KEYWORDS: time, faith, love, things, life, lord

Words of Wisdom, Part 1

Karen Zerby

By Maria ML #3614 10/06

Happy New Year‚ dear Family!

1. I love you! I hope you had a great year-end, with many victories and a lot of progress to praise the Lord for. It's a good time to look back and thank the Lord for all that He helped you to do. The end of one year and the beginning of another is also a good time to look ahead, to get the vision of what the Lord wants to do in the months to come, and there's nothing like His Word to provide that vision!

2. This Letter is a compilation of short prophecies and jewels that are pulled from longer prophecies. I call them vitamins, because they're small and compact and yet they deliver a lot of spiritual "nutrition" if you think about them and meditate on them. These spiritual vitamins are great. They are shorter than most messages from the Lord, and they're full of variety. I pray that you'll find them feeding and inspiring.

3. As I was working on this Letter‚ the Lord gave a little something on how He considers variety to be an important part of our spiritual feeding. He said, "Variety in your Word time is about as important to your spirit as physical relaxation is to your body. Just as you need and enjoy times when you can let your hair down and relax‚ so your spirit appreciates and needs variety in its spiritual feeding. You need the 'meat' of My messages to keep your convictions strong, you need the 'sweets' of encouragement and commendation to keep you inspired, and the 'vitamins' of food for thought to help keep you challenged and interested and desiring more."

4. I love these little bits of wisdom! And I find not only the variety important, but also the fact that these short messages often feed us in a very personal way. They're short‚ simple, and clear. They're easy to read, absorb, digest‚ and be fed from even in the midst of a busy day. And they're in a form that makes it easier for the Lord to break through to our minds and show us something we might not have been open to otherwise.

5. I hope you will find these as inspiring and feeding as I have found them to be, and that they're a refreshing addition to your Word times. As you read them, if they spark further questions or thoughts or hunger to find out more on a topic, jot your thoughts down so that you can go back to them and ask the Lord about them, talk to your shepherds or research the Word on the topic, and be fed and strengthened further.

Much love,

(Note: All these messages were given in prophecy. The messages in the first person are from Jesus‚ and others are from David or other spirit helpers.)

6. It's not enough to just want Me to help you; you must ask Me for the help.


7. As you pour out, I will pour in, and you can never outpour Me. I will bless and reward you for your labors of love far beyond your wildest dreams.


8. I am recording each and every deed that you've done and are doing out of love for Me and others. Not one thing goes unnoticed by Me. The list of loving deeds is getting long, and in like manner, the pile of rewards is getting high, and I can't wait to bestow My many blessings upon you. I give you tokens of these blessings and rewards now, little symbols or samples of what is to come, but it's nothing compared to what's waiting for you after this life.


9. When I think of you, My heart swells with pride because I see the love, the concern, and the care that you give others. Nothing pleases Me more than those who give out of love and expect nothing in return. Those are the ones who are truly great in My Kingdom.


10. When you feel as though you don't have one ounce of strength left to give, come to Me and let Me refill you with My love and My Spirit, which will help you to give and give and give again, for it will not be you giving of yourself, but rather My Spirit giving through you.


11. When you feel that you can't make it through another day‚ call in spiritual reinforcements and ask for an extra measure of supernatural strength, grace, endurance, and anything that you need, and I will give it to you.


12. Just as you would expect a child to ask for your help when he's trying to lift an object that's too heavy for him, or trying to reach something too high for him, so I expect you to ask Me to help you when the burdens are too heavy and the obstacles are too difficult for you to navigate. As a loving parent, I will do everything within My power to make things easier for you; you have but to ask.


13. When you're in a tight spot, even if it's the tightest spot you've ever been in, remember that there's still always space for Me.


14. I greatly enjoy our times of fellowship and communion. Even if you only have time to stop for a few moments and offer up a short prayer or a praise of thanksgiving, those times are special to Me and I cherish them, because it is time spent with you.


15. Take some time today to enjoy My beautiful creation and all its marvels. Even if it's just to take a moment to look out a window and enjoy the view, it can refill and refresh you, and remind you of My existence.


16. Try this praise game today. See if you can remember to stop and praise Me every hour. You don't have to stop what you're doing; just mentally start thanking Me for whatever you can think of, big and small‚ and take a spiritual "praise break."


17. Did you know that some of those thoughts you have as you go about your day are from Me? It's My voice speaking to you, leading you, guiding you‚ instructing you and counseling you. Pay attention to those thoughts sometime and see if it is not so!


18. I can and I will care for you, and I never fail. It's as simple as that.


19. Always remember that the future is in My hands. Any time you are tempted to fear or worry about the future, remember that this is just speculation on your part. You don't know the future, only I do, and I will always take care of it for you.


20. Try having a running conversation with Me sometime. It's fun! This is especially helpful when you come up against a problem or difficulty. You can start the conversation by thinking, "Lord, what should I do?" and then wait for Me to reply!


21. You're talking to the Premier Master at turning defeat or seeming defeat into victory. I've been at this for a long time, so believe Me when I say I'm capable. Will you let Me have a go? I'll need you to give Me space to work. Will you trust Me? I'm here for you.


22. In your times of battles, I will send forth My angels of mercy to care for you. You will never be alone or forsaken, for I will send forth many to stand by your side, to comfort you, to protect you, and to uphold your drooping spirit.


23. I understand what you're going through and I promise not to give you more than you can bear. My presence will be with you constantly to comfort you during this time.


24. In this time of battle, let Me open the windows of Heaven to you. You'll feel so much closer to Me and to the things of the spirit during this time. I will allow you to experience and feel a greater measure of My spiritual power being manifested in many areas of your life.


25. I will give you the grace for each step that I will lead you on in this path I have chosen for you. You'll be amazed at the faith and trust that you'll receive from My hand to be able to go through these times and not falter or fear.


26. At your request, I will send forth My angels of mercy to minister to you, and give you supernatural grace to take each step along this road I have placed you on.


27. Hold fast to My promises that I will keep you during this time. Do not allow the Enemy to steal away your confidence in Me, or to get you to doubt My love for you. For though I allow these troubles to befall you, it is within My plan to bring you through these deep waters, for through them you'll be able to learn the things I have for you to learn, and you'll be able to fulfill the destiny I have for you.


28. Trust in Me during this time and know that I have sent ministering spirits to keep you company. They will never leave your side, but will continue to minister to you through it all.


29. You are My love and I hold you tight. The worse things may seem, the closer I'll hold you.


30. I will not fail you, least of all when things seem to get worse. Look above and beyond the circumstances and feel My presence in your heart strengthening you.


31. I understand your worst fears and know your worst pain. Having lived on Earth, I know everything you will ever go through, and I will help you through whatever difficulty you face.


32. I am your God, your Lord‚ your Lover. Every pain you have, I feel. I promise that I will not allow anything into your life that is not good for you in some way. I will only give you what you need to help you to grow in the spirit and be what I want you to be.


33. You are Mine, and My love for you will hold you close through all your battles.


34. Your times are in My hands. Nothing can happen to you without My express permission. I am in control and will keep you through anything.


35. Keep your eyes on Heaven. Fill your heart with My promises. Hold on to your faith and your crown, knowing that your present suffering (trying as it may be)‚ is only for a moment and not worthy to be compared with the blessings and rewards that I have in store for you.


36. The weaker you are, the stronger I can be in you; the less there is of you, the more room there is for Me.


37. No problem is beyond My ability to solve, but sometimes I do not solve problems right away or change the situation, because I am working out something better for you. Trust Me that I know best. Hold out for My best, and be blessed!


38. When your heart is overwhelmed‚ bring it to Me; let Me pick you up and carry you through your trial. You need not walk alone or battle by yourself. Let Me carry you and bring you safely through to victory. As you rest in My loving arms of comfort‚ and hear My reassuring words, I will see you through.


39. Keep on keeping on. Keep on praying. Keep on witnessing. Keep on believing and trusting in My supply.


40. Let not your heart be troubled; be not overwhelmed by this trial you are now faced with. All things come from Me, and I have brought this into your life now that you might learn desperation and humility. Desperation and humility are good spiritual qualities, for when you pray in a desperate and humble manner, there is nothing that I will not do for you. These are My gifts to you, and they'll be a strength and help to you in the days to come.


41. Sometimes when you're in the midst of a trying time, the battle can seem like an impenetrable wall blocking your way‚ and all your efforts to break through seem to have no effect. But if you keep forging ahead no matter what, if you keep going and progressing, this wall of resistance will vanish, and you will come through stronger than ever!


42. Do not look at this time of trials and tests as a rejection by Me, but rather as a time to leave all the cares of the world behind and to run into My arms. I love you and I will not let anything harm you in any way. I have to let you go through the valley of shadow and despair sometimes, because then you turn to Me for the comfort and encouragement you need. You're more appreciative of My love. When I encourage and comfort you, you remember once again how much I love you, how much I care for you and want to be close to you.


43. If you ask Me for the glasses of positiveness‚ I will help you to see others and the situation around you with My eyes, which always see the good and the possibilities.


44. It's not within you to always have a positive viewpoint. The trials and the hard times of life can make things seem dark or discouraging or disheartening. But if you ask Me for My point of view, I can show you the beauty and the victories and the good fruits that will come out of even the most difficult situations.


45. Any event can be viewed from many angles‚ but the only correct view, the only complete view, is God's view. To have the privilege of looking at things from God's viewpoint takes great humility and diligent prayer. But once you see something as God sees it, you will have more faith, more peace of mind, a clearer understanding and more conviction to follow His will.


46. There is nothing the Devil can do that you and I can't defeat. So no situation is beyond help! No plan that I have fostered is destined for defeat! My will always prevails‚ and I will always get the victory in the long run.


47. The positive outlook is the best outlook. Asking Me to show you the Romans 8:28 in any situation will help you to see the good that I have planned to come from it, and will help you to overcome.


48. People may think you are foolish when you choose to maintain a positive point of view, but remember, the foolishness of men is wisdom with Me, and My wisdom is foolishness to men (1 Corinthians 1:25-29).


49. I love you, and am using this trial to bring you closer to My side, to force you to learn dependence on Me and to cause you to stretch your faith and to believe My promises, though having not seen them. Look at Abraham, who was willing to sacrifice his promised son‚ knowing that My word to him could not be broken. Oh, that you would learn such faith—the faith of Abraham, the faith to trust Me despite seeming contradiction to My promises. (See Genesis 22:1-18.)


50. Real faith never quits, and you will never be defeated as long as you keep fighting, keep praying, and keep looking to My Word for the answers. As long as you never give up, but trust in My strength to help you, you will always rise above the obstacles of life.


51. If you never suffer any opposition, are you really doing the Lord's highest? That's one of the true signs that you are making progress for the Lord and living godly. "Yea, all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (2 Timothy 3:12).


52. We should be as revolutionary as our "Commander in Chief," Jesus. He was attacked and persecuted, just as we are, yet He stood by the truth. He had to fight all of the inroads of the Enemy, just as we do, and He won every battle by claiming His Father's promises. We must learn to fight with the power that He has given us, just as He fought with the power God gave Him.


53. There are two times to praise the Lord—when you feel like it and when you don't. It takes faith to praise the Lord, because that shows Him that you trust Him—you trust that He knows what He's doing in the good times and even in the bad times, and you're willing to praise Him for it all. If you're trusting, you're not heard to fret. If you're fretting, you're not trusting yet.


54. Take a look at nature and the passing of the seasons. When winter comes, it seems like all plant life is dying out and all that is left is a cold wind blowing and a gray sky. But life is still present‚ only hidden in the warmth of the earth while the cold passes over. You can do the same when trials and difficulties arise. Come snuggle close to Me, bury yourself in My love and warmth‚ and let the problems and hardships of the moment pass over you. I will be like the warm earth all around you, protecting you and keeping you from all harm.


55. Praise is definitely the quickest way to victory. Have you ever played one of those simple little computer games where you move a little character through a series of obstacles? When you come to an obstacle or need to climb something, you have to hit a certain key to make your little character jump and get over the obstacle, or climb up. And so it is with your praises. Each time you hit the key of praise, you jump over one of the Enemy's obstacles or climb up one more step toward your goals.


56. Praise is a very important key to success. Like knocking over a row of dominoes, it will trigger a chain of events that will bring the full victory; but one of the dominoes has to start falling before the chain reaction starts. When you start wielding the weapon of praise, you start a chain reaction of events that will bring about the desired effects of your prayers. It may be an instant answer‚ or it may take a little longer‚ but the chain reaction will be started and the answer will be on its way.


57. It is often not how hard you hang on that wins the battle, but how quickly you learn to let go of your cares and concerns, and reach out and hold fast to Me and My promises.


58. It is not how tough you are, but how true you are to Me and My Word that wins the victory.


59. Praise is not just the path to victory—praise is the victory! Praise is the triumphant voice of God's Spirit in you declaring the glorious outcome of every battle even before it can be seen.


60. Don't look at negative circumstances as problems. See them as miracles that I am about to perform!


61. Yielding to My will is only the first step to victory‚ but once you take that step, all of the others will be much easier.


62. Claiming the key of yieldedness is the first step in receiving My answer for any situation or problem. Then continue to claim the key of yieldedness and I will continue to show you the next step, and every single step you need to take to receive My solutions.


63. Resting in the Lord—just what does this mean? The picture that comes to your mind may be different from the next person's, but more than anything, resting in the Lord means committing more things to Him in prayer‚ and not trying to carry those cares and burdens on your own shoulders.

64. Resting in the Lord is an act of deep trust and love. It's a verb—an action—because you have to consciously put forth the effort to trust in Him rather than in your own natural abilities, which doesn't always come easily.

65. Resting in the Lord is setting Him free to go to work. It's actually one of the highest compliments you can give Him, because you are handing your care or concern to Him in full faith, knowing He'll take care of that problem better than you can, and in the way He knows best.

66. Resting in the Lord is like climbing up into His arms. Picture yourself as a little child—a toddler—who knows that the safest and most secure place is being curled up in the arms of a loving parent. That's where he sleeps soundly‚ in the knowledge that those arms will always be underneath him, supporting him.


67. We're spiritual beings, not just flesh and blood. That means your spirit needs food each day, as well as your body. The Proverb is certainly true that "the spirit of a man sustains him" (Proverbs 18:14). Your spirit is what keeps the entire you going. It keeps you pressing onward; it gives you the incentive to put your body into motion. So it stands to reason that the nourishment you give your spirit each day will affect your physical body—the more spiritual nourishment, the more sustaining power for your physical body as well.


68. You'll always have the strength you need for each day if you faithfully commit your day to Him. He's promised that "as thy days, so shall thy strength be" (Deuteronomy 33:25). The secret is in that simple act of dependence: giving your day to Him.


69. When your own strength runs out, that's when His is just beginning. He delights in showing His superior and supernatural strength. And how is it best manifested?—Through your weak and earthen vessel, that He may be glorified.


70. Tired? Feel like you can't take another step or meet even one more need or demand? He knows, and He understands. He was in all points touched as we are, having experienced our human limitations (Hebrews 4:15). Therefore He's always more than ready to reach down and compassionately give you the strength you need to continue on.


71. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and all creation bears witness to His awesome power and supply (Psalm 50:10). His children—and their care and safekeeping—are at the top of His list of priorities. Ask of Him in faith, and true to His nature as a doting Father and Ultimate Provider, your need will be met.


72. "He giveth His beloved rest." What a beautiful thought: to be called His beloved. But that's how He looks at each one of us—as His beloved. That means we're each loved very much, and He's going to give us the rest and sleep we need. All we need to do is look to Him for that sound sleep and rest that our bodies need.

73. It's easy to think of good sleep as being too small and inconsequential a thing to ask or bother the God of the Universe to supply for us. But if He took the time to make sure that scriptural promise was recorded for us—His beloved—then He means for us to cash in on that promise and receive the reward (Psalm 127:2).


74. His eye never misses what we give in service to others. That means both the big things and the little things. There's nothing that escapes His gaze, and one day you'll be rewarded in full for all you have given. You never lose by giving, even if at times it looks like you lost. Even if you don't see any tangible results or fruit from your labors and giving here on Earth, you will receive in full in Heaven. That's something that is guaranteed.


75. The Lord must have known that we needed to know about the rewards waiting for us in Heaven‚ because the promises of His rewards for our giving and service for others are sprinkled all throughout His written Word. He must have known that the going would be tough and even the giving would be tough at times, so in His loving foresight He gave us that wonderful encouragement to hold onto, 1 Corinthians 2:9: "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him."


76. Knowing the author opens a new level of understanding of their book. Spend time with Me, and My Word will open up to you and become alive and refreshing‚ life-sustaining!


77. Love continues to love even when it's not reciprocated. You may not always see the fruits of the love you give. Some people are harder to love than others, but I see all things, and love never ever fails. Whatsoever you do, do in love, and you will reap eternal rewards. I am love (1 John 4:8).


78. When there is much to do and even less time than usual to do it in, pray, and I will help you to do what needs to be done. I will give you the faith to trust Me for the things that don't get done, and have time to spare.


79. One step at a time, one prayer at a time, one praise at a time, and everything will fall into place before you.


80. When you are tired and feel like you can't go on, that you can't take one more step, that's when I will pick you up and carry you through whatever difficulty you're facing.


81. Taking time to help others is one of the most important things that you can do in life. And, in doing so‚ you make Me want to help you more as well.


82. Be not weary in well doing, for if you keep on going despite the circumstances, you will reap the rewards and be happy that you didn't give up (Galatians 6:9).


83. No problem or difficulty lasts forever. Things come and go. Life is like a roller coaster, but I am constant. My love for you is always there, and I will get you through any challenge that you face.


84. I'm never too busy for you. In fact, I am always here for you, just waiting for you to ask Me anything you want, and then I love to answer your prayers.


85. When your day is done and you lie down to rest, set your mind on Me and I will take care of everything you can possibly think of, and make your sleep sweet and refreshing.


86. Go slow, take your time today. Enjoy this world and those around you, and you will feel more inspired about the day, and feel satisfied at the end of it.


87. The outlook may not always be good, but the uplook is great. Keep your eyes on Me and I will make everything go smoothly and efficiently.


88. Why did I have to come to Earth? Why was I born? Was it just to do miracles? Was it just to show that My Father loves you? Those were some of the reasons, but it was also for My sake, so that I could feel what you experience and what it means to be human, and so that when I say "I know how you feel‚" you will believe Me.


89. This life and its limited existence can be so full of care, worry, and fear if you let those things in. But if you instead choose to accept My love and My perspective in all things, you will begin to see the opportunity in every difficulty, the positive in every negative situation. You will have the faith to rise above this finite world and accept that there is a higher plan for your life and that I am the One Who is ultimately in control.


90. Do your prayers seem to be unanswered? Do you wonder if I really care and hear? These are questions that all My children ask and tests that they each have to go through in order for their faith to be strengthened. If you never faced difficulties and never had to weather a storm, your depth of faith and belief in Me would not be solid. It is when you pass through the wind, the rain‚ and the fires of life and still remain steadfast in your determination to follow Me that your faith becomes pure gold.


91. When I promised to keep My children and to deliver them, I did not say that I would take them out of the difficulties that they faced. True, sometimes I do, but more often than not I choose to bring them through those difficulties, because that's how I prove My power. If My children knew that as soon as they faced a difficulty they would immediately be pulled out of it‚ what strength of spirit would that bring about in their life? So in bringing you through tough times‚ difficulties, and hardships, I am able to bring My blessings of ultimate peace in the midst of any situation‚ faith that is not shaken, and a love for Me that nothing and no one can take away.


92. It took faith for Me to come to Earth and to believe that I could make a difference as a human. It took faith to believe in My Father's plan, that I could actually accomplish something as great as changing the course of the history of the world by the love I showed in living and dying for mankind. But My Father's plan worked!

93. It takes faith to believe that I have a plan for your life and that you are following it. It takes faith to believe that you are actually making a difference in the hearts and lives of others. But you will see, as I did with My Father's plan, that you are accomplishing My will and doing what I have called you to do.


94. The things that seem so difficult today are the things that, in the future, you will be thankful that you experienced, because they will have taught you important lessons of faith, patience and wisdom. It's never easy, but these will be the things that the spiritually stronger you of the future will praise and thank Me for bringing you through.


95. I am the God of the Universe‚ and all that this world contains is Mine, and Mine to give. The Devil may think that he owns and controls it, but really, I am the One Who is ultimately in control. When you need something, ask Me for it and I will bring it. Even if I have to part a Red Sea of obstacles and difficulties to bring it to you, I will! If something is My will, and if you have been obedient and are doing your best to stay close to Me, I will supply it! So ask‚ and you will receive.


96. I never promised an easy life, but I did promise to never leave you! I never said that you would be loved by those of this world‚ but I did promise that I would receive you as My Own child. I never said that life would be without struggles, but I did promise that you could do all things through My strength (Hebrews 13:5; John 14:3; Philippians 4:13).


97. Life is very much like sailing. I am your Captain and I know the seas of life. Many are content to just sail around in the safe harbors and not really go anywhere with their life; whereas others set their sails toward the horizon and head out into the open sea. It takes faith to set out into the unknown, to believe that My Word is true and that I will keep you safe and lead you on a true course. This type of faith is learned through difficult situations where you do what I show you to do and you find that it works out.

98. With each test comes stronger faith. The shores of My blessings are not visible to those who stay in the harbor and never venture out; it takes faith to set sail and find them. Don't believe the doubter who has never ventured out of the safety of his harbor and who says‚ "There are no new shores, no new challenges, nothing new to learn." Be the first to venture out, to let Me set the course of your life!


99. Let every morning be a fresh start. As you forgive others and ask for the Lord's forgiveness yourself, He wipes the slate clean, and brings with each day a new beginning.


100. Do your best, and then rest, knowing that the Lord will do what you can't. Excellence is attainable, but perfection is reserved for the Lord.


101. When your mind is on your troubles
and you can't sleep,
Try counting your blessings,
instead of sheep.


102. No amount of kindness and loving concern is ever wasted. Even the smallest bit of love planted in a needy heart will some day bring forth fruit.

Copyright © 2006 by The Family International