KEYWORDS: love, time, spirit, jesus, praise

Celebration of Love!, A

Karen Zerby

By Maria 3570 10/05

GN 1156 FD/MM/FM / FEAST 2006

This is a prepared script for an evening of loving Jesus together as a Home‚ and is to be held on the night before day one of the Feast, as the opening meeting of the Feast. It is for those who are 16 and up. The person leading the meeting should read the full Letter ahead of time‚ in order to be prepared with the songs and activities that are included.

Please have one or two good readers prepared to read the script. Whether or not you pass out copies of this GN to your Home during this meeting is up to you. There are portions of the script where Jesus asks everyone to close their eyes and just listen‚ but during other portions some people might appreciate being able to follow along.

There is one point where the script calls for instrumental music. Please choose something ahead of time that will be appropriate to the mood and occasion‚ and that won't distract from what is being read. There are some BMTs to some of our Family Loving Jesus songs on the MO site, or you might be able to find some beautiful hymn instrumentals that could be inspiring. You'll probably want to avoid instrumentals to System songs that would remind people of the words of those songs and be distracting.

There are places in the script which call for a song to be played on CD, and in other cases call for a song to be sung by everyone. Here's a little counsel from the Lord about the times when a song is to be sung by everyone. He originally said that it should be sung with a guitar or a cappella, and when we asked Him about including the option of playing it on tape or CD for those Homes that don't have an inspirationalist‚ He said,

"The problem with including the option of playing something on tape is that most people will default to that, and then miss out on the humility and special blessing that you receive when you actually put words and song behind those feelings of love in your hearts for Me, and actually sing them and carry the music yourselves. If Homes don't have someone who can sing at all, then to play a song on tape and sing along with it would be better than nothing. But a tape should be a last resort. My first preference is that My brides sing to Me either with a guitar or instrument, or a cappella, because of the blessings and rewards it brings them personally when they get out of themselves and really sing with their whole hearts to Me."

1. (Jesus:) I want you to open this meeting in united singing to Me. Have someone lead in two praise or Loving Jesus songs, or play the CDs or MP3s. Before you even open in prayer, open in song. Before you ask anything of Me or make any petition whatsoever, come before Me with singing and thanksgiving, for this is greatly pleasing to Me. Encourage all to sing from their hearts regardless of the sound of their voice. Whether they feel like a good singer and can belt out the words boldly, or whether they question their singing ability and prefer to sing more quietly, all should join in the symphony of praise to Me. These songs are the first step to entering into My realm. (Pause here and have two praise or Loving Jesus songs, as the Lord instructed.)

(Then an opening prayer:)

2. Dear, sweet Jesus, our most precious Husband and most satisfying and intimate Lover, we're thrilled that it's now our time to enter into Your secret chambers and enjoy a time of loving, of praise, of spiritual sex—a time where we will feel Your heart beating close to ours, and we will hear Your fresh, pure words that You have made available only to us, Your intimate brides.

3. We don't know what this time will hold for us, or what surprises You have in store, but we want to tell You that we love You, Jesus, and we will do whatever we can in this time to make You happy and to try to return to You some of the pleasure and exhilarating touches and kisses of love that You give to us. Whatever will make You happy, Jesus, we want to do it. Your wish is our command.

4. Unitedly we open our hearts and spirits and ask You to make each of us the bride and lover that You want us to be. Keep our minds stayed on You and guard us from any distracting thoughts, any burdens of the day, any cares of the world, any doubts or hesitations—anything that could come between us in the bed of love.

5. We thank You for the marvelous spirit helpers available to us to aid us in becoming better lovers, and we call on their help now. Please send us Ecstasy to free us in the spirit. Send Dad to impart to us his passion for loving You all the way. We call for the help of our personal Elerian and the Blue Angels to make us wild and free lovers for You.

6. We're ready now to come to You, Jesus, and we're eagerly anticipating what You have in store for us.

(Someone will now need to read this message from Jesus:)

7. (Jesus:) Thank you, My brides, for opening yourselves to Me. I have such marvelous gifts of love for you, such restoring of your souls, such pleasure, such intimate words of love straight from My heart to give to you. All I need is open vessels to receive‚ and as you each pledge your open hearts, minds, and bodies to Me, I will fill you. Thank you for this gift of love and of trust.

8. This is what I want each of you to do:

(Soft, instrumental music can start to play now in the background.)

9. Close your fleshly eyes and open your spiritual eyes. Some of you may say that you have a difficult time picturing things with your imagination and cannot see the beauties that I will describe to you, but do not worry about this. I will explain what you are seeing‚ so even if you cannot see or feel what I am showing you with any of your senses‚ your spirit will feel and it will be rejuvenated, loved, and satisfied.

10. First, before you can come into My realm you must disrobe, taking off anything that is carnal and that would hold you back from entering deep into My Spirit. Picture yourself taking off your shoes and socks. The shoes and the socks represent the constraints and hindrances of your physical body—any aches or pains, a headache, sickness, tiredness, or anything that is bothering you physically. Commit these things of the flesh to Me now silently. Tell Me what things of that nature you want Me to free you from, and as you do this, your spirit will remove its "shoes" and come one step closer to full freedom.

(Pause for this time of silent prayer.)

11. Now I want you to remove your shirt or top in the spirit. A shirt covers your heart, and this represents your earthly emotions, any burdens of sadness or weights of heartache. Any fears or worries, anything that is bothering you or weighing on your spirit, you must also give to Me now. Again silently commit any affairs of the heart or distracting feelings to Me‚ and I will remove them from you.

(Pause for this time of silent prayer.)

12. Next you must remove your pants or skirt of the spirit, because these too would keep you from being the fully naked, surrendered bride that I need you to be. To Me these coverings of your lower body represent the barriers of the carnal self, any doubts or hesitation that would keep you from being My bride in every way.

13. To remove these things spiritually you must also commit them to Me, telling Me that although your carnal mind may try to come between us, your love for Me is greater than those things, and because of your desire to please Me, you will remove these things too, and come to Me stripped of everything that would come between us in My heavenly realm.

14. As you break down the barriers of the mind and silently tell Me what things stand between us in that way, I will remove them. I will gently take those things and lay them aside, leaving your body, mind, and heart free to love and be loved by Me. Do not worry or fear to confess these things to Me; rather do it gladly, for I will free you.

(Pause for this time of silent prayer.)

15. Now remove the undergarments of spirit by telling Me that you are My free, loving, passionate, and naked bride. Tell Me that you are free to love Me and that you desire My love and My seeds within you, and it will free you from any last remnants of self, and you will become the bride I wish you to be. Tell Me that you release anything of the Earth, and that you are willing to become My bride in all ways‚ and you will be freed in spirit to be so.

(Pause for this time of silent prayer.)

16. Now picture a beautiful naked woman freely flying and dancing through the blackness of space. This is you, My brides. You have left behind your carnal selves and you are free to be the bride of My dreams, My dearest lover. You are one spirit to Me‚ one bride that I will love, and yet I will also love each of you individually. What a beautiful bride you are!

17. Now I am calling you to come up and see Me here in My heavenly realm. I want to love you and I want to be with you. You've pleased Me and excited Me with the depth of your surrender‚ and I don't want to wait any longer to be with you.

18. I'm opening a special channel by which you can speed into My chambers. It's like the tunnel of light that people have described in their life-after-death experiences, except this tunnel is made of heavenly light and heavenly water and the liquid gold of key-powered love.

19. Picture yourself flying upward through this tunnel at awesome speeds. As you fly up to meet Me, you are cleansed and refreshed. You're going so fast that this heavenly water and this liquid gold are purifying every inch of you. It's washing the dirt out of every pore and your skin feels cleaner and fresher than ever before. It's washing through your hair and even takes the slightest tangle or knot out of it. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes you feel more pure and clean than you thought possible. Your whole body tingles with purity, kind of like your mouth does after using a strong mouthwash.

20. Now you pop out of the tunnel and you are standing in My presence. I am so pleased to be with you at last, and you approach Me with arms outstretched, ready to give yourself to Me.

21. Now it is time for you, My brides, to declare for all your fellow brides the words of love that you have in your heart for Me. Tell Me how pleased you are to be in My arms, how much you want to kiss My lips, how much you want to feel My love all over you. Each of you in turn can picture yourself having just arrived in My presence as I have described and can say out loud to Me the words that you would say.

22. Let your fellow brides hear these words of love and don't let shyness hold you back. Let it be a testimony that you love Me and that you are not ashamed to be madly in love with Me. It doesn't matter what words you have to say to Me, whether complex or simple, I just want to hear what is in your heart‚ for that is what is beautiful to Me.

(The instrumental music can fade out now.)

(Everyone then says the words they have to say to Jesus, a few sentences or so, one at a time till each has had a turn.)

23. (Jesus continues: ) Oh, thank you‚ thank you for these words of love. Such passion, such feeling, such emotion! Oh, how you fill My heart to overflowing. I'm crying tears of joy to be loved in such a way. Thank you for not holding back! Thank you for filling My desire. Now let our spirits love together. Let us make love in the realms of My palace.

24. Listen to the words of this song and let My Spirit fill your spiritual imaginations and allow yourself to freely fuck Me in spirit. Hear these words and let them fill you with My Spirit, for I am here with you, and you are here with Me. If you can picture yourself with Me, then do so; or if not, just express to Me the desire of your heart, and whether you see or not, I will feel your love and I will give that love back to you in double measure.

(Play a Loving Jesus song on tape while everyone listens and has personal Loving Jesus time. Suggestions: "Come Take My Love" or "No One Loves as You Love," from "Dancing with Jesus.")

25. Oh, what love! What sweet, passionate love the brides of Christ are giving to their Husband. What ecstasy of the spirit! You are so terrific, each one of you, and you are giving Me such awesome pleasure. Thank you, thank you!

26. Now raise your hands to Me and praise and love Me out loud for the pleasure that I am filling your hearts with. Raise your hands and give Me the sacrifice of your lips‚ your wild and free praises to Me. Don't be content to say the same words over and over, but let your heart express the full range of My love and power. Tell Me you love Me, tell Me you want Me, praise Me, tell Me that I am the Lover of your soul. I will ask Natalia to come and release the praises from your hearts as you join in this spectacular love feast with Me. Your praise angels are also with you, as always, and will be helping you put into words the things you feel in your heart for Me.

(Pause for a time of united praise in words and tongues with arms raised.)

27. Oh, how I dwell in the praise of My people! As David danced wildly before the ark, so I dance wildly through the heavens to the sound of your praise. What terrific music! What a beat! There is nothing that inspires such action and motion in Me as your intimate praises, the thanks of your grateful hearts. I love it!

28. Now, My precious loves, I want to know what you think of the rich gifts I have faithfully showered upon you. You please Me greatly, so it is one of My favorite activities to give you precious jewels and gifts from the heavenly treasure house.

29. And now after this time of intimate loving, I want to hear what you think of these gifts, and I want to enjoy them again with you. Picture a woman who rises from the bed of love and runs through a richly decorated chamber to a massive closet and withdraws from the closet a costly-looking box of jewelry, with many drawers and compartments.

30. She brings this back into the magnificent bed where I am waiting, and together My bride and I are opening the compartments and looking over the jewels and gifts that she has received from Me over the course of our relationship. She is thanking Me for each of them, telling Me how much she loves them, and we are reminiscing together about the occasions on which I gave them to her.

31. Let these be your praises now, My brides. Praise Me for the gifts that I have given you. Anything from the heavenly realm that I have given you as a gift, praise Me for it. The praises need not come quickly or rapid-fire one after the other, if you need some time to think. I don't mind if there are some periods of silence in between, as these will be silences of praise and happy reminiscing as you remember this time or that time in which I gave you a new gift of My Spirit.

32. Many feasts have gone by, My loves. Many pages of Word have been passed on to you. Many prophecies have been given‚ and in each of these I have rained down on you My precious treasures without restraint. Let them bring joy to your hearts, smiles to your faces, and praise to your lips as together we recount My marvelous generosity and the subsequent enrichment of the lives of My brides.

(Popcorn style‚ people praise Jesus for His spiritual gifts.)

(When the praises have finished or died down, someone can lead in a song of praise, whether accompanied by guitar or sung a cappella. Sing something that fits in with the type of praises you just finished.)

33. (Jesus:) That was a lot of fun! I loved looking over those treasures again with you, and enjoying each one. I was right here with you remembering each gift in its turn and what joy it gave Me to give you that special treasure. I remember how you received them—some gladly, and some with hesitation—but how over time each of you came to appreciate them as the big blessings that they were meant to be in your lives, and now you can all praise Me so joyfully for all that I have given you.

34. And now I have another gift to give to you! I've had to work hard not to let the surprise slip sooner, because giving My brides things from My heavenly realm is one of My favorite things. I could hardly wait, but I'm glad I waited till this moment. Stay here in the bed of love, and I'll go get it.

35. (Jesus is narrating:) This time I get out of bed and cross the room to a closet in another part of the room. This closet has a compartment inside that is locked, and the only key I know of to open it is the key of our intimate love. "Oh, yes," I remember. You, My bride, have this key, and I'll have to go get it. I return to where you are waiting, and see the key of intimate love hanging around your neck.

36. Gently I take it off you, and after a quick but passionate kiss on your lips return to the locked compartment. The key of intimate love opens this compartment, which looks something like a bar, with lots of bottles and vials of various kinds of spirits. I select the bottle I was looking for‚ and bring along with it a special glass as I return to you in the bed of love.

37. This bottle contains the gift I have for you, a strong spirit for you to imbibe. It is the gift of a pure and refreshed spirit. It's for you to drink and to carry inside of you. It's a distilled liquid of the same type that you flew through when you entered My realm. It is crystal clear and chillingly cold, yet somehow it warms your spirit without making you feel too hot or too cold. It makes your whole body tingle and your senses feel sharper than ever.

38. I want to give this to you to help you carry a little bit of Heaven with you as you return to Earth from your time loving Me in My chambers. And I want you to know that now that you know about it, you can come back more often and ask Me for a shot of this refreshment of spirit, and it will cleanse every inch of you and bring you into closer contact with Me, being more acutely aware of My presence.

39. I take the lid off of this bottle and you can see the chilled vapors rising from it‚ like when you bring something really cold out of the freezer. The glass I give you is a little larger than a shot glass, and it too is crystal clear, but very heavy. It's carved from heavenly diamonds, more rare and priceless than any mineral found on Earth.

40. The glass has no special significance except to demonstrate the extent of the spoiling and pampering that I love to give to My intimate brides. I love to parade My riches of the spiritual realm for you because I love you. And because you have won My heart you are entitled to all of these, and I want you to know it. I want you to know how rich and powerful your Husband is and how much I love you.

41. So drink from this diamond glass the liquor of a pure and refreshed spirit. It feels cold on your lips but warm in your body, and once again you will feel that pure, tingly sensation through your entire body. It will wash away the dirt of the world and cleanse you of anything that would make you unfit to enter the heavenly realm. It's yours, My brides, all yours. You can have it anytime.

42. Anytime that you feel you need to come into My presence, but feel a little dirty from the day and from having to live in a carnal, physical world, you can ask for this spirit to be yours. I'll pour you another glass that will give you a spiritual high, relax you, clean you up and make you fit to come into My presence.

43. Do you like it? I hope you do, and I hope that you'll use it more often‚ because it can never run out, and it will do such good for you. I give this to you completely without price or condition; it's all yours because I love you.

(The person leading the meeting should here lead everyone in another praise break with arms raised‚ praising Me for My gifts and for My goodness.)

44. Thank you for this time, My loves. It was wonderful. Our spirits truly met and united, and now as you return to your world‚ you will be taking a little more of Me with you than before you started. You drew nigh to Me and I drew nigh to you and we're closer than we were before. I loved this time and I love you. Thank you for giving yourselves to Me completely.

45. Now listen to this song as you leave My bed of love and return to the physical realm, and know that My bed and My passion are only a heartbeat away. I'm always near you and you can return anytime. I'm only a praise away, a word away, a thought away. You might have to leave in body, but your spirit can always be with Me.

46. And after you kiss Me goodbye and take your leave, make sure to love your brothers and sisters too. They also have been with Me, and the love that I loved you all with has made all your faces shine. Hug and kiss one another goodnight, and you will be hugging and kissing Me. You'll be celebrating the love I gave to each one of you together as My bride, and this will be the perfect end to a perfect evening.

47. Goodnight, My brides! I love you so much, and will always be with you. You're My favorites, each of you, and I'll be waiting and looking forward to the next time we can be together in the bed of love. I love you!

[Play a closing Loving Jesus song on CD or MP3 and everyone can meditate silently, say goodnight to Jesus, etc., and then halfway through the leader of the meeting can get everyone up to hug and love one another. Some suggestions for songs: Beyond Compare (Embrace), All That's Within Me (Dancing with Jesus), Stay by Me (Stay by Me), Nothing Without Your Love (Stay by Me), or whatever the Lord shows you to play!]

Art by Tamar