KEYWORDS: time, days, feast, lord, prayer, children

Feast 2000 Keynote and Schedule

Karen Zerby

By MariaMaria #509 CM 3264 9/99

Note: Required reading for all voting members. Please read prior to December 22nd. We know this is one of your busiest times of the year, but when we asked the Lord about it‚ He said, "I know it seems that it will be difficult to concentrate on reading this in the middle of your Christmas push and to start praying about the prep­ar­ations needed, etc. But this Feast is very import­ant, and in fact equal in importance to the witnessing you will be doing during the Christmas push, because this Feast will prepare you, My Endtime children, for even greater things in the future, and will preserve your usefulness. So even if you have to take a little bit of time away from witnessing in order to read this and begin praying about your preparations for the Feast, know that it will be well worth it. If you look to Me and ask Me about how to best take care of the preparations, I will lead you and help you so that it won't take too much time away from the important witnessing season." (End of message from Jesus.)

Dear Family,

1. We're approaching another Feast, and the Lord has promised that this will be a very exciting time in the spirit, that He has lots to pour out and give us. We have a lot to look forward to! In this GN I'll share with you more of what the Lord has said about this Feast, what we should do to prepare for it, and the logistics of the schedule that He has given us for the days of December 29th, 30th and 31st. As a reminder, even though we're having the Feast early this year, the celebration of the Family's birthday will still be held on February 18th as usual.

The Lord's Keynote to Feast 2000!

2. Following is the Lord's keynote to the Feast, which will set the stage and help you to know how to prepare, both personally and as a Home.

3. (Jesus speaking:) As the world enters the darkest days of all time‚ I would that My children pass this time in prayer and preparation, in prayer and supplication to Me for the days of the End that are upon the world. I would have you devote this time of Feast 2000 to prayer and vigil.

4. At this turn of the century, there are those in the world who read the signs of the times, but there are very few who are of true understanding. There are also many who ignore what they see and have become blind in spirit. They mock, eat, drink and continue on their merry way‚ choosing to "live for ­today" rather than discern what is happening in the world and prepare and act accordingly. Yet I have called you, My children, to be sober, to be vigilant, for you know your adversary walks about, seeking whom he may devour.

5. I have called you to be as shining lights in gross darkness, beacons of light and truth to the nations. Therefore I would that this Feast be a time when I can consecrate you‚ a time when I will anoint the heads of each and every one of My chosen with fresh oil and anointing of My Spirit, for the day is at hand. Though the world enters its darkest night‚ you, My children, are entering your days of glory. There­fore, on this eve of the great days ahead of you‚ I call you to dedicate this time to Me, committing yourselves to prayer and supplication, that you might draw your strength from My hand.

6. I call you to watch and pray. I call you to be ready. I have called you to prepare. I have called you to preach My Gospel in every nation. I have called you to spread My truth far and wide. I have called you to battle. I have called you to be the saviors of the world. I have called you to be My shining knights of the End—those who will stand tall and erect for My truth, freedom and liberty, those who will usher in My Kingdom come on Earth.

7. I have called you and I ordain you to go forth and usher in the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore during this Feast 2000, I will anoint your heads with fresh oil. I will gird your loins with renewed strength. I will give a holy consecration‚ for the day is at hand. In the days to come, you will march forth with boldness in the power and might of My Spirit and establish My Kingdom come on Earth.

8. Therefore let this Feast time be a time to look to Me in earnest for the strength and power I promise to pour out upon you, My children, as you march on strong in the days ahead—these troublous and perilous times that span the Earth.

9. You have spent many months and years preparing. These many months and years I have been preparing, instructing, nurturing, feeding‚ groom­ing you, My Family, for this great final hour that is about to come upon all the Earth. And now, as this turn of the century marks monumental change and drastic measures that will affect the whole world, you must spend this time, the eve of the end of all time, in prayer, in dedication, in calling on Me, in making supplication to Me for My power and strength for the days ahead.

10. Let each one pass this time getting My direction‚ listening to My whispers for the guidance, counsel, wisdom, inspiration and encouragement needed for the days ahead. Let this Feast be a time to stop, to unite, to praise, to commune with Me, to listen to My voice, to make supplication, to stand united with your brethren around the world in earnest vigil, for in such unity there is great strength.

11. Spend this time in vigil and in prayer, in dedication and looking to Me, for you will need the extra strength and anointing that only I can give for the days that are now upon you. Use this time to consecrate yourselves unto Me. Sanctify yourselves unto Me‚ and receive the holy consecration from My hand‚ for I will ordain you anew for these last days as you reap the final harvest and declare My truth unto all the nations until the very End!

12. To those of My children who have held on these many days, weeks, months and years‚ I say I will now consecrate you anew as you march on strong to claim the land, to shine as lights to all the world that I might be glorified.

13. As each of you come before Me in supplication‚ I will speak. I will give fresh vision and fresh anointing to all those who kneel before Me. I will give strength and power, vision and foresight, personalized guidance and instruction.

14. You must not fear nor be dismayed at what the future holds, for as this year 2000 marks the beginning of the end for man's rule on Earth, so does it mark the beginning of glorious days for you, My children! It marks the beginning of the days when you will shine with the glory of the Son—the Son of God—before the world, illuminating many with My truth, love, salvation and happiness! Therefore‚ let this encourage your hearts.

15. This is why I ask you to devote this time during Feast 2000 to prayer‚ supplication, seeking Me, and consecrating yourselves to Me, for only through Me and My power and in My strength will you fulfill this mission wherein I have called you.

The Promise of a New Anointing!

16. (Message from Jesus continues: ) ­During this Feast time I would give each of you a new ordination and a new anointing. I wish to sanctify you anew; to consecrate each of My chosen afresh for the days ahead. I will conduct a simple ceremony of special consecration; for I will pour down My holy fresh anointing on each of you as My ladies and knights who will ride out to battle in these perilous times. And through this holy consecration from My hand, you will receive renewed strength, power and vision.

17. As you come before Me in prayer, suppli­cation and faith, believing‚ this time will encourage your hearts and inspire you to forge onward, for I will speak to your hearts like never before. I will pour down My Spirit upon you as you stand vigil and unite in prayer. My Spirit will move in you in a great way, giving strength, encouragement, and renewal from on high. As you come before Me empty, I will refill you and pour into you in great measure.

18. So during these days of prayer, prepare your hearts to kneel before Me, and before your queen and king, to receive this blessing, this special consecration, and I will put My anointing of renewed faith and courage, strength and power for the days ahead, upon each of you.

19. (Mama: ) This special ceremony which the Lord refers to here will be held on the last day of the Feast, on the evening of December 31st. He's telling you about the special ceremony now so that you can do your part to prepare for it in spirit by spending these Feast days in vigil before Him, in prepar­ation to receive your new anointing!

20. (Message from Jesus continues:) Let the theme of this Feast be: "Watch and pray and be ready." Let this Feast 2000 be days of feasting on My Word, days of strengthening, of getting My battle plans‚ of hearing My voice fresh and pure, days of prayer, of vigil‚ of feeding and refilling‚ and a time to receive My fresh anointing for this new era you now enter. I know there are many of you who are footsore and tired, weary and worn, and this fresh consecra­tion from on high will empower you as never before.

21. I have poured out abundant messages about the need to hear from Me more in prophecy, and these messages will provide the backbone of strengthening that I'm talking about. As you drink these in with faith and begin to obey, you'll find strength and anointing that you know not of. You'll begin to see greater and greater miracles, and your efforts of love and sacrifice will be multiplied many times over.

22. (Mama: ) Here the Lord is introducing a new series called "Ask Me Everything," which is all about learning to hear from Him in prophecy about everything! It's a real revolution! He knows we need it! Praise the Lord! These GNs do not have to be read unitedly, but everyone should make an effort to read them during the days of the Feast. The Lord says that they're the "backbone" of the strengthening that He wants to give you!

23. (Message from Jesus continues: ) I will also give you specific prayer requests to keep in your prayers during this time—to uphold in supplication both unitedly and personally. You can pray for these requests at the beginning of your meetings‚ at your meal times, and in your personal times of prayer and vigil before Me.

24. (Mama:) The Lord gave us this list of prayer requests that He knows need our prayers through these days, and you can read them together and receive your copies of the GN containing them on the morning of December 29th. After that, you'll have the lists as reminders so that you can pray for these requests during your times together, and personally during your vigil times.

The End of an Era,

And the Beginning of a New One!

25. (Message from Jesus continues: ) My beloved ones, as the world is entering its darkest days, be encouraged that you, My children, are entering days of great miracles and mani­fes­tations of My power upon you in this final hour. Soak in My Words and My comfort to you, and let it renew your faith and trust in Me as never before. Feast 2000 will mark the eve of your greatest period of glory as you glorify Me before the world.

26. As you each come and kneel before Me, I will anoint your head with the oil of My Spirit and the wine of My lips. The oil of My Spirit—My anointing to complete that which I lay before you—mixed with the wine of My Spirit, symbolic not only of My Own sacrifice for you, but of your sacrifice to follow Me. Because you have given your all to Me, because you lay down your lives to follow where I lead you, I give My all to you—My anointing and My promise of power and protection, supply, and great miracles in the days ahead.

27. Though the turn of the century ushers in great days of trouble and darkness for the world, it ushers in great days of glory for you, My children. As this page in history turns, though the world grows darker and darker, you will shine all the brighter as beacons of light to the lost and dying world.

28. This turn of the century is a monumental time in world history, for it marks the beginning of not only a new century, but the beginning of the End, the beginning of the final hour. In the eyes of man it marks the beginning of a new era, and so it is, but not the way man would think, for it marks the beginning of the end of the rule of mankind. And so it also marks the days of great glory and splendor when the power and might of Heaven will be manifested through you, My children.

29. As I have said, the millennium bug will have wide and varied implications, some great, some small, throughout the world. Some of its effects will be felt immediately, and some will be less obvious outwardly, yet nevertheless with great reper­cussion that will come sooner or later. I call on you, My children, to be ready. Be ready for the effects of Y2K. Be ready, for the hand of Satan manipulates the world at his whim to bring about his dastardly deeds and to wreak havoc where he will. Therefore you must be ready at all times—ready to follow where I lead, ready to give light and hope to the lost and dying world‚ ready to lead, ready to guide, ready to bring My truth to those who will hear.

30. Feast 2000 marks the beginning of the End. Know that I wish to pour on this special anointing during this Feast, for it will be needed in the days ahead. It marks the entering of a new era, wherein you will need My new strength and My new anointing. I have great things to pour out to My Family during this Feast, as you stop and watch and pray and listen to Me. This will be as a great day of Pentecost, a day of great outpouring of My Spirit as I dub each one and consecrate My children for the days we now enter. Great will be the results of this time with Me in prayer and in supplication!

31. As the world falls and crumbles to ruin, you, My faithful ones of the End, will stand strong and tall, defying the very forces of Hell itself as you march on in My might, power and strength, conquer­ing the evil of this day and restoring the world to its rightful owner, ushering in the Kingdom of love and truth and righteousness. (End of message from Jesus)

32. (Mama:) Wow, what a promise! As things get worse and worse for the world‚ the Lord continues to promise that for those of us following Him, they're just going to get better and better—with more manifestations of His power and His strength‚ and greater vic­tories than ever before!

33. As you read in "The Endtime Series‚ Part 1‚" the Lord has told us that the days of prepar­ation are coming to an end. December 31st marks the end of the days of preparation, and the beginning of a whole new era for the Family. The Lord is asking us to spend those last three days in prayer and vigil before Him, which He promises will be like the day of Pentecost, as we receive a great outpouring of His Spirit and consecration for the new era we are entering! Sounds pretty exciting, doesn't it?

34. Now here is the schedule that the Lord has given us for the Feast days, with more hints at the surprises and thrilling messages He has prepared for you!

Schedule for the Three Days

Of the Feast

n Day one (December 29):

Morning: United meeting‚ with praise, thanksgiving and prayer. (See GN 868.)

35. (Jesus speaking:) Start out with songs of praise to Me, followed by reading My message of praise—let everything be done in praise and thanksgiving. (See "Praise Him," in GN 868.) Then sing more songs of praise, followed by a united reading of the prayer requests that I've asked you to keep in your united prayers during this Feast. (This is also in GN 868.) Every­one can keep their copy of this GN so that they can be reminded to keep these requests in their prayers throughout the Feast. Finish up this meeting with the message on what your prayers accomplish (page 10, GN 868). The remainder of the morning can be spent in individual prayer and reading.

Afternoon: United meeting, with the reading of a new MO Letter: "A New Era of Greater Works!" (See GN 869.)

36. (Jesus speaking:) On day one, I would have you join for an afternoon meeting, which can commence shortly after lunch and rest time. This will be the time to read the message from your Father David, which will set the tone for the remainder of the Feast. The remainder of the day can be spent in reading and prayer.

Evening: Evening vespers‚ and individual prayer and Word time.

37. (Jesus speaking:) Sometime in the eve­ning, either accompanying the evening meal or prior to bedtime, let everyone unite for a short time of devotion and united prayer. [Please refer to the prayer requests found in GN 868 to be prayed during this prayer time.] This need not be more than half an hour, if so desired, so as to allot time for individual communion with Me, but let it be a time to unite in praise and prayer before retiring.

n Day two (December 30):

Morning: United devotions and praise time, then individual Word and prayer time.

38. (Jesus speaking:) You may have united devotions and praise time in the morning. You may want to choose a few selected portions from "Ask Me Everything" to read together, but I will leave the selection of this reading in your hands, for each Home and teamwork to seek Me for what is best to read.

39. As I have already indicated to you, this time of Feast is to be a time of prayer and vigil and rest, a time for each of My children to commune with Me and seek Me personally. It will be a time, as the dawning of each new year should be‚ to search their hearts, to weigh up accounts with their souls, to take stock of their lives, and seek Me personally regarding how I am moving and working in their lives and situation.

40. Therefore, I would reserve this day for the most part as a time of prayer and reading My Word, a time of retreat, a time for each one to watch and pray, to revel in My Word‚ to seek Me individually.

Afternoon: Individual Word and prayer time.

Evening: United time of loving Jesus, and reading His personal testimony. (See GN 870.)

41. (Jesus speaking:) On this evening after dinner, I would have each Home gather in a warm, cozy atmosphere. Start out this time by loving Me together—singing a couple of love songs to Me‚ and speaking words of love and devotion in My ear, followed by a united reading of My personal testimony—My intimate special words to My brides. (See "Intimate Details of My Life," GN 870.)

n Day three (December 31):

Morning: United devotions and praise time‚ then individual Word and prayer time.

42. (Jesus speaking:) During this devotions, after a time of selected reading which the team­works may again choose, read the ceremony instructions (paragraphs 1-12 of GN 871). This will give My children an idea of what to expect for the evening ceremony. It will set the pace and help them to set their hearts aright, to prepare in heart, mind, soul‚ and spirit to receive My holy consecration.

Afternoon: Personal prayer‚ Word‚ and time of spiritual preparation for the evening ceremony.

43. (Jesus speaking:) The remainder of this day can again be spent in prayer and soaking in My Word, in private prayer and prophecy times with Me‚ in teaming up with a mate or partner to read and so forth, according to the need. As each Home teamwork seeks Me on how to organize things for their Home, I will lead and guide according to the situation.

Evening: Consecration ceremony.

44. (Jesus speaking:) This is the day that I will conduct My consecration ceremony, as I join with My Family worldwide to usher in the new year, the new century, and the new era of greater works.

45. I wish for everyone to come to the eve­ning meeting prepared, as the vision portrays, in simple dress, empty of themselves, in humility and prayer. I would that each Home start early enough to hold the ceremony according to the instructions I have given. After the ceremony, as My children sit still and listen, I will pour out in great measure and great abundance as I have promised. (End of message from Jesus.)

46. (Mama:) After the consecration ceremony, you may want to plan to have a time of fellow­ship, with refreshments, snacks, music, etc., with a toast to our Heavenly Husband and the exciting new era which is ahead of us! The Lord said:

47. (Jesus speaking:) New year's eve is a time that many people look forward to as a time of celebration—and this year is to be no less. I am looking forward to celebrating with you, My lovely bride, on this new year's eve, which ushers in a new millennium, and even more importantly, a new era for you, My Endtime children. I only ask that it be not in the spirit of partying as the world parties, but rather a celebration of My love and My freedom of the Spirit.

48. After reading the messages which I have poured out to you‚ and receiving My new anointing and consecration‚ you will have much to rejoice about. You will feel the vision descending upon you, and it will be a time of happiness and praise! If you desire, let it be a time to serve drinks and refreshments, enjoy music and dancing together, and make a toast to the new year. Ask Me specifically what I have in store for your Home, and make your plans with Me, so that it can be the happiest and most enjoyable time for all, as we usher in this new year together! (End of message from Jesus)

More Tips from Our Husband

On the Overall Tone

49. (Mama: ) Sounds inspiring, doesn't it? We've got a lot to look forward to during those days of communion and consecration with our sweet Lover!

50. Following is some further counsel the Lord gave about the times of individual reading, as well as the general atmosphere of the Feast. As you'll see, it's up to each Home to organize it the way that would work best according to your situation. Each of you teamworks should take time to come before the Lord for His plan and try to organize the logistics in advance of the three Feast days‚ so that people know what their duties will be and are able to get as much time with the Lord as possible.

51. (Jesus speaking:) Let each Home organ­ize [their times of individual prayer and Word] the way they feel led, in whatever way is best for their situation. Each teamwork can seek Me for guidance, and I will lead according to the need—whether it would be better to let everyone have individual time all day long, or whether there's a need to organize reading partners or united reading groups‚ or whether the entire Home wants to read together‚ and so on. Each situation is different and will vary according to personnel, age groups, personal needs and so on, therefore each Home must seek Me for direction on what's best for their situation.

52. The thrust of people's Word time will be reading the "Ask Me Everything" series. Some may want to also choose from the other list of suggested reading; nevertheless, let each pray and decide what meal plan I would have them follow. Both the "Ask Me Everything" series‚ as well as the suggested further reading list can be used for a Word curriculum in the following weeks. I do not wish for My children to zip through this Word. The idea is to read, absorb, and soak up its life-giving power to the full!

53. It's important during this time that the Home makes provision to have a quiet atmos­phere as much as possible. These are to be days of prayer and vigil, of rest and retreat. Low-key get-out can be arranged and adhered to, but loud, boisterous activity should be avoided. The idea is to stop, to rest, to pray, and to make the atmosphere conducive to a time of devotion, prayer, and reading My Word. (Note: Nat­urally, your kids will need some sort of good exercise outside the house, someplace where they can have fun and cut loose a little. We're not saying their get-out needs to be low-key and quiet, but it would be good if it took place somewhere or in such a way that the noise wouldn't bother others who are reading, resting and praying.)

54. TV and movies should be avoided. Homes will want to check the news once a day, whether they normally do this via the TV or via the newspapers. This should not be discontinued. At least someone should be monitoring the news, for this is wise, due to Y2K and any other out­standing events happening during this time. If there are any particular news programs of interest, you could consider recording them if possible and setting them aside to watch at a later date. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

55. (Mama: ) For the list of Letters the Lord is referring to that you can choose from for your individual reading, see GN 868, page 11-12.

56. As in past Feasts, it would probably be good to try and have simple meals during these three days, to make the cooking and cleanup load as light as possible‚ so that everyone is able to spend more time with our wonderful Husband in preparation for all that is ahead. Planning ahead and possibly getting some foods which are easy to prepare might help, and some foods could possibly even be prepared ahead of time, such as making a batch of granola or getting healthful‚ ready-made cereals, if available, which could be served for breakfasts‚ etc. Those of you who are organizing the food could ask the Lord about the specifics of what would be easiest and best, and I'm sure He'd give some wonderful ideas which would be tailor–made for your situation and circumstances.

57. Also, as a reminder, here is an excerpt from the LNF on Feast 2000 about any outside engagements that might come up during these three days. We pray that as much as possible you're able to have these days free to spend with the Lord in spiritual preparation for the new year. But if something does come up, please desperately seek the Lord as to what He would have you do and what He knows is best.

58. (Excerpt from LNF 278:) If there is an exceptionally import­ant [witnessing] opportunity that comes up on these days‚ please seek the Lord diligently and make very sure it's His will. If He indicates that it's so very important that you must seize the golden opportunity, then please try to counsel with your VSs or CROs if you have time, so they can also seek the Lord for a confir­mation before you follow through on any appointments on these special days. If you can't get ahold of your CROs ahead of time to counsel with them but the Lord has indicated this opportunity is His will, then you may proceed. In that case, please send the messages the Lord gave you to your CROs so they're aware of the situation as well. Thanks!

The Care of the Children

59. (Mama:) God bless our dear folks at FC, they really work hard to get out the New Wine for the children! Lord willing, you'll have lots of goodies for the kids this year‚ so that they can get in on some of the excitement as well! Praise the Lord!

60. Those of you who are caring for the children during this time have a very special blessing. Not only do you get to partake of this exciting time in the spirit yourselves, but you get to help pass it on to our little ones! I know it's a very big job, and at times it seems like anything but a blessing, especially if you're the one taking care of them during an exciting united reading or activity. But the Lord has some very special promises for you. He said:

61. (Jesus speaking: ) You, My mothers and fathers and teachers, have a very special calling, a very special privilege. You are given the gift of passing on My Words to the children. Those Words will take root in their lives and will enable them to do great things for Me. You will partake of those blessings and rewards, for all that they accomplish because of My Words that you lovingly fed them.

62. Because of your willingness to give of your­selves to feed My little lambs, I promise you great infilling during this time, even though you might not have as much time as others to sit quietly before My feet. If you truly desire to be filled and renewed by Me, and you take as much time as you can to love Me and bare yourself before Me, I will pour out upon you in double measure during those times, so that you will not lack.

63. He that lends to Me shall not lack, but I will pay him again in double measure. Whatsoever you spend of your time, energy, strength and love in giving to My little ones, I will abundantly repay! So you have no fear of lack, for you are making an investment that is bound to pay off. The rewards in the lives of your children are for eternity, and even here and now I will pour into you during this special time in the spirit, and will fill you and thrill you and make you whole. (End of message from Jesus.)

64. (Mama: ) So, dear ones, please don't feel bad if you're not able to be in on all the meetings or you're not able to have as much time in the Word and quiet prayer because you're having to help with the children. Hopefully you'll be able to share the load so that everyone is able to have some time in the Word and participate in some of the united activities, and everyone gets to have time pouring into the children as well! Each one of you is a mommy or daddy or teacher—whether that's your full–time ministry or not! They're all "our" children, and as such, we all get the privilege of helping to pour into them and at the same time free others to have time with the Lord. Amen?

The Role of the JETTs

And Junior Teens

65. We asked the Lord what role our JETTs and junior teens would play in the Feast this year‚ and He gave a very interesting answer, with some good tips.

66. (Jesus speaking:) While it would be permissible for the JETTs and junior teens to be in on the full adult schedule during the Feast, because they can benefit from all the counsel therein, it would be better if they were not fully involved in the adult schedule, so that they're able to receive My New Wine for them more on their level.

67. It would be best if they were to have times of reading together with an adult or older teen‚ helping them to apply and absorb the messages on their own level. Then, for half of the day or a certain slot of time, they could help to care for the younger children and teach them the material, doing the activity sheets with them and spending time with them. This would help them to absorb the messages the best, because not only would they be taking in, but they would also be pouring it out, and at the same time freeing some of the parents or teachers to have personal time in the Word.

68. So I wish for this Feast for the JETTs and junior teens to be a com­bination of helping with the children and being fed themselves. They can read from the messages in the GNs for the adults, but it would be good if this was digested somewhat for them‚ in class form given by the adults or older teens, with interesting examples and discussion. There is also some material geared especially for them, prepared by FC, and they can read this privately during their quiet time or free time.

69. If they're expected to follow the adults' schedule‚ it will be boring and wearisome for them‚ and they won't grasp the point as easily. Whereas if they're called upon to help feed the young ones, while at the same time receiving a time of special feeding on their level each day, they will feel more challenged and will be more receptive.

70. Those who give the classes to the JETTs and junior teens should pray and read the material ahead of time, and should not be afraid to be radical in their presentation of the Word, applying it directly to the situations that they find themselves in. This revolution of hearing from Me about everything is for My young ones as well, and if they catch on and are turned on about it, they will help to inspire others in the Home with their fire and faithfulness to hear from Me. (End of message from Jesus)

71. (Mama:) The Lord gives us some very good insight in that message as to what the JETTs and juniors need and would benefit from the most. He said that while all the material which is being put forth at this Feast is applicable to them, the way they will benefit from it the most is by having it somewhat digested and fed to them in a special time each day, by an adult or older teen. I know that probably sounds like more work, but the Lord says that it will be worth it, and that if they catch on to this new revolution in the spirit, they will even help inspire the adults with their fire and faithfulness! What a promise!

72. Those of you who are involved in shep­herding or on the teamwork will need to pray and counsel together as to how best to apply this counsel to your situation. Depending on how many JETTs and juniors you have, and their maturity and individual needs, the Lord might show you to have them participate in some of your adult readings or meetings, while helping to care for the kids during others, and later reading the material in a separate group with an adult or older teen. Or He might show you that they would appreciate being in on most of the meetings, while just having some shorter individual times of reading and discussion separately. Or, that they would benefit the most from having the material presented to them in their own classes completely, and during the meetings they can help to care for the children. Please pray and ask the Lord to show you what would be best for them and your situation. The Lord did say that it would be good for them to attend the consecration ceremony. We asked Him what part they would play, and He said:

73. (Jesus speaking:) Even though these are young, I still wish to give them the opportunity to come before Me with their hearts open for My blessings and infilling. Any who come before Me empty of themselves, with a vacuum for My Spirit, will be filled. I wish to give them this opportunity to partake of My Spirit, and those who seize the opportunity will feel the effects and benefits throughout the year to come. (End of message from Jesus)

74. (Mama: ) He also asks that those who will be teaching the classes or leading the times of reading be prepared‚ having read the material ahead of time and prayed about how to apply it. That doesn't mean you have to lecture the kids‚ or use it as a time to catch up on correcting them for all their weak areas; it simply means making the Word alive by bringing it down to earth with practical examples, even your personal lessons or testimonies, dis­cussing it, and helping the kids to see how it's going to help them in their lives. He says not to be afraid to be radical in your presen­ta­tion of the Word! I'm sure if you ask Him for a personalized plan, He'll give you very good ideas, counsel, and instruction‚ that will make it a wonderful time of feeding for not only the JETTs and juniors, but for you too!

75. The Lord also said that the JETTs and juniors could help with the children for part of each day—not only to free some of the adults and parents to have more individual Word and prayer time, but also to give them a chance to pour out and pass on what they've been learning to the children. So challenge them to do just that!—Not to just baby-sit, or fiddle away the time, but to try to impart to the children the excitement of what is happening in the spirit and all that they're learning.

76. Please do come before the Lord with any questions you have concerning scheduling details, or anything else you have questions about. Our wonderful Husband is right there waiting to help, and wants to make this a very special, restful, beautiful time for all!

77. Lord, bless and help our dear Family with their preparations for this very special time to come aside with You. Thank You for another year of peace, and that we're able to take this time unhindered, for the most part. As each Home comes to You for the answers and details of how best to organize their particular schedule and situation, we know You'll help things to fall into place‚ and will bless them with a beautiful time at Your feet, receiving all that You have for them. We dedicate these days to You, Lord. We dedicate ourselves to You afresh. Please pour out Your Spirit upon us as You've promised, and give us all that You know we need for the days ahead. In Your precious Name we ask. Amen. Love, Mama

78. P.S. In the wake of "The Shakeup," it's possible that some of your Home members have decided to become Fellow Members or have been reclassified as FMers but haven't been able to locate or open a Home yet, so they're still living with you. As a special dispensation, Fellow Members living in CM Homes can read all of this year's Feast material and participate in all the Feast activities‚ if they wish. But we're trusting that those Fellow Members will not discuss the CM Letters that they read during the Feast with other Fellow Members who are living in FM Homes and who therefore did not read those CM Letters. n