KEYWORDS: praise, spirit, prayer, keys, enemy, power

Praise Your Way to Victory!

Karen Zerby

Keys to Victory series

By MariaMaria #647 CM/FM 3449 1/03

Dearest Family,

1. Here is another assortment of jewels from our precious Lover on a variety of topics pertaining to our spiritual growth, strength, happiness and effectiveness for Him. I pray it's a blessing and strength to you.

Much love in our faithful Giver, Mama

Why Praise?

2. We asked the Lord to explain to us why praise is important and why praise is the voice of faith.

3. (Jesus speaking:) Praise connects you to Me in the spirit. It summons My attention, and solidifies our connection. It brings you into My presence in the spirit. It puts your spirit in close proximity to Mine—fully under My protection and blessing and anointing, where you can feel My love and more easily see things as I see them. It's a law of the spirit. It always works.

4. Praise is the voice of faith because you're letting it be known that you believe I will work everything out. When you praise Me, you're testifying of My greatness and faithfulness to answer prayer, that you know I will do what is best even in those situations that seem bad. You're speaking faith. You're testifying that I do all things well, that I know best. It's one of the principles of My Spirit that faith brings victory and miracles. So through speaking faith, through praising Me, you open the door for miracles.

5. Praise chases away the Enemy. He hates your praise, because it's an obvious sign of your love for Me, our connection together, and your faith in Me as your Lord and Deliverer. He can't stand your praises; they block him out in the spirit. They lift you above any circumstance in the physical realm and bring you into the land of the spirit where everything is possible and I'm in complete control.

6. Praise lifts your spirit! It's a law of nature, of both the physical and spiritual realm, that when you dwell on the good, think about the good‚ speak the good, then good surrounds you. Even bad things are turned for good, and you benefit from them. When you think on the good, you feel good. Praising Me not only helps you to think on the good, but it reminds you of all that is possible through Me. It reminds you that you're not limited by the physical realm‚ but that you have access to the spiritual realm, and there‚ all things are possible.

7. Praise is something that you know you should do, so you're exercising obedience when you praise Me—even when you don't feel like it and you might argue that it's not really from your heart. I still bless it and reward it. I always bless obedience. And if you start praising even when you don't feel like it, it lifts you up in the spirit and soon you do feel like it, because you realize that I'm in control and will work everything out for your good.

8. Praise is a testimony to others, and lifts their spirits and encourages them. It sows faith and trust in Me; it sows encouragement and positiveness. It brings unity and oneness between My brides.

9. Praising Me humbles you in the spirit, reminds you that only I am capable of solving problems and bringing solutions, and so it makes you much more receptive to receiving My answers and solutions. It opens you up for growth and progress and receiving revelations and instruction. It puts you in a good position in the spirit to receive.

10. Those are just a few of the main reasons for praise. Praise is one of the weapons of the spirit that I've given you. It always defeats the Enemy. It always brings you close to Me. It simply works. It's a spiritual phenomenon, a powerful weapon that you can use at any time to be safe from attacks or to progress in the spirit. I wish My brides would use it more. It's one of the most neglected of the weapons in the arsenal I've given you, yet one of the most powerful. (End of message from Jesus.)

The PCP Plan

11. (Jesus speaking:) One of the many reasons that your praise to Me is of such great importance is because your praises to Me stave off your Enemy. If you want to defeat the evil ones, start with praise! Satan and his demons can't take your praises. They are like a shrill, deafening sound in their ears. It's like torture to their souls. The devils of Hell can't handle your praise. The evil ones cannot operate in the presence of your praise. Your praise inhibits them and derails them; it cramps their style and prohibits their activity. They can't cope with your praises to Me.

12. When you go to battle with the Enemy, when you find yourself in the midst of hand-to–hand combat with the Devil‚ the first action you should take is to praise Me. Praising Me is the first move to assured victory. Praising Me is the first step in My PCP plan. Follow this three-step plan and you can't go wrong! The PCP Plan: praise, call, perform. First you praise‚ then you call, then I perform.

  1. Praise Me. This declares your faith in Me and restrains all the emissaries of the netherworld.
  2. Call on Me in prayer; call on the power of the keys.
  3. Then I perform. I answer your call by doing what you ask. The keys perform; they deliver your request.

13. It all starts with praise. Praise is the first step. Praise turns the keys you hold in your hands, and the keys to the Kingdom unlock all doors for you.

14. If you want to successfully fight the Enemy, start with praise. Satan and his imps cannot withstand the praises of the children of David. Your praises call Me; they invoke Me and My power, and your Enemy cannot stand in the face of My power.

15. Your praises not only draw you closer to Me, but they shut out Satan. Just as your praises woo Me, they repel the Evil One. He has no power to withstand your steady, heartfelt praises. Just as your praises turn My key, give Me great joy, and open the door for My Spirit to work, so do your praises destabilize the Enemy and bring him to a halt.

16. This is another reason why I love to hear your praises, for I love to see you fight and defeat the Enemy! In this day when Hell's fury rages against you, you must fight back with the three–step plan. Whack Satan and his demons by enacting the PCP plan: Praise, call, and then watch Me perform. I will never fail you! (End of message from Jesus.)

Two Key Elements

17. (Jesus speaking:) Is there life in your praises to Me; are your praises alive? Are your hearts full of thanksgiving to Me for all that I bring into your lives? Do you begin your day with a song of praise on your lips?

18. Your times of praise need to become more active and alive, times when you lift your arms in total praise to Me.—Times when you release yourself from all that is around you and I lift you to the heavenlies through your praises.

19. Praise is more than singing a song to Me about something. It's more than thanking Me for what I've done. Praise is the gauge of gratitude of heart that you have for Me. Praise is a declaration of the love that you have for Me. Is that what you feel when you praise Me? Do you feel moved by the love we share when you enter those moments of praise? Those moments in your day spent praising Me should move you, they should warm you up in spirit‚ they should excite you.

20. When you lack inspiration, praise is a kick-start, and it renews you. But if you don't praise, then you miss out on the spiritual boost that comes through praise. You leave your spirit drained by not availing yourself of the refreshment of spirit that comes through praise.

21. You need more praise in your life; you need to more definitely feel the thankfulness and inspiration that comes through praise. Praise and prayer go hand in hand, they complement one another. Through praise you open up the channel to find the desperation in your times of prayer.

22. I hear your words of love and praise! I see your abandonment of spirit through your praises, and this excites Me. And then when I see your hearts turn to Me in passionate prayer, there is nothing that turns Me on more than this.

23. This is what I need of My brides. This is how you open yourself up to experience the ecstasies of My Spirit. This is how you are able to live more in the realm of the spirit rather than being bogged down by earthly cares.

24. If you're struggling to put on My mind; if you find it hard to focus on the power when you're hit with difficulties; if rising above seems an impossibility for you; if you toil over allowing Me full possession—then I ask you to check your prayer and praise lives. Because if those two elements are in the right place—if your desire, enthusiasm, and effort are put into these two key elements—then the rest will follow.

25. Making prayer and praise more of a key factor in your life takes surrender of your own thoughts and free will. It requires that you open yourself up to Me intimately. It requires continual yieldedness and desperation in order to not lose the momentum, but to continually motivate your lives.

26. As you take the first steps to reawaken the passion of prayer and praise in your lives, you'll begin to witness the change in other areas as well. Those besetting sins that seemed interminable will begin to fade, your spirit will be lifted, and better yet, you will have the confidence that I have seen and heard your prayers and I will answer—not only for others, but for you personally as well. Your faith will be boosted in ways you can only imagine!

27. This is part of your step into the future, into becoming more like Me, and finding the zeal, the fervor‚ the fighting spirit that I've placed in each of you. Will you search it out? Will you cultivate these gifts? It will change your life if you do! (End of message from Jesus.)

A Spirit Helper of Praise!

28. (Mama: ) One of the members of our Home received the following message when they were praying about the year ahead. It's very interesting, and I'm including it because besides providing more insight about praise, it's another reminder of how the Lord wants to help us and give us victories through our spirit helpers. If you need help, just ask!

29. (Jesus speaking:) I bring you an additional spirit helper who will assist you in the coming year, helping you to have more of an attitude of praise. Praise in the midst of adversity. Praise in the midst of sadness of heart. Praise in the midst of battles and tests. Praise in the midst of your training, when your mind is unable to understand the principle of godly hurt and the pain that all endure when they are purged—not because they're not loved, but because they're branches that bring forth fruit and are needed to bring forth more fruit. He comes to join you now and will speak to you. (End of message from Jesus.)

30. (Spirit helper speaking: ) I speak words of love for our Husband. I speak in tongues of praise. Praise comes forth from me with every breath. This I bring to become part of your spirit. Yield to the praise of the Spirit of God, for in this yielding is freedom. In this yieldedness is strength you know not of. In this yieldedness is power. Such are the fruits of praise, the spirit of praise that I will infuse within your heart and that will become part of you this coming year. The gift of praise will enable you to be a strong fighter for the Lord, one who will not soon be shaken and who will stand to the End for her Lover and King.

31. I will give you eyes of praise that look at your circumstances and conditions and see as the Master would have you see, and speak as the Master would have you speak‚ bearing words of praise. These words of praise will be traditional words and they will be yet unknown forms of praise.

32. In the days ahead‚ you, the children of the End‚ will praise our King in ways you know not of, in ways that you do not consider praise right now. By being fighters for His cause and protectors on His behalf, you will praise our King in the future. In being speakers of His Word, channels of His messages, and samples of His gentleness, you will praise our Lord and Leader.

33. I have come to assist you. I am called Companion. I am part of the energy of God. I am here to become part of you. (End of message from Companion.)

34. (Mama: ) As dear Tamar sought the Lord on how to illustrate this Letter, He showed her to draw Companion—and even gave her a vision of him and a message from him, which follow:

35. (Vision:) I'm seeing a handsome young man materialize in front of me. He's Jewish-looking‚ with shoulder-length blond hair, very strong, and in his early thirties, I'd say. (He can be my "companion" any time, ha!) He has a cape on, pinned at his shoulder, and he's enveloped in a mystical, moving‚ swirling light. At first I thought it was flames, but it's not fire; it's as if he's part of these moving flames of light. You really do sense that, as he said, he's "part of the energy of God." So beautiful. Thank You, dear Love!

36. He has a peaceful, calm, almost soothing spirit about him, very much like his name, Companion, suggests‚ like he'd really be there for you. He's gazing down at me and he's holding a long rod or staff in his right hand. The staff has a beautiful lamp of some kind at the end of it, which is emitting powerful flames of light. He seems to be holding it as part of his identity and purpose. He's quite striking, standing there in the midst of these flames of light, holding this beautiful lamp, with a peaceful smile on his face‚ almost like he's helping to light the way for our spirits to open up to Heaven in praise.

37. (Companion speaking:) I have been a companion for many a pilgrim and traveler on the paths of life. As part of the energy of God, the spirit of praise is the core of my being. This gift of praise has helped to both lighten the burdens and light the way for many a weary traveler. I hold in my hand one of the lanterns of praise which line the paths and passageways leading into the heavenly high courts of our Lord. These lanterns—standing in majestic power—give glory to our God at all times. Their flame never wanes or dies as they burn in impassioned honor and praise to our Husband!

38. We enter the gates of Heaven lifting our arms and voices in thanksgiving, and those who are called to enter into His high courts always bear one of these lanterns of praise with them, where we set them in attendance around about us within the halls of His heavenly courts.

39. When I am called to abide with and assist another who walks the Earth, I always bear one of these lanterns of praise—Nierna, they are called. They are both a standard and a worthy staff upon which to lean. So shall your eyes, your lips‚ and your spirit be lightened‚ so that praise springs forth more readily from every part of your being. In this is strength you know not of! (End of message from Companion.)

How to Recognize

The Voice of the Enemy

40. (Mama: ) When the Enemy speaks to us, it's usually the exact opposite of praise. It makes sense that praises to our Husband would completely short-circuit the Enemy's voice, when you realize that the Enemy's words almost always bring on negative feelings in some way—doubt, discouragement, pride, anger, jealousy, insecurity, or some other emotion that's designed to drag you down. Recognizing the voice of the Enemy from the first little whisper is an extremely valuable battlefield tactic to cultivate and hone. If you can recognize his whispers and immediately go on the attack against them with words of praise and the PCP plan, you have a much better chance of making it through the battle unscathed and without suffering any wounds.

41. I realize that recognizing the voice of the Enemy sounds like a subject that Dad and the Lord have covered for our benefit many times, and you probably feel like you've heard this lesson before. But I believe you'll find this next message interesting and enlightening.

42. The Lord continues to reveal more to us about how to recognize our adversary and defeat him. Then it's up to us to obey, make the sacrifices necessary, and stick with the plan until we see victory. As we all know‚ that's easier said than done when we're under severe attack. That's why it helps to continually remind ourselves of the truth, and the reality of the spiritual principles that are in play.

43. (Jesus speaking:) I hate to see My brides unhappy. It really hurts Me. It hurts My heart and causes Me concern, because I know they're only making it harder on themselves than it needs to be. I'm there for My brides, every minute. I care and know better than anyone else what each one needs. And yet I see time and time again when circumstances can nearly derail even the strongest of My loves. This is partly due to the Enemy's attacks, which are indeed very fierce. It's also partly due to pride and unyieldedness.

44. When someone is fully yielded and walking in humility, it's much easier to roll with the punches of the Enemy and get up more quickly‚ letting his lies pass over you with no effect whatsoever. But when someone gives ear to the Enemy's lies and entertains his negativity, then of course it's much harder for that person to rise above. When one of My brides gives place to the Enemy by listening to his reasoning and arguments and doubts or lies, then it's a spiritual law that those things have more power. He has very little power on his own, but by listening and giving credence to his point of view, you actually empower him. It's as if the act of your listening "charges" his battery so he can broadcast louder and more clearly.

45. That's why it's so important to immediately look to Me when you hear the Enemy's temptations. Even if they seem plausible, understandable, and credible, even if they have a lot of "right" to them‚ it's crucial that you immediately reject the Enemy's voice, for in listening you give him power, and the more you listen, the more power he has.

46. You can learn to recognize the Enemy's voice and point of view, whether his attacks are direct or more subtle. Some of the telltale signs of his whispers are:

 *They make you feel hopeless, negative, critical of others, or that things are "not fair."

 *They are contrary to the Word, even in small‚ subtle ways.

 *They make you forget about My many blessings, and you feel you're not being treated right, or that I or others don't love you.

 *They cause you to not be able to do your work or have good quality Word and prayer time.

 *You feel almost driven to tell others, in an effort to seek solace and to find others who will agree with you, which bolsters your feeling of being right and cements your position.

 *You feel your emotions turn negative—to anger‚ depression, sadness, hopelessness, despondency, lethargy.

 *You don't want to hear from Me. You put it off, or feel it's not going to do any good. You feel resentful or rebellious to what you know (or figure) I will tell you.

 *As you entertain the Enemy's voice, you lose the vision. Nothing seems exciting anymore; nothing seems worthwhile. Everything is blah, ordinary‚ or worse yet‚ a bummer—even things unrelated to the main point of your battle.

 *You find your thoughts going to the past‚ as you "build your case" to justify your present feelings.

 *You blame others for your plight.

 *You compare negatively with others, thinking they have it better. This is related to discontentment, but it's due to pride. The Enemy works with your pride to convince you that you need or deserve more.

 *You feel resentful or upset when you're in a situation like devotions or united prayer in which others are praising Me, happy, positive, and speaking faith. You feel they don't understand, and their victory makes you feel worse instead of better.

47. These are a few of the main symptoms of the Devil having your ear. When someone is in this state, it takes a definite, conscious decision to let go of it‚ to resist the lies, to rebuke the Enemy, and to call out to Me for deliverance from his grip.

48. It's not enough to expect to gradually and nonchalantly pull out of it. When you've "charged the Enemy's batteries" by allowing him to connect to you and tap into your power source through listening to his lies and doubts, then you have to work hard to break the connection, to cut it, pull it away and completely disconnect. A little tug now and then won't do the trick. And the longer you allow him to pull from your power by listening to him, the more you are drained and the more he is empowered.

49. You empower the Enemy when you give him your ear, allowing him to make a connection and draw from your strength. If this goes on long enough, then pretty soon you won't have the strength to pull away and break the connection; he will be blasting away his message in great volume while you're almost helpless and defenseless.

50. This is the danger of listening. This is the danger of not taking note of his lies and immediately rejecting and rebuking them. The Devil's word is the exact opposite of My Word, and you cannot be believing and living both at the same time. It's one or the other. My Word gives life and strength and victory, and the Devil's word brings unhappiness‚ defeat, dissatisfaction, and destruction of your spiritual life and fruitfulness. This is how some formerly strong disciples can be weakened to the point that they're pulled all the way out of My will and service. It's pitiful, but not unavoidable. And it all begins with giving ear and considering the Devil's lies, which draw you away from My Word and cause you to be weakened. It's a very weak connection at first, when you first hear his whispers, but it can grow strong very quickly.

51. Take heed to this warning, My loves, and let this lesson sink deeply into your mind, heart and spirit, so that the next time you hear the Enemy's whispers of any kind, you immediately raise a standard against him by praising Me‚ claiming the keys promises, asking for prayer, going to My Word, and actively fighting! Don't be passive or just play around with fighting and cutting the connection.

52. Pull the plug immediately, before your adversary has time to be strengthened in his attacks and to latch on to you relentlessly. He will suck the very lifeblood from you if you let him. But if you look to Me, fight in prayer, take the offensive, and claim the power of the keys in faith, he has very little power over you, and you have nothing to fear. (End of message from Jesus.)

On Fighting in Prayer for Others

53. (Mama:) One of our staff members asked the Lord the following question in their personal time of hearing from Him‚ and received a very good answer, which I'm happy to share with you. I pray that you're all working to make the half hour of intercessory prayer a daily habit. I know the Enemy fights it hard—just as hard as our Word time—and so I'm not surprised that many of our folks in WS have struggled with how to implement it consistently. I'm sure many of you are facing the same battles. But it's so important. The Lord continues to tell us that over and over, so I'm really praying for your strength and perseverance to just keep working to fit it in, working to give it your time and concentration and focus, and I know the Lord will bless you for it!

54. (Prayer: ) Lord, I'd like to ask Your counsel regarding my times of prayer—personal and united with others. I'd like to ask You for tips and counsel on how I can make these times as fruitful as they can be. Sometimes I pray but don't feel so moved or stirred up, mainly because it all seems quite samey. We pray for the same requests over and over, day after day, and sometimes two or three times in a day. I know some requests need that. But in any case, I feel I need a boost and to find ways to make my prayer time more effective‚ as well as more interesting for me, so I'll be motivated to do it.

55. (Jesus speaking: ) Fighting for others in prayer, getting stirred up to pray as fervently, as specifically, and as often as you should‚ is always going to be a battle. The Enemy hates prayer so much, fears it so much, that he is constantly at work in the hearts and minds of My children, trying to either discourage their faith in prayer or convince them that they don't have time to pray.

56. I won't get into all the reasons why these are lies, why you should pray‚ how important it is, and how effective it is, but it would be good to study the recent GNs and other Word on the subject of prayer. My Word is a real key—reviewing My Words about prayer and how effective and powerful it is. So do a study and compilation on that, and then you will have in your hands a powerful arsenal of specially selected quotes to fight the Enemy and to fight lethargy and apathy. You can read them before or during your prayer time, to prime the pump and get you going.

57. It's also important to claim the power of the keys. That is something that you are striving to implement and use more in your life anyway, and using the keys in prayer makes all the difference. When you're praying in the power of the keys, you're stretching your faith, you're expecting miracles, and you're enhancing and invigorating your prayers, as well as your spiritual life overall.

58. Continue memorizing those keys promises so that you can use them in prayer, not only when you have the keys handy, but also when you're out and about. If you write out a keys promise in the morning and carry it with you to devotions and while you do prayer vigil, this will help you memorize, review, and use these promises more fully.

59. (Mama:) Ask the Lord what would work best for you. Review the personal counsel He gave you in answer to the Feast P&P question about how you can be more faithful to memorize.

60. (Jesus continues: ) You must have variety. There are some requests that require repeated prayer, but make it a personal goal and project that if you're going to pray for the same thing more than once, and especially if you know it's going to be on the list every day that week, that you're going to do it a different way every time. Ask Me for ideas of different ways to pray for the same request, and do a different one every day.

61. In your personal prayers and in your united prayers, when you pray for something, don't always just stick to what's on the paper. Ask Me to give you extra insight so that you can pray for things related to or affecting that issue that may not be mentioned there. Then you won't just be reading the same request over and over, but you'll actually be transported in spirit to become part of that request, seeing what's actually going on, feeling what the person or people involved would be feeling. That is guaranteed to make your prayer times more exciting‚ more effective, and certainly less boring and repetitious.

62. I know you sometimes feel like there are no new worlds to conquer as far as ways to pray, that everything's been done, been tried. Well, even if you just stick with things that have been done and tried, there is a lot of variety. And, to tell the truth, there's always something new. Keep in mind that things can be modified and adapted. If you're "into it," and if you really want to make your prayer times exciting and want to think of those new ideas and angles to make it that way, then you can.

63. Remember too, though‚ that if all else fails, so to speak, and you don't feel your prayer times are super moving or exciting for you, well‚ you should still pray and keep praying! The more stirred up you are, the more power your prayers have. But even if you aren't 100% stirred up, you can and should still pray, and those prayers will have an effect.

64. You can't go by feelings‚ either. You don't have to "feel" moved to have effective prayers. Granted‚ when you feel moved for someone, you usually do pray more frequently and desperately, so it's good to have those feelings of compassion and desperation, and you should pray for Me to give them to you. But if you don't have them sometimes, if they don't "come‚" well, that doesn't mean you should just quit and not bother to pray.

65. Pray with or without the feelings, and pray with or without the inspiration, is the bottom line. But there are many things you can do to stir up the fire and inspiration, as I've shown you, and if you are doing these things‚ then for the most part your prayer life will not only be effective, but inspiring. (End of message from Jesus)

Three Keys to Claim

For Effective Intercessory Prayer

66. (Mama:) As you know, our Home and other WS units divide our monthly prayer day into two mornings a month. Every second Friday is our prayer morning. I usually ask someone to ask the Lord for a message that our WS Homes can read in their morning prayer meeting, to help stir everyone up in the spirit and keep the vision. Here is what the Lord gave for a recent prayer morning, and it gives some good insight into how to make our prayers as effective as possible. Thank the Lord for the keys!

67. (Jesus speaking:) Thank you, My loves, for coming together once again to pray and join in the battles of the spirit which are raging. This prayer morning falls at a crucial time in the battle, for those who are fighting for you in the spiritual realm are in desperate need of reinforcements—the reinforcements you have in your power to give them through your prayers.

68. Lay aside all other thoughts now. Call on the keys of consecration, commitment, and focus.

69. Claim the keys of consecration that you may give yourselves to Me fully. Lay your hearts open before Me. When your hearts are open before Me and you lay your all at My feet‚ holding nothing back, fearing nothing, then I am able to empower you in a wonderful way. You become superhuman, possessing strength‚ resolve and faith beyond human capabilities. You are linked to Me in yieldedness, and we are one. This is the state where you can be the most effective in your prayers.

70. If you're holding something back or if your heart is not clean and right before Me, you prevent your spirit from merging with Mine, and so you lack the power that you could otherwise possess.

71. So take a moment now to call on the keys of consecration. Ask Me to give you strength to lay everything—your lives, your Homes, your loved ones, your possessions, your desires, your ministries, your future, your plans—at My feet.

72. When you do this, it reminds you that I am the great God of the universe! I have all power! I rule! Your yieldedness in putting everything in My hands not only links you to Me and gives you greater power, but it increases your faith exponentially‚ because you remember that I am indeed the One in control.

73. It puts you in a position in the spirit where your prayers are far more effective and on-target, for you are fully aware that My will is what is best, and you have full faith that I am able to perform My will.

74. It also effectively blocks out the Enemy's thoughts, fears, worries, and distractions. You have just given everything to Me‚ so there's nothing he can use against you to pull you away or distract you from your mission of fighting in prayer. Claim the keys of consecration, My loves‚ and be fully Mine.

75. Claim the keys of commitment—commitment to keep fighting this battle in the spirit, no matter how weary you feel. It's true that fighting in prayer takes something out of you. It's a spiritual effort, and I don't blame you for sometimes feeling a bit weary or worn out, or like you've just worked hard.

76. But remember that the Enemy also loves to exaggerate those feelings and make you feel that you just don't have the strength to carry on‚ or you don't want to have the strength to carry on. That's where you must rebuke him in the power of the keys, and hold tight to the power of the keys of commitment—calling on them to give you the perseverance in the spirit to keep fighting until the battle is won. Claim the keys of commitment to the spiritual warfare, and then fight, fight, fight! Keep interceding until you hear the victory!

77. Claim the keys of focus, so that you can direct your prayers accurately and that they will hit the mark in the spirit. If you focus with your spiritual senses, I am able to punch through and bring to mind important details that you would never have thought of or known or become aware of otherwise—details which could mean the difference between a quick victory or a long, drawn-out battle; a speedy resolution or a more roundabout solution; a victorious soldier or a wounded casualty.

78. So focus with your spiritual senses. Put yourself in the shoes of the people and situations you're praying for. Concentrate your prayer power on them, and watch Me bring to mind the specific things that they're struggling with, the specifics that need prayer, the aspects which are most in need of spiritual power and push. Claim the keys of focus, and I will empower you.

79. My loves‚ it's the day of greater miracles. In order for greater miracles to be manifested, you must be honing and improving your intercessory prayer skills, for it all ties together. There are times when, in order for a miracle to be performed, it's not enough for those on the scene to be desperate with Me and have the faith for it—at times it takes the reinforcements of someone interceding on their behalf as well. And that is your job, My loves—the interceding. You never know when I want to do a miracle in a certain situation and when I wait on you to put forth the spiritual effort needed to bring it to pass.

80. Thank you for being willing to pray and fight for these situations. I depend on you‚ and that is why I continue to place such great importance on times of intercessory prayer—because they bring such great results in the spirit and are a vital part of all that I'm doing in the Family around the world. (End of message from Jesus.)

Worth the Price

81. (Mama:) To close this GN, here's a beautiful message of encouragement from our Husband that one of your WS co-workers and mates received after the Feast. All of us have had to make changes in our lives, and the Lord wants to encourage us that it's worth it!

82. (Jesus speaking:) As you take steps—even little steps day by day—of obedience to Me, moving closer and closer to the center of My will and the high standard of My calling for you, your life will in turn grow richer day by day.

83. The peace of God that passes all understanding is not something that can be comprehended or understood—it's something that you must experience, live, and feel and know for yourself. It's not possible to explain to you in words how and why it's worth striving for, but as you begin to live it, you begin to feel it, believe it and know it‚ and you more than agree that it's worth giving up whatever trinkets may have cluttered your life in order to obtain this pearl of great price.

84. There are no rich gifts or treasures of the spirit that do not come at a price. It always takes a step of faith, or a step of forsaking, or both, to reach out toward the things of the spirit. But it's in this faith and in this forsaking that part of the joy and reward is found. Forsaking your own will in order to obtain Mine is not merely some form of ritual or exercise or test that I throw around for the sake of it. It's a necessary step toward receiving from Me.

85. It's a spiritual and even a physical law that a space must first be emptied of one substance before it can be filled with another. Therefore it is necessary, if you are to receive the things I have to offer, that you give up some of the things that the Enemy has offered you or given you; or that you have of your own accord chosen to take to yourself.

86. Can you see this? Can you understand it? Doesn't that help you see why it's so important to obey, to follow, to do as I ask, to yield, to submit, to forsake your own thoughts, ideas, desires and mode of operating? The more you do, the more space you have for Me and for the true jewels, beauties‚ and treasures that are yours to obtain. The only thing that stops you from obtaining them is yourself, when you choose to hold back, when you choose to hold on to what you already have, fearing its loss, fearing the emptiness that will come if you let go. But the emptiness is not to be feared, My love. It is to be sought after and treasured, for when you are empty, I can fill you.

87. I fill the hungry with good things. That's a law of My Spirit and My nature. It's irrefutable. It's My promise. You can count on it. I never, ever take something away or ask you to give something up unless I replace it with something of far greater value. I ask you to give up the cheap costume jewelry, yes‚ but only so that you might then enjoy the beauty and purity of the genuine jewels and pearls that are Mine to give you. But why should I give them to you if you're content with the cheap beads and plaster?

88. If that's all you desire, and if that's what you crave, then it doesn't seem a worthwhile investment or generosity on My part to give you the valuable article. But when I see and know that you desire what I have to give, that you want the real thing, and that you want it so much you are willing to give up everything else to have it, then and only then do I know that My gift and blessing will be treasured‚ and then do I choose to give it to you.

89. If you want the highest and most precious treasures of My Spirit, you must show Me that you mean business. You must show Me that you want them. You have to empty yourself of the froth and frivolous pursuits and possessions, so that there is a space in your life for the things of highest value. (End of message from Jesus)

Praise Key Promises

(Can be photocopied)


Call on the keys of praise to help you see the good even when you don't feel like it, and you will be making use of one of the most important spiritual weapons in your arsenal.


Use the powerful, dynamic approach of praise and calling on the keys‚ which the Devil hates and cannot resist, and you will see mighty miracles.


When the Enemy holds up a list of your lacks, failings, and weaknesses, slam the door in his face by praising Me and claiming the power of the keys, and he will be forced to flee.


When you feel too weak and discouraged to praise, call on the power of the keys to give you the strength‚ and as you praise, you will gain the victory.


While you're praising Me and claiming the power of the keys, you won't be able to think about anything negative and the Devil won't be able to lie to you.


When you're having problems, sing, shout, praise Me, and claim the keys of rising above! The Devil will have to flee, because you're resisting him with the power of praise and actively fighting against him with a force that he can't beat!


Keep your eyes off yourself and your situation, and on Me and the keys. Praise Me even when you don't feel like it, and I will take care of the situation and bring about "Romans 8:28" even from the most trying of circumstances.


Praise, prayer, the Word and the keys will sustain not only your spiritual life, but also your physical life.


Call on the keys for power and victory in every situation, and then praise Me for answering.


Claiming the keys and praising Me is just what you need to lift you out of the pit which the Devil is trying to cast you into!


Praise Me with your whole heart, and by the power of the keys I will work miracles on your behalf.


The keys of praise and rising above are connected, and when activated, create a powerful combination to defeat the Enemy.


Praise, call on the keys, and then watch Me perform! It's a winning combination that never fails!