KEYWORDS: love, world, peace, war, heart, earth

Balkan Conflict, The: Are You a Peacemaker?

May 5, 2003

[GP tract]

I look and I see both the evil and the good. I see the hearts of men and I know what lies therein. I know the thoughts and the intents of every heart; nothing is hid from Me.

I see days of sorrow sweeping the earth. The sights and sounds of war ring out—screams of fright‚ cries of despair, guns firing, bombs falling, smoke rising. Yugoslavia is filled with the dead, the displaced and the dying. Homes are burning, refugees flee in droves, stripped of all hope. Both sides suffer, while peoples and races are driven further apart from each other.

I weep for the dead and I weep for the living. I weep for those in the world who choose evil over good, and I weep for those who suffer because of the evil perpetrated by others.

Nation rises against nation, race against race, rich against poor, one political system against the other.

These wars are not caused by Me—they are the result of man's own choices, desiring evil over good. Such wars are Satan's weapon to slaughter and destroy man, to maim and kill and cause agony and suffering.

No one wins a war—all are losers. Many lives are lost and even more are shattered. Countries and economies are destroyed; bodies are broken; suffering and sorrow flourish. Children lose the innocence of childhood, young men and women lose the joy of youth, the elderly lose the peace of their twilight years. Everyone loses in the wars of man.

Even those who wage war and think they win because they come out on top lose also, for evil gives no reward. Those who live by the sword will also die by the sword. Those who sow evil will reap the fruit of evil in the world to come. This is My law: Those who have war in their hearts, who thirst for blood and who destroy the earth, will not prosper.

My love is the opposite of man's carnal wars. Love and salvation are My tools to create life and save life‚ to help people live and love and be at peace with each other. In the world to come there will be no more death or dying; no more suffering, torture‚ killing and slaughter. When I return as I have promised, I will establish righteousness on earth.

The entire world is at war. It is the universal war between good and evil, between right and wrong‚ between love and hate, between righteousness and wickedness, between happiness and misery, between life and death.

I ask you, people of Europe, and people of the world, will you choose good or evil? Will you help to bring peace to the earth? I will bless the peacemakers, and they will inherit the earth. I do not speak of those who say they are for peace‚ yet war is in their hearts, nor those who would fight evil with evil. The true peacemakers of today will be the rulers of tomorrow, while those who wage war will fall.

All that is necessary for evil to flourish in this world is that good men and women remain noncommittal. But the days of sitting on the fence are drawing to an end. The time has come when every man and woman will have to make a choice between good or evil. There is no standing still; there will be no neutral ground.

So I invite you now to join the peacemakers. You can do your part to work towards bringing heavenly peace to the world today—the peace of mind and heart that can carry you through no matter what conditions surround you. The first step is to receive My love and peace in your own heart, so that you can then share these with others. You can do this by simply asking Me for them and sincerely praying:

Dear Jesus, I choose good over evil. I choose to join the peacemakers of the earth. Fill my heart with Your love, and help me to spread that love to others. Help me to learn how to communicate with You, so I can receive Your guidance. Show me how I can do my part to live for peace and spread love. Amen.

When you call on Me, you open a line of communication between us. When this happens, if you listen, I will speak to your heart and show you ways you can be a peacemaker. I will teach you how you can promote peace, using tools far more powerful than the weapons possessed by the armies of this world—tools of faith, love and compassion‚ kind words and deeds.

Do not think that you can never make a difference in the world. Even one man or woman‚ when empowered by My love, can change the world. You can change your part of the world, the world around you, right now! Start by letting Me change your heart, and by making the decision to stand up for good over evil, for love over hate. Which will you choose?

Love, Jesus