KEYWORDS: prophecy, faith, lord, message, time, will

Understanding Prophecy, Part 1

Karen Zerby

GN for January 2000

By MariaMaria #517 CM/FM 3275 9/99

Dear Family,

1. Peter and I are very happy with how you're progressing in your use of prophecy. We receive frequent comments in the mail about how happy you are to have access to this new specific counsel and help from our wonderful Husband and Shepherd. Of course, prophecy is a very mysterious gift of the Spirit‚ and the more we use it, the more we learn.

2. The faith of the Family overall has grown tremendously regarding receiving proph­ecies, and many, many people who never had the gift have received it. It's wonderful to see how the Family is progressing in learning to ask the Lord about everything. The more we use prophecy, the more we see how much there is to learn about this marvelous and mysterious gift; and as is to be expected, various questions have come up as we've implemented this new weapon more not only in our personal lives, but in our work and Home decisions as well. In this series of GNs, with the Lord's help, I will address some of the problems and questions that have come up, passing on the Lord's answers. These GNs are com­prised of questions that have come up from people in our WS units and from you on the field.

3. Prophecy is a huge subject! I'm going to do my best to share with you some of the ­answers the Lord has given us, although I know that I won't be able to cover things from every angle. But what I do know is that the main thing we've learned when we've had questions about the use of prophecy and then taken them to the Lord to ask Him about them is that He always has an answer and a good reason. You could resort to just thinking about your question in your own mind and analyzing it, but by doing so, you can wind up with the wrong conclusions and open the door to doubt and confusion, and ultimately discour­age­ment about using prophecy. But when we take something to the Lord, He always gives an answer that clears up the confusion and makes things understandable for us.

4. So if I only communicate one point in this series, it would be this: When you have a question about prophecy or something doesn't seem quite right, ask the Lord! Don't be afraid to take your questions back to Him again and again and again.

5. Peter and I have spent some time discussing the questions that have come up‚ presenting them to the Lord and receiving His answers and clarifications. I'll try to share with you in as concise a form as possible portions of the answers the Lord has given us.

6. This GN is in question and answer format. The answer to each question is a message from the Lord, which is followed by a brief summary of that answer for your easy review. Some answers are followed by "additional reading" (other messages from the Lord on the same subject) to provide further insight. At the end of this Letter you'll find more prophecies that are not presented in question and answer format; those messages are for your further encouragement and edification.

7. Even with as much time, prayer and effort as we put into this series, you may still have some questions that aren't answered. I'm sorry about that. But here is a good little introductory talk from Dad on this subject.

Prophecy Works!

—Whether You Understand It or Not!

8. (Dad speaking:) Praise the Lord, folks. I love you! We're just thrilled on this side to see you all glowing and growing and progressing in your use of prophecy. It's your direct hotline to Heaven where you can tap into the power and receive those Heavenly messages, direction, guidance and counsel, as I once said, of downright, outright, Heaven–right revelations straight from Him to show you what to do.

9. Prophecy is a vast, and what may seem at times, very mysterious topic. I want to help clue you in a little bit on this topic and give you some tips and counsel on how you should view it and help you understand it more. One thing you should know right away is that you will never fully understand prophecy. Even those of us Here on this side, who are on the other end of the line, so to speak, do not fully understand all of the ins and outs and whys and wherefores and ways and means of prophecy. That shouldn't amaze you! The universe, God's creation, is so vast, so deep, so marvelous‚ so intricate‚ so utterly complex and complicated, yet simple‚ beauti­ful‚ and unbelievably magnificent! How many adjectives can I use to try to describe something that's indescribably wonderful in any human language? Any words I could use would fall utterly short of describing God's creation. And prophecy is just one part of His creation.

10. So get this through your heads right now: You're never going to understand everything about prophecy! It's like I once said about electricity or sex: The main thing you need to remember is, it works! You flip the switch and the current runs; it turns on the machine and it works. You don't understand everything about sex—the chemistry, the biology and the psychology, what determines moods, excitement, passion and love—but you know it works! You know that when you look into the eyes of your lover, feelings and emotions of love and ecstasy seem to well up within you and you explode physically and spiritually. You revel in love! Where is that love? Is it within you or is it from outside of you? Does it change you? Where does it come from? Where does it go to?

11. God's creation is so unbelievably vast that you simply cannot comprehend it! How far does the universe go? How vast is it? Where does outer space end, if it does? And for that matter‚ how deep does inner space go? You break up the molecule, you get the atom; you break up the atom, you get electrons, protons and neutrons; you break those up further and further and further‚ and where does it end? Who understands the complexities of a living thing and how all those atoms and molecules combined form living tissue that lives and breathes, eats and sleeps, creates others of like kind, beings that love and care. Who can tell?

12. How do birds sense things beyond the realm of human understanding and senses? How do pigeons find their way home? How do the fish of the sea traverse miles and miles of ocean to return to the very place of their birth? What tells the birds when it's time to fly north or south, and why don't they fly east and west? How does the bear's body shut down for winter hibernation? How do all of those cells and enzymes and chemicals in your body work together to give you a functioning brain and heart so that you can think and understand and exist? Where does your spirit come from? How does it think? No one can explain all these things to you.

13. No one can even explain fully how something that you hold in your hand is perceived through your nerves and processed by your brain in coordination with your eyes‚ ears and nose, so that you see and hear and feel and touch the item. And these are just the things of the physical world.

14. I have to laugh sometimes when I get questions about the spiritual world. Take the things of the physical and multiply them by about a zillion, and you might be just starting to scratch the surface of the depth and incredible awesomeness of God! And then I get asked to explain how things work! We do love to explain it‚ but don't question why when we say we don't understand it all ourselves.

15. Who can understand the mind of God? No one! Who can know the incredible depth of the heart of God? We bow before Him in great rever­ence and humility at the might and magnificence of His presence. God is great! God is awesome!

16. I don't want to discourage you from seeking to understand; it's fascinating! I thrilled my whole life to learn more each day about our great God of love Who is our all in all, Who is so many things to us—our Father and Husband, our Lover, our Savior‚ our Master, our Teacher, our Guru, our Friend‚ our Companion, our Comforter, our Doctor, our Creator, our every­thing! I thrill to continue to learn. But don't wonder that those of us on this side are at a loss to clearly explain everything to you. We can't! We do what we can, but there are, simply put, some limitations. So don't get too frustrated or questioning if you simply can't see and understand everything, okay?

17. You just know that prophecy works! Whether you understand all of its intricacies and the hows and whys and wherefores or not, it works! It's a gift of God‚ and as you use and de­velop and practice your gift, you'll be strength­­ened, fed‚ led, guided, protected and kept.

18. Just rest assured that it's His gift for you. He wants you to have it, use it, enjoy it and benefit from it. It's okay to have questions along the way; that's what students are supposed to have—questions—and as you keep getting answers, you grow. As in any technical course, the questions will get increasingly difficult and the answers may get increasingly complicated. That's learning. That's the nature of things. Perhaps I shouldn't say complicated; let's say complex. For God's creation isn't really complicated or confusing, but it is complex. It's both complex and incredibly simple. It's His Spirit!

19. As you learn and grow in this area of prophecy, remember that you won't ever under­stand it all. But also remember how much the Lord loves you‚ how much He wants to communi­cate with you and be a greater part of your life, for He is life itself. As you come to know Him better, you'll grow in happiness, strength and faith.

20. So come, embark on a journey of learning! Rejoice in His love and care. Rejoice in the wonders of His creation‚ both physical and spiritual. Rejoice that we have each other, that we can learn and grow together, and walk in faith.

21. The Lord still loves faith‚ and without faith it's still impossible to please Him. You already know about faith. Faith is accepting the things that you don't understand with your carnal mind, things that you can't see with your physical eyes or touch with your hands. It is, as Paul described, the substance of things hoped for, the hupostasis‚ the title deed, the proof of ownership of things that you may or may not physically hold in your hands.

22. So walk in faith, trusting our great God, our incomparable Lover, the Bridegroom of the Bride, Who has called us in these Last Days to be carriers of His love to others, to be teachers of the things that we have learned, to be the prophets of the End, to explain to others about His soon coming, to explain what we know about the days thereafter, to share the freedoms and the wonders of the Spirit, the liberties of His love, even the deep things, the ecstasies of His orgasms‚ the sexy things of God with those who are willing and ready to receive it.

23. I love you and I'm proud of you! Hang in there and stay close till we come to the end of the road and you'll hear that, "Well done‚ thou good and faithful servant!"—Those servants full of faith to follow the Lamb whithersoever He leads, to forsake the world and its ways, to keep their eyes on Heaven, to walk by faith and not by sight. Keep your eyes on Heaven—it's worth it all—and He's worth it all! Love, Dad. (End of message from Dad.)

24. (Question: ) Why are some mess­ages more difficult to receive than ­others? What are the hindrances to receiving mess­ages from Heaven‚ and what can we do to overcome them?

25. (Jesus speaking:) My dear children, let Me remind you of the wonderful miracle that it is that we can communicate with each other. I'm able to pass on to you My life-giving Words for your individual situations at the exact ­moment that you need them, if you take the time to ask Me. I'm able to save you so much time by showing you from the beginning which is the road to travel down. I'm able to encourage you when you're weary and direct you when you're in the midst of battle. Now‚ in the days of great spiritual warfare, your gift of hearing from Me saves your spiritual lives time and time again. In the days to come, your gift of hearing from Me will save your physical lives and enable you to continue in My service for as long as it is My ­high­est will, before I bring you Home to My arms ­forever!

26. It is sometimes a struggle to hear from Me. Especially when the message is very import­ant or the answers are very specific and imperative to the work, the Enemy fights very hard. Most of the time I shield you with My force field so that you don't even feel his attacks, but ­every now and then I allow you to taste of the battle to remind you how much he fights this precious gift, and how zealously you should guard it and be willing to fight for it.

27. But I want to remind you that no matter how difficult the struggle is‚ it's worth fighting through, and in the long run it makes your job so much easier, not more difficult. No matter how difficult it seems at the moment to receive a message, it's worth the struggle, the effort in the spirit‚ the perseverance.

28. You can compare it to communicating via e-mail. If you need to receive an important message and it's difficult to log on, or the phone connection isn't the best, it's still worth it to persevere, because the victory is receiving the message quickly, compared to receiving it via snail mail, or not receiving the message at all. Even though it's sometimes difficult, or your computer freezes, or the connection is not the best, or things go slowly when the lines are very busy, still you persevere, because you know that it's worth it to be able to retrieve the mess­ages that are waiting for you there.

29. So now, as I explain to you why it's sometimes difficult in the spirit to receive My mess­ages and at times it feels like a very big struggle, remember that it's worth it! Don't let the struggle discourage you. Keep your eyes on the goal, and remember the wonderful miracle that you are blessed to receive in the form of My Words given specifically for you!

30. There are many different factors that come into play when you're receiving a mess­age. There are many physical disturbances, many spiritual problems that the Enemy likes to throw in‚ and you're also limited by your faith.

31. Let's start with the physical: If you're feeling sick, drained, tired, or run-down, it will most likely be a little more difficult for you to receive a message from Me or from anyone else in the spirit world. The reason for this is that your physical body and spirit are connected, and one can't help but affect the other. If your physical body is feeling weak and out of steam‚ then it takes a lot more effort and fight to get your spirit moving‚ in tune, and receptive to the messages from Heaven.

32. There are also different factors in the spirit world that can hinder or make receiving messages difficult. For example, if the one you're receiving a message from—the spirit helper, departed saint, or someone who has recently passed on to this side—isn't used to passing on messages through the dimension of the spirit world, it will be a little more difficult to receive, or perhaps the message won't flow as easily as you're used to. This is not the fault of either you or the departed one giving the message. It's just that it takes practice to hone the art of spiritually communicating, and some of those in the spirit world aren't yet accustomed to using this method of transporting thoughts‚ words, pictures or messages. You shouldn't let this discourage you, but rather it should encourage you and give you the faith to keep fighting‚ even if the message is a little halting, disjointed, or difficult to receive.

33. It goes without saying that the Enemy is always walking about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, seeking to destroy My children's faith in the gift of prophecy. He'll often fight you with all that's within him, to try to hinder and stop the flow of My Words. There's nothing he hates more than seeing My children tap into the divine resources of Heaven, and this is why he fights like a bear who has been robbed of her cubs.

34. Sometimes he'll throw in his static or cause the connection to be a little unclear or choppy, so that you'll get discouraged and give up. At other times he'll throw thoughts into your mind to pull you away from the source. At other times he'll bring along physical distractions like electricity cuts, thunderstorms, children yelling or other loud noises, visitors dropping by or emergencies arising, or even discomfort to get you to concentrate your thoughts on the things of this Earth rather than on the things of the spirit world. Don't give in to him‚ and in the end he'll turn tail and run!

35. There are times when you're hindered in receiving the message because you lack faith, and you lack faith because you're afraid of the consequences or ramifications of receiving counsel from Me. This lack of faith is often attached to questions that you view as "heavier questions," ones that will affect more people or have a bigger impact on your Home or your own life. If you ask a simple question‚ one that you don't think would be that big of a deal even if you were to "get it wrong," then you can more easily resist the temptation to fear and you can more easily relax and receive.

36. But when there is a question that affects more than some little decision, then you often worry or fear, which quenches the flow of the Spirit and the flow of the message. That fear is the opposite of faith, and it comes from feeling that you are responsible for the mess­age, that you have to do something to ensure that it's right or it's good. You fear that you'll get something wrong and you'll be blamed or you'll hurt others, and this fear keeps you from opening up completely. It's a hindrance in the spirit, a blockage, and in some cases, if the fear is strong enough, it can cause the message to be incomplete or can prohibit the message from getting through altogether.

37. To overcome this fear, you must realize that to Me there are no "easy" and "difficult" questions. They're all the same to Me. I can answer a simple question as easily as a so-called difficult one, depending on your faith.

38. Receiving messages in prophecy and the ease with which they flow also has a lot to do with your receptivity, desperation, yieldedness and humility. A message may sometimes seem confusing simply because you aren't desperate enough and haven't asked Me to clear your own thoughts; therefore your thoughts are conflicting with My direct voice from Heaven. A message can also be incomplete if you're not yielded and willing to receive the truth.

39. If you're having a hard time receiving a message in prophecy, then it's a good idea to stop then and there, get desperate, and ask Me for an extra dose of faith, yieldedness, receptivity, and humility. Sometimes the Enemy gets in with doubts or tries to hinder your faith to ­receive My Words, so you've just got to hit him back right between the eyes with wholehearted prayer and claiming My Word! If he's the one hindering your receiving My Words, then you've got to rebuke him and give him no place. If he's the one throwing in the distractions and hindering you‚ then you've got to rebuke him and keep persevering, and you'll receive the promise.

40. If the problems stem from your own lack of faith, yieldedness, humility, or desperation, then you'd better get down on your hands and knees and pray for an extra dose of My Spirit of faith. Ask Me to clear your mind once again and give you the faith of a child.

41. If the problems are physical and you're feeling tired, sick, or under the weather, then ask for My healing touch and My power to override the human weakness that you feel, and I'll come through for you.

42. And last but not least‚ if the difficulty in receiving a certain message is because of the inexperience of the spirit helper or departed saint, don't get discouraged about it. Have patience and keep persevering, and you'll receive the message. (End of excerpts of message from Jesus.)

43. (Summary of answer:) Your ability to receive messages can be affected by how you feel physically. When you're not feeling well, it's more difficult. If you ask the Lord, He can give you His healing touch and the strength you need.

44. It's more difficult if the spirit helper who is giving you the message is not well practiced at getting through the veil, in which case the whispers don't come through as clearly and are not as easy to recognize. Don't be discouraged; just keep listening and be determined to get the message, even if it's halting, disjointed, or difficult to receive.

45. The Enemy fights your receiving mess­ages in prophecy by causing static in the spirit world, distracting thoughts, or physical disruptions. He'll try to get you to give up. Rebuke the Enemy and keep persevering, and you'll receive the answer.

46. A lack of faith also hinders your receiving the message. When you lack faith, you fear, which is a blockage that quenches the flow of the message. When this happens, cry out to the Lord for faith, and realize that there are no "easy" or "difficult" questions for Him. They're all the same to Him, and He's the One ­responsible for the message given and the effects of that message. It's His reputation that's on the line!

47. Messages can also be affected by your lack of receptivity, desperation, yieldedness‚ and humility. You must ask the Lord to override your own thoughts on the matter and be willing to re­ceive His truth. Unyieldedness can cause mess­ages to be incomplete, because you're not willing or don't have the faith to receive the truth. Cry out to the Lord for yieldedness; say yes!

48. (Question:) I have the gift of pro­ph­ecy, but I don't receive specifics. So I don't feel that my gift is that helpful. Why don't I receive specifics?

49. (Jesus speaking: ) There are several reasons why a person does not receive ­specifics in prophecy:

mBecause that person lacks faith to receive specifics, and therefore he holds back or cannot give the answers I would like to give.

mBecause the specifics the person wants to know are not necessary, or it's not My time to reveal such things.

mBecause I want to help that person stay united with others and humble, by needing to have other channels receive the ­specifics.

mBecause the channel is still growing‚ still being exercised‚ and the faith to receive specifics will come with time.

mBecause the question the person has asked Me is very general, and therefore the ­answer that he expects to hear and has the faith to hear is also general.

50. Do not fear that your gift is not helpful just because you don't receive specifics. Don't compare with others. I will give each person the gift of prophecy that I know is most needful and that will bear the most fruit for that individual at that time. If one person has a flowing gift or a gift that receives specific details, and another person has a gift that is halting and receives general guidance and instruction, who are you to question My ways? It's not your place to say that one gift is better or more beauti­ful than the other. Both channels—the one that receives specifics and the one that doesn't—receive My Words, and I am the One Who controls the flow of truth, and I give to each according to the need and according to their faith. (End of message from Jesus.)

51. (Summary of answer: ) If you don't receive specifics‚ it could be for the following reasons: your lack of faith; the specifics are not necessary or it's not the Lord's time to reveal them; to keep you humble and needing others; because you need to exercise your channel more; or because the question is general, so the ­answer is also general.

52. Don't compare with others and don't question the Lord's ways. The messages He gives‚ whether specific or general, are His Words. He determines what to give, when, and to whom, depending on the need and according to your faith.

Additional reading:

53. (Jesus speaking:) The more you believe the Enemy's lies and hold back from exercising your gift in specific matters, the more you forget how close and real I truly am to you, and thus I'm not able to punch through.

54. I'm greatly limited by people's faith and belief, and what they ask of Me. If you ask for concrete, down-to-earth specifics, that's what you'll get nine times out of ten. If you just ask Me vague questions‚ I will still speak as much as I'm able, but I'm limited in My giving by what you're asking Me for.

55. So step out by faith! Put Me on the spot even when you don't feel the faith, and you'll see your faith strengthened and rewarded by beholding the concrete answers to your prayers and requests, and the solutions to your problems. I have them for you! You just need to hold on in faith and call them down for yourself. (End of message from Jesus.)

56. (Question:) If I can't get specifics in prophecy, does that mean I'll miss the Lord's will or that things will go wrong some­how because I'm not getting all the details I might need?

57. (Jesus speaking:) I love you, My children‚ and promise to protect and provide, as long as you do your best to stay close to Me and follow My leadings. If you're looking to the printed Word‚ receiving what I give you in prophecy, and seeking to know My will through the other ways to know My will, then you can rest assured, in full faith‚ that you will not make any serious mistakes or suffer because you don't have the kind of channel that receives detailed, specific prophecies. Please trust Me, My ­precious brides, when I say that I give you what I know is good for you, and it's My pleasure to help you all I possibly can‚ according to the level of your obedience, yieldedness, and willing­ness to do My will.

58. The wonders of My Spirit are marvelous, stupendous, and so awesome that it's hard for you to grasp the details of how to use the gift of prophecy. You want to do your best, but in your zealousness you feel you must let prophecy be the all in all in your decisions, and when you feel the messages you or your loved ones or co-workers receive are not sufficient, then you fear. But I ask that you look at the totality of My Word and My presence in your life.

59. I'm aware of every detail. I hear every prayer. I know your hearts completely, and I'm here for you. When I see that you're willing to do My will, that you're just trying to know what it is‚ do you think I'd be so unkind and so in­attentive that I'd let you make a serious mistake, or that I'd let something bad happen to you just because of the lack of some detail in prophecy? No! I have guarded you with My protection because of your desire to do My will‚ and I will keep you within My perfect will, which I will make clear to you as you seek Me through the written Word and through the other ways to know My will, including using what seems to you to be a limited gift of prophecy.

60. Even if your gift seems quite narrow and general, keep coming back to Me‚ keep asking Me. By doing so, not only will your gift grow, but I will use even your "baby gift" to lead you and warn you about possible dangers, wrong turns or mishaps. I'm not limited by many or few words. I'm not bound by many or few specifics. I can move and work in your life as I see fit, and I'll make My will known as you seek Me. As you obey, accept, and yield to Me, I will protect you.

61. If you feel the need to receive more from Me, you can ask your mate or one of your friends, shepherds, or Home members to hear from Me for you. You may or may not receive more specifics this way, but nevertheless‚ you will have the peace that you are doing My will as it will be established in the mouth of two witnesses. (End of message from Jesus.)

62. (Summary of answer:) The Lord wants you to be more aware of what He referred to as the totality of His Word and presence in your life. He knows everything about you and He's there for you! He's very interested in seeing you succeed. He wants the best for you and is eager to guide you, protect you‚ and supply your ­every need, and He will do that according to your obedience‚ yieldedness, and willingness to do His will. He promises that as you seek Him not only through your gift of prophecy but also through the printed Word and the other ways to know His will, that He'll keep you from wrong de­cisions or serious mistakes, even if you don't yet receive specifics in prophecy. He also reminds you that you can ask others to hear from Him for you, if you feel the need, which will poss­ibly supply you with more specifics, or at least a confirmation of His will.

63. (Question: ) I don't have time to hear from the Lord about half the things I should pray about. How can I use the gift of prophecy more when I'm so busy?

64. (Jesus speaking: ) I've spoken on this subject before, explaining that using the gift of prophecy, even though it's an initial investment of time, will save time in the end. You'll be more spot-on in your actions, you'll hit the bull's-eye in your decisions, you'll avoid mistakes and having to backtrack and do things again or fix the damage. So this is part of the answer—you must be willing to accept, even by faith‚ that hearing from Me in prophecy will save you time.

65. Also, I must remind you that hearing from Me in prophecy doesn't need to take a long time. If you stay close to Me on a daily basis by staying in the Word, using the new weapons, and being obedient and yielded‚ then at a moment's notice you can come to Me and expect to receive My answers on the spot.

66. Please understand that even five minutes spent hearing My voice can prove to be more effective and efficient than many hours of working or discussing in your own strength.

67. Some questions or problems require a more lengthy, complete answer from Me, which takes more time in the temple to receive. Other questions can be answered in only a few short sen­tences. If you learn the balance—when to take a block of time to receive a complete or more lengthy answer, and when to take one minute to receive a quick answer—then you'll be more apt to bring more of your questions to Me to hear from Me in prophecy, because you'll realize that many times it's not time-consuming or a big deal. It's just having a conversation with Me, like the hundreds of conversations you have each day with your loved ones, children, and Home members.

68. As you exercise your gift of prophecy‚ the answers will usually come more quickly. The more exercised you are at using your gift, the more eager you'll be to ask Me, knowing that you don't have to disrupt your schedule completely or throw off your whole day with a long prayer and prophecy session. With time, you'll get the answers more quickly and easily, so you'll grow by using the gift more and more.

69. But you can't wait until your gift is exercised before you bring your questions to Me. You have to start somewhere, so even if you can't pray about everything at first, due to lack of time or other pressing duties, pray about what you can, what you do have time for, and with time you'll find that you're praying about more and more, and having the faith to ask Me about more and more.

70. How much time you spend in prayer and hearing My voice is really a matter of your faith. Even if it looks like you're falling behind by spending more time seeking My will, I promise that I'll cause the time to be made up somehow, and your efforts will be more fruitful. But this is a difficult concept, because in this day and age man is naturally driven by schedules‚ deadlines, appointments, stress. So it will take adjusting your mentality to understand and have the faith that if you spend time in quietness, hearing My voice, you'll actually gain time. I will do miracles, like having you miss the traffic, or having you avoid waiting for your contacts, or having the baby sleep longer to give you the time you need. I will make a way where there doesn't naturally seem to be a way.

71. If you don't have much faith for this now, just try it, and you will learn, little by little, through experience, that this is true. As you step out by faith to hear from Me, even if you don't think you have the time, you'll learn that if you pray‚ you can get twice as much done in half the time! (End of message from Jesus.)

72. (Summary of answer:) Hearing from the Lord in prophecy saves time, even though it's an initial investment of time. Even if He has to do miracles, the Lord will cause the time you spend hearing from Him to pay off in some way so that you actually gain time.

73. It doesn't need to take a long time of preparation before you can get the Lord's answers in prophecy if you're staying close to Him on a daily basis. You can simply ask your question and expect an immediate answer.

74. There's a balance between questions that need a bigger block of time to get a more complete answer and those that can be answered in just a couple of minutes. As you learn that balance‚ you'll find it easier to come to the Lord with your questions more often.

75. The more exercised your gift of prophecy, the quicker the answers will generally come. You have to start somewhere, so begin now to pray about the things you can. With time, you'll find you're asking the Lord about more and more.

76. (Question:) I'm afraid I'm giving my own thoughts when I prophesy. That holds me back from asking important ques­tions, as I'm afraid I'll be led astray by a false prophecy. What can I do to get over this? How do I know I'm receiving prophecy and not my own thoughts?

77. (Jesus speaking:) To receive prophecy is an act of faith. There's no way in the natural to prove you are receiving My Words, but you can know by the fruit. You can see that the fruit of My Words given through your channel or others' channels is good, is according to My printed Word, and is loving. You can also know that I've promised to give you My answers through prophecy if you fulfill the requirements for being a reliable channel. That is My promise, which you can claim.

78. The requirements for being a good channel are: yieldedness‚ knowing that you do not have the answers, being right with Me and obedient to the printed Word and willing to do all you can to apply it to your life, keeping your heart clean from unconfessed sin, asking Me to override your own thoughts and opinions‚ having faith, being willing to accept My answers, giving what you receive without question or analyzing; being willing to bring any questions about the messages you receive in prophecy back to Me in order to receive well-rounded messages, and for further confirmation and explanation of any seeming contradictions; building your faith by regularly spending time with Me in the bed of love—reading and meditating on My Word and applying it to your life, resting in Me and casting your cares on Me, and loving Me intimately as My bride, speaking words of love to Me and receiving My seeds. It also helps you receive clear, complete messages if you do your best to avoid distractions or interruptions and concentrate as much as possible, as you need to come out of the wings and enter into My temple. You'll also find it easier to receive My messages if you fill your heart, mouth, and life with praise.

79. If you've asked in prayer, praying in faith, believing that you shall receive, then you must trust Me that if you've asked for bread, I will not give you a stone. If you don't receive something the first time, or if you fear that what you've received was only your own thoughts or ideas, you can come to Me again for confirm­ation, clarification, or further explanation.

80. If you have not prayed in faith‚ ­believing, and therefore have doubts about whether what you received was of Me or not‚ then come to Me again in full faith, claiming My promises and standing on them, believing that I can and will and do speak to you—and so I will! This I ­promise.

81. You can also ask others to help you, to pray for you or pray about your requests‚ to receive a confirmation. This will strengthen your faith as you see that I am able to lead and guide you even through others, and that the more you seek Me, the more I will confirm My will, often adding more details or specifics, and encouraging you that you have heard My will. (End of message from Jesus)

82. (Summary of answer:) When you ask the Lord for answers in prophecy, you have to take it by faith that you receive His Words. To have the faith necessary, you need to fulfill the requirements for being a reliable channel, which are: yieldedness, knowing you do not know the answers, being right with the Lord and obedient to the printed Word, having a clean heart free from unconfessed sin, asking the Lord to override your own thoughts, having faith, being willing to accept His answers, giving what you receive by faith without analyzing, being willing to take any questions about the prophecies you receive back to the Lord‚ building your faith by spending time with the Lord in the Word‚ meditation and loving Him intimately as His Bride, avoiding distractions or interruptions, and being full of praise.

83. If you're having trouble believing that a prophecy you received was of the Lord, you can go back to Him for more information, explanation or a confirmation‚ or you can ask someone else to pray about the same question‚ as a confirmation.

Additional reading:

84. (Jesus speaking:) It's just a matter of faith. How do your children know that what you give them to eat, to drink, to play with, is good? Do they question it? Do they examine it and turn it around in their hands, look at it upside-down and all around? Do they make a decision that what you give them is good for them before eating or drinking or playing with it? No.

85. Just as children have childlike faith and trust in their loving, devoted mother's and father's love for them, so should you be with Me. I won't give you a stone when you ask for bread, and it's simply a matter of faith. It is My desire to make it easier for those who are truly seeking My will through prophecy. So fear not, worry not, and analyze not that which I put into your heart and whisper into your ear as you come before Me to hear My voice. (End of message from Jesus.)

86. (Question: ) Often what I get in pro­phecy sounds like the thoughts I had on the subject before I prayed about it. For example, sometimes when I'm ­talking with someone about a specific question, I begin hearing what seems like the first line of a prophecy. Sometimes I'm hit with the thought that maybe I'm formu­lating these thoughts myself, because whenever I do even­tually get a chance to sit down and receive a prophecy about it, often I receive a message that's similar to those initial thoughts. Does this mean the pro­ph­ecy is my own thoughts and not the Lord?

87. (Jesus speaking: ) I wish to be close to you—closer than a whisper, as close as a feeling in your heart. So worry not that what you hear in prophecy is simply an echo of your own mind, your own thoughts, and that the words that I give you in prophecy are a reflection of those thoughts which you have been mulling over in your mind. As you seek Me desperately and ask Me to remove anything that was not put there by Me‚ as you come before Me in true sincerity and humbly ask to be a free and empty channel, I will honor these prayers and this pos­ition of your heart.

88. Often the Words I give in prophecy seem to be a reflection of your own thoughts because those thoughts were also My thoughts to you as you sought Me in prayer and quietness, and as you were asking for My guidance and My mind. So when you seek for My Words of confirmation in prophecy, if your thoughts were of Me, then I confirm them.

89. So worry not when this happens, thinking that the Words that you give in prophecy are simply your own thoughts, even if they do express those things which you've been thinking and have felt a burden for. All these things work in conjunction to verify My will and My leadings, as long as you're desperate before Me and ask Me to override your own will or opinions in the matter.

90. On matters of direction or instruction, out of the mouth of two or three witnesses these things can be confirmed. This will be a comfort to your heart that all does not rest on that which you hear, and that which I pour through only you. (End of message from Jesus.)

91. (Summary of answer: ) When you're seeking the Lord's direction, He often speaks to your heart and mind with His still, small voice. It should not be a surprise, then, if His Words in prophecy are similar to the thoughts you've been thinking. But the key element for this to be true is that you must be yielded, desperate, and seeking His will above your own. You must be willing to have His thoughts be your thoughts when you're discussing or thinking about a situation‚ just as you must be willing to have His Words be your words when you're receiving a prophecy.

92. As a confirmation or double–check, you can have messages of direction or instruction confirmed by two or three channels.

Additional reading:

93. (Jesus speaking: ) I am always there ready to whisper into your ear, to speak to you, to give you the counsel that you desire and ask for. My voice is instant in season and out of season. I do not speak only when you enter My chamber and ask for My Words in prophecy, but I live in your heart. I'm your constant companion‚ so My voice is and should also be your constant ­companion.

94. As you draw closer to Me and involve Me more in every single thing that you do, this still, small voice will become even stronger. This is My voice speaking to you. I can speak to you anywhere, any time, any place. When your ­Father David was young he would hear My voice whispering in his ear, yet he didn't recognize that it was My voice until later. Then he realized that I'd been speaking to him all along, that he'd been hearing Me.

95. So you too must recognize My voice and must learn to discern these impressions and these feelings and these thoughts as being My voice speaking to you. This realization will draw you even closer to Me and make My presence more real to you.

96. And so I ask you, why should it be so strange that later on when you come to Me to hear from Me in prophecy, I should speak to you the same words, the same counsel, only fuller and in more detail, rounding out the picture? This is just a continuation of My voice. If My message happens to coincide with what you had originally thought‚ you shouldn't let this worry or bother you, because sometimes I work that way, and sometimes I give you the discernment to lean towards a certain decision.

97. However, even when you think you know the answer through hearing My still, small voice in your heart and mind, it's still extremely beneficial to hear My Words in prophecy, because then I am able to explain the reasons why and give you My promises to stand on. I'll often also give explanations or other angles that you hadn't thought of. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

98. (Question:) If I have my own opinion on a certain topic, can that interfere with my hearing from the Lord on it?

99. (Jesus speaking:) My children are thinking children; you're full of opinions. I've made you this way because I want you to think‚ pray, prepare, seek, ask, reflect, have ideas, invent, pioneer! All of this takes opinions. You're rarely without opinions on almost every topic, unless it's something you're not interested in at all, or not informed about at all.

100. So for Me to expect that you could only hear from Me clearly on matters where you have no opinion would not be realistic. I want to be a part of every aspect of your life. I want to be involved—intimately and deeply involved in all your decisions—so I wouldn't set the standard so high as to expect you to not have opinions about the subjects you bring to Me when you want to hear My voice of prophecy. You're bound to have opinions about almost everything you want to hear from Me about!

101. I don't expect you to have no opinions, but I do expect you to pray desperately for Me to override those opinions. I do expect you to be willing to let go of your opinions to receive My opinions‚ the truth of the matter. I do expect you to be yielded, humble, and willing to receive whatever I give, even if it goes contrary to your opinions.

102. You feel you can't hear from Me when you're emotionally involved, but it's that fear, that lack of faith, that causes the blockage even more than your emotions. If you could commit those emotions to Me in faith, knowing that I have promised to override those emotions or feelings or opinions‚ then there wouldn't be a problem. But if you refuse to accept this truth, if you reject this promise and focus more on the strength of your emotions and feelings than on the strength of My miracle-working Spirit, then it is your loss, for by doing so, you lose the opportunity to come to Me for counsel when you most need it, when your emotions are high.

103. So your part is to pray‚ to ask Me to override those opinions as you come to Me to hear My voice. And then to complete the cycle, you must also be willing to accept My Words‚ to let the truth of My Words replace your opinions. If you do this, your opinions will not hinder your getting a clear, complete prophecy.

104. But if you do not fulfill these conditions, if you do not pray desperately for Me to speak the truth in spite of your opinions, if you do not yield yourself to My will‚ if you're not willing to receive whatever I give‚ no matter what, then your opinions can cause a blockage. The message could be incomplete, or it might not come at all, if you're resisting the truth and are unyielded. I can only give what I know you're willing to receive. (End of message from Jesus.)

105. (Summary of answer:) The Lord makes it clear that we can receive a reliable pro­phecy even if we have an opinion in the matter. In fact, He says we'll have an opinion about almost every­thing we pray about, because He's made us to think and have opinions, so we can be creative and progress and receive new ideas, etc.

106. So we need to get over the idea that if we have an opinion, then we can't hear clearly from the Lord. But there are specific requirements that we must fulfill for that to be poss­ible. We must ask the Lord to override our opinions. We must be willing to accept the Lord's truth and have it replace our opinions if we think or feel differently. We must be yielded to His will. If we're not willing to do this, then our opinions can get in the way of our hearing clearly from the Lord.

107. (Question:) I have received pro­ph­ecies that didn't come true‚ they weren't fulfilled. Were those false prophecies?

108. (Jesus speaking: ) Sometimes proph­ecies don't seem to be fulfilled because they were misinterpreted in the first place, so the wrong fulfillment was expected. At other times prophecies are incomplete, so it seems that they never came true, but it's only because there was some important information that was not received. That does not make it a false prophecy, but rather an incomplete prophecy. In some cases the physical circumstances surrounding the question you asked Me change. Most proph­ecies are conditional and they're dependent on many people's choices. If circumstances change, people change their minds, or new factors enter the equation, there's a need to ask Me again in light of the new factors.

109. When you have questions about your prophecies and why things didn't work out as you expected, according to the instruction or plan I had revealed to you‚ ask Me about it. Ask Me why. I'm very happy to explain these things and to set your mind at ease that what you received was not a false prophecy, but either a misinterpreted prophecy, an incomplete prophecy, or one that was unable to be fulfilled as was originally intended because of a change in circumstances.

110. As you learn to come to Me again and again and check in with Me regularly about the same situations when needed, you'll receive more complete instruction and will be able to use the gift of prophecy to fine-tune the revelation of My will more effectively. Rarely do I give all the needed information the first time you pray about a situation, especially if the situation involves many people or has many variables.

111. I long to teamwork with you, to work hand in hand with you. I love to be involved in every detail of your life, and for this reason I often don't give you the full picture through one prophecy—especially if it's a complex problem or very important decision—because I want you to come back to Me. If I told you everything, every detail, the first time around, I'd ­really miss having that sweet fellowship with you, working with you and being involved in your life.

112. But this need to come back to Me should not be looked upon as the fault of the channel or some lack in the channel's ability to hear from Me. There's nothing to be embarrassed about if a prophecy is incomplete, or if more information is needed, or even if there are some reversals or surprises that come up as you continue to look to Me. That's the way I choose to work, and you need not worry about it or feel you've failed. The need to receive more infor­mation to complete the picture, or new infor­mation according to changes in the situation‚ does not make the initial prophecy false. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

113. (Summary of answer:) Prophecies that don't seem to be fulfilled are not necessarily false prophecies. It's more likely that they were misinterpreted or incomplete prophecies, or that there was a change in the situation, such as the circumstances or people's choices, that affected the fulfillment of the prophecy. Whenever you have a question about a prophecy, always go back to the Lord and ask Him about it. He can explain why there's a difference in what you expected would happen according to the prophecy and what actually happened.

114. The more you check in with the Lord again and again about a situation, especially if it's something complex or a very important decision, the more likely you are to receive His complete instructions. He rarely gives you all the information you need the first time you hear from Him, so it's wise to keep asking as you go along. This is one way the Lord keeps us close to Him and helps us to teamwork with Him. It makes Him happy when we have repeated contact with Him about situations, because He wants to be involved in the details of our lives.

115. (Question:) Wouldn't it be easiest if the Lord would just tell us everything we needed to know in one ­prophecy, in the beginning?

116. (Jesus speaking:) You ask‚ "Why don't You just tell us everything we need to know at once, so we don't have to come back to You for more information and more details, for more confirmations and answers? Why is it that You ­often work this way and only give us part of the picture?"

117. I know it seems easier and more efficient to you if I would simply tell you everything right from the start, all in one message, from the present into the future and all that you need to know, but this would not be easier for you in the long run. In many cases you couldn't handle all the information in one sitting. You wouldn't even be able to understand My wisdom and reasoning and My will in the matter; it would be too much for you.

118. In other cases, your carnal nature would not accept My will, and you would be too tempted to analyze and apply your own logical reasoning if I were to give you more infor­mation than was good for you, and you would therefore miss My will. In other cases, what happens depends on other people's choices and other factors that must still come into play‚ and so I cannot reveal everything to you at once.

119. I also use this as a means of keeping you close to My side by your continually having to depend upon Me and My direction and guidance in your life. This keeps you desperate and humble and in need of Me, and when you're like this, you're very moldable and yielded and open to My will. (End of message from Jesus)

120. (Dad speaking: ) Sometimes the Lord will lead us in one way to get us moving in a certain direction, but then He'll come along with a change of plans or a modification, and that's where our faith is really tested—whether we're willing to go along with the new direction or we'll remain stuck in what we want to do, or what to us seems more profitable or more reason­able, whatever the case may be.

121. That's the acid test—whether we can continue to follow the Lord, even when we don't understand it or we think we know better. Sometimes the changes in plans once we're already on a certain course are the hardest to take, the greatest test. We can be tempted to feel that if this is really the Lord‚ why didn't He tell us earlier, before we even got started? Well‚ He has different reasons in different situations.

122. Sometimes it's because He knows He has to get you moving with something before He can even show you the next step. Sometimes He hides part of the plan out of love for us, to make it easier for us to obey and say yes. Other times He uses it to test our yieldedness and get us desperate with Him for the answers and faith to continue obeying. There are all kinds of ­reasons, but one thing I've learned is that the Lord knows what He's doing! (End of message from Dad)

123. (Summary of answer:) The Lord has good reasons for not showing us everything the first time we ask Him. Sometimes we wouldn't be able to handle all the information, or there are other choices, factors and variables that must still come into play before His will can be revealed. Also, the Lord knows that if we know we don't have the "full story" we'll stay closer to Him and be more humble and dependent on Him.

124. Dad explains that sometimes the Lord will use the first message just to get you started down the road‚ and then He'll show you the next step when needed. This can be quite a test of faith and yieldedness. Sometimes the Lord hides part of His plan to make it easier for us to obey.

125. (Question:) I've prayed about some­thing that someone else also prayed about, and the answers were different. Was one of the proph­ecies false? How do you know who got it wrong?

126. (Jesus speaking:) If the answers seem different, then ask Me about it. Ask Me why. Ask Me for more explanation. Ask Me your specific questions. I will clarify and explain further and will make the path you should take plain.

127. It's very important during times like this, where there is a seeming difference or contra­diction in messages, to not let the Enemy come in with discouragement or division. Don't make snap judgments of the prophecies. Take time to study them and you might see that they're not as "contradictory" as you first thought. Take time for further prayer, but whatever you do, don't get critical of one another or let the Enemy come in with doubts or condemnation. There is a good explanation; you just have to ask Me to receive it. (End of message from Jesus.)

128. (Summary of answer: ) Whenever there's a seeming contradiction in two prophecy mess­ages, you should not automatically assume that one of the channels got it wrong. Ask the Lord about it. There's a good explanation.

129. Be careful to resist the Enemy's temptation to get critical of each other. Just ask the Lord for more explanation. (Note: More on this coming later in this series on understanding prophecy.)

130. (Question:) Other people have received prophecies for me that I didn't believe were right on. What should my attitude be towards those prophecies?

131. (Jesus speaking:) You should seek Me about the prophecies. It's very possible that you're struggling with them because you're unyielded in some area, or you're resistant or rebellious to the truth in some way.

132. If this happens to you, and you have a difficult time accepting the prophecies someone receives for you‚ instead of worrying about the prophecies or getting critical of the ones who received the prophecies, you should seek Me. Ask Me about your questions. Ask Me to explain more about what bothers you or stumbles you in the message; or you can ask someone else to get a prophecy for you along these lines.

133. No matter what you feel about proph­ecies that you've received from others, you must guard yourself. Don't let the Enemy sow division through your being critical or saying unwise things about the prophecies or the people who received them. You should trust Me and not feel that you have to defend yourself or warn others about some so-called "false prophets." You should keep your opinions to yourself, unless you feel the need to counsel with your shepherds or over-shepherds about the prophecies. But don't share your doubts or critical thoughts with your peers, especially not with people who are weaker spiritually.

134. Under the guidelines of the Charter, you're not required to put into effect any proph­ecies that others receive for you. You're not obligated to accept them or believe them. But before you reject or doubt any Words that ­others claim they've received for you from Me, I strongly suggest that you pray desperately and seek Me fervently to see if those Words are indeed My counsel for you. If they are—and it's wise to assume that they are—then you have a lot to lose by rejecting or disregarding them. You risk throwing away a precious gift from Me.

135. Sometimes people can't receive My Words because they don't like the presentation or they don't like the channel. If they've had a conflict with their co-worker or shepherd‚ then they can close themselves off to receiving My Word through that person. But this is unwise. Even if you feel the presentation of the message is too strident or the message is too repetitive of that person's [the channel's] previously expressed view, you should still seriously consider the message and ask Me to help you to receive it and to see it as from Me.

136. If someone receives a prophecy of counsel or instruction for you, it's safer to take the attitude that it is of Me, even if you don't under­stand it, than to automatically reject it because either you don't understand it or you don't like the channel. If you remain open, receptive, and desperate for My will, then I won't allow you to be led astray by the prophecies others receive for you. But if you're willful‚ skeptical, doubtful, resentful, lacking faith, or you let your receptivity to My Word be negatively affected by your personal feelings toward the person or persons who received the prophecies‚ then you will likely miss some precious jewels that I have for you. (End of message from Jesus)

137. (Summary of answer:) You're not obligated under the Charter to accept or put into practice any prophecies that others receive for you. It's your choice. However, there are some problems that can cause you to resist receiving prophecies that others receive for you, especially if you don't like the channel or the presentation, or if you feel the message is too similar to what you know the channel's opinion to be. But rather than assuming that something is wrong with the prophecy, it's wise to take the attitude that the prophecy is of the Lord. Then you can pray about any questions you have or any specifics in the prophecy that bother you or make it hard for you to receive it.

138. If you automatically reject a prophecy either because you don't like the channel or the presentation of the message, you risk ­losing something very special—the Lord's personal counsel for you. The Lord promises that if you're open, receptive, and desperate for His will‚ He will not allow you to be hurt or led astray by prophecies that someone else receives for you.

139. Whenever you have a question about a prophecy or a problem with a message someone receives for you in prophecy, the key is to ask the Lord! If after asking the Lord about it you're still bothered about a prophecy, don't voice your doubts or concerns to your peers, especially not to those who are younger or weak spiritually. If you feel it's necessary, you can talk about it with your shepherds or over-shepherds.

140. (Question:) I don't have the faith to hear from the Lord about very personal or deeply emotional situations that I have strong feelings or thoughts about. Do I have to pray about those things? If so, how can I get more faith for it, and how can I know I'm getting a true prophecy?

141. (Jesus speaking:) You don't have to hear from Me about such personal or emotional situations. I'm not demanding it. But if you don't, you're at a big disadvantage. I greatly long to help you with counsel that is for your specific situation. I know your heart and the hearts of those involved, I know what's best for you. I can help you through very complicated emotional matters if you'll just let Me.

142. Of course, I don't force you. It's your choice, but the wise thing to do is to ask Me. That's the safest, best, and surest way to make your decisions, even when you're very emotionally involved in the situation.

143. You can get more faith to pray about personal or emotional matters by making sure you're doing all you can to fulfill the requirements for being a good channel. You can also get more faith by simply accepting these Words. When I say I want to help you through the battles or help you make your decisions, even if you're in a muddle of emotion, then believe Me. If I say you can receive a true prophecy even if you have very strong feelings in the matter, if you're willing to let Me overrule your personal feelings or opinions, then believe Me.

144. There's nothing more I can do to help you have faith. I've told you that it is possible to hear from Me for personal‚ emotional situations. I've told you that I greatly long to help you and advise you in those situations. I've shown you clearly what the requirements are for being a reliable channel. It's up to you to believe and obey and step out by faith; I will do the rest. (End of message from Jesus.)

145. (Summary of answer:) Hearing from the Lord for personal, emotional matters takes faith. The Lord has told us time and time again that He wants to help us in our personal situations, and He can give us true prophecies even if we're very emotionally involved in the situation. We must believe that! If we do all we can to fulfill the requirements for being a reliable channel, He will do the rest and give us His good, true counsel in spite of our emotions.

Additional reading:

146. (Jesus speaking:) Thank you, My love‚ for bringing your questions before Me. I'm happy to answer! I never tire of your questions. I will pour out what is needed because you had the faith to ask‚ and because you're willing to take your time and strength to receive.

147. I know you feel like you asked out of selfish reasons, because you're burdened and you know you can't rest or find peace until I give you the counsel and answers you need. You feel your motives were slightly selfish, that it wasn't entirely because you were hungry for My perspective that you asked, but you wanted rest from your discouragement, condemnation‚ and sadness. I don't fault you for this.

148. There are many who refuse to come to Me to find My answers because they feel it is their duty somehow to carry the load, to pay for their sins through suffering. Many give up the peace they could have because they don't ask, they don't listen. They aren't willing to be weak‚ but they try to be strong in themselves. Even though you needed these answers as much for yourself as for anyone else, I still count it as righteousness because you took the easy route, the trusting route, the asking route, rather than trying to muddle through on your own.

149. My children understand the principle of hearing from Me and letting Me shepherd them; they believe it and desire it. But they need to have a change of mindset so that they let go of their self-righteous reactions and tendencies to carry the burden themselves and to suffer. Oh, if My children could only understand that the quicker they come to Me, the easier life is. That's the key to My promise, "My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (End of message from Jesus.)

150. (Question: ) I'm afraid my own feel­ings or emo­tions will affect the prophecy I receive, especially if it's something I'm having a big battle about and I'm feeling resentful‚ resistant, or worried about what the Lord might say.

151. (Jesus speaking: ) It's possible that your feelings or emotions could affect the prophecy, if you're not yielded. It's possible that you would receive an incomplete prophecy, or that I wouldn't be able to reveal My will to you because I know you wouldn't have the faith or the willingness to give the message. So it's not that resentment, resistance or rebellion never affects your ability to hear from Me. It can and does, if you don't yield.

152. If you feel this way, you need to desperately seek Me when you come before Me to hear My voice; you need to forsake your own thoughts, ways‚ and especially any rebellion or doubts that would cloud your channel.

153. If you feel you have received an incomplete prophecy or that your emotions or feelings on the matter have influenced the prophecy in some way, you can either come back to Me for further information and confirmation, or you can ask someone else to do so. (End of message from Jesus.)

154. (Summary of answer:) If you're resistant to the Lord's will or rebellious, your prophecies could be affected. They could be incomplete or the Lord might not be able to reveal His will if He knows that you wouldn't receive it. But you can avoid that by desperately seeking the Lord and asking Him to take away the resistance. Ask Him to take away your doubts and help you to yield to His will. If you have any reservations about a prophecy you received, and you're concerned that it might have been influenced by your resistance to the Lord's will, you can ask Him for further infor­mation or have someone else ask Him for you.

155. (Question: ) I'm having a huge battle and I know I'm not 100% yielded. Does that mean I can't hear from the Lord until I'm totally yielded, or is it sort of a growing process‚ where I grow in faith and yieldedness but can still hear from the Lord in the meantime? How can I yield enough to hear from the Lord when I'm really going through it and I know I'm out of it?

156. (Jesus speaking:) I wish I could somehow make you understand how much it means to Me to be able to comfort you and answer your questions. I find such joy in taking you in My arms, drying your tears, and listening to the deepest, most intimate concerns of your heart with great patience and care‚ and then giving you a sweet-smelling healing balm, in the form of My Words for you. I am constantly here for you. I know your suffering, I see your tears, I feel your agony of heart and how you're sick inside and nervous and tormented with fear.

157. It hurts Me to see you like this. I weep with you. I feel broken and sick and nervous with you. I take all that upon Myself because I love you and I want to understand you completely and feel what you're feeling and be one with you.

158. But what hurts Me more than anything is when I wait for you to turn to Me, to look into My eyes and open your heart and mind to My answers and comfort, but you don't. You feel you can't. You feel too icky‚ too emotional. You fear the answers you get will be affected by your rebelliousness and your lack of yieldedness, so you have no faith to even ask.

159. I understand your concerns, and I know you're nervous and insecure about your channel. You feel that what you would receive would not be reliable. Well, I'm going to tell you how to get around all that, but you have to promise Me that you'll believe Me. These things I'm going to tell you won't do you any good if you don't believe them. And if you don't, I'll be quite sad. So please promise Me that you'll resist the Enemy and accept that what I'm going to tell you is the truth, it works, and it's real!

160. To begin with, I want you to know that no matter how bad you feel, you can come to Me. I will never, ever, ever turn you away. I will never refuse to have an audience with you. I will never be mad at you and not listen to your pleas. I will never turn My ear away from you or My lips from speaking to you. I am always, constantly‚ without a doubt here for you.

161. When you're unyielded, the Enemy will use that unyieldedness to keep you from hearing from Me. When you resist the truth, or get angry about something‚ or let your pride get the best of you, the Enemy will come in and take advantage of that moment and lie to you. He knows that you're more susceptible to his voice at that time, it rings louder in your mind and heart, so he jumps at every opportunity of unyieldedness, resentment, anger or pride to hit you hard with half-truths, insinuations, or outright lies!

162. If you know you're unyielded, you can come to Me and ask Me to help you yield. You don't have to continue in unyieldedness. You don't have to understand everything and have all the angles figured out before you can yield. All you have to do is make a simple choice to yield and to cry out to Me for My supernatural power, and I will do the rest. Even if you don't understand, even if you feel you're totally confused to the point that you fear you're going insane, even if you don't know exactly what it is that's bothering you so much but you just feel terribly sad‚ fearful, and discouraged, you can still call out to Me for yieldedness.

163. Don't be afraid of what you're yielding to, that maybe it's something you don't know about or understand, and therefore by yielding you might be getting into something you don't like or don't want. Just trust Me. Know that I will always give you what's best and what will make you the happiest if you'll trust Me completely and give yourself to Me in total yieldedness.

164. In the moment that you yield to Me and cry out to Me with the most feeble cry, I will be able to speak to you and give you a true prophecy. No matter how awful you've been, no matter how full of sin, no matter how many mistakes you've made‚ no matter how icky and dirty you feel, in the very moment when you say yes and yield, then I will speak to you and give you a reliable message.

165. You don't have to see and understand everything and make a conscious declaration that you will accept every aspect of your future. Even if you feel you're just going on blind faith and you aren't even very happy about it, if you just say yes and put forth a believing will and make a conscious decision to yield to Me, saying, "Yes, I yield. I give up my pride. I want Your will," then I consider it yieldedness.

166. So you see, you don't have to be a spiritual wizard, a giant in the faith to have a reliable channel for your personal questions. All it takes is that attitude of yieldedness, that willingness to let go of your pride. When you're face to face with Me, no one else is there. No one is watching and judging you. No one is taking notes on what you say to see if it's "good enough." It's between you and Me. And believe Me, I know your heart and I know when you've given it to Me in yieldedness, and My reward to you for such an act of valor and trust is a true, reliable prophecy.

167. I want you to understand this, because the Enemy will keep hitting you on this. He'll keep lying to you and doing his damnedest to weaken you and stop you altogether‚ and coming to Me to hear My voice in prophecy is your only truly effective weapon against these attacks. You can talk to others‚ you can read the printed Word, you can even ask for prayer, but until you hear from Me and gain access to the specific custom-given wisdom and insight that I will give you‚ you cannot fully defeat the ­Enemy.

168. You might think that's unfair of Me, and you might even think that's pretty dumb of Me, pretty inefficient, because how can people be asking Me about every battle? But I have allowed these rules of warfare because I knew it would drive My children to hear from Me. It would make it nearly impossible for them to get by without using the new weapon of prophecy. It would force them to practice and hone their skills‚ so they'll be well prepared for the battles ahead.

169. These personal battles are light com­pared with the battles that are to come when the Enemy is let loose in full force upon the Earth. So it behooves you to begin your most fervent training ever, lest that day come upon you and you be found wanting. That is not My desire for any of My children of David, so I allow intense battles of all kinds, because I know that the very intensity of the battles and the knowledge that they can't get out of them or win them on their own will propel them into My arms to hear My voice. But no one needs to worry or fret, for all those who want to receive the gift of prophecy, and all those who follow the steps which I have outlined for receiving it, will receive it. Then it is up to them to practice and become skilled in their use of it.

170. If you don't yet personally have the gift of prophecy‚ ask Me to receive it! And in the meantime‚ when you face a battle which doesn't seem to be letting up, ask someone else to ask Me about it. The gift of prophecy is the weapon of choice in this day and age. All the weapons have their place, and all will be used in the war‚ but the gift of prophecy is one that you must exercise and become skilled in your use of, for your life will depend upon it in the days to come. (End of message from Jesus.)

171. (Summary of answer:) The Lord is waiting for you to turn to Him in your hour of need, and it hurts Him when you don't. You can go to the Lord even when you're battling ­ter­ribly with unyieldedness. In fact, you desperately need to go to Him at that time in order to refute the lies the Enemy is screaming in your ears!

172. You don't have to understand everything and agree to and accept every detail of what your future will hold in order to yield. All you have to do is take that first little tiny step‚ even on blind faith, to make a conscious de­cision to yield by wanting the Lord's will and being willing to give up your pride. The Lord honors that first little step of yieldedness, that moment when you submit to Him with a teeny-weeny feeble cry; then He can speak to you, giving you a true‚ reliable prophecy.

173. When you're fighting a battle royal with the Devil, the only way to completely defeat him in this new day is with the weapon of prophecy. So of course the Lord hasn't arranged it that you can only hear from Him after you've pulled out of the battle, because hearing His voice is what will win the victory. So no matter how terrible you feel, no matter how icky‚ dirty, stinky and unyielded you feel, just take that first little step of yieldedness and then run to Jesus' arms to hear His Words of love, encourage­­ment and instruction that you need so desperately! If you don't yet have the gift of prophecy, ask Him for it; and in the meantime‚ as you wait to receive the gift or you exercise a "baby gift," feel free to ask others to hear from the Lord for you if you're battling.

174. (Question: ) I want to use prophecy more in my life, but I'm afraid I'll get tripped off. Shouldn't I depend more on the other ways to know God's will instead of just prophecy?

175. (Jesus speaking:) The use of the gift of prophecy does not negate the use of the other six ways to know My will. Of course I expect you to still respect and use those ways. If you're sincere about staying in the center of My will, which I know you are, then you will wisely util­ize any and all means to find My will and to know that you're doing exactly what I want you to do‚ when I want you to do it.

176. I don't mean to minimize the import­ance of the printed Word‚ Godly counsel, revelations (such as dreams and visions), burdens, open and closed doors‚ and fleeces, but with this new day and preparation for the future, there is new emphasis on hearing My direction through prophecy. This is one of the new weapons. That doesn't mean that the other means to know My will are old, useless, and not needed‚ but I'm simply saying that the gift of prophecy is one of the weapons of choice when fighting today's battles.

177. Times have changed; they're not what they were when the Revolution began. You are entering the days of the End. I know what you'll need to stay alive and be fruitful. I know what you'll need to make you the witnesses you need to be. I've already explained what you can expect in the days to come in such messages as "Endtime Prophecy Power," so the need for you to practice and train with this important new weapon should be clear.

178. But when a soldier receives a specialized weapon, he doesn't throw away all the other weapons and depend only on the one. A wise and well-trained soldier uses everything he can to ensure the safety of his fellow soldiers and himself and also win the victory. Likewise, I never intended for the children of David to disregard the other ways to know My will, but rather to make sure that this way, the gift of prophecy, is used as extensively, wisely, and effectively as I know is needed. (End of message from Jesus.)

179. (Summary of answer: ) Using prophecy is the weapon of choice for today's battles, but that doesn't mean the other six ways to know God's will should be ignored. They should all be used in harmony. However, for these Last Days, the Lord knows that using the gift of prophecy will be extremely important, so He wants to make sure there is sufficient emphasis placed on using it as much as He knows is needed. Reread "Endtime Prophecy Power" (ML #3140, Lifelines 24).

Additional reading:

180. (Jesus speaking: ) Right now prophecy is being emphasized as a new weapon, and I'm training My children in how to use it; but it's not the only means of knowing My will. Don't go to the extreme of only using prophecy to find My will.

181. Prophecy can be used as a confirmation of other ways to know My will. I love to speak to My children in many ways; please be open to all of the ways to know My will. Also seek confirmation by using several different ways, for this will give you more faith and assurance that you're on the right path to finding My full will for you. (End of message from Jesus.)

182. (Jesus speaking:) In many ways, prophecy is the easiest way to know My will. Yes, it does require getting quiet. It does require cess­ation of your own activities. It means you have to get in a position to tune in to Me‚ to close out all other input, all other noises‚ all other static in the spirit to zero into My voice. It means that you have to ask Me to empty you of your own desires, and it means you also have to be yielded, willing and open to whatever I say.

183. Hearing from Me is the easy part, but I ask you to also use the other ways to know My will, so that you may gain wisdom and the unity needed to implement My will. As you counsel with others, you are able to gain an accurate picture of the situation, which will help you formulate more well-rounded questions to bring before Me. If you don't look at the circumstances, you may not know enough about the situation to bring the question to Me. You may not be able to get a clear enough answer. If you're not well versed in all aspects of the situation you're praying about‚ you will miss asking Me about details that I may want and need to talk to you about.

184. Therefore, counseling with others and under­standing all sides of a situation is import­ant. I have designed it this way, so that you would need each other, for in the multitude of counsel there is safety. This is My safeguard plan, so that you, My brides, will work as a team. My way is the counseling way, for this brings down the unity of My Spirit, which brings on the power of My Spirit—that unbeatable force that will not be defeated in the days ahead. As you counsel with others, this also helps them to understand what you're doing. It helps others to feel that their voice was heard and that their wishes were considered. It is also important that you continue to stay filled up with My Word‚ for My Word feeds your faith and strengthens your channel to receive all that I have to tell you.

185. So all of these ways are very, very important in seeking My will. But again, I say, the reason prophecy is a priority and is so important now is just that it's the easiest way I have to lead you. It's the most specific and ­surest way. This is why I said, "And you will hear a voice behind you saying, here is the way, walk ye in it." This is My love for you, My care for you‚ My mercy for you—to make it easy for you to hear My voice whether you're in danger or in safety, whether you're in plenteous times or in times of need, whether you're in sickness or in health‚ in times of happiness or times of sadness. At any time I wish to pour My will out to you in Words of love straight from My mouth to you.

186. (Question:) How does the Lord want us to look at the messages He gives us personally? Should we follow what we get implicitly, without further question or investigation into His will?

187. (Jesus speaking:) Personal prophecy is given for your counsel, guidance, and direction‚ for your encouragement and instruction. It's a tool through which I help My children to know what's good for them, what will help them, and what is My general or specific counsel to them at that moment. But it does not mean that they have to, or are bound by any law‚ or are expected to blindly follow every single word of a personal message given to them, if they do not understand it. When a personal prophecy is given, it is wise to take seriously the counsel and to try to apply it to the best of their ability, yet if someone is not in agreement, or if they do not understand what is given, the best thing to do in that case is to come back to Me and get further counsel on what to do. Ask Me more questions if need be; seek further, investigate further, ask Me for more details and for more clarification as to My will.

188. This is where My children must be led of My Spirit in order to make the right decision as to how to apply My Words of counsel given for them personally. This is where they must seek the other ways to know My will and be very prayerful. This is another opportunity for them to return to Me with their questions and let Me give them further counsel. (End of message from Jesus)

189. (Summary of answer:) You should be Spirit-led in applying the personal prophecies you receive. It's wise to try to apply the counsel to the best of your ability, but you're not obligated to blindly put every word into practice. If you don't understand the counsel or if you have further questions, you should go back to the Lord for further clarification.

190. (Question: ) Where does what I receive in prophecy fit in with the counsel and direction that I read in the GNs?

191. (Jesus speaking:) The queen and king give you My Word through the GNs. This is the general direction for the Family, which you are to endeavor to live if you want to retain your CM status. Through reading the GNs you will know where the emphasis is in either missionary moves, or your own spiritual life, or the care of the members of the Family. Through the GNs you'll read of new revelations of truth that I give to the children of David. Through the GNs you'll be instructed about the standard of behavior that all CM Family members are expected to uphold. Through the GNs you'll come to know the queen and king better, your appointed earthly shepherds, My Endtime prophetess and faucet. Through the GNs you will receive general guidance, instruction and correction, as well as much encouragement. You will also be kept abreast of the latest news from Heaven regarding the state of the world and current events.

192. I've also given you another opportunity for spiritual strengthening, and that's through hearing My voice of prophecy. If you only follow the GNs, you will survive spiritually, but you will not grow as much as you could, and you'll not be sufficiently prepared for the coming difficult days. My written Word is the general guidance that I pour forth, and My voice of prophecy is to help you apply it personally. If you not only follow the GNs, but also let Me give you additional, specific instruction and answers to the questions that come up in your unique situation, then you'll be able to make your decisions more easily, you'll stay right in the center of My will for you personally, and you'll avoid many mishaps, lost time‚ and problems which come from moving in the general right direction but without a detailed map.

193. The GNs show you the broad tunnel of My will‚ and I expect that all the children of David will use the GNs as the primary way of knowing My will. They are the main indicator of where I'm leading the Family. The GNs provide the up-to-date primary counsel about where to go and what to do. But within that broad tunnel of My will, I wish to point you personally to a more narrow path that I've carved out especially for you, your Home, and your loved ones. It's impossible for the queen and king to address every possible scenario or question, so it's up to you to seek Me for My answers for you‚ which I'm happy to give, in addition to the primary counsel you receive in the GNs.

194. If you receive a message in prophecy that appears to be contrary to the counsel from the queen and king in the GNs, then it's imperative that you seek Me for further information and clarification, for I will not give My children answers that contradict the printed Words of David for this new day. The additional answers and details that I will give the children of David in prophecy will be in line with the New Wine, they will complement the New Wine and enhance the message contained therein, but they will not be blatantly contradictory.

195. I've promised that I will not lead Queen Maria and King Peter astray. They are My ­chosen mouthpieces and I've anointed them to receive and judge My Words and pass them on to you, My worthy and hungry children. The receptivity, humility, desperation and yielded­ness of the queen and king will ensure that they receive pure, clear water, My water for these Last Days. I will not let them make any major mistakes or wrong decisions, for they have the future well-being of the Family in their hands. I will protect them and allow them to publish only My pure Word! (End of message from Jesus.)

196. (Summary of answer: ) The GNs tell you the most important things you need to know about the Lord's will for the Family, including the main moves of the Spirit, the revelations He has for the children of David, any major missionary moves and new ministries‚ instruction on the standard of behavior for Family members, needed encourage­ment and correction, important counsel about living in love and ­caring for others‚ etc.

197. The GNs are the primary way the Lord will reveal His will for the Family. However, while staying within the general tunnel of His will that is indicated in the GNs, the Lord will reveal a more specific path for you personally through the use of prophecy. Having more ­exact information about His will for you will help you avoid mishaps, delays‚ and problems that come from moving in the general direction that He's going but without a detailed map.

198. Personal prophecies should not directly contradict the GNs. If there's a blatant contradiction‚ it's very important that you pray further about the matter, as what you've received from the Lord would need further clarification. Your personal prophecies should complement and enhance the messages in the GNs.

199. The Lord has promised that Peter and I will publish His pure Word, and He will protect us from any major mistakes or wrong de­cisions.

200. By the way, if you don't yet have the gift of prophecy, don't worry. Simply fulfill the steps which the Lord has laid out for you to receive it, and then take it by faith! He has promised to give it to all who ask. It's not something which He gives only to those who are good enough; He will give it freely to all who ask and have faith to receive. And in the meantime, ask others to pray with you and receive the Lord's Words for you! (For more on this, see "Ask Me Everything, Part 2," ML #3271:94-116, GN 873.)

201. (Question:) Some of my peers have talked very negatively about prophecy. They've put down the Word, mocked the GNs, laughed about new revelations, etc. They don't believe the prophecies in the GNs or the prophecies received in our Home. Since the Shakeup, some people who weren't willing to overcome their doubts about the Word and prophecy have chosen to move on, yet others still seem to have problems along those lines. I believe the Letters and I love Mama and Peter‚ but when I'm confronted with these negative attitudes it affects me. When this happens, what should I do?

202. (Jesus speaking:) Words are real things; they have power. Just as My Words have power to strengthen, give life, lift up, and encourage‚ so do the Devil's words have power to weaken, destroy, sow division and discourage. You cannot listen to the doubts, mockery and lies of the Enemy without being affected. You cannot be around people who laugh at the Word, ridicule My leadings and revelations, disregard My standards and guidelines, and outright blaspheme My anointed chosen mouthpieces without it affecting you—and the effects are that you'll be weakened and begin to compromise, you'll be confused, and you too will eventually start to doubt.

203. The best solution when confronted with doubters is to get away from them and surround yourself with people of like mind, people of faith. I have put the Shakeup revolution in motion to help you do this. If you believe the Letters, you love Mama and Peter, and you want to follow the New Wine, then you must bind yourself in heart and mind to others who feel the same way. You have freedom of choice as to what place of service you want‚ who your friends are, where you live, and who you work with. You can choose to stay with those who want to hold on to their doubts, because you think it's fun or cool or easy or comfortable, or you can choose to break free and find new friends, those who think like you do and who will help you to follow and obey the Word.

204. Don't just stand by and let others bad-mouth the truth. Don't just take it lying down, saying nothing, compromising, because you don't want to rock the boat or lose your friends. Don't be naïve and think that your association with skeptics and doubters won't affect you or bring you down. You are and will be affected by your friends‚ your co-workers and your Home members, because words are real things. Obedi­ence, loyalty and faith are contagious, as are disobedience, disloyalty and doubt.

205. There is strength in unity, in fighting together. There is great satisfaction, fun, enjoyment and peace in being united with those who love the Word and want to live it. There's a sense of security when you're with those who are pulling in the same direction, toward the goal, in obedience and yieldedness. And your Home will be inspired by and blessed with much greater supply‚ protection, and open doors, because I will bless your collective obedience.

206. Each person has to fight to live the truth‚ but the fight is so much easier when you have people by your side who are fighting along with you. Stick with those who want to fight, follow and obey. Make your allegiance with the strong and the faithful. Otherwise, you'll be brought down and weakened if you can't pull the doubters up to your level of faith. If they're not changing, if they don't respect your feelings and take your admonitions seriously, if they laugh at your standard and mock you for being overly "spiritual" or "self-righteous," then leave them behind. Break free! Stick with those who are your soul mates, who think and feel as you do! Let the faithful join together and fight for the truth!

207. You must also recognize when you've been weakened by others' doubting attitudes, and you must go on the attack to cleanse yourself with the Word. Ask for prayer against the lies of the Enemy, the subtle doubts that have been planted in your mind against the Word and prophecy. Then dive into the Word as never before! Swim deeply in the New Wine! Get drunk on the fresh, hot revelations of My Spirit!

208. Be cleansed and strengthened, and then, after you're converted, strengthen your brethren—those who will be strengthened‚ who will take heed. Those who will not‚ who continue to doubt and sow division after repeated warnings and counsel, should find another place to serve Me where they can be happier and where they can live according to their own leadings and convictions. (End of message from Jesus.)

209. (Summary of answer:) If you're around people who are doubting and speaking negatively against the Word, the GNs, and prophecy, you'll be weakened, you'll compromise‚ you'll get confused, and eventually you'll begin to doubt too. The Lord has put the Shakeup in motion to help you. If you know people who insist on hanging on to these wrong attitudes, you should report it to your shepherds. If you love the Lord and the Letters and want to follow closely, there are three important things to do: 1) Get away from the doubters and find people to live and work with who are full of faith. 2) Ask for prayer against the Enemy's doubts that have been planted in your mind. 3) Cleanse your mind by getting in the Word!

210. You can try to "strengthen the brethren"; you can try to help people who are doubting by being a good sample yourself, answering their questions, praying for them‚ etc. But if people continue to doubt the Word and prophecy and mock the leadings of the Lord and the revelations given through me and Peter, and if they sow division by openly sharing their doubts with others, then why are they in the Family? They should find another place where they can serve the Lord according to their own faith and convictions and be happier.

211. It's one thing if people have battles or questions about prophecy, but they're trusting the Lord. And hopefully this series of questions and answers on prophecy will help those who are truly seeking the truth. But when people are openly critical, doubtful‚ mocking and rebellious, that's a different story altogether, and if they show no desire to understand, overcome their doubts‚ and follow the Word, then they should seek a place of service elsewhere.


(Note: Here are more prophecies for your edification and reading enjoyment. These are not presented in question and answer format, nor do they include summaries after the prophecies, as they are building on points already explained earlier in this Letter.)

What to Do When You Feel

Discouraged About

Receiving Prophecy

212. (Jesus speaking:) When you come to Me in desperation of spirit, I call for My mighty warriors to hallow you about as you wait in quiet­ness for My answer. I don't leave you alone to fight your way all the way to My throne so that you might hear clearly. No, I hear your faint whisper, and I send quickly for those who are valiant in battle to go to you and bring you safely to My side, that you might receive from Me.

213. Only do not fear. When you experience a difficult battle‚ it's simply because the Enemy is fighting. Know that when you ask Me to clear your thoughts, I do. I always ­answer prayer. Yes, there is preparatory work that you must do‚ obeying My Words, loving Me in humility, and forsaking your own will that you might receive My will. But once you've given Me your heart and asked Me to speak clearly to you, I will answer! I always answer, and I never fail!

214. I don't wish for it to always be a struggle for you—but I give you battles to remind you what a miraculous occurrence it is each time you hear from Me! So thank Me for the times of difficulty‚ for it is through some of these that we have our sweetest communion. They draw us very close together, and though you feel pain, tiredness‚ and discouragement of the flesh, in the spirit we are one and can rise above these things. So see it as I see it—as a great blessing.

215. If you begin to feel overwhelming dis­couragement with your channel or the receiving of the message, stop for a moment and come rest in My arms. Let Me love and kiss and re­assure you that I am there with you, and then it will flow. Don't neglect our times of loving before you petition Me.

216. I'm always happy to answer you, but when you take time to stop and love Me first, it reassures Me of your love as well—that you're not only coming to receive from Me, but that you also want to give Me your love, and this delights My heart. I promise I will never be far‚ and will send My fighting angels to bring you swiftly to My side that you might hear clearly. I love you. (End of message from Jesus.)

When You're Tested,

Don't Give Up!

217. (Dad speaking: ) I know how you feel, because a lot of times I went through the same things myself. Sometimes I thought that God had stopped speaking to me. I also got hit with that. That's one of the Devil's favorite tools, to make you think that you're not good enough, that you're too bad, that you've made too many mistakes, and that God's not going to speak to you anymore.

218. God's Spirit is there, beaming, broad­casting. I know it's hard. I know it's difficult. But don't give up. Keep believing. I know it's a battle, but you've got to fight to the finish. Just stick with it and you won't lose. I promise you that. (End of message from Dad)

219. (Dad speaking:) When the going gets tough, the tough get going. When things are a little difficult, that's when you have to fight all the harder. That's what makes you a real fighter, when you have to struggle past opposition in order to reach the goal. Well, the goal here is to be able to hear clearly from Heaven. This is a goal that you must continually strive for. It's not a goal that you reach once and for all and then never have to struggle against opposition again. It's not that easy.

220. This gift of hearing from Heaven is something so priceless, something so wonderful, something of such inestimable value‚ that the Enemy continually fights the use of it. He throws in all of the static he can in order to make you think that you've lost the treasure, you've slipped back on the victories that you've gained, you've lost it forever. But don't listen to him.

221. You've still got it! You've just got to fight a little harder. Sometimes the Lord allows you to pass through a little dry spell so that you'll be touched with the feelings of others' infirmities. It's a struggle for everyone at some time or another. Hearing from the Lord is hard work and sometimes can be pretty daunting.

222. Whatever you do, don't give up! The victory is yours. The gift is already in your hand‚ and this time is just a test of your faith. All Heaven is cheering and rooting for you! Don't give up prematurely. Hold on! Keep fighting and trying and practicing and using your gift, even if it's a little difficult for a time. (End of message from Dad.)

Persevering by Faith!

223. (Note: Someone expressed their battle as follows: "I've had a battle about my personal prayer and prophecy time because it's such a struggle. The reason is that sometimes I get messages that are very inspired, and a spirit helper or Jesus or Dad comes barreling through loud and clear. I know it's inspired, I know it's of the Lord. It just flows and it's continuous, but these happen very infrequently, like every once in a while. Dad says that we need to hear from the Lord fresh every day, but sometimes I go to my prayer and prophecy times, I call upon the Lord, and I don't get anything. It must be a lack of faith. Or I get messages but I feel they're not inspired. It's a struggle, they don't flow, are extremely halting‚ almost like I'm forcing them, working them up in the flesh. I feel almost like there's no message there, but I want something and need something. This discourages me and I would like some counsel from the Lord specifically about this.")

224. (Jesus speaking:) Anything that's worth something costs something. You have to fight for it. You have need of patience, that after you have done the will of God you might receive My answers and My promise.

225. And what is the will of God? Obedience to My voice‚ to continue to come to Me like the importunate woman who came to Me again and again without receiving the answer that she desired. But this didn't keep her from asking. In fact, because of her faith she asked and asked until she got the answer (and action!) she needed and wanted.

226. Jacob wrestled with the angel and would not let go until he had received the blessing. This took perseverance and determination—faith to hold on and not give up. Look at My servant Daniel who fought in the spirit and warred for 21 days straight. His flesh was weak‚ his body was weary, but being a man of faith, he knew the cost and would not give up until he had defeated the Enemy and received the mess­age I had for him.

227. My blessings, My Words, are often received because of perseverance by faith‚ not because of something you feel or can touch and perceive in the physical. I bless you with My blessings for obedience‚ and these are manifested to My children in various ways according to their needs. To most I give spiritual blessings of faith, peace of mind, happiness, joy‚ and fulfillment in My work, for this is what is most important to them. At times I give to some ma­terial blessings, that they might see and feel My love for them, My care and concern. I give to each according to his need. But most of the blessings are received by faith and because of perseverance by faith, determination by faith, believing by faith.

228. I love it when My children please Me and obey Me because of their faith in Me and their love for Me. They do it because I've asked them to, not because of what they'll receive as a result of their obedience. This is why My men and women of faith have gone down in the ­annals of history as examples for you, My End­time children, and are recorded in My Book of Hebrews‚ chapter 11.

229. These through faith endured many things, conquered armies, possessed lands, built an ark, were martyred, forsook all, obeyed Me, because of faith. Although they looked for a City which had foundations‚ the City was by faith, because it was not something that was on this Earth or that they were going to receive in this lifetime, but rather a Heavenly City with Heavenly rewards which I will give them by faith. So even your continuing to come to Me to hear My Words, to obey My voice‚ and to honor My request is by faith—faith that I know what's best for you, and that I will answer you and bless you for coming to Me.

230. Because you live so much in the realm of the physical‚ in the realm of the flesh‚ it's natural that it's difficult to enter into the realm of the spirit and receive the things of the spirit. As My Word says, the natural man receives not the things of the spirit. But all things are poss­ible to him that believes, and because you're believing children who operate by faith, it is possible for you to exit the realm of the flesh and the physical and enter My realm of the spirit and receive the spiritual riches I have for you.

231. Be not disheartened or discouraged if at times it doesn't come easily. I allow it to be difficult at times, for this shows Me who My true and loyal believers are, who are willing to go to any length to please Me, in spite of the sacrifice. In spite of not receiving as they wished they would, they continue to love and obey Me by faith and do the things that I ask them to do.

232. So be not discouraged‚ but continue to come to Me in faith. And even if you feel uninspired or you feel like I'm not answering‚ what is that to thee? Continue to follow Me. For although you can live off day-, week–, or month-old bread and you can survive, the true nourish­ment and health to your soul and inspiration to your spirit comes from the fresh daily input of the bread of My Words that can only be received from Me moment by moment, second by second. This is a principle of faith and must be believed by faith.

233. So continue to come to Me with receptive vessels. Even if it seems like a desert, continue to seek, and you shall find. Continue to knock‚ and it shall be opened. Continue to ask, and you shall receive. Continue to walk by faith, My believing children, and you shall receive the promise of My Words and My Spirit and My inspiration because of your perseverance and your determination. I am pleased with My believing children of faith. I love you! (End of message from Jesus.)

When There's a Delay

In Getting the Message

234. (Jesus speaking: ) Just because you don't see immediate results, immediate answers to your prayers, that doesn't mean that I'm not answering or will not answer. I keep telling you that you need more patience. Patience takes faith.

235. I'm accomplishing My purpose in My vessel—in you. I'm preparing you. I'm molding you into the shape and the form that is needed for what I have to give. I realize the shortness of time, but I am accomplishing My purpose. I'm sharpening the sword.

236. You're wondering if you're going about things the wrong way‚ if you should instead do this or that. Have faith and patience, and know that I will answer. This is spiritual warfare. My ministering spirits are fighting to get the answers to you, but there is war in the spirit. The Enemy is fighting to keep the message from getting through. He's attempting to delay the message because he wants you to give up and to believe that I'm not going to speak to you or through you.

237. He wants you to believe that you're unable to make the connection, so that you'll give up and not get the message. That's why he's trying to delay it. He's fighting and resisting the flow of My Words. He knows that he can't stop it, that he can only hinder and delay for a while, until I have accomplished My purpose.

238. When these hindrances of the Devil keep you from getting the answers to your questions, the temptation is to get discouraged and weakened in your faith. I would have My soldiers, My children, face these delays with even more fervor and desperation‚ fighting even harder in prayer.

239. Remember the sample of Daniel, how he waited for three weeks for the answer to come. Even three weeks is nothing compared to the importance of My plan and My message. I'm not saying that you'll need to wait three weeks, but it is a fight‚ and you must know that the answer is on its way. (End of message from Jesus.)

Getting Set Free!

—The Excitement and the Rewards!

240. (Jesus speaking:) Do you lock Me in a box in your heart? Have you limited Me? Am I smaller to you than I really am? You can't im­agine My magnitude, the sweeping length and breadth and height and depth of My Spirit—the wide-open spaces‚ the breath of My fresh air‚ the flowing breezes, the blasting winds. You can't imagine the magnitude and the freedom of all these things.

241. Oh, My little one, My dear one, you weep because the confines of your mind seem so small, and you wish to be as the free breeze, as the free gypsy spirit that you sense in ­others. This is My Spirit, the freedom of My Spirit. It's everywhere. It's there for you as you tap in‚ as you let go, as you grasp My air and let Me carry you whithersoever I will.

242. But you must not let your tongue and your mind guide you. You must not try to go before Me; you must simply follow. You must let My Words be foremost in your mind and on your tongue, and just let it come forth as I give it. It's the simple principle of faith, giving what I give you.

243. How do you put your mind in neutral? How do you click off the mind that I have ­created to work, to think‚ the mind that an­alyzes? How do you put this out of the way when it's time to sit before Me and let My Words roll through? It's simply a matter of faith, just believing that what you feel and the words that I give are of Me, and not trying to analyze or wonder ahead of time if they're going to make sense, if they're going to flow, if they're going to come to a logical and final conclusion, for that's up to Me.

244. Your faith is increasing, it's growing, but it still holds on with some trepidation and with the feeling that you must be in control, that you must control the outcome and know for sure that you will not fall flat.

245. Yes, it's a fear of failure, and a fear born of pride‚ and while you're trying to control the wind and the flame, how can I control them? You say, "It's easy to say, 'Just let it go, just let it flow,' but how do I do that?!" I know the struggles and the fears that you face in this. But how much more I could give and pour through you if you would relax your hold, if you would let go of the clenched fists and lie limp in My arms, letting Me speak to you and through you.

246. So trust and hang on, and let Me take you on the roller–coaster ride of your life—one which you've never been on! You've always wished to have your feet on steady ground, and the thrills and highs and excitement of a roller–coaster ride have not been your cup of tea‚ have not been your bag, to your liking.

247. But I can change this part of your ­nature and help you to desire adventure in the spirit! I can help you to thrill to the heights and the plunges, to scream with delight and to have faith that the seat and the machinery of the ride will not fail you, that I'm the One that's holding you up, taking you through all the passes and curves, and that I will bring you safely to your destination.

248. So let it go and lift your arms! You don't even need to hold on! Just let'm wave as you enjoy the ride. Then you'll know what thrills can be found in being totally abandoned to Me. Try it! You just might like it! (End of message from Jesus.)

Rest, Peace, and Quiet of Spirit

Needed to Hear from Heaven!

249. (Jesus speaking:) I long to speak My Words of love to you, and I know that you long to receive them. Our difficulty in communication has not been because of any great sins or wrongdoing on your part, and it certainly is not because My love for you has lessened nor because I do not desire to speak to you.

250. Rather I've been doing two things: One is testing your faith, your resolve and determination to continue seeking Me‚ to continue believing in Me and putting your faith in Me, and continue working and living for Me. You've passed this test, and you're proving what you're made of, and that your love and loyalty are strong. Secondly, I've allowed this to help you see that although you come to Me to speak to Me and listen to Me, you must have enough time in rest and quiet and peace so that your channel may be filled. I know that there is much to do—much business‚ much labor, many needs to tend to—but in spite of all this I call you to be a Mary, not a Martha.

251. The work must be done, or at least much of it, and we both know that you can't take hours and hours every day to just rest in Me and commune with Me. Neither do you have to always spend a long time in preparation, loving and praising Me, before you can receive My answers. For I'm always with you, and therefore whenever you desire Me to speak, I can and will be there.

252. But if your mind and heart and spirit are "busy," if they haven't let go of the thoughts and business of the day, if your spirit is tense and nervous and preoccupied because you've not been getting the time of rest and repose in spirit that you need, then through this you clog your channel. Your mind and spirit become distracted; then you fear that you've lost your link with Me and the Enemy tempts you to doubt.

253. Oh, My loving little one, please don't receive or accept his lies and discouragement. Resist them, standing upon these promises, these words that I speak to you now. I would that you continue to exercise the beautiful gift of prophecy which I've given you‚ and that it may guide you and strengthen you in these times when you sorely need it.

254. Rebuke the Enemy's discouragement which he attempts to use to frighten you out of coming to Me, out of continuing to try and try again until you receive all the answers, the clear answers that you need.

255. Yes, sometimes it takes coming to Me more than once. Sometimes I speak to you with general direction or a foundation answer, but it requires more insight and more explanation. But if you become distracted, your channel doesn't stay open long enough or doesn't suck hard enough to receive all that you need. But this doesn't mean I won't give it to you. It just takes work and effort sometimes, and standing on the promises and rebuking the Enemy.

256. For the Enemy fights you at this time. He seeks to weaken and discourage you. He knows that he can't shake your love for Me, nor your faith in Me and My Words, nor your faith in this Family and your loyalty and dedication to My service. Therefore he seeks to discourage you about yourself—about your own weaknesses, your mistakes and shortcomings, and your difficulty in communicating with Me. He seeks, through these things, to cause you to con­cede defeat. But I know you will not give him this satisfaction‚ My dear, because you trust Me, you believe Me, and you know that I do love you, that I do speak to you, and that I'm here to help you.

257. If you do your part and I do Mine, then together we will overcome even the most vicious and discouraging attacks of the Enemy. We will fight and we will win. Just because something is difficult, or even a very great battle, it doesn't mean that I've taken away any of your love, your blessings, or your gifts.

258. Just because you have to fight for something doesn't mean that I don't want to give it to you. What it does mean is that the Enemy doesn't want you to have it, so he seeks through discouragement and distractions of various kinds to plug up your channel. But because you're desperate and desiring to hear from Me, and because you love Me so greatly, if you'll but continue to fight and follow the instructions I've given you, you'll surely come forth victoriously. (End of message from Jesus)

The Lord's Power Over

The Enemy's Distractions and

Our Training Through Them

259. (Note: In this particular case, the distraction of the Enemy was a lot of street noise, but the lessons apply to any distraction. While the ideal is to find as quiet a place as possible to hear from the Lord without distractions, when it can't be helped and there is a lot of noise around, the Lord doesn't want us to use that as an excuse to not get the answers from Him that we need.)

260. (Jesus speaking: ) Situations and circum­stances will not always be peaceful and quiet. My channels are learning now and going through times of testing and lessons to help them to learn to beseech Me and concentrate and suck and pull and receive My seeds and My answers regardless of the circumstances or the situations about them.

261. It takes faith—clear, simple, childlike faith. And although it's difficult to concentrate when the Enemy wishes to cause distraction and hinder My message from flowing through purely and unadulterated, all things are possible to them that believe, and greater am I within you than he that is in the world.

262. You must pray for your channels. Pray that those who are receiving My messages down the Heavenly pipeline can do so fervently, in spite of any distractions. Have those in your Home pray for quiet surroundings.

263. I allow this to cause others to be stirred up in prayer for the prayer and prophecy ministry‚ to cause them to be desperate and fervent. For if there were no distractions‚ no difficulties and no struggles, then My channels would not feel the need to stir themselves up so strongly, desperately blocking out the hindrances and the static of the Enemy in order to tune in to My Spirit.

264. So the outside noises, although sent by the Enemy to be a source of irritation and hinder My channels, do work together for good, for it causes those who are seeking Me to seek Me all the more fervently. It causes them to be prayerful and desperate and to fight for all the pure waters from Heaven. It causes them to not stop prematurely, but to beg Me for clear, pure waters. It causes them to desire and thirst and hunger for My Spirit to punch through.

265. Even noises that you have no control over and cannot eliminate or minimize can strengthen you in your gift of learning to hear from Me. When there is noise but you have to receive a message anyway, I'm still able to punch through and give you what you need, even if you have to fight to concentrate harder‚ or seek Me for the ability to block out the distractions and noises. Being able to block out what's going on around you and receive clearly from Me is a skill you will desperately need in the days to come. So when there are distractions around you, see it as a time to exercise and strengthen your channel and your ability to hear from Me‚ even in the midst of noise and distractions.

266. Because My voice of prophecy is a powerful tool in the hands of little men and women, it is necessary that I keep them desperate and very close to Me, crying out to Me for the help and strength that they need. And it's necessary that all should pray for the prophecy ministry and for the strength and anointing of each one‚ that they may stay on the right track, hearing My voice clearly.

267. I am able to provide the right situation and the right circumstances. I am able to provide what each channel needs to hear clearly. If you pray, then I'm able to stay the hand of the Enemy and his attempts to disturb or annoy or irritate or frustrate My sensitive channels.

268. The most important thing and the best thing that you can do is to pray and ask Me to stop the Enemy's hindrances, for I am able to answer. (End of message from Jesus.)

Why Do I Still Have Battles

Thinking the Prophecies I Receive

Are My Own Thoughts?

269. (Note: Someone communicated with me, expressing their battle as follows: "I know that prophecy is the Lord's direct voice, and I believe in what He says and I love to hear from Him. Yet at the same time I still find I battle almost every time with thoughts that either it's just me, or that maybe my thoughts overshadow­ed the prophecy, or that I wasn't desperate enough, or that I didn't get it right. Sometimes it's before the prophecy session or after it. I know it's ridiculous and that it's the Enemy, but I'd feel better if the Lord could say something about it.")

270. (Jesus speaking:) Think it not strange concerning these fiery trials that try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. This is part of My plan to keep you desperate with Me‚ looking up to Me and clinging to Me to stay on My channel and on the right path.

271. Yes, these are attacks of the Enemy, and he is the one who tries to feed your mind with worries and doubts and fears in the night. It is he that tries to get you to take your eyes off of Me and My power and ability to speak to you. He tries to get you to doubt that it's My voice you're hearing, but rather that it's your own leanings or carnal reasoning or understanding.

272. He knows that if he can succeed in diverting your attention from Me by getting you to dwell on his voice instead of Mine, and if he can strike a blow to your faith by persuading you to dwell on his seed of doubt, then he can seriously weaken your channel.

273. It's the voice of the Enemy who tries to tell you, "You're so small and insignificant and little. Who are you to speak in the Name of Jesus? Who are you to prophesy in His Name and give His Words?" That is the Enemy's voice, but I allow him to have access to you so that your faith may be tested and tried‚ and so that you may stand on your faith, and by faith cling to the truth and continue to reject his lies and his doubts and turn to Me and My Words and My voice. For everyone needs the prodding of My Spirit in their life, reminding them to stay lowly and humble in their own eyes‚ and reminding them to stay close to Me.

274. Therefore don't worry when these thoughts run through your mind that perhaps you didn't hear My voice clearly enough, or per­haps you were influenced by your own thoughts or reasoning. Don't worry about these thoughts, for as I have promised, if you desperately and sincerely pray and ask Me to remove any of your carnal thinking and reasoning before you enter into a prayer and prophecy time‚ then you can trust completely and fully in Me that I will do so. You can trust Me completely that what you hear is My voice leading and guiding you.

275. All those who hear My voice of prophecy‚ who receive My answers, encouragement, guid­ance and directions‚ must keep their eyes firmly fixed on Me by faith. They must not look at the waves or at the condition of their vessel. They must not look at the circumstances around them. They must not look at things in the flesh or with the eyes of their flesh, but they must continually keep their eyes focused firmly on Me and on My plan to use prophecy for My children in these Endtime days.

276. Just as the anecdote about the dog who must fix his eyes steadfastly on his master and not look down at the temptation, so must you. [GT 2, pg.1577‚ #3.] So don't look at the waves or at the temptations of the flesh, but continue to see with the eyes of My Spirit and follow the path of My Spirit and the leading of My Spirit.

277. Focus on Me, fix your eyes and your mind on Me, and trust by faith. By faith I will use you, by faith I will speak through you‚ by faith I will lead your thoughts, and by faith I will cause your ears to hear the message that I have. By faith I will move My Spirit within your heart, that your mouth may repeat it. By faith I have the power and the ability to completely erase your carnal reasoning and thoughts, if you ask and you desperately want it. Trust Me that I am able to do so, and I will do so. So don't worry that your mind or common sense or reasoning will influence My message. For that which I give will be given when I want to give it.

278. But you must also understand that not everything that I have to give is poured out to you at one time. There is a time for every mess­age. Some messages are given in part. Some are given in many parts, and those parts may come at different times.

279. So don't worry that you have failed by not receiving the complete message that I have. You worry that maybe you weren't yielded enough. But when you give your heart to Me and ask Me to speak and give whatever I wish, I will. All is in My hands, and what I give you is what I want to give you, and is what I pour through for that moment.

280. Just continue to lift your eyes to Heaven! Lift your eyes to the Spirit and keep them fixed upon Me. For it is always by faith and belief and depend­ence on Me that the victories will be won. Each time you come into My presence to have prayer and prophecy by faith, it's always a victory. It's always a victory of your faith which pulls down the answers. It's always a wonderful, beautiful, thrilling victory in the spirit.

281. My reward to you, My precious channel, for your faithfulness and willingness to fight in prayer is the reward of knowing you're winning beautiful victories. Because you walk purely by faith‚ you don't see or hear or know anything until I've spoken. But continue to fight and to lift up your antenna to Me. For I have blessed you and gifted you and rewarded you for your life of faithful service to Me. Now I have blessed you with a sweet and special gift to hear My voice.

282. So don't worry about how it works, but simply raise your beautiful spiritual antenna and receive the messages that I will send you. Yield to Me completely every day. Lay it all before Me and open yourself wide.

283. Open your heart and your mind and your thoughts to Me. Lay everything on the altar. Forsake everything when you come into My presence. Come before Me naked and ready and available and yielded—totally at My service, totally submitted to My voice and My Spirit. Lift up your arms in praise to Me. Tell Me you want Me and you need Me and that you're ready and willing to receive My seeds.

284. Then you have nothing to fear or worry about! For as you put yourself in that position to receive and humbly ask Me to wash and cleanse you, then you're in a position to receive, and I will pour forth without fail. For it's My work and they're My problems. Each situation, each circumstance, each question, each need is Mine, and Mine only, and I am the great God of the universe Who is concerned for each situation.

285. I want to be the One Who gives the answers. I want to be the One Who gives the directions. I want to be the One Who makes known the solutions. I want to be the One Who puts into action the plans and the answers. I want to be the One Who is leading and guiding and showing the way.

286. So just give it all to Me and trust Me. Acknowledge Me and need Me, and I will never fail you. I'm in control and teaching you and pre­paring you for future days. (End of message from Jesus.)

Take Enough Time with Jesus

In the Bed of Love!

287. (Jesus speaking:) Don't run away too quickly from My bed of love, for I long to hold you a little longer. Be still and know that I am God. I am Love. I'm waiting for you to be still, so that you can feel Me move and work in you.

288. You're so anxious to get away from Me. Why, My love? Is it the work that calls you? But the work is Mine to take care of. I'm the breadwinner around here. Your work is to love Me, to be here for Me. Don't be as one who would come to My bed of love but is concerned about the time, looking at your watch secretly‚ feeling that you must go. Don't be as one who breaks the foreplay abruptly‚ feeling justified in saying that you must get back to work.

289. You must spend time with Me. My seeds are waiting to fill you, but they must be pumped by the heat and passion of your love. If you want My seeds, you must prove that you desire them by working for them. I don't mean working for them in the carnal, human way, but I mean the work of the spirit, the work of love. Your work is to love Me, to work on Me, to work on Me until I come and fill you with My seeds.

290. There are times when we may have those quickies, when I'm so excited by the fact that you come to Me on the spur of the moment, kissing Me and rubbing Me with your Words of love and praise. Those are exciting times of hot passion for Me, and we come quickly together.

291. But there are times when those brief encounters aren't enough. In those times‚ times when you're having a hard time concentrating on Me, a hard time giving Me your full attention‚ when you're having a hard time going, then I too am inhibited from filling you with My seeds. In those times, you must linger with Me. You must stay awhile with Me, My darling.

292. Let Me blow away your distractions, as I blow softly on your face. Let Me drive you wild with My touches until you forget about everything you thought you needed to do. Let Me hold you tight, pumping My seeds into you until you are truly Mine, conquered by My love, wanting nothing but more of My love.

293. Don't go away from My bed of love until we've climaxed together. You cannot think of going back and bearing fruit in your work unless you've been filled with My seeds first. Those are what conceive and bring forth life and love to others. It doesn't necessarily have to take a long time—just long enough for you to give Me your heart and your mind and your soul—all of it. I want it all. I want all of you! (End of message from Jesus.)