KEYWORDS: prayer, pray, prayers, others, spirit, intercessory

Action Through Prayer!--Part 1

Karen Zerby

—The underused spiritual weapon! Part 1

By Maria Maria #551 CM/FM 3319 9/00

Dear Family,

1. I love you and I'm praying for you. Maybe it seems that we sometimes overuse the term "I'm praying for you," but perhaps that's because we've grown familiar with it and don't realize just how important or powerful our prayers are. In this GN and others to follow I'm going to share with you some fascinating messages that provide fresh insight into what happens in the realm of the spirit when we pray and just how significant our prayers are to the Lord. These messages are primarily about intercessory prayer‚ which is prayer for others. However, there are also other jewels about prayer in general, including prayers for yourself, your Home, your work, etc. Before sharing these messages I'd like to give you a little background as to how this new GN series on prayer came about.

2. In our Home we have regular daily prayer for you, our Family, both at ­devotions and mealtimes as well as throughout the day in our prayer vigils. We also set aside a half day every two weeks for prayer and take time to hear from the Lord about your needs. Many of the messages received on these prayer mornings later come to you via the GNs, or in personal letters from my secretaries, in answer to prayer requests you've sent us. Over the last year or so, while planning these prayer mornings, our channels have received some wonderful mess­ages from the Lord about prayer. Our sweet Lover regularly encourages us to pray more than we have been, and continues giving us more good reasons why we should. Many of those messages are included in these GNs.

3. Needless to say, I've had a personal burden to share these jewels with you, and have wanted to produce these GNs for some time now. We often have several projects in the works, and some things have to wait their turn. We simply can't get everything out as quickly as we would like, as has been the case with this material. However, recently the Lord pointed out that we needed to put a push on publishing these GNs for you, saying it was very important in relation to the era of action. This came about as a result of a mistake someone in our Home made, which the Lord used as a catalyst to speak to us further on this subject.

4. A situation arose in which dear ­Matthew, one of Peter's and my team­workers, received some reports regarding a serious security situation that endangered the safety of some Family members. Due to certain circumstances‚ he was the only one to read the reports when they first arrived. It was a serious situation that desperately needed prayer, and should have immediately been shared with as many people as possible to get help in the spirit. But because he was very busy with unusual duties, on top of his normal very big work­load‚ this didn't get done right away, although it did get taken care of a few days later.

5. When we asked the Lord what He wanted to show us through this oversight and if there were any lessons we needed to learn from it, He spoke to us about a very important aspect of our prayer lives and He gave us a "secret of success" for the era of action. He also made it clear we needed to share this material with you as soon as possible. This is something we can all participate in right now. It doesn't cost anything‚ we already have the tools for it on hand‚ and in fact, it's imperative that we begin putting this counsel into effect immediately if we are to succeed in the ­future.

6. Once we started seeing how much of an emphasis the Lord wanted to put on prayer, we brought several other specific questions about prayer before Him. Those questions and His answers are also included in this series on prayer. I think you'll find these Letters a great boost to your spiritual strength and relationship with the Lord—and toward seeing more of the Lord's power manifested in your everyday lives!

7. The first message which follows contains the Lord's counsel about the need for prayer. God bless dear Matthew, He sweetly agreed to share these messages with you so that you could also benefit from these important lessons and this valuable instruction from the Lord.

Much love, Mama

My Idea of Action

8. (Jesus speaking:) To depend on Me is to pray. How can anyone depend on Me when there is a lack of prayer—either ac­knowl­edging Me and seeking Me for an­swers and direction in prophecy, or com­mit­ting your needs and problems, or those of others, to Me in prayer? A lack of either type of prayer shows that you're too strong in yourself and you don't fully realize that without Me you can do nothing.

9. I want to take the Family into a phase of greater intercessory prayer‚ and I will do that through My Word. I will give them more insight into the value of their prayers‚ the power of spending those minutes seeking Me. Oh, how silly it is for weak and pitiful man to feel that his feverish labors and work can even come close to a few minutes spent in prayer! Once My children realize that, they will be much more willing to take the time needed in prayer, and they will see the results of those prayers.

10. That, too, is part of the key of the era of action. People equate action with do­ing something. But they must realize that praying is also action—the most efficient and powerful kind of action. The children of David have somehow separated prayer and spiritual activities from what they consider action. For something to be action, they feel they have to be working in the flesh, doing something visible, exercising their own initiative. That is true, but there is also the action behind the scenes in the spirit, the powerful action that is performed through prayer. This cannot be separated as something less valuable, less important, or less emphasized now that you're in the era of action. Prayer is where the fastest and most powerful progress can be made, which will catapult you into the full fruit and power of the era of action, and then and only then will you see the miracles and greater works that I have promised.

11. The new changes in WS, the commitment to excellence of your WS co-workers, the establishment and progress of the Activated program‚ the building of a larger base church, are all extremely important—absolutely necessary to the success and con­tinued growth of the Family. But intercessory prayer is a key element in making it all happen. There in the privacy of your prayer closet is where the miracles will begin.

12. I have begun this move toward more prayer by making it a requirement that My children in WS have a daily prayer vigil, but this is only the beginning. This is only to condition their minds and spirits and automatic reactions so that they will learn to depend on Me more. The more time a person spends praying, the greater lack they will feel when they fail to pray‚ and the easier I am able to prick their conscience to motivate them to pray. It's something that needs to be developed, for it's a combination of an understanding and acceptance of the power of prayer and the making of a habit to actually pray. For you see, even if you understand and accept and believe in the power of prayer‚ it does nothing until you actually pray. Just the understanding‚ acceptance, and belief are not enough; that's only the first step. It's not until you take the time to specifically call on Me for help, to formulate and verbalize your prayers‚ to put them into words either aloud or in your mind, asking Me specifically for your need or for the needs of ­others, that I and your spirit helpers can go to work on your behalf.

13. You who live and work with your queen have had the very rare privilege of seeing thou­sands of times when she prays for others and commits each conversation, need, problem, and situation to Me. She has rarely missed praying when speaking with you about any subject. That's her natural reaction; it's part of her very nature. But that is not something that is just for her. It's not a special spiritual richness that is reserved only for the queen. That is the goal that each of My children should strive for‚ and you must begin now to help each other and to seek Me often and desperately, asking Me to make each of you a prayer warrior. (End of message from Jesus.)

Becoming a Man of Prayer

14. (Mama:) As you can see, the Lord is shedding a new light on the importance of prayer and the role it needs to play in our lives. He makes it clear that intercessory prayer is the key to the miracles that He will do through us in the era of action. We have everything to gain by making this a daily habit. It's important we begin to do so today, because prayer is where the most powerful and fastest progress can be made, which will catapult us into the full fruit and power of the era of action. He says only as we make intercessory prayer an integral part of our lives will we be able to see the miracles and greater works that He has prom­ised us.

15. Intercessory prayer is the key element in making it all happen. It begins in the privacy of your prayer closet. Understanding, accepting and believing is the first step, but it's not enough on its own. Things won't happen until you actually pray. It's not until we take the time to formulate and verbalize our prayers with specific requests that the Lord and His spirit helpers can go to work on our behalf. Begin now! Help each other to make prayer part of your nature and to become prayer warriors who desperately seek the Lord often.

16. The next two messages were also received for dear Matthew after hearing the above counsel.

17. (Jesus speaking:) My precious one—I appreciate your diligent labors of love for Me and the Family. I know your heart and I'm confident that you want to serve the Family well and wisely. You are willing to work long hours and you take your responsibility seriously. Because of this, I can trust you with more and more, and your queen and king can give more into your faithful hands.

18. This is a time of change. You know this, not only because of the changes around you and the changes in the Family‚ but you also sense that this is a time of change in the spirit. You've sensed My Spirit prodding you and others to grow spiritually, to embrace the changes I have for you wholeheartedly and with seriousness of mind. You have determined to be right with Me, and you want all that I have for you.

19. There is much for you in the days to come—much challenge and added responsibility. Situ­ations will come up that will try your faith and make you feel weak and helpless. This is good. That's how I want you to feel.

20. It is more difficult for men to feel weak and to consistently acknowledge not only to Me but to others their desperate need for help. Men naturally want to do it themselves. They want to "fix it" and there­by show their worth. That's the nature of men and something that serves them well at times, for it also causes men to take initiative, to be guardians of their loved ones, and to have the will to work hard and sacrifice. But there is a negative side to that nature that must be recognized and overcome‚ and that is a tendency to not let Me do as much as I can and want to do.

21. No matter how strong a man is, no matter how gifted, wise, talented, experienced and faithful, there are limitations to what he can do. A man is a man is a man. For each one to truly become all that he can be, there must come a time when he steps across the threshold from the flesh to the spirit, truly depending more on Me and the spiritual realm than on his own work, wisdom, or knowledge.

22. You have done well, My love, in progressing in your use of prophecy. I'm very pleased to see that you're open to asking Me not only the big things, but also the little things. This is a great evidence of humility‚ for it's the little things that you feel you should be able to do on your own. It's more humbling to openly depend on Me for something that seems anyone in their right mind could do almost without effort. Your progress in asking Me everything is a wonderful testimony to others.

23. There is another step that I want you to take which will take you further down this path of humility, dependence on Me, and being a good sample to others. This is something that will also humble you and will require a change of mindset and habit. I want you to become a prayer warrior. Before you immediately react to this commission with self-confidence, that, "Oh, is that all? I know that story, I already am a prayer warrior," let Me explain.

24. There are times when you pour your heart out to Me in beautiful, ­heartfelt, desperate prayer. I love those times. I breathe in your prayers and they are to Me like fresh mountain air after the rain is to you. Your prayers invigorate and challenge Me. They inspire Me, they motivate Me and cause Me to rise up in hot passion on your behalf. Then your wish becomes My command.

25. I want you to keep Me in this state of arousal by praying more often and more desperately. I want you to become known as a man of prayer. I want you to become one who prays‚ who shows his faith in prayer by doing it.

26. I put a challenge before you, dear one, and that is to change your present way of working and thinking, so that your first reaction is to pray. You work‚ you discuss, you write, but how much do you pray? ­Really now, think about it. In relation to every­thing else you do, how much do you actually pray—either privately or with ­others? How much effort do you put into the things you do—your own works—and how much do you let Me do for you and others? Honestly‚ My love‚ I want you to see who you're trusting more—Me, or your own hand?

27. I know you trust Me‚ you depend on Me, you believe in My power. But I want to see that trust, dependence, and belief more, illustrated in intercessory prayer. You should pray each time you read a message. Pray for the needs, the problems, the people. Let Me work for you. But the only way that happens is if you pray, if you actually put these needs and desires into words in prayer.

28. Thinking, or even prayerfully reading and reflecting, is not the same as intercessory prayer. Prayer is when you beseech Me with actual words, and you express the need and ask for My help and intervention either aloud or in your mind. Even in the times when you don't know what to pray for or what to specifically ask Me, you can still call on Me and ask Me to intervene. As I have promised, if you pray by My Spirit, My Spirit will make intercession for you. The important part of intercessory prayer is that you have to specifically call on Me, formulate your prayer and make your peti­tion known to Me. You need to make a positive declaration that you need My help. Inter­­cessory prayer is more than a vague mental state. It is explicitly calling on Me for help and asking Me to do something about a situation or need.

29. You must actively intervene for the person or situation in need. Intercessory prayer is communicating your request in one of these ways—verbalize your prayer, put it into words‚ say it either out loud or in your mind, asking Me specifically to help. Even when you don't know what specifics to pray for, you can still acknowledge Me and ask Me for help‚ then let My Spirit pray through you so that I can intervene and help in the situation.

30. Only when that happens, when you take your prayerful spirit a step further and actually call on Me and your spirit helpers, can we come to your aid. Of course, when you don't put your prayers into words, I still do what I can—but it's pitifully little com­pared to when you call on Me and ­others and thereby allow Me to fully release My power on your behalf.

31. Even seeking My voice of prophecy and hearing from Me for guidance and instruction about what you should do to help a situation is not enough without intercessory prayer. The two work hand in hand. I will gladly speak to you and give My words of comfort and encouragement and instruction for others through your channel, as well as show you how you can help them. Yet without entrusting the situation to My hands through fervent intercessory prayer, even coming to Me for guidance and asking what "you" can do to help can turn out to be leaning too much on your own arm of flesh and your own works. You can hear from Me and I'll tell you what you can do, and though you follow through and do what you are able to do in the physical, if this is all you're doing‚ it's leaning to your own arm. I am pleased that you follow through‚ but you must take this a step further than only doing what you can do. If this is not also accompanied by intercessory prayer, if you are not committing the situation to Me, if you are not praying and interceding for the situation, asking Me to work the miracle and do the things which you cannot do, then you're leaning too much on your own arm of the flesh.

32. I want you to remember this incident in which the work and brethren of this particular Home were in jeopardy and you neglected to send a prayer request immediately to those who could have prayed, as an example of your need to change your habits and mindset. To send a prayer request should have been your absolute first reaction. Even if you didn't have the time to know the whole situation, you could have sent a prayer request that said, "I'm sorry we don't have more details just yet, and we will try to inform you of more as soon as possible, but a serious situation has come up that needs our desperate prayers.…"

33. If you are not checked to pray and to recruit as much prayer as possible for a situation as serious as this‚ then what will make you pray and seek the prayers of ­others? What will it take?

34. You must realize, My precious love, that you are in a very serious position in that you are aware of many situations and problems that few people know about. I'm trusting you, and your king and queen are trusting you, not only to handle the business wisely and to ask Me everything, but also to pray for others. That's one of your primary responsibilities, and if you fail to pray or fail to seek the prayers of others, you have failed. Because no matter what else you do, it could never begin to measure up to what I can do if and when you call on Me in intercessory prayer. You must be a man of prayer. Intercessory prayer is your first job, and should be your first reaction.

35. You, like many of the children of David, are familiar with the concept of prayer. You feel quite comfortable with your prayer life and you feel you are prayerful. That is true to a certain degree, for you are prayerful in some ways and you have improved in asking Me everything, which is part of prayerfulness. But intercessory prayer is something different. Inter­cessory prayer is largely a sacrificial service, for it is prayer for others. It is taking your time and giving it to someone else by seeking Me for their needs. In a sense, you are giving your life to someone else in intercessory prayer because you are giving them your time‚ strength, and attention. You're saying they're more important than you are‚ so you're willing to drop everything else to make sure they have what they need by seeking Me for them.

36. Some churches and other Christians are quite strong in intercessory prayer. They're weak in other ways‚ such as witnessing and trusting Me for supply, but they're strong in intercessory prayer. They see that as their service to Me. This is good, for intercessory prayer is a beautiful service and ministry, one to be sought after and cherished. And you, sweet bride of Mine, are in a position to exercise that service greatly.

37. I will put a greater emphasis on intercessory prayer for the Family at large, and I expect you to lead the way, along with others. If you are to be a leader and shep­herd in the era of action as I want you to be, then you must become a man of prayer. For through intercessory prayer you will take hold and avail yourself of the greatest action there is—the action in the spirit world performed by Me, the One Who holds the power of life and death in My hands.

38. I appreciate your efforts and works, and they are necessary, but when compared to Mine, they are minute. You are doing us both a disservice if you have an imbalance in your life with too much emphasis on your own work, which is synonymous with your own power, and not enough emphasis on My power‚ which is tapped into through intercessory prayer.

39. Please take up this challenge, for this will lead you into the era of action as the man I want you to be. To do this you must:

*Seek to change your habits.

*Put up reminders for yourself and let others remind you to pray and seek the prayers of others.

*Ask for prayer to change in this way.

*Have set times for intercessory prayer.

*Go overboard in the beginning, which will help you form a new mindset.

*Develop a new routine in which you pray specifically for every situation or person you read about or talk about. I'm not talking about vague‚ nebulous or halfhearted prayers; I want you to say an actual prayer. Be specific, put your supplications into words; ask Me to intervene for you.

*Slow down.

*Don't be intimidated by others.

*Set the pace and pull others up to your level; don't sink down to the level of others.

*Hear from Me on this subject, and then memorize and post key quotes.

40. I'm counting on you, as are the king and queen. Let Me work for you and ­others; put your needs and the needs of others into words in the form of intercessory prayer! That is the key! That is your responsibility! (End of message from Jesus.)

41. (Matthew's prayer:) Jesus, I'm heartily sorry for not having sent out prayer requests for those who really needed our support in prayer. I feel very bad that my brethren didn't receive as much prayer as they would otherwise have received if I had been more faithful to make their needs known by sending out a prayer request right away. I'm sorry if they suffered because of my lack. You said no greater love has any man than this, that he lay down his life for his brother. Please help me to do better and learn the lesson from this, that there's nothing on this Earth more import­ant than praying for those in need.

42. Thank You for the beautiful talk about the importance of intercessory prayer. I really want to do it, Jesus, and be a good sample to others and a true help to Mama and Peter. I need to make it a habit. I agree and see the desperate need for it; there's so much that needs prayer.

43. I'm so sorry for the times I get too busy and rush ahead with my work and forget to take the time needed to pray for each situation as it comes up or that I know needs intercessory prayer.

44. I'm convicted, Jesus, and I do want to be a man of prayer and a sample to ­others of the power of it. I want to pray more over each message, pray more in public, and in my private prayer vigil times. I want to implement and enforce new habits to help me do so.

45. Please show me if there is more that I can do, or if You have more to say on this topic, I want to hear it.

46. (Jesus speaking:) Seeing the need to pray for others and having the burden is most of the battle won. I know that you believe in the power of prayer‚ as you've seen your prayers answered countless times. But you show your belief in it and your dependence on it by doing it at every opportunity. If people don't see you desperate in prayer for others and needy situations, then they will not feel it's necessary to pray desperately.

47. Wholehearted prayers are heard and answered; they move Me to action! I love to see My believing and trusting children cry out to Me like helpless, incapable babes so that I can answer without having to worry about them taking the glory to themselves.

48. New habits are hard to form. But the main thing that will help you do so is by constantly stirring yourself to pray for others many times throughout each day. This will cause you to let your full weight down and depend wholly upon Me and cease from any remnant of your own works.

49. I appreciate your work for My children and your undying devotion to duty, but without constant prayer and seeking Me‚ you won't have the brokenness and softness you need in your communications and interactions with others.

50. Don't be discouraged. I know how much you love Me and your brethren, but I'm asking you to move forward in spirit now so you can be more of a help and blessing to your precious Family. Will you do that for Me? I know you love Me. I know you want to serve. But you can best serve your brethren and Family by interceding for them in prayer.

51. Be an intercessor, as I am. You want to be more like Me; you ask Me often to make you so. This is how to be more like Me, and more like your queen and king. Pray more for Me to do the miracles and the works. Cease from your own works and simply ask Me to do the work at every turn rather than trying to do it yourself. You wish to help your brethren, but you must not only labor in the flesh but labor in spirit by praying for them and letting Me help them as I know best.

52. Intercessory prayer is an ongoing lesson for most on-fire Christians who greatly desire to serve Me. They see so much that needs to be done, and their reaction is to get in there and do something. But without coming to Me in prayer first and asking Me to do the works and mir­acles needed, they often accomplish less than they could have. Even though they sometimes ask Me in prophecy for needed direction, if they do not intercede in prayer for the situation they do not avail themselves of My full power. So learn the lesson right here‚ Son, and make the commitment to intercede for those in need. Begin forming the habit and I will help you to become the man of prayer you long to be. (End of message from Jesus)

What Prayers Do!

(Jewels from Jesus: )

53. Prayers go out among the people. They touch, they heal, they mend. They give strength and might and courage. They lift up those who are down. They touch and heal hearts and bodies and minds. They give a warm embrace‚ a tender hug, and a sweet caress. They wash away doubts and fears and worries. They cleanse secret faults. They clear away rubble. They wash away bitterness, envy, jealousy and strife. They kiss away heartache and misunderstandings. They soothe hurts, heal wounds, and remove scars.

54. Prayers guard and protect and hide away in safe­keeping. They comfort and soothe and bring peace and calm. They feed, they clothe, and bring abundant supply. They inspire, they bring cheer, they bring laughter and good fortune. They encourage, they lift up, they motivate, they enrapture. They energize, they empower, they invigorate, they spark life. They shed light‚ give hope. They stabilize and they make wise‚ they make firm and sound and steady.

55. Your prayers have sustained your loved ones. They have brought about miracles in the lives, in the minds, and in the hearts of those for whom you have prayed. Your prayers have done great things and gained much ground for My Kingdom.

56. They beckon Me to your side. They fill My senses. They rouse Me and spur Me onward. They move Me to action on your behalf.

57. Prayer invokes change and alters situations more than anything else.

58. Prayer looses My hands to do mighty things for you. It lets the Heavenly genies out of the bottle and sends help to your side. It gives you all that you need and many to work alongside you in the spirit to open the doors for you to walk through.

59. As you seek My face and bring your hearts before Me, even so will I speedily work for you and do the things that you cannot do. I will work the miracles. You must just do what you can, and that is to seek Me with your whole heart and to love Me with your whole heart and mind. Leave any distractions or burdens in My capable hands and I will care for them.

60. One of the greatest fruits of prayer besides bringing great results and answers is the effect and fruit it has in your own life and spirit. It keeps you close to Me, keeps you desperate, keeps you in My Spirit, and protects you from other spirits—the spirits of the world, whether they be materialism or lethargy or selfishness or whatever. Prayer is one of the greatest protections you can have. It keeps your heart and spirit clean.

61. Your prayers to Me are as deep searching kisses. They arouse Me. They are the impetus that spurs Me onward, that moves Me to work on your behalf. Your prayer kisses fill My heart with love and set My soul on fire. They excite Me; they motivate Me. They are My compelling force, the energy beneath My wings. Every time you pray, My love for you deepens, for when you pray, I am drawn into you.

62. Your prayers are like a magnet, attracting Me, drawing Me in. When you pray, I come. I cling to your side to give you aid in all that you ask; to grant that which you desire. Your prayers add fuel to My fire; they fan My flame. They propel Me to action.

63. Your prayers never return void. They go out and accomplish that which you send them to do, and afterward I cause them to return to you twofold. For I bless each prayer, not only in granting that which you ask‚ but also in an extra special bonus for the one who prayed. When you pray, not only will things happen and things be different, but you will receive a specific blessing from My hand. This is My promise and this is one way your prayers are multiplied many times over.

64. Your prayers are breaking through strong walls. They are passing through ­brazen gates. They are permeating hard sur­faces. They are melting the cold, bringing warmth, and igniting the frigid. They are scaling the highest mountain peaks‚ imparting faith, courage and vision along the way. They are reaching down to the lowest depths of despair. They are holding out a helping hand, pulling up the downcast, rescuing the discouraged. They are bringing light and life and hope and great victory to those for whom you pray.

65. Through your prayers our minds meld. Through your prayers, you take on My mind and become like Me. Ah, sweet mystery of prayer! It's here, in this place of prayer, that you can take on My nature. It's here that My power is transferred to your tiny hands. Here, your weak hands become as strong as iron. Your power becomes unbeatable and your force field becomes impenetrable.

66. The ability that you possess—through the power of prayer—to do, to change, to alter‚ to help, to heal, to win, to conquer in the name of love—soars beyond the horizon. Through prayer, your influence reaches the ends of the Earth and beyond.

67. Through your prayers‚ you‚ My loves, become as bionic men and women of strength and power and might. Through your prayers, you become extraordinary, capable of great feats and amazing poss­i­bilities. Through your prayers, you become superhuman!

68. This is what happens when you're strong in prayer. Science fiction has ­nothing compared to the great power and strength and amazing force I'm able to put in your hands through prayer power.

69. Your prayers sustain lives. They influence decisions. They provide, they protect and they house. They feed and they clothe. They blow the breath of life into those who were nigh death. They shower others with the might and power of Heaven that will move them to mighty works. They guide‚ they instruct and they give counsel. They surround those who are weary and worn, waiting for the precise moment when they might infuse them with a dose of My Spirit that will charge them with light and life and fire and fervor to carry on.

70. Your prayers are the driving force of this great and mighty revolution. They are the fuel that sparks the engine, the energy that releases light and life and power upon those for whom you pray, that My purposes may be established.

The Beauty of Intercession

71. (Jesus speaking:) Do you know the beauty of intercession? I have said, "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." My loves, now I tell you that greater beauty does not exist than this, that one pour out his heart and soul in intercessory prayer.

72. This is the beauty of intercession: to plead for another, to petition Me on behalf of one who doesn't have strength or courage to pray for himself; to intervene for one in need; to approach My throne on behalf of one who has no understanding, or may not know what to ask for himself; to work miracles for one who is in need of healing; to make requests for those who are in need of protection and safekeeping; to provide for another, to supply one's needs through your prayers; to solicit help from the spirit world; to release power; to deliver strength and courage; to lift burdens and liberate captives; to give comfort and spread peace; to prevent disaster; to ward off evil; to build strong walls; to raise force fields; to win battles and claim victories; to stand victorious and triumphant. This is the beauty of intercessory prayer.

73. I call you, My loves, to be My inter­cessors. A higher calling than this cannot be had, for those who intercede in prayer change the course of history. They hold the future in their hands. These who answer the call, I will crown with great honor and glory. There is no greater beauty than to pour out your heart and soul, to lay down your life in prayer for another. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

Why Is It So Important?

74. (Jesus speaking:) Prayer shows your faith in Me, your faith that I will work and do the impossible, bring the solutions, show you the way, and work in people's lives. When you operate in the realm of faith, you're operating in the spirit world where miracles are born, where the impossible takes place. Just little old you praying and beseeching Me about something is a very powerful tool. You don't have to feel that power or feel like you're doing anything great—it's not any sort of feeling that matters—it's the spirit of prayer that is powerful‚ supernatural.

75. You don't really understand how important your prayers are‚ but the fact that you pray about something or for someone is not only important for your spiritual walk with Me and your connection with Me, but it creates a vacuum for Me to fill. Just like your words are real things, your prayers are real things and they cause an effect. They always cause an effect; every single prayer has power and it affects something. They're real, and when you pray, things happen in the spirit world, and because of that, things happen on Earth.

76. I work through your prayers, both the unspoken prayers of your heart and your spoken prayers. But when you utter your prayer to Me, putting it into your own words, this is an even greater manifestation of your faith in My power. It gives Me all the glory and acknowledges that I am your Lord and God, the One Who performs miracles, the One Who supplies, protects, leads and guides you. It's a testimony to others, it's a witness to your friends and sheep, and it's the means by which I give you My blessings.

77. I work immediately when you pray. Even if you don't see what I'm doing in the spirit, I promise you that I am working on your behalf. I respect your prayers and I've committed Myself to answer every one. You might not always know what I'm doing and how I'm answering, but I promise that I work, and I answer, and am faithful to keep My promise to you.

78. It's very important to Me that you pray. The minute you pray we connect in the spirit and I begin to do the work that only I can do for you. It's not that I will always give you the answer that you want or think is right, but I promise to work and answer according to My will and what is best. You can count on your prayers having an effect. You can count on My Spirit moving the minute you pray, because this is the way it works in the spirit world. Prayer is a law of the spirit, and when you pray you begin the spiritual process and a chain of events happen. But if you don't pray, those things can't happen.

79. You must trust that your prayers are very important, that they're your spiritual weapon which moves Me to do things on your behalf. You must put your full faith in the power of prayer, for there is great‚ great power in your prayers. The more you pray about things, the more I can work for you; that's why it's so important to acknowledge Me and pray about everything, to pray without ceasing. When you pray, you're asking Me to work for you, showing that you need Me and that you're depending on Me. This faith in Me and love for Me pleases Me and I'm faithful to work on your behalf.

80. The Enemy belittles prayer and tries to cause you to doubt the power and effect of prayer‚ but I say that it's very power­ful and one of your strongest spiritual weapons. Never let down your guard and consider that it doesn't matter if you pray or not, because it matters very much. When you pray, things happen, whether you see them with your eyes or not. So always keep this spiritual weapon ready, always use it and wield it, because it's your greatest protection against the attacks of the Enemy and your greatest key to victory and the blessings of My Spirit. (End of message from Jesus.)

(Text in box: )

Question: Is prayer a new weapon?

81. (Jesus speaking: ) Prayer is not necessarily a "new" weapon in the sense of being something revelatory that you were not aware of before—such as the Loving Jesus revelation, for example. It is‚ however, a new weapon in the sense that you are now discovering how to use it more effectively, as you did with prophecy. Prayer is something you've done all along. David instructed you well in the ways of prayer and was faithful to remind you to pray and to show you by example. Yet in this new day you must learn to wield this weapon of prayer in a new way. I'm upgrading your weapon of prayer by teaching you how to use it more effectively, to shoot better and hit the bull's-eye of My will‚ knocking the Enemy for a loop. David too, since coming to Heaven, has both learned more on prayer and has been faithful to share his new discoveries and instruct you in the greater uses of prayer.

82. Prayer has been mentioned before in listings of the new weapons, but not much notice was taken. There have been many other things that seemed more new, more unusual, and required more effort, and thus I have had to focus on these, and My Family has had to have more training in them. But now is the new day of prayer. It's like a new weapon because it's going to be used like never before. In this time of the End, because the days grow evil and the fight is stronger than ever before‚ it is vital that you use your prayer weapon more effectively. Now you will have to pray more than ever before, more specifically and more fervently than you ever have‚ and because of this, the effects are going to be more powerful and noticed than they have been. (End of message from Jesus.)

Dual Power

83. (Question:) What happens in the spirit when you pray for someone else? Are both personal prayers and prayers from others needed?

84. (Jesus speaking:) Both personal prayers and prayers from others are needed. Personal prayers are vitally important. When they are fervent, they have a great effect and avail much. When you are the only one aware of a situation and cannot call on others for support in prayer, your prayers alone can resolve the situation, be­cause I am not limited by many or by few.

85. However, at times everyone reaches a point when they need to have someone pray for them. It's reassuring to know they're not fighting the battle alone; they've got backup available and can call on them. But the person must make the effort to pray as well, since both are necessary. The one involved in the battle is like a soldier in the midst of the fray. He takes part in the combat, but his fight also depends on his fellow soldiers behind the lines who provide him with food, supplies, reinforcements‚ support and medical care. Such are those who back you up in prayer. Other people praying for you are like a backup you can't do without, because they're important to your ability to fight and forge ahead. They renew your strength and let you know people believe in you and are willing to support you through their prayers. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

86. (Jesus speaking: ) There's a time when you need help, when you can't take care of yourself completely and you need the help of others, and you need My help. Sometimes you're too weak to do the things you normally do for yourself. Your spirit might be willing, but if your flesh is weak, like when you're sick, you need others to help you and pray for you. Other times your flesh might be strong, but you've been ­under spiritual attack by the Enemy and you need others to help you and pray for you.

87. When you're sick in bed and someone brings you food and water, it strengthens you. If you couldn't get up to feed yourself and care for yourself, and no one took care of you, then you'd become weaker and weaker. But because someone takes care of you and helps you, you become ­stronger and recover. It's the same when others pray for you—they feed your spirit with power, with spiritual nutrition, so that even though you don't notice it right away‚ it's making you stronger in the spirit.

88. You can pray for yourself and I answer those prayers‚ but when others pray for you‚ it's doubly strengthening. (End of message from Jesus)

89. (Jesus speaking:) I give you the example of a bank account that more than one person may draw from and deposit into. The one who is praying for another is like the person depositing money into the account, and the person for whom they're praying is like the one who is drawing from that account.

90. Sometimes during extreme battles or during times when a person is weak, they're in need of extra strength in the spirit. If it happens that they are all alone and not able to call on others for prayer, taking circumstances into account, I will highly honor the effectual and fervent prayers of that one alone. But when others are aware, I give the one in need the extra strength that they need because of the prayers of their loved ones who are upholding them in prayer. The person for whom they're praying cannot survive on these prayers alone, for they too must do their part‚ but I greatly use the prayers of others for one in need‚ and these work to keep and strengthen them. (End of message from Jesus.)

91. (Jesus speaking:) Many folks are limited in their faith when praying for some­thing themselves, therefore they have a hard time asking directly for something that seems like an impossible situation. When someone else prays for them or their situation, it's often more direct and moving, as they're able to pray with full faith and expect that I can and will do it.

92. Specific prayers really work‚ and when an intercessory prayer is prayed, the person praying is often not aware of the limitations that may be in place in the particular situation. But through their blind faith and seeking My hand to intervene and do a specific thing‚ I am able to move more speedily and do mightier miracles in the spirit. (End of message from Jesus.)

The Idea Department!

93. (Question:) Please give us some ideas of things that we can do as a Home and individuals to keep ourselves stirred up and reminded to pray. How can we make our prayer times, whether personal or united, more fruitful, more moving‚ more effective, and more interesting?

94. (Jesus speaking: ) Remembering is the hardest part of praying. It takes a while for it to become a habit, but it's a habit that is essential to develop if you want to achieve anything for Me. It's a requisite to be­coming an accomplished part of My work.

  1. To start with, you have to make a collective effort to back prayer. You should start by getting the body together and unitedly praying for a more prayerful and alert spirit‚ and against lethargy when it comes to prayer. By praying together you're taking a stand; you're committing yourself to want to take a step in your prayer life. Every­one is making the commitment, and like I've said before‚ united prayer is the greatest step to change because you're asking Me to step in and make a difference. You're commanding Me to take over and get things rolling, to be the forward action—a job I love to do. It then becomes a Home goal, because everyone is asking for a new start.
  2. Make prayer checklists—things that you need to pray for, things that you want Me to accomplish, and as they're answered you can mark them off. Focus on just a few points at a time so you don't swamp yourself, and every time you see that checklist it will remind you to pray.
  3. As individuals, write up specifics you want Me to do for you. Whatever area you need to work on, write it down. If you need to remember to pray for someone, write it down. While you're working, have a reminder somewhere, at your desk or on a slip of paper in your address book. Put it on something you use or see frequently.
  4. Write up a new prayer quote and put it where it's visible, and every time you see it you'll be reminded to pray. Put a reminder, quote, or request by your bed—that way you'll remember to pray whenever you rest or prepare to sleep.
  5. Most of all, it takes a personal stand and commitment. You have to decide in your heart whether or not you want to pray. If you wish to do something enough, you'll do everything you can to do it. So if you desire to remember to pray, you'll do every­thing you can to remember and to make it a habit. I have different ways to help people remember and make this change, so each person must come to Me for specific direction and guidance on how they can make prayer a more frequent and habitual part of their life. (End of message from Jesus.)

95. (Jesus speaking:) Here are a few pointers of things you can do to keep stirred up‚ and also to make your times of prayer more enjoyable and the "in thing" to do. I can give you more, tailored to your personal situation‚ but these are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Post short quotes about prayer. They can be printed out in a large font, and with a colored paper as their backing or frame.
  2. Post a prayer list in every bathroom if practical (and if your children will not be adversely affected by it).
  3. Have someone responsible to issue a reminder once or twice a day about the need to pray, or to jog people's memory of the "prayer request of the day"—whatever is most timely.
  4. Make prayer and prayer vigil a special thing. If it has settled into a dull and boring routine when you've done it in your room or privately, then try something new. Walk around your yard and property or neighborhood, praying as you go. You could even organize an outing in the eve­ning or a drive to the park, where people can go for prayer vigil time. People can team up and have fun together praying‚ while enjoying fresh air and exercise and perhaps even a little witnessing.
  5. When you need to keep praying for serious situations, you could stop for a few minutes every hour on the hour to pray. You could also pray at meal times, or after your praise times, or take a prayer break to walk in the yard at different times during the day, if your ministry keeps you at home.
  6. Meet for a snack in someone's room for voluntary prayer vigil time. During that 30 minutes, people can snack in between each prayer request. This doesn't have to make it a light thing, but it brings people together and provides a different setting for prayer.
  7. The things that you consider fun you put effort into‚ and the things that are important to do you also put effort into, to moti­vate people to attend or put their whole heart into it. It's the same with prayer. Sometimes you have to put more into it in order to get something out of it, and encouraging people with variety in prayer, locations, scenery, ways of praying, etc., works and is effective.
  8. You could have an evening of 20-30 minutes of prayer in the living room‚ with soft "Loving Jesus" music playing, cushions on the floor and couches‚ so that people can lie down, relax, close their eyes and pray individually, but with other people close by.
  9. Set an appointment with someone each day to pray for three things. Having a set prayer buddy will help remind both of you to not neglect your prayer time. You can rotate each week, or as often as you like.
  10. You can do courthouse prayers‚ where each one who petitions Me stands up in turn. You rise and present the case, just as though I were sitting before you in the judge's chair. You talk to Me naturally and personally, like a persuasive lawyer. Take the petition you're assigned and determine that you will win the case—that you will persuade Me, the Judge of the matter. Bring a verse or two before Me that I cannot deny—promises that I have made. Make the appeal your appeal—because even if it's another you're praying for, it's your case, and the power of your argument will move My hand and will affect you too, just as the power of a lawyer's argument affects whether he wins the case or not, which is to his own credit.
  11. Pass out prayer requests, and then stop and praise Me‚ and receive the words of your prayer in prophecy. Let My Spirit move your tongue to pray, to woo Me and persuade Me to show Myself a mighty Husband on your behalf. This is one way of making you freer to pray in a way that will move Me to prove Myself to you.
  12. When a situation is very desperate--whether concerning sickness, some natural disaster, persecu­tion or fierce spiritual battles—I wish you to challenge Me, as a Husband, to care for My Bride. Get worked up about it, if you really want Me to do something. Challenge Me to show Myself strong on your behalf. Do not the tears of a wife inspire the protective instinct in her husband? So you will inspire the protective instinct in Me, not only to come through on your behalf, not only to work miracles, but to do much more than you asked, that you might be reassured of My love and My power and My vast resources which are at your disposal. (End of message from Jesus.)

96. (Jesus speaking:) Prayer needs to be varied, otherwise you lose your concentration or you bore yourself by repeating the same prayer. You lose the fire and excitement of prayer by always going about praying in the same way. The most import­ant thing is the desperation with which you petition Me, the direction of your heart and your fervency, no matter how you pray or where you are.

97. Prayer is your greatest means of com­municating with Me‚ so make it that. Stop thinking the setting has to be perfect before you can get desperate with Me. Prayer should be spontaneous, the natural thing for you to do. Prayer provides all the power you need and so much more, because faith opens up the Heavens. It pours out My blessing‚ promises and leading. It's the only way you can get the desired results.

98. Short prayers, long prayers, it doesn't really matter, because I'm looking at your heart. The fragrance of your prayers rises, and I smell them. They excite Me, they thrill Me, and I desire to go to work for you. You've got to stop thinking of prayer as tedi­ous and boring. Ask Me to relieve you of that mindset; it's so unnecessary and limiting. Make a conscious effort to try out new ways to pray. Ask Me to give you a desire to pray, to light a fire of prayer within your heart, so that instead of thinking and analyzing you can be praying.

99. A lot of it has to do with how much you want to change that "prayer is boring" mindset. Do you want a new vision for prayer? Do you want to be inspired about prayer? Do you want to remember to pray more? Do you want prayer to be your first impulse? If you do, just ask! Yes, it comes down to praying again. That's where it all leads, because that's one of the greatest weapons I've given you to use, and it's a shame to see it unused.

100. You've got to change your prayer perspec­tive. Put some time aside and pray. Tell Me, "Jesus, I want a new outlook on prayer. I want to make it an integral part of my life. I want to get rid of the mindset that prayer is boring, and even that it doesn't always work. You've given me this weapon, but I've become lazy in my use of it. Show me how I can better use it in my life. Train me in the usage of this weapon. I ask You to take away my previous thoughts on prayer. I only want Your mindset. Help me to learn the value of prayer, and to make it my initial response to everything I do, think, or say."

101. That's all it takes—you getting des­perate enough to see that you haven't been as faithful in your prayer life as you could be, and asking Me to completely turn your viewpoint on prayer around and give you a fresh start and outlook—the right one. Think of this as a personal and united prayer metanoia. Everyone needs it. (End of message from Jesus.)

Quotes to put in boxes throughout, taken from text:

Greater beauty does not exist than this, that one pour out his heart and soul in intercessory prayer.

When you operate in the realm of faith, you're operating in the spirit world where miracles are born‚ where the impossible takes place.

[Prayer is] your greatest protection against the attacks of the Enemy and your greatest key to victory and the blessings of My Spirit.

People equate action with doing something. But they must realize that praying is also action—the most efficient and powerful kind of action.

Intercessory prayer is largely a sacrificial service, for it is prayer for others. It is taking your time and giving it to someone else by seeking Me for their needs.