KEYWORDS: time, things, life, love, spirit

Being Re-created!

Karen Zerby

Learning to enjoy, welcome, thrive on‚ and fully embrace change!

By MariaMaria #567 CM 3346 4/01

Dear Family,

1. Peter and I love you so very much and pray that you are well and happy and continuing to tap into the power given to us through the keys of the Kingdom. Life is full of many challenges, one of the greatest of which seems to be overcoming our weak areas and keeping up the momentum once we've gone on the attack to change in some way. We all know what it costs to confess our sins, ask for prayer, and keep going, so I believe you will greatly appreciate the very candid and personal lessons, prayers and prophecies that Abner is willing to share with our whole Family via this GN.

2. This GN is an in–depth and intimate look at the heartcries, desires, struggles and victor­ies of one of our dear friends‚ mates and co-workers. Peter and I are so proud of Abner for his dedication to the Lord, this Family, and our future, and his determination to do whatever is necessary to be the man the Lord wants him to be, so he can continue to do his utmost to help the Family and the Activated ministry progress.

3. As you read these prayers and prophecies, please reflect on what they mean to you. I know the natural tendency is to be a little distracted and to focus on what's happening with Abner. But the point is, we all have similar weaknesses and need to progress in the same ways that he does‚ so it behooves each of us to not be thinking of Abner and his lessons, but to be thinking of ourselves and the instruction the Lord wants to bring home to us personally. As with Juan and Steven's lessons, we are making this material available to you not to embarrass or humiliate those who are sharing their hearts so openly, but so you can learn, change and pro­gress along with these dear men.

4. As you read in the Action Series Part 5 (ML #3338, GN 934), I sent various questions to the CROs, asking them to pray and hear from the Lord about them before the summit. The first part of this GN includes some of the messages that Abner received when he prayed about those questions. (You might consider pray­ing about some of the same questions, as they relate to your life as well.) Abner asked for united prayer while visiting our Home in November 2000, and I have included a brief account of that. You'll also read various messages of instruction that Abner received from the Lord ­either during or after the summit, and there is what I call his "whatever it takes" prayer in which he asks the Lord to do whatever it takes to help him continue on the path of change. Our dear Husband provides a look into Abner's heart when He describes how he has changed—a mess­age that gives new insight on the process of change and why it usually isn't instantaneous.

5. We pray these messages and prayers are inspiring and edifying for you‚ and that they motivate you to also seek the Lord about how He wants you to change to be better prepared for the future and what He will ask of you. God bless you with greater faith, love, spiritual strength, and more aware­ness of the power He has given us all to rise above!

Much love and prayers in our awesome Lover, Mama

Q: In what ways is my personal sample lacking?

6. (Jesus speaking:) First of all, it's to be expected that your personal sample is lacking. In other words, you know you're not perfect, that your sample lacks in some ways, and that you need to grow in certain areas. I know that's your prayer and your desire‚ to grow and to become more like Me. I've put that desire in your heart, as a child desires to be like their parent or someone they admire. You admire Me, and rightly so. I admire you, and in this case I desire you to be like Me also. I know that walking in My Spirit and being like Me is what will make you happy.

7. Here are the areas that you need to be more aware of in your sample and in your life:

8. First, you allow yourself to manifest too much of your busy spirit. In allowing your busy spirit to come through, it blocks My Spirit of love and peace and faith from coming through. You allow yourself to get too burdened for the work, and this doesn't minister faith to those around you. They see your concern for the work, and they perceive that you're overloaded. But part of that overload is allowing yourself to be concerned and troubled about "many things," like I pointed out to Martha, when the better part is to be like Mary.

9. Mary was just in love with Me. She desired to be with Me‚ talk with Me, enjoy life with Me, and so in many ways Mary was easier to be around. She ministered love to Me; she received and learned from Me. Martha had the tendency to get overburdened and concerned for the work, and then could get frustrated with Me for not seeming to show the same concern.

10. The reality, of course, is that I was more concerned than Martha would ever be. But I also knew that God was in control, that in the flesh I could only do so much, and that the real works and the real miracles had to be God's doing in the spirit. It was God‚ the Father‚ Who had to set up the miracles, Who did the miracles, Who engineered the timing and the events that took place.

11. My flesh was as limited as your flesh. I could only be in one place at a time, usually ministering to a few at a time‚ outside of the times that I ministered to the large crowds. But the personal times that I could spend helping My disciples or those in need were as limited as you find. There were only the same 24 hours in a day‚ some of which had to be spent sleeping or eating or ministering to the flesh. I knew the needs of My flock and I was as limited as you are in meeting those needs in the flesh.

12. But in the spirit I was able to accomplish the most. By casting My cares upon the Father and walking in love and faith, My effect upon those I ministered to was maximized. If I had not cast My cares upon the Father, I wouldn't have walked in faith and trust; I would have gotten consumed with the concerns and burdens and worries of the flesh, and I wouldn't have ministered the gifts of the Spirit to My disciples or those who followed Me. I had to utterly cast Myself upon the will of My Father and get My signals straight to accomplish His will in My life.

13. You need to not only learn this lesson more but to take it more seriously. That is, you need to realize more the importance of walking in faith and love and not allowing yourself to sin in this respect. You have influence upon others, and the most important thing is that your influence is one of pointing people to Me, of letting them feel My love, care, strength and power. You have the opportunity to minister faith and trust‚ and these are creative spirits that will cause others to bear more fruit. When you fret and worry and show yourself to be burdened, you don't minister faith and grace and trust; you minister concerns and burdens.

14. You should apologize to others for this, and that will help them to set the record straight in their minds and hearts. By acknowledging that this is not My Spirit or My way, you will help them to see more clearly how they should also seek the better part in their life—seek to spend time with Me, seek to walk in love and freedom, and seek My righteousness over their own good works.

15. In concentrating on this, you will not only find greater peace and happiness in your life, but you'll be more effective. You'll get more done, because you'll be doing it in My Spirit. And what you do will be more powerful‚ whether it's writing, speaking, editing, creating, designing, planning, teaching or analyzing. It will all be more powerful and more anointed, because it will be more of My Spirit booming through.

16. Open the floodgates! Let My Spirit flow! Walk in love and freedom and joy and happiness, and you will minister faith and freedom to My children. You will set a sample of a life that others will want to live in service for Me.

17. When you don't walk in such freedom of My Spirit, others don't see a life or lifestyle that they're attracted to. Young people see a life of work or burdens‚ and they're not attracted to that. It's not natural to be attracted to a life of burdens. Especially when you're young‚ you want to live and love and be free! It's only as you get a little older that sometimes the cares and burdens of life can loom larger than they do in youth. This is part of the strength of youth, that they're not as encumbered as the older generation can get. And while there is a certain natural way of people growing in awareness of problems or concerns that is not necessarily bad, My way is not that those concerns should shut out the freedoms of youth.

18. Second, let Me point out another thing that you're somewhat aware of, but which you need to hear My official stance on: You are desperate for My help, I know that, and as you go through your day, you voice your desperation. But you have allowed this habit, because of the weak area I've described above, to be a negative reflection. Too often your desperation is reflected in a burdened way. You voice your prayer‚ "Oh‚ Jesus, please help us," "Help us, Lord, help us," and this somewhat comforts your heart, for you know that I hear and answer your prayer. But too often your sample is one of being overburdened.

19. I want you to praise Me more, to thank Me more. This would be a better sample to those who hear you voicing your prayer. When you're tempted to cry out, "Jesus, help me!"—I want you to say, "Thank You so much, Love, for Your help and strength, happiness and joy!" I want you to express faith more, and this will increase your faith. For too often now your prayer is not in faith. It borders on being a murmur or complaint, or can be easily interpreted as that.

20. Praise is the voice of faith, and I want you to walk in more faith, so walk in more praise! Love Me, praise Me, thank Me, and you will walk in more faith. Voice excitement about My doings, My ability to change things, and about the great things that I'm doing around the world. Walk in victory, for that victory is yours, day in and day out. (End of message from Jesus)

21. (Abner prays:) Jesus, is there anything else? I'm sure there are hundreds of things that I need to change in‚ and I'm sure there are other major things. Please help me to hear from You about anything else. Help me to be more aware of what I should watch for, so that I can keep an eye on it. Lord, give me a list here that I can come and ask You about, to get more complete counsel on. Thank You so much!

22. (Jesus speaking:) Of course there are many things that you need to work on. The danger of a list is that it can become a works trip, or you only try to correct some of the specifics‚ correct some of the things in the flesh, when the true work and true changes are in the spirit. When the spiritual is corrected, when the spiritual changes are made, then the things of the flesh follow after. So don't look at this list as a list of things that you try to change in the flesh. Remember as you hear these things, and as you go about keeping them in mind or seeking Me about them further, that the solutions are spiritual. As you spend time with Me‚ as I've explained earlier, as you enjoy Me more, as you walk more in faith, these other details will correct themselves. By correcting the spiritual diet, the spiritual life is healed.

23. Here are some other things to stay aware of:

24.Asking Me everything. You need to con­tinue to ask Me for My counsel and to set the sample of getting your instructions and answers from Me. You recently had prayer for this from your VS team, and this is good, as it helps them to continue to ask Me for My help in this also.

25.Moving My hand in prayer‚ spending time in specific prayer and being more of a sample of committing situations and needs and problems to Me in prayer. Prayer is powerful; it moves the hand of God. Move My hand more in specific prayer‚ frequent prayer, claiming the promises.

26.Sharing more with others. Especially those who aren't easy to share with and who mean an investment of your time and with whom there are some "complications," you need to spend time with them more often than you have. This will bring the spirit of love and freedom into your Home and area that is healthy and blest. Again, by not getting overburdened with work or concerns, you'll be able to see your way more clearly as you plan your time.

27.Conference days with Me. You've allowed these days with Me to slip by more than you had to. I understand that these days don't always work out every single week, but the important thing is that you're seeking Me, asking Me about it, and getting My counsel. I love you and understand you. I will give you the solutions and answers you seek for getting time with Me that you'll be happy for. These things will make you happier, stronger‚ and more fulfilled. They are solutions in your life‚ not obstacles.

28. (Mama: Many of the CROs were not giving proper attention and priority to the "Conference Days with the Boss" that the Lord and Peter and I had required of them beginning April 2000. The purpose of these days is to allow the CROs the important time away from the wings that they need to pray and hear from the Lord. They were commissioned to have one Conference Day each week. Although there was a small allowance made for rare exceptions when they might not be able to take this time, it was to be just that—a rare exception, and not the norm. And to not take a Conference Day was to be done only after asking the Lord and getting His permission. At the summit, the CROs saw much more clearly the need for them to put their time with the Lord at the top of their priorities and to-do lists, and they've all since done much better not only with making time for their weekly Conference Day but also their 1½–2 hours of time with the Lord daily. They are now reporting to Peter and me monthly as to whether they fulfill these requirements.)

29.Witnessing. You know you're called to witness, and you want to witness more. Again, by allowing the pressures of the work to take root in your life, you can't always clearly see the op­por­tunities I would give you to teach, to wit­ness‚ to reach others that I bring across your path.

30. Those are a few things to stay aware of and to seek My balance in. Please remember that I don't condemn you in any way for your needing to improve in these areas. I want to see you grow and change‚ yes, and I'm there to help you. The first step is to walk in faith, to spend time with Me, and to enjoy My love and My Spirit. (End of message from Jesus)

Q: Have I been the sample that You want me to be in exercising the new weapons? If not, how have I missed
the mark and why?

31. (Jesus speaking:) Come, My love, let's take a walk. Come walk with Me a while, as I give you the answers to your questions, the counsel and help that you're asking for. I love you. I love to spend time with you, and I'm so thrilled with the beautiful times of love and loving fellow­ship, of communion that we have. I love to see you lift your heart to Me, and I love to lift the burdens off your shoulders. I love to put a smile on your face, freedom in your eyes, and strength and energy in your legs. I love to thrill you with My love. I love the times of lovemaking that we have, when you come to Me and you cast away all your pretenses and cover–ups and you just come, just you. We have sweet love­making together. I love to empower you to do what I've asked you to do.

32. I'm happy with the steps that you've made in your new-day shepherding. You came through a number of trials and battles and difficulties until you laid hold of the vision, until you embraced the new weapons, and of course you've seen their effective­ness, their fruitfulness, and their fruit.

33. I think you know what I'm about to tell you—that you need to exercise the new ­weapons much more than you have been. You need to stir yourself up and fight to gain more ground in these areas.

34. You'll be held back if you don't, and your area will be held back. The work you're involved with will not make the strides of progress that it could. I tell you this because I know this motivates you. You need to see and understand the downsides, the drawbacks, the "what won't happen" if you don't make more progress in these areas.

35. I tell you this because I know it will stir you up and motivate you, and you need that. You won't tend to do that only for your own sake. You tend to be fairly easily satisfied and content. This is good in some ways, but it's not good when it comes to being content with where you're at in your spiritual progress. If you're unable to grow, you won't win the disciples that I want you to win. You'll fall short financially. You won't be able to grow with the Activated business that has been growing. You'll have dissatisfaction in your Home and area. You'll have to deal with people's problems more often. You'll see others miss the mark. You'll have less unity. You'll have less thrills and excitement of the spirit. Things will be dry. Things will be difficult. There are good reasons for you to reach out more, to stir up the gifts, to put forth the effort‚ to recognize even more the importance of using the new weapons.

36. To do this, you must launch an attack. You must gird up your loins. You must put your armor on. You must take up your sword and your battle–axe, and you must prepare to fight. For there will be some fighting if you're to accomplish these things, if you're to gain these ­victories. Don't be weary. Don't allow yourself to sit and rest awhile. But set your face as a flint and determine that these victories will be won. I will win the victory. I will help you each step of the way, but you must place your will on My side. You must make this determination and you must fight.

37. I know that your personality is such that this is what it takes for you to make the prog­ress. You make progress when it's required of you. You meet deadlines when they're ­required. You often get things done in the nick of time. Sometimes this frustrates you. Sometimes you simply accept that that's when you get things done‚ and that's when you produce—when the deadline looms. Well, that's what's happening now. The deadline is looming. The time has come. So do it now! Make that determination. Make that commitment and I will bring it to pass.

38. Specifically‚ you must hear more from Me in prophecy. You must complete the habit of hearing from Me every day. I know you love this time. I know it thrills you. I know you're convinced of the good fruit that it bears in your life and the lives of others. But you've allowed yourself the luxury of not taking this time every day. Then you've seen that one day slips into the next, and one week to the next. Suddenly, you'll sit down to hear from Me first thing in the morning, and you see that two weeks have gone by since you last spent that morning time with Me.

39. Oh, you've heard from Me here and there with different questions, different needs, but I especially love that time first thing in the morning. It honors Me. It shows Me that I'm in first place in your heart and life, and it acknowledges your utter dependence upon Me. It also starts your day out the very best way possible. By doing this, you'll experience My love, joy, strength, and power as never before. You'll set the sample that I want you to set. Others must see you take this time first thing in the morning without fail. This will have a deep and lasting impact in their lives. If you don't do this, My love‚ you'll fail. You'll fail others and you'll stunt their growth‚ and all the negative repercussions that I talked about will tumble about you.

40. So take it seriously. Make this determination and reap the benefits. Don't be satisfied with where you're at now. Don't allow yourself to be weary. Sometimes you don't stop to listen because you don't want to fight that fight of faith. It's easier to rock along, to do some other type of work or engage in some other distraction. It doesn't take as much effort. It doesn't cause you to exercise your muscles of faith. You can't allow this in your life.

41. It will also help if you explore new and different ways of loving Me intimately, of loving Me in your date times with others. I love the times when I'm part of your dates with others, but there's more that you can do. There's more excitement, there are deeper thrills that come if you will take the time to read more loving words to Me, to more specifically aim to have loving intimate times with Me with your loved ones, by together coming to Me to love Me, to ravish Me, to enjoy beautiful times of sex and sharing together with Me, by putting Me first more on some of these dates. You and your loved ones will experience greater thrills‚ and I'll be able to feed your spirits, fill you more with My love, satisfy and strengthen you in new and greater ways. You can do this more, and you'll reap the benefits. (End of message from Jesus.)

Q: How do I manifest pride? How can I overcome it? How can I be more humble?

42. (Jesus speaking: ) Do the humble thing. This is your surest, most effective safeguard against pride. So do the humble thing. Look for ways to do the humble thing. When you need prayer and it's hard to ask for it, do the humble thing. When you're embarrassed to talk about some­thing with someone, do the humble thing. There are those in your Home that you need to spend more time with, and sometimes it's humbling for you to approach them. Do the humble thing.

43. Pride affects you more when you're not spending the time with Me that you need to spend; it comes in in a greater way in your life. Pride can cause you to do your own thing. When there's some task or project or need that I'm laying on your heart to meet and you don't want to, either because of your laziness or your reluctance or other reasons, it's pride combined with self-right­eousness that can cause you to miss the mark.

44. Leadership humbles you. At times you want to shirk it, to shy away, and you sometimes excuse yourself and say that you want to put others forth, you want them to shine—and truly there's a time for this‚ and it's necessary and needful. But there are times when you must also lead. Come to Me and I'll show you more clearly. For I say that there are times when you shy away from leadership when it is not My will that you do so, when it is time for you to fulfill your responsibility and take that place. This is also training for others, for there are times when you must lead, and they then learn from your leadership. Both are necessary.

45. You shouldn't push others forward and not fulfill your responsibility when it's your turn and it's My will. You must do the humble thing. Just remember and remind yourself to do the humble thing. This will help you.

46. There are times when you must also slow down. Slow down and take time with ­others. Cease from pursuing your lists of to-dos, your goals. This is also the humble thing, when you take time with people; when you allow My concern for them to come through you; when you truly are interested in their hearts‚ lives, goals and desires. This is humility, because it's less of yourself and more concern for others.

47. The humble thing is stopping to hear from Me more throughout the day, looking to Me more, acknowledging the need for Me to give you closer direction, praying more. A lack of prayer in your life is a manifestation of pride. The more you pray, the more you show your humility. The more you seek My direction, the more you yield to Me. The more you do these things‚ the more I can use you. (End of message from Jesus)

Q: Do I have a problem with self-right­eousness, legalism or harshness with those I shepherd, work with or live with?

48. (Jesus speaking:) You've got your share of faults and weaknesses. You've got your work cut out for you, the areas that you need to grow in—your walk with Me and your time with Me‚ your exercising of the new weapons—and in a way, this is a form of self-righteousness, that you've allowed yourself to not pursue these things as actively as you should have. But specifically the type of self-righteousness where you're harsh and condemning of others, legalistic, or expecting more than I would from them, is not your usual tendency.

49. Of course, these things can pop up at any time when you stray from Me, if you don't walk closely with Me. When you allow stress and pressure into your life and you get away from the waters of My Word, you can get harsh, legalistic, and self-righteous. In your case, it's not your tendency. Your weaknesses tend to make you the opposite of that—away from legalism, more independent, and too liberal. More than becoming legalistic, when you're not walking close in My Spirit, you allow yourself to be too liberal. This is more what you need to watch.

50. Of course‚ you have your times when you get grouchy, when you get irritated, and this does affect others; it is a harshness. You need to catch these things more quickly. The apol­o­gies afterwards always help, but you must know that you need to catch it quicker, to not allow yourself to get grouchy or show your irritation.

51. I know that's a tall order and a major requirement. But I would ask you to be more prayerful, to be more conscious of not allowing this in your life, more committed to not allowing it. When you feel grouchy, when you feel irritated‚ you need to stop and pray and ask Me for My love. For when you allow yourself to be like that, there's the very real danger that you'll allow your own opinions to influence you too much. You'll be too forceful in your opinions, and in doing this, mistakes are more easily made.

52. Because of your position and your influence on people, it's usually hard enough for them to disagree with you or voice contrary opinions. They can do so more easily when you show yourself open, agreeable‚ and considerate of others' opinions. When you're in an irritable mood, then others either don't feel that they can give their opinion or it provokes a similar irritableness in them. It's not good. So stay more aware of that when you're grouchy and irritable. Know that it's not My will. That's not how I want you to be. Stop and come to Me and ask Me for My love and grace, and I will pour that upon you, and I will answer your request. (End of message from Jesus.)

Abner's Time of United Prayer
At Peter and Mama's Home,
November 18‚ 2000

53. (Abner prays: ) Thank You, Jesus, for this precious opportunity to come before You and each one here and acknowledge these things that I need Your help with and where I've fallen short. I do really need Your help in areas I've allowed myself the luxury of not making the progress that You've asked me to make—spending time with You, hearing from You more, being more prayerful, and being a sample of these things in my life. It's scary and dangerous and it's been a bad sample to others when I haven't been as prayerful as I need to be. I ask for Your forgiveness and Your help with this‚ that I won't minimize it.

54. That has probably been one of My biggest weaknesses, that I've minimized it and haven't put forth the effort. I know where it leads and I don't want to go there. I ask for the strength and the commitment of mind and heart to make the change, to take those conference days with You and time with You. You've told me that I've got to have time with You first thing in the morning. I made progress with it, and then I allowed myself to slip back and not require it of myself.

55. Lord, also, if I don't have an opinion I can be pretty open‚ but when I have an opinion, then I close myself off to others' opinions. I know that's not right, and I ask You to help me with that. Help me to be very open and not stuck on an opinion of how things should be.

56. I also want to pray that You'll help me with being in the States. I've really been influenced by living in the States. People go through a lot of struggles there, and a lot of people go back there and then leave the Family. The envir­onment is unhealthy, and I want to pray that I will be able to rise above it. Help me not to be affected by the materialism and worldliness, the lack of truth and the complacency. There are precious people there who are drowning, people who are lost. I want to ask Your help to take extra time with You to avoid the dangers. Please help me, Lord.

57. (Peter prays for Abner:) I'm sure all of us have some of these tendencies, Lord. It's so important to spend that time in the bed of love, taking time in the Word, listening, hearing Your voice, asking You questions, and letting You shepherd us in areas we need to improve in. If we will take that time, so many of these other things will be taken care of; we'll have the wisdom and understanding to recognize our weaknesses, and the grace and strength to overcome them.

58. Lord, some of these things are natural tendencies. But we who are Your brides, Your shep­herds, Your representatives to the world have to do the supernatural. We have to be different. We have to be full of You and like You. And that comes from being with You, spending time with You and loving You, feeding on Your Words and receiving Your seeds, making love with You. That's what changes us, and that's why You're telling us over and over again that we have to spend time with You, that it's so im­portant, that we can't let it go or let it take second or third place; it has to be priority.

59. Help each one of us, dear Lover. We pray especially for Abner, who is asking You to change him in this, so he will be able to rise above the hazards of being in the States, as well as overcome any kind of materialism, improve his interactions with people‚ and listen to ­others and not hang on to his opinions.

60. We can overcome all of this through our time with You and through bringing matters to You. So we pray that You will help him to take his time with You‚ to give it the priority it needs and have the faith to take the time and set it aside, making it sacrosanct—even when there are so many other things that need to be done. It takes real faith, so give him the faith. He's asked You, so please give him great strength and power to overcome through Your Word, Your Spirit, and Your love. Thank You, our dear Husband.

61. (Jesus speaking: ) Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to My Word! It's the Word, it's the Word, it's the Word! It's the Word that does the cleansing. It's the Word that does the protecting. It's the Word that will insulate you from the evils of America. You're very sensitive in recognizing the pitfalls, and this is good. I have given you that sensitivity, that little check, to know and understand that you're walking on dangerous ground. That's your safeguard, and when you listen to it‚ it allows Me to come forth in all My power to help you and to protect you, and it releases My Heavenly spirits. So thank you for being yielded and sensitive, and taking heed to that still, small voice, that little check within you that rings that bell, that tells you it's time to check in with the Boss.

62. My counsel for you is that if you will remain in the Word, if you'll fill yourself with My Words and My seeds, and if you'll let them fill you to overflowing, then that will be your protection. That will be your safeguard. That will be your Elixir of Love that covers you, keeps you‚ and protects you. It will encase you in a bubble of My Spirit that will keep you from the evils of the land.

63. It's important that you keep yourself unspotted, clean‚ and away from the world. For you will be a great influence on others, and when they feel your spirit, your joy, your happiness, and your love, because of the Word flowing through you, it will have influence upon them, and they too will want to partake of that joy, love, and happiness. They too will want to spend time with Me and My Words, and they too will receive the same coating of protection from the world outside.

64. I have called you to America. I have anointed you for this job. Yes, you've gone into dangerous territory. It is pretty tough there‚ and sometimes you have to harden your spirit just to be able to make it through the day. But if you'll come to Me on a regular basis, make it a priority to spend time with Me, both in the bed of love and in reading and imbibing My Words‚ then those Words will do the work in you. You won't have to worry, fear or wonder, "Am I doing okay? Am I being a good sample, a good influence?" All you have to do is take that time with Me and read My Words, and they'll do the work in you. It's not a work of the flesh; it's a work of My Spirit. So let those golden seeds of My Word fill you, and let them go to work.

65. It's like when you take a vitamin. You don't put the vitamin in your mouth, swallow it, and then run around trying to make it do something to help your body. You simply let it go to work. You forget about it, and you let it do its job within your body. It's the same with My Word. If you'll value it, if you'll value your time with Me‚ and if you'll not neglect your Word time, you'll find that those seeds will do tremendous good within you. They will overflow onto others and you'll be the sample of love, joy‚ happiness, and understanding that you so long to be. (End of message from Jesus.)

66. (Mama:) The following messages were re­ceived by Abner either during or soon after the summit. If you would also hear from the Lord regarding these points‚ I think you would find it well worth it, and that it would be a blessing in every way. I continue to pray that your reading this personal material from some of your CROs will help you to admire them all the more, knowing how desperate, yielded and open to the truth they had to be to receive these detailed, challenging, life–changing messages.

Q: How are my mindset and attitudes different from the Lord's?

67. (Abner prays:) Thank You, Jesus, for this opportunity to come before You and sit with You‚ my wonderful Husband and Lover, God of all creation. Your hand is mighty to save. Your voice is the strength of my life. Your love is my lifeblood. Your strength and spirit and presence are my desire. Jesus, I come before You with this question about my mindset and attitudes. Please give me clear counsel. Help me not to hold back in any way or hinder Your clear message coming through with these words of counsel that I need and desire. Please help my pride not to interfere. Please help me just to give what You give me. I know that You don't condemn and that anything You give will be encouraging and helpful. It will be words of love that are health to my bones and the help that I need.

68. (Jesus speaking:) You are of the Earth and earthly; I am of the Heavenlies and of the spirit. But I have taken on the form of man and I have experienced the ways of Earth. I understand. But My mind is not your mind. My ways are not your ways‚ for I am of the spirit. The spirit and the spiritual mind are far different from the mind of the flesh. The spirit is freedom and life and liberty. The freedom of My Spirit is so far beyond the confines of the flesh. My Spirit is sexy. My Spirit is free. My Spirit is not bound or hindered by the opinions of man. My Spirit is full of liberty, change, joy‚ and humility.

69. You have a taste of My Spirit; you have a part of Me. My mindset, My attitude‚ My Spirit are very different from yours because you are influenced by the flesh and the world about you. You are influenced by the opinions of man.

70. The more time you spend with Me, the freer you are, the more full of joy you are, the less bound you are. This is why it's so import­ant for My children of the End, My intimate brides, to commune with Me, to enter into My presence and to love Me fully and deeply, to lay aside their earthly thoughts and attitudes, and see things from the Heavenly perspective.

71. I desire to give you My Heavenly perspective, to show you things from My vantage point, but you must come to Me. You must step outside the confines of the flesh and enter into My Spirit. You must lay aside your pride, your preconceived notions and ideas, your thoughts and attitudes that are influenced by the flesh. This is one of the reasons why loving Me intimately separates so clearly those who are influenced by the flesh and the world and who choose the influence of the world, from those who choose the spirit and spiritual things and values. Those who love Me intimately love these things, for they seek the spiritual and the freedoms of My Spirit. They choose the way of humility and the ways of love and My ways over the pride of man, over the pride of intellect, over the carnal mind.

72. Your mindset and attitudes are not in line with My ways while you are influenced by the world. This is the danger of the input of the world. This is the danger of the land that you live in, for there you are besieged daily with the flood of propaganda around you: the radio, magazines‚ TV‚ movies, opinions of the general population. You live in a deceived land—the land that was given My truth and where the truth still exists, the land founded on freedom, but where the Evil One has set about to viciously deter and undermine the truth of My Word.

73. The truth is that My ways are simple. My ways are humble. My ways are loving. My ways are ways of total faith. If you were totally perfect before Me, you would be as I am and as I was when I walked the Earth. The less you are concerned for earthly things, then the more you are like Me and the more yielded you are to My will. The more humble you are and the more obedient you are to the truth of My Word, then the more your attitudes are aligned with the thoughts of My heart. The more you live Acts 2:44 and 45, the more you give, the more you call nothing that you have your own, then the more your attitudes are as My attitudes. The more you give of yourself, the more you live the One Wife ­vision, the more you share, the more you encourage, the more you speak to others of My love and the more this is your goal and purpose in life, and the more you pursue these goals, then the more your attitudes and mindset are as Mine.

74. My attitudes and mindset are most clearly defined in the qualities of a disciple. A disciple is one who is as his master. Come and live for Me, give your life for My service. Give and do not hold back, and I promise you that you will not be disappointed. I promise you that your joy will have no bounds. Your thrills, fulfillment and satisfaction will be complete; they will be beyond what you thought or imagined poss­ible. This satisfaction and fulfillment, these thrills of life and love‚ are only found in the path of complete surrender. They are not found on any other path. They are not found by any other means. They are not achieved by any other efforts.

75. Only on the path of yieldedness and com­plete surrender to Me are the greatest treasures found. Those who walk this path and seek these riches experience thrills that no others experience in the flesh. It will not look like much if you view it carnally; the riches will not be seen. But in the spirit, seen through the eyes of the spirit and filled by the spirit, the choice is crystal clear and the truth is clearly seen. Come and live your life to the full. Live for Me and you will not be disappointed. (End of message from Jesus)

76. (Abner prays:) Jesus, I really thank You for Your words of love and counsel. I literally couldn't live without them. Lord, I want to ask You about this prophecy. In Your words of counsel to me, You call me to come and follow You, to live my life for You. I'm a little concerned that I'm not, Lord, as You seem to be calling me to do that. I'm a little worried that I must be ­super off track or practically a goner, that I must not be yielding or surrendering for this counsel to be coming to me. Please help me to see things as You do, dear Jesus. If I'm really out of it‚ please help me to see it. If I'm just a little out of it, help me to see it. I don't want to cruise along, thinking I'm doing fine, only to find that I'm like the frog getting slowly cooked and not realizing that the temperature's rising. Please come through with clear counsel for me, Jesus. I really need the life-giving seeds of Your Words for me. Thank You so much‚ dear Lover.

77. (Jesus speaking:) Dear love, I know that you've given and are giving your life to Me. You've forsaken all to be My disciple, My lover, My bride. You've made it your goal to do all you can to establish My work, to help others to make it in My service, to spread My Word and My love. I know this.

78. I've given you these words because I know you need to be reminded of the basics sometimes. You need to hear these things again from Me. It helps you, it reaffirms your convictions and encourages you in the decisions that you've made.

79. You live in a land of material opportunity. You are striving to help My work grow‚ and part of that growth is monetary—raising the money needed to spread My Word in a bigger way‚ to produce tools that can help to change lives. You feel that if you had millions of dollars there is so much that you could do with it to help promote My Word—pubs to produce, ­videos that could be produced, missionaries that could be helped, more time spent doing these things than having to raise funds just to make your Home budget. And as you look at that, you see other opportunities to raise finances, and sometimes the picture gets a little cloudy; you wonder if you're approaching things the right way. I am simply reminding you that you have to keep walking by faith. Walking by faith isn't some­thing anyone can just do yesterday. If you're not walking by faith today, then you're not walking by faith anymore. You've seen My provision and supply for you over the past many years, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have to take My supply in the coming years by faith.

80. My Words are meant to remind you, to encourage you, that you will never regret the choices you made to follow as a disciple, to lay aside the things of Earth and to put your trust and your values in the things of Heaven. There is always room for improvement. As I told My disciples‚ if you've got two cloaks, give to someone who has none. If you've got two pairs of shoes‚ give to someone who has none. My words are the same to you. If you've got something and you see your brother has need, don't be afraid to give it away.

81. You can tend to hang on to things. So I'm encouraging you to seek Me when you feel a tug on your heart to give it away. Keep giving it away, whether it's food or funds or supplies, and I'll keep pouring it in. Stop giving it away, and My supply will run dry. It's a law of the spirit; things simply work that way.

82. I'm reminding you of these spiritual principles so that you can keep them present in your mind and heart. I call you daily to be My disciple. The call to forsake all and follow Me is a daily call, and many times throughout the day. The thrills and joys that await you are there for you each day that you live for Me, each day that you give your life to Me. So I call you to follow Me each day, to answer My call, to share My love, to live your life to the full as My disciple. Today is the day to live for Me, not yesterday, not tomorrow. Today is the day that My disciples live for Me. So My call is a call today, for today. (End of message from Jesus.)

Q: What are my unrealistic expectations?

83. (Jesus speaking:) Unrealistic expectations are commonplace in your life. It's a weak area that affects you in many ways. It will take some time for you to overcome as much as you need to, but you can make significant and immediate progress by noting My Words of counsel here and implementing in your life what I share with you today.

84. First, one of the best things that you can do is to check yourself when you are ­making plans, when you are estimating what time you'll be ready to go somewhere, when you're ­figuring when you'll be able to have a project done by, or when you're praying about plans and projects and possibilities. Ask yourself: "Is this realistic?" You don't have to be convinced that you have a weakness for unrealistic expectations. So asking yourself this question will put you in the position of more seriously considering your timetables or what you hope to accomplish.

85. You need to separate what you want to do‚ what you hope to do, and what you can realistically expect to do. You tend to concentrate on what you want or hope to do and make that your expectation. That's not an expectation; that's a hope. You need to stop at the very beginning and revise your thinking to consider what you really KNOW you can do. Don't go by what you hope to do or want to do, but go by what you know for sure you can do.

86. If you're getting ready to leave where you're at, and you're tying up some business or getting ready to go, you tend to keep piling up things that you want to do before going. Those were not included when you first estimated your departure time. Those are unrealistic add-ons that you either have to anticipate in your first estimate or you need to exclude and realize that they'll have to get done later. Your problem is that you don't always think of them when you're first estimating your time of departure. This is a key to how unrealistic expectations work in your life.

87. What you need to keep in mind is that things that you didn't anticipate will come up. Therefore, whenever you are estimating a departure time or a deadline, you should give yourself twice as much time, minimum. If you are unable to give yourself twice as much time, then you need to discipline yourself to not take on extra to-dos that aren't absolutely necessary.

88. Another practice that will help you is forming the habit, which includes the desire, to be ready 10 minutes early for a departure on an errand or simple trip out of the house, 10 minutes early for a meeting, hours early before departing on a shorter trip, and a couple of days early before traveling on a major trip.

89. The 10-minute times before leaving the house or having a meeting should be held ­sacred to be spent with Me. This will allow Me to be more present in your day. These are times that I request that you spend with Me. They are not times to squeeze in extra projects or little things you haven't been able to get done, but quiet times to spend communing with Me. Knowing that I have requested these times is intended to underline their importance to you‚ to help you to see that it is a request from Me, an important habit to cultivate and one that will help you to walk more in My love and My Spirit.

90. Being ready days early before leaving on a major trip is also intended to give you more time with Me. In this case, though, it is also intended to help take the pressure off and to allow you to have time for all of the unexpected, unscheduled, unplanned-for questions and needs that arise. Similarly‚ being ready hours before a local, shorter trip allows for those same interruptions.

91. There is an important downside to unrealistic expectations that I want to explain to you. This will help you to guard more against them and to take them more seriously. The more serious downside is that when you are planning projects and your work schedule, both personally and with the overall work‚ and you do not anticipate the things that will come up, when you have unrealistic expectations of what you will be able to personally accomplish or what your team will be able to accomplish, then important things are delayed or left undone. By being more realistic about your time and about the time and capabilities of others, then you are able to spread the workload around or find other solutions to project needs. When you don't anticipate this, then the reality is that things don't get done that could have otherwise been planned for, and the work suffers.

92. This is one of the biggest detriments to unrealistic expectations, aside from the pressure that it causes, the discouragement of things not getting done that you'd hoped to get done, or the disruption in other people's lives that can come as a result. One of the biggest problems which results is that things don't get done that could have otherwise gotten done. So the fruit of unrealistic expectations is exactly opposite of what you hoped for! Instead of getting more done, or getting done what you unrealistically think you can, you don't get it done. By more realistically planning, you can anticipate or allot for something not getting done and come up with another solution. Keep this in mind, because it will motivate you to think more realistically, and it will help you to motivate others to think more realistically, for they will realize the negative reper­cussions and will likewise want to avoid that unwanted result.

93. This also exposes who promotes un­realistic expectations. Consider the fruit and you will identify the source. The fruit of unrealistic expectations is stress, pressure, discouragement, disrupted lives, disunity, friction, disillusionment, failure and missed opportunities, delays and shortcomings. Further fruit is less prayer, less counsel, less time spent with Me, less of My Spirit. The source is the Hinderer, the Confuser, the Perplexer and Oppressor of your souls. So you need to fight unrealistic expectations like you fight the Devil, for it is one of his favorite tools, hidden subtly behind the mask of good intentions, brought into your lives through self–righteousness and carnality, through working more in the flesh and less in the Spirit.

94. The greatest antidote to unrealistic ex­pecta­tions is to walk more in prayer and My Spirit. When you find yourself faced with the fruit of unrealistic expectations, know that you are not walking as closely to Me as you should be, that you are not walking as much in prayer and in My Spirit as you need to be. Unrealistic expectations and their fruit are danger signs, for they are the result of more basic spiritual errors that need to be corrected. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

Q: What will happen if I don't stay close to the Lord, if I don't stay true to the commitments I have made to have
sufficient time with the Lord?

95. (Abner prays:) Dear Lover‚ I do want to stay close to You and I don't want to stray. I want to accomplish what You want me to accomplish and I want to avoid the pitfalls of straying from You. I know it will help to hear from You in advance what will happen if I don't stay close to You. You're the One I want to live for and serve and please. You're the One Who has given me life, happiness, and every blessing I have. You're the One I want to be with forever. Please give me clear counsel on how to stay close to You. Let me know what will happen if I don't.

96. (Jesus speaking:) Dear love, the most important thing that will happen if you don't stay close to Me is that you won't accomplish what I have designed you for. Ultimately some whose lives I have intended for you to reach with My love will not receive My message, or their lives will be made more difficult. There are some sad consequences that will come if you do not stay as close to Me as I want you to, as I know you need to. I can't force you to stay close to Me, I have left this up to your choice, your personal initiative, your inalienable right of self-determination, your responsibility to make the decisions to follow Me, to listen to My voice, to do what I ask you to do.

97. The Enemy goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Just as you can imagine would happen if you were to walk through an area populated by lions, you would walk in fear and trembling that one of those big cats would be lying in wait for you, stalking you, hunting you, seeking his next meal. This is the picture that I have portrayed in this verse, and the picture is accurate. The Enemy of your soul and of My Kingdom stalks and hunts and seeks to destroy. He seeks his next meal, his next prey. Lions seek the weak, for the weak are an easier target. They are worth the hunt‚ for the weaker the prey, the easier the hunt. Similarly‚ Satan seeks out the weak or those who've been strong but are experiencing a weak period in their life.

98. The weak periods are times when you have to be careful to not push yourself or further weaken yourself. When you have been through a time of battle or a time of pouring out, a time when you haven't been able to get the amount of Word or time with Me that you know you need in order to stay strong, then you need to be careful that you don't put yourself in harm's way. You need to be mindful that you get the time of strengthening that you need‚ for these are times when those who are usually strong can also become prey. This is why some who have been strong in Me and very used of Me have also succumbed to the Enemy's attacks—because during a time when they were a little weakened they didn't take it as seriously as they should have. They got overconfident. They looked at themselves as being strong and thereby under­esti­mated the danger and overestimated their strengths.

99. If you don't stay close to Me, you'll get weaker. You'll experience discouragement and frustration. You'll make mistakes that you could easily have avoided. You'll wear thin in your ability to tolerate problems; you'll react with impatience when confronted with problems. You'll snap at people; you'll deal with others self-righteously. People will seek to distance themselves from you, as they will be discouraged and experience battles when around you. You won't be happy; you'll know something is wrong, but you won't have the strength to make the changes you need to make to overcome. You'll gradually get weaker and be less effective in your shepherding and your ability to inspire and lift up others. You'll experience ­periods of anxiety, of being distraught and confused about life and what you're doing with yours. The world and what it has to offer will look more attractive. You'll look at things more in the flesh and less in the Spirit. You'll be tired and downcast. You'll be sad.

100. I don't tell you these things to scare you or intimidate you, My love. I tell you this because I don't want you to have to experience any of this, even in the slightest degree. I want you to live a life that is full of My love and My Spirit; that's what I died for! I died to save you for eternity, yes‚ but I also died to give you a better life while you're alive—that no matter what your physical condition, whatever problems life brings your way, My Spirit in you will cause you to overcome, because you'll have your eyes on Heavenly things and your heart more full of My love.

101. Love is the greatest force in the world! Love is My Spirit! It is powerful, motivating, captivating! It is the power that overcomes all difficulty, heals the broken heart, lifts the discouraged spirit. The Enemy seeks to snuff out true love, to obscure it with things that smother it and asphyxiate it. He seeks to cut off the air of My Spirit to your heart, to get your eyes on things that upset you‚ that worry you‚ that discourage you, that bother you. He seeks to get you to walk in the flesh and not walk in faith. He knows that faith is contagious, that love is contagious. So he seeks to drown it in a flood of worldly thoughts and impressions. Resist him, resist the world, resist the flesh‚ and My Spirit in you will cause you to overcome! My love will lift you high and you'll not only accomplish what I want you to, which gives the greatest sense of satisfaction, but you'll walk in love, contentment and greater happiness. (End of message from Jesus.)

Prayer of Commitment by Abner
28 February 2001

102. (Mama: ) While at the summit, I explained to the CROs that it's one thing to ask the Lord to help you to change, but it's going a step further to ask the Lord to "do whatever it takes" to make sure you do change. In essence, that type of prayer is giving the Lord permission to do whatever is necessary to "force" you to change. Although it takes strong trust and utter yieldedness, if you can bring yourself to pray such a "prayer of Magdalene" it's a good thing, because then you are asking the Lord to make it impossible for you to go back on your commitments. You're asking the One Who loves you perfectly and unconditionally to work in your life in whatever way He knows is best. You're giving Him leave to create circumstances in your life or put you in situations that will ensure that you keep your word.

103. The thing that might keep you from wanting to pray such a prayer is fear—fear that what you'll experience as a result will be too hard for you, or that you'll suffer some un­bearable loss. The way to combat such a fear is to know that your Husband loves you more than you can possibly understand and He does all things well. He wants you to be happy and fruitful‚ and anything He would do in your life would be to that ultimate end. You need not fear giving your life completely and without reservation to the One Who died for you—He only wants what's best for you‚ and the more of yourself you give to Him, the more He'll be able to give you the rare and precious riches of His Spirit and rewards that will far outweigh your sacrifices.

104. If you are serious about praying a "do what­ever it takes prayer," I suggest that you re­ceive such a prayer in prophecy, letting the Lord express the deepest desires of your heart. Also, please receive encouragement and promises from the Lord either before or after you pray this prayer.

105. Following is Abner's "do whatever it takes" prayer:

106. (Abner: ) Jesus, my Lover, You are every­thing to me. My heart's desire is to please You to the greatest degree possible, to allow You to use me in the way that You know is the best. You've given me everything, held nothing back, laid down Your life for me. You've saved me forever, joined together with me as Husband to wife‚ made my life worth living. Every­thing that I value in this life came from Your hand.

107. Dear Love, I ask You to work in my life in whatever way You need to, to make me what You want me to be. Jesus, anything in my life that keeps me from You—and I know there are things that do—anything that keeps me from knowing You more, from loving You more, from serving You more, please take those things out of my life. Any change that You need or want to make in my heart, please do whatever it takes to make that change. I trust You completely, Jesus. I trust Your love and Your wisdom and Your will.

108. Jesus, please instill in my heart a desire to see You work in my life in a greater way, at whatever cost. Help me to love You more completely, more fully, more desperately. Help me to not hold back in the least. Do whatever You need to do, my Love, to get me out of the way so that You can shine through. When my pride gets in the way‚ humble me. When my selfishness gets in the way, help me to experience want. When my own will gets in the way‚ help me to fail. When my flesh and my carnality get in the way, crucify them so that Your excellent spirit can pour through.

109. Jesus, I don't want to pass from this life having given only what You required of me‚ having done the least I could do, or even half of what I could do. I want to be all for You that You want me to be. I want You to use me to the greatest extent that You possibly can. Please do whatever it takes to purge out the dross and the impurities and the hindrances that prevent that. If that takes a physical purging—sickness or weakness or ill health—then do whatever it takes in the flesh to accomplish that. If it takes a spiritual purging—loss, distress‚ humiliation, trials or troubles—then I ask You to bring that into my life.

110. I know You'll give me the grace for any­thing that You know I need, to accomplish good things in my life, to make me more like You, more full of Your love, Your empathy, Your Spirit. Give me faith to endure any hardness, to face any test, to make any sacrifice, to accomplish Your will, to reach others with Your love, to do what You want me to do, to be what You want me to be. That's my sincere request, my heart's desire, my prayer.

How Abner has changed

111. (Mama:) Whenever you're striving to change and improve in your life, it's always a big boost to hear that it's working. Sometimes the "two steps forward, one step back" process of long–lasting change can be discouraging, and often people are tempted to give up, thinking it's impossible. If you find yourself in that state‚ the thing to do is ask the Lord or have someone else ask the Lord to tell you how you've changed, because He sees your heart, He knows your thoughts, and He hears your sincere prayers. He appreciates your progress and knows its value‚ even when you feel you're hardly changing at all.

112. This last message is the Lord's explanation of how wonderfully Abner has changed and continues to change. Along with encouraging Abner and helping to give us all faith that change is possible, the Lord also sheds some new light on why change sometimes takes a while—why it's gradual rather than an overnight transformation.

113. Abner, dear love and friend, I'm so happy with your humility, your openness, your desire for change and your willingness to do whatever it takes to secure and hold on to such personal progress! You're doing great and are a sample to all of us! Thank you for continuing on strong and devoted and determined. We need you and love you!

114. (Jesus speaking:) My dear son, you are a changed man! You have let Me work in your life. You have opened yourself up without reservation, saying to Me, "My Lord, I need to change. I want to change. Please change me." That is the kind of prayer I cannot refuse. I love change—I love to change people, because I know that not only will they be more fruitful for Me, but they will also be happier. So I stepped in and was able to work freely in your life.

115. And the best part is, you continue to let Me work freely in your life. You have made it a goal to strive for, to always be open to what I want to do. Because of this, I will bring things up in your work, your personal life, and your relations with others to allow you to keep moving forward, keep learning‚ keep making prog­ress. This is a glorious, wonderful victory! More than anything else that would have helped you in your spiritual life, this openness and commitment to stay open has catapulted you forward.

116. No one is perfect. No one can do the right things all the time. Even having united prayer doesn't completely relieve you of all old habits or mindsets or faults. It frees you in the spirit to move forward; it does the miracle that is needed; it empowers you with supernatural help so that you can progress beyond your limited natural capabilities. But I have made it so that you still have to act on that victory in order to claim it. Because of this, you have to continue learning. And so the greatest victory is realizing that you will always be needing to learn, and then learning to enjoy it, to welcome it, to thrive on it, to embrace change fully, knowing that it is the only way to stay alive spiritually, and to stay happy and fruitful in these days.

117. You have done this, My love. You have prayed and told Me that whatever it takes, you want to continue to make progress. You want Me to do whatever is needed to keep you growing, moving and changing with My Spirit. This is a wonderful thing, because now you will not rest on your past victories—which are many and glorious, but which are not enough for tomorrow.

118. My precious love, the changes that you have made are obvious. I will list some of them here for you, to show you how I see them‚ and how proud I am of you for being willing to let Me help you make them:

119. 1) You are much more desperate with Me. You know beyond doubt that you need Me desperately, and you want Me more than ever before. This creates a great vacuum in the spirit‚ which I am then able to fill. I love being able to work more closely with you!

120. 2) You are not perfect in the areas that you have committed to changing, but you are continuing to make the effort to move forward. Many times change is a continual process, and in your case, rather than granting you a complete and total victory instantaneously, I am allowing your changes to be more gradual. I do this because I know that is the greater sample, and that it will be a constant reminder to those you work with of their need to also change and move forward and remain desperate with Me.

121. Because your greatest desire is to be the shepherd and vessel I want you to be, and your greatest love is Me and My will and My work, I allowed your changes to come about in this way because it's a much more powerful testimony. Every time you make a mistake and then do the humble thing to rectify it, each time you start a conversation and then stop and remember to pray, each time you reach out in humility as I have asked of you‚ you are being a living sample of what I want My children to be and do. And even though you sometimes wish that it would all come naturally and automatically to you, I know that it's more important for those around you to benefit from the training‚ the learning and growing process. So I allow you to make mistakes or to sometimes forget, so that you might then remember and make even more of a point out of it.

122. So, My love, it's not that you have not changed or that you're not changing fast enough—I'm simply allowing your transformation process to come about differently, for the benefit of those you love so much and live to serve. I knew you wouldn't mind once you understood, and I'm so thankful that I'm able to work this way in your life. Telling you this will also make you even more desperate to continue to lay hold on the changes I'm working in your life, even if it's a slower process‚ knowing that it's not just for yourself, but that through changing you, I'm changing many others as well.

123. 3) You are more relaxed in spirit; you have more faith, because you are resting more in My arms. You have laid down the heavy burden of works and you are operating more in prayer, more in the spirit‚ allowing Me to do more. This is a change that is also coming in stages, but you are making excellent progress. I'm very‚ very happy with you!

124. 4) Your willingness to lay down everything that you were, everything that you did, and start afresh with Me enabled Me to give you a new anointing. You were anointed before, but your total openness in the spirit made way for Me to give you much more—you have more wisdom, you have the anointing of asking Me good questions and helping others to formulate questions to ask Me. You have the anointing of knowing when it is time to stop and pray and seek Me about something. Your channel has become even clearer and more exercised through your faithfulness to bring questions before Me. All of these things are part of your new anointing, and there is much more. Your anointing will continue to grow and be strengthened as you continue to depend on Me more and more.

125. My love, you have made wonderful, tremendous progress. I'm very proud of you. I'm so thankful for you. I love your openness to Me. I love your hunger for Me. I will continue to fill you with good things and will continue to re-create you according to My perfect plan. Thank you for being willing to be used in whatever capacity I see fit; I have granted you a large capacity, because you were willing to do anything and be anything, in order to please Me. (End of message from Jesus.)

(In box at end of GN:)

You Are Enough

Your grace is sufficient whate'er may be,

Your love‚ it makes my heart to leap,

Your Word my soul from trouble frees,

You are enough.

Your touch, the balm I'll ever savor,

Your heart inclined to grant me favor,

You hear the prayers of the smallest creature,

You are enough.

Your eyes‚ clear bright and reassuring,

Reveal a heart of love unfailing‚

Your voice, my comfort in the night,

You are enough.

Your friendship‚ sweeter than earthly bond,

Your laughter, the richest of all sounds,

Your smile, the brightest ever found,

You are enough.

You understand the deep things of my heart,

You feel the faintest longings start,

You kiss, and make the shadows part,

You are enough.

Your vows to me are irrefutable‚

Your sacrifice is indisputable,

Your gift of life to me immutable,

You are enough.

When all this world has passed away,

And gone are joys not meant to stay,

My heart will fully know and say,

You are enough.

Abner, 28/2/01