingdom of God will grow.

145. There's great reward waiting for those who take the step of faith and go to the land of Africa. When I was there, I was able to lead many to salvation. There are hundreds and thousands of saved Africans Here in Heaven, and they've been sent forth to minister to you, the children of David. That's their job. That's their assignment, to help reap this harvest, to go before you, to warn you of the pitfalls and the dangers and to show you the way to go, to speak on your behalf, to give you the language, to know how to deal with people‚ to understand the culture‚ to have good relations, diplomacy and under­standing of the great peoples of this continent. I too am there to help. I am there to lead and guide, as well as the Lord and many other hosts of saints and angels. (End of mess­age from David Livingstone.)

146. (Mama: ) You probably noticed that in the above prophecy David Livingstone said, "In this dark land of Africa, you'll need to cast out devils." Knowing that in some of these dark countries you will no doubt be faced with Devil-worshippers and Satanists‚ you might be wondering exactly what that means. Does this mean performing exorcisms? How great a part of your ministry will it be, and how do you do it?

147. Before answering this question, I'd like to share with you excerpts of a letter I received from a FGA woman who is in South ­Africa, and who wrote me about this very topic:

148. (From a FGA woman:) I've recently read four books written by an American woman who's converting Satanists. These books helped me a lot to understand what I'm dealing with in witnessing to Africans who are predominantly ancestor worshippers and practice witchcraft a lot.

149. Many people are terrified to leave ancestor worship for Jesus because of the very real revenge these ancestral demons take, once forsaken for Christianity. That's why so many mix Jesus and ancestor worship.

150. The author deals with this "revenge of demons forsaken" subject very ­thoroughly. They give insight into what we have to deal with spiritually in the Third World, and tips on remaining victorious while ­living amidst those who worship strong demonic forces. In the Third World, where the spiritual warfare is deep and intense, a knowledge of Satan's devices in order to bring people out to freedom in Jesus is essential. (End of excerpts of letter from FGA woman.)

151. (Mama:) After reading our dear mission­ary's letter and mention of these books, and at the same time praying for and about our Family in Africa and these very real evil influences that they face, I wanted to ask the Lord about these particular books and if they are necessary for our Family members to read, and if we would be more equipped to work with people in Africa and lead them to the Lord after reading them. I also wanted to know whether or not our Family members need further information than what is already given in the Letters and Family pubs on how to deal with and cast out evil spirits. In answer to my questions, the Lord gave the following answers:

152. (Jesus speaking:) All power is given unto Me in Heaven and on Earth. Nothing can touch My anointed, nothing can touch My children—not the demons of Hell‚ not the ancestors of the past‚ not any evil spirit—without My permission. Once one has accepted Me as their Savior and has asked Me into their heart, I become a part of them. I become an unbeatable force of love within their hearts—a love that casts out all fear‚ the fear that torments, the fear that causes anxiety and worry over the future and the effect of demonic ancestors.

153. I do not allow My children, those who are saved‚ to be touched by any of the powers of evil or Hell, unless they are continually disobedient to Me, unless they are outside of the charmed circle of My protection, unless they themselves call on the ancestors and receive not My power. Once they have received Me into their heart, they have the power to cast out these demons and resist them, because I am within them. My powerful Spirit is able to defend you‚ and attack and slay as a white-hot sword.

154. This woman's books have some truth in them‚ for she has some knowledge. But you, My children‚ do not need to spend time reading these books; all you need to spend time doing is being with Me. I am the One Who has all power in Heaven and on Earth. I am the One Who can stop the waves of the ocean in a moment. I am the One Who can still the raging winds. I am the One Who can make the world stop spinning in space. I am the One Who can defeat all of the powers of Hell!

155. You need not have a knowledge of all of the workings of Satan. All you need to know is Me. You need not read these books or spend your precious time within their pages. All you need to do is read about the spiritual warfare in My Word, and hear from Me in order to receive your personal instructions. The secret is found in hearing from Me step by step—hearing from Me about each sheep, each friend, each one who is afflicted, each one who is possessed by spirits of the past, each one who is fearful of letting go of their spirits and turning to Me.

156. There is no way that you can read a book and find out everything that you need to know. Even as I work differently in people's lives according to their needs and how much they let Me, so does the Evil One seek for the weak spots whereby he may enter in and afflict, possess, hinder and destroy. But no matter what the road through which he enters, I give you the key to victory through seeking Me to know how to drive him out, how to fight him, how to help the precious afflicted ones find refuge in Me.

157. Once they have received Me, they are Mine. You must teach them that these other spirits have no power over them; their only power is through fear. So they must not fear, but they must cling to Me and call on My power. They must pray for deliverance. Once they have done so, they are Mine and My shields of defense surround them so that none may enter save My spirits, My angels‚ My helpers, and My departed saints. (End of message from Jesus.)

158. (Mama:) Thank You, Jesus, for Your wonderful answers! It's so important to ask the Lord for His wisdom and guidance at every turn. In the natural, these types of books may seem very helpful and informative, but when we went to the Lord, He showed us where the real power lies—not in man's knowledge, or even in further understanding the workings of Satan, but in spending time with the Lord and in receiving His power.

159. So rather than delving into System books on this topic, research the Letters and all that Dad had to say about the spirit world, casting out evil spirits, and how the Lord's power is greater than the Enemy's. And don't neglect hearing from Him personally for more counsel and up-to-date information on how to deal with a specific situation you're encountering. He's more than happy to give you the ­answers and direction that you need.

Government Instability,

Riots and Anarchy!

160. In several prophecies so far in this GN, either the Lord or Dad have described ­Africa as a spiritual battlefield, a territory where there are many evil spirits and many strongholds of the Enemy. Those are pretty strong terms. Aside from the great spiritual battle that is being waged, there is also a measure of physical danger in the African countries.

161. You may be tempted to shrug off these warnings and think, "That's just what Mama is saying. I'll be fine!" Well, if you're under the Lord's protection and are in the center of His will, yes, you will be fine. But when I say that these countries are unstable and dangerous, I mean just that. I'm not exaggerating. Here's a recent prayer request we received from one of our teams there which will give you a look at what I'm talking about:

162. (From African team: ) Much thanks for your prayers for the situation here. Today was calm‚ and by faith it looks like the storm has passed. Friday night and Saturday up until the afternoon was nothing short of anarchy. We spent most of Saturday on the floor in one bedroom of our apartment, praying desperately and staying down to avoid stray bullets‚ as bullets were hitting the apartment building that we were in.

163. Friday night we slept some after reading "Not Even a Knock" with the kids, and for ourselves as well. Throughout the night we read Word on protection and deliverance. All you could hear was automatic weapons going, and see people running, carrying all they had with them to hide from looters (the army). (End of excerpt of report from African team.)

164. (Mama:) Such upheavals are fairly commonplace, along with government and political instability, and should you find yourself in the middle of such a situation, you would want to be assured of the Lord's protection by knowing that you're following His voice and leading as closely as possible. This should also stir all of our Family to pray for those who are bravely going into these countries, despite the potential danger, to get out the ­message.

Dad's List of

Missionary Requirements

165. In the above messages, the Lord gave a number of wonderful promises about the ­African work. He said that He would open greater doors than He ever has before, and that He would use our Family members to stand head and shoulders above those who are attempting to fill the needs of these nations. And He's already beginning to fulfill His promises, praise the Lord! But in order to claim these promises, we have to keep our part of the bargain‚ which is to be the missionaries that He wants us to be. So I'll turn the floor over to Dad now, who has quite a list prepared to share with you all!

166. (Dad speaking: ) Praise the Lord, folks! If you're going to serve the Lord, you might as well serve Him with all you've got‚ right? If you're going to be a missionary‚ you might as well go the distance and be all that the Lord knows you can be—otherwise, just stay home and live for yourself! If you're not planning on giving all, then don't bother. Why put yourself through the torture of forsaking the comforts of home, the sacrifice of leaving loved ones, the hard work of raising funds and getting your ­visas, and endangering yourself by coming into contact with deadly diseases if you're not going to really go all the way and make it worth it?

167. Let me tell you, just going to a new field isn't going to make a missionary out of you. It might be a good start, as you begin to see the need and get the burden. But unless you've determined beforehand that you're willing to give whatever it takes, you'll wind up disappointed—realizing that the cost is more than you wanted to pay, or that you're left with a withered crop or no crop at all, because you weren't willing to invest what was needed in order to reap the harvest. That's just an analogy, but it's true.

168. Just like anything else, the souls of men are bought with a price. If you want a nice house, you pay for it. If you want good food, you take time to cook it right. If you want happy children, you invest time in caring for them. It's the same with souls. If you want to win them, you have to be willing to lay down your life. Look at Jesus' example—the first missionary. The only way He could win us was to give His life for us out of love. The requirement is still the same. If you want to win souls for the Kingdom, if you want to make a difference, you've got to be willing to make the sacrifices.

169. I'm going to go over a list of requirements which are needed in the missionary life. We're mainly talking about Africa right now, but these requirements and qualifications apply to anyone who's seeking to be a true missionary.

170. Now, if you don't have some of these qualities, that doesn't mean you can't get them. If the Lord has called you to a mission field, going down this list and discovering that you've got a ways to go is no excuse for not heeding the call. You just need to get down to business with the Lord and ask Him to help you. Ask for prayer from your Home. Detail what you need in order to meet the requirements, then ask people to help you by pointing things out when necessary. Set aside some extra time for the Word every day, and take personal time hearing from the Lord every day.

171. If you're desperate, the Lord can bring you up to snuff real quick! If you do those things I just told you‚ in no time you'll see genuine improvement in your life, and you'll soon be spiritually ready to hit the battlefront! Praise the Lord! Does that sound like a challenge? It is! And it's one worth giving everything for. Because of your obedience, many will be made righteous. They will be the Lord's forever and will be eternally grateful for the sacrifices you made in order to reach them. I promise you, it will be worth it all! Okay, on with the list!

(1) The love of Christ must constrain you. You need to be going because you love Jesus so much that you're willing to do anything for Him. He loves those precious souls that He's called you to reach so much that He would give His life for them again in order to set them free. You must be willing to do the same.

(2) You must have a broken heart for the lost. On the mission field you will be called to reach people who are utterly sad and broken. They've endured terrible hardship and suffering without the comfort and love of Jesus. If you are shallow in spirit or not prepared to weep with them and feel their pain in order to understand them and relate Jesus to them, then you will not be able to reach those who are the most desperate.

(3) Be single-minded and single-hearted. Your mind and heart can't be bogged down with your own personal plans and programs; you must be fully committed to the needs of the field. If you're so engrossed in your own little life and personal affairs, then you won't be able to give these desperate souls the feeding and care that they need.

(4) Trade in the old for the new. When you leave your old field behind, you must be fully prepared to leave it in spirit as well. That means expecting a complete change of lifestyle—a new mentality, new customs, new food and clothes, a new manner of speaking, new loved ones, and a new way of manifesting the Lord's love. Become one. Learn to relate to the field you're ministering to. Be ready to sign a blank sheet of paper. Don't hang on to your old ways or methods of operating. Be willing to launch out and try new things.

(5) Forsake Western influences, spirits, and corruption. You can't bring the trinkets of the Enemy with you to your new field. You need to have a cleansing prayer and leave them all behind. And yes, that includes your inappropriate attitudes toward System music, videos, junk food, reading material, computer-mania, clothing, cool lingo, and all the latest fashion‚ fads, and trips. The Lord doesn't want these young‚ fresh, clean-in-spirit disciples to be polluted or disillusioned by the bad habits that you've picked up, or worse yet, the System attitudes and ungodly ways that you've allowed to creep into your hearts and lives. Forsake them now!

(6) You must have a humble spirit. Be humble towards the Lord. Realize that the Lord loves each of these poor people just as much as He loves you. You're merely an instrument in His hand. Be humble towards the veterans of the field, accepting that they know much more than you do about adapting and reaching the people. Accept that they will be your superiors and shepherds to help you during your adjustment period.

Be humble towards the precious ones you've given your life to reaching, remembering that they have endured and experienced hardships, suffering and difficulties such as you have never had, and that you can't possibly relate to or compare with. The only way to love them is with the love of Jesus; your love is far insufficient. If you carry this humble spirit, it will dictate your actions and you will have no trouble adapting and becoming just what the Lord needs you to be in order to reach them. Your humility will give you wisdom.

(7) You must be prepared to fight in the spirit with the new weapons. You must be spiritually ready for battle, which means being practiced in and willing to use the new weapons of praise, prayer, Loving Jesus, and hearing from Him. It's not enough to just hear from the Lord every now and then; you must be continually seeking Him and in tune with Him. You must be willing to live the New Wine, and have a commitment between you and the Lord to your Word time and time with Him. We can't have weak soldiers on one of our most dangerous battlefronts‚ so you'd do well to come prepared, or don't come at all.

(8) You must be willing to be open and honest, and open to shepherding. You will need, and by God's grace will receive, plenty of shepherding when you come to a new field—especially one where the stakes are high. That's part of your commitment in coming—a willingness to receive, accept, believe and obey not only the Word and the New Wine, but your appointed overseers in battle. You might be tops on the field you came from, but on your new field you are a raw recruit, and as such will need instruction and help.

(9) Be prepared for abasing. The physical conditions will not be what you're used to‚ needless to say‚ and you must be pre­pared to abound and abase, without murmuring or complaining. It can be a real drag to a poor missionary Home if new­comers complain about the food, the accommodations and the difficulties of the field, which the oldtimers have been bravely enduring and have adapted to. It's part and parcel of being a missionary to expect that you will at times abase, and you must do so with thankfulness and understanding that it's just part of life, nothing to get discouraged or quit over.

(10) You must have faith for healing. In these poor countries, your faith for healing will be tested time and time again. In some places‚ good, clean, Godly medical care is just not available. You must realize this fact‚ and have the faith that the Lord will either miraculously keep you and your children, or will heal you and provide your needs as they arise. Don't expect someone else to have the faith for you. Of course, we're all one Family, and you can count on the loving support of your brothers and sisters. But your faith must be strong enough to stand on its own when the need arises.

(11) Yield to the Lord and others. You must be willing to work in unity, to make decisions in counsel‚ and to yield to the Lord's will most of all. Even after you become a veteran of the field, decisions that affect the work will need to be made in counsel and in prayer. Accepting the fact that you will work closely with others, and most of all with the Lord, will help you to be desperate with the Lord for the yieldedness, faith, patience, communication skills, love and understanding that you'll need. The Enemy fights missionaries very hard—and one of his favorite attacks is from the inside, trying to sow division. That is one of the main battles you must commit to fighting continually, for unity is vital to your mission.

(12) Be committed to investing in a work. You must realize that in many of these countries you cannot expect quick results. You are in the season of plowing and planting, and in time the harvest will come. Come prepared to work slowly and steadily for some time before you see many results.

(13) Be desperate with the Lord for His wisdom and leading. There are plenty of evil spirits trying to distract, hinder, delay, and outright destroy your work. In ­order to stay one step ahead of them you'll need to stay in constant communication with the Lord, and be open to the leadings and checks of your co-workers as well. You won't be able to make a move without prayer and hearing from Him!

(14) Pray for patience and be prepared to shtick! It takes time to stop and hear from the Lord. It takes time to counsel with your teammates. There will be times when things will move very slowly, and there will be other times when they will move very quickly. This is par for the course, and you won't be able to quit or move or decide you want a different ministry during the slow times. Come with the mindset of remaining on the field for the rest of your life—as it will take time to get to know the country and the people and establish a work.

172. Above all, if you have the Lord's love for these people‚ everything else will fall into place. You'll be willing to give up anything and everything for them in order to see them saved and healed. You'll be willing to yield, to wait, to persevere‚ to endure—because you love them so much you're not willing that any should perish. You will not let them go, but will love them all the way into Heaven. If you love them with Jesus' love, your love will not fail them! Go in love and you can't lose! I love you! (End of message from Dad.)

173. (Mama:) After reading that lengthy list of requirements you may feel a little discouraged‚ or you may wonder if you're able to live up to that standard. Maybe you don't even want to try. I must admit, it does seem like a tall order. But remember, our God is the God of the impossible! "All things are possible to him that believeth!" If you're willing to be made willing‚ and you want to fulfill these require­ments and have these qualities, then if you ask with a sincere heart, our Heavenly Father is not going to give you a serpent or a stone—He's going to give you what you've asked for.

174. If you feel like you can't do it‚ don't worry about it! Of course you can't! But God can through you. Many of you are living up to these requirements, or at least most of them, even now on your present fields. There are always areas that each of us could stand improvement in‚ but the Lord looks on our hearts‚ and if we're willing, yielded, and trying to do our best‚ then He'll do what we can't do and make us a blessing to our field and to the lost.

175. Besides, the Lord wants you to make it! It's within His interest to help you to live up to this high commission, because He needs you to be His hands, His eyes, His feet, His mouth—His mission­aries! And believe me, though it may appear to be a great sacrifice to prepare yourself for a move to the mission field, or to raise the standard in your own life if you're already on a mission field, the Lord will more than repay you if you do. The fruit you will reap is well worth it—eternal souls and lives won into His ­Heavenly Kingdom!

[Continued in GN 825]