KEYWORDS: word, world, freedom, lord, things, life

Issues, Part 3

Karen Zerby

Special Edition: Individuality

By MariaMaria #540 CM 3302 6/00

Note by copyright line: Quotes in boxes are from the Lord unless otherwise indicated.

1. Following are more questions we've received, as well as the Lord's wonderful counsel in reply, which we pray is a blessing to you.



2. It's natural for us young people to want to be different. Some folks tend to get real disturbed when young people want to dress or wear their hair in what could be considered an unusual style. But is that really such a problem? What does the Lord have to say about wanting to be different?


3. Everyone needs changes to spice up their life. Some want to cut their hair or change their hairstyle. Another may want to wear a different style of clothing. To those who simply feel in need of a little variety, and have checked with Me about these changes, I grant this freedom. Of course, you must also take into consideration your ministry and how your appear­ance will affect your sample. If you have a public ministry to others, or you live in a conservative country or one in which certain styles are unacceptable, if you're wise you will take that into consideration and will maturely put the work and the importance of your sample above your desire for change in your outward appearance. But in many cases, if you seek Me about it, I will show you something that you can do which will fill that need for variety, individuality, and change‚ without in any way lessening your sample or hindering your ministry of being My sample to the world.

4. Some folks, though, are way too into trying to "be different‚" as they put it. They dress like worldlings, they look like worldlings, and they practically act like worldlings, all under this guise of doing something out of the ordinary or "being different." In reality they're not being different at all—they're simply conforming to the System and allowing themselves to be placed in the world's accepted mold.

5. It's the freedom of spirit‚ the difference in spirit that makes heads turn. People won't necessarily remember you for the clothes that you wear‚ the hairstyle that you have, or the jewelry or trinkets you sport, but they'll always remember your spirit. They'll always remember the love you gave, the freedom you possessed, the cool treasures of the spirit that were a living part of you. Those are the things that count. Those are the things that make a difference. Those are the things that make you stand out in the crowd.

6. It's high time to start being proud of the unique and wonderful differences that I've given you! It's time to throw off the ways in which you conform to the world under the guise of seeking to be different. It's time you proclaimed your differences to the world, and watch as they stand in awe and come rushing toward you to find out how they can be different too, like you.

7. Be proud of the gift of prophecy that I've given you. That's different! How common is it for people to be able to talk to Me face to face, to get My answers to any problem they face? Tell Me, how many people can do that? Not many, and you're one of the few, so be proud of it. Use it in your witness. Show others how different you are and what a difference it makes in your life and can make in theirs too.

8. Be proud of your knowledge of Heaven. The world is in darkness, knowing so little about the spirit world, life after death, the world beyond this life. Everyone's interested in what happens after this life, so tell them—in detail. Don't be afraid to shock them with the unconventional; you'll probably find out they won't be shocked at all, but rather liberated and dying to know more.

9. Be proud of the fact that you can talk to dead people—ghosts, spirits, both famous and infamous. That's different! Don't hide your light under a bushel, thinking that it's too weird, too wild, too out of the ordinary‚ too strange. The world is seeking new things, different things. They'll think it's so cool that you have a connection to the world beyond through the gifts that I've given you.

10. Be proud of the fact that you love Me intimately. That's different! So many of the lost and lonely of the world are sick and fed up with the formal relationships with Me that the churches offer. They want to discover Me in a new way. They need to see Me in a different light‚ in a way that they can understand, so that they can relate to Me. I have many potential brides out in the world, but I need you to bring them to Me.

11. There's so much about you that is different! So don't hide these differences under a bushel, or cover them up with the clothes or fashions or trinkets of the world. Don't conform and be like everybody else. You're different, so be proud of it! You've got the differences that count, the differences that are really different. (End of message from Jesus.)

(See also "Man Looketh on the Outward Appearance," ML #3124-3125, Lifelines 24.)



12. There's a lot in the Word about simplicity and how great it is to be simple. Part of me wants to be simple, because I know that's the way the Lord wants us to be; yet at the same time I don't want to be feeble-minded or ignorant. I'm interested in a lot of things‚ and I like it when things are intriguing or somewhat complex, and that makes the thought of being "simple" not all that appealing. What exactly does it mean when the Lord says He wants us to be simple?


13. I am the embodiment of simplicity‚ and as you strive to be more like Me, you will find simplicity. You don't consider Me feeble-minded. I created the world. I know the depth and breadth and height of the universe. I know the answers to questions you can only begin to imagine. I am depth and sagacity to the nth degree.

14. But I spoke to the children, I stopped to look at the flowers, I cooked fish for My disciples. I passed on great truths‚ profound words that changed lives forever and still continue to. I was simple; I was clear, and I didn't lose My appreciation of little things. It's when you can't find joy in the normal things in life that you become complicated and unclear and you lose the human touch. It's when you begin to concentrate more on yourself and what you're saying or thinking that you stop listening to others. You become exclusive and will wind up exchanging the joy of living for eruditeness; exchanging depth of character for a labyrinth of complex thinking; exchanging a heart that can be touched by a baby's smile for a mind that seeks to be impressed with knowledge but can't take pleasure in the scent of the grass. That is the end result when you reject simplicity and the simple truths of My Spirit.

15. Simplicity is wisdom. The greatest profundity is found in simple truth. You can be simple and still be very knowledgeable. In fact, you will find that those who have fought to maintain simplicity are those who are very wise‚ who know that simplicity is the best way to maintain a happy and full life. To be simple is to be clear. To be simple is to love—to be humble enough to give and receive and enjoy love. You can be simple and still be very intelligent. The greatest beauty is found in simplicity. You can be simple and still have depth and understanding of profound truth. Simplicity is the embodiment of My Spirit.

16. Simplicity is intrinsic. It's a gift I bestow on everyone‚ and what a great gift it is. For simplicity is the wall of protection around your faith. To lose simplicity is to lift that wall‚ leaving your faith defenseless against the threats of doubt, criticalness, and unbelief.

17. Faith is not provable or explainable—it just is. You so often search for a logical explanation, thriving on the complexity you find in that search, instead of accepting the simple, but miraculous, mysterious and inexplicable way of faith. Strive for simple faith, and there you will find happiness.

18. When I call you to be simple, I don't mean plain or dull or dumb. What I ask is that you be focused, that your goals be clear–cut, that you be not double-minded and unsure of your calling in life.

19. Life in the Family is challenging, multi–faceted, and very involved. As you read through the New Testament, you'll see that the message I preached, though simple, was not an easy one. Likewise, the prophecies that I pour out for My children today are straightforward, but it's not always easy to live them on a daily basis. It's a challenge to do so, and it takes effort and focus. Even though I give you My Words and guidance for a situation‚ it doesn't always have a predetermined ending. You don't know how things will play out, and depending on your choices, others' choices‚ and My will, there are a myriad of possible conclusions. I think you could call that intriguing. (End of message from Jesus.)

Text box:


20. Does everyone have the gift of simplicity?


21. I grant the gift of simplicity to all, and it is a valuable gift, for unless you have the simple faith of a little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Unless you can have the childlike simplicity to believe in the unseen—Me, the One Who died for you and now offers you the simple but miraculous gift of eternal life—then you cannot be born again.

22. All men do have this gift, although as they grow, some despise it and discount it, calling it superstition or ignorance, preferring to weave a web of complexity to cover it. But the gift remains for those who would uncover it and make use of it. (End of message from Jesus.)

End of text box


23. Many of My children and other great leaders and movers throughout the ages have been simple, unlearned and ignorant men and women. They were often regarded as common or run-of-the-mill folks, but by My Spirit they were lifted up and exalted. They all had a calling and a task to accomplish. They all had a mission to fulfill. Their strength was that they were simple. They were unlearned, but when anointed by My power and Spirit they became powerhouses. They exploded with such force that the world couldn't help but take notice of them!

24. To be simple doesn't mean to be nerdish or square. It just means that you put My wisdom and My counsel above the ways of the world and you seek after godly wisdom rather than the wisdom of man. While the theories of man are more com­plicated and might seem more intriguing, they also lack much truth, and are a web which catches your mind and draws you away from the simple truths of life. What good is an intriguing, complex theory, if it is not the truth? Many theories and works of literature are interesting, but if the ideas they impart are not sound, do not motivate you for good or help in some way, what good is it? They might tickle your ears or make you feel good that you're reading something so complex, but if they're not true and won't help you, do they have a real purpose?

25. Even the wisdom of the learned is taken far more seriously and received by many more when presented in a simple manner. Look at your Father David. He was a man of exceptional intelligence—a genius—but he was simple. You have understood all that I have poured through him, for he strove to keep that simplicity alive. He spoke as unto children so that all might understand the things of the spirit. He spoke with the simplicity of the Gospel and he made clear that which generations had complicated. He dug for the simple truth of God and he put My ways above the ways of the world.

26. Stay simple, stay loving. Love is simple. It isn't puffed up with worldly knowledge and complexities. Be loving and be simple. All the rest passes away, and love is the only thing that is really worth it in the long run. That's what you're going to be rewarded for one day—so love. (End of message from Jesus)

Question and answer, in text box:


27. Why is the way the Lord uses the meaning of the word "simple" so different than the way we often think of it or the way it's often used in the world at large? When you look up the word "simple" in a thesaurus, you get all kinds of awful synonyms‚ like senseless, brainless‚ unintelligent, weak-minded, slow‚ dull, retarded, stupid, dim-witted, fool, idiot, etc.


28. I can take a word and use it however I wish! The way the world commonly interprets a word can be quite different from the way I choose to use it. This particular word, like many in the rich English language, can have a variety of meanings. Some of these meanings given are the ones that I am referring to; yet I have expounded on it even more, to make it clearer what I'm referring to when I say that I wish for you to be simple. Look in a dictionary. See the many other meanings. Here are those that fit in with My meaning of this word:


—Not involved or complicated; easy

—Not embellished

—Unassuming and unpretentious

—Sincere, without deceitfulness


—Not divided

Quotes in boxes:

(Dad:) It's wise to be simple. It's wise to be accepting and take things by faith. It's not a sign of lack of intelligence—it's a sign of wisdom.

Intellectuality and knowledge snarl and tangle things up, but My truths are simple and clear.

Simplicity is the wisest way to be nowadays, as things get more and more complicated.

I was simple in My presentation when I taught on Earth, and My Words are simple. My Word is time­less, simple and true. Love and truth don't need to be masked in fancy words; in fact, they're more effective when presented simply.

There will be much for you to discover throughout your life on Earth and in Heaven, but you will always find that the most profound truths, the greatest beauty, the most outstanding wisdom, is simple. Simplicity is a hallmark of greatness.



29. Some people feel that the way to prove they can think independently is to analyze and question everything—including the Word—and that if they don't do this at least to a degree, they're just "conforming" and going along with the masses. It's considered a virtue by some to voice opposition to just about anything, as a means of showing they're "open" and "free" in their mind. I think that some have taken this to an extreme, but on the other hand‚ I can understand that reasoning and innate desire to not just be a pushover‚ to show you have brains and aren't just doing something because everyone else around you is.


30. There are many who seek independence in their minds, and what they determine to be so-called "independence" is anything that is different from or opposite of the Word or the Charter guidelines.

31. I am sad that there are many who are confused and even deceived to the point that they think they must deny My Word and reject My principles if they are to retain their own thoughts, individuality, and freedom of choice. What these don't understand is that there are two sources that inspire thoughts—good and evil. Thoughts are inspired by something; they don't just originate in your own mind, coming from nowhere. You learn to discern, to process your thoughts, to choose which thoughts to entertain and which to reject, but all thoughts are inspired by either good or evil.

32. There's a very deep truth which you must accept if you are to learn the true freedom of godly individuality—that such freedom does not come from thinking thoughts that are contrary to My Word‚ which you think are "your own thoughts." When you think thoughts that are contrary to My Word, you're simply choosing to think thoughts that are inspired by the Evil One. It's not that you thought up those things and your great individuality came up with those original thoughts. No‚ you allowed the Enemy—the Devil or his evil imps—to put those thoughts there, and you entertained them.

33. To nurture and speak thoughts that are combative or argumentative against My Word is not a sign that you're an individual; it's simply a sign that you've chosen to accept thoughts from the dark side, contrary to My Word. That doesn't make you better, wiser, or more of a "freethinking" person.

34. Every person chooses who he will yield his mind to. It's not that being My child and accepting My Word fully makes you a slave in your thoughts, and thinking otherwise makes you free in your thoughts. No, everyone surrenders their thoughts to one side or the other, either to Me or to the Enemy. So you must choose who will be your master.

35. It's a trick of the Enemy—a very effective and powerful trick these days—to make people resist accepting and living according to the prin­ciples of My Word because they want to "be different." But what you children of David must realize is that by conforming to the world you're becoming like billions of other people.

36. There are so many who follow the ways of the world. There are billions who have been conditioned so strongly by the Enemy's propaganda that they've given up their ability to choose and they've opened themselves up completely to his lies. There's so little newness in following his ways. There are so many who have chosen to follow his path. But those who are My brides, especially those who know Me as intimately as the children of David and have the insight and depth of truth to know My nature and ways so deeply and clearly, are so few—so very few in the world. What a high privilege.

37. Because you of the second generation of the children of David have been surrounded by this high calling of the Family all your lives, sometimes you don't see that the dropped-out lifestyle of a disciple of Mine is true freedom‚ a real expression of individuality. You seek to be different, but many times you don't realize that the way you go about trying to be different‚ by rejecting the Word, is making you just like the rest of the world. You won't find freedom that way. You will only find you're becoming more and more like the billions of other slaves to the System. Gradually, as you yield your mind and thoughts and choices to the indoctrination of the world‚ you will lose your uniqueness and become more and more a part of the great masses of this world who have no freedom and who are the ones in bondage to the darkness.

38. The desire to be an individual is put there by Me and is not wrong. But there is a right way and a wrong way to go about pursuing individuality. Good individuality is manifested by what you do with your life, by how you use the gifts and talents I've given you. That's how you show who you truly are. Bad individuality is when you reject My Word and turn to what you think are your own thoughts‚ but are really thoughts from the Enemy. (End of message from Jesus.)



39. Consider this. There's a war of the worlds taking place. The forces of good and the forces of evil are engaged in all-out battle. He who commands the evil forces is desperate. He knows the odds are against him. He knows that if those on the side of good come to realize their full potential, he is doomed. There's no way he can win the war in an even match, so he turns his strategy to underhanded guerrilla warfare.

40. He must resort to sordid methods and foul play. He seeks to slip in unaware, launching his attacks on battlefields of the human mind. The guise he hides behind?—Freedom. Freedom of thought, freedom of choice of thought, freedom to experience and gain worldly knowledge.

41. This is the great deception. He casts a veil over one significant fact: that freedom in the temporal world is not freedom at all, for it will end. Be forewarned. Though this freedom of worldly thought seems appealing, its joys are fleeting. Such freedom fades after it leads one down the road to bondage in the spirit.

42. The spirit world is the real world, where things live on for eternity. The physical world is fleeting, here today and gone tomorrow. I have put things all around you that illustrate this point. The life of man is a prime example, for what man in his flesh can live forever? Not one. Life in the human form is but a vapor‚ here a little while and then gone. The flowers bloom and later fade and wither away; the harvest of the field is for a time and then passes. All of this is representative of the fact that this present world will pass away and be no more.

43. I give you the truth. I open to you the reality of the world of the spirit, the real world‚ that which exists for eternity, that which is not bound in time and does not hide behind false fronts.

44. It is under this guise of the desire for worldly freedom that the commander of the evil forces seeks to control one's thoughts. All thoughts and the thought patterns they form blaze trails that lead to one of two places in the spirit world. Those who seek to fill their thoughts with that which is worldly blaze for themselves a trail that leads to sorrow. Those who seek to fill their thoughts with My truth, who seek after godly knowledge and wisdom, blaze for themselves a trail that leads to life and happiness.

45. This concept of "freedom of thought" is the Devil's ruse to entice those who are unaware to walk down dangerous pathways which lead to desolation. These paths do not lead to true freedom in pleasant places, but to captivity in desolate places—places where there is no happiness to be found; places where peace does not exist, dry and barren wastelands. He seeks to imprison his subjects in his spiritual barracks of hell—in a life without love, a life without Me, a life without peace and true happiness, a life without the true freedom of My Spirit.

46. I am good. I am peace. I am happiness. I am love. I am freedom! The Devil is pride, hate, frustration, coldness, bitterness, loneliness and bondage. He seeks to win others to his side through the deceit of the freedom of worldly thought. If they swallow his bait, he knows they will be forging their own pathway that will lead them into his spiritual wastelands.

47. He has injected many philosophies throughout the Earth. He has planted many thought patterns, false doctrines of devils, which are not of Me. Beware lest you be spoiled through philosophy, through vain deceit, through thought patterns of this world—that which is fleeting and false, that which will not last. (End of message from Jesus.)



48. There are those in the Family whose desire to be "individuals" and independent in thought motivates them to look more and more to the System‚ through which they risk getting side­tracked and weakened. Here is a message that gives insight about what makes some people look to the System rather than the Spirit in their quest to find freedom. Though this message was given for one individual, sadly‚ this could apply to quite a number of people who have not recognized the danger signals and have fallen prey to the temptations of the world, and as a result have been pulled out of the Family. I pray this is helpful to you and answers some of your questions.


49. Each person has a desire to be free, but it's how he seeks to fill that desire that makes the difference between life and death. For the children of David to be happy and strong, they must seek the freedom of the Spirit. If they do, if they seek the Wild Wind, they will find the freedom they love and will be satisfied; in fact‚ more than satisfied‚ they will fly on the wings of such power and emotion that they'll soar to heights unknown to carnal man! But if they seek the freedom of the flesh—the ways of man rather than the Wild Wind—then they're insatiable and unsatis­fied. They only want more and more‚ but are left feeling thirsty and hungry.

50. This one has a desire for freedom, but because he rejected the freedom of the Spirit and the freedom found in the things of My world‚ he turned to the things of man's world. Once he stepped into that world, at which time the restraints of My ultimate protection were removed, he became overwhelmed.

51. He wants to exercise his so-called freedom. He wants to do all the things he wants to do, no matter what. Even if he knows they're not good for him and his doing so does not please Me, he sees his indulgence in them as an even greater proof of this so-called "freedom." The more "forbidden" the "apple," the more enticing it is to him, for the greater evidence it is that he's free, he's his own man, not controlled, not forced into "the mold." This is a false freedom; it's only bondage disguised. But because he's blinded by his own pride, he sees not the chains that are being forged around his heart, mind and spirit.

52. He seeks knowledge, experience‚ intellec­tual conversation, and a challenge. He seeks to exchange views with someone who has "been there and done that." He feels he can learn a lot from those on the outside whose opinions and lives run contrary to My Word. He thinks he has good intentions‚ and he feels he won't be negatively influenced, for he assesses unrealistically his own power to pick and choose what he will think and how he will live, without being hurt by it. He thinks he can take the fire into his bosom, his bed, his mind, and not be burned and consumed, but he is wrong.

53. He doesn't want to appear to be closed-minded. He wants to be tolerant, reasonable, and friendly. He feels he's seen enough of the "party line," so he wants to step into less predictable territory. He feels he knows everything there is to know about Family life, the recent Word, and he wants to see things from another more "enlightened" perspective, from those he feels have been courageous and individual enough to step off the beaten path.

54. He doesn't want the discipline, the humility, the training. He wants to stay where he can look strong. He wants to hone his skills and learn from others‚ but he picks the wrong sources.

55. All of this stems from pride—pride that is manifested in his wanting to be different‚ his wanting to have more than what I and the Family have to offer, his thinking that he can partake of ungodly influence without being harmed.

56. He wants to research his options. He considers many ideas—that of System work, the military, other Christian groups and social organiza­tions. He tells himself that he's trying to make his calling and election sure. He feels this is making him a better person, more dedicated. He sees this as a show of conviction and faith. He refused to be humbled and submitted to My will and the simple yoke of the Family. He feels there must be more, and he seeks to determine in his mind what it is. He wants to check it out, to be open-minded, to show himself "different" and unbiased.

57. It's pride that motivates and pushes, even drives him. For have I not given many serious warnings about the dangers of unchecked pride, especially after the person has been fully taught and warned? He is fully accountable, which makes his position much more dangerous. (End of message from Jesus.)


58. This analysis indicates some pretty serious problems, and it might appear to be quite hard–line. However‚ in order to truly understand the point the Lord is making, you must understand that some of the things this young person was seeking weren't wrong. The Lord says that everyone has a desire to be free. It's perfectly natural to want to be an individual. But the key is in how you seek to be free and show that individuality. The desire might not be wrong, but it's how you go about bringing that desire to fruition that makes the difference.

59. Of course you want to be free. You want challenge. You want to make your own choices; you don't want someone forcing you to be like everyone else. You want experience, knowledge, stimulating conversations. You want to be open–minded and tolerant. You want to make your calling and election sure‚ so you can be convinced that you're doing the right thing with your life. All of these things are natural and good. I'm not saying you should shun these desires, neither is the Lord. But it's how you seek to fulfill them that you must consider.

60. This message talks about some of the things people do in the name of "freedom" and "individuality" that are not profitable, such as:

61. Turning away from the things of the spirit—such as the Word, prophecy, prayer, and praise—and looking to the things of the world in your search to be free.

62. Doing things that you know are not pleasing to the Lord or good for your spiritual life, because you equate partaking of such "forbidden fruit" as a sign or proof that you're free.

63. Thinking you can take in as much influence from the System as you want and not be hurt by it.

64. Wanting to appear open-minded and tolerant; therefore you don't want to follow the so-called "party line." In your mind, disobedience and lack of dedication erroneously become synonymous with freedom. You view those who challenge or are not dedicated to the CM standard as those who exercise more individuality.

65. Considering and checking out all the other options besides being in the Family‚ as if one is as good as another, thinking that such apparent openness means you're an unbiased individual. The Lord and Peter and I want you to consider your options carefully‚ and make your calling and election sure. We're not trying to keep you from looking elsewhere as you decide where the best place is for you. But after you have made your decision, it's time to commit wholeheartedly to whatever you've decided to do.



66. Next is a talk from Dad that each of you should carefully and seriously consider. Take some time to think about this. It's the truth, and something you need to hear, especially if you're tired of people telling you to live the Word, uphold the standard, be obedient, etc. If you're really sick of all that, then listen to this and determine what you want to do with your life.


67. This trend in the Family of wanting to express your "individuality" by not obeying the Word is a relatively new thing. Now why do you think that is? Do you think it's because people in the Family are just smarter now than they were 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago? No, that's not it! Do you think it's because there's something wrong with the Word or the Family policies or doctrines? No, that's not it! I'll tell you what it is—the Enemy has been able to come in with this new-fangled lie, and lots of people have fallen for it.

68. I know you don't like to hear that "it's the Devil," because you think even that is a shallow excuse and catch-all explanation that some people like to use for whatever bothers them or they can't accept. Well, no matter how you want to look at it, I know it's the truth—I'm up Here, and I can see it being enacted! The Enemy, the Devil, Satan himself has brought in that ideology and tempted a lot of people with it because he knows that it will cause many to dislike the Word and the people who try to live it. He knows the power of the Word; he knows that one thing that makes the Family different from the churches is our faith in the Word‚ especially the fresh Word from Heaven for today, which we have in abundance.

69. But what a sly, evil, wicked trick to get people to thinking that if they read, follow, and obey the Word, they'll "lose their individuality." In other words, they'll become just like everyone else and won't be a unique, thinking, intelligent person. It's the Enemy who tells you that living the Word means you lose your "edge," your intellect‚ your ability to have deep discussions!

70. If you stop to look around you at your friends, parents, co–workers, or even people that you don't know‚ but whose personalities and talents are well known in the Family, you'll see that there is plenty of variety‚ plenty of intelligence‚ plenty of individuality. Even within a body of believers who are all trying their best to follow the teachings of Jesus in the Bible and the Words of David, there are all kinds of real characters! No two people are alike, and there are many very big differences that set people apart. Even if everyone believes and applies the Word to their lives, the Word is living, so its fruits are different in each person's life. For example, the fruit of a talk on love might be more affection for one person, more kindness and consideration for another, less pride or selfishness for another, and on and on. For that reason, it's impossible for people in the Family to become "mindless robots" or to lose their intellect or individuality as a result of living the Word.

71. It takes a lot of smarts to be a successful missionary. It takes real genius to be a good fundraiser and follow–up person. It takes genuine inspiration and brilliance to have strong, self-supporting ministries. And although the Word and obedience to it in the Spirit is the cornerstone of all of that, it takes a lot of individual faith‚ determination, and fresh ideas to find out what the Lord wants you to do and then to do it!

72. That's why it's so darned crazy to think that obeying the Word will cause you to be just like everyone else. I understand that if that were possible, it would be a pretty big bummer; no one would like that. It would be boring and unchallenging. But that's not possible. In fact, the opposite is possible—the more you get into the Lord and the Word, the more your own personal gifts and strengths come to the fore. The Lord enhances your talents and even your ideas and brain power and makes you an even better person, a better you! And I'm not just talking about your spiritual life, but your leadership skills, your decision-making ability, your people-handling techniques‚ etc. The closer you get to the Lord and the more tuned into Him you are, the more of an individual you become, because He makes you into what He wants you to be, which is different from what He wants everyone else to be. This might seem a little far-fetched, but it's true.

73. You think, "Oh‚ sure! Come on! I read the same GNs as everyone else. I get behind the same new pushes or the same new weapons or the same new moves of the spirit, which is what everyone else is doing, and that's supposed to make me something different, something special, an individual? Fat chance!" As weird and impossible as it sounds—yes! That's exactly what it will do‚ because the Lord will make you what you need to be‚ which is different and unique.

74. Believe me, following the System trends and listening to their latest gurus is not making you an individual, because the Lord can't take that input and enhance it and cause it to grow. That input is lifeless, dead stuff. It's man's thoughts and trips, his vain babblings. It's not alive like the things of the spirit world.

75. But the Lord can take the Word—both in the publications and from your personal prophecies—and use it to make you a very special somebody. It can even enhance such things as your sense of humor, your understanding of the opposite sex, and your sexuality and freedom in bed. (Now that's something to strive for—ha!)

76. You see, the main thing that you need to understand is that even if you all read the same Word and memorize the same Scriptures, that doesn't take away your uniqueness. That gives unity, that builds a sense of camaraderie, and that helps you build a strong work for the Lord together, but it doesn't make everyone the same, because the Lord uses that Word differently in each person's life. How that Word is manifested—in your decisions‚ your personality, your likes and dislikes, your burdens‚ your personal reactions—is what makes you an individual. All of that is what defines who you are—the commitments you make to the Lord, the sacrifices and hardships you endure, the love you give, the ideas you get from the Lord, the projects you pioneer and follow through with, the people you influence—all that is what makes you who you are, and there's no one else who can copy you or be the same as you. It's impossible!

77. You don't have to reach out to the things of the world to try to establish your individuality. That's a real trick of the Devil, because you think you're becoming a different, unique person, but all the while his desire is to make you just like all those poor suckers in the System! The more you take what the Lord called "forbidden fruit" in the earlier prophecy—as in something that's not good for you but that is tempting you—then the more you're in danger of becoming not who you are and who you're supposed to become for the Lord, but a model of someone else's thinking—and not a good‚ loving Christian, but usually a poor lost wanderer.

78. Now that brings us to the question of how you can be an individual if you "have" to believe the Letters, the prophecies, the Word. If you take on those beliefs, the same ones as everyone else in the Family, then won't you lose yourself eventually? This is a crucial point, and something that you have to understand in order to be free of this lie of the Enemy that I talked about earlier where you feel you have to disobey the Word if you're going to truly be an individual.

79. I repeat‚ a key point: What makes you an individual is not when you have beliefs that no one else has, but when you allow those common beliefs to motivate you, push you, inspire you, educate you, and cause you to develop your gifts and do things that are unique. The individuality is in what you do. Individuality is who you are as far as your reactions, accomplishments, dreams, sacrifices‚ decisions, etc. Two people can be in the Family, both believing the Letters and the Bible, both using the new weapons, both having signed the Charter Membership contract. Does that mean they're the same? Have they lost their individuality because they both do those things? No!

80. Say, for example, one takes that foun­dation of faith and lives it in this way: He marries, has six children, starts a "consider the poor" work in India where he learns sign language and ministers to hundreds of deaf children, and eventually this leads him to a ministry of reaching the top where he gives important speeches to wealthy businessmen who are funding a campaign to house the poor street urchins in Bombay. All of that doing, all that action and accomplishment is in essence who that person is. That is the expression of that person's individuality.

81. Then let's say that the other person takes his foundation of faith and lives in it in this way: He goes to a service center/office situation where he writes a computer program for the local language ARC, learns the ins and outs of color work and printing and shipping the local language tools‚ fills the Homes' monthly orders, and becomes an expert cook of Mexican and Italian food. Now would you think those two people are the same? Do they seem identical? Or are they individuals? The answer is obvious, of course.

82. The main point from all of this is that it's no great feat of so–called individuality if you go sucking up to the System and all the vain philo­sophies and latest trends, deliberately disobey­ing the Word or disregarding the CM standard. That's nothing spectacular. That's not making you do anything new or different. That's just head stuffing, and hundreds or even millions of other people are stuffing the same junk in their heads. What's so unique about that? Maybe it's unique in your Home, if you're the only one doing it, but if you open your eyes to the bigger scope of the world, you'll see that there are millions in the same boat as you—hardly original, hardly individual.

83. While we're on this subject, I'm going to address something else that is related to this individuality quest. I think part of what makes people want to do or think something other than what's in the Word is because they've gotten the idea that the Family is a narrow-minded organization that's behind the times. Some people blame this so–called narrow-mindedness or lack of flexibility on the GNs‚ the restrictions, the rules, the Charter, and the behavioral standards that are defined by definite do's and don'ts. Some feel that because the Family has these boundaries, we've somehow developed an ultra–narrow concept of life which encroaches on freedom of thought and individuality. Those who think this feel that they're being deprived of their "right" to seek enlightenment from somewhere else—even from ungodly ridiculous people in the world.

84. Some of our members think they need to have unlimited access to the world, either via the Internet, books, movies, music, etc., so they'll be abreast of what everyone else in the world is thinking and believing. They feel this is their right as a living human being, and they don't want to be restricted by the Family!

85. Well, let's step back a bit and look at things from outside the reference point of the Family. Let's talk about discipleship. Let's talk about following Jesus. Let's say you're not even in the Family; you're simply a disciple of Jesus. So what did Jesus teach?

Verses in box:

The disciple [should] be as his master. (See Luk.6:40.)

If any man serve Me, let him follow Me.

I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done.

No man can serve two masters: he will hate one, and love the other ... hold to one and despise the other.

If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples.

He that forsaketh not all ... cannot be My disciple.

Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

No man ... looking back‚ is fit for the Kingdom of God.

Whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.

If any ... hate not his own life‚ he cannot be My disciple.

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

If any man come after Me, let him deny himself.

Come, take up the cross, and follow Me.

He that loveth his life shall lose it.

Why call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say?

Whosoever doth not ... come after Me, cannot be My disciple.

What is that to thee? Follow thou Me.

Ye are not of the world‚ but I have chosen you out of the world.

They are not of the world, even as I (Jesus) am not.

Not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but ... keep them from the evil.

(Mat.10:24,25; Jn.12:26; Jn.13:15; Mat.6:24; Jn.8:31; Luk.14:33; Mat.6:24; Luk.9:61‚62; Mat.16:25; Luk.14:26; Mat.6:21; Mat.16:24; Mk.10:21b; Jn.12:25; Luk.6:46; Luk.14:27; Jn.21:22; Jn.15:19; Jn.17:14-15.)

86. Now who are you going to blame for the so-called narrow-mindedness, the required obedi­ence to the Word, the lack of contact with the world—the Family, or Jesus? Who's really calling the shots around here? If you think, "Oh, the Family is so narrow, so conservative! I need my freedom‚ I need more access to the world, I need to be a free thinker, I need to not be restricted in what I do or see‚" then maybe you need to reconsider whether you want to be a disciple of Jesus, because He's the One Who drew up the original discipleship standard! All the original disciples had to decide if they wanted to follow the Lord's teachings, which became their fundamental rules or their "contract of Charter Membership"! And you need to do the same.

87. If you don't like it when you're expected to believe and obey the Word‚ to witness‚ to forsake all, to minimize ungodly and unedifying influ­ences, don't blame Mama or Peter. Don't blame me. Don't blame the Family. Blame the Lord! He's the One Who wrote the original discipleship "mission statement." He built the company and laid the foundation, and those are the rules! It's ridiculous to stay around spitting and cussing and complaining about the teachings of the Family, which really are the teachings of Jesus! If you don't like it, get out! That was the whole point of the S2K. If you really feel that serving the Lord in the Family is robbing you of some important freedom of thought or individuality, then maybe it's not the place for you!

88. So you have a choice: You can take all that's in the Letters and the Charter, and all that the Lord shows you through your personal gift of prophecy‚ and really go for it and become the unique, beautiful individual He wants you to be for Him. Or you can go the other route: You can resist the unity and oneness that comes from receiving and absorbing the Word and yielding to the Lord—which unfortunately means you'll also miss becoming what you could have been‚ the one person on Earth to have your unique application of the Word and your special way of manifesting the Lord's love. It's up to you. No one's twisting your arm. You either choose to be a disciple or you don't! That's your freedom of choice, your freedom of thought. Take it or leave it. (End of message from Dad.)


89. Dad brings up a very important challenge here. As was explained earlier, it's natural for you to want to be free, to be intelligent, to make your own choices, to have thought-provoking conversations or debates, to make sure you know you're doing the right thing with your life. It's how you go about these natural desires that makes the difference, whether you do so in line with the Lord's teachings or you go the way of the world. That's what you need to examine in your own life.

90. If you're convinced that the Family is not the place for you and you can't have these needs fulfilled in the Family, then you had best go somewhere else and try to find what you're looking for. But I also must warn you that the negative emotions you feel, along with the hopeless­ness and restlessness, are very probably the Enemy's attack on you. As Dad brought out, the search for individuality in this way is a relatively new frame of thought which has arisen in recent years. It wasn't something that was a big problem or topic of discussion in the earlier years of the Family.

91. This is a new attack of the Enemy. So before you decide that serving the Lord in the Family is not for you, pray desperately. Get serious, rebuke the Enemy, get the fear of the Lord—because you don't want to throw away your heritage and calling because of the Enemy's lies.

92. Of course, Peter and I hope and pray that each person in the Family will stay in the Family and dedicate himself or herself fully to upholding the discipleship standard as defined in the CM contract. That's certainly our preference. But the choice is yours. We're praying for you!


93. If some of your friends, your mate‚ or your kids are into a quest for individuality that is characterized by seeking the things of the world, thinking it's okay to disobey the Word or the Charter, it might be difficult to keep having the faith for them. You might think they're too into the System to make it. But here is some instruction from the Lord about how important it is to keep praying if you know someone is drifting away from the Lord in a desire to be a "free individual." The more you know about a person's situation, the more knowledgeably and specifically you can pray‚ and sometimes you might be the only one who really knows how much someone needs prayer. That makes you more responsible to pray. The Lord depends on you to pray. Prayer can make a huge difference, but only if you do it!


94. It's the responsibility of you who know a person intimately and who are attuned to his problems and battles to fight for him in prayer. Pray as though the person were suffering a life-threatening illness; pray as though he were going to face a monstrous foe in battle; pray as though he were embarking on a dangerous journey across very hazardous terrain without proper equipment. Feel the responsibility personally to pray. Even if you have to take precious time away from your other important work, this you must do, even if you must push back your deadlines or leave some things un­done, because this is extremely important and urgent.

95. Please take upon yourselves the yoke of prayer. Your loved one needs you. I'm counting on you to not forget him, to not sin in neglecting to pray for him daily. Just as you have Word time daily, you do your timely work daily, you eat three meals daily, you have get-out daily, you go to the bathroom daily—so do I expect you to pray for those in need daily! To pray is amongst the essential to-dos.

96. If you want to be efficient and productive, pray. For by praying you are investing the minimum amount of energy and time for the absolute maximum results. Don't neglect this important task. Choose your battles. You can't do everything. But do this: Pray daily, desperately‚ and with all your heart. (End of message from Jesus.)

More quotes in boxes:

If you have questions and are seeking with an open mind and heart‚ then you will come to Me and ask Me about things‚ and once you hear from Me you'll be satisfied with the answers you receive. If you're not seeking with an open heart and mind, then no matter what anyone says or does‚ you won't accept and believe.

The Enemy makes you fear becoming too "spiritual," or too in tune with Me, to the point where you become a "robot" and can't have any individual or creative thoughts. The truth is that the more in tune with Me you are, the more ideas and inspirations you'll get. What is individuality, after all, and why is it so important to you? The concept behind it and the whole reason you desire it is because of the freedom that comes with it, right? Well, true freedom is only found in My Spirit, in being able to be what I made you, the way I made you, and letting Me and My free Spirit come through.

For a real "blast from the past‚" read "Dropouts 4!" (ML #34).

For another text box:

(Dad:) Many feel that in yielding to what the Lord wants in their lives, they're "giving in." Well‚ it's true that they are, but those who refuse to yield are also giving in. They're giving in to the Devil and his forces. They're giving in to his demands that they not yield. It's a lie of the Enemy that you can't yield or you'll lose who you are. You'll still be the unique individual that the Lord has made you—you'll just be following closer to Him than you were before.

The ultimate goal is to become like Jesus, but Jesus has many personalities in His being. He doesn't want mindless robots to serve Him. If He did, He would never have given mankind the freedom to choose between right and wrong. But He has given each person that choice, and what they choose will directly affect how much the Lord can use them and when. Those who follow closer will be able to be used more, but those who drag their feet and are slow to catch on and yield will instead have to be used to a lesser extent.

So the choice is yours. How much do you want to be used for the Lord? Do you want to hang on to your so-called "individuality" at any cost? Or do you want to yield to the Lord and let Him use you to accomplish His will? That's the choice. Do you want to be stub­born and rebellious, or do you want to yield and benefit from all the blessings He has in store for you if you'll just yield? (End of message from Dad.)

(End of file.)