KEYWORDS: father, pain, earth, time, life

Jesus' Life on Earth, Part 3

Karen Zerby

By Maria ML #3561 8/05 [In Link 7]

Dear Family,

1. For now this will probably be the last part in this series of messages from Jesus about His life on Earth. I hope the previous parts have been an encouragement and inspiration to you and I pray that this one will be likewise. I've certainly enjoyed preparing the material for you.

2. In this Letter Jesus talks about how it's possible for Him to understand us in our afflictions and know how we feel, and what it was like for Him to face persecution and have a traitor as His disciple. He tells us more about the difficult choice He had to make in the garden, before He laid down His life for us, and what it was like to be separated from His Father in Heaven—like the loss we feel on Earth when our loved ones pass from this life to the other.

3. Among other topics, Jesus shares a succinct message about tolerance of others and compassion for others, and also talks about His understanding of single parents and what they face, due to His mother's experiences after Joseph died and what He later experienced in Heaven. And lastly He explains, once again, why He went through everything He did—for us!

4. I pray that these messages will change your life, and that they will move you to make steps of personal progress—whether the progress is in your outlook on people and situations, or your acceptance of Jesus' love for you, or your personal connection with Him. The Word is powerful enough to change us in many wonderful ways.

May our dear Jesus guide you to discover treasures in these messages as you read them!

With much love,

As you'll notice when you read these messages‚ they're short and they jump from one topic to the next. But if you realize that each message is just an excerpt of a longer message and that they're not meant to thread together like a flowing story, it will make for easier reading. This is simply a potpourri of messages—some shorter, some longer—on a number of different topics, which I pray will be interesting and a benefit to you. God bless you!

Significant Choices

5. There will always be too much to do. There will always be something you aren't getting to, and there will always be more you wish you could do. I know the feeling; it was often like that for Me too, but that's why it's all the more important that you have your priorities straight and that you know that the things you're doing are the most important, because those are the things that will bear lasting fruit.

6. You won't always know yourself what's more important or what's most timely, and that's why it's so important that you ask Me. When I was on Earth I wasn't always sure either, so I asked My Father‚ and He helped Me with My priorities. As you'll notice from My life's sample, some of the things I chose to take the time to do weren't always the more obviously important or timely things, like healing someone or raising the dead, for example. I knew I had to be led of the Spirit, I had to listen to My Father, because time was short and I needed to make the very most of the time I had.

7. There was always the press of the people. I felt it even more than you do, and yet I took time to go fishing with My disciples, to talk with the woman at the well, and to spend time with the children, etc. Many of the decisions I made were contrary to the natural mind of man, but I was obedient to the leading of My Father. Some of the seemingly "smaller" decisions I made, or the ones that seemed the most illogical and contrary to natural expectations, were sometimes the ones that had the biggest impact in the lives of others and on history.

8. Follow My sample of listening to My Father each step of the way, and you too will hit the mark and will be the most effective you can be.

The Right Words at the Right Time

9. I know what it feels like to be lied about. I know what it feels like to be challenged to your face. I know what it feels like to be threatened. I was threatened many times. But do you recall the stance I took in those situations? When the elders of the synagogue would question Me in such a way as to try to trap Me in My words, how did I answer? I often answered with a question, or with a parable. Sometimes I even ignored them!

10. Many times‚ especially during the earlier years of My ministry, those were not My reactions of choice. At times I was tempted to feel like dishing out to My enemies a little of what they gave to Me. I was not brash or easily angered‚ but there were times when I was tempted to react with a little more fire. But each time I asked My Father about what reaction I should have, in the majority of cases His response was "love," which always proved to be the greater wisdom.

11. Like My Father, I am going to counsel you to do the same. In asking you to show love to your enemies I am not asking you to be namby-pamby, with a string for a backbone. I was anything but a weakling when answering My enemies' accusations in love and wisdom. Through reacting the way I did, I proved to be the more powerful one. I showed them that I was above their attacks. I showed them that their words couldn't affect Me or harm Me, because I had a greater power than they did. And when they heard Me, they didn't know what to say. They had no comeback to offer. They were embarrassed and ashamed at their folly, and would more often than not quickly leave Me alone.

12. You, too, can have the very same tact and wisdom that I had when on Earth. In fact, you can have it in even greater abundance—through the keys! Call on the keys for My spirit of tact and wisdom to empower your words, to enlighten your mind, and to show you just how and what to say or write to those who stand up against you.

Living with a Traitor

13. I spent My entire ministry with a traitor amongst My closest disciples. Judas didn't just suddenly make his choice. He had been recruited by his former friends‚ the Zealots, early on, to give them information on My every move and word. At first it was supposedly because the Zealots wanted to be sure that I was the Messiah. As time went on‚ the Zealots became more convinced that I was not going to lead them in a physical army against Rome, and finally that I was actually a threat to their plans because I was drawing away many who might otherwise have resorted to supporting them in their violent attempts at a revolution.

14. Judas was not always a snake in the grass. At first he thought he could convince the other Zealots to follow Me. He thought he'd found just who they were looking for and was there to make sure they knew as much about Me as possible. At first he felt he was loyal to both Me and the Zealots, but as time went on and they turned further and further away, his allegiance to his old compatriots became stronger than his loyalty to Me.

15. He became more and more critical of My actions as his Zealot friends clouded his vision with their interpretation of everything he reported, until in the final months he was convinced that I was a traitor to what his friends believed in‚ and therefore what he believed in. At this point he began interpreting everything I said and did by Satan's standards and perspective, and began disseminating it to the Zealots and even the Sanhedrin. He knew that the Pharisees and the Zealots were both looking for a way to rid themselves of Me and he enjoyed what he thought was his brilliance in pulling the wool over My eyes by being so close‚ when inside he'd chosen the darkness.

16. When I told him to go and do what he had to do, he suddenly realized that I had known all along who he was and what he was up to. This infuriated him, and in his rage he went and gave the last bits of information he had to those whom he was pretty sure would put an end to Me.

17. Afterwards, it began to sink in that for Me to have known all he was doing, I had to be who I said I was. He began to see things as they truly were, and then he tried to undo the horrors he'd unleashed. When he saw that he couldn't, he chose the coward's way.

Grace for the Difficult Choice

18. That night in the garden, before I went to the cross, I had to make the choice to willingly give My life. As I had told the people earlier, no man was doing this to Me, but I had made the choice Myself (John 10:17-18)‚ and if I hadn't made it, My Father would have instantly sent a legion of angels to deliver Me. And, yes, He would have delivered Me. But I wouldn't have accomplished His highest will, and I would have failed in My mission to win you, My lost brethren.

19. I, the Lamb of God, was the only One Who could pay the price. I knew this, yet even then it was still difficult to give Myself as a sacrifice. It was still hard! As many times as I had made the decision to yield to My Father's will, the choice was still not easy. I had found out through experience that the choice to do My Father's will brought the highest results, so I knew which would be the right choice. But I asked My Father if there was any other way. When I received His answer‚ I bowed My head and asked for the grace to obey His will one more time (Matthew 26:39).

Losing a Loved One

20. Many people think that because God is omnipotent and omniscient, that My Father and I did not experience the separation that humans experience when a loved one passes on. It can be understood that while on Earth I had to learn to connect fully to My Father again, as I had in Heaven, but most don't realize how it truly was a separation for us both.

21. Though We knew the other was close by, there was still an emotional separation‚ and the emotional separation is the hardest part of having a loved one pass on. My Father and I fully experienced this. We went through a period when I was dying where I was cut off from emotionally feeling My Father's nearness and He was cut off from feeling His Son's nearness. It was brief, but it was agonizing. So yes, we have fully experienced the battles of losing that close emotional connection with a loved one.

22. We also had to learn to experience our emotional connection and oneness on a different plane. When I came to Earth and took on fleshly form, we had to reconnect. That's how it is for you on Earth when your loved one leaves for Heaven; you have to reconnect, for one of you is still on the fleshly plane and the other is now on the spiritual plane.

23. I and My Father experienced this type of separation and had to learn to fully connect on a different plane. Because We experienced this, We are able to comfort you and encourage you, and also guide you in how to reconnect.

I Took Your Pain

24. I do not leave those who trust in Me comfortless (John 14:18). I will help in the hour of pain. I will help your infirmities, for I do make intercession for you.

25. This is one of the reasons I came to Earth, to live among you, to suffer and to die for you, that I might make intercession for you; that I might intercede for you in your sufferings, in your sickness, and in your pain. I will not suffer you to be tempted above what you are able to bear‚ for I made the way of escape when I took the infirmities of your bodies upon My Own shoulders and received in My Own body your pain. I suffered for you when I died on the cross, and this is the escape route that I have provided for you‚ for I have already paid the price. Therefore know that if you will cast your burdens on Me, I will sustain you. (1Corinthians 10:13; Matthew 8:17; Psalm 55:22).

26. Many a man and many a woman in the world have given their life for another. Many have suffered and died for a worthy cause—yet when I gave My life for you, I did not merely die for you. I not only suffered My Own hurt and pain, but it was given to Me to also take on your sufferings and pain. I came in the flesh that I might taste death for every man. I died more than a thousand deaths on that cross; I suffered more than the pain of one man. I died for every man, woman, and child who has ever walked the face of the Earth. I bore the pain of each one. I not only suffered My pain, but I felt your pain also, so that through My stripes you might be healed (Isaiah 53:5).

27. I took the pain, My children‚ of each of you‚ the suffering of each of you. I did not die for only one or feel for only one, but I died for all, I felt for all—each one's pain, each one's suffering—so that you could have a way of escape. When you cast your burdens, your cares, your sufferings on Me‚ I will sustain you, because I already bore it for you. I already took on your pain and your sufferings, so that you, through My suffering, may be healed and delivered and find relief in your hour of need.

28. When I hung on that cross, I paid it all. I endured your suffering that you might be freed, that you might never have to know death—and that you might also be relieved of pain in your hour of need. Therefore‚ My faithful ones have only to cast their burdens on Me. I already paid the price; I already bore the pain and the suffering upon My shoulders.

29. Therefore you have only to stand steadfast and know that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that I will reveal in you (Romans 8:18). This is the strong consolation that I give to My children—that should you suffer for My Name's sake‚ you will also receive great grace and glory to endure hardness, for I will keep you in your hour of need with the power of Heaven, and you will be crowned with glory and honor!

Single Mothers

30. You ask, "You've been touched with all infirmities … but what about my infirmities? Do You know the pain of a single mother? Do You know the pain of loneliness? Do You know the pain of fear of rejection, despair, and hopelessness? Did You ever suffer this on Earth?"

31. I do know your feelings. My very Own mother on Earth was a single mother, a widow, after her husband died. I saw her crying at night when she thought all were asleep. I saw her struggle with the daily cares of life without someone there to support her, bear the load with her, lift the burdens she felt too weak to bear. I felt her pain. I saw her tears. I even heard the silent heartcries of her prayers.

32. It was mainly through that experience on Earth that I realized the full beauty, pure strength, and depth of character that is only found in the heart of a mother who finds herself alone. When I returned to Heaven, I chose to reexperience those moments on Earth, and I took the pain of the single mothers upon Myself—the pain of their loneliness, the pain of their sufferings‚ the pain of their trials. I placed that portion of their heart in My Own so that I would always understand and always be touched with the feelings of their infirmities.

33. (Question:) In those days, wasn't it a Jewish custom to help the widows?

34. (Jesus:) It was not easy being a widow then, just as it is not easy now. There was a sort of welfare system instituted by the Mosaic Law‚ but it covered the meager necessities of life‚ just as your modern welfare systems do, and it was still difficult for the widow. Mary also had few members of her physical family who provided for her. Some were elderly and poor, and others had little regard for her‚ because they considered her promiscuous, having gotten pregnant out of wedlock, as well as irresponsible and flighty for having taken off to Egypt for years, and for what they considered her "delusions of grandeur" for Me and My future. A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and among his own brethren (Matthew 13:57).

The Essential

35. Why do you think I went up to the mountain? I had to get away from it all in order to do that which was most important, and that was to be strengthened and renewed so that I could run the race and finish the task (Matthew 14:23).

36. I had to take it all the way to the end. If I had died by the wayside before I got to the cross, or if I had fainted in My mind spiritually and given up before My time, I would have failed. I would have failed you‚ I would have failed all mankind, I would have failed My Father, and I would have failed all the host of Heaven. I would have failed the whole purpose of creation! I was running a marathon. I saw the goal ahead, and I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt what that goal was and what I had to do to pace Myself to reach that goal.

37. If I hadn't reached that goal, it would have been in vain. Yes‚ I would have shown love to a few or even many people. I would have been the sample of love they needed to see. I would have fed them spiritually with My Father's Words. I would have healed many and convinced them that I was the Son of God. I would have done great works and encouraged many and been their friend and lifted them out of the doldrums. I would have made them happier and changed their lives and outlook for the better. But if I had failed to make it to the cross, it would have all been in vain!

38. I was the Lamb of God. There was no one else who could be that. If I had not made it that far, I would have failed in the one priority that was absolutely necessary, the one thing that had to be done even if nothing else was accomplished—to reach that cross and die for you. I had to put all else aside that in any way hindered that. Everything I did had to be in the direction of that goal.

Compassion for Others

39. I was a Man of passion and drive, and I gave My all wholeheartedly toward any task My Father set before Me. I was willing to die daily for the sake of My Father's will. I counted it a privilege and blessing.

40. One day I saw the discouragement in Peter's eyes because he couldn't live up to My same passion and drive. We'd walked a day's journey in the heat, and even though it was late and most people were in bed for the night, I was set on doing one more thing. But when I saw the look in Peter's eyes, how that usual spark was missing‚ and heard the discouragement in his voice, I felt that if I pushed further I would be pushing beyond My Father's wiser judgment. I heard My Father's voice, "Son, it's time to relax. The work will be there tomorrow and I will give You the strength for it. Tonight I want to reward You for a job well done."

41. So we went to a friend's house and had a feast with wine and merriment. Instead of talking about the work ahead of us, I told Peter how much I needed him and appreciated his help and counsel, how I depended on him and valued his wisdom. You should have seen Peter's eyes the next day—bright as a shining star—and he was practically singing. The work was still important, but I couldn't do it without My valuable right arm—My disciples.

Grace for Persecution

42. "There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man" (1Corinthians 10:13). When I was there in the flesh, I was a man of like passions, similar to you. Everyone is fearful of the future to some extent. It's much like the story of D. L. Moody, when he was asked if he had dying grace. He answered, "No, because I'm not dying yet!"

43. Do you have the grace for persecution? Right now‚ no. If you meditate on it and think of all the terrible things that could happen, you would say you don't have the grace for persecution, because you aren't going through it yet.

44. So, as I said, everyone has a measure of grace, and when the time comes for great grace, you will be given it. I had a lot of it on the eve of My crucifixion. I prayed, "If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me!" My Father allowed this test, and I told the disciples, "Don't you think at this moment I could pray and bring more than twelve legions of angels to My rescue?" (Matthew 26:53). They had seen the miracles, and that was the kind of power they were used to seeing. But they were fearful. They even ran away. As it says, all forsook Me and fled (Matthew 26:56).

45. They saw that I wasn't going to use the power that was given to Me to call for the angels. I told Pilate the same thing, "But now is My Kingdom not from hence." I told him that he had no power over Me except what was given to him from above (John 18:36; 19:11).

46. I had to be cautious during My life on Earth‚ the closer it got to My seeming end. I didn't walk openly amongst the Jews, because they sought to kill Me (John 11:53-54). But I was in tune with the voice of My Father, Who told Me when to be open, when to hide, and when to pass by.

47. Just as I weathered life on Earth in service to My Father, and endured all of the persecution that came with it‚ so will you. You will be able to weather whatever I bring your way. As it has been said, "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (2Timothy 3:12)—But you won't just "suffer" it, you'll be delivered from it. One way or another, you'll be victorious, just as I was! You'll have the grace for it, just as I did!

Impartial Love

48. I am not selective in My love, as My Father is not selective in His love. Be followers of Me, and follow the example I left you when I walked on Earth.

49. As I became flesh and dwelt among you, this itself was proof of My Father's impartiality. My Father did not show Me favoritism by giving Me special treatment as a human. He did not show Me favoritism by putting Me in a comfortable position, raining down earthly wealth and riches. He did not show Me favoritism by giving Me any other earthly powers that are not made available to you.

50. I walked the dusty roads. I had no earthly possessions to speak of. I was a stranger and a pilgrim. My Father allowed Me to be tested and tempted the same as you. I felt the things that you feel. I had to face the same decisions that you face. I had to deal with the majesty of choice. I had to make My Own decisions. I had to learn obedience through the things I suffered. I hungered. I thirsted. I was afflicted. I knew what it was to have a broken heart. I was despised and rejected of men. I was weak and weary and footsore. I battled with the flesh as you battle. I was tempted in all points as you are. I was the same as you. I had no special dispensations in the flesh that you don't have. I know what it is to feel forsaken‚ lonely, weary, and destitute.

51. As Pilate questioned Me‚ and the crowds jeered, asking why‚ if I was the King of kings, did not My armies fight; why‚ if My Father was Who I said He was, did He not send legions to rescue Me on the spot? "Why?" they wanted to know. It was because it was not My destiny and My Father did not play favorites. I had to fulfill the role, My particular role that was Mine to fill. I had to fill the role and pass the tests without any special help or favoritism from above. I was not favored over you. I had to go through the same things, feel the same feelings, pass the same tests—for I was a human as you are a human, the same in all points.

52. As My Father above has set the ultimate sample in not showing favoritism, and I have followed, I say to you, follow also. I went around everywhere doing good, loving and showing impartial love to all those who crossed My path (Acts 10:38). Do likewise.

I Couldn't Let You Down

53. The secret of My victory, what helped Me to keep the vision and press ahead to win victories and continue on in the fight, was when I looked around at the people that surrounded Me. Getting out among the crowds, being faced with the needy situations and having to fight the battles, was what spurred Me on to keep fighting and not give up.

54. I didn't give up!—Because of others, because of you, because I knew I could not let you down. And even though at times it looked like I was failing, I had to press on. I had to simply trust My Father above, knowing that He could not and would not fail. Knowing that your salvation was at stake was what kept Me trusting and kept Me desperate and militant in spirit, determined to not let go.

55. Had it just been for My Own sake, My Own victory, it would have been much more tempting to give up the fight. But every time I lifted My eyes and looked upon the multitudes, the needy souls, the hungry hearts‚ the sorrowful ones, the desperate and the destitute, those dying without answers—this was what compelled Me to fight on.

56. Knowing I had to fight for others' sakes was what compelled Me to put aside Satan's temptations to lean to personal, selfish desires and carnal lusts. As I lifted My eyes and looked upon others, their need was etched in My mind and burned in My heart and soul, and I felt that driving desire to fight and win and defeat Satan once and for all. I knew I was fighting for the lives and hearts and souls of men and women who were worth it all.

57. My children, if you would be strengthened to fight the battles at hand, I say lift up your eyes, look on the fields that are white and ready to harvest, and be encouraged, knowing that you hold in your hand the keys to freedom that can soothe their troubled minds, bring them peace and comfort and good cheer, heal their weary bodies, and set them free.

58. The need at hand, the lost and lonely around Me‚ drove Me and compelled Me to march on to victory. This is what made a fighter out of Me, willing to fight and die for you, that you might be free. When Satan tempted Me and offered Me all his worldly kingdoms, it was your need, the needs of the lost and dying world, that kept Me strong, so that I did not accept his offer, nor entangle Myself with the affairs of the world.

59. I say to you, My children, if you too would follow in My footsteps, if you would be strong, keep your eyes on Heaven. The only way the Devil can win is if you quit, if you give up, if you accept his lying vanities (Jonah 2:8; John 8:44). Therefore‚ be not entangled with the affairs of the world, as I did not entangle Myself with the affairs of this world‚ but look to Heaven. Hold on to your faith. Let it grow. Allow it to flourish by getting out and exercising it. Lift up your eyes and look on the fields. Get out and face the need. Give to others what I have given to you.